lab report - lens

Post on 25-Sep-2015






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Science - Physics - Lab ReportHypothesis Our hypothesis is that the closer an object is to a converging lens, the greater its magnified image will bePart A: PlanningEquipment: Illuminated object: We will need this in our investigation because we need light for the practical itself. Without this, the practical would be incomplete.

Lens: We need the lens as we need to measure the focal distance of the lens. Once again, without this there would be no practical.

Stands and clamps: The stands and clamps are necessary, as we need these in order to hold the ruler, lens, white screen up. Without these would need a person to hold the ruler, someone to hold the lens and someone to hold the white screen, it would be extremely unpractical

Metre ruler marked in millimetres : The metre ruler in millimetres is essential as it is long and is easy to handle. If it was to be short, it would be much harder to work with. Furthermore, by having it in millimetres, the readings will be much more accurate in comparison to centimetres.

Ruler marked in millimetres: We will need this to measure the reflected object on the white screen. In millimetres as we will have accurate readings resulting in accurate results.

White screen: The white screen is essential for our investigation because the object will be shown on this. Without this, we will not be able to see the image that should show. Which basically that we have no experiment VariablesKeep the same: Metre stick: By measuring on the same metre stick, it will ensure that there is no confusion in the type of measurement.

Ruler in millimetres: This would also be kept the same so that there is no confusion in the type of measurement that we are using.

White screen: The white screen shall be kept the same, this is because, if we change the screen which in be impractical .

Stands and clamps: The stands and clamps will also stay the same, because if we were to change them, then we would have to reposition it in the exactly same position. This would require pin-point accuracy.

Change: Distance from lens and screen: We will change the distance from the lens to the screen to measure different focal lengths from various distances.

Risks and Hazards: Lens chipping: The lens could fall out of position and could break or chip. If broken then the glass could get into our body resulting in casualties. If chipped then there could be sharp edges it gut cause a deep cut which is a large risk. This could be preventing by focusing on our task and taking care of everything we do.

Hot bulb: If the bulb is hot and we accidently touch it then there is a high possibility of us burning our hands. This is dangerous as it can severely harm our body.

Bulb breaking: The bulb could break and could shatter. If this happens we could damage ourselves as glass could get into our bodies and cause harm. By the bulb shattering, it could also cause harm to those around us as it is not easy to spot small glass pieces. This could be prevented by concentrating on out task and doing our investigation with care.What we are going to do We will start by measuring the focal length of our lens using the distant object method We tehn measure the height of out object Then we set up the object and screen between them so that we can focus a clear image of the object onto the screen Then we set the distance from the lens to the object at twice the focal length

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