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NI2008-27 10.1 Suburb Precinct Maps and Codes

Effective: 6 February 2013

Authorised by the ACT Parliamentary Counsel—also accessible at

Kingston Precinct Map and Code


Kingston Group Centre

10.1 Suburb Precinct Maps and Codes

Effective: 6 February 2013


Authorised by the ACT Parliamentary Counsel—also accessible at

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NI2008-27 10.1 Suburb Precinct Maps and Codes Kingston Precinct Map and Code

Effective: 6 February 2013

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Effective: 6 February 2013


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Assessment Tracks The following tables identify the additional prohibited development and additional merit track development for blocks and parcels shown in the Kingston Precinct Map (identified as PDn or MTn). Development that is exempt from requiring development approval, other prohibited development and the minimum assessment track applicable to each development proposal is set out in the relevant zone development table. The following tables constitute part of the relevant zone development table.

Table 1 – Additional prohibited development

Additional prohibited development

Suburb precinct map label Zone Development


clubdrink establishment

indoor entertainment facilityindoor recreation facility

restaurantSHOP (except art, craft and sculpture

dealer and personal services)tourist facilitytourist resort


clubdrink establishment

indoor entertainment facility


drink establishmentindoor entertainment facility

tourist facilitytourist resort


hotelplace of worship

religious associated use

PD5 CZ5 place of worship

religious associated use

PD6 CZ5 hotel


boarding housechild care centre


place of worshipreligious associated use

PD8 PRZ1 aquatic recreation facility(not permitted

adjacent to Jerrabomberra Creek)

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Table 2 – Additional merit track development Additional merit track development that may be approved subject to assessment

Suburb precinct map label Zone Development

MT1 CZ1 industrial tradesmunicipal depot



funeral parlourlight industry

service stationveterinary hospital

MT3 CZ2 service station


craft workshoplight industry

major utility instillationplace of assembly

scientific research establishmentservice station

tourist facility


aquatic recreation facility (except on blocks adjacent to Jerrabomberra


craft workshopdrink establishment

indoor entertainment facilitylight industry


scientific research establishmenttourist facilitytourist resort


aquatic recreation facility (except on blocks adjacent to Jerrabomberra


craft workshopdrink establishment

indoor entertainment facilitylight industry


place of assemblyscientific research establishmenttourist facility (excluding service

station)tourist resort

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Additional merit track development that may be approved subject to assessment

Suburb precinct map label Zone Development



place of assemblyscientific research establishment

service stationtourist facility (excluding service



craft workshopdrink establishment

indoor entertainment facilitylight industry


scientific research establishmenttourist facility excluding service station



permitted where required for the essential operation of the electricity

supply network, the augmentation of the local water and sewerage system or the management of the stormwater

system)pedestrian plaza


car parkchild care centre

Emergency services facility Indoor recreation facility

MAJOR UTILITY INSTALLATION (only permitted where required for the

essential operation of the electricity supply network, the augmentation of

the local water and sewerage system or the management of the stormwater

system)pedestrian plaza

tourist facility excluding service station

NI2008-27 10.1 Suburb Precinct Maps and Codes Kingston Precinct Map and Code

Effective: 6 February 2013

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Kingston Precinct Code

Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 7 

Additional rules and criteria ................................................................................................................. 9 

RC1 – Residential redevelopment area ............................................................................................... 9 

Element 1:  Buildings .................................................................................................................... 9 1.1  Number of storeys ............................................................................................. 9 

RC2 – Jardine Street redevelopment area .......................................................................................... 9 

Element 2:  Buildings .................................................................................................................... 9 2.1  Height of building .............................................................................................. 9 

RC3 – Kingston Group Centre ........................................................................................................... 10 

Element 3:  Use ............................................................................................................................ 10 3.1  Ground floor uses ........................................................................................... 10 3.2  Residential use on ground floor – sections 19 and 20 .................................... 11 3.3  SHOP – floor area limit - section 22 .............................................................. 11 3.4  Industrial trades, municipal depot, store ......................................................... 12 3.5  Development on nominated car parking areas ............................................... 12 

