lang und heyne katalog 2013 english

Post on 27-Mar-2016






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Lang und Heyne is a manufactory for fine mechanical watches, situated in the saxon capital Dresden, Germany. Each watch by Lang & Heyne is dedicated to a Saxon prince, for example August the Strong. Its appearance, character and values led to the design, features and style of the model.



  • ProcESSIoN of tHE PrINcES of SaxoNy

    tHE tImEPIEcES of LaNG & HEyNE arE bEarING NamES of SaxoN PrINcES aNd kINGS


    koNrad tHE GrEat HEINrIcH III. tHE ILLuStrIouS frIEdrIcH II. tHE SErIouS

    frIEdrIcH III. tHE StrIct


  • Elegant Investments | 7

    time a historic perspective | 8

    Portrait Lang & Heyne dresden | 13

    Some words about time | 20

    oscillation celebration the creation of a new LaNG & HEyNE | 25

    caLIbEr I | 33

    model friedrich august I. | 36

    model knig Johann | 40

    caLIbEr III | 45

    model moritz von Sachsen | 48

    caLIbEr IV | 53

    model knig albert von Sachsen | 56

    caLIbEr V | 61

    model konrad der Groe | 64

    model markgraf Heinrich | 68

    caLIbEr VI | 71

    model friedrich II. / model friedrich III. | 74

    Hand Engraving | 78

    restoration and Special design | 81

    Imprint | 85



    ELEctor morItz of SaxoNy kING aLbErt of SaxoNy

    ELEctor frIEdrIcH auGuSt I. JoHaNN, kING of SaxoNy


  • elegant Investments


  • Carillon from porcelain

    (Meien in Saxony) in the

    Zwinger of Dresden


    LaNG & HEyNE manufactures watches in dresden.

    dresden a city rich in history where generations of great personalities managed

    to express their pleasurable lifestyle in between state affairs. the magnificence of

    their architecture and not least the fabulous works of their artisans represent a

    heritage inspiring subsequent generations. through this fascinating amalgamati-

    on of science, craftsmanship and creativity unequalled objects of luxury evolved,

    including brilliant mechanical marvels of time: WatCHes.

    mysterious, yet lucid these symbols of increasing cosmopolitanism are leading us

    to the limit of what is technically feasible. by connecting tradition and modernity

    Lang & Heyne create unique timepieces beyond mainstream. Wearing a fine

    watch from Lang & Heyne proves classic taste, prosperity and above all that

    you are a connoisseur. With an excellent sense for quality and the creation of true

    value, watch enthusiasts from all over the world appreciate our filigree timepieces.

    Imagine the mona Lisa was being created a hundred times. artists are always

    idealists. We do not produce we create. our pieces are limited in number because

    of the high demand we set on our own work. this demand, masterfully executed

    by using valuable materials, ensures that your Lang & Heyne watch is an

    investment and collectors item which can be passed on to future generations.

    elegant Investments


  • time a historic perspective

    state art



    tHe MatHeMatIC

    PHysICaL CabInet

    The MaTheMaTic Physical cabineT houses a world-faMous collecTion

    of hisTorical T iMePieces and scienTific insTruMenTs.


  • time a historic perspective

    crown portal of the Zwinger in Dresden


    a HIstorIC PersPeCtIve

    orbit clock by eberhard baldewein,

    Hans bucher and Hermann Diepel,

    manufactured between 1563-1568 for the saxon elector

    In 1668 Johann Georg II certified the foundation of dresdens first

    independent watchmakers guild, and thereby inaugurated a glorious

    tradition. august the Strong, Elector of Saxony and king of Poland, as

    well as his son friedrich august II, both famous for their appreciation

    of art and sophisticated lifestyles, attracted artisans and craftsmen to

    dresden who created SumPtuouS WatcHES, which were genuine

    mechanical as well as artistic miracles. Since 1728 these treasures have

    been closely guarded in the royal Saxonian Watch cabinet (mathema-

    tisch-Physikalischer-Salon) within dresdens famous zwinger building

    which today still accommodates one of the worlds most historic and

    admired collection of watches.


  • the french revolution in 1789 provoked dramatic changes in European

    lifestyles. the mechanical content of watches began to overshadow

    fancy cases and sumptuous artistry. In Saxony as well, watches turned

    gradually into instruments for the precise measurement of time. Period

    watchmakers such as khler and Seyffert devoted their careers to deve-

    loping technically superior, highly sophisticated pendulum clocks,

    chronometers, watches and scientific measuring devices. the precise mo-

    vements, presented in cases with-out frills, perfectly reflected the new

    values: a type of modesty which still excites collectors and admirers of

    precision watches who desire elegance.

    Saxonia the first German railway connecting dresden and Leipzig

    marked a new phase of mobility for the country. PortabLE WatcHES

    to organize time for mans advantage became inseparable companions

    for an increasing number of people. only a few were in the privileged

    position to afford one of the rare and prestigious pocket watches manu-

    factured by a traditional watchmaker from dresden. Some of these rari-

    ties originated from friedrich Gutkaes, the court watchmaker. ferdinand

    adolph Lange, as his young apprentice, learned the art of watchmaking

    prior to the founding of the watchmaking industry in Glashtte.

    Precision pendulum clock from

    Strasser & Rohde in Glashtte/Dresden ca. 1890

    pocket watch in a case of tortoise-shell from

    Christ Ehrgott Weise Dresden ca. 1800

    time a historic perspective


  • at the beginning of the 20th century, the WrIStWatcH finally began its

    triumphal march that continues strongly today. Holding the great masters

    of the past centuries in high esteem, the manufactures of fine watches

    LaNG & HEyNE dedicates today to the different watch and clock types,

    especially the wrist watches.

    time a historic perspective

    Model of a pendulum escapement according

    to an idea sketch by Galileo Galilei, designed

    and manufactured by Marco Lang during

    his apprenticeship


  • the way from the first vision to the final watch

    is long and exhausting sometimes.

    However, its a great pleasure for me to manage this way step by step,

    to create movements on my own which probably live longer than me.

    a pleasure, which I want to share with associates

    and watch enthusiasts from all over the world.

    Marco Lang

  • PortraitLang & Heyne


  • Portrait LaNG & HEyNE dresden

    FaMILy traDItIon oF Lang & Heyne

    Model of anchor escapement, created in 1920 by

    great-grandmother Martha (Hartding) Lang

    MarCo Lang about tHe

    CHaLLenge oF WatCHMaKIng


  • Portrait LaNG & HEyNE dresden

    marco LaNG was born in 1971 as a fifth-generation watchmaker.

