laboratory methods in cell biology: biochemistry and cell

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247Methods in Cell Biology, Vol 112 Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Jing Ge*, David K. Wood†, David M. Weingeist*, Sangeeta N. Bhatia‡, Bevin P. Engelward§

*Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, †Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Cambridge, MA, USA, ‡Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science and Technology, Department of Computer

Science and Electrical Engineering, Koch Center for Integrative Cancer Research,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, §Department of Biological Engineering, Center for Environmental Health Sciences,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA


CometChip: Single-Cell Microarray for High-Throughput Detection of DNA Damage



1 Purpose ............................................................................................................... 2482 Theory ................................................................................................................. 2483 Equipments .......................................................................................................... 2494 Materials ............................................................................................................. 249

4.1  Solutions and Buffers—Step 1 .............................................................2494.2  Solutions and Buffers—Step 2 .............................................................2504.3  Solutions and Buffers—Step 4 .............................................................2504.4  Solutions and Buffers—Step 5 .............................................................2514.5  Solutions and Buffers—Step 6 .............................................................2514.6  Solutions and Buffers—Step 7 .............................................................251

5 Protocol .............................................................................................................. 2525.1  Step 1—Preparing the CometChip ........................................................2555.2  Step 2—Loading Cells ........................................................................2585.3  Step 3—Dosing and Repair .................................................................2595.4  Step 4—Lysis .....................................................................................261

5.4.1  Step 4A—Alkaline Lysis ..................................................................... 2615.4.2  Step 4B—Neutral Lysis ...................................................................... 261

5.5  Step 5—Alkaline Comet Assay .............................................................2625.6  Step 6—Neutral Comet Assay ..............................................................2635.7  Step 7—Fluorescent Imaging ...............................................................2655.8  Step 8—Data Analysis ........................................................................265

CHAPTER 13 CometChip: Single-Cell Microarray248

ABSTRACTDNA damage promotes cancer, and ironically, at high doses DNA damaging agents are also often used to treat cancer. Despite its importance, most assays for DNA dam-age are very low throughput, as little has been done to introduce engineering princi-ples. Here, we present a novel platform for high throughput analysis of DNA damage in human cells. Based upon the well-established single cell gel electrophoresis assay (a.k.a. the comet assay), the CometChip enables robust, high throughput and objec-tive DNA damage quantification. Single cells are captured by gravity into an agarose microwell array. Arrayed cells can then be directly assayed, or challenged with expo-sure to DNA damaging agents prior to analysis. The microarray maximizes real estate and normalizes distribution, enabling analysis of 96 samples of widely varying cell concentrations to be processed in parallel. The platform is compatible with both the alkaline conditions (detecting single strand breaks, abasic sites and alkali sensi-tive sites) and neutral conditions (detecting double strand breaks). Analysis of 96 samples in parallel greatly reduces sample-to-sample variation and can be completed in one day. Through integration of biological and engineering principles, the CometChip provides the necessary throughput and sensitivity for a wide variety of applications in epidemiological studies, in the clinic and in drug development.

1 PURPOSEDNA damage can lead to mutations and toxicity, which contribute to cancer and premature aging. The “CometChip” is a newly engineered platform for high-throughput analysis of DNA damage in mammalian cells. On the basis of single-cell electrophoresis assay, also known as the comet assay, this assay detects a wide range of DNA lesions, including base damage, abasic sites, single-strand breaks, double-strand breaks and interstrand crosslinks. (Collins, 2004; Olive, 2006; Fortini, 1996; Collins, 2001). The assay is compatible with almost all mammalian cell types and can also be used to analyze the DNA damage levels of cell aggregates. Only ∼10,000 cells are required for each condition being tested. The CometChip, therefore, has broad utility as a tool in epidemiology, medicine and drug development.

2 THEORYThe single-cell electrophoresis or “comet” assay is based on the principle that damaged DNA migrates more readily than undamaged DNA when a cell is electro-phoresed. DNA is normally highly supercoiled and thus remains compact, even under electrophoresis. DNA damage can lead to strand breaks that release the super-helical tension and/or fragment the DNA. These DNA loops and fragments migrate farther in an agarose gel than undamaged DNA, and can be detected by microscopic examination. (Collins, 2004; Olive, 2006; Ostling, 1984; Singh, 1988).

