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APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, JUly 1994, p. 2627-2636 Vol. 60, No. 70099-2240194/$04.00+0

Kinetics and Modeling of Lactic Acid Production byLactobacillus plantarum


Food Fermentation Laboratory, U.S. Department ofAgriculture Agricultural Research Service, and North CarolinaAgricultural Research Service, Department of Food Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh,

North Carolina 27695-7624,I and Department of Chemical Engineering,North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-79052

Received 20 October 1993/Accepted 7 May 1994

An unstructured model was developed to describe bacterial growth, substrate utilization, and lactic acidproduction by LactobaciUlus plantarum in cucumber juice. Significant lactic acid production occurred duringgrowth, as well as stationary phases. The percentage of acid produced after growth ceased was a function of themedium composition. Up to 51% of the lactic acid was produced after growth ceased when NaCl was not presentin the medium, whereas not more than 18% of the total lactic acid was produced after the growth ceased inpresence of NaCI, probably because of an increase in the cell death rate. An equation relating the specific deathrate and NaCI concentration was developed. With the kinetic model proposed by R. Luedeking and E. L. Piret(J. Biochem. Microbiol. Technol. Eng. 1:393-412, 1958) for lactic acid production rate, the growth-associatedand non-growth-associated coefficients were determined as 51.9 (+4.2) mmol/g of cells and 7.2 (±0.9) mmollgof cells h-1 respectively. The model was demonstrated for batch growth of L. plantarum in cucumber juice.Mathematical simulations were used to predict the influence of variations in death rate, proton concentrationwhen growth ceased, and buffer capacity of the juice on the overall fermentation process.

Vegetable fermentations represent a dynamic ecosystem inwhich the type and rate of fermentation reflect the changingchemical and physical environment of the fermentation as itproceeds. Brined cucumbers traditionally are fermented bylactic acid bacteria (LAB) and other natural microflora in largewooden, fiberglass, or polyethylene tanks which are open to theatmosphere. Sugar and nutrients diffuse from the cucumberinto the brine, while sodium chloride, acetic acid, and otherbrine solutes diffuse from the brine to the cucumber. Thesevariables combine to exert selective effects on growth of thenatural microflora and/or on the LAB starter culture (if added)during fermentation. Preservation of the fruit results from thetransformation of all available fermentable sugars into lacticacid and other stable components and the accompanyingreduction of the pH to below 4.0.A minimum of 0.6% (66.7 mM) lactic acid has been recom-

mended to ensure preservation (8). Excessive acidity levels,however, can adversely affect the texture (28) and flavor (5) ofthe fermented cucumbers. The addition of acetate buffers tothe cover brine has been shown to ensure complete conversionof fermentable sugars to lactic acid by LAB (7, 11). Theaddition of a fermentative yeast, Saccharomyces rosei, has beensuggested as a means of partial utilization of fermentablesugars to avoid excessive acid production by LAB (5). Al-though yeast and gas-forming bacteria can result in bloaterdamage to the cucumber, brines can be purged of the CO2produced to avoid this problem (9).

Lactobacillus plantarum has been suggested as a starterculture for cucumber fermentation because of its ability topredominate natural fermentations and its inability to produceCO2 from hexoses (7). Although most naturally occurring L.

* Corresponding author. Phone: (919) 515-2979.t Present address: Department of Food Science, Universidade Fed-

eral de Viqosa, Viqosa, Minais Gerais 36570, Brazil.

plantarum strains produce CO2 from malic acid, mutant strainsthat do not possess this ability have been isolated (6).

L. plantarum metabolizes hexose via the Embden-Meyerhofpathway to produce primarily lactic acid. The energy producedis used largely for cell division and maintenance requirements.Maintenance is the energy required for survival or for preser-vation of cell viability which is not directly related to orcoupled with the synthesis of a new cell (1). Many studies havedemonstrated uncoupled energy production by LAB (3, 12, 15,17, 25, 26).Understanding of such a complex system is aided by devel-

oping a mathematical model for an ideal process for cucumberfermentation. Mathematical models can be defined as eitherempirical or mechanistic. Empirical models to describe bacte-rial growth are normally sigmoidal expressions for cell concen-tration as a function of time, with the coefficients of theequation normally defined as polynomial functions of thevariables of interest (pH, water activity, and temperature, etc.).Empirical models are used in food systems to predict themicrobial safety or shelf life of products, detect critical pointsof the production and distribution process, and optimizeproduction and distribution chains (31). In general, suchmodels provide little indication of which variables influencegrowth, and they make no attempt to utilize knowledge aboutcellular metabolism and regulation (1).When the objective of a model is fundamental understand-

ing of the modeled system, a mechanistic model is called for.Food fermentation is a complex process in which differentsubstrates and inhibitors are generally present. In many cases,a heterogeneous solid-liquid system exists and intraphase andinterphase diffusion of solutes affects the course of the process.Such a system is the fermentation of whole cucumbers. Mech-anistic models can play a central role in gaining such under-standing. Mechanistic models have been formulated for pro-duction of antibiotics and alcohol for motor fuels, but modelsdescribing food microbial systems are rare in the literature.