    In his early childhood he used to look over his fathers shoulder, who

    worked as head restorer in the mathematical / Physical cabinet

    (mathematisch Physikalischer Salon), housing a world famous collec-

    tion of watches and precision instruments.

    His early passion for the filigree led him to first of all learn the basics of

    metal working. In Glashtte he had served as an apprentice in precision

    mechanic for three years. again, in this important historic town, marco

    was inevitably inspired by the watch-making tradition. after the Ger-

    man reunification marco found his way to Ihno flener, a watch expert

    from Northern Germany, where he completed his apprenticeship as a

    watchmaker. during his years as an assistant, marco particularly worked

    on the production of fine precision pendulum clocks. after seven instruc-

    tive years, he returned to dresden with his master certificate where he

    built up his own shop as a watch creator and restorer. true to the family

    tradition, marco soon made his mark among German watch enthusiasts.

    Watchmaker s certificate of

    Martha (Hartding) Lang

    MarCo Lang


  • Portrait Lang & Heyne Dresden

    In the beginning of 2001 marco Lang met the talented watchma-

    ker apprentice mirko Heyne. as two kindred spirits in watchmaking

    they teamed up and founded the manufacture LaNG & HEyNE.

    Inspection of the edge polishing


  • Portrait Lang & Heyne Dresden

    Just one year later LaNG & HEyNE were able to

    present their first watch models august and Johann

    at the trade fair in basle and within one week the or-

    der book of the little workshop was packed. Even af-

    ter the resignation of mirko Heyne in summer 2002

    the manufacture LaNG & HEyNE still carries the

    name and the spirit of the two gifted watchmakers,

    which in the meantime became a synonym for fine

    watchmaking in dresden and all over the world.

    marco continued on his way as an independent watch

    creator. at the end of 2003 he sold his shop in order to

    fully concentrate on the creation of his watches.

    after a three-year candidature, marco became a

    member of the aHcI, the international association

    of independent and creative watchmakers. LaNG

    & HEyNE is committed to his exclusive club of

    outstanding horology. It is an honour to be able to

    match the quality, creativity and watchmaking skills

    of the very best in the world.

    In 2010 LaNG & HEyNE found its new home in

    a mansion surrounded by green fields and woods

    around dresden. In this tranquil and decelerated

    environment marco is working together with his

    enthusiastic colleagues. only with his signature on

    the certificate each single watch leaves the small


    Surely, the watchmakers of LaNG & HEyNE en-

    joy the creation of their mechanical pieces of art the

    most. and yet it is a pleasure for them to demise their

    enthusiasm for traditional watchmaking to connois-

    seurs and watch aficionados and share it with them.

    In a family environment Marco Lang works together with his enthusiastic associates.


  • Portrait Lang & Heyne Dresden

    Chronicles oF Lang & Heyne


  • Portrait Lang & Heyne Dresden

    uHrENmaNufaktur LaNG & HEyNE WEISSENbErGEr StraSSE 10 d-01324 drESdEN


  • time we dedicate to ...

    In our manufactory it takes precious tImE to assemble a timepiece, since

    there are no assembly lines. Every single piece evolves and matures carefully

    in the hands of our watchmakers, mechanics, refiner or finisher and engra-

    vers. With utmost care and down to the smallest detail, they also improve

    pieces that have not entirely been made by LaNG & HEyNE so that these

    pieces fulfill optically as well as functionally the high demand of LaNG &

    HEyNE. the master craftsmen skillfully mounts each movement, piece by

    piece, until perfection is reached and the balance starts to oscillate with the

    rhythmic pulse of time, precisely ordered.

    form and function are combined in this manner with the utmost precision and

    harmony until completion. these works of art are created with the philosophy,

    which has defined watchmaking in dresden for hundreds of years: meeting

    the aesthetic requirements of kings and prominent citizens, and equipped with

    absolutely the finest movements. It is not through imitation, but only through

    complete understanding and further elaboration of those values and principles

    which make every piece from LaNG & HEyNE precious, a treasure represen-

    tative of Saxonys watchmaking heritage.

    Blueing screwsKirsten Pyka: Measuring the movement and taring the balance

    some words about time ...

    soMe WorDs about tIMe ...


  • some words about time ...

    Elisabeth Grabe: Mounting the diamond in a gold chaton


  • time to take ...

    to admire the silky shining enamel dial contrasted with the artfully crafted

    hands. time to discover the details of the gleaming, golden precision move-

    ment: the rubies set in gold, each chaton individually held by blued steel

    screws, the anglesite finished swan-neck fine adjustment polished with

    pewter and finally the all important balance equipped with gold weighting

    screws and the freely pulsating breguet balance-spring crowned by a spark-

    ling diamond.

    time to dream ...

    and to realize again and again that each piece is a unique work of truly

    handcrafted art. Every single part is passed through each of the master

    craftsmans skilled hands, one to the other, then carefully examined through

    magnifying glasses and, when necessary, perfected until finally it has its

    own unique charisma, reflecting ultimate quality.

    Kim Djapri: Manual turning of a balance staff

    some words about time ...


  • some words about time ...


  • Kathleen Junitz at the watchmaker bench.

  • Less is more, even less is exclusive

    ... they should be distinctive, unique piece which make his owner happy,

    said the master watchmaker smiling brightly.

    Oscillation celebration tHe CreatIon

    oF a neW Lang & Heyne WatCH

  • In principio erat mens in the beginning was the idea. but to de-velop it you need patience and time to dream about your idea and of

    course you also need imagination. all these things come together at

    certain times in the day; when I am jogging in the forest or drinking

    delicious red wine in the evening or when I am about to doze off to sleep

    at night. most of my ideas I keep for many years in my head and like the

    mentioned red wine they mature and become even better.

    Which shape will be

    produced of it?

    These bars contain the

    future watch parts, we just

    have to extract them.

    oscillation celebration the creation of a new Lang & Heyne watch

    Inspection of the tooth

    -system at a profile projector

    Sven Meyer arranges the

    basics of our fine watches

    with modern CNC technics.


