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Post on 21-Oct-2020






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  • 41 TtiE AMERICAN ISRAELITE. , . 1Tl I i I I ' l of these thou sand dollars we suggest language is no more than a complex of he knows that he can pa? for it and bis respectively manifest their natu res. It he purch ases the righ ..A. .!. . FTT OP jupphm .' ^l- ¦'¦|ne flfilCf Call 8,3(1 lIBl should «» «pe«i»r f 11 tVi id- ern ort ,b°do^y by a good dose of Kod- at any point , even.the most unexpected , help us to^ ̂ resist the , temptation of flash- jectively. as possessing sympathetio sen- booupation ; and not to invest' them in of the teaoher are as naught befbn W ?men. ot other Deliefs . all over tne world. ¦fc£n BOn £8ni > : B%asoxiedl- with the spicy in- and parry ruin in its train. ! ing success j help us hold fast to the timent s (whioh are them selyes.the pro- banks , or in ways which make him mas; obstacle interposed by"th'elack Of works ¦ 'The Central Conference ia the only g ĵ^a of Mr. Abraham Frunikin— Men have cast about for causes; what lasting virtues j . send the light of dist ducts of evolution ); :objectively aa One teYpf.tae /«rMr« .labprJ rrf ^^^body of men that could, undert ake the ¦ -. . tI -.vei •„ America—trimm ed and waa it th at made everythin g so unstabl e, cernment unto. Thy children who are among, many social unit s having like And tha t the solution , of the Jewish Jewish doctrines have , in bur coun try, "

    taak ,-to present Judai sm in" the World's , . , , ... at, n- x i 4 ,,, \ at, that made even the stoutest -quak e and walking in mora l and spiritu al dark- sentiments , by the^ combined " oper ation difficul ty would be, to draw the energy, hitherto depended for. their promulga - -Comrre ss of all historical relieions and ,

    lBbeled wim me M ecM/ ier-M tue oy tne the nosfc indiflerent fbarful; what was it ness ; be with us.with all men, O Father , of which, certain social effecto are pro- stor ed up in Judaism and misspent in tion and exposition almost entirely up- '

    :!7 K 7. :... '!: ; , .f. , ' ., learned Eabbi s of Chicago. This time , that brought disaster upon disaster ' fol-: m thy mercy. Amen l dueed. He haa to look on himself in- finance operations , in ; ihe : oul ture T of on. the spoken word , reachin g only a ' "it was done well, mis estaMisnes tne we hop6i Mr > KodkitlB t)n will succeed, lowing fast and ever faster ; why were - - - " : " 1 iav. . "' ¦ V dividuall y as a being moved by emo: land , the erection of substantial: dwel- limited number , and quickly fadingauthority of this august body among our and Chica -0 WU1 succeed in keeninK thb ¦ foundations of the business and SOCIAL EVOLtTION ATSD SOCIAL «ons which prom pt philanthrop ic ac lings, and the production of pictures from .memory, orVupon the-t imely but ¦American Congregation s, m a compe- , . .., . *. . . . * * financial world undermined ? And *rr£v tions, whrte ,.as a member of society, he and sculptur es. ; .. chiefly ephemeral and - often - polemi«v "'fent advisorv bodv whose abilit y earn- . ., iT. when we go back of it all ;, back of

    U . ^aa to look on himself

    as an agent T4eon^̂.; ,*.. / . . ., - '_„„ „ Ab a newspaper man , it Beema the secondary , causes unto the primary, „ , . iU ,. , . , ̂

    .. .. throu gh whom these emotions work out on Prof , Geddes' brilliant theory is that , given in the Jewuh pre es. - The libra e-estness and attachment to the cause can PHiadelpmft man promi seB to be a suc ̂ wM we not find the great reaiob for all Such is the title of a paper by the dis- improvemento in sooial life. 80 far , wbile he is lebturihg arid talkin g, the now^ bearing th^ ̂ ;seal: bf the ' Jewish-no longer be doubtful to any well dis- ^mb . ag a reformer of courBe Rodkin- these evils that have come upon us in tinguished Herbert Spencer , the Lon- tked^J s the theory of evolution: from man who ia really aotingout his theory. Publication Society holds but the prom-posed member of our communities. The ... - to ,', hiH cnllBusHwi nn the wild spirit of epeculation that has don savant , which he contributed to the implying a "para lyzing and immoral ia Hirsoh :the Hebrew financier 1 Which ise of better facilities in the futur e. In - : ;

    daughter s of Israel , our gifted mothers '̂^ ̂ ^ A^TiTS ^^Z

    seized upon men, the unbridled desire to Congr ess of. Evolutionists , and which '!t ^̂ ;lt 'ia^'^; sS


    : of g^ '? «hpw thtit °ot even the float ed deed , the- fin>t wbrk published , : iBdy ,j ¦ t ' " ¦' a -i.\ j a hoth Bldes of the Atlantic , in this and Q_ -X . . Bll0rt time at anv cost *. . *"u™u,",**°> »"u " " the highest social type and production "parasite ," the mere "storer of mock Macnui' " Out lines of J ewish Historv ", and sisters , contributed a very respect- .n fche ^0 depw^̂ ^̂able share to Un succegs achieved in wor ,d Succe8S to the BahM in Chi- of honesty and truth ? Speculation Out of respect for that philosophical istib activities ̂

    are essential , as well as he is painted. What pleased me in the that the Organizers Of : the Society had 'that menlofable congress. They ably , haB run riot , gamhling is rife geniua, we reproduce here the abstract egoistic activities , and that a due share lectures, however , is the impar tial rightly conceived of its province. It ' ¦¦ :•and enthu siastically represen ted the * ' L .- , in every province , in business, « found in Chicago papers , especially in them¦ » obligatory upon each citizen, candor - with which the PrO v has been adopted by our educators asa )

