l10 - working in the vineyard of the lord in these last days 2

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  • 8/7/2019 L10 - Working in the Vineyard of the Lord in these Last Days 2





    Working in the Vineyard of the Lord

    during the Last Days

    (Part II)

    Revealed through the Inner Voiceto Bertha Dudde in accordance

    with the promises ofJohn 14:21 & 16:13, 25

    Lorens NovoselMatthew242000@yahoo.com

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    It is My will that you should spread the truth, including the exposure of misguided

    teachings that have crept into My Word. This can only be done by confrontation with the

    Pure Truth. (BD 8814)

    Hence you should frankly expose every error since it cannot lead people to beatitude; on

    the contrary, nothing good can come from it because. if the opportunity were offeredto them. they would reject the Pure Truth. (BD 8832)

    'Nevertheless, I need messengers to spread My Pure Truth on earth, I need disciples to

    whom I can say once again: go and teach all nations. Thus I need apostles who speak

    in My name on earth and proclaim My Word to people. And these should courageously

    confront the representatives of misguided teachings, because the office to which I have

    called them is to unhesitatingly confront error with truth, to freely explain what damage

    is caused to the soul as long as it is wrongly educated, as long as it is not living in truth

    which alone leads to Me.' (BD 5205)

    The battle for truth, however, requires a special aptitude, knowledge of truth and a

    fighting spirit which supports what is right and true, as well as an extremely strong faithin My Word. for a person can only endorse what he recognises as truth, what he does

    not doubt because it has been conveyed to him by the Eternal Truth. (BD 5335)

    'For it is My will that the truth shall be spread, that untruth and error shall be

    denounced and that peoples thoughts shall take the right direction, because onlythrough truth can people become blissfully happy.' (BD 3730)

    'I keep telling you that you cannot be tolerant where it concerns the Pure Truth from

    Me, that you should support it firmly and not, due to alleged tolerance, allow for a

    continued existence of error. You should denounce it as error and not shy away from

    proceeding against it, because it is My adversarys doing and will never serve to provide

    benefit for the human soul... Wherever you recognise wrong thoughts you should

    enlighten your fellow human beings about the pure truth, you should help them to let go

    of the error and realise what is right. Show them their wrong opinion clearly and openly,

    so that they, too, will arrive at the truth and deliver themselves from My adversary, who

    is still able to influence them because he still somehow has a claim on those he plunged

    into error due to their similar inclinations. It is not advisable to abandon such a

    misguided person, rather, he should be helped to recognise his error and agree to accept

    the truth, only then will he derive a benefit from it himself, and only then will he, too, be

    a true vineyard labourer for Me. A bearer of truth cannot be tolerant and leave his

    fellow human beings in error due to kindness. He should clearly point out that the

    other person does not think correctly, that he was influenced by My adversary

    irrespective of how the error was imparted to him.... ' (BD 8555)

    'Try to understand that it is not irrelevant whether the truth is bestowed upon you or

    not, try to understand that you cannot find the path to Me with an error and that you

    will have to discard it.... if not on earth then in the kingdom of the beyond and as long

    as you do not know the complete truth there cannot be any bliss for you. Therefore I also

    require fighters who always highlight the truth, who do not shy away from informing

    their fellow human beings of their knowledge, so that everyone can chose between error

    and truth. You dont know how much error exists in the world, but I know and

    therefore cannot tacitly tolerate it. But since I do not compel any person into accepting

    the truth I can only educate fighters for Myself who will speak on My behalf and also

    fight against error where it becomes distinctly evident' (BD 8915)

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    Table of contents


    4 Bertha Dudde: Autobiography

    Why New Revelations? Spoiled doctrine of Christ must be purified again!

    6 8872 I will guide you into truth.

    7 8676 Purification of Christ's spoilt teaching...

    8 8814 Exposure of misguided teachings is Gods will....

    9 8818 Battle against error.

    10 8832 The task of fighting misguided teachings

    Fighters for Truth 'Fight with the sword of your tongue!'

    11 5205 Fighters for truth.... Misguided teachings....

    12 5335 Special mission: Fighting for truth.

    12 3730 (Gift of teaching. Teaching ministry.)

    14 5627 Fight with the sword of the tongue. Truth.

    Being tolerant against the error or not?!

    15 4733 Tolerance....

    16 8555 Accepting truth is a commitment.... Errors....

    17 8915 The vineyard labourers duty is to take action against error....

    17 6462 (Effect of misguided teachings in the beyond.)

    19 5977 Important mission.... Spreading the Gospel....

    20 7531 Distributing the divine Word....

    20 5605 (Awakening the dead through God's Word.)

    22 5725 Carry My Gospel into the world.

    22 8464 (Gods instruction to educate fellow human beings about Jesus.)

    24 6736 Labourers for Gods kingdom. Jesus Christ.

    Separate ourselves from existing misguided knowledge...

    or reject great graces brought to us through this Divine Word...

    25 4740 Responsibility for accepting misguided teachings....

    26 2372 Misguided teachings are barriers for the seeker of God.

    27 8792 A good farmer scatters good seeds.

    28 4587 Warning against rejecting the divine Word. Test all things and.

    29 7203 Rejection of the divine Word in spiritual arrogance....

    Is it Word of God completed with the Bible?!

    30 1857 Human contention that Gods Word is completed.

    31 8054 Is the Bible completed.

    32 8284 Promises relating to divine revelations.

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    At the request of many friends Bertha Dudde wrote the following biography in 1953:

    I have been writing messages, received through the inner Word since June 15, 1937. In answer to the many

    requests of my friends I will give you a picture of my earthly life, a short explanation of what I received

    spiritually, and my own feelings about all this.

    I was born April 1, 1891, the second oldest daughter of an artist of Liegnitz in Schlesien, todays Poland I had

    a normally peaceful childhood, with six sisters in our parent home. I learned the cares of life at an early age.

    The desire to make money to help my parents made me learn the trade of a seamstress. As the financial needs

    of my parents continued, so the burden, and in this way I made myself useful.

    My parents belonged to different denominations. Father was a Protestant -Mother a Catholic. We children

    were brought up in the Catholic faith, but never experienced pressure or force to follow the practices of the

    church so that each child in later years could pursue their own chosen course.

    I myself was religious, but could not accept the doctrine of the Catholic system, although I respected thechurch. I could not represent something on the outside that my inner conscience had not accepted. So I did

    not continue to attend church, heard little preaching and had no knowledge of the Bible. I did not read anyreligious books or scientific literature and did not join any other group or religious sect.

    Anyone knowing the Catholic teaching knows what a conscious struggle one finds himself in when he wants

    to loosen himself from it. I also was not spared from this. But the question as to what is the Truth, and whereit is to be found, remained.

    Often when I prayed the Lord's prayer I would beseech the Lord to allow me to find HIS kingdom.

    This prayer was answered in June 15, 1937, as I prayed quietly and waited on the inner voice. In this

    attitude I persisted often, for a wonderful peace came over me and thoughts which came to my heart,

    not my head, gave me comfort and strength.

    Still I did not know that these thoughts were given to me, until in a strange dream I experienced something,

    which later proved to be the Truth and caused me to write down these thoughts.

    So on a certain day as I listened inwardly a stream of words came to me, which I wrote down. This was the

    first message I wrote which started like this: "In the beginning was the Word, 'a TE-DEUM' to the

    Creafor of Heaven and Earth."

    Then came doubt, .did you write this by yourself? In short, I have wrestled, prayed and gone through many

    struggles, but again and again the words came to me like a stream, a wisdom, which made me tremble. Then

    GOD HIMSELF took away my doubts. HE answered me and I acknowledged HIM as our Father, in HIS

    Word. My faith grew, doubt diminished, and I received and wrote daily.

    The contents of the writings were beyond my understanding. Phrases, which I had never heard of, or read

    about, strange and scientific expressions and references continually came to me. Then came unheard of

    expressions of the Heavenly Father's Love giving refuge and providing enlightenment to all the questions oflife.

    The "Words" came to me in the following manner: After sincere prayer and a short period of composure I

    listened inwardly. Thoughts then followed coming to my mind, clearly, distinctly, and the words flowed

    smoothly always three or four, one after another, like writing a radio announcement or a weather report,

    slowly so that I could easily keep pace, writing line after line.

