l11 5th grade-journeys vocab

Post on 20-Jul-2015






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embark (verb)

“In the 1770s, it took courage to embark, or set sail, on an ocean voyage” (Journeys, p. 322).

Definition: to begin a journey, especially on a ship

Different forms: embarks (verb); embarked (verb); embarking (verb)

survey (verb)

“These soldiers surveyed the harbor, scanning for signs of the enemy navy” (Journeys, p. 322)

Definition: to look at an examine all parts of something

Different forms: surveys (verb); surveyed (verb); surveying (verb)

conduct (noun)

“The captain made sure that all jobs were done. He was responsible for the ship’s conduct” (Journeys, p. 322)

Definition: management

Different forms:

cramped (adjective)

“In storms, travelers were thrown about in their cramped, crowded quarters” (Journeys, p. 322).

Definition: not having enough space inside; too small or crowded

Different forms:

brace (verb)

“These sailors got used to bracing themselves when the storm struck” (Journeys, p. 323).

Definition: to get ready for something difficult

Different forms: braces; braced; bracing

pressing (adjective)

“Sailing vessels served a pressing need when they delivered urgently needed trade goods” (Journeys, p. 323).

Definition: very important; needing immediate attention

Different forms:

distract (verb)

“The sunset distracted the sailor. She stopped working to look at the clouds” (Journeys, p. 323)

Definition: to cause someone to stop paying attention to someone or something

Different forms: distracts (verb); distracted (verb); distracting (verb)

representative (noun)

“Ben Franklin and other representatives of the U.S. sailed to France on diplomatic missions” (Journeys, p. 323).

Definition: someone who acts or speaks for another person or group

Different forms: representatives (plural noun)

viewpoint (noun)

“From the viewpoint of the British, their navy was best. U.S. sailors had another opinion” (Journeys, p. 323).

Definition: a way of looking at or thinking about something

Different forms: viewpoints (plural noun)

shatter (verb)

“Divers still find the shattered remains of vessels that broke up and sank long ago” (Journeys, p. 323).

Definition: to break suddenly into many small pieces

Different forms: shatters (verb); shattered (verb); shattering (verb)

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