know how english part 3 workbook-2

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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Това е втора тетрадка към част трета от поредицата "Английски език за самостоятелни деца" на система "Знам и мога". Пособието е предназначено само за учебни цели.


Topics & Reflections

Part 3:

Workbook №2

~ 1 ~

How to Organize Your Backpack

1. Choose the appropriate word to fill in the gap.

Sometimes there are difficult _____________ to make.

Is your backpack really _____________?

Can't find that ____________ slip to Disneyland?

Even your ________ phone, wallet, and keys should be in

the _______ on the floor.

____________ a close inspection of the inside of your

backpack, ____________ the pockets.

Organize your _____ pile of objects found in your _________.

Was it a total ________? We don't ___________ it.

All of your pencils, ____________, pens, and pencil

___________ should go in your pencil bag.

The different colors can help you______________.

It is ___________ or is being held together by ________ tape.

You've ____________ the style.

Recycle any old _____________ papers or guidelines.

Put __________ leaf paper behind the most used __________

to use when you need it.

~ 2 ~

Match 1 notebook per _________ for notes, not ___________.

If you have an ____________, put that on top.

Keep your backpack like this by having a small

______________ session each day.

Also have a _________ one every month or so.

Words: sharpeners, decisions, permission, cell, pile,

including, backpack, agenda, mess, heavy, believe,

highlighter, assignment, color-code, ragged, duct, loose,

papers, outgrown, folder, conduct, doodling,

organization, large, huge

2. Complete or finish the sentence.

There are so many things to...............................................

How to cope with..............................................................?

If your bag isn't _________________ to be ______________ed,


If you said ____, then you have to start...............................

That includes every scrap, book, and paper that needs to


Any extra things (..............................................................)

should go in.......................................................................


is definitely recommended.

When you buy...................................................................,

they too should be.............................................................

~ 3 ~

Decide if you need.............................................................

Label your folder with........................................................

Note that your teacher may require you to


Put any..............................................................................

you will be using that week in............................................

Keep gong till you have nothing else


Put your.............................................................................

in a smaller compartment.


should go in a medium compartment.

But be warned


It's best to keep items like.................................................

in your front pockets or pockets that no one


3. What is missing?

Do you come home ____ pain after school?

Completely empty your back pack _____.

Go ________ all the pockets and pile all of your items in the


Shake ______ any crumbs, shavings, etc. over a large


~ 4 ~

Put all the paper packets, and such _______ separate piles

- one pile for each subject or period.

Do not throw anything _________ yet.

Label the top left corner of your folder ____ the front ______

your name.

Purchase the items listed _____ "Things You Need."

If the following applies ____ it, the answer is yes.

It is not suitable _____ your needs.

It is _______ your possession ____ a long time.

Set the new folder ________ for later.

Recycle any graded papers if you are allowed _____.

Check _______ your teacher if you throw anything _____

because you might need it later!

Put any papers you must keep but are unneeded _____ the


Make sure to keep each period/subject's pile(s) separate

______ other ones. Get the folders back _____.

Put each colored folder ______ each subject.

Your items are ____ danger of being stolen _______ your


Time for

Mind Map


~ 1 ~

How to Become an Excellent Student

1. Choose the appropriate word to fill in the gap.

When a teacher is __________ a lesson, take notes and if

you don't _____________ something, ________ your hand and

ask _______________.

The more guestions you ________, the smarter you'll

______, ____________ it or not.

By ___________ notes and __________ to friends, you won't

learn anything, so _______ close attention.

___________ your notes when you have free time.

___________ is to review what you have learned that day.

Take _____________ of your free time.

Remember, homework can also help you ___________ good

habits and ______________.

To make this easier, use color _______ or ________ your


It is _____________ to start studying at least a few days

before a test. Make a study _____________.

~ 2 ~

If an _____________________ activity gets in the way of your

studying, tell the person in charge of that __________ event

that you will not be able to _________ that event, or you will

have to leave early.

Study as if you are _____________ for the outcome of your

hard work.

Ask a parent or older ___________ to look over your notes

and __________ a mini-test for you three days _______ to

your test.

Don't lose your cool if you are stuck.

Always __________ extra credit problems and ____________.

You can _________ your grade and understand the

____________ better.

_______________ notes taken in class is helpful if taking

exceptionally ___________ classes.

________________ studies have shown that people tend to

_________ much of the information learned in the last ten

minutes before _________ asleep.

Highlight the _____________ of difficult concepts and ask

questions when you have____________.