    Now, I write the words in shorthand as a dictation without having any constructive or intellectual part in it. I

    am in no way in a 'trance', nor do I even form the sentences, but it comes to me one word at a time, neither do

    I understand the context while I am writing the words down.

    After days, sometimes weeks, I transcribe the shorthand writings into longhand without changing or

    correcting a syllable. Each dictation takes about half an hour. I must stress that this could not happen forciblyor in a state of ecstasy. It all takes place simply and consciously, without any excitement or influence of my

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    own will. I can interrupt myself at any time and finish the sentence after hours or days without reading the

    previous writing the dictated words continue again.

    My will is under no compulsion, all that I desire is to serve GOD and do what HIS Will wants me to do.

    I can truthfully say that I was led into this Truth, and these concepts were, in all respect foreign to me. It was

    only after years that I found confirmation of what I received, when I came to know the writings of JacobLorber. No one can imagine my joy when I discovered the literature of Jacob Lorber; "The Great Gospel of

    John" and the "Youth of CHRIST" Then I understood that other people were given the Word of the Lord, that

    GOD had spoken to HIS children at all times and that GOD will continue to do this in HIS endless Love and


    I found in Lorber' s writings the same as was given to me. I often could not understand the word that came to

    me, but in HIS Love the Heavenly Father gave me the explanation. How wonderful are the innumerable

    manifestations in which the Father displays HIS exceeding great goodness.

    It became clear to me that my short education, due to lack of money and my lack of time to read good booksor visit performances, became my advantage. I could now concentrate on my work from early morning to late

    at night, and each day I received that precious spiritual Word without knowing for whom I received it.

    It is because of my ignorance of the Bible and the Catholic doctrine that I accepted the Word from Above

    without resistance. In my experience an earnest Catholic or Protestant whose knowledge is rooted in

    dogmatic theories is too much bound to their dogma to accept and embrace Divine revelations withoutresistance.

    Still there are scientists at several faculties who earnestly discuss these Divine teachings with increasing

    interest. Their interest does not only concern the irrefutable explanation of the origin of matter and the

    possibility of its dissolution, but also the principle of the wrong teachings of different religions, systems and

    confessions. In the messages I received these errors are recorded and everyone is urged to give instructionsconcerning these doctrinal errors whenever there is an opportunity.

    But everyone is free to take the LORD' s Word to heart or not. But whoever understands the spirit in the

    Father's Word and does not act accordingly makes the distance between himself and the Father even greater.When he does not follow the warning words of Love he puts himself inevitably under the law. He will also inthe same measure lack in Grace, disregarding GOD' s commandment of Love.

    In GOD' s Grace people are led anew to the gospel, which emphatically points out the purpose of man's

    being. For the merciful Love of GOD seeks to save all who still can be saved be fore the turning point comes.

    And it will come. The end-time of which seers and prophets have proclaimed is now here. According to the

    revelations given to me, the LORD does not differentiate between HIS children. "Come ye all to ME" soundsHIS call and blessed is he who hears HIS call and follows HIM. GOD Loves HIS children. HE wants to make

    them all happy, even when they do not want to know HIM.

    Recorded Nov. 22, 1953


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    Why New Revelations? Spoiled doctrine of Christ must be purified again!

    B.D. 8872


    I will guide you into truth.

    Truth cannot stay pure for very long, as it is when it comes forth from Me, therefore I already told you duringMy lifetime I will guide you into truth. because I knew that My Word, which I brought to you Myself, would

    not remain pure either. And this will always be the case as soon as it is studied by human inadequacy, as soon

    as the pure Word enters the region of imperfect human beings who look at it from an entirely intellectual point of

    view. Hence I kept sending My pure Word from above to earth but it has always been spoilt. You humans have

    no guarantee that the Book of Books is protected from change, because I do not interfere with peoples free will

    and can only ever safeguard a presenter of My Word if he commends himself to Me and asks Me to protect himfrom error. However, you humans are not at risk from misguided thoughts if you spiritually and in truth ask Me

    to enlighten your spirit, then you will also know where error has crept in.

    But the claim that I Myself protect My pure Word from becoming spoilt is incorrect, because this would questionthe free will of human beings, who can do whatever they want with My spiritual information. And thus you alsoneed to consider, with regards to the Book of Books, that changes have been made in the course of time which I

    could not prevent. precisely because of human free will. Consequently, the necessity for a new revelation

    constantly arose which had to clarify the existing misconception. Hence you humans only have to want the truth,

    but you should not feel certain of having the truth because you can obtain it from the Book of Books.

    otherwise I would not have needed to tell you so clearly and precisely that I will guide you into truth.

    Furthermore, you also have to take into account that the working of My spirit is always of a spiritual nature....that I Am concerned with the salvation of the soul which I want to win for Myself through My Word. that

    every Word from Me merely intends to achieve your spiritual perfection.

    And these spiritual instructions have often been combined with human supplements which later proved

    themselves to be wrong and gave rise to doubt. just as My divine Words of love were frequently combined

    with human additions, but people hold on to these and refuse to let go of this human product. Hence conceptsapplicable at the time were included in My divine Word such as, for instance, that women shall not teach.

    This is not My commandment at all, instead allowances were made for that period of time but it had no right to

    be regarded as divine Word, as is apparent from My Words that I will pour out My spirit on all flesh; servants

    and maidens will prophesy. Consequently, what I deemed necessary to correct was repeatedly done through

    new revelations.... which, however, could not retain their purity either but also had to be corrected again.But I

    gave you the promise that I will guide you into truth, and therefore you may rest assured that every person asking

    for truth will also receive it.... Because I will not let anyone walk in error who does not want to fall victim to the

    adversary.... who desires the pure truth with all his heart. But this is only possible by means of a new

    revelation, in view of their freedom of will I cannot prevent people from distorting My initially transmitted

    Word, and the fact that this has happened is due to peoples low spiritual level which does not offer the

    adversary any resistance. But I will always make sure that the light of truth will nevertheless shine for those

    who desire it. Amen

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    B.D. 8676


    Purification of Christs spoilt teaching.

    The reason for the present transmission of My Word by which I send the pure truth to earth is the very spoilt

    teaching that is proclaimed on earth as the doctrine of Christ. It is no longer the pure Gospel as brought by Methrough Jesus to the people.... His Words have been subjected to many changes, a lot is no longer understood

    properly and much is also misinterpreted. Over a period of time the Word, which is described as My Word,has caused differences of opinions which resulted in divisions amongst those who campaigned for the truth of

    their own points of view. Words with a spiritual meaning were interpreted in a worldly sense, and people hold

    on to this tenaciously because they simply cannot understand the spiritual meaning any longer. The result is a

    structure of faith whose teachings completely diverge from what I Myself brought to the people when I lived on

    earth. As a result many people are no longer spiritually approachable at all because their intellect refuses to

    accept teachings which they regard as obvious error, which has indeed crept into the truth and which is now onlyupheld as truth by fanatics. Such a distorted doctrine has to be purified if it is to be of any benefit for peoples


    Hence this intention is the basis for My new direct revelation, which can be recognised as divine revelation by

    every willing person. But only the willing person will accept and acquire the pure truth again, and he will be ableto see how and where humanity was moved by misconception until now. However, even this process oftransmitting the pure truth.... of correcting misguided teachings. can only be accomplished in a completely

    normal way. No unusual signs may decisively or forcefully influence the faith of other human beings....

    Consequently, this task is not associated with strange phenomena, the transmission from above takes place in a

    most natural manner whereby a person hears with his spiritual ear what I Myself tell him and he transcribes My

    Word as he receives it from Me. Thus there is available evidence now and the person cannot be wrongly accused

    of confusion, self-deception or a deliberate literary work with the intention of deceiving or startling other people.