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While simple mechanistic models for inhibition by a singleenvironmental solute (e.g., antibiotic, pH, acid product, orethanol, etc.) have been proposed, very few studies haveattempted to model a product-inhibited fermentation involvingmultiple inhibition variables.

In the current study, an unstructured mechanistic model wasdeveloped to take into account the most important changesduring the fermentation of cucumber juice (CJ). We chose amalate-utilizing strain of L. plantarum isolated from a com-mercial cucumber fermentation for the purpose of modelingcell growth, sugar utilization, and acid production duringfermentation. The model may allow better understanding andcontrol of cucumber fermentation by L. plantarum.


Nomenclature. The following terms are used below: [Ac-],dissociated acetic acid concentration (millimolar); [AcJ], totalacetic acid (HAc + Ac-) concentration (millimolar); [H+],hydrogen ion concentration (millimolar); [H2Ma], undissoci-ated malic acid concentration (millimolar); [HAc], undissoci-ated acetic acid concentration (millimolar); [HLa], undissoci-ated lactic acid concentration (millimolar); [Ic+], mineral ionconcentration associated with malate present in the cucumbercomposition (millimolar); [La-], dissociated lactic acid con-centration (millimolar); [La,,Ma]' total lactic acid concentrationfrom malate utilization (millimolar); [La1,], total lactic acidconcentration from hexose fermentation (millimolar); [LaJ],total lactic acid (HLa + La-) concentration (millimolar);[Ma-], dissociated malic acid concentration (millimolar);[MaJ], total malic acid (H2Ma + HMa- + Ma2-) concentra-tion (millimolar); [NaCl], sodium chloride (percent [weight/volume]); [S], hexose concentration (millimolar); X, cell con-centration (grams per liter); X,,, initial cell concentration(grams per liter); XI, total cell concentration (grams per liter);and Xv, viable cell concentration (grams per liter). Coefficientsare as follows: ,u, specific growth rate (per hour); Um.,maximum specific growth rate (per hour); [H+Imax, hydrogenion concentration at which growth ceases (millimolar); kd,specific death rate (per hour); Ki, dissociation constant, wherei is Ac, La, or Ma; K,,,, concentration of nutrient at which thespecific growth rate has half its maximum value (millimolar);pK', dissociation constant; z, ion net charge; Yp,x, growth-associated coefficient (mmol product per gram of cells); YLa/X,growth-associated coefficient (mmol lactic acid per gram ofcells); YMa/X, malic acid yield coefficient (mmol per gram ofcells); YLa/S, molar yield of lactic acid production from hexose;Ys, non-growth-associated coefficient (mmol lactic acid pergram of cells per hour); and YMa, malate utilization coefficient(mmol malate per gram of cells per hour).

Culture. L. plantarum MOP3 isolated previously (11) wasstored in MRS broth (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Mich.)containing 16% glycerol at -70°C. Isolated colonies fromMRS agar streak plates were picked and grown twice at 30°Cin CJ for 12 to 15 h. Inocula were diluted to an optical density(OD) at 630 nm of 0.4 to 0.5 and 1.0 volume was added to eachgrowth medium studied to give an initial concentration ofapproximately 106 cells per ml.Growth medium. CJ was prepared, centrifuged, diluted, and

filter sterilized (0.22-,um-pore-size filter) according to themethod of Passos et al. (22). Lactic acid, acetic acid, and NaClwere obtained from Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc. (Milwaukee,Wis.), and hydrochloric acid was obtained from Fisher Scien-tific (Pittsburgh, Pa.).

Fennentation conditions. Water-jacketed jars from Wheaton

(Millville, N.J.), each with a 250-ml working volume, were usedas batch or continuous culture growth systems. The growthmedium was agitated with a magnetic stirrer, and the growthtemperature was 30°C. Compressed N2 was humidified andreleased into the headspace of the fermentor at a rate of 2.5liters/h to ensure anaerobic conditions in all the experiments.During batch growth, samples were removed aseptically bysyringe from the 200-ml initial broth volume at intervals of 1 to2 h. For continuous culture, a Masterflex pump, 100-rpmmicroprocessor-controlled drive (Cole-Parmer InstrumentCo., Chicago, Ill.), and tube #13 (silicone; Masterflex) wereused to feed the fermentor in order to have a precise low flowrate (12.5 to 125 ml/h). Another pump (600 rpm; Masterflex)was used for exit of the medium. The volume of liquid was heldconstant at 200 ml by positioning the exit tube above this leveland controlling the exit pump to a flow rate equal to or greaterthan that of the feed pump. The different steady-state condi-tions were achieved through autoinhibition of L. plantarum byits production of lactic acid. Samples (2 ml) were periodicallyremoved from the fermentor for pH and OD determination.When no further changes (<5%) were observed in thesevariables, three samples were taken at intervals of 2 to 8 h(depending on the specific growth rate) for chemical analyses.When no other chemical changes (<5%) were observed insuch samples, steady-state conditions were assumed.

