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Kitaabat Tawheed KTWB.10+

Open your mind to the understanding of Tawheed by reviewing the basic and important issues that

provide knowledge about why you are here to worship Allah ta’ala alone. Then embark upon the path of

how you can stay away from falling into the most destructive sin called shirk inshaAllah.

Ten Lessons with activities, reviews, and an answer key

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Kitab al Tawheed Lessons

Kitab al Tawhid Lessons © 2005. All rights reserved.

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Kitab al-Tawhid

Assalaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakhatahu Ya students,

The following lessons are being presented to you for the purpose of strengthening you upon the subject of

Tawhid first. It is important that as a Muslim/Muslimah you understand the meaning and purpose of

Tawhid, how it relates to you, and how it relates to your speech and actions, and most importantly that it is

the sole right of Allah. You shall embark on many subjects in these first lessons that guide you through

many avenues of explanation given to us by the Shaykh (may Allah be pleased with him). Subjects that

cover why you were created, the virtues of tawhid, the sins that tawhid removes, entering paradise by way

of Tawhid without a reckoning, Shirk, testifying to La Ilaha Illa Allah, and much more. Please review the

lessons with a “keen eye” inshaAllah. Study them using the 4R’s. And most of All from whatever you learn from the book of Allah and the Sunnah, you must try to implement that in your actions to the best of your


May Allah reward you with success, ameen.


Allamah Al-Sa’di’s Introduction

From the pen of Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahman bin Nasir bin Sa’di, being an abridgement and

summary of the pure creed of Ahl Al-Sunnah, as derived from the Book and the Sunnah.

All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, we seek His help, we seek His forgiveness, we

turn in repentance to Him.

We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the mischief of our deeds.

Whomever Allah guides, none can misguide him, and whomever He allows to stray, there

is no guidance for him.

I testify that there is none worthy of worship but Allah alone without partners and I

testify that Muhammad is His worshipper and Messenger.

We previously published these helpful notes on the subjects of Kitab al-Tawhid by Shaykh Al-Islam Muhammad bin Abd Al-Wahhab, may Allah bless his soul. This

resulted in some benefit and help for the average people, and brought assistance for those

in the field of knowledge, since it contains beneficial details with some comprehensive

explanation. It was published by the publishing house of the Imam, then it ran out of

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Kitab al Tawheed Lessons

Kitab al Tawhid Lessons © 2005. All rights reserved.

The House of Mecca Sadaqa Group, Inc. © 2012

stock due to the many request for it. So the urgent need to reprint and distribute it arose,

but this time it occurred to me to preface it with the brief discussion of some points from

the creed of Ahl Al-Sunnah, both in its foundations and branches. So I say, while it is

Allah alone whose help we seek;

They believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, The last Day, and the

Divine Will, its good and its bad.

They bear witness that Allah is the Lord, the Worshipped God, the one who is Alone in

all perfection. They worship Him alone, practicing religion sincerely for Him.

They say that Allah is the Creator, the Originator, the Fashioner, The Provider, the Giver,

the Withholder, the Arranger of all matters.

That He is the one to be defied, the one worshipped, the sole goal. That he is the First;

before whom there was nothing, the Last; after whom there is nothing, the Al-Zahir, the


That He is the Exalted Most High in every meaning and sense; exalted in His essence,

exalted in His ability, and exalted in His power.

That He is ascended above istawa His Throne, an istawa befitting His Honour, His

Majesty, His unlimited Exaltedness, and His absolute Aboveness. His Knowledge

encompasses all externals and internals, a Knowledge of the heights and the lows. He is with His worshippers in His Knowledge, knowing their every condition, and He is the

Near, the Respondent.

That He in His entire self is independent of the entire creation, all are in need of Him in every way, be it in their origination, or in the origination of what they are in need of in

every circumstances. None is in any sense independent of Him.

He is the Generous, the Merciful. There is no temporal favour, nor religious blessing nor

defense against trouble for the worshipper except by Allah, so He is the cause of all the

favours, the defense against all woes.

Out of His Mercy He descends every night to the lowest heaven to answer the needs of

the worshipper when the last third of the remains. He says, “My worshippers do not ask

from other than Me. Who is it that calls Me so that I may respond to him, who is it that asks of Me so that I may give him, who is it that seeks My forgiveness so that I may

forgive him.” Until Fajr begins. He descends as He wills and He does what He intends,

“There is nothing similar to Him, and He is the Hearing and Seeing.” (Al-Shura 42:11)

They believe that He is the Wise, the one whose judgment in legislating and decreeing is complete. So He did not create anything uselessly, nor does He institute legislation,

except that it is beneficial and wise.

He is the One turned to, the Pardoner, the Forgiving; accepting repentance from his

worshippers, and pardoning their faults, forgiving the grave sins of the repentant, those

seeking forgiveness, and those who turn penitently.

He is the Grateful, the one who appreciates the small deed and increases the thankful by

His blessings.

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They describe Him as He describes Himself, and as Allah’s Messenger described Him.

With all of His attributes of being; like living, perfection, hearing, seeing, omnipotence,

honour and greatness. He is the Majestic, the Glorious, the Beautiful, and the Praised


And [they describe Him] with the attributes of action related to His will and power; like

mercy, pleasure, anger, and speech. He speaks as He wills, how He wills, His words are

not alterable, nor perishable. And that the Quran is Allah’s words, un-created, originating

with Him, and returning to Him.

That He is unending, and never ceases to be able to do as He intends, speaking as He

wills, and ruling by His rules of decree for His worshippers, His legislative rules, and rule

overall. So He is the Ruler and the King, any king other than Him is ruled over by Him.

There is no escape for the people from His sovereignty nor from His rule.

They believe in what is mentioned about Him in the book and what is reported in well

known form in the Sunnah; that the believers will see their Lord ( ) with their eyes, and

that the favour of seeing Him, and the reward of His pleasure, are the greatest of favours

and delights.

And that whoever dies upon other than faith and tawhid, then he will be punished in the

fire of Jahannam forever, and that those who perform the major sins when they die

without repenting- if they have not had their sins erased, nor are they interceded for- then

they enter the Fire. But they will not remain in it eternally, for no one remains in the Fire

whose heart has the weight of a mustard seed worth of faith, except that he will

eventually be removed from it.

And that faith comprises the creed of the hearts and their actions, as well as the physical

deeds and sayings of the tongues. So whoever abides in these with the most complete

intention, then he is the real believer, the one deserving rewards and security against punishment. Whoever is deficient in these, then his faith will be proportionately deficient.

This is the way in which faith increases through obedience, and good deeds, and it is

diminished through disobedience and evil.

To be continued… InshaAllah.

For Salafi_Academy advanced reading please go to the following article:

On Eemaan, Ibaadah and Tawheed : Their Link and Interrelation.

Lesson 1: Eemaan Consists of Speech and Action

Author: Abu Iyaad as-Salafi

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Kitab al-Tawhid

Lesson Worksheet 1: Finding Allah’s names and attributes.