    The process of receiving spiritual messages cannot be denied because there is written evidence for it. And yet

    every individual human being has the option to accept it as credible or to reject it in order to retain his religious


    However, the misguided spiritual knowledge which has crept into peoples thoughts urgently needs to be

    examined and exposed as wrong and useless or dangerous for the development of the soul.... Because error cannever lead to Me, the eternal truth. As a result, the majority of people are taking the path which leads away

    from Me, and these people shall receive clarification, providing they want it and are willing to accept it.... And

    this task by the person I have chosen will be supported by Me in every way, because it is a necessary work to

    combat My adversarys activity, who will always fight the truth by seeking to contaminate it with error in order

    to prevent people from attaining the light of understanding. Therefore I will indeed bless everyone who

    contributes to this important work by wanting to spread the spiritual knowledge, conveyed to earth by Me,

    among his fellow human beings. For truth is a light which should shine for all who want to take the right path to

    Me, to their Father of eternity, Who can, however, never be found by way of misguided teachings. For this

    reason war has to be declared on error, as well as on the one who has brought error into the world. And yet, truth

    will only gain entry into human hearts where there is a desire for it.... Because this desire proves that they alsodesire Me Myself and want to become free from the one who would like to keep them in spiritual darkness.

    They shall receive the pure truth, and therefore the teaching of Christ as it is currently preached to people shall

    be cleansed, and My uncontaminated Word shall be made accessible to people once again, so that they canbecome blessed, because only truth comes from Me and only truth leads back to Me again. Amen

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    B.D. 8814


    Exposure of misguided teachings is Gods will....

    It is My will that you should spread the truth, including the exposure of misguided teachings that have crept into

    My Word. This can only be done by confrontation with the pure truth. You must always ask yourselves whoguarantees that My teachings, which are submitted to you, are the truth. You cannot simply accept human wordsas truth since you know that they can also be influenced by My adversary who is always

    interested in plunging humanity into confusion. If you really want to know the truth you will definitely receive

    the right answer providing you dont want to live in error and request the answer from Me which I certainly

    wont deny you. And first I will tell you that you have free will which may never be compelled. I will point

    out to you that it may not be forced by either side, neither by good nor by evil influences, and that you are

    responsible as to how you have made use of this will. Hence every teaching which you are required to accept.

    as dogma. is against My will. You have the freedom to determine for yourselves what you want to believe and

    no human being can limit your religious freedom. You also have the right to evaluate different directions of faith

    and take what you agree with from all schools of thought.

    Therefore I will always speak to those people who want the pure truth because all others are not interested, they

    are indifferent whether truth is presented to them or not. They are satisfied with teachings which have beenadded to My Gospel by people but which could be recognised as completely absurd if people cared to investigate

    them. My adversary has tied a solid knot by forcing people into obedience which has eliminated every personal

    religious opinion because no one dares to have their own point of view or believes it to be a great sin. And

    here Gods will should come first. Therefore I draw your attention to free will which you would have to

    dispute if you submit yourselves to human law.

    The working of the spirit in the human being, the only means of receiving pure truth, is also unknown to you.

    You do not believe that I Myself will guide you into truth, and you reject all knowledge gained this way. But

    this alone is the truth and exposes many misguided teachings. However, as long as you bow to Satans

    commandment that you may not freely accept a teaching which you have recognised as right, as long as you

    cannot liberate yourselves from something that I Myself will never demand of you. you will be slaves,

    completely without freedom. I Myself will force no human being to accept the truth who does not recognise it as

    such since I have given the human being free will.

    You so often raise the objection that human beings have to be educated in one direction of thought. In that

    case you should just keep to the two commandments which I Myself have taught people on earth. Just teachthem the commandments of love and you will indeed be doing whatever human beings need to attain maturity of

    soul. Because now it will show who has the sincere will to live in love. And then he will experience the

    working of My Spirit within himself too, he will be introduced to truth, to the knowledge of the meaning and

    purpose of creation, to the knowledge of the meaning and purpose of life on earth, and above all to the

    motivation and significance of the act of Salvation by Jesus Christ without Whom no human being can achieve


    You, however, are not living Christians. Christians, who are successors of Jesus and completely convinced of

    the strength of the Salvation work. Christians, who belong to My Church, whose founder I Am

    Myself.otherwise you would also hear the voice of My spirit who would inform you of the many misguided

    teachings which find acceptance in the world and which I will always and ever fight against. Because only

    truth will lead you to Me, and only through truth can you become blessed. And hence I will convey the truth toMy helpers on earth again and again and at the same time give them the task to spread the truth in the world

    because the human being must live in truth if he wants to become happy. Amen

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    B.D. 8818


    Battle against error.

    You will have to fight hard against error for it has already infiltrated the whole world, and it could not be any

    different since God's adversary rules and endows a persons intellect in accordance with his own will. But sincehis thinking is already turned away from God he can be influenced by Satan who will always do so in order to

    spread darkness amongst people. in order to extinguish the light of truth wherever he succeeds. It would be soeasy to live within pure truth if all people let themselves be taught by God Himself, if He had access to all of

    them, in which case there would also be unity in peoples thinking. But as things stand there is great

    confusion, people are not aware that the purpose of their earthly life concerns the maturing of their soul. And all

    concepts have become confused. There are only a few who can be offered the truth by God Himself so that

    their thinking is enlightened and they know the purpose of their earthly life.

    However, they are unable to get their message through and enlighten their fellow human being by offering them

    the pure truth from God and exposing the many misconceptions which darken their spirit. And not just there is

    the pure truth no longer recognisable. Even in circles which want to serve God the adversary works, where

    possible, through people who still harbour traits similar to his own nature. They all strive for truth as well but do

    not approach God directly, they try to obtain it by indirect means. they associate with beings in the universewhich also still belong to the adversary and they lead people in the wrong direction again. As long as Goddoes not convey the truth to earth Himself, which can also happen through beings of light possessing full

    knowledge and Gods consent to teach, the pure truth cannot be offered to people and time and again they will

    have to come to terms with misguided teachings.

    Darkness fights against the light, and due to peoples low spiritual level the darkness will triumph, for the end

    will be the new banishment. Yet as long as God still speaks to people he also instructs the recipients to work

    for Him and the distribution of truth and to convey His Word to all who accept it. You need not be afraid even

    if you meet with hostility, for He Himself is with you, He will guide you such that you impart the light to all

    those who urgently need it and want to know the pure truth. You, who are taught by God and receive the spiritual

    knowledge either directly or through His messengers, are fully aware of the spoilt teaching which no longer

    corresponds to the Words of Jesus Christ. you were given the reasons why erroneous thinking has crept in.

    But now you shall also pass on the pure teaching as it was imparted to you.... for the truth must establish itself.anyone who receives it must also spread it and do everything possible to expose the error as the work of Gods

    adversary. You will be helped in every way, for since it is His will, He will direct your thoughts in a way that

    people will receive what they need for the benefit of their soul. For error does not lead to Him and even if people

    entertain misguided thoughts. even if they are good and do not sin consciously. they will not gain beatitude

    in the beyond until they have recognised the pure truth and freed themselves from error and lies, for God

    Himself is eternal truth and He can only be found through truth. Error and falsehood can never ever lead a person

    to the goal. to union with Him, to glorious everlasting life. Amen

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    B.D. 8832


    The task of fighting misguided teachings

    It is your task to counteract misguided teachings, and I Am giving you the proclamations in a way that they are

    clearly understandable to everyone so that they recognise for themselves the absurdity of what has beenpresented to them, as long as they are willing. I Am concerned for those who have slight doubts already and

    want to convey the truth to them.

    But those who do not want to let go of their church can be given the purest truth and will not recognise it because

    they have no desire for truth. Even so, it is good if they get to know your opinion that nothing will benefit their

    souls maturity if it is not based on the principle of love. And while you still have the freedom of speech you

    should use it and speak quite openly.... you should voice your opinion about wrong teachings and always know

    that I Am the Giver (of truth) Myself, that you work with My knowledge which gives you every right to supportit. For you work with a gift from above which already has the inherent strength to bestow realisation on a person

    who does not resist it, even if you only succeed in informing a person of the error, for the knowledge of it can

    still stimulate doubts. For once their belief is shaken much will have been gained already.