Element 4:  Buildings .................................................................................................................. 12 4.1  Active frontages .............................................................................................. 12 4.2  Plot ratio - sections 19 and 20 ....................................................................... 13 4.3  Noise management plan – section 22 ............................................................ 13 

RC4 – Kingston Foreshore ................................................................................................................. 14 

Element 5:  Use ............................................................................................................................ 14 5.1  Shop ................................................................................................................ 14 5.2  Major utility installation .................................................................................... 14 5.3  Residential use and office ............................................................................... 15 5.4  Office ............................................................................................................... 15 

Element 6:  Buildings .................................................................................................................. 16 6.1  Number of storeys ........................................................................................... 16 6.2  Roof forms, materials and finishes.................................................................. 17 6.3  Kerridge Street ................................................................................................ 20 6.4  Trevillian Quay ................................................................................................ 20 

Element 7:  Site ............................................................................................................................ 21 7.1  Outdoor lighting ............................................................................................... 21 7.2  Kerridge Street - deep soil landscape zones .................................................. 21 7.3  Trevillian Quay - shared zone ......................................................................... 21 7.4  Trevillian Quay - pedestrian areas .................................................................. 22 

RC5 – Canberra Avenue Corridor Site .............................................................................................. 23 

Element 8:  Use ............................................................................................................................ 23 8.1  Restaurant and shop ....................................................................................... 23 

Element 9:  Buildings .................................................................................................................. 23 9.1  Number of storeys ........................................................................................... 23 9.2  Materials and finishes ..................................................................................... 23 

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Figures Figure 1 Kingston Group Centre ....................................................................................................... 11 

Figure 2 Kingston Foreshore ............................................................................................................ 15 

Figure 3 Kerridge Street ..................................................................................................................... 18 

Figure 4 Trevillian Quay - South ....................................................................................................... 19 

NI2008-27 10.1 Suburb Precinct Maps and Codes Kingston Precinct Map and Code

Effective: 6 February 2013

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The name of this code is Kingston Precinct Code.


The code applies to the Division of Kingston.


This code provides additional planning, design and environmental controls for specific areas or blocks and may also contain references to provisions in other codes.

In conjunction with other relevant codes it will be used by the Authority to assess development applications and offer guidance to intending applicants in designing development proposals and preparing development applications.


This code contains additional rules and/or criteria for particular blocks or parcels identified as areas RCn on the precinct map, to be read in conjunction with the relevant development code. It may also contain sub-parts.

Each element has one or more rules and, unless the respective rule is mandatory, each rule has an associated criterion. Rules provide quantitative, or definitive, controls. By contrast, criteria are chiefly qualitative in nature.

In some instances rules are mandatory. Such rules are accompanied by the words “This is a mandatory requirement. There is no applicable criterion.” Non-compliance with a mandatory rule will result in the refusal of the development application. Conversely, the words “There is no applicable rule” is found where a criterion only is applicable.

Code hierarchy

Under the Planning and Development Act 2007, where more than one type of code applies to a development, the order of precedence if there is inconsistency of provisions between codes is: precinct code, development code and general code.

If more than one precinct code applies to the site, the most recent precinct code takes precedence to the extent of any inconsistency.


Defined terms, references to legislation and other documents are italicised.

Definitions of terms used in this code are listed in part 13 of the Territory Plan or, for terms applicable only to this code, associated with the respective rule.

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ACTPLA Planning and Land Authority within the ACT Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate

EPA ACT Environment Protection Authority

ESA ACT Emergency Services Agency

ESDD ACT Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate

NCA National Capital Authority

P&D Act Planning and Development Act 2007

TAMS ACT Territory and Municipal Services Directorate

NI2008-27 10.1 Suburb Precinct Maps and Codes Kingston Precinct Map and Code

Effective: 6 February 2013

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Additional rules and criteria

This part applies to blocks and parcels identified in the Kingston Precinct Map (RCn). It should be read in conjunction with the relevant zone development code and related codes.

