labeled full packet/flow level

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Labeled Full Packet/Flow Level Data Capture Towards A Framework For Instrumenting Cyber Warfare Exercises. DoD Disclaimer. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • *FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

  • DoD Disclaimer*FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ This document was prepared as a service to the DoD community. Neither the United States Government nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government. The opinions of the authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

  • OutlineObjectivePrevious workApproachFrameworkFuture workAcknowledgements*FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

  • ObjectiveDesign a framework that:Accurately auto-labels and captures full packet / flow level data sets from different classes of cyber defense exercisesProduces data sets that are of value to the intrusion detection and or security community*FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

  • Previous WorkDARPA IDEVAL DATA SETSProsWell-known, publicly-available data set for repeatable intrusion detection experimentationFairly rich emulation of live network trafficWell-documented and well-controlled data setsConsThe included threats and protocols are showing their ageModest traffic rate and network size, discrete attack eventsStatistical artifacts exploitable by anomaly detectionNoteThis work is not intended to replace the IDEVAL data sets, but to explore techniques to provide additional resources for researchers and developers*FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

  • ApproachSurvey opportunityWhat aspects of a data sets are of value to researchersDesign frameworkObjectivesRequirementsImplement frameworkUSMA Internal Cadet Cyber Defense Exercise (March)Inter-Service Academy CDX 2009 (April)Package and share dataAnalyze dataGather feedbackRepeat*FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

  • Variety of Cyber Defense/Offense ExercisesThe framework must be robust enough, and generic enough, to ensure that it can be applied to most CND/CNO exerciseInter-military service Cyber Defense Exercise (Defend only)DEFCON Capture The Flag (Attack Only)Colligate Cyber Defense Exercise (Defend Only)Intra-USMA Cadet Cyber Warfare Exercise (Mixed)*FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

  • Design FrameworkObjectives (What do we want out of our data captures)Recorded traffic from multiple sensor locationsAttack event labelingNetwork, host and service status information

    Exercise reportsNetwork and host configuration change logHost-base LOGSExercise IDS Alert DB or logs

    *FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

  • Design FrameworkRequirements (what do we need in order to meet our objectives)Complete recordings of traffic at sensor locationsAccurate description, source, destination and timing of Red Cell attack eventsRecording of network, host and service status

    *FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

  • Abstract Network DesignPlacement of network taps is critical when evaluating the type and amount of data capturedAre we only interested in the attacks?Are we interested in the attacks and resulting traffic?Are we interested in flow patterns without regard to type of traffic?*FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

  • Limitations and ConcernsOne of the biggest concerns is to not impact the exercise/game in any wayNeed to have the monitoring boxes and network config completely invisible to the participantsLimited number of monitoring boxes means that there may data loss from unmonitored portions of the networkHuman recording is needed to know exactly what malicious events were occurring at what timesWe cannot guarantee that every event will be recorded*FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

  • Abstract Network Design*FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ



  • Network Design CDX 2008 Example*FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ






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    Date of Submission:



  • Software ImplementationNetwork taps (capturing boxes) will be running FreeBSD 7.1Will be using tcpdump with the capturing interface in promiscuous mode to dump traffic directly to 1 Gigabyte filesWill capture during the entire exercise*FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

  • Hardware Implementation4Data Capture Nodes:Dual-CPU (Intel Xeon 2.33 GHz)24 GB RAM (DDR2-667)1.5 TB RAID-5Will be at the listening end of a one-way Ethernet cableThat Ethernet cable will be plugged into a spanned port on a Cisco switch to allow monitoring of all traffic in all VLANs*FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

  • Future WorkPackage and share dataCommunity analysisGather feedbackAdjust Framework according to feedbackRepeat

    *FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

  • ConclusionNeed for revitalized IDEVAL data setsA number of existing opportunities to capture dataProposed framework to capture and label relevant DataInfuse into existing IDEVAL data sets*FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ

    FLOCON 2009, Scottsdale, AZ


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