1. Who is the Author of this Introduction?

2. How did the author begin his Introduction?

3. List all of the Names and Attributes of Allah that the Author has mentioned in the above document

listed on pgs. 16 – 18

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Kitab al-Tawhid Introduction Part 2: We previously read the Introduction given to us by Shaykh Nasir bin Sa’di Alhamdulillah, during this introduction he began by praising Allah. You will notice that the Shaykh (may Allah be pleased with him) has called Allah by His many names and attributes throughout his introduction. Let us continue to read what the Shaykh has mentioned inshaAllah: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Among their fundamental beliefs is endeavoring and striving in Matters that benefit in religion and in the world, while seeking Allah’s Help. So they aspire to what benefits them, and they seek help from Allah. By this they achieve sincerity for Allah in all of their works, and they follow the Messenger of Allah (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam), being sincere to the one they worship, sincere in adherence to the Message, and giving sincere advice to the believers following their path. They testify that Muhammad is His worshipper and his Messenger, sent by Allah with guidance and the true religion to guide the entire creation, and that he is more worthy of the believers than they themselves are. He is the last of the prophets, sent to humans and jinns, warning and bring good news, inviting to Allah by His permission with an illuminating torch, sent by Him to restore the religion, as well as the world, and so that the creatures could abide in worshipping Allah, seeking His help from what He provided for that. They know the He (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) is the most knowledgeable of creatures, the most truthful of them, the most worthy of giving advice about them, loving him more than they love any other creature, and following him in the foundations and branches of their religion. They rank his sayings and guidance above that of any other person. They believe that Allah embodied in him virtues, special traits, and a completeness that was not embodied in any other. So he holds the highest of positions among all creatures, he is the most dignified among them, and he is the most perfect of them in every virtue. He (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) did not leave behind any good without telling his ummah about it, nor any evil without warning them against it. Similarly, they believe in all the Books of Allah revealed, and all of the Messengers that Allah sent, not making a distinction in this regard between any of the messengers. They believe in all the elements of the Divine will. That all of the worshipper’s actions, whether good or bad, are surrounded by Allah’s knowledge, aforementioned by His Pen, permeated by His will, and are all based upon His wisdom. And that He created a will and intent for his worshippers, by which their sayings

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and actions occur in accordance with his plan for them, they are not forced by it, but they are the choosers. This is particularly so for the believers, because He loves faith for them and decorated their hearts with it, and He hates disbelief, immorality, and disobedience for them due to His justice and wisdom. Among the foundations of Ahl-Sunnah is that they practice their religion upon nasihah (sincerity) to Allah, to His book, to His Messenger, to the imams and the body of the Muslims. They command the good and forbid the evil in accordance to the obligations of the shari’ah. They command righteousness and maintaining the ties of the womb, kindness to the neighbors, to the rulers, to average people, honouring the right of any who has a right, and a kindness to all creatures. They invite to the best and most noble conduct, and they prohibit vile and evil manners. They believe that the most complete among the believers in faith and certainty, is the best among them in deeds and manners, the most truthful among them in speech, the most pone to every good and virtue, the one most remote from every type of vulgarity. They command maintaining the rites of their religion, according to whatever comes from their Prophet about them, and about their descriptions and regulations. And they warn against that which would cause harm to them and decrease their value. They believe that jihad in the cause of Allah continues to be valid with every leader of theirs, both righteous and sinner. And that it is the highest limb of the religion. A jihad of knowledge and proofs, as well as jihad with the sword. And that it is obligatory upon every Muslim to defend the religion with all that he is able to and capable of. Among their fundamentals beliefs is the importance of uniting the Muslims, and struggling to draw their hearts together and bring love between them. They warn from separation, enmity, and hatred between each other, and against all that draws them closer to this. Among their fundamental beliefs is that they prohibit wronging anyone, be it in their blood, their wealth, their honour, or any of their rights. They command justice and fairness, and they encourage beneficence and good virtue in all of their dealings. They believe that the best of nations is the nation of Muhammad ( ) and the best of them are the companions of Allah’s Messenger ( ), particularly

the rightly guided khalifahs, the ten who were promised paradise the warriors at Badr those who gave the pledge of Ridwan The earlier of those who migrated And the Ansar

So they love the companions as an expression of their faith in Allah. They teach about the best of them and they refrain from any of the bad that may be said about any of them. They express their faith in Allah by honouring the guiding scholars, the just Imams, and anyone who holds a noteworthy position of religion or virtue among all of the Muslims. They ask Allah that He protect them from doubt, from shirk, from harshness, from hypocrisy, and from evil conduct. They ask Allah to strengthen them upon their Prophet’s religion until their death. In all of these fundamentals they have faith, and in them all they believe, and it is on them that they invite. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, may He mention Muhammad and his family and grant him greetings of peace.

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Kitab al-Tawhid Lesson Worksheet 2: Fill in the Blanks

1. They testify that Muhammad is His ___________ and his Messenger, sent by Allah with ____________ and the true religion to guide the entire creation, and that he is more ____________ of the believers than they themselves are. He is the_______ of the prophets, sent to humans and__________, warning and bring good news, inviting to Allah by His ________________ with an illuminating torch, sent by Him to restore the religion, as well as the world, and so that the creatures could abide in worshipping Allah, seeking His help from what He provided for that.

2. They know the He (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) is the most _________________ of creatures,

the most ______________ of them, the most worthy of giving advice about them, loving him more than they love any other creature, and following him in the _________________ and branches of their religion. They rank his _______________ and __________________ above that of any other person.

3. They believe that Allah embodied in him ______________, special traits, and a

__________________ that was not embodied in any other. So he holds the_________________ of positions among all creatures, he is the most __________________ among them, and he is the most_____________ of them in every virtue. He (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) did not leave behind any good without telling his_________ about it, nor any evil without______________ them against it.

4. Similarly, they believe in ____________________ of Allah revealed, and all of the Messengers

that Allah sent, not making a_____________________ in this regard between any of the messengers.

5. They believe in all the elements of the _______________. That all of the worshipper’s actions,

whether _________ or bad, are surrounded by Allah’s knowledge, aforementioned by His Pen, permeated by His will, and are all based upon His wisdom. And that He created a will and intent for his worshippers, by which their _____________ and actions occur in accordance with his plan for them, they are not _____________ by it, but they are the _______________.

6. They believe that the best of nations is the____________________________________ (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) and the best of them are the companions of Allah’s Messenger (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam), particularly ___________ (name those who were mentioned).

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Kitab al-Tawhid

Chapter 1

51:56 Adh-Dhariyat.

Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) said; “I have not created jinn and man except to worship me”

Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) said; “I have not created jinn and man except to worship Me” (al-Dhariyat 51:56) And; “We sent a messenger to every nation [saying]; “Worship Allah and shun the taghut.” (Al-Nahl 16:60) And; “Your Lord has ordered that you worship none but he, and that you behave kindly to your parents.” (Al-Isra’ 17:23) And; “Worship Allah, and do not associate anything with Him.” (Al-Nisa: 36) And; “Say: ‘Come! I will recite what your Lord has prohibited for you: That you do not associate anything with Him…” (Al-An’ am 6:151) Ibn Mas’ud said, “Whoever wants to have a look at the will that Muhammad (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) placed his seal upon, then let him recite the Most High’s saying; Say: “Come! I will recite what your Lord has prohibited for you: That you do not associate anything with Him… And surely this is my straight path.” (Al-An’ am 6:151-153) Mu’adh bin Jabal, may Allah be pleased with him, said; “While I was riding upon a donkey with the Prophet (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam), he said to me; “O Mu’adh! Do you know what Allah’s right is upon His worshippers, and what the worshippers right upon Allah is?’ I replied, ‘Allah and His Messenger know better.’ He said, ‘Allah’s right upon His worshipper is that they worship Him without associating anything with Him. The worshipper’s right upon Allah is that He does not punish anyone who does not associate anything with Him.’ I said, ‘Shall I tell this to the people?’ He (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) said, ‘Do not inform them since they may depend [solely] on it.” This is recorded in the two sahihs. {Bukhari & Muslim}

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Kitab al-Tawhid

• Note: There are two books being used for these lessons the first is the book “An Explanation of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s Kitab Al-Tawhid” and the second is the original English translation “Kitab At-Tauhid” both books are useful in explanation of these lessons.