3 Equipments 249

The two basic approaches are to use an alkaline condition and a neutral condi-tion. The alkali comet assay detects strand breaks, abasic sites and alkali-sensitive sites. On the other hand, when the assay is performed at neutral pH, DNA double-strand breaks can be detected (Collins, 2004; Olive, 2006). The level of DNA dam-age is proportional to the distance and the amount of DNA that migrates away from the nucleoid during electrophoresis. The comet assay has been used in a variety of applications, including basic research on DNA damage and repair, genotoxicity testing, epidemiology and environmental health. (Collins, 2004; Olive, 2006; Brendler-Schwaab, 2005; Witte, 2007; Valverde, 2009; Moller, 2005; Dusinska, 2008; Dhawan, 2009; McKenna, 2008; Cadet, 2008). It is a straightforward and inexpensive method to directly analyze DNA damage. Wider acceptance of the comet assay has been limited, however, by its low throughput, poor reproducibility, and laborious data processing and analysis procedures.

The CometChip overcomes problems with throughput, bias, and noise by exploiting single-cell patterning (Wood, 2010). Using a microfabricated mold that is pressed into molten agarose, an array of microwells is created, each with a diameter large enough to capture one or a few cells. The resulting spatial encoding increases throughput and con-sistency. In addition, the format has been adapted to a standard 96-macrowell format (each with hundreds of microwells at its base), which can be integrated into high-throughput screening (HTS) tools, including fully automated imaging and analysis. The CometChip enables high-throughput assessment of DNA damage and repair, thus pro-viding a valuable tool for researchers, clinicians and epidemiologists.

3 EQUIPMENTSPDMS stamp to create the microwells in molten agarose (provided by the Engelward Lab)Square petri dish (100 mm × 100 mm × 15 mm)Bottomless 96-well plateTweezers1.5″ binder clipsGlass plate4 °C refrigerator37 °C and 43 °C incubatorElectrophoresis chamber and power supply

4 MATERIALSNormal-melting-point (NMP) agarose powderLow-melting-point (LMP) agarose powderDulbecco’s phosphate buffered saline (PBS) 1×GelBond® film

CHAPTER 13 CometChip: Single-Cell Microarray250

Crystalline NaClCrystalline Na


Crystalline Tris (base)Crystalline Tris (acid)Crystalline N-lauroylsarcosineTriton X-100Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)Crystalline NaOHHydrochloric acidCrystalline boric acidDistilled H


Fluorescent DNA stain

4.1 Solutions and Buffers—Step 1 Preparing the CometChip

Component Final concentration Stock Amount L−1

1% Normal-Melting-Point Agarose

NMP Agarose Powder 1% In powder 10 gPBS 1× 1× 1 L

4.2 Solutions and Buffers—Step 2 Loading Cells

Component Final concentration Stock Amount L−1

1% Low-Melting-Point Agarose

LMP Agarose Powder 1% In powder 10 gPBS 1× 1× 1 L

4.3 Solutions and Buffers—Step 4 Lysis

Component Final concentration Stock Amount L−1

Alkaline Lysis Stock Solution pH 10

Crystalline NaCl 2.5 M 146.1 gCrystalline Na2EDTA 100 mM 37.22 gCrystalline Tris (base) 10 mM 1.211 gDistilled H2O ∼1 L

Neutral Lysis Stock Solution pH 9.5

Crystalline NaCl 2.5 M 146.1 gCrystalline Na2EDTA 100 mM 37.22 gCrystalline Tris (base) 10 mM 1.211 g

4 Materials 251

Component Final concentration Stock Amount L−1

Crystalline N-lauroylsarcosine

1% 10 g

Distilled H2O ∼1 L

4.4 Solutions and Buffers—Step 5 Alkaline Comet Assay

Component Final concentration Stock Amount L−1

NaOH Stock Solution

Crystalline NaOH 5 M 199.5 gDistilled H2O ∼1 L

Na2EDTA Stock Solution

Crystalline Na2EDTA 0.2 M 74.5 gDistilled H2O ∼1 L

Alkaline Electrophoresis Buffer

NaOH Stock Solution 0.3 M 5 M 60 mLNa2EDTA Stock Solution 1 mM 0.2 M 5 mLDistilled H2O 935 mL