  • When the time has come I take pencil and paper to organize my thoughts

    and ideas and create a concept for a watch. I ask myself some questions: Is now the right time for this watch? Is it possible for us to

    make this watch? What will be the biggest challenge for us in the process

    of making this watch?

    for me designing a watch is like composing music. you start with all the

    different components, which are like the notes in music and gradually

    you build up to the dial and the movement and the case. as in a symphony,

    GoLd PLatING:

    all brass parts receive a three micro

    fine gold surface after the finish

    oscillation celebration the creation of a new Lang & Heyne watch


  • everything must be in harmony. years ago the first designs were done on

    a sketchpad but today everything starts with construction Soft-ware. I work on the design during the day in our workshop and some-

    times in the evening or on weekends sitting on the couch with the baby on

    my lap. Little by little all the parts take shape on the computer. Probably

    one year passes before I know all 200 parts will work together and the

    general idea of the watch is clear in my mind. Now it is getting harder to

    keep my ideas about the watch secret because I can hardly wait to finish

    the design and make the watch so that I can hold it in my hands.

    first comes, lets say, the foundation of the movement, the plates and

    bridges. We do several test-millings with the cNc machine until we are

    satisfied with the raw bridges and plates. as we manufacture the majority of parts in-house we avoid the time consuming ordering and

    delivery process. It pays to do the work this way.

    depending on the caliber, the bridges and the plates will be engraved ma-

    nually. they also receive a fine polishing and their edges are beveled. be-

    fore we do the gold plating the bridges and plates receive a coat of silver.

    steP II

    Pre-milled wheel

    bridge with bars

    steP III

    fully finished

    wheel bridge

    steP I

    We receive this 3 mm

    brass blank cut.

    Silver grinding with a stiff-bristled

    brush and a mix of fine silver powder,

    tartar and common salt

    oscillation celebration the creation of a new Lang & Heyne watch


  • We rediscovered and enhanced a method used in the 18th century and

    known as silver grinding. We apply a mixture of salt and silver to the

    brass parts of the movement using a stiff-bristle brush. the result is a

    surface that has a grain like fine leather. the surface has brilliance and

    contrast called a frosted finish. you cannot achieve this with any other


    the flat parts like lever and springs will be milled from a glued steel plate. after tempering and measuring the parts its time for the main

    task of manufacturing: finishing. We carefully prepare all flat surfaces

    and all the edges then we bevel and polish them. all this will be done just

    as it was one hundred years ago. this is the reason the finishing takes up

    to five times as long as the other parts of the manufacturing process.

    We also turn parts like shafts and screws, which we do on a lathe under a microscope or manufacture them ourselves from raw components.

    We want our screws to be of the same high quality as the other parts of the

    watch. to achieve a flat finish for each individual screw we apply, by hand,

    a special tin polish. When we talk about finish we are talking about many

    things that are barely noticeable by most people. but because we believe

    that the finish is so important to the watch we take much more time to

    perfect the finish than many other luxury watch manufacturers.

    oscillation celebration the creation of a new Lang & Heyne watch

    Flat polish of a screw head with

    diamantine powder on a tin bar

    Polishing the mounted cover

    plate before final assembly


  • oscillation celebration the creation of a new Lang & Heyne watch

    exPLoDeD vIeW CaLIber v


  • oscillation celebration the creation of a new Lang & Heyne watch

    our in-house production of wheels and pinions includes poli-shing the flanks. Partially we buy several raw pieces in addition. We finish

    all pinions extensively with polish and Glashtter cut-in, the arms of the

    wheels are beveled, matted and gold-plated. the wheels of the caLIbEr V

    are manufactured in solid gold. the winding wheels are given a shiny, double sun-ray finish.

    Exceptional for a manufacture: the cases and clasps in different 18-carat gold alloys and platinum are made in-house from raw piece to

    this finished one. Goldsmiths accompanies the watchmakers technology.

    Since 2006 we produce the specially designed moustache-anchor in gold. the balance made in the LaNG & HEyNE design is provided with a mainspring, of course with a breguet overcoil, to achieve a harmonic oscillation.

    When all the pieces are manufactured and finished, the subassem-bly of the prototype follows. that is the real challenge for the watchma-ker. Now, all the pieces have to mesh together, all the jewels and pivots

    have to be pressed fit, the wheels have to be adjusted. any problems with

    the construction have to be corrected. Some parts may have to be chan-

    ged or made in a completely new way. this is also the time when we

    fabricate the tools and devices of the series manufacturing.

    finally, after all our hard work, we can celebrate the birth of a model but

    only when we hear the first tick-tock of the new watch. What a sound and

    what a sight! We are all proud. about eighteen months after we started

    with our first idea, finally preparation for the tradeshow presentation

    begins where we show our new baby to the world.

    but first, we have to pay attention to the face. the eroded hands will be filed in the bench vise and engraved under the microscope. follo-

    wed by the grinding, the polish, the blueing and the rivet with the hand


    the dial made of enamel or silver receives dial feet and finally the movement can be put in the case. the fine alligator strap and the clasp

    complete the watch and we can feel it the first time on our wrist. the rest

    of the day we relax, pat each other on the back and sip champagne.

    Satisfaction is in the air.

    Lets be honest: its still a miracle, isnt it?

    Building the prototype of the Caliber V


  • Caliber I

    Friedrich August I.

    Knig Johann

    F eatur Ing tHe MoDeL s

  • Caliber I the movement

    the typical three-quarter plate has been state of the art in the building

    of fine movements in Saxony since the end of the 19th century. our

    caliber I is an honest tribute to that heritage emphasizing typical

    elements not only of function, but also of beauty : big shining rubies, set

    in gleaming gold chatons, create a balanced contrast to the silver fini-

    shed plate. Even the smallest of the stones, the one that holds the lever

    anchor is set in a gold chaton, held by deeply blued steel screws.

    the meticulous anglesite finishing, polished by hand with pewter, of the

    anchor bridge and the balance cock as well as the slit golden screws of the

    balance wheel create charming reflections of light. the polishing of the

    winding wheels gives the impression of a shining sun. the ultimate in

    beauty, however, is the sparkling diamond, crowning the balance.

    majestically it is placed on top of the hand engraved balance cock, har-

    monizing perfectly with the elegantly swung swan-neck fine adjustment.

    the balance spring bent markedly upward in its last winding ensures

    smooth pulse of the shock-resistant gold-screw balance wheel. caliber I

    is equipped with a second hand stop mechanism, in other words, when

    the crown has been pulled out, a spring gently bends itself around the

    balance shaft and the second hand stops, hence permitting the watch to

    be set accurately to the second.