Death rate. Death rate experiments were performed insilicone-stoppered tubes (40-ml working volume) incubated at30°C. Cells were grown in 50% CJ containing 2% NaCl and 10mM acetic acid for 15 h at 30°C. The cells were harvestedduring the exponential growth phase, centrifuged, and concen-trated 20X. An inoculum of 1 ml, giving an initial populationof about 2 x 108 CFU/ml, was added to fresh CJ at differentpHs, lactic and acetic acid concentrations, and NaCl concen-trations. For 12 days, samples were removed aseptically bypipette from the 40-ml initial broth volume at intervals of 24 to48 h, and OD, pH, viable cells, and lactic acid were monitored.First-order death rate constants (kds) were calculated fromlinear regression analysis of the logarithm of the viable cellcount versus time.

Analytical methods. Cell growth was monitored by measure-ment of the OD of the medium in a 1.5-ml glass cuvette witha Novaspec II spectrophotometer (Pharmacia LKB Biotech-nology, Piscataway, N.J.). The linear range extended to ODreadings of 0.45. During growth, if the OD was higher than0.30, the sample was diluted to within a range of 0.1 to 0.3 withdistilled water. Standard curves were used to relate OD, dryweight (grams per liter), and cell number (CFU per milliliter).For dry weight determination, a 500-ml cell suspension (OD ofaround 0.8) was washed two times with an equal volume ofsterile water and concentrated 50X by centrifugation and foursamples of 3 ml each were dried to constant weight in a vacuumoven at 80°C. Viable cells were enumerated in MRS agar byusing the same cell suspension used for dry weight. One unit ofOD was equivalent to 0.264 g of cells per liter and 2.5 x 108CFU/ml for dry weight and cell number, respectively. In thedeath rate experiment, viable cells were enumerated on MRSagar after proper dilution. Direct microscopic counts weredetermined with a Wild M20 phase-contrast microscope (WildHeerbrugg Ltd., Heerbrugg, Switzerland). CFU per milliliterwere determined at X400 magnification with a Petroff-Haussercounting chamber (27). The number of cells per CFU wasdetermined at x 1,000 magnification. Total microscopic countswere calculated by multiplication of CFU per milliliter by cellsper CFU. NaCl was determined by titration with standardAgNO3 using dichlorofluorescein as an indicator (10). All theother components were determined by high-pressure liquid


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chromatography (HPLC). Broth samples were diluted twofoldwith distilled water, and 1.5 ml was centrifuged at 12,000 x g(centrifuge model 5415; Eppendorf, Westburg, N.Y.). Glucose,lactic acid, and acetic acid were analyzed with an AminexHPX-87H column (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, Calif.)at 65°C, a differential refractometer (Waters Associates,Milford, Mass.), and an integrator (Shimadzu Corp., Colum-bia, Md.). The column was eluted with 0.01 M H2SO4 at aflow rate of 0.7 ml/min. When malic acid and fructose werepresent in the sample, a Dionex (Sunnyvale, Calif.) systemwas used with a conductivity detector for acid determinationand a Dionex pulsed amperometric detector for sugardetermination (19).Model development. During fermentation of CJ by L. plan-

tarum, the initial cells present (XO) consume sugar (S) toproduce new cells (X). Refer to "Nomenclature" above fordefinitions of designations used herein. Since this bacterium ishomofermentative with respect to hexoses, lactic acid is themain product formed. Malic acid also is a natural componentof CJ and is converted by L. plantarum to lactic acid and CO2.These two reactions can be represented as follows: [S] + [XO]

[X] + YLa,x[Xv] + YH+/La-[La] and [Ma,] -> YLa,/[XVi +YH+Ma [Ma-] + YCO/Ma,[Ma,-].Assuming that these mathematical models describe the

growth of L. plantarum during cucumber fermentation, a batchprocess, a mathematical representation of the specific growthrate as a function of the dynamic variables (pH, lactic acid,acetic acid, and NaCl), is necessary. This representation waspreviously defined (22). To account for the effect of substratelimitation on the specific growth rate, we included theMonod model, using a Km value of 0.056 mM, which isconsidered an average value for bacteria growing in glucose(30), where

Pimax S

=Km + S (1)

For malic acid utilization, the apparent yield coefficient waspreviously defined (21) as follows: YMa (mmol/g of cells/h) =27.6 (mmol/g of cells),u + 0.09 (mmol/g of cells/h).pH change. Since the specific growth rate equation is a

function of the concentrations of hydrogen ion and the undis-sociated inhibitory form of acetic and lactic acid, an equationto predict pH change in the medium during fermentation wasnecessary. Using an approach similar to that used by Kuhn (16)and assuming malate as the more important buffer componentof the CJ, equation 2 was proposed to describe the change inthe medium pH.

