la- · piano– guitar - guitar– aaron weinberg bass-mike cudaback drums-chad anderson ... jeff...

Post on 05-May-2020






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Hello Countrysiders –

Next Sunday Sept 8th we will have a shortened worship service because we will be scattering to serve in our LA-BOR OF LOVE. Young and old will have opportunity to serve people who are not part of our church family in our community and beyond. At CCC SAVED PEOPLE SERVE PEOPLE!

AND… We are excited to announce our BAND groups kickoff at CCC. BAND groups are small groups that meet regularly to grow and encourage one another in Christ.

Here are some things you should know about BAND groups at Countryside.

BANDS will Kick Off (officially) on Sunday September 15th.

BAND leaders are selecting the content of the BAND they plan to lead.

Each BAND will set the meeting dates and times.

Each BAND will select a service project to complete this fall.

Most BANDS will conclude their fall meetings by November 20th.

Here are some great reasons to join a BAND.

BAND groups are personal. CCC provides a great corporate worship experience each Sunday at church but shar-ing life with other Christians happens best in small groups.

BAND Groups are the front line of pastoral care at CCC. BAND members will serve as first responders to needs for others in their BAND.

Evangelism opportunities to people you care about are offered in BAND. Someone interested in knowing more about Christ are much more likely to come to a small group setting than they are to a church worship service. Do you know someone you would like to invite?

BAND is the word. When something important is happening at CCC- BAND is the best place to hear and talk about it.

BAND members encourage one another to serve and serving with people you know and care about brings joy to your service.

BAND CAN’T make you a disciple of Jesus Christ. But, in BAND you’ll find great people on the road to becoming better disciples and their journey will inspire and assist your journey.

BAND CAN help you Love and Live like Jesus, that’s the purpose of Countryside & a small group that can help keep central the goal of being like Jesus, will help us all Love and Live like Him.

At CCC GROWING DISCIPLES TEAM UP WITH OTHERS TO GROW! Sign up to JOIN A BAND at church or via the church’s email

Please keep these requests in your prayers…

*Carol Meyer

*Casey Hollis

* Scott Jones

* Britney Shields (motorcycle accident)

* Lynnea Schuster

Lee Allen

Bryce Pfiefer

Upcoming Events

Women’s Camp @ Pibel September 6th & 7th

Men’s Camp @ Pibel September 13th & 14th

Labor of Love September 8

Small Group Kick Off September 15th

Ministers Retreat September 29th & 30th

*PEP Club - We will meet on September 20 at the

Chicken Coop starting at 6:30pm. Hope

to see you there!

September 1 September 8 September 15 September 22 September 29

Sound Booth Techs

Ron Wymore Brian Vavra

Aaron Cudaback Brian Vavra

Aaron Cudaback Aaron Cudaback Jacob Temme

Aaron Cuddaback Brian Vavra

Instrumentalists Guitar - Guitar –Nathan Cudaback Bass - Mike Cudaback Drums-Aaron Weinberg Piano–

Guitar - Guitar– Aaron Weinberg Bass-Mike Cudaback Drums-Chad Anderson Piano - Nancy Schanbacher

Guitar - Adam Greene

Guitar– Nathan Swinney Guitar– Aaron Weinberg Bass-Nathan Swinney Drums-Chad Anderson Piano– Jan Wymore

Guitar - Adam Green Guitar-Aaron Weinberg Bass– Nathan Swinney Drums-Chad Anderson Piano– Nancy Schanbacher

Guitar - Guitar– Aaron Weinberg Bass-Nathan Swinney Drums-Chad Anderson Piano - Keira Weinberg

Vocalists Max Richardson Jan Wymore Hannah Baker Heather Schmidt

Ceara Hollis Lynnea Schuster

Heather Schmidt Ceara Hollis Lynnea Schuster

Heather Schmidt Lynnea Schuster

Communion Thought

Chris McClemens Labor of Love— Jeff Nielsen

Greg Linn Max Richardson Chad Anderson


Tim Erickson Colby Roach Caleb Collison Chris McClemens Rob Stoner Stephen Martin Ray Shields

Roger Watson Ron Wymore Nate Oberg Lonnie Allison Terry Weinberg Jeff Collison Ray Shields

Greg Linn Dewayne Brand Lonnie Allison Jim Larsen Mark Loseke Greg Swinney Art Apple