    Precision adjustment with the swanneck spring

    Caliber I with plates and bridges made of Mammoth-Ivory (see page 83)


  • Caliber I

    * Second hand stop mechanism* Winding wheels with double solar finish * moustache-anchor (see page 72)* Engraving plate on customers demand







    Jewels 19rubies,1diamond

    Caliber I the movement

    * Shock-resistant gold-screw balance * breguet spring * Swan-neck fine adjustment* Pulsating eccentric second hand

    We inscribe individual engravings

    for your special dedication.

    More information on page 79


  • Description of the model Friedrich august I.

    FrIeDrICH august I. tHe strong, eLeCtor oF saxony,

    august II. KIng oF PoLanD anD granD DuKe oF LItHuanIa

    * 12.5.1670 in dresden 1.2.1733 in Warsaw

    the reign of friedrich august I, called the Strong, was a unique

    and glamourous period for Saxonys politics and culture. the courtly

    life was a reflection of the baroque joy of existence and luxury. the

    opulently decorated cases of that time are real works of art, con-

    taining ticking mechanical marvels.

    the model FrIeDrICH august I pays an homage to that

    legendary personality. He bestowed his ardent love for art on to subse-

    quent generations, is still omnipresent in the beauty and the treasures

    of dresden.

    Buckle in 18-carat gold


  • Description of the model Friedrich august I.

    the watch FrIeDrICH august I delights the mind

    through its artistic design. the striking gold case offers

    exquisite housing for the fine mechanical movement and the

    sapphire glass bottom unveils a fascinating view. chased

    hands shaped in the style of Louis xV, crafted from pure gold

    deploy their beauty on the enamelled tripartite dial. the elegant

    arabic numerals are framed by a red minute indicator.

    Crown in massive gold with stamped

    initials, crown protection

    moVEmENt Manual winding movement Caliber I, 46 hours running time, second hand stop mechanism


    Crafted from 18 ct rose gold, diameter 43,5 mm, sapphire glass on the top and on the bottom,

    crocodile leather strap, buckle in 18 ct gold


    Double sunk enemalled dial with Arabic numerals, shaped Louis XV hands crafted from rose gold, eccentric second hand


  • varIatIon Iv

    case crafted from 18 ct rose gold,

    Spade hands in rose gold

    varIatIon vI

    case crafted from platinum,

    Spade hands in blued steel

    varIatIon v

    case crafted from 18 ct white gold,

    Spade hands in blued steel

    varIatIon III

    case crafted from platinum,

    Louis xV hands in blued steel

    varIatIon II

    Case crafted from 18 ct white gold,

    Louis xV hands in rose gold

    varIatIon I

    case crafted from 18 ct rose gold,

    Louis xV hands in rose gold

    Description of the model Friedrich august I.

    a serial number is assigned to each watch marked both on the dial and on

    the movement. this makes every LaNG & HEyNE a unique piece.

    black blue brown

    CoLorIng oF tHe genuIne aLLIgator straP WItH sHarK LInIng LeatHer | Page 42

    oPtIonaL FoLDIng CLasP In goLD or PLatInuM | Page 58


  • Description of the model Friedrich august I.

    Model Friedrich August I. on a treasure of the

    Mathematical Physical Cabinet, destroyed during

    the bomb attack on Dresden on 13th February 1945.

    Important pocket watches of the watch

    collection melted into a reminding sculpture.


  • Description of the model Knig Johann

    the highly educated and artistically gifted monarch king Johann

    (1801-1873) is also known as Philateles friend of truth. making use

    of this pseudonym, he not only translated dantes divine comedy

    into German, but also created a multitude of own works. king of

    Saxony from 1854 on, he struggled for the creation of a united

    German state. He examined and renewed numerous aristocratic

    rules and lead Saxonys economy as a modest and wise statesman

    into a blossoming period of economic development.

    * 12.12.1801 in dresden 29.10.1873 in Pillnitz

    Buckle in 18-carat gold


  • Description of the model Knig Johann

    the model JoHann pays homage to that profound persona-

    lity. Like its name-sake, it concentrates on the essentials, port-

    raying timeless elegance. the enamelled bipartite dial with its

    well proportioned roman numerals is contrasted with pear-

    tipped hands crafted manually. a clear and noble character is

    created. the gold case offers a striking housing for the fine

    mechanical movement and the sapphire glass bottom unveils

    a fascinating view.

    Crown in massive gold with stamped

    initials, crown protection

    moVEmENt Manual winding movement Caliber I, 46 hours running time, second hand stop mechanism


    Crafted from 18 ct white gold, diameter 43.5 mm, sapphire glass on the top and on the bottom,

    crocodile leather strap, buckle from 18 ct gold,


    Simple sunk enamelled dial with roman numerals, spade hands crafted manually from blued steel, eccentric second hand


  • varIatIon III

    case crafted from platinum,

    Spade hands in rose gold

    varIatIon II

    case crafted from 18 ct white gold,

    Spade hands in blued steel

    varIatIon I

    case crafted from 18 ct rose gold,

    Spade hands in rose gold

    Description of the model Knig Johann

    a serial number is assigned to each watch marked both on the dial and on

    the movement. this makes every LaNG & HEyNE a unique piece.

    black blue brown

    CoLorIng oF tHe genuIne aLLIgator straP WItH sHarK LInIng LeatHer

    oPtIonaL FoLDIng CLasP In goLD or PLatInuM | Page 58


  • Model Knig Johann on a treasure of the Mathematical Physical Cabinet,

    destroyed during the bomb attack on Dresden on 13th February 1945.

    Sculpture of a partly melted and oxidised Renaissance

    table clock of the 17th century.

  • Caliber III

    F eatur Ing tHe MoDeL

  • Caliber III the movement

    based on our caliber I and with the same respect for traditional watchma-

    king and its aesthetic quality, we constructed the caliber III for our model

    moritz. although the two movements look very similar we have still

    made some modifications.

    the distance from the minute wheel to the second wheel is downsized to

    9 mm in order to gain big supply dials for the additional indications. We

    also reconstructed the winding mechanism so that the date, the month

    and the declination indication can be set as fast as possible with the help

    of a third crown position.

    the complete mechanism for the calendar indication is carried by an addi-

    tional plate which is only 1,5 mm in height. one of the specialities that is not

    immediately visible is the rapid change of the date and the day of the week

    which is activated at midnight exactly. thus, an inconvenient, longlasting

    change of date is avoided on the one hand, and on the other hand there is no

    problem with the setting of the calendar throughout the day.

    another convenience for the setting of the calen-

    dar is the day-/ night indication underneath

    the centre at the right-hand side. between

    6 am and 6 pm the golden half and bet-

    ween 6 pm and 6 am the blued half of

    the 24 hour wheel is visible.