• In the original translation you can derive some additional points (by way of complete written text from the book) with reference to the ayaats and further points on the hadith being used. The second edition has extra commentary for your benefit, inshaAllah.

Important Points for Review in this Lesson There are 24 points for this chapter please read them carefully, however I want you to focus on the following inshaAllah.

1. From point #9 the importance of the three entirely clear verses (muhkamat ayaat) of Surah Al-An’ am (6:151-153) among the early pious predecessors. These ayaat contain 10 issues, the first of which is the prohibition of shirk.

Name the ten issues from the ayaat inshaAllah

2. From point #10 in the (muhkamat ayaat) of surah Al-Isra there are 18 substantial issues, and Allah

begins them with ayaat 17:22 please list them in order…

3. From the point # 11 the verse in Surah an-Nisa (4:36) which is called the “Verse of the ten rights”

or obligations. Please list them in order…

4. What is Allah’s right upon the slave?

5. What is the slave’s right upon Allah?

Homework 1: Review “The Three Categories” pg. 26-28

1. Tawhid Al-Asma’ wal-Sifaat

2. Tawhid al-Rububiyah

3. Tawhid al_Uluhiyah, also called Tawhid al_Ibadah

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Kitab al-Tawhid

The virtues of Tawhid and the sins it removes 6:82 Al-Anaam.

Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) said; “Those who believe and do not mix their faith with zulm… (al-An’am 6:82)

“Ubadah bin al-Samit said, “Allah’s Messenger (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) said; ‘Whosoever testifies that there is no god but Allah, alone without partners, and that Muhammad is His worshipper and Messenger, and that ‘Isa is a worshipper of Allah, His Messenger, His word delivered to Maryam, and a soul from Him, and that Paradise is true, and that the Fire is true, Allah will admit him to Paradise whatever his deeds may be.” (al-Bukhari and Muslim) And they also recorded the hadith of ‘Itban: “Surely Allah prohibited the Fire from whoever said La Ilaha illaa Allah (no one deserves to be worshipped but Allah), seeking His Face by it.”

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that Allah’s Messenger (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) said; “Musa (alayhi as-salaam) said; ‘O lord! Teach me something I can remember you and call upon you with! He (subhanahu wa ta’ala) said, ‘O Musa! Say: “La Ilaha illa Allah” (none has the right to be worshipped except Allah).’ He said, ‘But all of your worshippers say this.’ He (subhanahu wa ta’ala) said, ‘O Musa! If the seven heavens and what is in them other than me (Ghairy), and the seven earths were in a pan (of a scale) and La Ilaha illa Allah was in another pan, then La Ilaha illa Allah would outweigh them.’ Recorded by Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim who graded it Sahih.

The hadith of Anas – recorded by Al-Tirmidhi who graded it hasan, “I heard Allah’s Messenger (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) saying, ‘Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) said; “…O son of Adam! If you come to me with mistakes filling the bags of the earth, yet you met Me without associating anything with Me, I would come to you with those bags full of forgiveness.”

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Please read pages 29-36 from the Book"An Explanation of Kitab al-Tawhid" by Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab

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Kitab al-Tawhid

When you see this pretty icon or symbol; it means that you need to read the verse from your Quran. If there is any commentary written read that as well. For more advanced space of studies, pull out the Tafsir and look for the explanation of the verse. Reflect upon the meaning as you discover more and more details about the verse from the explanations given. As mentioned previously, you can read the commentary from

1. The book that we are covering. 2. From the Quran. 3. The Tafsir and 4. Hadith Narrations 5. And/or any scholarly notes/explanations of the text.

Remember the ayaat by focusing on what you are trying to remember. To help you do this you can listen to Quran reciters. Here are two wonderful sites to use inshaAllah. The Quran Complex Receive the benefits, by acting upon that which you have learned. (Put it into action).

1. Please explain briefly the phrase (Ghairy) from the hadith reported by Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim. This is important, if you cannot find it please ask your parents to assist you.

2. What are the five points mentioned in the hadith of ‘Ubadah? 3. Apply the 4R’s to the hadith from ‘Itban

May Allah increase you all in knowledge, ameen!

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Kitab al-Tawhid

Chapter 3: The one who fulfils tawhid enters paradise without a reckoning

16:120 An-Nahl.

23:59 Al-Muminun.

Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) said; “Ibrahim was indeed an ummah, purely devout in obedience to Allah, he was not one of the Mushrikin (polytheists).” And; “…and those who do not associate partners with their Lord.”

“Husayn bin Abdul Rahman said, “I was once with Sa’id bin Jubayr when he said, ‘did any of you see the shooting star lat night?’ I said, “I did.” ‘Then I said, I would have been at the prayer, but I was stung.’ He said, ‘so what did you do?” I replied, ‘I was treated with ruqya.’ He said what made you do that? I said A hadith that al-Sha’bi related to us. He said, what hadith?’ I said, He reported to us from Buraydah bin al-Husayb that he (the prophet salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) said, Ruqya’ is not but for the evil eye or for the poisonous sting.” He responded, ‘He does well, who acts upon what he heard. But Ibn’ Abbas reported to us from the Prophet (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) that he said; “The nations were displayed before me. I saw a prophet, and with him there was a small group of people, and a prophet with whom there was only one or two persons, and a prophet with no one at all. Ten the great mass appeared before me, I thought that it was my ummah. It was said to me, “This is Musa and his people”. So I looked, there was another great mass. It was said to me, This is your Ummah, and seventy thousand of them will enter Paradise without reckoning or punishment.” Then he stood to enter his house. The people began wondering who they might be, some said, “Maybe they are the companions of Allah’s Messenger (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam),” some said, “Maybe those born in Islam who never associated anything with Allah.” And still others were suggested.,

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Then Allah’s Messenger (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) appeared before them to tell them, he said, “They are those who do not seek ruqya,’ not follow omens, nor get themselves cauterized, and upon their Lord they do trust.” Then Ukashah bin Mihsan stood and said. Ask Allah to make me among them.” He said, “You are one of them.” Then another man stood saying, “Ask Allah to make me among them,” he said “Ukashah has beaten you to it.”

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Kitab al-Tawhid

When you see this pretty icon or symbol; it means that you need to read the verse/verses from your Quran. If there is any commentary written read that as well. For more advanced space of studies, pull out the Tafsir and look for the explanation of the verse. Ibn Kathir is best, inshaAllah. Reflect upon the meaning as you discover more and more details about the verse from the explanations given. As mentioned previously, you can read the commentary from

1. The book that we are covering. 2. From the Quran. 3. The Tafsir and 4. Hadith Narrations 5. And/or any scholarly notes/explanations of the text.