:ZiCi = H+ + Ic+ - La- - Ac- - HMa- - 2Ma2- = 0 (2)

where Ci is the concentration of each ionic species and zi is itsnet charge. Since the malate is in the salt form, Ic+ was addedin the equation to represent the mineral cations associatedwith malate present in the CJ. Strong acids, and bases and saltssuch as NaCl, were considered to be fully dissociated (16)and were not included in the generalized equation 2. Forweak acids, the dissociation step can be written as follows(24):

step number. Assuming that these reactions approach equilib-rium quickly (4), the concentration of the ionic portion of amonoprotic weak acid such as lactic acid can be given as

KLa LatLa- = H+ KLa

Defining pK' as -log(KLa), the dissociation constant, KLa, canbe calculated from equation 5:

Z2- 0.51F1/2pK' = pK--

1 + 1.6VF/2(5)

where pK is the dissociation acid constant (equal to 3.86 atinfinite dilution) and r/2 is the ionic strength (29). The rate ofproton production can be calculated by substituting ion con-centrations (equation 3) into equation 2 and differentiating,yielding equation 13 below.A set of ordinary differential equations was used to model

the microbial growth and fermentation processes. The dynamicmechanistic model of microbial growth in a liquid-phasesystem consists of a set of ordinary differential equationshaving the general form

dXIdtfi(t,XI,. . .Xn)dt


where the functions fi on the right side are known. This is aninitial-value type of model in which all of the Xs are given atsome starting time (t = 0) and the values at subsequent timesare determined by simultaneous integration of the systemequations.

Thus, the following set of equations (equations 7 to 14) wasused to represent growth and fermentation by L. plantarum inCJ:


dt = IL[XvI

[dXv]dt = (I - kd)[Xv]

d[Lat,s]dt = YLa/X(IAI[Xv) + yS[Xv]


dt = YMa[XvJ

d[La,,MaI d[Ma,]dt dt

(cell growth) (7)

(viable cell balance)

(lactate from hexose)

(malate consumption)

(lactate from malate)





IA-m-1) 2-H+ + HA__ (3)(12)

where n is the total number of dissociation steps and m is the

d[La,] d[Lats] d(Lat,Ma]= + (total lactateproduction)

dt dt dt

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dt kYLaIs) dt


(hexose utilization) (13)

KLa d[La,] (KMa,l[H+] + 2KMa IKMa2 d[Maj](KLa+ [H+]) dit + D dt

rA-.1AAcdACtj1+ +

(KAC + [H+])2

KLa[Lat] KMa,l[Mat] 2KMa l[Mat]([H+] + KMa,2)(2[H ] + KMa,I)

(KLa + [H+])2 D +D


D = H2 + KMa,IKMa 2 + KMa,IH (15)

Assuming that the specific growth rate (pu) of L. plantarumgrowing in CJ will be a function of product inhibition (hydro-gen ion and undissociated lactic acid concentrations) and/orsubstrate limitation (hexose), variables that change in concen-tration in the course of the process, and that the initial growthrate will be a function of NaCl and undissociated acetic acidconcentrations added in the juice, equation 16, proposed byPassos et al. (22), will be used.

IS]1) [H +1,^ 2( )Ha='~~- .5 + [S] A1- 1 69)'


/3~ 1.5[HAc]-0 =0.35 1 +.) ~~5.8 + [HAc]

[HAc] 17 1.6[NACl]1 - +

150 4.47 + [NaCl][NaCl]

11.8 J

due apparently to product inhibition. Cell growth ceased atabout 24 h, as indicated by the total cell concentration (ODmeasurement). Lactic acid production continued after cellgrowth ceased and ended after about 100 h. The verticalbroken line at 24 h is given to facilitate perception of condi-tions after cell growth ceased. After exponential growth halted,the viable cell number rapidly declined. Microscopic count of




Numerical solution. The dynamic model system of ordinarydifferential equations 7 to 14 was solved by the Fehlbergfourth-fifth-order Runge-Kutta method with change in the stepsize. A PC/486 computer using a Fortran 77 compiler in aWindows environment was used for these computations. Amenu-driven program was written to ask for the input variables(initial values of cell mass; sugar, malate, lactate, acetate, andNaCl concentrations; pH; and the time of fermentation) and togenerate tables with changes in time of total cells; viable cells;sugar, malate, and lactate concentrations; and pH. The valueof [H'Imax in equation 16, previously defined (22), was chosento best fit experimental data.

Sensitivity analyses and simulation. To illustrate the effectof parameter variations, simulations changing by ±20% thevalues of death rate constant and hydrogen ion concentrationat which cell growth ceased ([H+Imax) were run. The effect ofincreasing medium buffer capacity was tested by altering initialacetate concentrations and initial pH.


Data from typical batch growth of L. plantarum in CJ at 30°Care shown in Fig. 1. A clear exponential phase was observeduntil 10 h of growth. The pH increased slightly during theearliest exponential phase of growth, during which time malicacid was degraded. Subsequently (5 to 25 h), the pH rapidlydecreased to about 3.2. The reduction of specific growth rate is






4;4iCdtv:v4;4iCd, 1.








