kino no tabi volume 3 —the beautiful world—

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Kino no Tabi Volume 3 The Beautiful World


  • 8/13/2019 Kino no Tabi Volume 3 The Beautiful World


  • 8/13/2019 Kino no Tabi Volume 3 The Beautiful World


  • 8/13/2019 Kino no Tabi Volume 3 The Beautiful World


  • 8/13/2019 Kino no Tabi Volume 3 The Beautiful World


  • 8/13/2019 Kino no Tabi Volume 3 The Beautiful World


    Kino no Tabi Volume 3

    Frontispiece: A Land of Love and Peace Power Play


    Frontispiece: A Land of Love and Peace

    Power Play

    My name is Riku, I am a dog. My master, Shizu, is a traveler. This

    is a story about a certain time in a certain country.

    What is that?

    From the drivers seat of the buggy, Master Shizu sounded

    surprised as a country came into view. Usually a country would

    barricade itself with castle walls for protection against foreign

    enemies; however, this country had nothing but a small fence to

    keep animals in. Master Shizu met with the leader, and asked if

    there were no walls because the country had an unmatched army.

    There are no such barbaric things in our country, said the

    leader with a sinister grin.

    Then how do you protect your citizens? Master Shizu asked

    somewhat shamelessly as expected of the former prince.

    Youre too old fashioned, said the leader with a condescending


    Master Shizu asked if there had been any attacks up until now.

  • 8/13/2019 Kino no Tabi Volume 3 The Beautiful World


    Kino no Tabi Volume 3

    Frontispiece: A Land of Love and Peace Power Play


    Based on my personal experience, theres more than I can count

    on my hands and feet. Despite this, all matters were resolved

    peacefully, and it will stay that way. We have no need for

    murderous groups or walls that will hinder the natural scenery.

    Then the leader said this with a dubious look on his face and with

    his chest stuck out,

    We have a Love and Peace Song. If we sing it, we can defeat

    our enemies without fighting.

    They seem to be at ease even without gates. Its bothering.

    Master Shizus expression indicated his worry about staying for

    too long in this country. He had wanted to leave, but because the

    buggy needed repairs, we decided to stay.

    One morning, the entire country was in an uproar. Word came

    from across the plains that a neighboring countrys army would

    be attacking. The enemy troops sent a messenger, who informed

    us that a general offensive will be launched the next morning.

    The leader came to see Master Shizu with a pleased face, andspoke to him with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, Well then mister

    traveler, Im going to show you a beautiful spectacle. Tonight will

    be fun.

  • 8/13/2019 Kino no Tabi Volume 3 The Beautiful World


    Kino no Tabi Volume 3

    Frontispiece: A Land of Love and Peace Power Play


    It became night. Light from a campsite could be seen beyond the

    fences. On our side, a bonfire illuminated a large stage which had

    been prepared beforehand. Master Shizu was beckoned by the

    leader, and he came, wearing his favorite sword at his side.Master Shizu sat on a chair on the side of the stage, and I settled

    between his legs.

    The enemy troops formed its ranks and began marching until

    they were lined up in front of the stage.

    Look at these fools only capable of violence. And yet they willlose to us again.

    The leader scornfully laughed and gave his subordinate some


    Master Shizu whispered to me, When its time to run, stick to

    the usual plan.

    People gathered on top of the stage. No matter how you looked

    at it, they seemed like a chorus group. Matching the rhythm of

    the conductors baton, they suddenly began singing. It was a

    gently hummed melody. Before long, a beautiful woman in a

    flashy dress appeared on the stage. Accompanying the back

    chorus, a lovely voice began singing.

  • 8/13/2019 Kino no Tabi Volume 3 The Beautiful World


  • 8/13/2019 Kino no Tabi Volume 3 The Beautiful World


    Kino no Tabi Volume 3

    Frontispiece: A Land of Love and Peace Power Play


    The lyrics were along the lines of: love and peace are best,

    fighting is foolish, kindness deep down in your heart, throwing

    away weapons and picking up farming tools in their stead, and

    so on. Master Shizu looked like he had overslept and had aheadache.

    Suddenly, the enemy soldiers who had just been staring at the

    spectacle started to change. Everyone put their weapons at their

    feet and moved to the beat of the song. The songstress had just

    stopped singing and was hailed with applause. Everyone joined

    in happily with the merrymaking.

    Take a look, mister traveler. They no longer have any interest in

    fighting. The Song of Love and Peace changed them. Hmm

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