kumpulan soal narrative

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Mr Tappit was famous in his village as a toy maker and he had been making toys for

more than fifty years. He always had a healthy condition too. Children loved to visit his shop

and look at the shelves full of toys. Everyone was very fond of old Mr. Tappit, especially all

his toys, who loved him dearly.

After his work was done and the toyshop was closed, they would play games and have

fun together. Quite often the toys and Mr Tappit had the most wonderful parties, and

sometimes they went on picnics if the weather was one.

One day Mr Tappit sat in the corner of his shop, quietly thinking to himself.

"What is it?" asked the clown doll.

"Do you have a problem?"

"Not at all," smiled Mr. Tappit.

"I had a bright idea. I am going to build the biggest toy I have ever made, and I want

you toys to help me!"

The toy's couldn’t wait to get started. Early next morning they gathered all the tools

while Mr Tappit measured the pieces of wood, then marked them with his pencil.

"This toy will be the biggest ever seen" cried Mr Tappit, as he ran rushly around the

shop looking for his glue pot. "In fact, it will be a GIANT!"

"Of course not" smiled Mr Tappit. "It's just a giant toy!" It took a whole week and a

lot of patient, but at last the giant toy was finished.

"You've all worked very hard," said Mr Tappit with a smile and he stepped back to

take a look.

"Not a real giant, I hope," whispered a little doll in a shaky voice. "I'm really

frightened of giants."

All the toys put down their paint pots and brushes and stepped back to. "Isn't it

wonderful?" they cried, and everyone clapped and cheered.


The giant toy was a great success. After Mr Tappit had gazed for a while at the

wonderful toy he had made, he heaved a sigh and scratched his head.

"Where should I keep this giant toy? It's too big to place inside the shop...

""Just place it on the field," cried the little doll.

"Oh I got it, I will keep it outside my shop, so everyone who see it will come by to my

shop." said Mr Tappit happily.

Adapted from 50 Bed Time Stories, 2002

1. The text tells about ….

A. Mr. Tappit

B. Mr. Tappit’s toys

C. Mr. Tappit giant toy

D. Mr. Tappit and his toys

E. Mr. Tappit’s toys shop

2. The toys … Mr. Tappit very much.

A. loved

B. hated

C. disliked

D. interested

E. established

3. The following was not done by Mr. Tappit and his toys ….

A. played games

B. had fun together

C. held wonderful parties

D. forecasted the weather

E. went on picnic together

4. Where was the giant toy placed?

A. In the toy shop.


B. Inside the shop.

C. On the rice field.

D. Out side the toy shop.

E. On the toy shop shelves.

5. “Not a real giant, I hope," whispered a little doll in a shaky voice. "I'm really frightened of


The underlined sentence means that the little doll … the giants.

A. liked

B. was afraid of

C. needed help of

D. took care of

E. called out

6. Which of the following statement is true?

A. Mr. Tappit only sold toys.

B. Mr. Tappit was more than 50 year old.

C. The giant toy was placed inside the shop.

D. The other toys didn’t like the giant toys.

E. The other toys helped him make the giant toy.

7. “Oh I got it, I will keep it outside my shop, so everyone who see it will come by to my

shop." said Mr Tappit happily. It refers to ….

A. shop

B. Mr. Tappit

C. Mr. Tappit shop

D. The little doll

E. The giant toy

8. From the passage, we know that the giant toy ….

A. was too big to put in the shop

B. was too small to put in the shop

C. was not wonderful kind of toy

D. helped Mr. Tappit made the toys


E. was placed on the rice field behind the shop

9. The writer wrote the story was to ….

A. explain the process of the giant making

B. tell the special event of Mr. Tappit life

C. entertain the reader with the story

D. describe the character of the toys

E. persuade to make a giant toy.

10. After Mr Tappit had gazed for a while at the wonderful toy he had made, …. The

underlined word means ….

A. took place

B. took a look

C. looked for

D. looked after

E. took for granted

A very long time ago in West Java, there lived a king, named Raden Sungging

Pebangkara. He was a good ruler. He liked hunting in the forest very much.

In the forest, there lived a she-pig, actually a cursed goddess. One day, she came out

of her hiding place looking for water. There, she saw a coconut shell filled with water.

Expecting it to be a fresh water, she drank it, having no suspicious that it was the king’s urine

left there the day before when he went hunting.

The consequence was very strange. She became pregnant. A few months later she

gave birth to a very pretty girl.

