knowing yhvh (god)

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Knowing YHVH (God)



    Inspired by Paul van Cleeve

    Do we really know YHVH? It is important because in Mat 7:21-23 Yshua said to thepeople who called Him Master that they must go away because He do not knowthem. To be known by YHVH is to know YHVH and we do this through revelation ofHis Son Yshua.

    What does YHVH think about?

    He thinks about us and cares about us and wants to garter us toward Himself.


  • 8/14/2019 Knowing YHVH (God)





    If you look up in the sky, the head of a pinat arm's length would totally block the viewof the area of space this image was takenfrom. Each one of those galaxies abovehas approximately 400 billion stars similarto our sun. Each one of these galaxies issimilar to our galaxy, the Milky Way, whichis 100,000 light years across. The MilkyWay which is the home of our Solar Systemcontains at least 200 billion other stars(more recent estimates have givennumbers around 400 billion). How Great isthe One Who created all of this?Interestingly, some physicists nowbelieve the universe has to be the size itis just to support life on earth, even moreamazing, it may be all here just for us. Hisworks are as deep as His thoughts, whichare all about us. It seems that He createdall of this so that we can exist before Himand He has done all of this for our benefit.


    YHVH's creation is so vast and enormous, why does he even care about us?


    Scripture informs us that YHVH does what he wants to do. It pleases him to love usand have mercy on us. It pleases him to have compassion towards us. Do we everhave to worry that He will stop caring about us and find something else to do? No!


    He does not change and he cares for us because He is loving, peaceful,longsuffering, gentle, full of goodness, faithful, meek and full of joy over us. Let uslook at each one of these aspects to get surety that He will complete what He startedand planned right from the beginning when He created everything.

  • 8/14/2019 Knowing YHVH (God)





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    To love is a choice and YHVH chose your fathers andtheir seed so that you may be born to choose you aswell because of His Covenant with them. You werechosen right at the beginning, even before you wereborn.


    He loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son for us to pay the price withHis precious Blood so that we might live and not die. He has committed Himself to usand if we commit ourselves to Him, then His redemption Plan will be complete in andfor us.


    When everything is complete and Yshua reigns from the New Jerusalem after HisSecond Coming, His Government will be established and He will fulfil the propheticpicture of King David. Peace is the word shalom that means peace and completionof the building process. When everything is completed and His Creation of thephysical and Spiritual are complete after the final separation of good and bad, holyand profane and righteous and unrighteous, then the building process of theKingdom will be complete and will we experience His peace or Shalom. He will notstop until all is fulfilled and completed according to His Creation and RestorationPlan.

  • 8/14/2019 Knowing YHVH (God)





    He is longsuffering and slow to anger and has patience with ourshortcomings while we are still immature learning how to walk (halechah). His goodattributes of patience and mercy will not oversee the guilty and ignore iniquity. YHVHis patient as long as time exists. He helps those who want to be helped so that theymay comply to His righteous standard. His Plan dictates the timing of His f inalredemption and there is grace as long as time exists. It will all come to an end when

    He comes to separate iniquity and wickedness from the earth to make room for HisHoly and awesome Presence. Sin cannot exist where He is and must be taken awayto allow His dwelling Presence with His people.



    YHVHs Power is seen in His works and forces of nature he created, but He is notfound within them, no, He is the still small voice that calls you when you make time tolisten to Him. These elements are in the physical and will impress the fleshlyorientated unbelievers but His presence is found in the Spirit in the stillness of HisPeace and Gentleness.


  • 8/14/2019 Knowing YHVH (God)




    YHVHs Name is proclaimed in His Goodness and His Name will not be changedbecause of our iniquity. Even when we are rebellious and turn away from Him, Heshows us His goodness and kindness and that lead us to repentance. His goodnessis toward those who fear Him and trust in His Word. Do not trample on His goodnessand do not despise His kindness because the time is set in His Plan where He willonly be kind and good to those who followed Him. Humble yourself before Him andgain the full benefit of His grace and await His kindness to save you at the climax ofthe ages and the fulfilment of His Plan.


    YHVHs faithfulness is in relation with His Covenant He made with His people and

    the moon is a sign of His faithfulness to His Covenant He established with David.Davis is a foreshadow of the Beloved Messiah and in Yshua will His Covenant stand,those who believe in Him. It is very interesting to see that the moon is our sign of Hisfaithfulness in this Covenant in Messiah. But why the moon? The full moon and newmoon is the sign YHVH uses to time His mo-edor appointed times or Festivals. TheFestivals are the events on which the Messiah has came and will come to fulfil thePlan supporting His Covenant. So, if we look at the moon, we see the surety of Hisfaithfulness and the fulfilment of the last Festivals that will bring final redemption andrestoration to His people who observe these times.



  • 8/14/2019 Knowing YHVH (God)




    The Spirit of YHVH portrays His Character and He gave us His Spirit to help us toconform to His Character. If we live and walk by the Ruach and bear fruit, then weare being like YHVH. He is meek and gentle, patient and full of love. He is faithfuland are at peace and do not flame up into anger.

    Satan is the opposite of this and the people who follow him portray his character:


    No one can be as the Most High and pride and rebellion is the attempt to overthrowthe authority of YHVH. To be like the Most High is to be meek and humble beforeHim and He will elevate you to the status He planned for you. So humble yourselfbefore Him and He will exult you in due time. Our goals must be achieved by a workof the Ruach in our lives, not by our fleshly attempts dictated by Satan or our flesh.


    When you ever see pride manifested in anyone who believes they are closer toYHVH than you happen to be or believe they have secret knowledge and aresomehow special, then you can know they are neither. There is no pride in knowingor being close to YHVH. Any of us truly moving closer to him will realize our owndepravity and that it is a privilege to know Him and not a right that comes throughhumility.


    YHVH had already declared Job righteous, but Job did not see himself that way andfell in dust and ashes before Him. May we be like Job who seek the face of YHVHthrough the same Character we see in our Master, namely humility.

    Keep on enduring in faithfulness to the end, be encouraged, YHVH is saying these

    words to you.


  • 8/14/2019 Knowing YHVH (God)





    This not a picture we often think about. YHVH rejoicing andsinging over us. Wow! He has an expectation that there will bepeople who will follow Him and you may be one of them. If youare, then He is rejoicing over you with great joy and cannot waitfor that day to restore you back into His Presence to dwell withyou as He dwelled with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Hold fastto His Covenant through Faith in Messiah and the work He willcome to do at the time of His Judgement and pursue His Characteristics as dictatedby His Sprit within you.

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