RC1 – Residential redevelopment area This part applies to the area RC1 as shown on the Kingston precinct map.

Element 1: Buildings

Rules Criteria

1.1 Number of storeys


The maximum number of storeys is 3.


Buildings are predominantly 3 storeys, with a maximum height of 4 storeys only where it is not the dominant feature of a street frontage.

RC2 – Jardine Street redevelopment area This part applies to the area RC2 as shown on the Kingston precinct map.

Element 2: Buildings

2.1 Height of building


No part of a building, including rooftop plant, is above RL 609.3 AHD.


This is a mandatory requirement. There is no applicable criterion.

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RC3 – Kingston Group Centre This part applies to the Kingston Group Centre shown as RC3 on the Kingston precinct map. RC3 includes the Kingston Group Centre.

Element 3: Use

Rules Criteria

3.1 Ground floor uses


This rule applies to sites with frontage to main pedestrian areas and routes in CZ1.

Only the following uses are permitted at the ground floor level:

a) business agency

b) club

c) community activity centre

d) drink establishment

e) financial establishment

f) hotel

g) indoor entertainment facility

h) indoor recreation facility

i) public agency

j) restaurant

k) SHOP.


Buildings fronting main pedestrian areas and routes incorporate uses on the ground floor that generate activity in the public space.

There is no applicable rule.


This criterion applies to sites with frontage to main pedestrian areas and routes in CZ2.

Buildings incorporate uses on the ground floor that generate activity in the public space.

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Figure 1 Kingston Group Centre

Rules Criteria

3.2 Residential use on ground floor – sections 19 and 20


This rule applies to Kingston sections 19 and 20.

RESIDENTIAL USE is permitted on ground floor level is where development complies with Australian Standard AS4299 – Adaptable housing (class C) and the Access and Mobility General Code


This is a mandatory requirement. There is no applicable criterion.

3.3 SHOP – floor area limit - section 22


This rule applies to Kingston section 22.

The maximum gross floor area of SHOP is 300m2.


This is a mandatory requirement. There is no applicable criterion.

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Rules Criteria

3.4 Industrial trades, municipal depot, store


One or more of the following uses are permitted only in the shaded area shown in figure 1 and only in association with a structured car park:

a) industrial trades

b) municipal depot

c) store.


This is a mandatory requirement. There is no appliable criterion.

3.5 Development on nominated car parking areas


This rule applies to the shaded area shown in figure 1.

Development complies with all of the following:

a) the existing number of car parking spaces is retained on the site and made available for public use at all times

b) provides car parking that is generated by the development on site in accordance with the Parking and Vehicular Access General Code in addition to the spaces required by item a)


Development meets all of the following:

a) in accordance with the Parking and Vehicular Access General Code, there is enough car parking for the needs of the centre as a whole

b) the development does not adversely affect the overall function of the centre in terms of economic, social, traffic and parking and urban design impacts.

Element 4: Buildings

Rules Criteria

4.1 Active frontages


Buildings incorporate display windows and entrances with direct pedestrian access at ground floor level on frontages to main pedestrian areas and routes and public open spaces.


Buildings achieve all of the following:

a) direct access from main pedestrian areas

b) avoid extensive lengths of blank walls unrelieved by doors, display windows or the like

NI2008-27 10.1 Suburb Precinct Maps and Codes Kingston Precinct Map and Code

Effective: 6 February 2013

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Rules Criteria

4.2 Plot ratio - sections 19 and 20

There is no applicable rule.


This criterion applies to Kingston sections 19 and 20.