Max Richardson Mert Feikert Jeff Baker Joe Warner Stephen Martin Scott Hoffman Rob Stoner

Tim Erickson Jeff Collison Luca Houchin Colby Roach Terry Weinberg Jim Larsen Lonnie Allison

Nursery Katie McClemens / Keira Weinberg

Shaelynn Cudaback / Vivian Smith

Steffanie Hughes / Lyric Hughes

Alisha Cudaback / Tessa Cudaback

Staci Kearn / Lyndzie Kearn

Children’s Church

Steffanie Hughes Art Apple Jane Wentz Jane Wentz Art Apple

Communion Prep

Dewayne Brand

September 2019 Server’s Schedule

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 Labor Day

5 Mr. & Mrs. Rob Stoner


7 Barb Allison

3 Kathy Erickson

4 10 am Coffee & Christ 6 pm Family Supper 6:30 pm Kingdom Kids 6:30 pm Momentum 6:45 pm Choir Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Reitz

8 9 Elyse Vavra Trina Shaw

10 Christian Heritage Foster Parent Classes Atley Chase

11 10 am Coffee & Christ 6 pm Family Supper 6:30 pm Kingdom Kids 6:30 pm Momentum 6:45 pm Choir

12 Tammy Shields


14 Barb Maxwell

15 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Larsen

16 Jared Shields

17 18 10 am Coffee & Christ 6 pm Family Supper 6:30 pm Kingdom Kids 6:30 pm Momentum 6:45 pm Choir

19 Hayden Baker Brent Stephen


P.E.P. Club 6:30pm @

Chicke Coop


22 Feast on the 4th

Ceara Hollis

23 24

25 10 am Coffee & Christ 6 pm Family Supper 6:30 pm Kingdom Kids 6:30 pm Momentum 6:45 pm Choir

Mark Loseke

26 Becky Stoner

27 Kami Weinberg

28 Taya Vavra

29 Lindsay Reitz Ministers Retreat

30 Rebecca Davis Ministers Retreat

The shift from the easy days of summer vacation to the hectic busy schedule of school, sports, homework and many other things are painful. Staying up late and sleeping in will be the thing of the past for another school year but this summer we have made fond memories with each other. Pibel Bible Camp, CIY, Summer Fusion, Cruise Night, Pool Parties and Rush Week are long gone but not forgotten. The theme this year for Pibel Bible was called “a new heart”. Many students came to Pibel with a heart of stone which was filled with much sin, hate, anger, hurt, stress, or burdens but God promises us a new heart with a new spirit in us. Ezekiel 36:26 says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh”. Our youth faces many things that would make their hearts harden like a stone. This world is a sinful world, but we can overcome many things when we have faith and trust in Jesus. I had the privilege to witness several of our youth take a stone representing their hardened heart and lay it into a fountain where they were proclaiming that they were making a change in their lives. They committed that they were giving up their life of sin for a new start with a new heart of flesh. By putting a stone into the fountain these students were given a symbol of a heart of flesh to represent their commit-ment to Christ and to making a change in their daily lives. It was truly amazing to watch these kids proclaiming that they wanted to step out and make a change in their daily lives to live better, seek Christ and to put their sinful natures and burdens into the past. Having a new heart with a new spirit gives us a new start with a new life with Christ in us. To all the people in this world that has lost hope, God has promised us a fresh start and it all begins with Jesus. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17). CIY was a great event that changed many lives including mine and other leaders as well, not because of the great speakers that were their but because God’s presence was there. Even though we had some setbacks throughout the week, God was with us. God was with us and He is for us, He’s not against us. He gave us the strength and wisdom to keep moving forward, and because of that we felt God and heard God speak to us deep down into our hearts. God laid the words I am forgiven, I am redeemed, I am worthy, I am chosen, I am loved and I am a child of God deep down in our hearts, And we can hear Him say "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28-30). 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” Many of us if not all of us was tired, tired of carrying those burdens, tired of living a life full of sin, we were feeling convicted by the things that we did in our past but then we felt God’s grace just pour down upon us. I mean this overwhelming sight of God’s grace, God’s goodness and beauty brought many of us to tears. It sent us to the lever, and this is where we could either pick blue, which means we are recommitting our lives to Christ or green, where we were excepting Christ into our lives for the very first time. Let’s just say, Satan was yet again and will always be defeated. Jesus’s victory gives us victory over the evil forces that still seek to control us and as we walk with Him in peace, joy, and assurance of His love we can be confident that we are not alone because God is and always will be with us. At the end of the CIY MOVE week, we were prompted to stand if we either recommitted our lives to Christ, or if we excepted Christ into our lives for the very first time, or if we felt called into vocational ministry or if we choice to become a kingdom worker for the LORD and as I looked around I couldn’t be more proud of these students. 18 students from our youth group recommitted their lives that day to Jesus, 4 students excepted Jesus into their lives for the very first time, 3 student excepted God’s calling to go into vocational ministry and most if not all students stood up to become Kingdome Workers for the LORD!