Remember the ayaats by focusing on what you are trying to remember. To help you do this you can listen to Quran reciters. Here are two wonderful sites to use inshaAllah. The Quran Complex Receive the benefits, by acting upon that which you have learned. (Put it into action).

1. Please explain briefly the phrase (Ruqya/Ruqyah) from the hadith reported by Ash-Sha’bi. This is important, if you cannot find it please ask your parents to assist you.

2. What are the two permissible reasons mentioned in the hadith for using ruqya? 3. Apply the 4R’s to this hadith from Husayn bin Abdur-Rahman

May Allah increase you all in knowledge, ameen!

Required Reading: Commentary by Allamah al- Sa’di pg. 41-42 (questions on test)

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Kitab al-Tawhid

Chapter 4: The fear of shirk 4:48 An-Nisa.

4:116 An-Nisa.

14:35 Ibrahim.

Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) said; “Indeed Allah does not forgive associating partners with Him, and He forgives other than that as He wills,” And Al-Khalil (Prophet Ibrahim) said, “And prevent me and my descendants from worshipping the idols,”

And in the hadith; “The thing I fear most for you is the minor shirk.” He (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) was asked what that was, he replied, “Ar-Riya’ (showing off).”

Ibn Mas’ud, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that Allah’s Messenger (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) said; “Whoever dies and he is calling upon others along with Allah, he will enter the Fire.” Recorded by Al-Bukhari.

Muslim reports from Jabir (radi allahu anha) that Allah’s Messenger salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) said, Whoever meets Allah without having associated anything with Him will enter Paradise, and whoever meets Him having associated something with Him will enter the Fire.”

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Kitab al-Tawhid

When you see this pretty icon or symbol; it means that you need to read the verse/verses from your Quran. If there is any commentary written read that as well. For more advanced space of studies, pull out the Tafsir and look for the explanation of the verse. Ibn Kathir is best, inshaAllah. Reflect upon the meaning as you discover more and more details about the verse from the explanations given. As mentioned previously, you can read the commentary from

1. The book that we are covering. 2. From the Quran. 3. The Tafsir and 4. Hadith Narrations 5. And/or any scholarly notes/explanations of the text.

Remember the ayaats by focusing on what you are trying to remember. To help you do this you can listen to Quran reciters. Here are two wonderful sites to use inshaAllah. The Quran Complex Receive the benefits, by acting upon that which you have learned. (Put it into action).

1. Please explain briefly the phrase (Ar-Riya) from the hadith reported by Al-Mundhiri, and recorded by Ahmad with a good chain. This is important, if you cannot find it please ask your parents to assist you.

2. Can you give a brief example of Ar-Riya, and how you can guard yourself from this action? Include other types of minor shirk in your example.

3. Apply the 4R’s to this hadith from Jabir.

May Allah increase you all in knowledge, ameen!

Required Reading: Commentary by Allamah al- Sa’di pg. 45-46 (questions on test)

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Kitab al Tawheed Lessons

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Kitab al-Tawhid

Chapter 5: The invitation to testify to La Ilaha illa Allah 12:108 Yusuf.

Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) said; “Say: ‘This is my way, I invite to my Lord with clarity (basirah)“

Ibn ‘Abbas, may allah be pleased with him, said; “When Allah’s Messenger (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) sent Mu’adh to Yemen he said; ‘You are going to a people from the People of the Book, so let the first thing you invite them to be to testify to La Ilaha illa Allah.’ And in one report; Let the first thing you invite them to be; “That you single out Allah…” ‘If they obey you in that, then teach them that Allah has obligated five prayers upon them for every day and night. If they obey you in that, then teach them that Allah has obligated that sadaqa (charity) be taken from their wealth to be distributed among the poor. If they obey you in that, then beware of taking their prized possessions, and protect yourself from the supplication of the oppressed, for there is no screen between it and Allah.” Al-Bukhari and Muslim have recorded it.

They also recorded from Sahl bin Sa’d, may Allah be pleased with him, that; “On the Day of Khaybar, Allah’s Messenger (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) said, ‘Tomorrow I will give the flag to a man who loves Allah and His Messenger, and who is loved by Allah and His Messenger. Allah will bring victory by his hands.’

The people spent the entire night wondering who it would be given to. They appeared before Allah’s Messenger the following morning, each of them hoping that he would be the one it was given to. The Prophet (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) said; ‘Where is Ali bin Abi Talib?’ That said, ‘He is suffering from an ailment in his eyes.’ He came after they sent for him. Then the Prophet (salla allahu alaihi wa salaam) blew in his eyes and he said a Du’aa for him and he was cured as if he had not suffered at all. He handed him the flag and said; ‘Proceed slowly until you reach outside the enemy encampment. Then invite them to Islam, inform them of what rights of Allah it [Islam] makes obligatory for them. By Allah! If Allah guides one man by you, it is better for you then ten red camels.”

The House of Mecca Sadaqa Group, Inc. © 2005

THM Sadaqa Group, Inc. Presents

Kitab al Tawheed Lessons

Kitab al Tawhid Lessons © 2005. All rights reserved.

Kitab al-Tawhid

When you see this pretty icon or symbol; it means that you need to read the verse/verses from your Quran. If there is any commentary written read that as well. For more advanced space of studies, pull out the Tafsir and look for the explanation of the verse. Ibn Kathir is best, inshaAllah. Reflect upon the meaning as you discover more and more details about the verse from the explanations given. As mentioned previously, you can read the commentary from

1. The book that we are covering. 2. From the Quran. 3. The Tafsir and 4. Hadith Narrations 5. And/or any scholarly notes/explanations of the text.

Remember the ayaats by focusing on what you are trying to remember. To help you do this you can listen to Quran reciters. Here are two wonderful sites to use inshaAllah. The Quran Complex Receive the benefits, by acting upon that which you have learned. (Put it into action).

1. Please explain briefly the phrase (Basirah) from the ayaat reported in Surah Yusuf This is important, if you cannot find it please ask your parents to assist you.

2. Can you give a brief example of (al- Basirah), and how you can implement that. 3. Apply the 4R’s to this hadith from Ibn ‘Abbas.

May Allah increase you all in knowledge, ameen!

Required Reading: Commentary by Allamah al- Sa’di pg.50-53 (questions on test)

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Lesson 6: Page 1 of 4

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Chapter 6: An Explanation of T auhid and the T estim ony : La ilaha illa-Allah


This chapter explains the greatest concept in our deen, Tauhid, and the Shahadah (Testimony of Faith). In this lesson/chapter we will learn:

1. That poly theists supplicate to righteous beings and that this is major shirk.

2. That The People of the Book took their rabbis and monks as their lords. 3. The believers are those that love Allah more than anything else. 4. It is not enough to simply say La ilaha illa Allah.


1. Read the following pages in the text: 54 - 58

2. If y ou do not have the text, please refer to the summary at the end of this lesson.

Terms to Know Find the terms below in the reading, then:

1 . Based upon the context, write what you think the word means 2. Look the word up and write the definition. Was y our definition correct or close?

1 . What I think the word means 2. What the word means


Inv iolable

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Recall Answer the following in complete sentences.

1. Why do some people who believe in Allah call on others besides him?

2. What two things are inv iolable if one say s La ilaha illa Allah and rejects all other things that are worshipped other than Allah?

