laporan unit ii(connective tissue)asisten k' anna

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Complete report of general biology with title ”CONNECTIVE TISSUE,

CARTILAGE, AND BONE” which created by :

Name : Rezky Mardiyani

Reg. Number : 081404161

Group/Class : II/D

After checked by assistant and coordinator assistant,so this report accepted.

Makassar,April 16 th 2009

Coordinator Assistant Assistant

( Djumarirmanto,S,Pd) ( A. Anna Aryana) NIM.051404029


A. Background

Human body composed by various kinds of tissues. All tissues have self

function.There are many kinds of tissue that to composed human of them is

connective tissue. Connective tissue is very important for our body. Without

connective tissue, we can’t become ferpect human.

Connective tissue except neuroglia only comefrom mesoderm.Different with

epithelium tissue,which have few extracellular matrix. But in Connective

tissue,except adipose tissue, they have more extracellular matrix and also more than

its cells.

There are three general types of connective tissue. This case happen because

different of big concistention between many kind of connective tissues. the general

types of connective tissue that is True Connective Tissue, Supportive connective

tissue and liquid connective tissue. True connective tissue divided to loose connective

tissue and dence connective tissue and supportive connective tissue also divided to

cartilage and bone.

Because there are many kinds of connective tissue that composed human

body, so this case to proved that the structure human body and animal’s body is very

difficult.therefore, we must do observation about connective tissue which there are in

our body and become one of all of the most important part. As we know that, without

connective tissue that support our body and to connect between one part to other part

in our body, so that our body can’t see as know and ferpect,and also of course we

never live in the world.

B. Purpose

1. University student can observed and knew about the types of connective

tissues,such as loose connective and also knew about its shape.

2. University student can differ about cartilage,bone and other connective tissue and

knew its function and its location.

C. Advantages

1. University student knew about types of connective tissue that arrange organisms

Body,especially the animal and human and also knew about its shape and its

location and also can understand about its function to organisms body.

2. University student can gave explaination to other people about it,so that many

people also knew about that. And therefore university student knew about that so

will easily the process of study in the classroom.


Connective tissue is one of the four traditionally classified types of biological

tissue. There are many different kinds of connective tissue. In general, they serve

functions of structure and support, often connecting two other types of tissue to each

other.Connective tissue usually derives from the mesoderm, the middle of three

layers in an animal embryo. The characteristics of connective tissue are largely

derived from the extracellular matrix, non-living material that surrounds and supports

the living cells. The older classification of connective tissue had two subtypes:

proper, which covered areolar and fibrous tissue; and specialized, which included

bone, blood, cartilage, adipose (fat)tissue , and reticular tissue. The newer

classification has four categories: loose connective tissue, dense connective tissue,

cartilage, and other (Anonym,2009).

Connective tissues bind structures together, form a framework and support for

organs and the body as a whole, store fat, transport substances, protect against

disease, and help repair tissue damage. They occur throughout the body. Connective

tissues are characterized by an abundance of intercellular matrix with relatively few

cells. Connective tissue cells are able to reproduce but not as rapidly as epithelial

cells. Most connective tissues have a good blood supply but some do not.

Numerous cell types are found in connective tissue. Three of the most common are

the fibroblast, macrophage, and mast cell. The types of connective tissue include

loose connective tissue, adipose tissue, dense fibrous connective tissue, elastic

connective tissue, cartilage, osseous tissue (bone), and blood.


Connective tissue consist of cells which located rarely and be drown. In the

most substances extracellular(matrix) that to secretion by self of cell. Support

connective tissue have function to gave aid force and save guard for the weak parts

of cartilage and bone are two kinds of supportive connective tissue that gave the force

for body. Cartilage have matrix like as the mixture of protein/polisacarida that called

condrin,but in bone,its matrix contains fiber and protein collagen,mineral

sediment,which its excellent component is calium phosphat,although,there are ions

magnesium,carbonat and fuorida.Binder connective tissue have function to binded the

parts of body. Basicly,its matrix is protein collagen and its fiber line with

another.This case gave big force in the tissues. For instance, tendon, which to

connected between muscle and bone, ligament, which to connected between a bone

and other.Besides collagenous fiber, ligament contains protei elastious, which may be

the ligament is pull out with another (Tim Pengajar biologi,2003:56-57).