Words: attitudes, improve, sibling, passing, hard, falling,

schedule, rewriting, advised, forget, assignments,

explanation, psycological, giving, extracurricular, talking,

certain, advantage, doubts, create, understand, develop,

attempt, pay, label, raise, believe, homework, attend,

review, questions, ask, get, codes, motivated, prior,


~ 3 ~

2. Finish the sentences.

Like all exceptionally great students, you must


Teachers give you homework for


Always do what is asked of you


Staying organized at school is


By reading challenging and difficult books, you can


Study before ………………………………………………………..

Use of mind maps can be helpful for


In fact, you should eat healthily all the time, because


You can make a mind map to help with revising


3. What is missing?

_____ the student, school can be one of the most difficult

things to deal ______.

Learn how to study and get along ______ your peers will

make the whole experience that much easier.

Take some time to write some problems _____, or you

couls ask someone to write them ______ you.

~ 4 ~

Just remember, it doesn't hurt to go _______ what you have


Do yor homework ______ the way home from school and

____ any spare time.

Do _____ much at school _____ you can; you have the

teacher there ____ case you need help.

Make sure not to rush ____ your homework, to check

______ it, and to be neat.

Bring everything you need _______ you _____ class.

If you are not already a reader, start _____ your level and

work your way _____.

Don't put _____ work _____ later.

Never let your parents put too much pressure ______ you.

Tell them nicely to back ______ and let you breathe.

Time for

Mind Map


~ 1 ~

How to Write a Friendly Letter

1. Choose the appropriate word and fill in the gap.

Texting and __________ messaging are ___________ ways of

communicating these days.

Writing a letter is a traditional, ___________ way of bringing

a ________ to someone's face.

____________ you write a letter using email or mail it the

old-fashioned way, the _______ is the same.

A friendly letter should include a _____________, inquiries

about your friend, news about your life and an

______________ closing.

Write out the date or _______________ it using only numbers

______________ the month, day and year.

The ________________ of a letter, whether it's

_______________ or in the form of an email, is called


Think about the nature of your ____________________ with

the letter recipient, as well as your __________________ and

style, and choose your greeting ____________________.

~ 2 ~

"Dear" is as appropriate for a letter to your best friend as

it is for a letter to an ________________ you just met.

For a letter that is more ___________ in tone, consider

beginning it with "Hi, [name] or "Hello, [name]."

The first ____________ of a friendly letter is usually warm

and _________________.

If you'd like a reply to your letter, feel free to pepper it with

questions throughout.

________________ the time of year is another common letter


Be ______________, open, and _________________ to

communicate your message effectively.

Tell what events have _____________, what ___________

you've felt, and what plans you have for the future.

Don't create an ___________ picture of your life; that

___________ the purpose of a friendly letter.

__________ a holiday newsletter-style update; your friend

will start _______________ to the bottom if you list

everything you've _________________ since your last letter.

____________ the purpose of the letter and ___________ your

friend to write back.

PS is a way to add ______________ that isn't important

enough to __________ its own paragraph in the body of the


Words: smile, reiterate, merit, salutation, avoid, skimming,

paragraph, articulate, handwritten, instant, defeats,

occurred, casual, acquaintance, indicating, preferences,

~ 3 ~

forthright, lighthearted, information, emotions,

accomplished, accordingly, airbrush, form, abbreviate,

effective, whether, relationship, common, appropriate,

beginning, encourage, referencing

2. Finish the sentences.

Do you want to get back in touch


To express to someone that you are missing them, you


You can thank them for helping you out


You don't have to go deeper


To portrait your life realistically you


You can also discuss topics of mutual interest by writing

your thoughts



Consider suggesting.........................................................

Sharing good information


Try to end the letter on a note that will leave your friend


If you'd like a response, write............................................

~ 4 ~

A postscript is often included at the end of friendly letter

as a way to......................................................................

3. Arrange the following words into a correct sequence.


letters, come, for, people, many, save, to, years



like, able, be, see, to, they, what, it, to, and, day, to,

was, year, earlier, reminisce, times, about


sure, end, with, your, be, to, comma, a, greeting



formally, begin, it, also, body, is, correct, the, to, of,

letter, the, line, next, the, on



question, a, helps, asking, the, make, letter, part, like,

feel, conversation, longer, a, of



my, trees, in, neighborhood, are, more, than, before,

ever, been, have, they, the, brilliant

~ 5 ~



case, make, it, tone, any, letter’s, your, matches, in,




letter, for, check, it, mail, before, your, errors, you,




to, name, where, address, the, you, that’s, whom, by,

you’re, writing, person



equivalent, as, of, think, the, conversation, small, to,

making, you, talk, into, launch, before, deeper, a, it

Time for

Mind Map


~ 1 ~

Giving and receiving directions

1. Use the following prompts to compose as many

questions as you can. Make a conversation.