20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Time, hrFIG. 1. Observed (symbols) and predicted (lines) changes in batch

growth of L. plantarum MOP3 in CJ with 20 mM acetic acid and 3%NaCl at 30°C and uncontrolled pH. The vertical broken line traversingall curves at 24 h is given to facilitate perception of conditions after cellgrowth ceased.



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TABLE 1. Effect of acetic acid on growth and total lactic acid production by L. plantaruma

Initial conditions Conditions when growth ceased Conditions when acid production ceased

pH [Ac,j (mM) pH [La,] (mM) [Cell] (g/liter) pH [La,] (mM) [Sugar] (mM) YL!,'S RIf (%)

5.95 0.7 3.43 68.6 0.494 3.10 139.1 0.0 1.98 50.74.68 11.4 3.50 61.4 0.530 3.20 107.5 15.1 1.95 42.94.40 23.3 3.48 56.3 0.533 3.21 107.4 14.7 1.93 47.64.27 30.0 3.45 61.3 0.515 3.24 99.8 20.3 2.00 38.64.12 44.9 3.40 64.4 0.312 3.22 100.2 19.5 1.97 35.74.07 49.0 3.48 53.0 0.239 3.20 101.4 19.0 1.98 47.73.99 61.0 3.41 56.7 0.247 3.20 104.5 17.9 2.00 45.7

"The growth medium was CJ which contained 64.6 mM sugar (glucose and fructose) and 11.2 mM malic acid.h Molar yield of lactic acid: ([La,] - 11.2)/(64.6 - [residual sugar]).Lactic acid produced after cell growth ceased.

total cells presented a growth curve similar to that obtained byOD measurement, suggesting that cells were not lysing. Noclumping of cells was observed microscopically.

Final conditions for batch growth of L. plantarum withdifferent initial concentrations of acetic acid and NaCl are

given in Tables 1 and 2. The measured values are divided intotwo groups: conditions when growth by L. plantarum ceasedand conditions when acid production ceased. Acid productionwas assumed to be completed by 15 days since analyses after 20days gave unchanged concentrations. About 36 to 51% of thelactic acid was produced after the growth ceased, and the finallactic acid concentrations (after 15 days) were 100 to 139 mM,depending on the acetic acid concentration (Table 1). Table 2shows that while the lactic acid concentrations are similar todata in Table 1 when growth ceased, the final acid concentra-tions were a function of the initial NaCl levels; higher NaClconcentrations resulted in lower final lactic acid concentra-tions. Also, a lower proportion of the acid was produced aftergrowth ceased, at higher NaCl concentration. In all 14 batchgrowth fermentations presented in Tables 1 and 2, viable cellnumbers after 12 days of fermentation were equal to or lessthan 10' cells per ml (data not shown).The molar yield of lactic acid produced from hexose (glucose

and fructose) fermentation was measured as 1.96 (+0.04). Forthis calculation it was assumed that of the lactic acid present,11.2 mM came from the very rapid malic acid conversion, andthis amount was subtracted from the total concentration oflactic acid produced (an equimolar conversion of malic acid tolactic acid was assumed) to arrive at lactic acid produced fromhexose. When cell growth ceased, the pH was 3.3 to 3.5 and thetotal lactic acid concentration was 53 to 73 mM, depending on

the initial concentrations of NaCl and acetic acid in themedium. Glucose and fructose were degraded simultaneously

but at different rates. At higher concentrations, the rate ofglucose utilization was higher than that for fructose, but atreduced glucose concentrations the initial behavior was re-

versed, with the rate of fructose utilization being higher thanthat for glucose (data not shown). From the HPLC analyses, itwas possible to conclude that L. plantarum remained homo-fermentative since no acetic acid or ethanol was producedduring either batch or continuous growth.

Product formation. Figure 2 shows a linear relationshipbetween the specific lactic acid production rate and specificgrowth rate in continuous culture using CJ as the feedingmedium. The symbols represent each steady-state conditionachieved in the fermentor. The solid line represents fittedvalues based on the model proposed by Luedeking and Piret(17), in which lactic acid production is a function of celldivision and biomass concentration. The growth-associatedcoefficient, mathematically characterized by the slope of thecurve, was 51.9 (±4.2) mmol/g of cells, and the non-growth-associated coefficient, the vertical intercept of the curve, was

