l2 - economics of recycling and waste (map26)

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/11/2019 L2 - Economics of Recycling and Waste (Map26)


    Economics of Waste and

    RecyclingTietenberg, Ch. 9 on Recyclable

    Resources (Ch.8 in older


  • 8/11/2019 L2 - Economics of Recycling and Waste (Map26)


    Recyclable resources

    Initially when the resource is plentiful, norecycled material will be used

    As the resource gets depleted and

    extraction cost increase, recycled materialwill increasingly be used

    As disposal costs increase recycled

    materials will be used If consumers bear the disposal cost

    recycled materials will be used

  • 8/11/2019 L2 - Economics of Recycling and Waste (Map26)



    What is the efficient amount of recycling?

    Will the market result in the efficient

    amount of recycling in the absence of

    government intervention?

    What about (in-built) shelf life of a


  • 8/11/2019 L2 - Economics of Recycling and Waste (Map26)


    Divergence of private and social


    Marginal private cost of throwing a unit oftrash is small, smaller than the socialmarginal cost

    The level of recycling is inefficiently small Marginal private cost and marginal social

    cost of disposal diverge

    If social costs of disposal are included inthe cost of disposal then level of recyclingwill be efficient (diagram)

  • 8/11/2019 L2 - Economics of Recycling and Waste (Map26)


    Life cycle analysis

    Full environmental impact of a good frombirth as raw material till its death at landfill,incinerator

    Component of social cost benefit analysis How to define impact boundary?

    Example: disposable drink cup: paper

    versus plastic The private cost to consumer is about the


  • 8/11/2019 L2 - Economics of Recycling and Waste (Map26)


    Towards measuring social cost

    Paper cup

    Made of renewable

    resource, wood

    Uses 36 times moreelectricity

    Generates 580 times

    more waste water Landfill: degrades,

    emits methane, CO2

    Plastic cup

    Made of non-renewable

    resource, oil,

    emission of pentane

    Recycles easier

    Landfill: Does notdegrade

  • 8/11/2019 L2 - Economics of Recycling and Waste (Map26)





    Flat rate

    Pay by volume Aims to reflect social cost of disposal

    Amount of garbage decreases

    Deposit refund schemes: refund is given when theproduct is returned

    Aluminium cans (production cost much lower from recycled!) Waste oil

    Germanys take back principle

  • 8/11/2019 L2 - Economics of Recycling and Waste (Map26)


    Product obsolescence

    Functional Obsolescence (computers)

    Fashion obsolescence (clothes)

    Durability obsolescence: incentive to decrease

    useful life of a product, in-built durability Discount rates study: implied discounts rates from

    purchases of consumer durables are higher for lowincome consumers (higher than market interest rates)

    Competition tends to increase durability Cars in US

    In Germany regulations were enacted requiringproducts to be durable

  • 8/11/2019 L2 - Economics of Recycling and Waste (Map26)


    Waste Trade

    Developing countries

    Waste recovery is a

    market driven

    phenomena occurringwithout government


    low per capita waste

    Goods used longer

    Developed countries Waste recovery due to

    environmental concerns and

    government support

    More waste separated atsource

    High per capita waste

    the amount of business waste

    is greater than household


    the City of New York exports

    25,000 tons of trash a day to

    other cities and states

  • 8/11/2019 L2 - Economics of Recycling and Waste (Map26)


    Informal recycling

    In developing countries government-runrecycling programs are rare

    Instead informal recycling

    estimated 15 million people worldwide, trashpickers are about 1 percent of the global urbanpopulation (2% in Asian, LatAm cities)

    Brazil claims 90% Al recycling rate due toinformal recycling; U.S. about 50% Al recycled

    Need integration of informal recyclers into formalmunicipal waste services

    Recognized as legal profession only in Brazil

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    Informal recycling

    Zabaleen garbage recyclers in Cairo

    Individual or family groups


    City of Cairo decided to modernize waste collection

    and privatized and sold waste collection to MNEs MNEs are required to recycle 20% of the waste (while zabaleen

    recycled 80%)

    Gov encouraged MNEs to hire zabaleen

    MNEs Offer much lower wages to the zabaleen

    Relocation of recycling activities of zabaleen to out-of-town;eviction from current homes that also had waste-processing onsite

    Conflict between traditional recycling economy andmodern waste processing done by large corporations

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    Wilson et al, Role of informal sector

    recycling in waste management in

    developing countries, Habitat International,

    vol. 30, Dec. 2006

    Waste and Want: A Social History of Trash

    by Susan Strasser, Metropolitan books

  • 8/11/2019 L2 - Economics of Recycling and Waste (Map26)


    Please recycle!

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