3. What do the believers love more than any thing else?

4. What is the fate (what will happen) to the disbelievers who associate others with Allah?

Activities Match the item on the left with the correct one on the right by correct letter in front of the item on the left.

1 .’Isa ( ), angels

a. blood and wealth


b. a Word lasting among the offspring of

Ibrahim ( )

3.They are inviolable if one say s "La ilaha illa Allah" and rejects all else falsely worshipped beside Allah

c. examples of beings things called upon other than Allah

4.La ilaha illa Allah

d. explain the testimony of La ilaha illa Allah

5.disassociation of other things

worshipped as Ibrahim ( ) did and

being free from shirk

e. they may love Allah but associate others with Allah

Lesson 6: Page 3 of 4

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Although the polytheists may love Allah, their love for the things that they associate with Allah, does not bring them into the fold of Islam.

A. List some things that y ou love in this world: B. For each one, list the reasons why y ou love these things. C. Look at y our list. Do y ou honestly think that y ou love any of these things more than Allah? If not, masha Allah. If so, look at y our list again and compare each one with Allah in terms of the favors he has bestowed upon y ou, and His Power. Can the things y ou listed possibly c ompare with Allah? If y ou realized that you probably did love something more than Allah, make duaa to him that he makes y our

love for Him the highest, above all else.

Summary In this lesson we learned:

1. The poly theists call upon righteous beings (such as ‘Isa ( ) and the angels) to bring them (the poly theists) closer to their Lord or to intercede for them. However, the righteous ones that they are

calling upon are hoping for the mercy of Allah and fearing Him just as they are.

أولـئك الذين يدعون يبتغون إلى ربهم الوسيلة أيهم أقرب ويرجون (17:57) رحمته ويخـفون عذابه إن عذاب ربك كان محذورا ﴾

Those whom they call upon, desire a means of access to their Lord, they hope for His

mercy and fear His torment. Verily, the torment of y our Lord is (something) to be afraid of!

2. When the poly theists (or anyone) call upon others than Allah, this is major shirk, and those that do will be

punished and Allah reminds us, in the above ayah, that his punishment is severe.

3. Even some of the People of the Book committed shirk by taking their rabbis and monks as lords (9:31)

﴾ ن دون للا ﴿اتخذوا أحبـرهم ورهبـنهم أربابا م(They took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allah...)

4. Ibrahim ( ) disassociated himself from the polytheists’ shirk by declaring that he was innocent of what

they worshipped and that he did not worship anything except He who created him, Allah. (see #5 below)

5. In ay ah (43:26-28) Allah mentions that the disassociation like that of Ibrahim ( ) (from his people’s

practices of associating others with Allah) and being free of shirk explain the testimony of La ilaha illa Allah.

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ا تعبدون م إل -وإذ قال إبرهيم لابيه وقومه إننى برآء م

الذى فطرنى فإنه سيهدين وجعلها كلمة بـقية فى عقبه لعلهم

يرجعون “And (remember) when Ibrahim said to his father and his people: ‘Verily, I am innocent of what y ou worship,' Except Him Who created me; and verily, He will guide me. And he made it a word lasting among his offspring, that they may turn back.”(43:26-28)

6. The disbelievers who believe in Allah, do actually lo ve Allah, but as they call upon others other than Allah (committing shirk) then they are out of the fold of Islam.

والذين ءامنوا أشد حبا أندادا يحبونهم كحب للا ا ﴿ومن الناس من يتخذ من دون للا

جميعا وأ ة لل ولو يرى الذين ظلموا إذ يرون العذاب أن القو شديد العذاب﴾ لل ن للا

And of mankind are some who take (for worship) others besides Allah as rivals (to Allah). They love them as they love Allah. But those who believe, love Allah more (than anything else). If only, those who do wrong could see, when they will see the torment, that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is severe in punishment. (2:165)

Allah tells of the fate of these people in the following ayaah:

﴿وما هم بخـرجين من النار﴾“…And they will never get out of the Fire.” (2:167 )

7 . Merely saying La ilaha illa Allah does not protect one’s life or wealth (does not make them inviolable). He must also reject any and all things that are worshipped falsely besides Allah .

It is narrated on the authority of Abu Malik: I heard the Messenger of Allah ( ) say : “He who

professed that there is no god but Allah and made a denial of everything which the people worship beside Allah, his property and blood became inviolable, an their affairs rest with Allah.”(Saheeh

Muslim, Book of Faith)

May Allah increase you all in knowledge, ameen!

Homework: Complete and turn in the following sections: Terms to Know, Recall, Activities, and Apply

Lesson 7 : Page 1 of 3

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Chapter 7 :

To wear a Ring, Twine, or anything similar to them for prevention or lifting of Harm or Affliction, is an act of Shirk


If time allows, quickly review the “Terms to Know” from lesson 6 and the Summary section. Y ou may want to rev iew the previous lesson on y our own before each class if there is not enough time in the class period to do so.


In this lesson/chapter we will learn, as the title suggests, that the wearing of rings, twines, or other items to prevent or cure a harm or affliction is shirk.

Terms to Know

The terms below are used in the reading. Before reading the text, look up and write the definitions to help y ou understand them when y ou come across them in the reading, Insha Allah.


talisman amulet


1. Read the following pages in the text: pp.59-64.

2. If y ou do not have the text, please refer to the summary at the end of this lesson.

Lesson 7 : Page 2 of 3

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Recall Answer the following in complete sentences.

1. In the Hadith about the old man, why did the Prophet ( ) tell the old man to remove the ring he

was wearing to overcome the “weakness of old age?” 2. Why do y ou think that the Prophet( ) told that man that if he died while wearing the brass ring

as an amulet that he would never succeed?


True or False? If it is false, correct the statement and cite the proof.

1 . Minor shirk is worse than major sins.

2. Wearing an amulet is permissible.

3. As long as y ou believe in Allah, it is alright to wear an amulet to cure you from a disease.

4. Whoever wears a talisman will never see his wish fulfilled by Allah.

5. Hoping to get cured from fever by using a talisman is major shirk.

6. Wearing an amulet is harmful instead of helpful.

Apply Choose one or more activities as assigned by your teacher.

A. Have y ou ever noticed anyone wearing or carrying an amulet? What ty pes of amulets have y ou seen or heard or read about being used?

B. Y ou are out with y our family at the park one day. You meet a very nice sister and begin

talking. Y ou really enjoy y our conversation with the sister when all of a sudden her purse or wallet drops out and y ou see a rabbit’s foot. You ask her what it is for. She replies that it is to keep the jinn away . As a Muslim, y ou know that y ou should e njoin what is good (righteous) (7 :199) so you decide to give her naseehah. What will y ou say to her as naseehah? Remember that your naseehah will be more effective with proofs from either the Qur’aan or Sunnah or both.

(This exercise) can be done orally in class or written for homework)

Summary In this lesson we learned:

1. Talismans and amulets are items that some people wear because they believe that they will prevent harm or an affliction from affecting them.

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Ibn Abi Hatim reported about Hudhaifah, ( ) He saw a man with a piece

of twine on his hand (as a protection or cure from fever ) so he cut the twine and read the verse:

“Most of them believe in Allah and still practice Shirk. (12:106)

2. It is forbidden to wear amulets and talismans such as rings, twines, etc to prevent harm or affliction. And even more than that, it is shirk.

