la nazione evaluation - · regions of tuscany, umbria and for the province of la spezia in...

Post on 17-Feb-2019






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Country: ITALY

Newspaper: LA NAZIONE


The newspaper La Nazione is one of the oldest regional newspapers in Italy. Based in Florence, Italy, it is published in numerous local editions for the regions of Tuscany, Umbria and for the Province of La Spezia in Liguria.

The methodology for assessing La Nazione newspaper is based on four Indicators, built in the framework of the MEDIVA project (see MEDIVA Diversity Indicators, a Tool Kit), which aimed at monitoring and evaluating the newspaper’s capacity to reflect migration related diversity and promote migrant integration.

The evaluation of indicators 2-4 and the calculation of relevant scores attributed to them were based on the responses given by the director of newspaper during an interview conducted in February 2012. The calculation of the score for each indicator was organized along the following procedure: we tick answers on the sub-questions and hence give score on the specific questions. Then, we calculated the total score for each indicator which is the average of the sub-indicators’ score.

INDICATOR 2 – Media news making/programme production

Total score: 2.75

2.1 Existence of specialized sections/programmes on news from migrants’ countries of origin Medium: 3

EXPLANATION of scoring: While there are no separate specialized sections on news from migrants’ countries of origin this kind of news is integrated

within other sections of the newspaper. This kind of news segregation could even be viewed in the interviewee’s eyes as a sort of ‘ghettoization’.

2.2 If there are such programmes in newspaper, are they at one of the most visible pages of the newspaper Medium: 2

EXPLANATION of scoring: This type of news is not linked to a particular page but is placed on a page dealing with the type of news at hand.

2.3 Existence of articles in the languages of the main migrant groups of the country Medium: 3

EXPLANATION of scoring: Although there are no articles in the languages of major migration groups at present, the newspaper is developing a project

on the Chinese community in Italy which may result in the eventual publication of the articles in Chinese.

2.4 Existence of specialized journalists on migrants and diversity issues Medium: 2

EXPLANATION of scoring: The specificity of the Italian journalist environment that there are not specific journalists who deal only with diversity topic

but topics related to migration are treated depending on the topic at issue by a journalist covering social issues, criminal issues, etc.

2.5 Filtering of migrant-related news: Score: 3 2.5.1 Sources for the news and verifying information (fact-checking) High: 4

EXPLANATION of scoring: Journalists consult several sources in order to ensure that their information on a given topic is exhaustive and complete. They

often quote their sources, including their migrant sources.

2.5.2 Who chooses what the migration related news is to be published

Medium: 3

EXPLANATION of scoring: It is a journalist who comes up to the editor with the suggestion in most cases but technically news which will be

published is selected by the editor-in chief. It is done so also with any other type of news.

2.5.3 Does the newspaper have an open comments section (reacting to published articles). If they have it, do they edit it for racist language? High: 5

EXPLANATION of scoring: There is the editor’s page where comments and questions of the readers are placed. No racist language is acceptable.

2.5.4 Adoption of ethical reporting guidelines with regard to vulnerable groups and specifically with regard to immigrants and minorities Medium: 3 EXPLANATION of scoring: There is a general Codice Etico (Ethics Code) which although it does not really refer to immigrants and minorities prohibits

any form of discrimination


Total score: 1

3.1 Application of measures that are aimed at ensuring that the company’s staff reflects the ethnic composition of the migrant population Low: 1

EXPLANATION of scoring: there is awareness that it might be useful but the most important criteria for the newspaper is the qualifications of


3.2 Discrimination in the recruitment of third country nationals as media professionals. 3.2.1 Existence of anti-discrimination measures aimed at preventing discrimination in the recruitment practices of the specific media Low:1

EXPLANATION of scoring : The newspaper tries not to discriminate against anyone, and if a person with migrant background having appropriate qualifications applies for a position he/she will not be discriminated against. The director also mentioned that unfortunately today the situation in Italian media is such that none is recruiting more journalists.