    Caliber III back side

    Engraving plate:

    We inscribe individual

    engravings for your

    special dedication.

    more information on page 79.


  • Caliber III the movement

    Caliber III under the dial

    * Shock-resistant gold-screw balance * breguet spring * Swan-neck fine adjustment* Pulsating eccentric second hand* Second hand stop mechanism







    Jewels 19rubies,1diamond

    * Winding wheels with double solar finish* Indications full calender* moon phase* declinations* Engraving plate on customers demand

    Caliber III


  • Description of the model Moritz von sachsen

    as one of the most important rulers of Saxony, moritz was a political,

    military as well as cultural character. by being sensitive to political

    issues and also by clever intrigues and military power, he eventually

    snatched the throne from his cousin friedrich and gained power

    over the Saxon estates. from then on, Saxony was reigned from

    dresden and moritz thus laid the foundation for a cultural as well as

    a political revival of that town.

    although he was on the side of the catholic emperor at the beginning,

    he soon put him under military pressure, so that eventually he achie-

    ved the Peace of augsburg and the freedom of the Protestant belief.

    at the young age of 32, moritz was fatally wounded in the battle

    of Sievershausen and entombed in the cathedral of freiberg (which

    from this time on was the burial place of all Saxon rulers).

    Buckle in 18-carat gold

    * 21.3.1521 in freiberg 11.7.1553 in Sievershausen


  • moVEmENt Manual winding movement Caliber III, 46 hours running time, second hand stop mechanism


    Crafted from 18 ct rose gold, diameter 44 mm, sapphire glass on the top and on the bottom, crocodile leather strap,

    buckle in 18 ct gold, a crown in massive gold with stamped initials, crown protection


    Dial in massiv silver with arabic numerals, Spade hands in blued steel

    INdIcatIoNS Small second, moon phase at 6 oclock,

    Date, days of the week at 3 oclock,

    Month (following) at 9 oclock,

    Day-/ night indication centre at 4 oclock

    Declination angle at 12 oclock

    Description of the model Moritz von sachsen

    With a classical, symmetrical division of

    the dial, we combine in our watch-model

    morItz all the calendar functions

    of a fuLL caLENdar. the solid

    silver dial is, according to the tradition,

    pickled white and then dyed champagne.

    the mooN dISc as well as the

    earth disc is cut in gold and enameled

    with the technique champlev.

    above the crown, the date, the month

    and the declination can be changed

    rapidly. two sunk-in correctors serve

    as the regulation of the moon phas-

    se and the day of the week.

    model moritz is available in three

    different gold colours (white, yellow

    and rose gold) for case and buckle as

    well as different hand variations.

    We make three variations of the

    EartH dISc, one for the European/

    african, one for the asian/australian

    and one for the american viewpoint.

    European/african viewpoint

    asian/australian viewpoint

    american viewpoint


  • the indications of sunrise and sunset and the equation are well known.

    It is the changing angle of the suns rays onto the surface of the earth

    that forms the basis of these indications. the inclination of the axis

    of the earth to the ecliptic of 23 degrees and the orbiting of the earth

    around the sun are the causes of the suns rays impinging sometimes

    more on the northern hemisphere, sometimes more on the southern


    for the first time, LaNG & HEyNE has made it possible to indicate directly the degree of the sun to the equator

    at midday. this suggestion made by one of our customers and a watch enthusiast (Nikolaus Garnreiter ulm/

    donau). the earth disc which oscillates during the seasons is controlled by a programme disc where the value of

    the degree of the declination is accurately stored.

    DeCLInatIon a neW InDICatIon In WatCHes

    varIatIon II

    case crafted from 18 ct white gold,

    Spade hands in blued steel

    varIatIon III

    case crafted from 18 ct yellow gold,

    Spade hands in blued steel

    (on demand)

    varIatIon I

    case crafted from 18 ct rose gold,

    Spade hands in blued steel

    a serial number is assigned to each watch marked both on the dial and on

    the movement. this makes every LaNG & HEyNE a unique piece.

    Description of the model Moritz von sachsen

    black blue brown

    Position June 15th summer on the northern hemisphere

    Position March 21st or september 21thequinox

    Position december 15th summer on the southern hemisphere

    CoLorIng oF tHe genuIne aLLIgator straP WItH sHarK LInIng LeatHer | Page 42

    oPtIonaL FoLDIng CLasP In goLD | Page 58


  • Model Moritz von Sachsen on a treasure of the

    Mathematical Physical Cabinet, destroyed during the

    bomb attack on Dresden on 13th February 1945.

    Sculpture of a melted carriage watch of the 18th century.

    Description of the model Moritz von sachsen


  • Caliber IV

    Knig Albert von Sachsen

    F eatur Ing tHe MoDeL

  • Caliber Iv the movement

    When beauty and function harmonize, when noble forms build a com-

    plex unit, then the watch creators of LaNG & HEyNE are proud of ha-

    ving bestowed a concrete shape to a new idea.

    With our caliber IV we have created a chronographic movement which

    on the one hand lets appear the watch in a modest and noble character

    from the outside, but on the other hand offers to every watch enthusiast

    a great delight on technical finesse. our aim was to construct a

    column wheel mechanism in a way that both the seconds counter and

    the minutes counter act from the center of the watch.

    big chronograph wheels in gold with their two hundred teeth lay the

    foundation of a perfect catch for the start and a smooth motion of the

    hands. Gracile levers and springs oscillate in discreet elegance, follow-

    ing the program of the column wheel in their motion.

    and last but not least, it is the contrast of the fine classical materials that

    makes this work to a genuine Lang & Heyne watch.

    fine toothed chronograph wheels

    Engraving plate:

    We inscribe individual

    engravings for your

    special dedication.

    more information on page 79.