7.2 (±0.9) mmol/g of cells h- '. The parenthetic values repre-

sent the 95% confidence intervals for slope and intercept,respectively, of the regression line.Death rate. The data in Fig. 3 represent the changes in total

biomass concentration (OD) and viable cell concentration inCJ. Even at an initial pH as low as 3.2, some change in the totalcell concentration was observed, with an average specificgrowth rate of 0.005 h-'. At the same time, a reduction in theviable cell concentration was observed, suggesting a negativeapparent specific growth rate (,. - kld), i.e., a death rate higherthan the specific growth rate. Death rate constants (kd) were

calculated during the period when no significant growth was

observed (75 to 300 h). No significant effect was detected as a

function of either pH or acetic acid (P - 0.05), with an average

TABLE 2. Effect of NaCl on growth and total acid production by L. plantarurMa

Initial conditions Conditions when growth ceased Conditions when acid production ceased

pH [NaCI] (Cc) pH [La,] (mM) [Cell] (g/liter) pH [La,] (mM) [Sugar] (mM) Yla/sb RL' (%)

5.93 0.0 3.52 61.4 0.437 3.34 101.7 16.4 1.88 39.65.78 1.0 3.37 73.3 0.494 3.10 133.4 3.7 2.01 45.15.70 2.0 3.32 64.4 0.471 3.13 115.0 12.7 2.00 44.05.64 3.0 3.31 70.8 0.455 3.16 96.9 20.9 1.96 26.95.60 4.0 3.30 64.0 0.411 3.19 82.0 26.8 1.87 22.05.55 5.0 3.32 67.6 0.432 3.19 87.0 25.7 1.95 22.35.51 5.8 3.27 66.8 0.400 3.19 81.5 28.2 1.93 18.0

"The growth medium was CJ which contained 64.6 mM sugar (glucose and fructose) and 11.2 mM malic acid."Molar yield of lactic acid: ([La] - 11.2)/(64.6 - [residual sugar]).Lactic acid produced after cell growth ceased.

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X4 35A

m 30V0

3 25

4;Z 20

0°- 15cJ

o 100

. 50 1c; nI0.



0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4-1

Specific growth rate, hr

FIG. 2. Specific production rate of lactic acid versus specific growthrate in continuous culture at uncontrolled pH.

death rate constant of 0.031 (±0.005) h-'. Lactic acid at aconcentration of 60 mM slightly increased the kd to 0.049 hV1.The presence of 6% NaCI raised the kd further, to 0.0911 h-1. g3From the data, a linear relationship relating the death rate "constant and NaCl concentration was suggested: D


kcd= 0.024 + 0.01I[NaCI] (18)

Simulation and model demonstration. Figures 1, 4, and 5illustrate three different experimental growth conditions testedfor model validation, where symbols represent experimentalvalues and the curves are calculated from the model. Figure 1shows a batch culture in CJ to which 20 mM acetic acid and 3%NaCl were added. Figures 4 and 5 compare observed (symbols)and predicted (solid curves) values during growth of thebacterium in CJ containing 49 mM acetic acid (Fig. 4) or 20mM acetic acid and 5.9% NaCl (Fig. 5). The death rateconstant was predicted from equation 18. The value of [H+] inequation 16, previously defined as 0.427 mM (22), was changedto best fit experimental data. The values were 0.63 mM (pH3.2), 0.427 mM (pH 3.37), and 0.562 mM (pH 3.25) in Fig. 1,4, and 5, respectively. The model presents good agreementwith the experimental values, except for the viable cell concen-tration in Fig. 1. For that variable, the model is close toexperimental results during exponential growth but suggestsvalues consistently lower than those observed after growthceased. The equation used to predict pH change during theprocess was not sensitive enough to predict increases in the pHvalues during the initiation of the growth but gave reasonablevalues during most of the fermentation.

Figures 6 and 7 illustrate simulation of hypothetical condi-tions on the overall fermentation. Figure 6 illustrates the effectof change on the death rate constant (panels A and B) andon the value of [H+]max (panels C and D) in CJ with 20 mMacetic acid and 3% NaCl. By using a death rate constant of0.033 h-1 as predicted by equation 18 and a [H ]max of0.427 mM, as previously estimated by Passos et al. (22) to bewhere cell growth ceases, the predicted maximum cellconcentration was 0.340 g/liter and the total lactic acidconcentration was 97 mM. A ±20% hypothetical change ofthe value of this estimated death rate constant (±0.0066

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Time, hrFIG. 3. Total cell concentration (A) and viable cell count (B) of L.

plantarum in CJ at different initial pHs and lactate, acetate, andNaCl concentrations (millimolar, millimolar, and percent, respec-tively).

h-') suggests a final lactic acid concentration of 85.4 or114.3 mM, respectively. When the value of [H ]max waschanged ±20%, variations on the overall fermentation wereobserved for lactic acid and total cell concentration. Totallactic acid concentrations of 81 and 110.5 mM were pre-dicted from maximum cell concentrations of 0.277 and 0.393g/liter, respectively.The influence of modification of buffer capacity of the CJ by

adding acetic acid and correcting the initial pH of the fermen-tation is shown in Fig. 7. The calculated hypothetical additionof acetic acid in a concentration of 20 mM (Fig. 7A and B,broken curves) or 40 mM (Fig. 7C and D, broken curves) andcorrection of the initial pH to 4.76 predicted the culture toferment all sugar present at 42 or 58 h, respectively. Thehypothetical addition of acetic acid in the medium with nocorrection of the pH (solid curves) did not predict the cells toferment all the sugar. The addition of 40 mM acetic acid