4.5 Solutions and Buffers—Step 6 Neutral Comet Assay

Component Final concentration Stock Amount L−1

Neutral Electrophoresis Buffer (TBE) pH 8.5

Crystalline Na2EDTA 2 mM 0.744 gCrystalline Tris (base) 90 mM 10.9 gCrystalline boric acid 90 mM 5.56 gDistilled H2O ∼1 L

4.6 Solutions and Buffers—Step 7 Fluorescent Imaging

Component Final concentration Stock Amount L−1

Tris Stock Solution pH 7.5

Crystalline Tris (acid) 1 M 157.6 gDistilled H2O ∼1 L

Neutralization Buffer pH 7.5

Tris Stock Solution 0.4 M 1 M 400 mLDistilled H2O ∼600 mL

CHAPTER 13 CometChip: Single-Cell Microarray252


Duration Time

Preparation 1–7 days, depending on the source of cells

Protocol 2–4 days

Preparation Grow the cells to be studied in the experiment. Approximately 1 × 106 cells are needed for a 96-well plate.

See Fig. 1 for the flowchart of the complete protocol.

Cometchip: high- throughput single - cell

electrophoresis assay for detection of dna damage

Preparing the cometchip

Loading cells

Dosing and repair

Alkaline lysis Neutral lysis

Alkaline comet assay Neutral comet assay

Fluorescent imaging

Data analysis

Step 1

Step 4a

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4b

Step 6 Step 5

Step 7

Step 8


Overview of protocol.

5 Protocol 253

Step 1 preparing the cometchip

1.1 prepare molten 1% nmp agarose in pbs by bringing solution to a boil

1.2 cut and place gelbond® film, hydrophilic side facing up in square petri dish

1.3 add 20 ml 1% nmp agarose

1.3 add 5 ml 1% nmp agarose

For alkaline assay For neutral assay

1.4 immediately set pdms mold on top of agarose

1.5 allow agarose to gel for 3 - 5 min, then add 10ml pbs on top of gel and pdms

1.6 carefully remove pdms stamp from gel using tweezers to peel from the corner

1.7 remove gelbond® with gel from dish and discard excess gel

1.8 label back of gelbond® using permanent chemical resisitant marker

1.9 set gel on glass plate and gently press a Bottomless 96-well plate upside-down into it. Secure by clamping all four sides of 96-well plate to glass using 1.5’’ binder clips


Overview of Step 1: preparing the CometChip.

CHAPTER 13 CometChip: Single-Cell Microarray254


Placement of GelBond® film in square petri dish. For color version of this figure, the reader is referred to the online version of this book.

Table 1  Volume of NMP Agarose for Alkaline and Neutral Comet assay

Alkaline Neutral

20 mL 5 mL


Pouring of agarose and setting PDMS mold. For color version of this figure, the reader is referred to the online version of this book.

5 Protocol 255

5.1 Step 1—Preparing the CometChip

Overview This step prepares the agarose chip with microwells for cells to load in.

Duration 10–20 min.

See Fig. 2 for the flowchart of Step 1.

Procedure1.1 Prepare molten 1% NMP agarose in PBS by bringing solution to boil.1.2 Cut and place GelBond film, hydrophilic side facing up in square petri dish

(Fig. 3).


Removal of PDMS mold. For color version of this figure, the reader is referred to the online version of this book.


Removal of gel. For color version of this figure, the reader is referred to the online version of this book.

CHAPTER 13 CometChip: Single-Cell Microarray256

Tips (1) Use approximately 2 mL of 1% NMP agarose to seal the GelBond to the dish surface.(2) Water will bead on surface of hydrophobic side.

1.3 Add molten 1% NMP Agarose. See Table 1 to determine the amount of NMP agarose.

1.4 Immediately set PDMS mold on top of the agarose (Fig. 4).


Labeling of gel. For color version of this figure, the reader is referred to the online version of this book.


Clamping of 96-well plate. For color version of this figure, the reader is referred to the online version of this book.

5 Protocol 257

1.5 Allow agarose to gel for 3–5 min, and then add 10 mL PBS on top of the gel and PDMS.

1.6 Carefully remove PDMS stamp from the gel using tweezers to peel from the corner (Fig. 5).

Tips Inspect microwells under bright field microscope for quality control. Remake if microwells do not look similar to those shown in Fig. 3.

