kshitij tech quiz prelims

Post on 23-Feb-2017






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1.Identify the logo

Google Daydream

2.Lab 126 is the research division of which famous tech company.

Hint: the number 126 corresponds to its logo

AmazonArrow in the logo shows A(1st Alphabet) to Z(26th Alphabet)

3.This company has launched a in house fashion brand called Moda Rapido powered by artificial intelligence. The brand has a robot called Artie which helps people to discover products according to the fashion trends and their particular tastes in style. Name the company.


4.Connect to an open source programming framework

Hadoop. Zookeeper , Pig and Mahout are all its software solutions

5. Cars owned by which company?

Dominos DXP car

6.A technology was used in the last Grammy Awards ceremony where Lady Gaga paid tribute to various phases of David Bowie’s five-decade career, courtesy of Intel computer graphics, interactive video, and robotics. Different makeup animations were projected on Lady Gaga’s face through complex scanning and projection technologies. What is the technology called?

Digital Skin

7.AI-CD beta joined McCann World Group as a new employee on April 1, 2016 along with 11 other college graduates during the employee welcoming ceremony held this year. Who is AI-CD beta?

Artificial Intelligence Creative Director

8.Exide _________, which started in 2000, at Entally, Kolkata has expanded to 32 locations with a fleet of 51 vans and is aiming to expand to around 208 locations across India. In short Exide _________ is a great on-road emergency service for any battery, anytime, anywhere for any kind of vehicle. Fill in the blanks.


9. Reference design for open source hardware from which company?

Facebook Surround 360 Camera

10. Science Magazine for children from the house of which publisher?

Amar Chitrakatha

11.“ The American Farm Bureau Federation has agreed to give us ______

and we in return have agreed to not sell Farm subsidies. ”

--- Mark Zuckerberg

Fill in the blanks.


12. Fill in the blanked out part

Self- Driven (Uber’s self-driving truck startup Otto makes its first delivery)

13. Blackberry phone exclusively created for?

Barack Obama

14. In early days , a reddish brown colour fluid was taken out from the ink sac of cuttlefish and used for writing, drawing and as a coloured wash.One such drawing of Leonardo Da Vinci is shown below. Which modern day popular image filter gets its name from this ink?


15. Rasmus Lerdorf wrote several programs in C language to maintain his

Personal Homepage way back in 1995. This led to the development of a famous scripting language. Which language are we talking about?


16. This is the business card of Kevin Mitnick . Currently he is a security consultant,author and a public speaker. What did he use to do earlier which he is popularly known for?


17. This person believes that waking up early was an important thing that soar up his career trajectory. Quite naturally he hates the snooze button in his alarm clock. For the mass , he started a motivational alarm clock app where one cannot press the snooze button and the time set up is the X time. Who is the person?

Dwayne Johnson , “The Rock”

18. Where can you find such bars?

Genius bars are the tech support stations located in all but one Apple retail stores

19. Identify the logo

Apple’s Newton OS

20. Connect the sports teams

Teams that had players’ twitter handles on the back of their jersey

21. Identify the logo

Microsoft Office Lens

22. App from which company?


23. What is the small pacific island country Tuvalu’s primary source of revenue in the world of technology?

Selling the country domain of .tv to broadcasting companies across the world

24. Fill in the blanked out part

Intel Inside

25. What is this the patent diagram of?


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