    Pure truth gives brightest illumination to someone who seriously desires it.... but only to him; and he will notreject these explanations either, and thus I intend to help those who are receptive to it. And there are many whoare not content with the traditional spiritual knowledge they are being offered but who are aware of a Deity Who

    gave them life and Who also takes care that people will reach the goal set for them during earthly life. who

    also know that there can only be one truth and that this must therefore come forth from the One Who is the

    Eternal Truth Itself. As soon as they realise this it will be easy to convey the information to them for they wont

    resist long in accepting it because they will recognise that it originates from the relevant Authority. Hence you

    should frankly expose every error since it cannot lead people to beatitude; on the contrary, nothing good can

    come from it because. if the opportunity were offered to them. they would reject the pure truth.

    Consequently, what you receive from Me is intended for distribution but how and in what form you offer the

    spiritual knowledge shall be left up to you since every person reacts differently, yet whatever you do in order to

    guide people into truth will be blessed by Me. Amen

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    Fighters for Truth 'Fight with the sword of your tongue!'

    B.D. 5205


    Fighters for truth.... Misguided teachings....

    You task is to teach.... to spread the truth amongst people, to disperse the darkness which engulfs and preventsthem from feeling the benefit of the light. As long as his spirit is still in the dark the human being is taking the

    wrong path, for the right path is called truth. Truth only comes forth from Me and leads back to Me again.

    You humans should understand that I cannot make any concessions concerning your beatitude. Understand

    that I, the Eternal Truth, cannot be tolerant of lies or errors. Understand that I transmit the truth to earth

    because you need to know it, because every day lived without truth is lost to you. Only truth portrays Me as I

    Am, and only a true representation of Me enables you to love Me and thereby attain beatitude. Every wrongteaching is My adversarys attempt to distort My image and lessen your love for Me. Every wrong teaching is a

    good foundation for new misguided teachings, and soon you are faced by an inextricable thicket which no longer

    lets the light shine through to illuminate your spirit.

    And therefore I prepare bearers of light for Myself who are to bring the truth to you humans, thus I first guidethem into the truth and instruct them to bring illumination wherever it may be. I frequently confront misguided

    teachings with the truth so that they can oppose each other, because I want to raise doubts in peoples hearts,

    because only a doubter will start to think and look for truth. The teaching I gave to people on earth has been so

    infiltrated by error from the human side that it no longer has a healing effect on people. And therefore I want

    to purify it; therefore I give it to you in its purest form again and make sure that this teaching is conveyed to

    people of good will. Anyone who wants to accept it will gain utmost blessing, anyone who rejects it also has toaccept the consequences....

    Nevertheless, I need messengers to spread My pure truth on earth, I need disciples to whom I can say once again:

    go and teach all nations. Thus I need apostles who speak in My name on earth and proclaim My Word to

    people. And these should courageously confront the representatives of misguided teachings, because the office to

    which I have called them is to unhesitatingly confront error with truth, to freely explain what damage is causedto the soul as long as it is wrongly educated, as long as it is not living in truth which alone leads to Me. Although

    you humans can certainly strive to attain Me in spite of misguided teachings it is, however, a futile effort, for you

    need to understand that error and lie are not Mine but My adversarys doing and that every ascent is therefore

    prevented (made impossible). Furthermore, My adversarys works can never result in progress, only truth will

    help you to ascend.

    I cannot make concessions and assess the error the same as the truth, I can only acknowledge good will and bless

    it by making the truth available to you, but then you will also have to be receptive, you should not close your

    eyes to the truth or your will is going to fail. You have to long for Me and thus for truth, and then you will

    surely receive it. But do not assume that I agree with you if you want to hold on to your misconceptions. Anyone

    who receives the truth from Me is also able to examine and recognise it as truth, for I do not demand the

    impossible from you. But anyone who receives it from Me should also support it and not shy away from

    upholding it, he should not fear to appear too harsh since error cannot be emphasized harshly enough since it isMy adversarys work who is manifestly turning against Me....

    Error and lies cause hopeless confusion and strip a person of all realisation; they are not light but come forth

    from intense darkness. Therefore you should proceed boldly against error and untruth, because you have a

    weapon in truth which will assure your victory. I have chosen you as My fighters, and you should fight with the

    sword of your tongue, you should not be afraid to remove your fellow human beings childish faith. as it will

    not help a person to attain perfection as long as it is wrong. But you can replace it with something good, pure and

    extremely effective, the truth, which you have received from Me Myself. You will be able to give them more

    than you take away, you will seize their soul from My adversarys power and lead it back to Me. Amen

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    B.D. 5335


    Special mission: Fighting for truth.

    As a result of your willingness to serve, your mission is carried out conscientiously and you are true workers inMy vineyard. Therefore you were given tasks which are not suitable for everyone, which require a specialwillingness and are of extreme importance. You shall fight for truth. It is certainly very necessary to preach

    love, since no-one can gain beatitude without love, yet spiritually enlightened people can handle the preachingministry, even if they have no fighting spirit. anyone can inspire love who has love himself. The battle for

    truth, however, requires a special aptitude, knowledge of truth and a fighting spirit which supports what is right

    and true, as well as an extremely strong faith in My Word. for a person can only endorse what he recognises as

    truth, what he does not doubt because it has been conveyed to him by the Eternal Truth.

    In order to support truth convincingly he first has to be firmly convinced of it himself and this, in turn, requires alife of love.... so that My spirit can work in him. Hence his love for his fellow human being has to motivate him

    to convey the truth to him too, and therefore he will proceed against falsehood and error with passion. These

    are the kind of servants I need on earth during the last days before the end. And this mission is so important

    that I will help these servants especially by preparing the field of their activity in every way. by helping them

    in spiritual as well as in earthly difficulties, by smoothing their path of earthly life, and by strengthening andencouraging them into ever more wholehearted spiritual activity to make their mission successful. The presenceof lies and error make it difficult for the light to penetrate.

    Where a field is covered by weeds, good seeds cannot develop and the field has effectively become worthless to

    its owner. And therefore My servants first have to remove the weeds, which is an extremely laborious task that

    requires perseverance and strength. Where lies and error have established themselves in human hearts, the

    cleansing process can only be carried out with unyielding vigour. the representative of truth must relentlessly

    uncover everything that contradicts the pure truth, consequently he himself has to own what he wants to give to

    his fellow human beings. He should not uphold the result of his personal thinking. albeit it can also be true

    if he is enlightened by My spirit. Yet the extraordinary work of My spirit within him should give him the self-

    confidence to take courageous action against error and falsehood. And, being enlightened, he will know where

    error and falsehood are present.... he will confront them with pure truth and not allow himself to be disconcerted

    by opposition, by hostility or persecution, he will boldly fight with the sword of his tongue and be fullyconvinced that he has the truth.

    I need servants on earth who fear no-one and will do anything for their Lord. I need people with a strong faith

    and a firm will, with an absolute love for truth and a realisation of the immense spiritual hardship. And when I

    find them I will prepare them first by conveying the truth to them and acquaint them with their mission. I will

    educate them to become fearless advocates, I will enlighten their spirit Myself so that they will clearly recognise

    where and when their intervention is necessary, where and when they are confronted by lies and error in order to

    publicly denounce it.

    B.D. 3730,30.3.1946

    Gift of teaching. Teaching ministry.