1.7 Remove GelBond® with gel from dish and discard excess gel (Fig. 6).1.8 Label the back of GelBond® using permanent chemical resistant marker

(Fig. 7).1.9 Set the gel on a glass plate and gently press a bottomless 96-well plate

upside-down into it. Secure by clamping all four sides of the 96-well plate to the glass using 1.5″ binder clips (Fig. 8).

Step 2 loading cells

2.1 add 100 ul of each single cell suspension (>100,000 cells/µl) to each well of the 96-well plate

2.2 cover plate with gelbond to prevent evaporation of media during incubation

2.3 allow microwells to load for at least 30 min in 37-degree incubator

2.4 remove plate from incubator and aspirate media from each well

2.5 remove 96-well plate and gently rinse the agarose with 1x pbs to remove excess cells

2.6 overlay gel with 37 °C 1% low meting point agarose, allow to gel in refrigerator for 5 min


Overview of Step 2: loading cells.

CHAPTER 13 CometChip: Single-Cell Microarray258

5.2 Step 2—Loading Cells

Overview Cells load into the microwells of the CometChip, which is prepared in Step 1, by gravity. Each well of the 96-well plate can be loaded with a different cell type.

Duration 30–60 min.

See Fig. 9 for the flowchart of Step 2.


Loading of cells in 96-well plate. For color version of this figure, the reader is referred to the online version of this book.


Removal of excess cells. For color version of this figure, the reader is referred to the online version of this book.

5 Protocol 259

Procedure2.1 Add 100 μL of each single-cell suspension (>100,000 cells mL−1; as

low as 10,000 cells mL−1 has been shown to be effective) to each well of the 96-well plate (Fig. 10).

2.2 Cover the plate with GelBond to prevent evaporation of media during incubation (Fig. 10).

2.3 Allow microwells to load for at least 30 min in a 37 °C incubator (Fig. 10).

2.4 Remove the plate from the incubator and aspirate the media from each well (Fig. 11(1,2)).

2.5 Remove 96-well plate (Fig. 11(3,4)) and gently rinse the agarose with PBS to remove excess cells (Fig. 11(5)).

Tips Look under the microscope to ensure that >70% of wells contain cells. Reload if loading is insufficient.

2.6 Overlay the gel with 37 °C 1% LMP agarose, and allow to gel in refrigerator for 5 min (Fig. 12).

Tips Place the chip on an even surface and apply approximately one drop of molten LMP agarose per well. Allow to gel at room temperature for 3 min before transporting to refrigerator for further solidification.

5.3 Step 3—Dosing and Repair

Overview With cells arrayed and encapsulated in the CometChip, experiments can now be performed on chip by reattaching the bottomless 96-well plate onto gel. Each well can be dosed with a different chemical agent of interest, a different dose, or after dosing, placed in media for studies of DNA repair.


Application of LMP agarose overlay. For color version of this figure, the reader is referred to the online version of this book.

CHAPTER 13 CometChip: Single-Cell Microarray260

Step 3 Dosing and Repair

3.1 Replace the 96-well plate by carefully aligning the wells to exact location

3.2 Add 100uL of chemicals of interest to each well for dosing

For studying chemical treatment conditions For studying baseline level DNA damage

Step 4 Lysis


Overview of Step 3: dosing and repair.


Replacement of 96-well plate on chip for dosing and repair. For color version of this figure, the reader is referred to the online version of this book.

Step 4 lysis

For neutral comet assay For alkaline comet assay

4a.1directly before use, add triton x-100 to alkaline lysis stock solution to final concentration of 1% (1µl triton x-100 per 100 µl buffer)

4a.2 aspirate chemicals/media from each well and remove 96-well plate

4b.1 directly before use, add triton x-100 to neutral lysis stock solution to final concentration of 0.5% (0.5µl triton x-100 per 100 µl buffer). Add 10% dmso to make final working neutral lysis solution (10ml dmso per 100 ml buffer).

4b.2 aspirate chemicals/media from each well and remove 96-well plate.

4a.3 submerge gel in cold working alkaline lysis buffer overnight

4b. 3 submerge gel in warm working alkaline lysis buffer overnight in 43 °C incubator


Overview of Step 4: lysis.

5 Protocol 261

Duration Varied by experiment.