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to...................?

Excuse me, do you know where is......................?

Excuse me, I'm looking for..............

Am I on the right way to.................?

Is this the right way to.......................?

Can you show me on the map how to get to......................?

2. Translate the sentences. Make a conversation.

Търся този адрес.


По този път е.


На грешен път сте.


~ 2 ~

Завийте на първата/втората пресечка наляво/надясно.



Като стигнете кръстовището, завийте надясно и после

продължете направо около миля.




Продължавате покрай гората, минавате покрай една

бензиностанция, която Ви се пада отдясно, и там питате

накъде да карате.




Просто продължете още няколко метра нагоре по улицата и

ще стигнете до къщата.



Тя ще Ви се падне отляво, а сградата, която търсите, се

намира точно зад нея. Ще слезете от колата и ще

заобиколите къщата.




Time for

Mind Map


~ 1 ~

The Language of Maps

Kids Should Know

1. Choose the appropriate word and fill in the gap.

I still love _________________ maps, and believe kids need

to learn map skills, and develope their geography


Kids not only can learn to ________ maps, but to recognize

their _________________ and ___________ their own maps.

_______________ knowledge of a man is known by his

_______________ of science terms and concepts and the

______________ to use them properly.

Absolute ____________ describes the exact position of a

point using latitude and longitude.

Relative Location finds the location of a place using other

______________ places or ____________ directions.

~ 2 ~

Equator is an ______________ line around the globe, equally

_________________ the earth into the northern and southern


Globe is a spherical __________________ of the earth.

_________________ is half of the earth, either ____________

into northern and southern divided by the______________,

or eastern and western divided by a _______________.

____________________ directions are the points that fall

between the cardinal ______________: Northeast,

Southeast, Southwest, and Northwest.

Meridian is an imaginary, _______________ line running

from North Pole to South Pole.

The Prime Meridian runs through ______________, England.

Tropic of _____________ is the circle of latitude on the Earth

that marks the most northerly position at which the Sun

may appear directly ______________, at the June


Tropic of _____________is the circle of latitude on the Earth

that marks the most southerly _____________ at which the

Sun may __________ directly overhead, at the December


Words: cardinal, exploring, general, hemisphere, solstice,

overhead, build, surrounding, meridian, representation,

dividing, Greenwich, Capricorn, longitude, directions,

latitude, intermediate, Cancer, hemisphere, equator,

knowledge, Location, imaginary, awareness, read,

components, ability, appear, divided

~ 3 ~

2. Finish the sentences.

The four cardinal points


Coordinates show the exact position


Latitudes are the imaginary lines running parallel to the

equator on the globe,


Longitudes are the imaginary lines running "up-down" on

the globe, showing.............................................................

Map Key/Legend is a small table of symbols used on the

map to...............................................................................

The purpose of physical maps is to


The purpose of political maps is to


Time for

Mind Map


~ 1 ~

The House of My Dreams

1. Choose the appropriate word to fill in the gap.

It's a place where you feel comfort, ___________ and


It _____________ the best feelings and high emotions in


It goes without saying that ________________ there are a lot

of types of _______________.

For ____________ some people prefer semi-detached

houses or _____________.

Such houses ___________ them because they are less

_____________ than mansions or_____________, for example.

When you have your own ___________ you can __________

fruits and vegetables, make ________________ and plant

____________ beautiful flowers that will _________ your


You can also build some _____________ like a green-house,

a garage, a tool shed, an ___________.

Words: attract, land, outhouses, flowerbeds, warmth,

arbour, instance, warm, various, expensive, grow,

reliability, awakens, bungalow, duplexes, souls,

nowadays, dwellings

~ 2 ~

2. Arrange the following words into a correct sequence.



us, have, our, all, of, home, and, ideas, a, perfect,

dreams, own, about


mean, to, same, everybody, home, can’t, the



that, I’m, but, sure, all, to, place, in, live, just, not, is,

home, people, for, a



ideal, an, what, home, everybody, is, himself, for,




according, home, little, your, live, is, world, you, to,

own, and, your, interests, rules, where



calm, to, people, most, want, of, rhythm, life, have,

and, measured

~ 3 ~



poultry, dwelling, keep, who, people, these, prefer,

the, and, of, types, the, cattle

3. Finish the sentences.

Home is a place where you feel..........................................

In my opinion home always



You have neighbours you can always turn to if you


At the same time your neighbours can disturb you



In general it's quite pleasant to live


People, who prefer cottages and farmhouses, are fond


The most important disadvantage of living in a farmhouse

or in a cottage, to my mind, is



After I retire I'd like to live in...............................................