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4.5 1

4.0 >




V ) 3.00 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Time, hrFIG. 4. Observed (symbols) and predicted (lines) changes in the

lactic acid concentration, total and viable cell concentrations, and pHduring batch growth of L. plantarum MOP3 in CJ at 30°C anduncontrolled pH. Initial condition: 49 mM acetic acid.

increased the fermentation time and reduced the total lacticacid concentration produced compared with values when 20mM acetic acid was added. In both simulations, growth ceasedprimarily because of hydrogen ion inhibition when the initialpH of the juice was not corrected. When the initial pH wasadjusted to 4.76, the growth ceased because of sugar limitation.Thus, growth termination may be due to either acid inhibitionor substrate limitation.

DISCUSSIONThe coupled and uncoupled lactic acid production by L.

plantarum was clearly observed in both continuous and batchculture. During the growth phase in continuous culture, lacticacid production was strongly related to both cell division andcell mass concentration, and thus the Luedeking and Piretmodel (17) represents the data well. This behavior was ex-pected, since only lactic acid was produced during all theexperiments, in agreement with a report by Giraud et al. (12),who grew L. plantarum in MRS medium. Bobillo and Marshall(2) grew different strains of L. plantarum in MRS medium andreported that in aerated cultures, acetic acid was produced inaddition to lactate in a proportion depending on the acidity of



4.0 M

[JA -13.502

000 El 0 9 01

0 20 40 60 A0 1012 140 16010 200

Time, hr

FIG. 5. Observed (symbols) and predicted (lines) changes in thelactic acid concentration, total and viable cell concentrations, and pHduring batch growth of L. plantarum MOP3 in CJ at 30°C anduncontrolled pH. Initial conditions: 20 mM acetic acid and 5.9% NaCl.

the medium and NaCl concentration, with no acetate detectedat pH 4.5 in the presence of salt. In anaerobic cultures, acetatewas produced only in an alkaline environment of pH 7.5 orabove.

In the present study, we measured a growth-associatedcoefficient of 51.9 (±4.2) mmol of lactate per g of cells andnon-growth-associated coefficient of 7.2 (±0.9) mmol of lac-tate per g of cells h-1 from continuous culture data (Fig. 2).This LAB behavior has been shown by different authors.

For L. plantarum, ATP generation is closely coupled to lacticacid formation during growth in glucose and/or fructose. L.plantarum is homofermentative for hexoses, producing 2 molof lactic acid per mol of hexose. In this and other anaerobicfermentations, microorganisms meet their ATP requirementsfor growth and maintenance by producing extracellular prod-ucts (20), so the Luedeking and Piret model (17) is an expectedkinetic representation for lactic acid production. Luedekingand Piret defined lactic acid production as a function of theenergy necessary to form new bacterial protoplasm and theenergy for the normal metabolic activity irrespective of growth.In their study, using Lactobacillus delbrueckii at constant pHsranging from 6.0 to 4.5 in batch growth, they determined values

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3 0.1


U0Q 0.014-L)









00 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200

Time, hr Time, hrFIG. 6. Effect of change in either the death rate constant (A and B) or [H]Imax (C and D) on predicted lactic acid, total cell, and viable cell


of the growth-associated coefficient to change from 24.4 mMlactic acid per OD unit at pH 6 to 39.4 mM/OD unit at pH 4.5and the values of the non-growth-associated coefficient tochange from 6.1 mM/OD unit/h at pH 6.0 to 1.2 mM/OD unit/hat pH 4.5.Samuel and Lee (26), growing L. plantarum in crude extract

from sweet sorghum supplemented with vetch juice, showedthat after the stationary phase began, lactic acid continued tobe produced. At a constant pH of 6.5, the stationary phasebegan at a lactic acid concentration of about 467 mM, but thisconcentration increased to about 667 mM when the substratereached zero. Kemp et al. (15) applied the Luedeking and Piretmodel for lactic acid production by L. plantarum and found agrowth-associated coefficient of 73.4 mmol/g of cells and anon-growth-associated parameter of 0.48 mmol/g of cells h-'.The bacterium was grown at a constant pH of 6.0 in MRSbroth. Breheny et al. (3) demonstrated the uncoupling ofgrowth from acid production under conditions which inhibitgrowth of Streptococcus cremoris. When chloramphenicol, aninhibitor of protein synthesis in microorganisms, was added ina final concentration of 50 mg/liter to the growth culture,growth of the organism was immediately arrested while acidproduction continued at a reduced rate. With the same strainof L. plantarum used in this study (MOP3), a growth-associ-ated coefficient of 73.0 or 58.3 mmol of lactate per g of cellswas determined when YTA medium (yeast extract, Trypticase,ammonium sulfate, minerals, and glucose) was used, depend-

