kindness storyboard template

Post on 27-Jul-2015



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Instructional Media Class Activity: Storyboard 2015

Storyboard Template

Frame: 1 Video Type: Video Storytelling Video Title: Kindness Author: Team 4

Image Description/Drawing

The word Kindness is shown to state what the video is about.

Image Credit: Microsoft Word Font

Screen Text: Kindness Music/sounds & Credits: Kindness Song from YouTube

Narration: None

Effects: Dancing Letters


Instructional Media Class Activity: Storyboard 2015

Frame: 2 Video Type: Video Storytelling Video Title: Kindness Author: Team 4

Image Description/Drawing

A child stands looking confused.

Image Credit: Bitstrips.

Screen Text: What is Kindness? Music/sounds & Credits: None

Narration: Kindness is the act of going out of your way to be nice to someone or show a person you care.

Effects: Confused Sound Effect

Instructional Media Class Activity: Storyboard 2015

Frame:3 Video Type: Video Storytelling Video Title: Kindness Author: Team 4

Image Description/Drawing

The Image shows that kindness cannot be bought.

Image Credits: Bitstrips

Screen Text: How can I get Kindness? Music/sounds & Credits: None

Narration: Kindness is not something we can buy it is something we must practice doing.

Effects: None

Instructional Media Class Activity: Storyboard 2015

Frame: 4 Video Type: Video Storytelling Video Title: Kindness Author: Team 4

Image Description/Drawing

These different images display different acts of kindness such as being friendly, caring about

others feelings, being polite and helping others.

Image Credit: Bitstrips

Screen Text: How can you show kindness to others? Music/sounds & Credits: None

Narration: There are many ways you can be kind to someone else for example you can: Be Friendly, Care about other people feelings,

Effects: Friendly Music

Instructional Media Class Activity: Storyboard 2015

Frame: 5 Video Type: Video Storytelling Video Title: Kindness Author: Team 4

Image Description/Drawing

These images display ways to be kind to yourself. For example: have a good night’s rest, eat

healthy, care for others and have fun.

Image Credit: Bitstrips

Screen Text: How can you show kindness to yourself? Music/sounds & Credits: None

Narration: Not only for others but you must be kind to yourself as well.

Effects: Shocked Sound Effect.

Instructional Media Class Activity: Storyboard 2015

Frame: 6 Video Type: Video Storytelling Video Title: Kindness Author: Team 4

Image Description/Drawing

Character express by a thumbs up that being kind is the right thing to do.

Image Credit: Bitstrips

Screen Text: Remember Kindness Music/sounds & Credits: Kindness Song from YouTube

Narration: Remember that you have to practice being Kind. To yourself and others. Don’t forget that kindness is the act of going out of your way to be nice to

someone or show a person you care. So remember that you have to practice being Kind to yourself and others such as parents, teachers, friends and also show

kindness everywhere you go like home, school, shopping, while playing in the park and at church.

Effects: None

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