Time for

Mind Map


| 1 K n o w H o w [ P a r t 3 ] W o r k b o o k № 2 < < < K E Y > > >

7. How to Organize Your Backpack

Sometimes there are difficult decisions to make.

Is your backpack really heavy?

Can't find that permission slip to Disneyland?

Even your cell phone, wallet, and keys should be in the pile on the


Conduct a close inspection of the inside of your backpack,

including the pockets.

Organize your huge pile of objects found in your backpack.

Was it a total mess?

We don't believe it.

All of your pencils, highlighter, pens, and pencil sharpeners shold

go in your pencil bag.

The different colors can help you color-code.

It is ragged or is being held together by duct tape.

You've outgrown the style.

Recycle any old assignment papers or guidelines.

Put loose leaf paper behind the most used papers to use when you

need it.

Match 1 notebook per folder for notes, not doodling.

If you have an agenda, put that on top.

Keep your backpack like this by having a small organization

session each day.

Also have a large one every month or so.

| 2 K n o w H o w [ P a r t 3 ] W o r k b o o k № 2 < < < K E Y > > >

Do you come home =in pain= after school?

Completely =empty your back pack out=.

=Go through= all the pockets and pile all of your items in the room.

=Shake out= any crumbs, shavings, etc. over a large trashcan.

=Put all the paper packets, and such into= separate piles - one pile

for each subject or period.

Do not =throw anything away= yet.

Label the top left corner of your folder =in the front with= your


Purchase the items =listed in= "Things You Need."

If the following =applies to= it, the answer is yes.

It is not =suitable for= your needs.

It is =under your possession= =for a long time=.

=Set the new folder aside= for later.

=Recycle any graded papers if =you are allowed to=.

=Check with= your teacher if you =throw anything out= because

you maight need it later!

Put any papers you must keep but are unned =to the side=.

Make sure to keep each period/subject's pile(s) =separate from=

other ones.

Get the folders =back out=.

=Put each colored folder with= each subject.

Your items are =in danger of= being =stolen from= your backpack.

| 3 K n o w H o w [ P a r t 3 ] W o r k b o o k № 2 < < < K E Y > > >

8. How to Become an Excellent Student

When a teacher is giving a lesson, take notes and if you don't

understand something, raise your hand and ask questions.

The more guestions you ask, the smarter you'll get, believe it or


By passing notes and talking to friends, you won't learn anything,

so pay close attention.

Review your notes when you have free time.

Homework is to review what you have learned that day.

Take advantage of your free time.

Remember, homework can also help you develop good habits and


To make this easier, use color codes or label your folders.

It is advised to start studying at least a few days before a test.

Make a study schedule.

If an extracurricular activity gets in the way of your studying, tell

the person in charge off the certain event that you will not be able

to attend that event, or you will have to leane early.

Study as if you are motivated for the outcome of your hard work.

Ask a parent or older sibling to look over your notes and create a

mini-test for you three days prior to your test.

Don't lose your cool if you are stuck.

Always attempt extra credit problems and assignments. You can

improve your grade and understand the matterial better.

Rewriting notes taken in class is helpful if taking exceptionally

hard classes.

| 4 K n o w H o w [ P a r t 3 ] W o r k b o o k № 2 < < < K E Y > > >

Psycological studies have shown that people tend to forget much

of the information learned in the last ten minutes before falling


Highlight the explanation of difficult concepts and ask questions

when you have doubts.

Like all exceptionally great students, you must pay attention.

Teachers give you homework for a reason.

Always do what is asked of you.

Staying organized at school is extremely important.

By reading challenging and difficult books, you can expand your


Study before the night of your test.

Use of mind maps can be helpful for understanding hard topics.

In fact, you should eat healthily all the time, because it will help

your mind.

You can make a mind map to help with revising before any exam or


=For the student=, school can be one of the most difficult things

=to deal with=.

Learn how to study and =get along with= your peers will make the

whole experience that much easier.

Take some time =to write some problems up=, or you couls ask

someone =to write them for you=.

Just remember, it doesn't hurt =to go over= what you have learned.

Do yor homework =on the way home= from school and =in any

spare time=.

| 5 K n o w H o w [ P a r t 3 ] W o r k b o o k № 2 < < < K E Y > > >

Do =as much at school as= you can; you have the teacher there =in

case= you need help.

Make sure =not to rush on= your homework, =to check over= it,

and to be neat.

Bring everything you =need with you to class=.

If you are not already a reader, start =at your level= and work

=your way up=.