ing on the absence or presence of malate, respectively (21).This coefficient is thus a function not only of the bacterialstrain but also of the medium. In the work by Luedeking andPiret (17) and Kemp et al. (15) the cause of the growthinhibition is not clear, but it was not [H+], since the pH waskept constant. In our study the main inhibition was highconcentrations of H+ and undissociated lactic acid. The mea-surement of maintenance energy is based on the idea that asthe growth rate is decreased, the rate of metabolism of thatcarbon source approaches a positive limit, interpreted as themetabolism required to provide energy for needs not kineti-cally related to growth (18). While many measurements haveconfirmed the validity of the linear relation of specific productrate and specific growth rate, the interpretation of the rela-tionship has been questioned (23). Hempfling and Mainzer(13) measured the maintenance coefficient of Escherichia coliin continuous culture limited by different carbon sources andreported nearly 25-fold variation. With our L. plantarumMOP3 strain in YTA medium, the value for the non-growth-associated coefficient was 3.5 or 1.5 mmol/g of cells h- ,depending on the absence or presence of malate (21).

During batch growth, good agreement between the ODreading (experimental total cell concentration) and viable cellcount (experimental viable cell concentration) observed duringthe initial exponential phase means that nearly all biomass wasviable. After growth ceased, lactic acid productivity fell and isshown to be a function of viable cells only (cells able to divide


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0.001_|| | \l 0 | § \§TotacoU


FIG.7.Pedicedefectof mdiumbuffr caacitionleciacidoalcl,advalels Vicetablen callsustm.( n )Hpteia

A I'


10 -


160so -



00 50 100 150 2000 50 100 150 200

Time, bhr Time, hrFIG. 7. Predicted effect of medium buffer capacity on lactic acid, total cell, and viable cell concentrations versus time. (A and B) Hypothetical

addition of acetic acid at 20mM with initial pH adjusted to 4.76 (broken lines) or unadjusted (solid lines); (C and D) hypothetical addition of aceticacid at 40 mM with initial pH adjusted to 4.76 (broken lines) or unadjusted (solid lines).

in fresh medium). During that phase, the concentration of cellsdetermined by direct microscope count was constant andshowed a close relationship with the OD reading (data notshown). The proposed model predicted the total biomassconcentration (solid curve) well but gave a lag period betweenthe predicted time for viable cell reduction (broken curve) andexperimental viable cell data. It is not clear which compo-nent(s) of the model is responsible for this prediction discrep-ancy.

Little attention has been paid to the death phase of cellcultures, perhaps because the majority of fermentation pro-cesses modeled are halted before death begins (1). In the caseof the present vegetable fermentation, metabolism after cellgrowth ceases also is important. A significant amount of lacticacid is produced after the growth ceases and some cell deathhas occurred, so the product formation kinetics during thedeath phase is important here.We conclude that the final lactic acid concentration is a

function of both the maximum cell concentration achievedduring the growth phase and the death rate of the cells (inwhich NaCl seems to be the key variable). This information isconsistent with the data in Table 2, suggesting that the low finalconcentration of lactic acid observed in the presence of higherconcentrations of NaCl is due to the higher cell death rateconstant. Henick-Kling (14) showed that all cultures of L.

plantarum inoculated into wine of pH 4.0, 3.5, and 3.0 diedafter 1 to 2 days and that the death rate constant was a functionof the initial pH of the wine and of the pH of the inoculumculture medium. The rate at which the cultures died wasgreatest for the culture which had the inoculum grown in grapejuice at the highest initial pH; the effect of the initial pH of thestarter culture was strongest in wine with a lower pH.

Figure 6 illustrates the important effect of the final phase ofthe fermentation process of LAB on the total lactic acidconcentration, represented by change in the death rate con-stant (panels A and B) and the hydrogen ion concentration atcessation of growth (panels C and D). Buffering the CJ willgreatly affect the process (Fig. 7), as has been shown withfermentation of whole cucumbers with 53 mM acetate at aninitial pH of 4.6 (11).

Conclusions. A model is proposed to describe the growth ofL. plantarum in anaerobic batch culture without pH control. Itincludes the effect of the main variables on the behavior of thissystem: hexose, lactate, acetate, NaCl, and hydrogen ion. It fitsthe data well for total biomass, lactate, malate, hexose, andhydrogen ion concentrations. However, an unexplained lageffect is noted for the cell death rate. Further work is intendedto examine mixed-culture kinetics of L. plantarum and S. roseiand to refine cell death phase modeling. Otherwise, an accept-able model for CJ fermentation has been demonstrated.

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This investigation was supported in part by a research grant fromPickle Packers International, Inc., St. Charles, Ill. F. V. Passos receiveda scholarship from CNPq (Brazilian government agency) during thetime this study was conducted.We thank H. T. Tran for the help with the numerical solution of the

system of equations, W. Stewart and K. Crowley for microbiologicalassistance, and R. L. Thompson for advice on HPLC analyses.

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