When the king was hunting again in the forest, he saw the girl and was attracted by

her beauty. He took her to his palace, then he called her Dayang Sumbi and treated her as his

own daughter. Time passed and Dayang Sumbi grew up into a beautiful girl. She was fond of


One morning as she was weaving, her weaving spool flew out of the window to the

field. Because she was very tired, she mumbled, “Whoever is willing to help me pick up the


spool, I’ll treat her as my sister if she is a girl. If he is a man, I’ll treat him as my husband”.

These words were heard by a dog, called Tumang, actually a cursed god too. He immediately

picked up the spool and gave it to Dayang Sumbi. Seeing the dog had helped her, she fainted.

The god had decided for her to undergo the fate. She became pregnant and a short time

afterwards she gave birth to a healthy strong son whom she called Sangkuriang.

Sangkuriang became a handsome young man, as time went by. Like his grandfather,

he was fond of hunting in the forest and Tumang was his faithful friend when roaming the

woods. He didn’t realize that Tumang was actually his father.

One day, when the dog didn't obey him to chase the pig, Sangkuriang was very angry

and killed the dog and cut up his flesh into pieces and took it home to his mother. For a

moment Dayang Sumbi was speechless and took a spool and flung it at him. This left a scar

on the spot. Then Dayang Sumbi sent him away.

Sangkuriang left and wandered through the woods. He walked for years. Finally he

returned to his native place, but did not recognize it any longer. At the end of a vast rice field,

he noticed a house and saw a young girl sitting at her weaving-loom. He approached her and

was charmed by her beauty. He was unaware that she was his own mother. Dayang Sumbi

had been given eternal beauty by the gods which was why she looked young forever. She

looked at him and noticing his good looks, she promised to marry him. They made plans for

their wedding day, but one day she discovered the scar on his forehead. She knew that he was

her own son who had come back to his village.

She made an effort to make him understand that marriage between them was

impossible, but Sangkuriang refused to accept it.

She had an idea and said to him “All right, you shall marry me if only you can dam up

the Citarum river and build a big vessel all in one night”.

Sangkuriang agreed and started to work by using his magic powers and his praying to

the gods for help.

To prevent the marriage, before Sangkuriang finished his work, she stretched the red

veil which covered her head over the eastern side of the plain. Through her magic powers, the

red light spread over the landscape, giving the impression that the sun was rising and that the


time was up. Angrily, Sangkuriang kicked the vessel which was almost finished, upside


Some times later the vessel became the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu on the

northern side of Bandung.

Adapted from Folk Tales from Indonesia., 1999

11. What is the story about?

A. Sangkuriang.

B. Dayang Sumbi

C. Tangkuban Perahu

D. Sangkuriang’s dog

E. Raden Sungging Pebangkara

12. The pig actually drank ….

A. coconut water

B. fresh water

C. lake water

D. rain water

E. urine

13. The following statement wasn’t found in the fourth paragraph ….

A. the dog helped Dayang Sumbi take the spool

B. Dayang Sumbi was weaving in the house

C. Dayang Sumbi grew into beautiful lady

D. Dayang Sumbi born Sangkuriang

E. Dayang Sumbi married to a dog

14. Why did Sangkuriang kill Tumang? Because Tumang ….

A. never accompanied him hunting

B. didn’t want to chase the pig

C. wandered around the forest

D. married his mother

E. took the spool


15. Who was condemned by the god?

A. Dayang Sumbi’s father

B. Sangkuriang’s mother.

C. Sangkuriang’s father.

D. Sangkuriang’s dog.

E. Dayang Sumbi.

16. The following statement is not true about Sangkuriang ….

A. his mother expelled his from the house

B. he was the only son of Dayang Sumbi

C. he was actually the grandson of a king

D. he had killed his father

E. he killed the pig

17. Why did Dayang Sumbi know that Sangkuriang was his son?

A. He was like his father

B. He had killed her husband

C. He liked hunting vey much

D. He has a scar in his forehead

E. He has a handsome appearance

18. Paragraph 8 implied that ….

A. Sangkuriang didn’t know that Dayang Sumbi his mother

B. Dayang Sumbi got supreme power from the god

C. Dayang Sumbi agreed and worked using magic

D. Finnally Sangkuriang married to Dayang

E. Dayang Sumbi was not beautiful anymore

19. The following wasn’t done by Sangkuriang to fulfill Dayang Sumbi’s requirements to

marry, except ….