Between cells that spread in fibrous pleat of loose connective tissue,there are

two kinds that dominated, these are fibroblast and magrofag. Fibroblast to secretion

extracellular fiber protein unsure.Magrofag is amoeboid cells that there are in all of

fibrous tissues, that to swallowed bacteria and shales of dead cells underwent

fagocytosis (Champbell,2004:7).

Cartilage haven’t blood vessels and nervous. There are three kinds of

cartilage, these are hyaline cartilage,elastic cartilage and fibrocartilage. The

difference of the kinds of the cartilage located in the kinds and the total value of the

fiber connective tissue that there are in its matrix.Hyalin cartilage have pericondrium.

Elastic cartilage found in leaf of ears, also have pericondrium. In fibrocartilage

haven’t pericondrium. Bone have blood vessels and alone nervous. Generally, bones

to classificated in two kinds those are compact bone and and sponge bone.In compact

bone,its out sides included by periosteum and input sides by endosteum that limited

with marrow bones.Compact bone also consist of havers system. Each havers system

surrounded by lamella consentris. Between lamella consentris there is small cavity

called lacuna, that place of osteocyt. Besides that there are soft canals in the matrix

that called kanalikuli.Kanalikuli is the place of filopodia. Between havers system

there are lamella interstisial.Sponge tissue haven't havers system.Sponge tissue

consist of trabeculas of bone that to branched and to anastomosys Between the

trabeculas there are marrow bone.Bone lamella not composed with consentris.

Lacuna that contains osteocyt found between bones lamella (Adnan,2009:6-7).

Connective tissue especially have function to bind and to support other

tissues. Connective tissue have a commulation of cells which is rare and scattered in a

extracellular matrix. Commonly, matrix consist of a many fibrosa that there are in a

similar basement and can as liquid,such as gelatin or solid. For several case, matrix

substances to secretion by the cells of the connective tissue. Fiber of connective tissue

that made by protein consist of three kinds,that is collagenous fiber, elastic fiber and

reticular fiber. Collagenous fiber made by collagen,which possible is the most

abundant protein in animals kingdom.Collagenous fiber haven’t characteristic that

elastic and not easily tore or broke if pull it to follow its long. If you pinch your skin

and to pull your skin, so collagen that have function to kept your meat so it not loose

from your bone. Elastic fiber is long chain or dangle that made by protein called

elastin. Elastic fiber gave a character like as a rubber that to completed the strong of

collagenous fiber that not elastic. Reticular fiber is a thin fiber and have branch.

Composed by collagen and connected with collagenous fiber, this fiber to formed a

bunch that to pleat with good which to connected connective tissues with other tissues

in next it (Champbell, 2004:5-7).

According (Anonym, 2009) In below is the picture of the kinds of connective


Loose (Areolar) connective tissue Adipose connective tissue

Adipose connective tissue Dense Irregular connective tissue 



A. Place and Date

Day/Date : Thursday/March 26 th 2009

Time : 14.00 pm until 16.00 pm

Place : In Biology Laboratory,the second floor,

Mathematic and Natural Sciences Faculty,

Makassar State University ( UNM)

B. Tools and Materials

1. Tools

a) Microscope

b) Object glass

2. Materials

a) Lasting preparat of Human Brown Skin/Human skin

b) Lasting preparat of Fibrocartilago section

c) Lasting preparat of Hyalin cartilage

d) Lasting preparat of Foetal head ossification

e) Lasting preparat Human Bone

C. Work Procedure

1. Observation I

a) Observed with accurately the derm of skin.Attentioned the irregular

connective tissue in reticular layers.Attentoned the position of collagenous


b) Attention again fibrocyt cells,fatty cells and magrofag.

2. Observation II

a) Observed with accurately the fibrocartilage.Attentioned its more extrasellular

matrix and causes the position of cartilage cells is long from the other

cartilegae cells.In this cartilage,there are pericondrion,besides the number and

the size of its cells that more little than condrocyt with hyaline cartilage and


b) Attentioned the position of lacuna and condrocyt,as well that stood

alone,group or to row.