  • Diameter






    Jewels 22rubies,1diamond

    Caliber Iv the movement

    * Shock-resistant gold-screw balance * breguet spring * Swan-neck fine adjustment* Pulsating eccentric second hand* Second hand stop mechanism* Winding wheels with double solar finish

    * monopusher column wheel chronograph* chronograph wheels in gold with two hundred teeth* minutes counter mechanism installed on the backside* frictionless decoupling of the minutes counter, when the chronograph function is not in use

    * Engraving plate on customers demand

    Caliber IV


  • moVEmENt Manual winding movement Caliber IV, 46 hours running time, second hand stop mechanism, chronograph mechanism installed on the backside


    Platinum 950, diameter 44 mm, sapphire glass on the top and on the bottom, crocodile leather strap with buckle in platinum,

    crown with integrated monopusher


    Simple sunk enameled dial with roman numerals, eccentric second hand,

    centric chronograph minutes and seconds counter,

    spade hands in blued steel

    * 23.4.1828 in dresden 19.6.1902 in Sibyllenort

    as a son of king Johann, albert receives the best education and forma-

    tion to give consideration to his later role as prince. as a general in the

    army, he takes part at the most important acts of war of the 19th century

    and proves his grand military skills.

    after his accession to the throne in 1873, albert, now as a monarch, plays

    a big role in encouraging the economical and social development in

    Saxony and supports art and culture as a patron in an exceptional way. In

    the 30 years of his reign, Saxony develops to an economically and cultu-

    rally powerful state.

    With his open-minded and human character and his sense for the impor-

    tant, the diligent and analytically thinking king leads Saxony into a blos-

    soming period of technology, trade, industry and commerce.

    Buckle in platinum

    Description of the model Knig albert


  • moVEmENt Manual winding movement Caliber IV, 46 hours running time, second hand stop mechanism, chronograph mechanism installed on the backside


    Platinum 950, diameter 44 mm, sapphire glass on the top and on the bottom, crocodile leather strap with buckle in platinum,

    crown with integrated monopusher


    Simple sunk enameled dial with roman numerals, eccentric second hand,

    centric chronograph minutes and seconds counter,

    spade hands in blued steel

    the simple but noble roman dial of our albert emanates a modest statement.

    the indication of time in its whole accuracy is not disturbed by additional dials

    and the monopusher integrated in the crown permits the perpetuation of the

    classical appearance of the watch case.

    Looking through the bottom glass, you can observe the breathtaking play of the

    levers and springs of the column wheel chronograph in all its aesthetics. Highest

    technical claims again meet Lang & Heynes joy of completed shaping and

    the fine manual finish of the watch pieces.

    Description of the model Knig albert


  • Description of the model Knig albert

    varIatIon II

    case crafted from 18 ct rose gold,

    Spade hands in rose gold

    varIatIon I

    case crafted from 18 ct white gold,

    Spade hands in blued steel

    varIatIon III

    case crafted from platinum,

    Spade hands in rose gold

    a serial number is assigned to each watch marked both on the dial and on

    the movement. this makes every LaNG & HEyNE a unique piece.

    black blue brown

    coLorING of tHE GENuINE aLLIGator StraP WItH SHark LINING LEatHEr | Page 42

    Matching folding clasp in 18 ct gold or platinum available against extra charge


  • Description of the model Knig albert

    Model Albert von Sachsen with stones

    from the river Elbe: insights into

    Caliber IV through the sapphire glass bottom


  • Caliber V

    Konrad der Groe

    Markgraf Heinrich

    F eatur Ing tHe MoDeL s

  • constant force mechanism

    the fourth movement presented by Lang & Heyne shows another

    look than its ancestors. the gracile shape of the trigonal bridge is revea-

    ling: six-shanked wheels in 18 carat solid gold, the huge balance with the

    characteristical L&H design, the fine moustacheanchor and last but not

    least the exciting highlight of the caliber V, the mechanism of the con-

    stant force. Its position is the escapement wheel, the last part of the wheel

    train, and it makes sure that the balance receives bit by bit the same force.

    this compensates the mainsprings irregular force-curve and tolerances

    of the wheel train. the result is a constant amplitude of the balance the

    whole running time long and an enhanced accuracy. the complicated

    lever mechanism of the anterograde (forward jumping) date indication is

    positioned under the dial and invisible to the eyes.

    the complicated lever mechanism of the anterograde (forward jumping)

    date indication is positioned under the dial and invisible to the eyes.

    Caliber v the movement

    six-shanked wheels in 18 carat solid gold


  • Caliber V

    * Shock-resistant gold-screw balance with breguet spring * Swan-neck fine adjustment * Winding wheels with double solar finish* Second hand stop mechanism

    * constant force through a one-second remontoir* dead beat center second* central date indication anterograde

    Caliber v the movement





    powerreserve 33/42hours(remontoir/follow-on)

    Jewels 24rubies,1diamond


  • Description of the model Konrad der groe

    * about 1098 february 5th, 1157

    When konrad was born Europe has been flood in deep christian

    religiousness. the crusades, the inquisition as well as the develop-

    ment of the bourgeoisie and crafts have been important historical

    events in the 11th century.

    after several years, thru fortunate circumstances, konrad was able

    to escape the prison and eked out the margraviate of meissen, which

    he defended as liege lord for the German Emperor. With self-assu-

    rance and the right touch of politics the name Wettin was brought

    to todays Saxony. So, hes the progenitor and laid foundation for

    the upcoming sovereigns. thats why he heads the Procession of the

    Princes of Saxony at the dresden castle.

    at the age of 60, he renounced the secular powers and became friar

    in the Petersberg abbey where he died already two months later.

    Konrad der Groe KonraD I. tHe great anD tHe PIous,

    Count oF WettIn, Margrave oF MeIssen anD LusatIa


  • Description of the model Konrad der groe

    moVEmENt Caliber V hand winding, Second hand stop mechanism, remontoir

    caSE 18 carat rose gold, diameter 39.4 mm, sapphire glass and intermediate-bottom in sapphire glass,

    massive hinged lid, genuine alligator strap with shark lining leather and massive-gold butterfly clasps

    dIaL Simple sunk enameled dial with Arab numerals, central second, cathedral hands in blued steel

    With a diameter of 39.4 mm the konrad appears small

    in the category of big wristwatches. the date indication

    fits harmonically in the timeless dial. When the end of

    month arrives, the date hand jumps spirited over the

    LaNG & HEyNE lettering back to the first days of the

    new one.

    the smooth central second hand simply moves step by step each second and reflects the high accuracy of the mo-vement caliber V.

    the hinged lid offers space for individual engravings of the future owner. It keeps the secret of the exclusive and

    once again Saxon tailored movement until the lid opens.


