
Post on 31-Aug-2014






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  • I have chosen to compare three magazines, all of which are relatively similar. I have chosen Harpers Bazaar, Glamour and Cosmopolitan. I decided that the covers I would chose would all feature the same person, Kim Kardashian. I thought that using the same person would be more interesting as I would be able to compare and contrast the way each magazine portrayed Kim and in what way.
  • The cover features Kim in a dress which compliments her figure but doesnt reveal anything. This shows her off as a more lady of more class rather than a sex symbol. This is more appropriate to be seen on the shelves of a shop, such as a supermarket, as it isnt revealing or degrading to women. Kim is smiling, rather than pouting, making it seem that she is genuinely happy to be there. It makes her seem more real-life and natural, rather than a model being there for a photo shoot. Although, her stance is rather posed, she looks more casual. The magazine cover features several demanding words, such as now. This could imply that the target audience is middle class women who to them, money isnt as big of an object therefore they can buy new, more expensive clothes and shoes more often. The colour scheme of the issue is black and white on red which simple yet very effective. The more important the topic, the bigger and bolder the subheading/title, such as the magazine name and the caption Big Fashion Issue. Although the target audience is middle class women, the magazine does feature a small section for those whom are not of middle class. The caption reads CHIC AT EVERY PRICE, this could give ideas for those who want to look fashionable and wearing nice things but dont want to or cannot afford to spend a lot of money and designer shoes, clothes, handbags etc. The caption LOOK YOUNGER INSTANTLY shows how the magazine is aiming at older women who are in a bid to look some what younger. Again, the phrase UPDATE YOUR LOOK is an aim to middle age women who feel as if they need to get with the fashion or update their look, possibly to look younger.
  • The spread of the issue is titled CLEOPATRA WITH A K referring to Kim as a queen, also saying how owns self-made kingdom.

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