But it doesn’t end there, 3 students from this group came back with the decision of being baptized now all because God’s presence was there. None of this would have happened if we weren’t able to go, so thank you everyone for your generous hearts and for allowing your child to go, it was a life changing event for us all.

MS/HS Student Ministry of Countryside Christian Church

Summer Fusion was here in Kearney at the UNK Campus and was for our middle school age chil-dren. We took a few this year and they enjoyed several activities from the rock wall climbing to the block party. They focused on Salt and Light, Kingdom work and how to overcome brokenness. We set up a booth at cruise night again this year and passed out free pop corn and cotton candy while giving out flyers with information about Countryside and our Momentum Youth Group. We had a full day of meeting new people while showing them the love of Jesus. After we were done with the booth downtown, we headed over to James and Carol Staab’s house for a BBQ and pool party! We all enjoyed a time of fellowship and fun while cooling down from the heat at Cruise Night. We have been privileged to have two pool parties this year at James and Carol Staab’s home. We had one following our cruise night booth and then we also had a back to school swim party during rush week! They were so kind to host our group and entertain us and a great time was had by all! As always, we kick off the school year with our annual rush week activities! This year we had a lot of fun themes and even had some new faces join us! On Monday we kicked off with a 50’s theme and played pin the tail on the donkey and a few hula hoops games. On Tuesday our theme was to dress as your favorite meme, and we played some interactive games. On Wednesday we invited the parents to join us for a BBQ, sand volley-ball and water games. This year Betsey’s team took the championship of our sand volleyball game and I think the kids really enjoyed the dunk tank and water kick ball. We had several sticky kiddos after kick ball consider-ing our bases were wading pools filled with Kool aid, marshmallows, slime and cornstarch! That didn’t stop the kids from diving right in getting covered from head to toe and then sliding into home on the water slide! Thurs-day, we continued our rush week with a Christmas theme and played a few minutes to win it games as well as a Christmas present unwrapping game with oven mits! On Friday we headed out to Chris and Katie McClemen’s house for a bonfire and BBQ with some amazing worship time and a short message from Chris! We thoroughly enjoyed the advice and encouragement that Chris had to offer and were so thankful for their generosity of allowing 30 kids and a few parents to invade their home! After the bonfire we headed back to the church for a lock in! We played a lot of fun games and watched the movie Break Through while trying to stay awake! Most of the kids stayed up all night with only a few giving into their tiredness! It was a great week and we are looking forward to this upcoming school year to see what God has in store for our group! Though the summer went by in the blink of an eye we have so many memories that we have made together as a group. We have grown closer to one another and become a united group and more importantly we have become a family. Each one of the kids in our Momentum Youth Group contribute to our united family and make it a diverse group that works together in any situation. We have opened our hearts to one another so that we can touch the lives of others and show them what being united is all about! We want to continue to show our unity and love through out the year and will have several activities planned through the year. We have weekly youth group on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm to 8:15pm. We also have living out loud coming up August 17th in Gothenburg. God has uniquely created each of us with special gifts, talents and abilities that He wants us to use for His kingdom. When our youth understands and embrace Christ’s call on their lives, they mobilize in ways that affect change all over the world. I am so proud of everyone of our youth kids, we have worked really hard on unity and I have seen our youth group become united as one but most importantly united as a family. So, thank you all for being a big part of this happening When we walk in the light with a new heart and a new life in us then we are showing a perfect, we can still work hard to aspire to be like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It’s times like this that we feel defeated, we feel defeated when things are not going well or when things are not going as planed but if we have faith and we put our trust in God then all things are possible. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” There will always be a battle between our heart’s fleshly desires and God’s Spirit that is within us. As we renew our minds, our hearts become more and more inclined toward the things that will please God. Receiving a new heart enables us to be obedient to God, to fulfill His plans, and become more like Him. I am looking forward to see what this year has in store for us and as always, I am thankful for all the God has provided thus far!! Ricky