3. Observation III

a) Observed with accurately the hyaline cartilage.Attentioned the position of

condroblast cells and lacuna.

b) Drew the result of your observation.

4. Observaton IV

a) Observed with accurately osteoblast,osteoclas,osteoid,osteocyt that to traped.

5. Observation V

a) Observed with accurately the structure of a havers system.Attentioned the

havers canal,volkman canal,osteocyt,kanalikuli,outer lamella

sircumfrensial,inter sircumfrensial,interstisial lamella and consentris lamella.

b) Drew the result of your observation.


A. Result

1. Observation I

Material : Human brown skin/human skin

Enlargement : 10 x 10

Object : Irregular connective tissue

Notes :

1. Fat tissue

2. Fibroblast

3. Magrofag

4. Fibroblast cell

2. Observation II

Material : Fibrocartilago section

Enlargement : 10 x 10

Object : Fibrous cartilage

Notes :

1. Group lacuna

2. Single lacuna

3. In rows lacuna

4. Reticular fiber

5. Capsula

6. Lacuna

7. Condrocyt

3. Observation III

Material : Hyalin cartilage

Enlargement : 10 x 10

Object : Hyalin cartilage

Notes :

1. Reticular fiber

2. Condroblast

3. Lacuna capsula

4. Observation IV

Material : Foetal head ossification

Enlargement : 10 x 10

Object : Intramembrane ossification

Notes :

1. Osteoid

2. Osteoblast

3. Mesenchym cell

4. Osteocyt

5. Osteclas

6. Bone matrix

Mesenchym cell




5. Observation V

Material : Human bone

Enlargement : 10 x 10

Object : The structure of compact bone

Notes :

1. Kanalikuli

2. Havers canal

3. Lacuna

4. Intertisial lamella

5. Volkman canal

6. Consentris lamella

Havers system

Kanalikuli and lacuna

B. Discussion

1. Observation I

In this observation that observed about irregular connective tissue that

composed by fat tissue, fibroblast, magrofag, and fibroblast cell. Irregular connective

tissue has fibers that are not arranged in parallel bundles as in dense regular

connective tissue. This tissue comprises a large portion of the dermal layer of skin.

This type of tissue is also in the protective white layer of the eyeball and in the deeper

skin layers. It consists primarily of collagenous fibers.

In irregular connective tissue, there are number of its collagenous fiber is

increase but its sellular liquid and its number of cells more less. A connective tissue

called adipose tissue, if its fat tissue located with abundant and to organization in

lobula. In connective tissue there are also magrofag cell. The nucleus of magrofag

rather have shape that like as kidney and located in a cell pole with its dome shape

surface that to face to side of cell.

2. Observation II

In this observation about fibrocartilage with used enlagement that 10 x 10.

Fibrocartilage consist of group lacuna, single lacuna, in rows lacuna, reticular fiber,

capsula, lacuna and condrocyt. Fibrocartilage contains many collagen a few cartilage

matrix so the cell visible to turbid. Fibrocartilage haven’t pericondrium.

Found in the pubic symphysis, intervertebral discs, and menisci of the knee. Its

function support and fusion, and absorbs shocks.Its histology image to showed that

the collagenous fiber located like as solid pleat in its matrix,and also several of all to

formed thick bundle and almost to press the homogenous basic substances.

Condrocyt also located in lacuna group,single lacuna or inrows lacuna that

surrounded the matrix, but still to defence its shape. Therefore, its image rather same

with dence connective tissue, so that to different it, we must held in the are or not

lacuna that located by its cells.

3. Observation III

In this observation about hyaline cartilage. Hyalin cartilage consist of

reticular fiber, condroblast, and lacuna capsula. Cartilage cell that called condrocyt

located in the small room which limited by matrix that called lacuna. In several place

saw lacuna to contains a condrocyt and the other place to contain by two or more

condrocyt. If lacuna contains many condrocyt, so that the place called cell nest and its

cells called isogen cell because comefrom a mother cell. Sometimes saw the thin

intercellular block between cells, so the big primary lacuna consist of several the

small secondary lacuna. Hyalin cartilago tissue have flexible character, semi-

transparant and white. cytoplasm of cartilage cell (condrosit) included many fat and

glycogen. Hyalin cartilage many found in the part of animal vertebrate, such as joint

surface,points of costae, bronchy, larynx and trachea. Its function is flexible,

provides support, allows movement at joints.