The plot ratio complies with all of the following:

a) compatibility with existing, or future desired character of, adjacent development

b) appropriate to the scale and function of use

c) minimise detrimental impacts, including overshadowing and excessive scale

The maximum plot ratio is 50%.

4.3 Noise management plan – section 22


This rule applies to section 22 blocks 21, 25-33.

Development involving one or more of the following uses is only permitted where a noise management plan has been prepared by a suitably qualified person and endorsed by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA):

a) hotel

b) motel

c) restaurant

The noise management plan will detail the proposed design, siting and construction methods that will be used to ensure compliance with the Environment Protection Regulation 2005 and Noise Environment Protection Policy 2010.


This is a mandatory requirement. There is no applicable criterion.

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RC4 – Kingston Foreshore This part applies to the Kingston Foreshore shown as RC4 on the Kingston precinct map.

Element 5: Use

Rules Criteria

5.1 Shop

There is no applicable rule.


SHOP development achieves one or more of the following:

a) a convenience service limited to the local workforce and residents

b) related to the sale of entertainment and leisure goods such as specialty items or arts, crafts and souvenirs


The maximum gross floor area of SHOP selling food is 250m2.


This is a mandatory requirement. There is no applicable criterion.

5.2 Major utility installation


Only a MAJOR UTILITY INSTALLATION that is essential to the operation of the electricity supply network, the augmentation of the local water and sewerage system or the management of the stormwater system may be approved.

An application for a MAJOR UTILITY INSTALLATION is accompanied by written endorsement of a relevant service provider.


This is a mandatory requirement. There is no applicable criterion.

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Figure 2 Kingston Foreshore

Rules Criteria

5.3 Residential use and office

There is no applicable rule.


This rule applies to the area c shown in figure 2.

Buildings at the ground floor level achieve all of the following:

a) avoid office and RESIDENTIAL USE in areas fronting main pedestrian areas and routes

b) adaptable for commercial use

5.4 Office


This rule applies to the areas b, c and e shown in figure 2.

The maximum gross floor area of office complies with all of the following

a) 500m2 per tenancy

b) 2000m2 per lease


This is a mandatory requirement. There is no applicable criterion.

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Rules Criteria


This rule applies to the area d shown in figure 2.

The maximum gross floor area of office per lease is 2000m2.


This is a mandatory requirement. There is no applicable criterion.

Element 6: Buildings

Rules Criteria

6.1 Number of storeys


The maximum number of storey is 4 with a parapet level at the third storey level.


The number of storeys achieve all of the following:

a) a limited number of buildings may exceed 4 storeys provided they comply with all of the following:

i) they achieve urban design objectives such as adding visual interest to the built form, appropriately framing major public spaces, marking important corners or transition points, or screening unsightly elements from the public domain

ii) they do not significantly impact on the landscape of the area

iii) their ground floor level is not greater than RL 560m

iv) they do not detract or compromise views and vistas to the Power House

v) the footprint of the higher building elements is no greater than a 15m x 20m rectangle

b) to retain significant visual links between the Power House building and East Basin, the roofline of development in area b is punctuated to frame and emphasise the views of the Power House building

c) the overall maximum height of building does not exceed the lesser of RL578m or 20m

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Rules Criteria

6.2 Roof forms, materials and finishes

There is no applicable rule.


Building roof forms, materials and finishes achieve all of the following

a) colour scheme is light in tone although some highlighting with darker colours may be acceptable where these do not present the dominant colour scheme when viewed from or across Lake Burley Griffin

b) high quality, durable and low maintenance materials are used on buildings and structures near the edge of Lake Burley Griffin

c) avoid the use of highly reflective materials on buildings fronting the edge of Lake Burley Griffin

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Figure 3 Kerridge Street

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Effective: 6 February 2013

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Figure 4 Trevillian Quay - South

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Rules Criteria

6.3 Kerridge Street


This rule applies to each area A shown in figure 3.

The maximum number of storeys is 6.

The maximum height of building is the lesser of RL578 and 20m.