    You will be granted the gift of teaching once your mission starts. You will feel imbued by My spirit andconsequently also be able to speak with conviction, because I will express Myself through you. I will place theWords in your mouth and yet your intellect will grasp what you say, what you, impelled by My spirit, are conveyingto your fellow human beings, because you receive the meaning of My Word from above, from the kingdom of lightwhere the truth originates from. And therefore you will only spread pure truth if you teach in My name. Thoughtswill flow to you which your heart and mind will grasp and it will fill you with inner joy that you are allowed to spreadexceedingly valuable spiritual knowledge. And thus, impelled by the love of your heart, you will distribute that whichmakes you happy yourself. For the teacher has an abundance of knowledge and is therefore called by Me for histeaching ministry. Yet he must confront the wrong teachers and prophets in all seriousness and seek to invalidatetheir doctrine insofar as they do not correspond to the truth. He should not fear that he is not up to the challenge;for once again it is not he himself but My spirit which speaks through him. And My spirit is superior to all humanreasoning, it can solve the most difficult problems, expose and refute the greatest error and no opponent on earthcan surpass its wisdom. But the opportunity of its working must be given by your willingness to adopt the teachingministry even with those people, that is, you must not shirk or allow yourselves to be intimidated if you are

    confronted by the wisdom of human intellect in order to disarm you or to undermine your teachings. Then you needonly enter into heartfelt unity with Me and you will be able to defeat even the greatest speakers, because I Myselfwill speak through you and, truly, no-one is a match for Me. Let your spirit carry you along, it will guide you

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    correctly, it will let you act and speak in the right way, it will put your thoughts in order, for anyone who receives ateaching ministry from Me will also receive My help to administer it correctly. For it is My will that the truth shall bespread, that untruth and error shall be denounced and that peoples thoughts shall take the right direction, becauseonly through truth can people become blissfully happy. This is why you, My disciples on earth, shall placeyourselves at My disposal as bearers of truth wherever and whenever I need you, and My spirit in you will beinformed of this, so that you will be absolved from all responsibility of acting wrongly, for I Myself will guide anddirect anyone who has offered himself to Me, so that he can fulfil My will. Amen

    Not every labourer in My vineyard can cope with this task, because the opposition has already grown too strong,

    because people are happy to live in falsehood which allows them a comfortable life, whereas pure truth requires

    self-denial, which they dont want to muster. Knowing this, My servant therefore has to honestly reveal the

    consequences of incorrect thoughts and misguided teachings and should not shy away from telling the supporters

    of error the truth to their faces. For good seed cannot be sown and flower until the field has been cleared of

    weeds, which are useless and have to be relentlessly destroyed. Truth must and will prepare the way, and

    therefore I will bless every bearer of truth and support his work for Me and My kingdom, just as I will smooth

    his earthly path so that he can carry out the work for which I have chosen him. Amen

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    B.D. 5627


    Fight with the sword of the tongue. Truth.

    Take up the fight against everything that is spiritually opposed to you, fight with the sword of the tongue, for it is

    a holy battle.... you are fighters for Me and My kingdom. And whatever is spiritually opposed to you when yourepresent Me and My Word before the world is directed against Me. My pure Gospel shall be proclaimed to

    people, this is why I sent My disciples into the world to teach all nations.... Only through the pure Gospel, only

    through the truth, were they able to acquire the kingdom of God, for the truth proclaimed Me and showed the

    path to Me. As soon as the truth gets distorted the path to Me also becomes uneven, I can no longer be properly

    recognised and peoples goal becomes indistinct and will no longer be aspired to. If the path to eternal life isto be shown to people again, then the truth must pave the way to it first, people must be able to clearly and

    distinctly recognise Me, only then will they strive towards the right goal again, they will be able to reach Me and

    attain beatitude and everlasting life.

    I Myself Am the way, the truth and the life.... And you, whom I have chosen and educated as My disciples in the

    last days, you know the truth, you have received it from Me Myself, and you also know how dangerous error andlies are and how much spiritual adversity people suffer who are not instructed in the truth. This is why error and

    lies are My great enemy and also yours who live within the truth. And this is the enemy you shall fight. Timeand again I give you this task that you shall argue for Me and My teaching, that you shall fight with the sword of

    your tongue. Although you will find many enemies who will support their wrong doctrine with conviction, you

    will be able to counter their misguided teachings with the pure truth and win every time, providing they are not

    obvious followers of the prince of darkness and dont really want light and truth, that they dont fight for whatthey have accepted as right but only for themselves and their power.

    Your sword will truly be razor-sharp, for you will be able to refute everything that is wrong, the Words will be

    put into your mouth, My spirit will guide you, thus I Myself will be at your side as your commander-in-chief and

    the truth will be victorious indeed but can also cost the enemy many victims who would rather perish than

    abandon their error so as not to lose their power. They are not interested in the pure truth; instead, as Myadversarys representatives they aim to darken the light with which they are confronted. Consequently they will

    be the victims of this battle which, however, has to be fought out at the end of this time, for the prince of

    darkness will finally declare war on Me, he will try to dethrone Me with lies and defamation. And then you shallface up to him, I want to speak through you to those who are controlled by My adversary, and I also still want to

    show them the path which leads to the goal, to eternal life which, however, can only be taken by means of the

    truth. Amen

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    Being tolerant against the error or not?!

    B.D. 4733



    Tolerance on a spiritual level is inappropriate when it involves defending the truth, highlighting misguidedteachings and combating lies. Then a straight path has to be followed, no concessions can be made against ones

    own conviction as soon as a human beings works on My behalf and thus is also instructed in the truth. Truth,

    however, is and will always remain the same, and if I educate a person Myself, then he will also be able to

    intellectually justify what he represents as truth to his fellow human beings. If then the other persons opinion

    does not agree with this explanation, then the advocate of My truth should not be tolerant and give in or accept

    the other persons opinion against his innermost conviction. Such tolerance would be the same as a denial ofwhat the bearer of truth has received from Me. For he recognises the error and will not contradict it.

    As soon as peoples opinions differ they dont all have the truth, and only that persons opinion is correct, who

    has received the truth from Me Myself, who thus, after heartfelt prayer, is firmly convinced of his mentalconcept because he was taught by My spirit. This, understandably, presupposes that the person believes in Me,keeps My commandments and desires to know the truth. This person can consider himself to have been educated

    by Me and also be able to convincingly uphold his ideas to his fellow human beings. Anyone who is clearly

    recognisable as a bearer of truth, who receives his knowledge through the unusual process of the inner Word, can

    justifiably reject every other doctrine and denounce it, for it is his duty to uphold the truth he has received from

    Me directly. Tolerance towards someone who thinks otherwise makes him unworthy of the immense gift of

    grace he receives from Me, for he does not value it if he does not support it.

    Hence, a bearer of truth should never be accused that he is intolerant towards supporters of misguided teachings,

    for only truth will result in peoples spiritual progress. Only truth will lead to Me, to eternal life in bliss, and only

    truth results in knowledge and thus means light for the being that is embodied as a human being on earth.

    Therefore it would be wrong to let a fellow human being live with misconceptions due to consideration in order

    to be regarded as tolerant. It would be an admission of personal uncertainty and doubt of the truth the person isexpected to uphold. Furthermore, it would be half-hearted work for Me and My kingdom, which would entitle

    other people to doubt the mission as well as the source of the spiritual knowledge, which is not being as eagerly

    endorsed as a divine gift of grace should be endorsed. For this reason I choose strong-willed people as bearers of

    truth for Myself, who are also able to represent My Word intellectually and who neither fear the world nor My

    false servants. And I choose courageous fighters who will fight on My behalf with the sword of the tongue

    wherever the truth is being distorted. Amen

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    B.D. 8555


    Accepting truth is a commitment.... Errors....

    You are supposed to spread the truth.... That is the task you accepted voluntarily and which you should now put

    into practice if you want to serve Me as My disciples in the last days. But to spread the truth also includesfighting against error as soon as an error becomes evident to you. I keep telling you that you cannot be tolerant

    where it concerns the pure truth from Me, that you should support it firmly and not, due to alleged tolerance,allow for a continued existence of error. You should denounce it as error and not shy away from proceeding

    against it, because it is My adversarys doing and will never serve to provide benefit for the human soul.

    And especially you, who recognise the error because you have been instructed in the truth by Me Myself.

    should not shy away from it, because you have the right to fight it. You are sent by Me amongst people as

    bearers of light with an ample supply of spiritual knowledge that justifies your actions against error because youare able to refute and decry it as a work of My adversary. He is at work where error exists because only purest

    truth originates from Me, but he constantly tries to undermine the pure truth.

    The human being has free will which will be seized by the direction of its choice. If he looks for contact with Me

    he will be given pure truth indeed, and he should work with it too, i.e., he should pass it on to his fellow humanbeings whose thoughts remain misguided as long as they are not educated by Me Myself as the Eternal Truth.

    My adversary will try to work in the same manner and will also be successful with people who are not aware of

    the great responsibility, who do not understand what it means to receive purest truth and to pass it on. who do

    not fear error as it should be feared and who therefore do not inwardly resist when My adversary tries to convey

    error to them. My adversary will also disguise himself as an angel of light but he will not be able to deceive you,

    My bearers of light. You will recognise his activity and then should also take action against it, since this is the

    task which you have volunteered to do for Me.