    . i t j '™ („„ ii,. ™m.j .in . , in finance , in amu sement , the Amer- ,-_ +i. ft rh indoo ff«-/,w —- -̂ ̂ --r- ressor .(whether rightly ot wrongly ) charming ly written text-book on post-cause of Jud atsm from the womanl y lay Words are sounding thoughts or feel- ican ple h ̂ one mftd in the m the Chicago £Wd

    % attacked the whole , ¦system of Biblical J eViah histoiT, for our reli giouV -standpoint as a necessary and very ap- j B The fioundB caUBed b t^ugB ^i ̂

    ruBh for wealth arid everything is: At a congress which has for its oh ef r«u*v «*»JJ S» «*ttfst to\ finance operation s, simply submit- schools ; and the satiafaction it gives ;nropriat e counterpart to the whole. &re ejaculation8 i interj eotions, falsely sacrificed to the .eager haste to grow fT^.S.

    l^rirm ^d^i?££S

    THE JEWISH qUESTION. ting ^ib v.ewe to pure intellectual shows that , in the language ^of the trade , -;

    >v7hen the history of our part in the oMJ worda TL acream 8 of ; hu ' rich without hard work ; sobriety , in- ^t!S ^LSffS f3S3n to?a J *Z. « , ' ,/ ̂ ~ 7Z~J t. , . , ?rU,,_ „].,,*. ' circle Octobe r 8th. oi the Jews. When completed meA, l.(;M. „f ik. r„:M n n w r j ? ¦ • a »u ¦ ,» the course of the game. A fine educa- Similarl y, too, when we pass to or- by plants. . a .. . Mrs. S. Silver man and Mr Qeorce work wil1 consist of five volumes, aver-congregations of the L nion ofA. H . C, words to communicate their wordless tion , You say it does no ganio bodies , plant and animal. Enabled There are three ways in which a man S5ivernlail of Neff York visited rib! aging 500 pages. Up to the present .to the members of the Central Confer- thoughts to others. All of them testif y harm. I tell you this ia what to develop individual ly, as they are , by can add to the aniount of human tiye8 and ' friendfl bere la9t week o* Volumes I. and II. have been issued ;ence, to the authors of papers read in tha t man can think without words , it ia that is underminin g our homes and environing forces , and enabled to wealth : (1) By so tilling the land as to their way East from the Fair ' and the third will soon appear. The .Congress and Parliament , to one hun- These thoughts arose in tbe mind of the lives of our young. I have men- develop as apecies by processes which morea se it^

    avwlaWe l™™« : W »/

    Mr. and Mrs . Dan S. Wertheim er are Ea6liah b°ok is an adaptation of ,, 7. , 1 . , V j ,„ * , B

    • .u ,- aai , t^ed in this pulpit before the fact continue to adapt and read apt them to bo transforming that produce as to • th . . the Eirnnl iZ tKi. Graet a's eleven volume historv. together .dred journals here and abroad , to one the reader on perusing the little volume that in a rcport ^n ̂JewiBh inmatefl tfaeir chaaging \nvil0Qmelî they are make it more useful to men ; (3) by «"« tt ,e B,*ht * f tt the Bspos.t.on this ̂ ^^ew Ser Sly tak«hundred pub lic libraries and archives lately publ ished by the Open Court Pub- jn the prison e of the State of New York made to fit themselves to their respeo- conveying the produce (whether in its Mi;a Fra nois Frank and . , from the author 's VoththuemUche Ofhere andabroad , which will make a total lishing Society in Chicago. Three Intro- the number was found to be greatly in- tive lives and , along certa in lines, to raw or its manufactur ed state ) to where Mj ag Lizzie Aaron (j left for Q ̂ «oe- sehkt 'thoutspoken will be eager , we jud ge, to pos- his opponents maintain as we do, there exchange and gambling at the card ta- posed that societies, too, passively evolve to' ,

    «^* ^«T»^«t tem Tako „ ZTZu

    ™ m ??? ' loBing in value as a product of Jewish, ., . , f, v.a . .a. . j mL , ole are but the opposite sides of the apart from any conscious agency; and wnion is siorea in some permanent torm. Taku it all iu aii thu world i« fai r. Th atis hs lita rftturftseas a copy of the book. are thoug hts without words. The lee- Bame coin , rF t £e iBferellC e i» that , according to the The artist who painta a picture for J udgment, BrB pretty generally jU 8t. No doub t The nublishinAr nf Or aetz's Histo ry '( C ) The Union of A. H. C., by ita Coun- tures and the controversy are highly We can trace this evil back a evolutionary doctrine , it is needless for posterit y, the budder who erect s a last- has formed mriny incorrect couoruaioa B fr om a -..„««,T „hi

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