Don't =put off= work =for later=.

Never let your parents =put too much pressure on= you. Tell them

nicely =to back off= and let you breathe.

9. How to Write a Friendly Letter

Texting and instant messaging are common ways of

communicating these days.

Writing a letter is a traditional, effective way of bringing a smile to

someone's face.

Whether you write a letter using email or mail it the old-fashioned

way, the form is the same.

A friendly letter should include a salutation, inquiries about your

friend, news about your life and an appropriate closing.

Write out the date or abbreviate it using only numbers indicating

the month, day and year.

The beginning of a letter, whether it's handwritten or in the form of

an email, is called salutation.

Think about the nature of your relationship with the letter

recipient, as well as your preferences and style, and choose your

greeting accordingly.

| 6 K n o w H o w [ P a r t 3 ] W o r k b o o k № 2 < < < K E Y > > >

"Dear" is as appropriate for a letter to your best friend as it is for a

letter to an acquaintance you just met.

For a letter that is more casual in tone, consider beginning it with

"Hi, [name] or "Hello, [name]."

The first paragraph of a friendly letter is usually warm and


If you'd like a reply to your letter, feel free to pepper it with

questions throughout.

Referencing the time of year is another common letter opening.

Be forthright, open, and articulate to communicate your message


Tell what events have occured, what emotions you've felt, and

what plans you have for the future.

Don't create an airbrush picture of your life; that defeats the

purpose of a friendly letter.

Avoid a holiday newsletter-style update; your friend will start

skimming to the bottom if you list everything you've accomplished

since your last letter.

Reiterate the purpose of the letter and encourage your friend to

write back.

PS is a way to add information that isn't important enough to merit

its own paragraph in the body of the letter.

Many people save letters for years to come.

They like to be able to see what day and year it was to reminisce

about earlier times.

Be sure to end your greeting with a comma.

| 7 K n o w H o w [ P a r t 3 ] W o r k b o o k № 2 < < < K E Y > > >

It is also formally correct to begin the body of the letter on the next


Asking a question helps make the letter feel like part of a longer


The trees in my neighborhood are more brilliant than they have

ever been before.

In any case, make sure it matches your letter's tone.

Check your letter for spelling errors before you mail it.

That's where you address the person to whom you're writing by


Think of it as the equivalent to making small talk before you launch

into a deeper conversation.

11. The Language of Maps Kids Should Know

I still love exploring maps, and believe kids need to learn map

skills, and develope their geography awareness.

Kids not only can learn to read maps, but to recognize their

components and build their own maps.

General knowledge of a man is known by his knowledge of science

terms and concepts and the ability to use them properly.

Absolute Location describes the exact position of a point using

latitude and longitude.

Relative Location finds the location of a place using other

surrounding places or cardinal directions.

Equator is an imaginary line around the globe, equally dividing the

earth into the northern and southern hemisphere.

| 8 K n o w H o w [ P a r t 3 ] W o r k b o o k № 2 < < < K E Y > > >

Globe is a spherical representation of the earth.

Hemisphere is half of the earth, either divided into northern and

southern divided by the equator, or eastern and western divided

by a meridian.

Intermediate directions are the points that fall between the

cardinal directions: Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and


Meridian is an imaginary, longitude line running from North Pole to

South Pole.

The Prime Meridian runs through Greenwich, England.

Tropic of Cancer is the circle of latitude on the Earth that marks

the most northerly position at which the Sun may appear directly

overhead, at the June solstice.

Tropic of Capricorn is the circle of latitude on the Earth that marks

the most southerly latitude at which the Sun may appear directly

overhead, at the December solstice.

12. The House of My Dreams

It's a place where you feel comfort, warmth and reliability.

It awakens the best feelings and high emotions in our souls.

It goes without saying that nowadays there are a lot of tipes of


For instance some people prefer semi-detached houses or


Such houses attract them because they are less expensive than

mansions or bungalow, for example.

| 9 K n o w H o w [ P a r t 3 ] W o r k b o o k № 2 < < < K E Y > > >

When you have your own land you can grow fruits and vegetables,

make flowerbeds and plant various beautiful flowers that will warm

your heart.

You can also build some outhouses like a green-house, a garage, a

tool shed, an arbour.

All of us have our own ideas and dreams about a perfect home.

"Home" can't mean the same to everybody.

But I'm sure that for all people home is not just a place to live in.

What an ideal home is everybody decides for himself.

Home is your little world where you live according to your own

rules and interests.

Most people want to have calm and measured rhythm of life.

People, who prefer these types of dwelling, keep the poultry and

the cattle.

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