knowsys group 10

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Knowsys Group 10. adverse ad vurs. adjective. hostile, unfavorable, or harmful. When Jenny had an adverse reaction to the new medication, she had to go into the hospital for treatment and observation. antagonize verb an ta gə nīz - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Group 10

When Jenny had an adverse reaction to the newmedication, she had to go into the hospital for treatment

and observation.


adversead vurs

hostile, unfavorable, or harmful

antagonize verban ta gə nīz

to make hostile or unfriendly

The manager antagonized the employee by pointing his finger on his chest.

confront verb kən frunt to oppose or challenge or to meet face-to-face

After months of training and simulations, the troops were finally ready to confront

the enemy.


to make very angry

I find it infuriating when

I call my cell phone company and get put on hold for

long periods of time.

infuriatein fyür ē āt

irate adjective ī rāt

very angry

The irate customer demanded a full refund when he found out the

equipment was defective.

wrath rath

Fearing the wrath of the gods, the ancient Romans offered sacrifices to keep the gods from getting angry.



adjective aghast ə gast

filled with sudden fright or horror

The audience was aghast when the wolfman jumped out of the shadows and attacked his victim.

dumbfound verbdum found

to make speechless with surprise

After the politician's bold speech against the right to a free press, the audience sat

dumbfounded in shocked silence.

verb flabbergast fla bər gast

to overwhelm with surprise

Since we did not even know my brother was dating, we were flabbergasted

when he announced his engagement.

incredulous showing unbeliefin kre jə ləs

When Irene received her acceptance letter to Harvard, she was incredulous and kept

asking, "Really? Are you sure?“


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