A. built a big vessel

B. built a big palace

C. prayed to the god


D. used magic power

E. dammed up Citarum river

20. Which of the word in the passage has the same meaning to ‘ship’?

A. Veil.

B. Vessel.

C. Mountain.

D. Landscape.

E. Impression.

21. For a moment Dayang Sumbi was speechless and took a spool and flung it at him.

A. dog

B. scar

C. flesh

D. home

E. spool

22. Finally he returned to his native place, but did not recognize it any longer. The

synonym of the underlined word means ….

A. beautiful

B. suspicious

C. indigenous

D. prosperous

E. dangerous

23. From the text, we know that ….

A. Sangkuriang was the son of the god

B. Sangkuriang could marry Dayang Sumbi

C. Dayang Sumbi succeed in educating Sangkuriang

D. Dayang Sumbi made Sangkuriang fail marriang her

E. Sangkuriang succeed in fulfilling Dayang Sumbi’s plan

24. What is the purpose of the text?

A. Tell a specific event on Sangkuriang.


B. Entertain the readers with Sangkuriang.

C. Persuade the readers to read Sangkuriang.

D. Present two different view on Sangkuriang.

E. Evaluate the characters in the Sangkuriang.

25. What is the moral value of the text?

A. Tell the truth to avoid something unexpected.

B. Things has been done, should be completed.

C. True love sacrifies everything.

D. Never trust anyone completely.

E. Love is a valuable thing.

A beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in the marketplace. Opening it, he

discovered that it contained 100 pieces of gold. Then he heard a merchant shout, "A reward!

A reward to the one who finds my leather purse!"

Being an honest man, the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the merchant saying,

"Here is your purse. May I have the reward now?"

"Reward?" scoffed the merchant, greedily counting his gold. "Why the purse I dropped had

200 pieces of gold in it. You've already stolen more than the reward! Go away or I'll tell the


"I'm an honest man," said the beggar defiantly. "Let us take this matter to the court."

In court the judge patiently listened to both sides of the story and said, "I believe you both.

Justice is possible! Merchant, you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces of gold.

Well, that's a considerable cost. But, the purse this beggar found had only 100 pieces of gold.

Therefore, it couldn't be the one you lost."

And, with that, the judge gave the purse and all the gold to the beggar.

Source: www.aesopfables.com


26. The passage mainly tells about ….

A. a beggar

B. a stolen purse

C. an honest beggar

D. a reward of stolen purse

E. a beggar and a merchant

27. A beggar is ….

A. a person asked for money for living

B. a person sold something for living

C. a man stole the purse

D. a place sold the purse

E. a very smart person

28. What is the character of the merchant?

A. Deceitful.

B. Honest

C. Clever.

D. Smart.

E. Calm.

29. Which paragraph told that the merchant was deceiving?

A. Paragraph 1.

B. Paragraph 2.

C. Paragraph 3.

D. Paragraph 4.

E. Paragraph 5.

30. Why did the beggar return the purse to the beggar? Because he ….

A. had counted the 100 pieces of gold

B. heard the merchant saying

C. wanted to get the reward

D. had opened the purse

E. was an honest man


31. Which of the following statement is true?

A. The beggar got 100 pieces of gold.

B. The purse contained 200 pieces of gold.

C. The merchant admitted losing 100 pieces of gold.

D. The beggar wanted to hide the purse in the marketplace.

E. The court couldn’t solve the problem between the beggar and the merchant.

32. Therefore, it couldn't be the one you lost. (par.6). The underlined word refers to ….

A. the court

B. the purse

C. the beggar

D. the merchant

E. the 100 pieces gold

33. … he discovered that it contained 100 pieces of gold. (par.1) The underlined word

means ….

A. funded

B. found

C. fixed

D. took

E. put

34. From the text, we know that ….

A. the beggar was very greedy

B. the purse belonged to the merchant

C. the merchant was a very good person

D. the court could solve the problem wisely

E. the court concluded the purse belonged to the merchant

35. What is the moral value of the passage?

A. Be a humble man.

B. Don’t beg to a mean person.

C. Deceiving makes more benefits.


D. Honesty brings more advantages.

E. Being a beggar is valuable for living.

Who Is King of the Forest?

When Tiger jumped on Fox, cried out, How dare you attack the King of the Jungle!

Tiger looked at him in amazement, "Nonsense! You are not King!"