3.3 Existence of outreach schemes that involve mentoring or supporting individuals from an immigrant background

Low: 1

EXPLANATION of scoring: ‘outreach schemes that involve mentoring or supporting individuals from an immigrant background’ seem to be an non-

existent phenomenon in Italian media

3.3.1 Monitoring/evaluation of the implementation of such schemes by the company itself Low: 1

EXPLANATION of scoring : Neither on-going monitoring nor one off monitoring exists and there is no data on such monitoring

3.4 Existence of special diversity departments in the media Low: 1 EXPLANATION of scoring: non-existent in the newspaper and there is an understanding that there is no need for such departments


Total score: 1.0

4.1 Existence of training opportunities tailored to the needs of migrant media professionals Low: 1

EXPLANATION of scoring :there is no such training for anybody

4.2. a) Existence of courses aiming at raising the awareness of media professionals on diversity and how it should be reported Low: 1

EXPLANATION of scoring : journalists may attend any initiatives organised outside the newspaper but the newspaper itself provides no such courses

4.2. b) Existence of an obligation to attend such courses Low: 1

EXPLANATION of scoring: journalists may attend any initiatives organised outside the newspaper but the newspaper itself provides no such courses and

thus there is no obligation on the part of the journalists to attend them

4.3. Involvement of migrant or minority representatives/ experts in design and/ or implementation of such diversity training Low: 1

EXPLANATION of scoring: there is no such training

4.4. Monitoring and reporting systems for ethno-cultural diversity training

Low: 1

EXPLANATION of scoring : there is no such training, thus no monitoring

4.5. Diversity goals included in HR training policies for all levels of staff

Low: 1

EXPLANATION of scoring: no diversity goals are included


Total Score: 1.67

The evaluation of indicator 1 is qualitative in nature and based on data processing that was obtained by the monitoring of the La Nazione newspaper during the sampling period. The period of sampling was organised around three periods. The selected dates for each period are:

1st Period: 23-29 November 2011

2nd Period: 25-31 January 2012

3rd Period: 7-28 February 2012

The assessment of the media content of La Nazione used as unit of analysis the individual articles/reports/news items on full newspaper (with the exception of sports news, advertising, TV programmes. Then, we count the total number of items of newspaper for the period coded and find out how many of those items are related to migration or refer to migrants (for more details see the table below). Finally, the total mean score of the indicator 1 is based on the average of the sub-indicators’ score 1.1-1.4.

Indicator 1.1: Positive v. Negative: Low: 2,16

Indicator 1.2 Active v. passive: Medium : 2,5

Indicator 1.3.Immigrant views represented in mainstream news: Low: 1 (0%)1

Indicator 1.4. Immigrant views represented in migrant-specific News: Low: 1 (16%)

1 Indicator 1.3. is not reflected in the table because no instances were where immigrant news was represented in mainstream news

Total articles analysed: 3391 ; Items on migrants: 50 (1,47%); Positive: 12 (24%); Neutral:5 (10%); Negative: 33 (66%); Active doing Bad things: 21

(42%); Active doing Good things: 7 (14%) ; Passive: 23 (46%); Views in migrants’ related news : 8 (16%)

Indicator 1: Scoring Table




REFERENCE TO MIGRANTS/ title of the article

Indicator 1.1 Indicator 1.2

Indicator 1.4 MIGRANTS’ VIEWS




POSITIVE representation of migrants

NEGATIVE representation of migrants

ACTIVE migrants doing

good/ bad things

PASSIVE migrants Having good/bad

things done to them

23.11.11/ 83 items

1. Il Colle dalla parte degli immigrati’ Cittadinanza ai bambini nati qui’




2. Intervista 1: La deputata PGL originaria Marocco: Giusto , italiani si diventa’




3. Intervista 2: Rischiamo invasione dei clandestini: Sbagliato, sarebbe l’inferno

yes yes


4. Il diritto di sangue




5. Il diritto e i doveri yes (neutral) yes


24.11.11/ 116 items

Blitz nei capannoni-lager cinesi. Nencini: ‘Incontrerò il console’

yes yes no

25.11.11/ 122 items

1.Avanti cosi. E il busturi andrà in mano agli immigrati

yes yes


2. Clandestini e vu cumpra? Il razzismo e nelle parole.

yes (neutral) yes no

26.11.11/ 128 items

‘Stop agli immigrati’ yes yes no

27.11.11/ 138 items

Immigrati, strage nella tempesta. Dieci corpi fra gli scogli

yes yes no

28.11.11/94 items

Strage in barca, uno scafista europeo. L’altro ci minacciava col coltello. Tre migranti morti. Trenta i dispersi: forse molti sono scappati

yes active doing bad things


29.11.11/124 items

1. Aziende cinesi fuorilegge. E il console teme i controlli

yes active doing bad things


2. Sportello dell’accoglienza. Un brindisi multiculturale

yes yes no


1. Disonora il padre


active doing bad things


2. Il razzismo chiedere il rispetto delle regole?

Yes (neutral) yes no

3. Yara, l’inchiesta senza fine. Rispunta il giallo delle telefonate. Sono quelle dell’unico indagato, un giovane operaio marocchino