See Fig. 13 for the flowchart of Step 3.

Procedure3.1 If multiple chemical conditions or repair time points are to be

conducted, replace the 96-well plate by carefully aligning the wells to exact location (Fig. 14). If baseline level DNA damage is to be detected, proceed to Step 4.

Tips (1) Use a marker to circle the backside of the 2–3 wells to help with realignment.(2) 96-well plate should slip back into position with minimal force.

3.2 Add 100 μL of chemicals of interest to each well for dosing.

5.4 Step 4—Lysis

Overview Placing cells in lysis buffer stops all cellular activities, and exposes and prepares the DNA for next step of the assay.

Duration Overnight.

See Fig. 15 for the flowchart of Step 4.

5.4.1  Step 4A—Alkaline LysisAlkaline Lysis Stock Solution Preparation1) Dissolve crystalline substances into half of the desired final volume.2) Adjust the pH to 10: add NaOH until cloudy solution becomes clearer (∼pH 9.8).3) Fill with distilled water to the final volume.4) Store at 4 °C.4A.1 Directly before use, add Triton X-100 to the alkaline lysis stock solution to a final

concentration of 1% (1 mL Triton X-100 per 100 mL buffer).4A.2 Aspirate chemicals/media from each well and remove 96-well plate.4A.3 Submerge the gel in cold working alkaline lysis buffer overnight.

5.4.2  Step 4B—Neutral LysisNeutral Lysis Stock Solution Preparation1) Dissolve crystalline substances into half of the desired final volume.2) Adjust the pH to 9.5.3) Fill with distilled water to final volume.4) Store at 4 °C.Tip Heat up the stock solution to completely dissolve all components in

solution, and then adjust the pH accordingly after the temperature comes down to room temperature.

4B.1 Directly before use, add Triton X-100 to the neutral lysis stock solution to a final concentration of 0.5% (0.5 mL Triton X-100 per 100 mL buffer). Add 10% DMSO to make final working neutral lysis solution (10 mL DMSO per 100 mL buffer).

CHAPTER 13 CometChip: Single-Cell Microarray262

Tip Preheat neutral lysis stock solution in 43 °C incubator before adding Triton and DMSO.

4B.2 Aspirate chemicals/media from each well and remove the 96-well plate.4B.3 Submerge the gel in warm working alkaline lysis buffer for an overnight in 43 °C


5.5 Step 5—Alkaline Comet Assay

Overview In this version of comet assay, DNA is unwound and electrophoresed under alkaline conditions. Relaxed loops and low-molecular-weight fragments migrate out of the packed chromatin, forming a comet tail.

Duration 1–2 h.

See Fig. 16 for the flowchart of Step 5.

Procedure5.1 Secure the CometChip gels in an electrophoresis chamber using

double-sided tape, with the gel-side facing up and GelBond-side taped to the chamber (Fig. 17).

Step 5 alkaline comet assay

5.1 secure the cometchip gels in electrophoresis chamber using double-sided tape, with the gel-side facing up and gelbond-side taped to the chamber

5.2 fill chamber with cold alkaline electrophoresis buffer to volume that just covers the gel

5.3 allow to sit at 4 °C for 40 min for alkaline unwinding

5.4 run electrophoresis at 1v/cm and 300 mA for 30 min at 4 °C


Overview of Step 5: alkaline Comet assay.

5 Protocol 263

5.2 Fill the chamber with cold alkaline electrophoresis buffer to a volume that just covers the gel.

5.3 Allow to sit at 4 °C for 40 min for alkaline unwinding.5.4 Run electrophoresis at 1 V cm−1 and 300 mA for 30 min at 4 °C.Tip Adjust the level of electrophoresis buffer in the chamber to achieve

300 mA current.

5.6 Step 6—Neutral Comet Assay

Overview In this version of comet assay, DNA is electrophoresed under neutral conditions to reveal double-strand breaks.

Duration 2–3 h.

See Fig. 18 for the flowchart of Step 6.

Procedure6.1 Remove the lysis buffer and rinse with neutral electrophoresis buffer

(TBE) for 2 × 15 min at 4 °C.


Securing of CometChip gels in electrophoresis chamber. For color version of this figure, the reader is referred to the online version of this book.

