last lecture objective c memory management rules wrote our first iphone app a quiz app xib and nib...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Last Lecture•objective C memory management rules

•Wrote our first iPhone app

•a quiz app

•xib and nib files and interface editor

•MVC pattern

•IBOutlet IBAction

•Connection Inspector

•then wrote init, showQuestion, and showAnswer

Core Location Framework

•whereami application

•classes that enable finding geographical position

•distanceFilter and desiredAccuracy properties



•sent to “delegate” which we want WhereamiAppDelegate to be

Delegation•the design pattern...

•an OO approach to callbacks

•allows callback methods to share data

•a delegate can only be sent messages specified in its protocol

•for every object that can have a delegate, there is a corresponding protocol

some funcs removed

•like “interfaces” in other langs... i.e. no impl

•protocols for delegations “delegate protocols”

•can be used to ask things from the delegate or inform of updates

•can be @optional methods... by default required... here all were optional

•every object implements respondsToSelector:

•something like this (above)

•class has to declare protocols it implements like other langs

•no warning anymore

memory and delegation

•delegates are usually controllers

•delegates never retained

•retain cycle

•assign attrib... weak reference

lets display a map of current location

whereami object diagram

•Several instances of MKAnnotationView appear as icons on the MKMapView.

•An MKMapView displays the map and the labels for the recorded locations.

•A UIActivityIndicatorView indicates that the device is working and not stalled.

•A UITextField allows the user to input text to label the current location on the map.

•#import <MapKit/MapKit.h>

•drag the map view onto UIWindow

•all we do is set showsUserLocation property of MKmapview and it will show user’s location

•too big the dot on world map

•want to zoom in

•when to send a zoom in message

•instead MKMapView has delegate

lets add an annotation

•MKAnnotation protocol

•lets create a new MapPoint class

•in xib file set text field’s delegate to be the instance of WhereamiAppDelegate.

•this means we can implement methods from UITextFieldDelegate


•touch events are hallmark of mobile devices

•lets make a drawing app like brushes

touch events

•events added to event queue

•A UITouch object created and tracked for a finger

•set of UITouches passed... one per finger

•only the moving, begining, or ending event passed

•lets make our app

•use IB to set the view to default

Blocks in ios 4.0

•change colors based on angle and length

blocks = anonymous


colors when you shake

•blocks capture variables like anonymous functions in c#

•inline block objects (values copied)

•blocks are an alternate to callbacks

•blocks are used for GCD... kind of like tasks

grand central dispatch

•dispatch queues

•pools of threads managed by


•calling back on UI thread

lets download an image


•generate 10k random numbers if needed

•read 10K random numbrs, sort n display


•dispatch_after dispatches after a delay



•group of tasks

•Where did we start from

•Where to go from here

•started with handling multiple input sources in C++, discovered message loop

•refactored, understood events, event processing, source, target, event object

•downloaded VS and c# language and its features

•examples of OO programming in c#

•delegates, events, exception handling, attributes, collections

•worked with XML docs

•wpf history and xaml

•property elements and markup extensions

•mixing xaml and procedural code

• logical and visual trees

•dependency properties

•change notifications

•prop val. inheritance

•attached properties

•sizing, positioning, and transforming elements


•panels stackpanel, wrappanel, canvas, dockpanel, grid

•content overflow, clipping, scaling, scrolling

•events, input events, attached events,

•touch events (manipulation... high level)

•commands, persisting and restoring

•resources... binary and logical

•static vs dynamic logical resources

•data binding, binding object, binding markup extension

•binding to collection, implicit datacontext

•datatemplates and value converters

•customizing collection view... sorting, filtering, grouping, navigating

•data providers... xml and object data providers

•concurrency and threads

•captured variables

•synchronization context and tasks


•task completion source

•sync vs async

•course grained vs fine grained sync

•async wait keywords in c# 5.0


•cancellation and progress reporting

•task combinator and task parallel library

•Parallel.Invoke, For, ForEach

•concurrent collections

•JS history and jQuery library


•client side vs server side


•jQuery selectors and filters

•changing attributes and elements

•events and animations

•ajax... xmlhttprequest, get put load


•mobile development

•objective C history

•call syntax and OO concepts


•retain count and memory management

•xib, nib, iboutlet, ibaction, interface builder

•button events and a QA app

•protocols and delegates

•location and map kits

•touch events and blocks

•GCD and multithreading

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