lang for native speakers ii grd 7 & 8 for native speakers ii... · 1 language for native...

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May 2009

Language for Native Speakers II (7 & 8)1


COURSE TITLE: Language for Native Speakers IICourse Number: NM 12728700, RISD 1276Open to grades: 7, 8Prerequisites: Students must know how to speak, read, and write in Spanish: placement test.Credit: ½ credit per semester/termLength of Course: 2 semesters/terms


This class is conducted 100% in Spanish. This class requires that the students be fluent Spanishspeakers. This class covers reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The students will studygrammar, spelling, writing, and literature from different genres, time periods, and cultures. The studentswill be exposed to literary works about the many different kinds of communities that make upcontemporary America and about countries and cultures throughout the world, with emphasis in LatinAmerica, the Southwest (USA) and Spain. The students in this class will also be prepared for state andfederal assessment tests.

State Standards and Benchmarks for foreign language met within this curriculum: 1A, 1B-a, c; 2A – 1 a,b, 2B 1 a, b, 3A, 3B, 1 b, c, d, 4A, 5B, d, 5C, 6A c, 6B


I. ReadingA. Elements of reading

1. Biographies, autobiographies, essays, and articles2. Short stories3. Myths, legends, short stories, and fables4. Drama5. Poetry6. Novel

B. Reading Strategies1. Compare and contrast2. Context clues3. Predictions4. Cause and effect5. Evaluations6. Summary

C. Vocabulary1. Prefixes, suffixes2. Word families3. Synonyms & Antonyms4. Idioms5. Vocabulary from readings6. Cognates

II. WritingA. Orthography

1. /h/, /y/, /ll/, /b/, /v/, /s/, /c/, /z/, /x/, /r/, /rr/2. Diacritic accent3. Syllables4. Tonic accents & accents5. Diphthongs & hiatuses

May 2009

Language for Native Speakers II (7 & 8)2

B. Grammar1. Nouns2. Articles3. Adjectives4. Verbs5. Subjunctive

C. Writing projects1. Autobiography2. Short Story3. Cause and effect essay4. Expository & Informative essay5. Essay; problems-solutions

D. Communication1. Express feelings; narrate a past experience2. Description; compare and contrast3. Oral projects, presentation4. Evaluate and react to a written work

III. CultureA. Counties

1. Cuba2. Chile3. Mexico4. Spain

B. Communities1. The Mexican Americans2. The Mayans3. Latin artists, writers, actors, politicians4. Cultural Events & Media


1st 9-Week:Colección1: Esfuerzos heroicosI. Reading

A. LecturasJuan Francisco Manzono de Autobiografía de un esclavoHoracio Quiroga <En la noche>Rose del Castillo Guilbault <Trabajo de campo>

B. Estrategias para leerUsing context clues

C. Elementos de literatureBiographies, autobiographies, essays, articles

II. CultureA. Cultura y lengua


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III. CommunicationA. Así se dice

Talking about causes and effectsExpressing your point of view

B. VocabularioSynonyms; tone and register

C. GramáticaPronouns

IV. WritingA. Ortografía

CapitalizationDiacritical marks; dieresis

B. Taller del escritorAutobiographical writing

Colección 2: Lazos de amistadI. Reading

A. LecturasGary Soto <Cadena rota> <Naranjas>Gregorio López y Fuentes <Una carta a Dios>

B. Estrategias para leerDrawing conclusions

C. Elementos de literatureShort story: plot, characterization, and setting

II. CultureA. Cultura y lengua

The Mexican Americans

III. CommunicationA. Así se dice

Relating physical appearance to personalityPresenting and supporting opinionWriting a letter of apology

B. VocabularioAnglicisms; loanwords, calques, and false cognates

C. GramáticaAdjectives; adverbs; comparatives

IV. WritingA. Ortografía

The /r/ and /rr/ soundsAccents marks

B. Taller del escritorBiographical sketch

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Language for Native Speakers II (7 & 8)4

2nd 9-Week:Collección 3: El frágil medio ambienteI. Reading

A. LecturasGabriela Mistral de La fiesta del árbol & <Meciendo>Marco de Nevi <Las abejas de bronce>

B. Estrategias para leerDistinguishing between fact and opinion

C. Elementos de literaturePoetry: sound and images; rhetorical devices and style

II. CultureA. Cultura y lengua


III. CommunicationA. Así se dice

Explaining a point of viewTalking about nature using comparisons

B. VocabularioFigurative Language

C. GramáticaThe uses of Se; passive voice

IV. WritingA. Ortografía

The letters b and vDiphthongs and hiatuses

B. Taller del escritorInformative report

3rd 9-Week:Collección 4: PruebasI. Reading

A. LecturasJosefina Niggli El anillo del general MaciasFrancisco Jiménex <Cajas de carton>

B. Estrategias para leerSummarizing

C. Elementos de literatureDrama

II. CultureA. Cultura y Lengua


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Language for Native Speakers II (7 & 8)5

III. CommunicationA. Así se dice

Talking about how things really areTalking about the consequences of an historical event

B. VocabularioRegionalisms

C. GramáticaRelative clauses and relative pronouns; the use of relative pronouns

IV. WritingA. Ortografía

The letters M and nAccent marks anad suffixes

B. Taller del escritorProblem-solution essay

4th 9-Week:Collección 5: MitosI. Reading

A. LecturasVersión de Jorge Luis Arriola El Popol VuhVersión de Américo Pare de <El corridor de Gregorio Cortez>

B. Estrategias para leerEvaluating

C. Elementos de literatureMyths, legends, and folktales

II. CultureA. Cultura y Lengua

The Mayans

III. CommunicationA. Así se dice

Evaluating a literary textMaking conjectures

B. VocabularioLoanwords from indigenous American languages

C. GramáticaReview of relative clauses; mood with relative clauses; the subjunctive in adverbial clauses

IV. WritingA. Ortografía

The /s/ soundVerb forms and accent marks

B. Taller del escritorEvaluations

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Collección 6: Perspectivas humorísticasI. Reading

A. LecturasMiguel de Cervantes de Don Quijote de la ManchaPedro Antonio de Alarcón <El libro talonario>

B. Estrategias para leerCause and effect

C. Elementos de literatureThe novel

II. CultureA. Cultura y Lengua


III. CommunicationA. Así se dice

Talking about hypothetical situations in the pastTalking about the arts

B. VocabularioLearned words

C. GramáticaAspect; perfective aspect; imperfective aspect; progressive aspect

IV. WritingA. Ortografía

Verbs that end in – earMinimal pairs

B. Taller del escritorEssay on speculation about cause and effect


A. Participation

B. Discussion

C. Research

D. Presentation

E. Assessments1. State exams2. Exams/quizzes3. Student notebooks4. Oral presentations5. Daily work6. Homework

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A. Textbook1. Nuevas Vistas II

Teacher EditionStudent Edition

B. Technology1. Nuevas Vistas I planner CD2. Internet web page3. Video/ DVD for each literary collection4. Videos/ Media Center

C. Other Materials1. Practice workbook2. Supplement material to enforce learning of objectives3. Guest speakers

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