The Prophet ( ) is reported to have said: “Whoever wears a talisman has

committed shirk.”

3. Wearing an amulet will give its wearer no “benefit” in life and it can bring harm instead:

The Prophet () once saw a man with a brass ring on his hand and asked him, “What is this?” The man replied, “To overcome the weakness of old age.” He said, “Remove it, for, it can only add to y our weakness. Should death over take y ou while y ou are wearing it, y ou would never succeed.” (Ahmad)

Uqbah bin Aamir ( ) narrated that the Prophet () said “Whoever wears a

talisman or amulet would never see his wish fulfilled by Allah……” And from the Qur’aan:

ا تدعون بضر هل ﴿قل أفرأيتم م إن أرادنى للا من دون للا

ه أو أرادنى برحمة هل هن ممسكـت رحمته هن كـشفـت ضر

لون قل حسبى للا يتوكل المتوك عليه “Say : Tell me then, the things that y ou invoke beside s Allah, if Allah intended some harm for me,

could they remove His harm, or if He (Allah) intended some mercy for me, could they withhold His Mercy ? Say : Sufficient for me is Allah; in Him those who trust (i.e. believers) must put their trust.”

(39:38) 4. When we see amulets worn or used, we should advise against this:

Ibn Abi Hatim reported about Hudhaifah, ( ) He saw a man with a piece

of twine on his hand (as a protection or cure from fever ) so he cut the twine and read the verse:

“Most of them believe in Allah and still practice Shirk. (12:106)

May Allah increase y ou all in knowledge, ameen!

Homework: Complete and turn in the following sections: Terms to Know, Recall, Activities, and Apply

Lesson 8: Page 1 of 4

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Chapter 8:

Ruqa (incantation), Talismans and Amulets


If time allows, quickly review the “Terms to Know” from lesson 7 and the Summary section. Y ou may want to rev iew the previous lesson on y our own before each class if there is not enough time in the class period to do so.


In this lesson/chapter we will learn (Insha Allah)

Incantations and the wearing of amulets are acts of shirk, though some scholars believe that

incantations which consist of Qur’aanic verses are permissible.

Those who use amulets and incantations are promised a severe punishment

There is a reward for cutting off an amulet from someone.

Terms to Know

A. The terms below are used in the reading. Before reading the text, look up and write the definitions to help y ou understand them when y ou come across them in the reading, Insha Allah. In addition, you may be asked to pronounce each word to y our teacher to make sure you are pronouncing it correctly.




B. After reading the assigned text, write the definition of each term below:




Lesson 8: Page 2 of 4

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1. Read the following pages in the text: pp. 65-69

2. If y ou do not have the text, please refer to the summary at the end of this lesson.

Recall Fill in the blank with correct term or word.

1. __________________ is the act of reciting incantations. 2. __________________ an act believed by some to make a woman more beloved to her

husband. 3. __________________ the act of putting an amulet around the neck of a child or animal to

counter against the effects of the ev il eye. 4. Ar-Ruqa, At-Tama’im and At-Tiwalah are all acts of _____________.

5. Some scholars believe that the use of an amulet is permissible if it contains _______________________.

6. The act of cutting an amulet or talisman from anyone is equal to liberating __________________.

7 . ___________________ is allowed if there are no traces of shirk.


Based upon what y ou have learned about the use of talismans and am ulets in this lesson, as well as the prev ious lesson, write a short news article about the use of them. 1. Be sure to include a catchy or interesting headline and a by line (y our name) 2. Be sure to include proofs where appropriate. 3. Below is an example of part of a news article from CNN:

Word Bank

Shirk At-Tiwalah Ar-Ruqa a slave Ar-Ruqa Qur’aanic verses


Lesson 8: Page 3 of 4

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Hospital: Baby Noor's new surgery 'successful'

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Baby Noor, the 5-month-old Iraqi girl discovered by U.S . soldiers in Baghdad and

brought to the United States for life-saving medical treatment, underwent "successful" shunt surgery Friday,

according to the hospital.

"The infant is resting comfortably at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and will remain there overnight," the hospital said in a

written statement.

The baby, who suffers from spina bifida, a birth defect in which the spinal vertebrae do not form completely around the spinal cord, had successful orthopedic surgery just two weeks ago………

© 2006 Cable News Network LP, LLLP.

Summary In this lesson we learned:

1. Ar-Ruqa, or Al-Aza’im, is the reciting of incantations (words, sounds) in order to guard against

ev il. 2. At-Tama’im is to put an amulet around a child’s neck to save him from the “effects of ev il eye.” 3. At-Tiwalah is something that is done by someone who claims they can cause a woman to be

more beloved to her husband or the other way around. 4. Ar-Ruqa, At-Tama’im and At-Tiwalah are all acts of shirk.

Ibn Mas’ud ( ) narrated that he heard Allah’s Messenger ( ) say ing: “Ar-

Ruqa, At-Tama’im and At-Tiwalah are all acts of shirk.” Abu Bashir Ansari reported that he had had (the opportunity of accompanying Allah's Messenger ( ) in some of his journeys. Allah's Messenger ( ) sent one of his messengers 'Abdullah b Abi Bakr said: I think

he said (these words) when the people were at the places of rest: no necklace of strings be left on the necks of the camels or the necklace kept unbroken. Imam Malik said: To my mind (this practice) of wearing necklace round the necks of camels or animals was because of the fact that they (wanted to save them) from the influence of the ev il eye.

5. Those who use amulets, and the like, are warned of severe punishment:

“Whoever uses, attaches, or wears a talisman to himself will have that talisman put in charge of him.” (Ahmad & Tirmidhi)

Ahmad reported the narration of Ruwaifi ( ) who said that Allah’s Messenger () said to him: “O, Ruwaifi it may be that y ou will live a longer time after me, so

inform people that whoever ties a knot is his beard, places any string or cord around the neck (as a charm), or cleans himself (after using the bathroom) with animal dung or bone, then Muhammad ( ) has disowned him (has nothing to do with him)”

Lesson 8: Page 4 of 4

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6. Ar-Ruqa is allowed if there is no trace of shirk.

According to the text, Prophet Muhammad ( ) permitted it in the case of being bitten by a poisonous incept or if one was “disturbed under the effect of an ev il ey e.”

7 . Some believe that At-Tama’im (tying amulets around the neck) is permissible if it contains Qur’aanic verses.

Ibn Mas’ud ( ), however, was amongst those who disapproved of this.

Waki’ recorded and reported from Ibrahim Nakh’i that any type of amulet and

talisman was disliked whether it contained the verses of the Qur’aan or any thing else.

The text notes that these two men were companions of Ibn Mas’ud .

8. There is a reward for someone who cuts off an amulet of someone.

Narrated Sa’id bin Jubair: “Whoever cut an amulet or talisman from any one, it would be equal to liberating a


May Allah increase y ou all in knowledge, ameen!

Lesson 8: Page 1 of 3

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Chapter 9

Whoever seeks Blessing through a Tree, a Stone, or the like


If time allows, quickly review the “Terms to Know” from lesson 8 and the Summary section. You may want to rev iew the previous lesson on y our own before each class if there is not enough time in the class period to do so.