So, I was watching TV the other night and a movie came on. King Kong. I had to check to see “which one it was”. There are several King Kong movies. The original in 1933, black and white classic. One from 1976 and one from 2005. There are countless others with a giant ape, Son of Kong, King Kong vs. Godzilla, King Kong Escapes, King Kong Lives, Kong: Skull Island. This got me thinking about all the movie remakes…reboots…whatever you want to call them. This happens a lot. Sometimes it’s good…sometimes not so good. When watching old movies, it’s interesting to see how movie making has changed. While we think that the newer versions are better, more exciting, more high-tech, we forget that without these “old fashioned” “outdated” movies, we wouldn’t have the movie technology of today. When the original King Kong movie

was made, it changed movie making forever. No one had done special effects like that be-fore. While we may find the original King Kong, fake, almost silly looking, it was shocking to

the audiences of the day. It revolutionized the industry. Today, if the CGI (Computer-generated imagery) isn’t seamless, we walk away from a movie thinking how “fake” it looked. We want

our movie experience to feel real.

So, what does this have to do with God? The church? The Bible? We live in a world that says the Bible is archaic and outdated, that it does not hold true for today. This is not true. The truth Jesus taught 2000 years ago is still relevant for today and the issues we face. The stories shared in the Bible are not boring. They are real. Their truth still rings true for us. Teaching

methods may have changed over the years, but God’s word has not changed. We still need to read His word and study it…memorized it…live it.

We are starting a new season of Kingdom Kids. I am so excited to get back to the “What’s in the Bible” series. It’s a new way a learning about Biblical truths. Hope to see our kids there

starting September 4th. This is an amazing series about an amazing book. (The Bible) The truth remains true and relevant.


CCC Mission Team Project

The Missions Team is always looking for opportunities to bring interesting projects to Coun-tryside. We are partnering with Mission Heart Ministries in Central City, Nebraska in a Bible Drive for the month of September. We want to collect used Bibles as well as new if you so desire. These Bibles will be given to Mission Heart and they will send them to Zambia to help several missions. The preferred version in Zambia is the King James Version but any version will be appreciated. The reason King James Version is so loved in Zambia is because they speak British English and simply prefer KJV. Mission Heart has a special arrangement with shipping companies that go to Africa and can send things to the missionaries who are working in the region at a lower price than through the postal systems. Here is Mission Heart’s website link for you the check out all that they do:

What We Need Used and New Bibles, especially King James Version

Bible Dictionary, Bible Concordance Bible Encyclopedia Sets, Bible Commentary Sets

Please place books in the basket or box next to the Mission Board!

For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek; for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How, then, shall they call on Him in Whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of Whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! Romans 10:11-15, (King James Version).

Thank You from the Missions Team

3203 8th Ave

Kearney NE 68845

Love and Live Like Jesus


Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Sep 1 Ezek 18‐19

Sep 2 Ezek 20‐21

Sep 3 Ezek 22‐23

Sep 4 Ezek 24‐27

Sep 5 Ezek 28‐31

Sep 6 Ezek 32‐34

Sep 7 Ezek 35‐37

Sep 8 Ezek 38‐39

Sep 9 Ezek 40‐41

Sep 10 Ezek 42‐43

Sep 11 Ezek 44‐45

Sep 12 Ezek 46‐48

Sep 13 Joel 1‐3

Sep 14 Dan 1‐3

Sep 15 Dan 4‐6

Sep 16 Dan 7‐9

Sep 17 Dan 10‐12

Sep 18 Ezra 1‐3

Sep 19 Ezra 4‐6, Ps 137

Sep 20 Hag 1‐2

Sep 21 Zech 1‐7

Sep 22 Zech 8‐14

Sep 23 Est 1‐5

Sep 24 Est 6‐10

Sep 25 Ezra 7‐10

Sep 26 Neh 1‐5

Sep 27 Neh 6‐7

Sep 28 Neh 8‐10

Sep 29 Neh 11‐13, Ps 126 Sep 30 Mal 1‐4

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