krishna leela series - part 60 - lord balarama visits vrndavana

Post on 11-May-2015






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Krishna Leela Series - Part 60 - Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana


Lord BalaramaReturns to Vrindavana

Main extracts from Chapter 64

Krishna The Supreme Personality of Godhead


His Divine Grace A.C.Bhakthivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada

Previous chapter

Chapter 63Story of King Nrga

•Lord Krishna•Lord Balarama


•Yashoda•Nanda Maharaja




Lord Balarama was married and was residing in Dwaraka

He developed a strong desire to meet with Mother Yashoda & Nanda Maharaja

At Vrindavana

Mother Yashoda & Nanda Maharaja were very pleased to see their son Balarama grown up as an adult but

whose beauty was as enchanting as it was when He was a child.

At Vrindavana

•After meeting with Mother Yashoda & Nanda Maharaja , Balarama met with the

cowherd men

•He offered obeisances to the Elderly,shook hands with his Peers , embraced them

with a loud laugh & blessed the young.

At VrindavanaMother Yashoda & Nanda Maharaja had heard how Krishna & Balarama

together had fought and killed the evil king Kamsa his associates Chanura , Mushtika & re-lived that along with

Balarama .

They addressed Balarama as Jagadishvara at this point.

At Vrindavana

After meeting with Mother Yashoda & Nanda Maharaja , Balarama and

the residents of Vrindavana …

it was his turn to meet with the Gopis

At Vrindavana with the GopisThe Gopis shared with Balarama how they were feeling bereft after

Krsna moved out of Vrindavana . If Krishna had fogotten them for the Enlightened & Cultured Women in Dwaraka.

They said they had renounced their families & everything to please Krishna – who inturn renounced them and left Vrindavana.

yugAyitaM nimeSeNacakSuSA prAvRSAyitam

sUnyAyitaM jagat sarvaMgovinda viraheNa me

A blink of the eyes has become equal to an age, my eyes have become like monsoon clouds,

and the entire universe has become void to me in the absence of Govinda.

At Vrindavana with the GopisThe Gopis talked about how Krishna was clever and cunning to manufacture nice words during times when they had an intimate relationship.

and how he told them that …

“ My Dear Gopis –please do not worry – the service you have rendered to me is impossible

for me to repay. “

At Vrindavana with the Gopis

They talked about how they collected flowers & made garlands for Krishna and when He never came to accept these garlands , they cried in separation from


Gopika Geetham extract…

Madhuraya gira, valgu vakhyaya,Budha manognaya, pushkare kshana,

Vidhi kareerima, veera, muhyathi,Radara seedhuna pyayaswa na.

Oh Friend with lotus eyes, Oh Krishna,the words that fall from your mouth, Oh Krishna,

which made the wise turn in to ecstasy, Oh Krishna,have attracted us a lot, Oh Krishna.

Oh friend who is our hero, Oh Krishna,feed us the nectar from your lips, Oh Krishna,

and give us our life again, Oh Krishna.

At Vrindavana with Gopis

One Gopi shared how Krishna spoke with sweet words and attracted smile which he had perfected – by seeing which any

woman would become mad after Krishna and would give themselves to him without any hesitation.

We can in the material world can see a perverted reflection of this quality where it is shown how woman are getting enchanted by

some men.

At Vrindavana with Gopis

While talking about Krishna , the Gopis became ecstatic & they started

to experience Krishna smiling & embracing them and it appeared that

Krishna was physically present.

At Vrindavana with Gopis

Hearing the Gopis talk about separation from Krishna , Balarama wanted to pacify them and shared stories of Krishna, which made the

Gopis satisfied.

At Vrindavana with the GopisBalarama understood the ecstatic mood of the

Gopis and wanted to please them

He hence stayed in Vrindavan for 2 months – Chaitra & Vaishaka, during which he performed

the rasa dance and shared intimate pastimes with the Gopis.

At Vrindavana with the Gopis

Balarama was in a happy mood. He desired to play in the waters with the Gopis and hence called for Yamuna to

come near to Him .

Thinking that Balarama was intoxicated after drinking the Varuni honey , Yamuna

refused to come and obey his order

At Vrindavana with Yamuna

Balarama was enraged with Yamuna and used his plow to scratch the earth due to which

Yamuna had to flow in many small streams.

Realizing her mistake Yamuna asked forgiveness & moved close to where Balarama & the Gopis were. She prayed to Balarama as …

“My dear Balarama, You are the most powerful personality and are pleasing to everyone . You

hold all the planetary systems on Your head merely by Your partial expansion as Sesha. “

At Vrindavana with the Gopis in the Yamuna

Balarama then spent time with the Gopis in the Yamuna until they felt

satisfied and when He came out – He wore a beautiful blue garment and a gold necklace and He looked like the

white elephant (AirAvata) of King Indra in the heavenly planets.

At Vrindavana with the Gopis in the Yamuna

In the presence of Balarama in Vrindavana, all the Gopis and the

inhabitants of Vrindavana became as cheerful as they had been with

Krishna & Balarama as they had been before in the presence of both

brothers , Lord Krishna & Lord Balarama.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama

Hare Hare

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