    Wherever you recognise wrong thoughts you should enlighten your fellow human beings about the pure truth,

    you should help them to let go of the error and realise what is right. Show them their wrong opinion clearly and

    openly, so that they, too, will arrive at the truth and deliver themselves from My adversary, who is still able to

    influence them because he still somehow has a claim on those he plunged into error due to their similarinclinations. It is not advisable to abandon such a misguided person, rather, he should be helped to recognise

    his error and agree to accept the truth, only then will he derive a benefit from it himself, and only then will he,

    too, be a true vineyard labourer for Me.

    A bearer of truth cannot be tolerant and leave his fellow human beings in error due to kindness. He should

    clearly point out that the other person does not think correctly, that he was influenced by My adversary

    irrespective of how the error was imparted to him.... For the adversary will always be able to interfere with a

    persons thoughts who is not so intimately in contact with Me that I can protect him. But it is certain that I

    Myself do not transmit spiritual knowledge to a person which does not correspond to the truth, and this has to be

    clear to the person, otherwise My love, wisdom and might could in fact be doubted. It follows that a directtransmission of My Word to a person cannot have taken place if it is associated with error.

    You humans cannot be careful enough and always have to fear the adversarys influence as long as you do notgive yourselves to Me completely and ask for My protection, which I will truly grant everyone who sincerely

    wants to live in utmost truth and pass it on to his fellow human beings in turn, if they are destined by Me for this

    truth. Error is true poison for the human soul, consequently you should take action against it and repeatedlyoppose it with truth, since you received it from Me because it is necessary that light should shine into the

    darkness. Your free will allows the influx of misguided thoughts, for if you would inwardly resist them in the

    awareness only to serve the pure truth, misguided mental concepts could not become established in you. But I

    can never acknowledge that something which contradicts the pure truth has originated from Me. You therefore

    should only ever make sure to spread purest truth and declare uncompromising war on error, and you will act in

    accordance with My will and on My behalf. Amen

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    B.D. 8915


    The vineyard labourers duty is to take action against error....

    Your task is to stand up for the truth you receive from Me. If I inform you of things which are erroneously

    presented otherwise you are duty bound to support the imparted spiritual knowledge and not quietly tolerate it ifyou are being opposed by misconceptions. I emanate the light of truth to earth precisely because I want to

    invalidate falsehood and error, since they are a danger to people if they continue to be ignored and thus exist sideby side with the truth. Try to understand that it is not irrelevant whether the truth is bestowed upon you or not,

    try to understand that you cannot find the path to Me with an error and that you will have to discard it.... if not on

    earth then in the kingdom of the beyond.

    B.D. 6462, 27.1.1956

    Effect of misguided teachings in the beyond.

    Many incorrect thoughts have been imparted to humanity which, however, have been peoples own fault or thepowers of darkness could not have caused such devastating work. With just a little thought people could haverecognised that they were not given the truth, but they neglected to do this and thoughtlessly accepted everything.

    These misguided teachings are now so entrenched in human thought that it is difficult to expel them, but thedanger rests in the fact that ever more misguided teachings will emerge from this error. No spiritual progress canbe achieved, neither on earth nor in the kingdom of the beyond, as long as such misguided teachings are notcorrected and thus rendered harmless, which can only be done by imparting the pure truth again. But it is difficultto correct every (single) doctrine, because the understanding of it requires a clear description of the divine plan oflove and salvation, which will subsequently prove the futility of such wrong teachings, so that every error willbecome evident if a person genuinely wants to know the truth.

    When a soul enters the spiritual kingdom fraught with erroneous thoughts, it will continue to exist with itsmisconceptions and will never achieve spiritual progress.... It will hardly accept the truth, and it is far more difficultto guide someone who deems himself knowledgeable into truth than someone completely ignorant who is morewilling to accept being taught and who thus is willing to accept the truth. The former will only start to think whenthey are feeling dissatisfied and are permanently living in darkness or in very faint twilight. providing they are nothostile.but it will not give them a sense of happiness. Then they will start to ponder the false promises whichthey had held on to on earth as gospel truth.

    In order to encourage such souls to reflect on and accept the truth, they often have to spend a very longtime in unpleasant spheres. so that they will remember the misguided teachings, follow them and still notexperience an improvement of their situation. Only then will they begin to doubt, and only then can they beapproached by the bearers of truth who will slowly help them to change their way of thinking. But it often takes along time before the truth begins to dawn on the soul. Consequently, one of the most important tasks by thelabourers in the Lords vineyard is to take action against error and falsehood on earth already and to make peopleaware that they are wasting their time. Even if they dont believe it they will remember these warnings soonerwhen they pass away from this earth, which will result in faster understanding in the kingdom of the beyond.

    Time and again people should be reminded that everything they comply with is futile unless they givepriority to the commandment of love for God and ones neighbour. Their attention should be quite candidly drawnto the misguided teachings.... and there are many of them. They should be reminded that God only asks peopleto love in order to be able to admit them into His kingdom.... that without love everything else is worthless for thesoul. And even if it incenses people, their souls will thank you one day when they have left their earthly cover. Andwhen they find themselves in a poor and inadequate state and cannot explain it they will remember your adviceand, in view of their state, also realise the truth. Then they will be grateful when the truth is given to them,because only this can help them to ascend, only through truth can they achieve beatitude. Amen

    and as long as you do not know the complete truth there cannot be any bliss for you. Therefore I also requirefighters who always highlight the truth, who do not shy away from informing their fellow human beings of their

    knowledge, so that everyone can chose between error and truth. You dont know how much error exists in the

    world, but I know and therefore cannot tacitly tolerate it. But since I do not compel any person into accepting the

    truth I can only educate fighters for Myself who will speak on My behalf and also fight against error where it

    becomes distinctly evident. For as a rule it hides behind a mask which conceals My adversary.

    The greatest evil consists of the fact that he works in the same way in order to extinguish Me and My light.

    This is why it cannot be fought rigorously enough, and anyone who knows himself to own the pure truth should

    always uphold it, because he receives a most important gift of grace which makes his battle considerably easier,

    for he can substantiate everything and need not be afraid that My adversary will be superior to him, for faced by

    the light he will always give up the struggle. And I give you light in abundance so that you can easily recognise

    the origin of the spiritual knowledge which opposes the light from above. And thus you must not tacitly tolerate

    it, for that which opposes the truth is a lie, and I declare war on untruth. People dont know in what mass ofmisguided spiritual information they live. And anyone who cannot free himself from it on the basis of the pure

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    truth conveyed to him will be burdened by it on entering the kingdom of the beyond, unless his degree of love

    will assure him instant realisation, yet in that case he will already be able to recognise the error in his earthly life

    and dismiss everything that does not correspond to the truth. For love enlightens him and he will instinctively

    refuse to accept wrong spiritual knowledge. The closer it gets to the end the more supposed Word-recipients

    will show up, and they will all want to spread their wrong messages, and then it is important to differentiate

    between the spirits, for they will include truly satanic messengers who work on instruction of the one who wants

    to corrupt the world and tries to completely prevent peoples path of return to Me. But you, who want to serveMe, will recognise them and know what to make of these messages. You should never accept these messages for

    the sake of tolerance, for anyone who does not fight against falsehood allows himself to be ensnared by it, it will

    confuse his thinking and he will no longer be able to recognise the pure truth. And it is My adversarys intention

    to also create spiritual confusion in those who want to separate themselves from him in order to get control over

    them again. For no means is too evil and no cunning too despicable if he is to reach his goal. Amen

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    B.D. 5977


    Important mission.... Spreading the Gospel....

    Your mission is so important because My teaching shall be preached in all purity, for that which I once gave to

    people did not remain pure but became progressively spoilt so that it no longer contains the strength which canbe found in My pure Word. But people urgently need this strength flowing to them from My Word.... they are

    weak and incapable of developing further and I can only give them strength by having My Word imparted tothem. as unspoilt and pure as it originates from Me. Only this Word is capable of giving them strength, only

    this Word is the right kind of nourishment for the souls which enables them to mature fully, which gives them

    strength. This is why no-one can attain eternal life without My Word, and therefore I convey it to people in a

    way which seems unusual and yet is an entirely natural process.... by speaking through a human mouth Myself, I

    Am speaking to all people and thus the absolute purity of My Word affects the ears and hearts of those who

    willingly listen to it. Indeed, you only hear one person speak yet they are not his Words, it is not his doctrinewhich he offers to you. it is really and truly the emanation of My love which you may take hold of because it

    is I Myself Who speaks to you. It is I, of Whom it is written Behold, I stand at the door and knock. if any

    man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. I want

    to give you the bread of heaven, I want to revive and refresh you with nourishment which your soul is in urgent

    need of.