The title of the chapter tells us that the main topic of the lesson is about those seeking blessings through things other than Allah, such as trees, stone, idols, etc. However, as the te xt indicates, there are many lessons to be learned about our deen in general.

Terms to Know

There are no assigned terms for this lesson. If y ou are unsure of a word, y ou can: Try to guess the meaning based on its context (how it is used in a sentence) Look it up

Ask y our teacher for assistance.


1. Read the following pages in the text: pp. 7 0-74.

2. If y ou do not have the text, please refer to the summary at the end of this lesson.

Recall Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Why did the companions want a “Dhat Anwat” like the Mushrikin? 2.

a. The request of the companions in the Hadith was like that of what other group of people?

b. What did these people ask and what is the proof?

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3. Why is it likely that the companions were unaware that this request was shirk? 4. Did the request of the companions take them out of Islam? Why /why not?

Activity Write the correct letter from Column B in front of the correct term in Column A

Column A Column B Sidra a. undesirable

Kufr b. people of Musa(alay hi salaam) Mushrikin c. one of the two ty pes of shirk

Dhat Anwat d. lote tree

Minor e. can be used as an expression of surprise

Bani Israel f. disbelievers

Allahu Akbar g. disbelief

Makruh h. tree the Mushrikin hung their weapons on Bonus: What does Dhat Anwat mean?


Situation: Suppose y ou lived in Arabia sometime in the past when there were many pagan Arabs. Y ou are Muslim and y ou have a friend who just became Muslim. You find that y our friend still has an idol from her/his pre-Islamic days. She/he says that she thinks it will help her get closer to Allah. Advise y our friend, in a letter, that this is not permissible, stating the reasons why and giv ing proof from the lesson or other proof that y ou may know. Example of friendly letter format:


Your Name Date

As salaamu Alaykum [friend’s name],

The body of your letter goes here.

Closing [Sincerely, Ma Salaama, Love, etc.)

Your Signature

Lesson 8: Page 3 of 3

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In this lesson we learned:

1. Sometimes Muslims fall into shirk with their actions even though it is their intention to draw closer to Allah. An example is the Hadith below which shows how the some of the companions

of the Prophet ( ) fell into shirk unknowingly .

At-Tirmidhi reported the following Hadith from Abu Waqid Al-Laithi ( )

We were out with Allah’s Messenger ( ) on the campaign to Hunain while we had just left

disbelief (Kufr) for Islam. The Mushrikin had a Sidra (lote-tree) that they would stay there and hang their arms on, called Dhat Anwat. When we passed a Sidra, we asked, “O Messenger of

Allah, won’t y ou make for us another Dhat Anwat just like their Dhat Anwat ?” Allah’s

Messenger ( ) said, “Allahu Akbar! By the One (Allah) who holds my soul in His Hand, verily

these are the way s of earlier nations, y ou have said exactly as Bani Israel said to Musa :

كم قوم تجهلون﴾﴿يموسى اجعل لنآ إلـها كما لهم ءالهة قا ل إن O Musa (Moses)! Make for us an ilâh (a god) as they have âlihah (gods)." He said: "Verily , y ou are a people who know not (the Majesty and Greatness of Allâh and what is obligatory upon y ou, i.e. to worship none but Allâh Alone, the One and the Only God of all that exists)." “Make for us a god just as their god,” He said: “Verily you are a people who now not. (7 :138)

“Certainly you will follow the way s of those who went before y ou.”

2. There are two ty pes of shirk: Major and minor. The request of the companions did not

take them out of Islam because it was minor shirk. (see text)

3. We are prohibited from resembling the Mushrikin. (See Hadith of #1).

4. If we leave Kufr and become Muslim, we are not totally safe from having t he remains of old pre-Islamic habits (see Hadith of #1).

5. If the Companions were unaware of the nature of their request, (that it was shirk) then it

makes sense that people like us (of lesser status) are likely to fall into ignorance as well.

6. The Prophet ( ) showed the companions the seriousness of the matter by comparing

their request to that of Bani Israel (see Hadith in #1).

7 . Minor shirk is more subtle than major shirk and thus not as easy to be perceived. (easier to fall into) According to the text, “the negation of this act is of the meanings of ‘There is no true God except Allah’ which being subtle and hidden, was not perceived by them” (the companions).

May Allah increase y ou all in knowledge, ameen!

Lesson 1 0: Page 1 of 8

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Chapter 10: Slaughtering for other than Allah


In this lesson/chapter we will learn: (insha Allah)

o Slaughtering something for something or someone other than Allah is shirk.

o We must not help or give shelter to one who creates new things in the


o All acts of worship are for Allah only.

o It is very easy to fall into shirk without knowing it.


1. Read the following pages in the text: pp. 75-78.

2. If you do not have the text, please refer to the summary at the end of this lesson.

Terms to Know

The terms below are used in this lesson. Look them up before you read the lesson so that

you will understand them in the reading, insha Allah.





The following terms are also used in the lesson. Read over the definitions if you do not know

what they mean.

Bid’ah بدعة


Muhdith حمدث


Lesson 1 0: Page 2 of 8

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Lesson 1 0: Page 3 of 8

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Recall Answer the following in complete sentences.

A. Allah’s curse is upon what four types of people?

1._________________________________ 2. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________ 4. ________________________________ What is a proof for this?

B. Summarize the Story of the Fly Hadith found in this lesson. What was the moral or lesson to be learned?


C. What are 2 Qur’aanic proofs from the reading that show that slaughtering/sacrificing is to be for Allah only?

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D. In ayaat 6:162 and 163 what things are for Allah?



Oral or Written.

Have you ever seen an animal slaughtered (e.g. for Eid)? If so, write a short paragraph

about your experience.

Suggestions: Describe the process in time order and how you felt as you watched it. What

was the reason it was slaughtered? Was it , as far as you could tell, slaughtered for Allah?

What made you think so?

If you haven’t seen an animal slaughtered, do you think that you would want to? Why or

why not? OR have you heard about someone else’s experience watc hing an animal

slaughtered? If so, write about it.

Use the space provided on the next page.

Be sure to include a title.

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Proofreading Checklist

Before submitting your work, be sure to proofread your work.

Did you:

Capitalize the first word of every sentence?

Capitalize all proper nouns?

Indent your paragraph(s)?

Check your spelling?

Use correct punctuation?

Lesson 1 0: Page 6 of 8

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Summary In this lesson we learned:

1. Slaughtering for other than Allah is not permissible. It is shirk.

رب العـلمين ال -قل إن صالتى ونسكى ومحياى ومماتى لل

ل المسلمين ﴾ شريك له وبذلك أمرت وأنا أو

Say (O Muhammad "Verily, my Salât (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allâh, the Lord of the 'Âlamîn (mankind, jinn and all that exists). "He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims." (6:162-3) From Tafsir Ibn Kathir, the explanation of these ayaat:

Allah commands the Prophet to inform the idolaters who worship other than Allah and sacrifice to something other than Him, that he opposes them in all this, for his prayer is for Allah, and his rituals are in His Name alone, without partners.


فصل لربك وانحر Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him only). (108:2)

From Tafsir Ibn Kathir, the explanation of these ayaat:

meaning, just as We have given you the abundant goodness in this life and the Hereafter -- and from that is the river that has been described previously -- then make your obligatory and optional prayer, and your sacrifice (of animals) solely and sincerely for your Lord. Worship Him alone and do not associate any partner

with him. And sacrifice pronouncing His Name alone, without ascribing any partner to Him.'