CHAPTER 13 CometChip: Single-Cell Microarray264

Step 6 neutral comet assay

6.1 remove lysis buffer and rinse with neutral electrophoresis buffer (tbe) for 2x15 min at 4 °C

6.2 secure the cometchip gels in electrophoresis chamber using double-sided tape, with the gel-side facing up and gelbond-side taped to the chamber

6.3 fill chamber with cold tbe to volume that just covers the gel

6.4 allow gel to sit at 4 °C for 60 min

6.5 run electrophoresis at 0.6v/cm and 6 mA for 60 min at 4 °C


Overview of Step 6: neutral Comet assay.

Step 7 Fluorescent Imaging

7.1 Neutralize gels in neutralization buffer for 2 x 15 min at 4 °C

7.2 Stain gels with DNA stain of choice (i.e. SYBR Gold, Ethidium Bromide, etc.)

7.3 Image using fluorescent microscope and 10x objective lens


Overview of Step 7: fluorescent imaging.

5 Protocol 265

6.2 Secure the CometChip gels in electrophoresis chamber using double-sided tape, with the gel-side facing up and GelBond-side taped to the chamber (Fig. 17).

6.3 Fill the chamber with cold TBE to a volume that just covers the gel.6.4 Allow the gel to sit at 4 °C for 60 min.6.5 Run electrophoresis at 0.6 V cm−1 and 6 mA for 60 min at 4 °C.Tip Adjust the level of electrophoresis buffer in the chamber to achieve 6 mA


5.7 Step 7—Fluorescent Imaging

Overview Electrophoresed DNA is stained with fluorescent dyes and imaged under fluorescent microscope. Comet images are collected and later analyzed to reveal DNA damage level.

Duration Varied by experiment.

See Fig. 19 for the flowchart of Step 7.

Procedure7.1 Neutralize the gels in neutralization buffer for 2 × 15 min at 4 °C.7.2 Stain the gels with DNA stain of choice (i.e. SYBR Gold, Ethidium

Bromide, etc.).7.3 Image using fluorescent microscope and 10× objective lens.

5.8 Step 8—Data Analysis

Overview Comet images are analyzed by standard software such as Komet 5.5. These software identify beginning and end of comet as well as head/tail divisions and calculates comet parameters (i.e. percentage of head DNA, percentage of tail DNA, Olive Tail Moment, tail length, and total comet length).

Duration Varied by selection of analysis software.Tips Users can select any standard comet analysis program for data analysis.

The output images are the same as traditional comets, but in an arrayed format which displays improved real estate.


CometChip: Single cell microarray for high throughput detection of DNA damage.


Keyword Class Keyword Rank Snippet

MethodsList the methods used to carry out this protocol (i.e. for each step).

1 Comet assay 32 Electrophoresis 43 Microarray 54 DNA damage 15 DNA repair 2

CHAPTER 13 CometChip: Single-Cell Microarray266

Keyword Class Keyword Rank Snippet

ProcessList the biological process(es) addressed in this protocol.

1 DNA damage 12 DNA strand breaks 23 DNA damage repair 34 Base damage 45

OrganismsList the primary organism used in this protocol. List any other applicable organisms.

1 Human 12 Mouse 33 Mammalian 245

PathwaysList any signaling, regulatory, or metabolic pathways addressed in this protocol.

1 DNA repair 12345

Molecule RolesList any cellular or molecular roles addressed in this protocol.


Molecule FunctionsList any cellular or molecular functions or activities addressed in this protocol.


PhenotypeList any developmental or functional phenotypes addressed in this protocol (organismal or cellular level).


AnatomyList any gross anatomical structures, cellular structures, organelles, or macromolecular complexes pertinent to this protocol.


DiseasesList any diseases or disease processes addressed in this protocol.

1 Cancer 12 Aging 2345

5 Protocol 267

Keyword Class Keyword Rank Snippet

OtherList any other miscellaneous keywords that describe this protocol.

1 Base excision repair 12 Nucleotide excision repair


3 Nonhomologous end joining



ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was primarily support by 5-UO1-ES016045 with partial support from 1-R21-ES019498 and R43-ES021116-01. DMW was supported by the NIEHS Training Grant in Environmental Toxicology T32-ES007020. Equipment was provided by the Center for Environmental Health Sciences P30-ES002109.

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CHAPTER 13 CometChip: Single-Cell Microarray268

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