  • Description of the model Konrad der groe

    varIatIon Iv

    case crafted from 18 ct white gold,

    cathedral hands in rose gold

    varIatIon vI

    case crafted from 18 ct white gold,

    Spade hands in blued steel

    varIatIon v

    Case crafted from 18 ct white gold,

    Louis xV hands in rose gold

    varIatIon III

    case crafted from 18 ct rose gold,

    Spade hands in rose gold

    varIatIon II

    Case crafted from 18 ct rose gold,

    Louis xV hands in blued steel

    varIatIon I

    case crafted from 18 ct rose gold,

    cathedral hands in blued steel

    a serial number is assigned to each watch marked both on the dial and on

    the movement. this makes every LaNG & HEyNE a unique piece.

    CoLorIng oF tHe genuIne aLLIgator straP WItH sHarK LInIng LeatHer | Page 42

    oPtIonaL FoLDIng CLasP In goLD | Page 58

    other variations available on request

    black blue brown


  • Description of the model Konrad der groe

    Model Konrad der Groe

    on a treasure of the Mathematical

    Physical Cabinet, destroyed during the bomb

    attack on Dresden February 13th, 1945.

    Melted and oxidized planetarium by Ptolemus of Valerius,

    created in Coburg about 1565.


  • Description of the model Markgraf Heinrich

    Heinrich III. der Erlauchte

    HeInrICH III. tHe ILLustrIous,

    Margrave oF MeIssen,

    LanDgrave oF tHurIngIa

    Heinrichs III reigned during the golden age of

    knighthood and the courtly culture and a period of

    immense power of the Saxonian House of Wettin. His

    self-confidence, character and nobleness earned him

    the byname illustre. as a great ruler and courtly love

    poet Heinrich hosted large celebrations and tourna-

    ments and proved a sense for culture and beauty.

    Buckle in 18-carat gold

    * 1215/16 in meissen 1288 in dresden

    modEL markGraf HEINrIcH

    case crafted from 18 ct rose gold,

    cathedral hands in blued steel


  • Description of the model Markgraf Heinrich

    our model Heinrich represents his bright values internally in

    its outward appearance it gives itself simple and modest. fine

    roman numbers on the frosted finished dial made of massive silver

    frame the date segment and the power reserve indication. depen-

    ding on wish we equip the watch with sapphire glass bottom and/

    or additional hinged lid. Listen attentively to Heinrich when the

    filigree remontoir in caliber V answers all 5 ticks with an addi-

    tional tack.

    moVEmENt Caliber V handwinding, second hand stop, remontoir, power reserve indication power reserve 33 hours

    caSE 18ct white gold, diameter 40 mm, sapphire glass und sapphire glass bottom, optional hinged lid, genuine alligator strap with gold buckle

    dIaL Dial simple sunk massive silver dial with roman numerals, central second, cathedral hands in blued steel

    MoDeL MarKgraF HeInrICH

    case crafted from 18 ct white gold,

    cathedral hands in blued steel


    case crafted from 18 ct white gold, rose gold or platinum,

    Spade or catehdral hands in gold or steel

    oPtIonaL FoLDIng CLasP In goLD or PLatInuM | Page 58


  • Caliber VI

    F eatur Ing tHe MoDeL s

    Friedrich II.

    Friedrich III.

  • back to the roots this phrase constituted the motto for the cre-

    ation of the fifth movement presented by LaNG & HEyNE: a simple

    3 hands watch, of course finished in finest style and made mostly by

    our own hands.

    So we formed caliber VI, which has been derived from caliber V, with

    stable rate and only the important functions of a fine wtch included but

    unmistakable: LaNG & HEyNE!

    Caliber vI the movement

    Retracting ratchet with its surface polished with pewter

    Moustache-anchor in massive

    gold: Balancing arms correct

    the barycenter of the anchor

    and assure the smooth power

    transmission to the balance


  • Caliber VI

    Caliber vI the movement

    * Shock-resistant gold-screw balance* breguet spring* Swan-neck fine adjustment* Second hand stop mechanism

    * Winding wheels with double solar finish* Six-shanked wheels in 18 carat rose gold* moustache-anchor







    Jewels 19rubies,1diamond


  • frIEdrIcH II. tHE SErIouS

    as the son of friedrich I (the bitten) friedrich II. accepted his inheri-

    tance at the age of 13. despite years of battle and adversity, he conso-

    lidated the economic and political power of Saxony. at the age of 29

    friedrich was knighted. He criticized moral proliferations of chivalry

    during his time and stood up for a righteous and honest lifestyle.

    Friedrich II. the Serious LanDgrave oF tHurIngIa anD MarKgrave oF MeIssen

    * 30.11.1310 in Gotha 18.11. 1349 at Wartburg castle

    Model Friedrich II. | Model Friedrich III.

    In 1349 he took over the lands of thuringia and meissen from his

    father friedrich the Strict, governing it together with his brothers.

    during his regency friedrich III. consolidated the inner structure

    of the country. With determination he pursued the increase

    of Wettins properties and internally expedited the development of

    public administration.

    Friedrich III. the Strict LanDgrave oF tHurIngIa anD MarKgrave oF MeIssen

    * 14.12.1332 in dresden 21.5.1381 in altenburg

    frIEdrIcH III. tHE StrIct


  • Model Friedrich II. | Model Friedrich III.

    moVEmENt Caliber VI hand winding, second hand stop, power reserve 48 hours


    Stainless steel, diameter 40 mm, sapphire glass und sapphire glass bottom, alligator strap

    dIaL Double sunk enamel lacquer with art deco numerals, spade hands in blued steel

    the reduction to the essential was our aim in the design of

    our model friedrich II., the double sunk dial with concen-

    tric art-deco numerals and the vast eccentric second give

    friedrich II. a fresh style. With the flatter, less dominant

    case presented in stainless steel it sets new accents at

    LaNG & HEyNE.

    model friedrich II. as well as friedrich III. in stainless

    steel case are equipped with matching buckle or folding

    clasp electively.