As for the idolaters, they used to worship the idols and sacrifice to them, so Allah commanded the Prophet to defy them and contradict their practices. Allah, the Exalted, commanded him to dedicate his intention and

heart to being sincere for Him alone.

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2. Allah’s curse is upon the person who slaughters for other than Allah.

Narrated Ali bin Abi Talib (radiAllahu anhu)

Allah’s Messenger () informed me about four judgments (of Allah):

(1) Allah’s curse is upon the one who slaughters (devoting his sacrifice) to anything other than Allah;

(2) Allah’s curse is upon the one who curses his own parents’ (3) Allah’s curse is upon the one who shelters a heretic (who has brought a Bid’ah in religion);

(4) Allah’s curse is upon the one who alters the landmark (who changes boundary lines).”

(Reported in Muslim)

3. The story of the fly

It is reported by Ahmad that Tariq bin Shihab narrated that Allah’s Messenger ( ) said:

A man entered Paradise because of a fly, and a man entered the Hell-fire because of

a fly.”

They (the companions) asked “How was that possible Messenger of Allah?

He said, “Two man passed by the people who had an idol by which they would not

allow anyone to pass without making sacrifice to it. They ordered one man to make

a sacrifice.

He said, “I have nothing to present as an offering.”

The people told him, “Sacrifice something, even if it be a fly.”

So he presented a fly (to their idol). They opened the way for him and thus he

entered the Hell-fire.

They said to the other man, “Sacrifice something.”

He said, “I will never sacrifice anything to any other than Allah, Most Majestic and


So they struck his throat and killed him and he therefore entered Paradise.

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4. We must not shelter/help the one who innovates.

Reiterating (repeating) the Hadith from Point #2

Narrated Ali bin Abi Talib (radiAllahu anhu)

Allah’s Messenger ( ) informed me about four judgments (of Allah):

(1) Allah’s curse is upon the one who slaughters (devoting his sacrifice) to anything other than

Allah; (2) Allah’s curse is upon the one who curses his own parents’

(3) Allah’s curse is upon the one who shelters a heretic (who has brought a Bid’ah in religion); (4) Allah’s curse is upon the one who alters the landmark (who changes boundary lines).” Reported

in Muslim

A Muhdith is a heretic, one who innovates or creates something new in the deen.

This word comes from the Arabic word ( ٽدأح ) meaning to create or originate.

May Allah increase y ou all in knowledge, ameen!

Rev iew: Chapters 1 -1 0: Page 1 of 4

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The House of Mecca Sadaqa Group, Inc. © 2006

Covering Chapters 1-10

Review Tip: You may want to reread all previews and summaries from the lessons.


Basirah Ghairy Ruqyah

Disassociation Inviolable talisman

amulet Incantation Liberate

Bewitch Ar-Ruqa At-Tama’im

At-Tiwalah Al-Aza’im sacrifice

slaughter innovation heretic

Chapter 1

Q1.1: What are the three categories of Tawhid?

Q1.2: What is Allah’s right upon the slave?

Q1.3: What is the slave’s right upon Allah?

Q1.4: Questions 1.2 and 1.3 are from a Hadith narrated by which Companion?

Q1.5: The Verse of the Ten Rights or obligations (4:36) states that we must be good to whom? (Who has rights over


Chapter 2:

Q2.1: What does ‘Ghairy’ mean?

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Chapter 3:

Q3.1: What is a Ruqyah?

Q3.2: Under what two conditions is Ar-Ruqyah permissible?

Chapter 4:

Q4.1: What is Ar-Riya?

Q4.2: Is Ar-Riya major or minor shirk?

Q4.3: Give an example of Ar-Riya.

Chapter 5:

Q5.1: What is Basirah?

Q5.2 Give an example of Basirah.

Chapter 6:

Q6.1: Do your life and blood become inviolable in Islam by saying “La ilaha illa Allah?

Q6.2: What do the believers love more than anything else?

Q6.3: How did some of the People of the Book commit shirk?

Chapter 7:

Q7.1: What is an amulet or talisman?

Q7.2: Is it permissible to wear/use a talisman or amulet?

Q7.3: What should be done if we see someone wearing one?

Chapter 8:

Q8.1: What is Ruqa?

Q8.2: What is the reward for removing a talisman or amulet from someone?

Chapter 9:

Q9.1: Why is it likely that the companions fell into shirk by requesting a Dhat Anwat like the kuffar?

Chapter 10:

Q10.1 Allah’s curse is on what four types of people?

Q10.2 What is bid’ah?

Q10.3 What is a muhdith?

Q10.4 Is slaughtering for other than Allah considered shirk? What are two Qur’aanic proofs for the answer?

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Q10.5 Is it okay to assist a muhdith?

Answers to Review Questions:

Chapter 1

A1.1: The three categories of Tawhid are:

1.Tawhid Al-Asma’ wal-Sifaat

2. Tawhid al-Rububiyah

3. Tawhid al_Uluhiyah, also called Tawhid al_Ibadah

A1.2: Allah’s right upon his slave is that they worship Him Alone and never associate anything with Him.

A1.3: The right of His slaves upon Him is not to punish any person who does not associate anything with Him .

A1.4: Narrated Muadh bin Jabal.

A1.5: Be good to: parents, kinsfolk, orphans, Al-Masâkîn (the needy), the neighbor who is near of kin, the neighbor

who is a stranger, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (you meet), and those (slaves) whom your right

hands possess

Chapter 2:

A2.1: Ghairy is the exception from what is in the heavens.

Chapter 3:

A3.1: Ruqyah is the reciting of a part of the Quraan or supplications transmitted from a Hadith of the Prophet (salla

lahu alayhi wa sallam) to as a cure.

A3.2: Ruqyah is permissible in the cases of treating effects of evil eye and treating a poisonous sting.

Chapter 4:

A4.1: Ar-Riya is showing off.

A4.2 Ar-Riya is minor shirk.

A4.3: Answers will vary.

Chapter 5:

A5.1: Basirah is

A5.2: Answers will vary.

Chapter 6:

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A6.1: No, you must also reject any and all things that are worshipped (falsely) besides Allah.

A6.2: The believers love Allah more than anything else.

A6.3: They committed shirk by taking their rabbis and monks as lords.

Chapter 7:

A7.1: An amulet or talisman is a trinket or piece of jewelry thought to be a protection against evil

A7.2: No, it is minor shirk to do so.

A7.3: We should advise against this/remove it.

Chapter 8:

A8.1: Ruqa is the reciting of incantations.

A8.2: The reward is likened to that of freeing a slave.

Chapter 9:

A9.1: They had just left disbelief not too long ago and did not realize that this was shirk.

Chapter 10:

A10.1 1. one who slaughters to anything other than Allah

2. one who curses his own parents

3. one who shelters a heretic

4. one who alters landmarks (changes boundaries)

A10.2 Bid’ah is inventing/creating something new (in the religion).

A10.3 A muhdith is one who innovates (creates something new in the religion).

A10.4 Yes, slaughtering for other than Allah is shirk. Two proofs: 6: 162-163 and 108:2

A10.5 No, we must not aid/shelter a muhdith.

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