    I want to strengthen you and bring salvation to your soul.... It want to provide it with what it needs in order to

    become blissfully happy. There is immense hardship on earth; it is a drought which leaves the souls without

    sustenance, so that they starve and in their utterly weakened state are unable to lift themselves off the ground.

    And I know of this hardship and want to help people. From My hand they shall receive the invigorating

    nourishment, I Myself want to entice them to the font where they can draw the delectable water of life and thus

    gain renewed strength. and all adversity shall have ceased for the one who accepts what I offer to him: My

    Word from above, which I impart to those of you who want to be of service to Me, which shall be passed on

    through you to people in order to help them. My Word, which is only effective if it can touch the heart in its

    pure form and without being spoilt and which thus shall be spread anew throughout the world by disciples I

    choose Myself. For the hardship is immense and My love wants to help.... it wants to heal the sick and

    strengthen the weak; it wants to give life to those who are dead and therefore convey the flow of life into barren

    land. In the last hour My love still wants to wrest from death the souls which cannot resist it and through MyWord make them blissfully happy. Amen

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    B.D. 7531


    Distributing the divine Word....

    You shall proclaim My pure Gospel.... There is great spiritual hardship amongst people who no longer hear My

    pure Word because they dont believe, because their faith is not alive or it would enable them to understand MyWord wherever it is offered to them. For if they requested it with a living faith then they would also truly

    receive the Word such that they could understand and draw strength from it. But people lack this living faith, justas the messengers lack the strength of spirit which would enable them to accept My Word directly from Me, or

    even allow Me to speak through the messengers to people Myself. For only the Word that is conveyed by Me

    has the strength to penetrate a persons heart and become effective.

    B.D. 5605, 18.2.1953

    Awakening the dead through God's Word.

    You shall awaken the dead to life. you shall draw the lifeless from the abyss and breathe life into it; you shall touchit with a strength that will give life to it. And this strength is My Word which comes to you from above, which Iconvey to you Myself, so that you, as mediators, will pass it on in order that My strength will also touch those who

    are still dead in spirit. You own something exquisite, a gift that has a miraculous effect, you own spiritual strengthand can use it to bring the dead back into life. But having received it from the Eternal Love you must also impart MyWord with love; your will to help must urge you to share what had awakened you to life. Then you will always besuccessful and able to work beneficially on earth as well as in the spiritual kingdom. There is immense darknesseverywhere and countless spiritually dead souls dwell in this darkness. But life also means light.

    Only the soul that is touched by a ray of light which radiates warmth of love and thus has an invigoratingeffect on the hardened soul will awaken to life. These dead souls have to be touched by a light of love, then they willawaken to life for sure. And you shall take this ray of light to them by giving them My Word, which has a mostcomforting effect on them if it is offered with love. This healing water of life constantly flows to you as a result of Mylove and grace so that your souls will recover and find the true life, and thus you need not fear the death of the soulany longer. Yet the many souls which rest in their graves.... which in their thoughts are still living on earth and yetare spiritually dead and in depressing darkness. are surrounding you, and you should help them by lifting them outof the night of death into the light of life. For you have an effective remedy, you have the only medicine which canhelp them, you have My Word, the emanation of strength and light of Myself, which will never remain ineffective ifonly it can touch the soul.

    As long as My Word is merely reaching a persons ear it cannot as yet affect the soul, for only the soul is

    receptive to the effect of My Word. Yet only love will open the door so that I Myself can touch the soul with thestrength of My love. And your love will open the door for Me if you endeavour to help these dead souls and proclaimto them My Word with love. Consider how much power is given to you: You are able to awaken the dead to life withMy Word. And if you are only urged by love to spread My Word I will bless your efforts. Carry the Word into thedarkness wherever it may be.... look after all those who are dead in spirit, remember your lifeless fellow humanbeings as well as the dead in the beyond. want them to awaken to life and bring My Word to them with love. Andthe strength of My Word will work miracles, the souls will awaken to life and light, and they will never ever lose theirlife again.... Amen

    And thus you should mention everywhere that My Word is sent to you directly from above and that it can truly

    give you the blessing of the Gospel if you accept it gratefully and are not just hearers but true doers of My Word.You should proclaim My Word wherever the opportunity presents itself, for people have to know about My

    Gospel, they have to know about My divine teaching of love, they have to know My will in order to live on earth

    accordingly, in order to fulfil My commandments of love and always use My Gospel as a guiding principle for

    their way of life. For only then can a change of character occur in the human being, only then can he shapehimself to love and fulfil the purpose of his earthly existence. Hence I convey My Word from above to you

    humans time and again, hence I use every opportunity to reveal Myself to a human being in order to get access toall people through him, in order to inform everyone of My will and My commandments.

    And whatever you humans can do in order to spread My Word, in order to carry it into the world, should be done

    by you, and your fellow human beings attention should be drawn to the extraordinary grace bestowed on people

    by receiving My Word. You should acquaint them with the living God with Whom you should associate, Who

    wants to be accepted into your hearts and Whom you have to approach by yourselves if you want to unite withHim. You should inform them that I Am peoples eternal Father and also want to be acknowledged by them as

    their Father. You should encourage them to acquire a living faith and thus proclaim the commandments of

    love, the fulfilment of which will awaken in them a living faith and their spirit, so that they then will strive

    towards Me of their own accord and establish the union with Me because their nature has changed into love, and

    love thus strives towards love. For it is the Eternal Love which reveals Itself to you humans, it is the EternalLove Which longs for Its children, it is the Eternal Father Who bends down to you in order to inform you of His

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    will. And the messengers of My Gospel will be blessed; they will experience My grace and My protection as

    long as they live on earth and also one day in the spiritual kingdom, for they have been faithful servants to Me

    who will receive their reward. Amen

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    B.D. 5725


    Carry My Gospel into the world.

    Carry My Gospel into the world. You dont realise how necessary it is that people are taught, that they hear

    My Word and thus discover My will. Although they know everything you make accessible to them as MyWord, they no longer consider it My Word, they are simply empty phrases which they do not take seriously,

    consequently, they do nothing to improve their souls maturity, they live for the moment without thinking aboutthe purpose of their life on earth. And now you shall take My Word to them anew, they will certainly

    recognise it as the same Word but it will seem more alive to them because you will bring them a gift which you

    had received from Me Myself and which will no longer appear dead to them, instead, it will appeal to them as

    soon as you offer My Word with love. Carry My Gospel into the world. This is the only possible way to

    acquaint people with their God and Creator, with their Father of eternity, Whom they must get to know in order

    to establish contact with Him themselves. You should inform them of Me, of My love for My living creations, ofMy eternal plan of Salvation and of the approaching end which shall not find them unprepared. You should bring

    them the truth, the knowledge you have received from Me which is intended to help people attain beatitude. Try

    to direct their minds to spiritual spheres and, above all, draw their attention to the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ;

    B.D. 8464,11.4.1963

    Gods instruction to educate fellow human beings about Jesus.