  • Model Friedrich II. | Model Friedrich III.

    varIatIon Iv

    Stainless steel case,

    chathedral hands in polished steel

    varIatIon vI

    case crafted from 18 ct white gold,

    cathedral hands in rose gold

    varIatIon v

    case crafted from 18 ct rose gold,

    cathedral hands in rose gold

    varIatIon III

    case crafted from 18 ct white gold,

    Spade hands in rose gold

    varIatIon II

    case crafted from 18 ct rose gold,

    Spade hands in rose gold

    varIatIon I

    Stainless steel case,

    Spade hands in blued steel

    a serial number is assigned to each watch marked both on the dial and on

    the movement. this makes every LaNG & HEyNE a unique piece.

    folding clasp in 18 ct gold available against extra charge

    Friedrich II.

    Friedrich III.


  • Model Friedrich II. | Friedrich III.

    Model Friedrich III on a rustic tree branch of Dresden Heath


  • Hand engravingCustoM-MaDe engravIngs

    Hand engraving


  • Hand engraving

    LaNG & HEyNE focuses one of its attentions on

    sophisticated hand engravings in movement parts,

    hands and cases. the mix of precise and strict geo-

    metrical mechanics and the harmonic outlines and

    light reflections create a unique timepiece.

    our master engraver matthias khler contrives to

    realize all the desired motives in a splendid way. So

    we can create a personal LaNG & HEyNE watch

    for you.

    engravIng-exaMPLe II

    Engraved hinged lid

    portrait konrad der Groe

    engravIng-exaMPLe III

    Engraved hinged lid

    family crest of the house Wettin

    engravIng-exaMPLe I

    Engraved hinged lid

    monogram mL

    baLanCe CoCK

    balance cock with

    arabesque engraving

    engravIng PLate

    Engraving plate anniversary


    engravIng PLate

    Engraving plate monogram


    Master engraver Matthias Khler focused at work


  • At the watchmaker bench: Alexander Klar

  • Unique piecesrestauratIon anD sPeCIaL DesIgn

  • Unique piece:

    Precision pendulum clock with perpetual calender and moonphase,

    free gravitation escapement, 3 months power reserve

    unique pieces restauration and special Design


  • sPeCIaL DesIgn

    unique pieces restauration and special Design

    the biggest challenge for the watchmakers of Lang & Heyne consists

    in creating and realizing their own ideas. Sometimes, friends and watch

    enthusiasts give the impetus to particularly unusual watches and mecha-

    nics, which are made as individual pieces by Lang & Heyne. Ideas are

    developed further and improved in cooperation with Lang & Heyne

    and thus, unique pieces are created for the great pleasure of future owners.

    In addition to the wide knowledge of various antique makings,

    Lang & Heyne also have the expertise of todays making and

    process engineering. computer-based constructions, ultra-modern

    cNc-technology of 1/1000 mm but also the appropriate technology of

    measurement and control come into operation in order to develop ideas

    into prototypes and eventually into complete watches.

    We are happy to find friends and partners among many watch enthu-

    siasts who help us to reach the stars.

    Under construction since 1994:

    Seconds pendulum clock with

    resonance pendulum

    Inspired by historic role models

    within the dresden art collection

    an extraordinary idea arose to-

    gether with alexander babel, a

    watch enthusiast with russian

    roots: the L&H caliber I fea-

    turing ivory plates and bridges.

    our watchmakers investigated

    the unique features of the mate-

    rial to combine its elegance with

    the precision of a LaNG &

    HEyNE watch. the fine struc-

    ture and cream-white colour of

    the ivory match perfectly with

    the finely manufactured metal

    work pieces. of course we mean no harm to any elephants. the tusk for the limited series of 25 watches comes

    from a mammoth that died more than 10,000 years ago with its tusk surviving in the russian permafrost soil.

    Caliber I with plates and bridges

    manufactured from genuine



  • restauratIon

    LaNG & HEyNE admire and venerate the great watch artists of former

    and present times. they created and create masterly works of art with the

    help of simple means and methods but also with a lot enthusiasm and

    professional code of ethics, capacity for invention and knowledge of the

    science of mechanics.

    It is our duty as well as our great pleasure to take care for the preserva-

    tion of their heritage so that it remains accessible for future generations.

    When restauring and refurbishing, it is highly important for us to put

    ourselves into the position of the respective period of time and to work

    as much as possible with the same procedures as the artist of the piece

    on hand. after research and cost analysis, the project is discussed and

    carried out in co-operation with the owner.

    the watchmakers of LaNG & HEyNE have the knowledge and

    ability to reconstruct and rebuild almost every possibly missing mechanical

    piece. With the highest ambition and demands on ourselves, we

    dedicate ourselves to the most complicated mechanics concerning clocks

    and watches.

    Jrg Koschnick working with the lathe

    Marco Lang dedicates himself

    to your historic timepiece

    unique pieces restauration and special Design

    Turning of a balance staff


  • PHotos: Lang & Heyne GmbH, Sven dring, dresdenJrgen Jeibmann, dresden, Nico Savignac, Ismaning, archiv

    DesIgn: z&z agentur, dresden

    PrInt: druckerei thieme meien GmbH

    LIst oF sourCes For PortraIts:

    Vogel von Vogelstein Prinz Johann,Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Neue Meister

    Louis de Silvestre kurfrst friedrich august der Starke von Sachsen und friedrich Wilhelm I. von Preuen (ausschnitt), Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Alte Meister

    Lucas cranach d. J. kurfrst moritz von Sachsen, Meien: Frstenschule, Aufnahme Walter Mbius 1939

    conradus (konrad der fromme und der Groe) konrad I. der Groe, markgraf von meien, SLUB Dresden / Deutsche Fotothek, Regine Richter

    frstenzug; Urheber User: Kolossos Genehmigung: Own work, copyleft: Multi-license with GFDL and Creative Commons CC-BY-SA-2.5 and older versions (2.0 and 1.0), S. 5 oben: Fb78, Wikimedia Commons,

    lizenziert unter CreativeCommons-Lizenz by-sa-2.5-de

    astronomische Planetenlaufuhr, baldewein/bucher/diepel, marburg/kassel, 1563-68, Staatliche Kunststammlungen Dresden, Mathemetisch-Physikalischer Salon, Fotograf: Jrgen Karpinski

    dresden, april 2013

    Subject to technical alterations


    Weienberger Strae 1001324 Dresden


    TEL. +49 (0) 351 8023-440 FAX +49 (0) 351 8023-441

  • The case of LANG & HEYNE with instructions

    and certificate, in local cherry and plum wood.

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