large show roundtable keynote

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Trade Show Executive\'s Danica Tormohlen talk at the Large Show Roundtable


Where are we heading in 2011?

Mapping the course for conventions and exhibitions in the new year

Danica TormohlenContributing editor, Trade Show


danicat@tradeshowexecutive.comCell: 816.803.8103Follow me on Twitter: @DanicaTormohlenFollow TSE on Twitter: @TradeShowExec

Where are we heading in 2011?

Agenda 2010 Review 2011 Forecast New Year’s Resolutions for your show


Where are we heading in 2011?

A look back at 2010

Based on data from TSE Dashboard: Surveys sent to shows in TSE’s ZOOM Trade Show

Locator and Gold 100 directory. All responses are cross-checked by TSE editors for

discrepancies. Provides qualitative and quantitative data about


Where are we heading in 2011?

TSE Dashboard ofMonthly Trade ShowMetrics: NSF

Despite declines in NSF in February, March and April 2010, shows posted gains over 2009 from May -October 2010.

Where are we heading in 2011?

TSE Dashboard ofMonthly Trade ShowMetrics: Exhibitors

The number of exhibiting companies showed positive growth for most of the second half of 2010.

Where are we heading in 2011?

TSE Dashboard ofMonthly Trade

ShowMetrics: Attendees

Attendance posted positive gains over 2009 from March-October 2010.

Where are we heading in 2011?

TSE Dashboard ofMonthly Trade ShowMetrics: ConsolidatedOverview (By Quarter)

Q3 ends up. Shows in July-September gained:◦ 5.9% nsf◦ 5.5% attendance ◦ 2.6% number of exhibiting

cos. First quarter all metrics

were in positive territory in over a year.

Where are we heading in 2011?

Highlights of 2010

Year ended up with holiday spending highest level since 2006.

No double-dip recession. Solid corporate earnings and growing

strength in the business sector.

Where are we heading in 2011?

Challenges in 2010

Unemployment Uncertainty about mid-term elections.

Businesses were cautious in their spending. Housing foreclosures and falling home

prices continued for most of the year. Issues with international visas. Credit and lending continued to be tight.

Where are we heading in 2011?

Forecast for 2011, based on TSE’s Trending & Spending Forecast

Aggregates information from numerous sources, including: ◦ Government and business reports◦ Interviews with industry experts and economists◦ TSE monthly poll of its 20-member Economic

Forecasting Board

Where are we heading in 2011?

TSE Forecast of NSF of exhibit space

Where are we heading in 2011?

Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Q1 2011 20110.0%








3.5% 3.5%



TSE Forecast of Professional Attendance

Where are we heading in 2011?

Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Q1 2011 20110.0%







4.2% 4.2% 4.4%


TSE Forecast of Number of exhibitingorganizations

Where are we heading in 2011?

Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Q1 2011 20113.2%









3.5% 3.5% 3.5% 3.5%


TSE Annual Forecast of Revenue

3.5% for Year ending December 2011 Compared with -8.0% for 2010

Where are we heading in 2011?

TSE Forecast Sector Performance – Best Performing Sectors in 2011

Apparel Hospitality Medical Security Technology Transportation

Where are we heading in 2011?

TSE Forecast Sector Performance – Mixed Performance in 2011

Business services Communications Entertainment Food Government Retail

Where are we heading in 2011?

TSE Forecast Sector Performance – Sectors under pressure in 2011

Automotive Construction Manufacturing

Where are we heading in 2011?

TSE Forecast: Economic Indicators

Consumer Confidence increased 4 points in November 2010 to 54.1.

Corporate Earnings have soared to Dot-Com bubble highs, mainly as a result of cost-cutting.

GDP increased at an annual rate of 2.0% in Q3, up from 1.6% in Q2.

Where we are heading in 2011?

TSE Forecast: Economic Indicators (cont.)

Housing Starts in November increased 3.9% over October.

Industrial Production increased 0.4% in November after a decline of -0.2% in October.

Core Inflation rose 0.1% in November and 1.1% on an annual basis after stripping out volatile food and energy prices.

Interest Rates (short term) remained near 0% in November.

Where are we heading in 2011?

TSE Forecast: Economic Indicators (cont.)

Jobs were more plentiful in October, rising by 172,000, but in November, the figure dropped to a gain of only 39,000 jobs.

Leading Economic Index shot up 1.1% in November, the 5th straight month of increase.

Retail Sales rose 0.8% in November and are up 7.7% from a year ago. 5th straight monthly gain.

Unemployment increased from 9.6% in October to 9.8% in November.

Where are we heading in 2011?

Highlights for 2011

Attendance growth will drive exhibitors and NSF growth.

Extension of Bush tax cuts expected to increase consumer confidence.

Increased investment by businesses in acquisitions, mergers and capital projects.

Where are we heading in 2011?

Challenges for 2011

Unemployment and jobs. Exhibitor expectations and demands.

Exhibitors have learned to do more with less. Is this the new normal?

International visa issues.

Where are we heading in 2011?

5 New Year’sResolutionsfor your show:Ideas you canput into actionin 2011

Where are we heading in 2011?

Finance Pavilion at International Builders Show

Help attendees address their financial concerns as credit and lending continues to be tight, especially for small and mid-size business

Attract nontraditional exhibitors and sponsors (like lending institutions) to your show

Where are we heading in 2011?1. Invest in your attendees

Holds the most promising prospects for most shows, especially large shows.

NAB 2010 attracted 20,000 international attendees, 28% of total attendance

ADA (American Diabetes Association) boasted that 58% of total attendance of 17,000 was international

Where are we heading in 2011?2. Grow your international attendance

2. Growing international attendance (cont.)

Partnerships with international cable associations at The Cable Show helps to increase international attendance by 7%

Target your efforts to the most promising countries for your industry

Where are we heading in 2011?

If you don’t have an app, it’s time to look into it.

NAMM app◦ Enabled attendees to link

schedules, featured interactive show schedule, floor maps with routing to booths, social media interaction, coupons and discounts from local restaurants and attractions, etc.

◦ 25,000 attendees downloaded app @ $1.99

Where are we heading in 2011?3. Get an app for that

3. Get an app (cont.)

International Dairy Show app◦ Featured exhibitor info,

conference schedules, hotel info, local restaurant info

◦ Free for attendees and exhibitors

◦ Launched 2 weeks before the event, 24% of attendees downloaded

Where are you heading in 2011?

Offer new-to-market companies deeply discounted rates (or free space) and recognition at the show

LabAutomation featured InnovationAveNew, providing exhibit space, travel and accommodations to participants. 8 companies selected based review of applications by a panel of industry experts.

Where are we heading in 2011?4. Get start-ups to exhibit

4. Get start-ups to exhibit (cont.)

Archery Trade Show featured 24 companies in the new Innovation Zone.

For $500, companies got 6’ foot table and chairs, 2 exhibitor badges and a listing in the show guide.

Where are we heading in 2011?

And do business. Create memorable experiences and build a buzz.

Special events at Surf Expo◦ Bangers for Bucks –

skateboard contest on a course in the center of the show floor, 10 teams competed for $15,000. 5 major companies sponsored event.

Where are we heading 2011?5. Have more fun

Paddleboard demo pool with 50- by 60-foot pool in the board builders section.

Attendees invited by manufacturers to participate in hour-long demos.

Where are we heading in 2011?

Other special events: movie premieres, fashion show, live art murals, Monster Energy lounge and shaping demos.

Where are we heading 2011?


Thank you!

Where are we heading in 2011?

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