"Certainly I am," replied Fox, "All the animals run from me in terror! If you want, come with

me." Fox went into the forest with Tiger at his heels. When they came to a herd of deer, the

deer saw Tiger behind Fox and ran in all directions.

They came to a group of monkeys. The monkeys saw Tiger behind Fox and they fled. Fox

turned to Tiger and said, "Do you need more proof than that? See how the animals flee at the

very sight me?!"

"I'm surprised, but I've seen it with my own eyes. Forgive me for attacking you, Great King."

Tiger bowed low and with great ceremony he let Fox go.

Source: www.aesopfables.com

36. What is the text about?

A. The king.

B. The king of forest.

C. The fox and the tiger.

D. The fox and the king.

E. The fox “King of Jungle”

37. The third paragraph implied that ….

A. the was the real king

B. the deer were afraid of the tiger


C. the deer were afraid of the fox

D. the fox walked behind the tiger

E. the tiger ran away in all direction

38. Which of the following statement is true?

A. The fox ran into the tiger.

B. The tiger was afraid of the fox.

C. The monkeys wasn’t afraid of the tiger.

D. The tiger wasn’t proud that the fox is the king of jungle.

E. The tiger didn’t know that actually the animal afraid of him.

39. "Do you need more proof than that? … (par.4). The bold word can be replaced by


A. evidence

B. exception

C. observation

D. collaboration

E. improvement

40. The monkeys saw Tiger behind Fox and they fled. (par.4). They refer to ….

A. the tiger and the monkeys

B. the fox and the monkeys

C. the tiger and the fox

D. the monkeys

E. the deer.

Once upon a time, there was a Red Hen lived in a farm with her chickens. She also

lived with the other neighbours, the Goose and the Duck.

One day, she found a grain of wheat. So she asked her neighbours, the goose and the

duck, “Who will plant this wheat?” And no one wanted to plant the wheat. So she planted the

grain of wheat herself.


When the wheat was ripe she said, “Who will take this wheat to the mill?” And, again,

no one wanted to do it. So she took the wheat to the mill.

When she brought the flour home she said, “Who will make some bread with this

flour?” And as predicted, no one would like to do it.

When the bread was baked, she said, “Who will eat this bread?” This time it was

different. They said “I will, I will.”

“No, you won’t,” said the Red Hen. “I shall eat it myself. Cluck! cluck!” And she

called her chickens to eat the bread together.

Adapted from: http://www.bres.boothbay.k12.me.us

41. The text tells about ….

A. the duck

B. the goose

C. the red hen

D. making the bread

E. planting the wheat

42. What did the hen find?

A. The mill

B. The bread

C. The chicken

D. A grain of rice

E. A grain of wheat

43. The following statement is not true ….

A. the animal lived in the farmland

B. the red hen found a wheat grain

C. the other animals didn’t want to help her

D. the other animals enjoyed the bread cheerfully

E. the red hen gave the bread to her chicken only

44. When the wheat was ripe she said, …. (par.3). The underlined word means ….


A. moisture

B. mature

C. saturate

D. natural

E. grown

45. From the text, we can learn ….

A. we should share happiness and sadness

B. never postpone what you can do now

C. your success depends on your effort

D. making charity is a very good deed

E. experience is the best teacher

The Slippers of Buffalo Skin

Once, in a time long past, there were a pair of slippers made of buffalo skin belonging to a

prince. When the prince took them off, he put them on a rack in the kitchen, where the

kitchen mice stared at them hour after hour, for they wished to eat them.

These were no ordinary slippers, since they had the power of speech, and they spoke to

one another exactly like husband and wife. One day the Husband Slipper said to his

spouse, “Wife, if the mice stare at us this way, day and night, in the end we are going to be

devoured by them. What do you think? Could we perhaps change ourselves into mice?”

The wife only replied, “As you wish, Husband.”

The Husband Slipper sent up a prayer to the Almighty for them to become mice, and at

once their prayer was heard and their wish granted.

As mice, however, they discovered that their slightest movement caught the attention of

the cats, which made them feel very unsafe, and so they asked to become cats.

This request too was granted them; but as cats, hardly had they set their paws outside the

house when they were set upon by dogs. They therefore sent up an entreaty to become

dogs, and as before, they were granted their wish.


When the newly created dogs came in the vicinity of men and women who were stamping

rice, they were immediately beaten with the rice stampers and chased away. They decided

then that it would be more advantageous to become human beings, and this too they were

allowed to become.