    Wherever the opportunity of mentioning the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ presents itself to you, you should speak ofHim and emphasise His great significance for every single person. Where possible, you should motivate people toremember Him, for everyone knows Him, everyone has heard of Him, yet only a few have a living faith in Him, andonly they can partake in the blessings of the act of Salvation. But they are precisely the ones who should try toinvigorate their fellow human beings faith in Him, Who alone can save them from spiritual adversity, which will onlybe perceptively felt after their body dies. You should not fail to make use of every avenue in order to steer theconversation towards Jesus Christ, even if the other person feels uncomfortable about it. you should simply ask himwhat Jesus means to him, whether he has already thought about the doctrines regarding Him and what conclusion hehas come to. Even if they only want accept Him as a human being, Who advocated His own philosophies of life andsacrificed His life for these opinions, you can nevertheless explain to them that He was certainly a man who livedamong people, but that He had to fulfil a spiritual mission and that every person can derive benefit from that missionif he wants. Indeed, most people only regard their life on earth as an end in itself and dont believe in their soulscontinuation of life. Nevertheless, you should also try to unsettle these opinions and truly, I will place the rightWords into your mouth if all you endeavour to do is kindle a small light for these blind people, if you want to helpthem fulfil their purpose of earthly life. If you are imbued by the knowledge which corresponds to the truth, you willtime and again feel impelled to convey this knowledge to people and then opportunities will arise where it is possiblefor you, and I truly bless everyone who tries to persuade his fellow human beings to believe in Jesus, because Jesusmust not be by-passed if the soul wants to attain bliss one day when it enters the spiritual realm after physical death.This faith in the souls continuation of life is likewise lacking in most people, consequently, it is difficult to educatethem, yet no stone shall be left unturned, for the misery such souls are approaching is indescribable and if you canhelp them spare such wretchedness they will be eternally grateful to you, for one day every soul will gain realisation,even if it still takes eternities.

    Everything relating to Jesus, His life on earth, His crucifixion and His ascension, is a myth for people whichthey certainly know, but cannot believe that these events, which are hugely significant for each individual stillunenlightened soul, to be true. However, you humans live on this earth to attain the goal of releasing yourselves fromevery form and entering the kingdom of the beyond in a spiritualised state. But to do so it is crucial that you findredemption through Jesus Christ, that He helps you attain freedom, because only He can loosen the chains which still

    tie you to Gods adversary. He alone can help you attain eternal life, and thus you must acknowledge Him and handyourselves over to Him so that He will take your immense guilt upon Himself and so that He might have given Hisblood for you as well, which He shed on the cross for all people, past, present and future. If you accept Him andappeal to Him to take the immense guilt from you, you will also suddenly be able to think differently. many thingsyou previously were unable to understand will become comprehensible to you. For this reason you should at leastaccept information about Him when it is conveyed to you, for no-one shall go astray, but it is up to the human beinghimself whether hewantsto let himself be saved. Let yourselves be educated about Jesus and His act of Salvation,about the spiritual reason for it and about your past original sin, which you cannot atone for yourselves but can onlybe released from through the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ. And dont walk past Him in earthly life, try to musterthe understanding for the kind of mission He had to fulfil on earth and believe that every person must take the pathto the cross. believe that every human being must carry his guilt of sin under the cross, which means, that he mustacknowledge Jesus Christ as Son of God and Redeemer of the world, in Whom God Himself became human in orderto redeem humanity from sin and death. Amen

    you should try to encourage them to look within themselves, to work at improving their souls, to strive for

    spiritual life, for the rebirth of their souls. Try to convince them of the souls continuation of life and theresponsibility they bear as human beings towards their souls, portray the souls fate after death to them and draw

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    their attention to the fact that a Helper exists, that they should appeal to Jesus Christ for strengthening their will

    if it is too weak and, most of all, encourage them to be lovingly active. Pass on everything I teach you Myself,

    and thus be true distributers of My teaching of love and work for Me and My kingdom, because people need

    explanations, they need My Word, and it shall be vividly offered to them, otherwise they will reject it and yet

    they cannot become blessed without My Word. Remember that time is running out, that your work does not

    allow for any delay, that you must work diligently because humanity is suffering great spiritual adversity.

    Remember that there is not much time left until the end and that you therefore must not be half-hearted orsluggish, but that you can also be certain of My blessing, of My support and constant instructions, that I will

    always and forever give so that you can pass it on again to those who are in need and depend on your help.

    Therefore, be eager labourers in My vineyard, serve Me as faithful servants and guide people out of the darkness

    of night into the light of day. Preach My Gospel of love to all people, so that they will attain life and become

    blissfully happy. Amen

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    B.D. 6736


    Labourers for Gods kingdom. Jesus Christ.

    Working for the kingdom of God is the most glorious task a human being can accomplish on earth, which will

    gain him maturity of soul and is also of greatest benefit for untold beings, for only the spreading of Gods Wordcan enlighten the souls and lead them to Me, to their Creator and Father of eternity. And therefore I will bless

    everyone who offers his service to Me, and I will grant each person the strength to administer his position onearth correctly. Once he makes an effort to make Me and My Word accessible to people in the realisation that

    this is necessary for their souls salvation, he will be a true labourer in My vineyard. But this willingness to help

    humanity must predominate in him, he must not be impelled by selfish motives to accomplish work which

    then. instead of being spiritual work. would merely be a worldly task, even if it seemingly aims for spiritual

    gain. And I can truly judge who serves Me or purely his own ego. And by this alone I judge the work of

    people who hold a spiritual position, and only by this. This should make you humans pause for thought, for thenyou will also understand that you can derive a blessing from all schools of thought if the willingness to serve Me

    motivates a preacher to make My Word known to his fellow human beings. In that case he will always receive

    My support as well and I will guide his thinking correctly so that he will speak to people on My behalf. But then

    he will always only speak in accordance with the truth, because I Myself will address people through him and I

    can only ever offer them truth. Humanity suffers immense spiritual hardship which can only be remedied byoffering them My Word, for My Word is the light and strength which is lacking in people. My Word teacheslove, and light and strength only flow to people through loving activity. Thus people first need to be instructed

    through My Gospel that they must live in love in order to mature in their souls. And every person is blessed by

    Me who proclaims this divine teaching of love to people and, at the same time, refers them to the One Who, out

    of love for humanity, suffered and died on the cross . to Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer, in Whom I

    embodied Myself on earth. All people need to know about this greatest act of love and mercy and about Jesus,

    the man, in Whose shell I Myself accomplished this act. And My instruction for all who go into the world as My

    true disciples is to convey the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His divine teaching of love to their fellow human

    beings. And everyone who willingly fulfils this instruction out of love for Me and his neighbour is a true

    servant for Me, he is a labourer in My vineyard whose work will always be blessed. And if he opens his heart

    and ears to Me, he will also always hear My directives within himself, be is through the audible Word or through

    his feelings which impel him to speak and act according to My will. Each person who has totally handed

    himself over to Me, who seeks to comply with My will, who has recognised Me as the only desirable goal tostrive for, is a faithful servant to Me. For this servant will also establish an essential bond with Me in order to

    serve Me as a suitable tool, so as to make Me and My kingdom accessible to people. And his deeds will

    always be blessed. Amen

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    Separate ourselves from existing misguided knowledge...or reject great graces brought to us through this Divine Word...

    B.D. 4740


    Responsibility for accepting misguided teachings....

    It is very difficult for people to disassociate themselves from knowledge they were taught from an early age on

    and which they therefore do not want to renounce as misguided. They accepted this knowledge without thinkingabout it and since their education is not their fault they cannot, at first, be held responsible for accepting wrong

    doctrines. Nevertheless, as soon as they are able to use their intellect themselves it is their duty to scrutinise

    whether this spiritual knowledge is true. And they will have to be answerable as to whether they used their

    intellect as soon as they were able to do so. They should not accept all spiritual values as truth without scrutiny,

    neither will they be able to justify themselves on the basis that they have received this knowledge and are

    therefore innocent if they had endorsed it during their earthly life. They forget that they are responsible for theirsouls. They forget that I do not punish them but that they punish themselves, that is, that they remain in their

    state of imperfection, which can never result in their bliss. but that I cannot release them from this state

    because their redemption requires their active free will which they, however, did not use correctly or they would

    have used their intellect to examine these spiritual doctrines. They remained passive. To a certain extent they

    allowed themselves to be imposed upon by something which they could just as well have rejected if they hadwanted to.

    The fact that people are answerable for their souls means that they have to recognise their guilt, that they have to

    realise that their wretched position was their own fault and justly identify and admit their own neglect, thus they

    cannot unburden themselves at the expense of those who instructed them wrongly. Indeed, these teachers, too,

    will one day have to be accountable according to their guilt, yet someone who accepts misguided teachings will

    not be exonerated from guilt, since I have given the human being intellect which he should use for the salvation

    of his soul first. Anyone who seriously wants the truth will make an effort and find it too. And every instruction

    offered to the person has to be reviewe

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