4. Observation IV

In this observation about the development of bone with intramembrane or

called intramembrane ossification. Intramembrane ossification is the development of

bone from connective tissue. Finally, contains many mesenchym cells that to develop

underwent osteoblast to osteocyt.In the same time,osteoclast to develop and

collagenous fiber is arise. The original bone is fibrousa and than to formed back to

lamellar bone.The development of bone with intramembrane happened in frontalist

part,farentalist part,skeleton bone,oxipitalist part, temporalist, mandibula, and

maxilla. Intramembrane ossification have function in growing and lignin the short

bone. Ossification process began from central primary ossification in connective

tissue. Mesechym cells to swollen and to changed became osteoblast. Osteoblast to

synthesis and to latex the immature matrix bone into intercellular substances that rich

with collagenous fiber.And than happened vascularisation that to bought the

salt(calcium fosfat) and another. Finally happened to sedimentation of salt to

intercellular substances is tight and osteoblast to imprisoned and became osteocyt.

5. Observation V

In this observation about the structure of histology of the compact bone.Its

consist of kanalikuli, havers canal, lacuna, interstisial lamella, volkman canal, and

consentris lamella.Lacuna is a small room that located between lamella and contains

bone cells. Kanalikuli is the soft canal from the matrix and these are place of the

outer of osteocyt cytoplasm. Havers canal is contains nerve fibre, blood vessels and

limfa vessels. Havers canal have function to gave food to the bone. Lamella is slabs

of bone that composed with consentris in around of canal.Consentris lamella that’s to

formed of collagenous fiber that composed with cinsentris to surrounded a canal that

called havers canal. Osteocyt cells located in to small room that called lacuna,that

located between lamella that connected one to others with the agent is radial

kanalikuli that to passed by protopasmatic process. Volkman canal that to bought the

blood vessels, nervous fiber, limfa vessels and connective tissue from periosteum to

havers canal. Volkman cell have function to connected of two havers canal.


A. Conclution

1. There are many kinds of connective tissue. These are loose connective tissue,

dence regular connective tissue, dence irregular connective tissue, hyaline

cartilage, fibrocartilage, elastic cartilage and compact bone.

2. Irregular connective tissue consist of fat tissue, fibroblast, magrofag and

fibroblast cell.

3. Fibrocartilage consist of group lacuna, single lacuna, inrows lacuna, reticula fiber,

reticular fiber, capsula, lacuna, and condrocyt.

4. Hyalin cartilage consist of reticular fiber, condroblast, and lacuna capsula.

5. Intramembrane ossification consist of osteoid, osteoblast, mesenchym cell,

osteocyt, osteoclast, and bone matrix.

6. Intramembrane ossification is the development of bone from the connective

tissue, that finally contains many mesenchym cells that develop to passed

osteoblast to osteocyt.

7. The structure of compact bone consist of kanalikuli, lacuna, intertisial lamella,

havars canal, volkman canal and consentris lamella.

B. Suggestion

1. I hope for the next practicum,laboratory completed the lasting preparat and

prepared the new lasting preparat,so we can do observation with good and we find

result of observation that clear.

2. I hope assistant increase their ability to give explaination for their practican and

I hope so,assistant to control their practican about how to do practicum and

observation with good,and also practican must took good image and to observed

with good and accurate.


Adnan, dkk. 2009. Penuntun Praktikum Struktur Hewan. Makassar:Jurusan

Biologi FMIPA UNM.

Anonym. 2009. Connective Tissue.,at April 3 th 2009.

Anonym. 2009. Connective Tissue. tissue, at April,3 th 2009.

Campbell, Neil A. 2004. Biologi Jilid III Edisi kelima. Jakarta:Erlangga.

Tim Pengajar Biologi Umum. 2003. Biologi Umum.Makassar:Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNM.

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