They were then called upon by the village chief to perform a variety of tasks for him,

among others, to carry heavy loads of rocks. Their dissatisfaction increasing, they asked to

become courtiers; and the very next moment they were courtiers, in which capacity they

had to carry out the commands of the Prince, night and day. They were even awakened

from a deep sleep to perform some duty or other for His Majesty.

Of course the courtiers now felt how convenient it would be to become Prince and

Princess, for then there would be no one over them to issue commands – and this too they

became. But they were not at peace, for a Prince from another principality attacked their

princedom, and they were continually surrounded by enemies.

More concerned than ever, the Slipper Prince said to his wife, “My fear is great that we

will be defeated, and if, we are, we will be imprisoned and ordered to cut grass for the

horses. What shall we do? If I could become God, we would have no enemies, and we

would be all-powerful.”

And the wife replied, as always, “As you wish, Husband!”

But that was the limit. At the very moment that the Husband asked to become God, both

he and his wife became slippers again, back in the kitchen, on the rack, as when their story


Adapted from: Alibasah, 1999

46. What did the passage tell about?

A. The slippers.

B. The husband slipper.

C. The slippers of buffalo skin.

D. The wise slippers.

E. The wishes.


47. The mice looked at the slippers to ….

A. eat them

B. be the mice

C. hide their body

D. grant the wishes

E. change their body

48. The following are the slipper’s changes, except ….

A. the prince and princess

B. the human beings

C. the courtiers

D. the mice

E. the god

49. The following statement is not true ….

A. when the slippers changed into prince and princess, they never live peacefully

B. the slippers didn’t want to be the dog because the villagers chased them.

C. being courtiers, they should perform the Prince’s command

D. being dog, the slippers were beaten by the chief of villager

E. becoming human being, the slippers should do hard tasks

50. What is the character of the slipper?

A. Smart.

B. Cheerful.

C. Diligent.

D. Never satisfied.

E. Never give up.

51. Which of the following wishes wasn’t granted?

A. Being cat.

B. Being dog.

C. Becoming god.

D. Becoming human being.


E. Being Prince and Princess.

52. From the passage, we know that …

A. the slippers always satisfied to their condition

B. the slippers always complained to their condition

C. the wife slipper never granted her husband wishes

D. the slippers always accepted their condition happily

E. at the end of the story, the husband slipper became the god

53. … once their prayer was heard and their wish granted. (par. 4) The underlined word

means ….

A. felt

B. refused

C. approved

D. disapproved

E. complicated

54. … and as before, they were granted their wish. They refer to ….

A. dogs

B. cats

C. the paws

D. the slippers

E. the women

55. What is the moral value of the text?

A. We must know our limit

B. All of our wishes must be granted.

C. Becoming a prince is a very great thing.

D. Wearing skin slippers is very comfortable.

E. We must be able to accept our condition thankfully.


In a field one summer’s day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its

heart’s content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking

to the nest.”Why not come and chat with me,” said the Grasshopper, “instead of toiling and

moiling in that way?””I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” said the Ant, “And

recommend you to do the same.””Why bother about winter?” said the Grasshopper; we have

got plenty of food at present.” But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil.

When the winter came the Grasshopper found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants

distributing, every day, corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer.

Adapted from: http://www.umass.edu/aesop/content.php

56. What is the text about?

A. The Grasshopper and Ant.

B. The singing Grasshopper.

C. The lazy Grasshopper.

D. The toiling Ant.

E. The winter.

57. The Grasshopper met the Ant in ….

A. the nest

B. the stores

C. the winter


D. the summer

E. the corn field

58. … “And recommend you to do the same.” (par.1). The sentence means the Ant ….

A. asked the Grasshopper to keep singing.

B. asked the Grasshopper to store food for winter

C. needed the Grasshopper’s help to collect the food

D. told the Grasshopper to sing to help them working

E. recommended the Grasshopper not to disturb them

59. From the text, we know that ….

A. the Ant helped the Grasshopper in the winter

B. the Ant didn’t work hard for the winter

C. The Grasshopper was a very lazy animal

D. the Grasshopper collected much food

E. the Grasshopper teased at the Ant

60. … we have got plenty of food at present. (par.1) We refer to ….

A. the Ants

B. the winter

C. the readers

D. the Grasshoppers

E. the Grasshopper and the Ant



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