yes yes no

4. Sbarchi clandestine. La minaccia della Libia. ‘Non siamo la guardia di frontiera dell’Europa’

yes yes no

5. Bastonante al figlio di tre anni. Massa, in manette l’uomo: In Romania I bambini li educhiamo così

yes active doing bad things


6. Due arrestati per la notte di follia razzista a Lucca. Le ‘teste rasate’ pestarono a sangue i marocchini

yes yes no

26.01.12/105 items

1. La giovane s’era innamorata di un romeno. Trovata a Milano dopo 3 giorni.

yes, doing bad things


2. Invasione cinese a San Lorenzo. E la tensione schizza alle stelle


active, doing bad things


3. Moschea per mille persone. E con un’architettura simbolo. L’imam Elzir: Dovrà avere uno stile italo-islamico

yes active doing good things


4. Blitz anti evasori, Equitalia nelle aziende cinesi

yes active doing bad things


27.01.12/ 112 items

Cinese con sette licenze. I vigili urbani indagano

yes yes no

28.01.12/ 118 items

1. Moschea, ecco dove può nascere


active doing good things


2.’Luogo di incontro e studio. Non solo di preghiera’.


active doing good things


3. Costruirò pale eoliche in Senegal per la mia fabbrica del ghiaccio.

yes active doing good things


29.01.12/ 106 items

‘False nozze con un clandestino. Fidanzato all’oscuro

yes active doing bad things


30.01.12/ 82 items


31.01.12/ 117 items

1. Un cinese cerca di scappare dal quinto piano a un tentativo di rapina: Fuga dal terrazza. Cade: in coma


active doing bad things


2. La polemica: Cittadinanza ai bambini immigrati. Idea che divide

yes (neutral) yes no

3. Immigrati: Permessi più cari col decreto Maroni-Tremonti

yes (neutral) yes no

07.02.12/ 111 items

1. Massacro una donna in strada. Pugile assolto. ‘E schizofrenico’. Milano, per l’ucraino 5 anni di ospedale psichiatrico


active doing bad things


2. Aggredisce una paziente incinta. Denunciato falso dentista siriano. Firenze, la donna ha dovuto abortire tre settimane dopo le botte

yes active doing bad things


3. Tremila bambine nate e cresciute in Italia a rischio di mutilazioni genitali

yes passive no

08.02.12/ 110 items

1.Dopo la strage, la nuova vita di Ibi.


active doing good things


2. Braccialini e Chanel fatte in Cina. Sequestrate 30 mila borse ‘tarocco’.

yes active doing bad thing


09.02.12/ 102 items


10.02.12/ 86 items


11.02.12/ 99 items


12.02.12/90 items

‘Shopping, Cultura, Divertimento’


active doing good things


13.02.12/ 65 items


14.02.12/80 items

Fuggono all’alt puntando una pistola. Vigile spara e uccide un immigrato

yes yes no

15.02.12/82 items

Per il vigile omicidio volontario. Ha sparato alla schiena del cileno

yes yes no

16.02.12/ 74 items


17.02.12/ 76 items


18.02.12/ 81 items

1. La truffa degli immigrati. Prendono la pensione sociale e


active doing bad things


tornano in patria da ricchi

2. Operai impiegati al nero. Blitz delle fiamme gialle. Scoperti 37 ’fantasmi’.

yes active doing bad things


19.02.12/ 94 items


20.02.12/ 68 items


21.02.12/ 98 items


22.02.12/ 85 items

Soldi ai curdi dal kebab. Sei arrestati di estremisti a Terni

negative active doing bad things


23.02.12/ 73 items


24.02.12/ 79 items

1.Immigranti respinti, il no di Strasburgo. ‘L’Italia ha violato i diritto dell’uomo’. Condanna della Corte Ue: rispediti in Libia senza identificarli




2. Il centro islamico punta sulla ex biblioteca

yes active doing good things


25.02.12/ 107 items


26.02.12/ 101 items

1. ‘Massaggi ‘romantici’ nel centro estetico. Le specialità cinesi nel mirino dei Nas


active doing bad things


2. Rapitore per amore in manette a Bologna

yes active doing bad things


3.Muore in cella di sicurezza. Nuovo giallo in questura

yes active doing bad things


4.Il governo ‘a lezione’ di integrazione. In città Stati generali dell’immigrazione

yes yes no

27.02.12/ 90 items


28.02.12/ 96 items

1.Denunciato falso medico siriano. Era il ‘dentista’ di fiducia dei campi rom


active doing bad things


2. Criminalità. Nella stessa notte due paracadutisti hanno fermato tre africani violenti. Ragazze aggredite e rapinate dal ‘branco’

yes active doing bad things


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