The maximum floor area for storey 5 is 300m2.

The maximum floor area for storey 6 is 300m2.

The maximum external horizontal dimension for any part of the building over 4 storeys is 20m.

The minimum front boundary setback for that part of the building with more than 4 storeys is 2m.

Rule 18 does not apply.


This is a mandatory requirement. There is no criterion.


This rule applies to each area B shown in figure 3.

The maximum number of storeys is 4.

The maximum external horizontal depth is 18m (including enclosed building area and articulation elements but excluding awnings over footpaths and basements).


4 storey building elements achieve all of the following:

a) alignment to the block perimeter

b) high levels of natural daylight, ventilation and solar access to dwellings

c) central courtyards sized to meet the reasonable needs of residents.

6.4 Trevillian Quay


This rule applies to each area A shown in figure 4.

The maximum dimensions for each area A are 20m x 15m.

The maximum number of storeys is 6.

The maximum height of building is the lesser of RL578 and 20m

The minimum setback from Trevillian Quay and Headland Park for that part of the building with more than 4 storeys is 2m.

Rule 18 does not apply.


This is a mandatory requirement. There is no criterion.


This rule applies to each area B shown in figure 4.

The maximum number of storeys is 4.


This is a mandatory requirement. There is no criterion.

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Element 7: Site

Rules Criteria

7.1 Outdoor lighting

There is no applicable rule.


Outdoor lighting in the area should generally use full-cut off light fittings and up-lighting of buildings and structures should be carefully designed to keep night time overspill lighting to a minimum.

There is no applicable rule.


The overall lighting impact should not compete in prominence with the lighting of the National Triangle. The area should be lit predominantly with high pressure sodium light sources for streets and mercury vapour for pedestrian routes. Lake frontages external lighting should use metal halide sources. There should be no flashing or laser beam lighting on or around buildings fronting Lake Burley Griffin.

7.2 Kerridge Street - deep soil landscape zones


This rule applies to the hatched areas identified as deep soil landscape zones in figure 3.

The location of deep soil landscape zones are indicatively shown in figure 3.

Deep soil landscape zones represent a minimum of 10% of the total site area.


Provision is made for sufficient soil to allow planting and growth of healthy canopy trees in the central courtyards.

7.3 Trevillian Quay - shared zone


Ground level shared zone access easements are provided in accordance with figure 4.


Shared zones achieve all of the following:

a) safe and convenient public pedestrian access to buildings on the site and the foreshore

b) reasonable vehicular access to the foreshore.

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Rules Criteria

7.4 Trevillian Quay - pedestrian areas


Ground level pedestrian access easements are provided in accordance with figure 4.


Pedestrian access easements achieve all of the following:

a) safe and convenient public pedestrian access to buildings on the site and the foreshore

b) provision for small scale ancillary buildings and structures associated with harbor operations.

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RC5 – Canberra Avenue Corridor Site This part applies to blocks and parcels within area RC5 shown on the Kingston precinct map.

RC5 includes the Canberra Avenue corridor site.

Element 8: Use

Rules Criteria

8.1 Restaurant and shop


One or more of the following uses are permitted where it is ancillary to other uses:

a) restaurant



This is a mandatory requirement. There is no applicable criterion.

Element 9: Buildings

Rules Criteria

9.1 Number of storeys


The maximum number of storey is 4.


The number of storeys comply with all of the following:

a) are compatible with existing, or future desired character of, adjacent development

b) are appropriate to the scale and function of the use

c) minimise detrimental impacts, including overshadowing and excessive scale

d) are no higher than the established tree canopy along main avenues with primarily landscaped frontage

9.2 Materials and finishes


Building colours are off-white to light buff/grey.


Building colours achieve all of the following:

a) Relate to clearly defined elements of the building

b) are predominantly earthy toned

c) minor elements in the building facade may be accented

d) subsidiary to the main off-white to light buff/grey materials

top related