kill no more volue 2

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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8/9/2019 Kill No More Volue 2 1/90


“It looks terrifying.” Purity esit!te". To Purity# "!rk !n" $ol" %l!$es &ere too s$!ry.

'!iser grunte"( “H!)e you e)er seen ! %l!$e &it tre!sures t!t &!sn*t eerie !n" s$!ry+ If it &ere

less s$!ry# te tre!sures &oul" !)e !lre!"y ,een t!ken ,y no&# or "i" you tink it &oul" &!it for 

you+ So te s$!rier te %l!$e te ,etter# ten oter %eo%le &oul"n*t $o-e in ,efore you.


Purity !n" /ein!n no""e" teir e!"s# !s if tey*)e ,een t!ugt ! )!lu!,le lesson.

“Hurry u% urry u%# te tre!sures !&!it us” '!iser s$re!-e"# !n" &!)e" is !n"s !s if e !"

!lre!"y gotten ! ol" of te tre!sures.

“Tre!sure” Purity*s eyes fl!se" ligt ,ene!t er uge gl!sses.

‘The treasure must be a legendary sword, and stuck in a rock. Liola-dage wearing elder

brother’s white Knight uniform, and under a ray of light, will pull the sword out. God, that would 

be too cool, too handsome, and too great.’ 

Purity# &o !" !l&!ys &ore -!gi$!l $ont!$t lenses# &!s !fr!i" se &oul"n*t ,e !,le to &!s

te- %ro%erly "uring !n !")enture# so se !" to &e!r u-ongous gl!sses. Cute girls &ill ,e

$ute girls. To -!t$ er "resses# se !$tu!lly ,rougt -ore t!n ten sets of gl!sses# !n" tey took 

u% -ore t!n ! tir" of er lugg!ge.

“Tre!sure” /ein!n ,ruse" is ,!ngs# !n" e &!s into0i$!te" ,y te )!rious sets of &ite $in!#

sil)er&!re &it engr!)e" %!tterns# !n" uniuely s!%e" $!n"el!,r! !"orne" &it 2e&elry.

‘h! "f one could dine within such art, what an elegant atmosphere it would be.’ 

“Tre!sure” '!iser el" is fists tigtly. He "re!-t of ,ills flying e)ery&ere# ! ,e" line" &it

-oney# en"less !-ount of foo"# !n" !n !")!n$e" ousekee%ing /!0un ,esi"e i- to t!ke $!re

of !ll te $ores. Ho& &on"erful


8/9/2019 Kill No More Volue 2 2/90

4iol!*s f!$e &!s still e0%ressionless ,e$!use e &!s still $urrently using #eart of

$onsciousness to s$out te surroun"ing of te %!l!$e.

Te %!l!$e &!s ! little str!nge. Tere &ere so-e %l!$es He!rt of Cons$iousness $!n*t see- to

 %enetr!te. Ten e s!& so-eting t!t $oul" ,e te $!use of tis 5 ! %ie$e of ro$k t!t &!s

e-itting ! str!nge energy. 4iol! &!s st!rting to get $urious !,out tis ro$k.

6it te !nti$i%!tion of running into &!t tey e!$ $onsi"er to ,e tre!sures# te four of te-

ste%%e" into te "!rk %!t. 6it /ein!n*s 4u-ines$en$e# te s!%e of te %!l!$e &!s st!rting to

 ,e )isi,le.

Tere &!s ! uge $orri"or# !n" t&o ro&s of str!ngely7s!%e" "e-on s$ul%tures &ere line" u% on

e!$ si"e# ,ut tis &!s not enoug to s$!re te tree of te- &o !" ,een $!%ti)!te" ,y te i"e!

of tre!sures.

As for te fourt %erson# 4iol!# it &oul" ,e lu$ky for "e-ons if e "i"n*t s$!re them into te!rs.

After tey &!lke" troug te $orri"or# tere &!s ! fork in front of teir %!t. 6!t*s "ifferent

&!s t!t# one %!t &!s fille" &it $!n"leligt# !s &ell !s -!ny -!2esti$ !r-or !n" ,e!utiful

)!ses. Not to -ention# -!ny -!2esti$ !r-or sets# !n" ,e!utiful )!ses. Not to -ention# -!ny

oter siny "e$or!tions t!t &ere enoug to turn '!iser*s eyes into "oll!r signs.

Te oter %!t# o&e)er# &!s !s "!rk !s te $orri"or tey !" 2ust %!sse"# !s if it &!s inting !t

te "!rkness of teir future.

“6i$ &!y+” 4iol! !ske" $on$isely.

8ut !s soon !s &or"s left is -out# te oter tree !" !lre!"y r!n to&!r"s te ,rigt !n"

gl!-orous ro!".

9ne %erson st!re" !t te !r-or !n" s&or"s &it &orsi%%ing eyes. 9ne &!s fi0ing is !ir in

front of ! l!rge ,ron:e -irror $!r)e" &it )!rious go"s#&ile te l!st one &!s "es%er!tely

stuffing !ny stuffing !nyting siny insi"e is ,!gs !n" %o$kets.

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4iol! fro&ne"# !n" s!i"( “Tere is ! ro$k e-itting energies !t te en" of te oter ro!".”

Unfortun!tely# tey $o-%letely ignore" 4iol!. H!" 4iol! use" “ge-” inste!" of “ro$k”# %er!%s

e &oul" get ! tiny ,it of !ttention. 8ut# in 4iol!*s eyes# ro$ks !re ro$ks# ,e it "i!-on"s or


Te only ting t!t truly intereste" 4iol! &!s te str!nge energies $o-ing fro- t!t ro$k.

Ho&e)er# te oter tree %eo%le &ere $o-%letely in"ifferent !t is o%inion# 4iol! s!i" %l!inly(

“I*- going to te oter %!t !n" $e$k it out.”

He tougt !,out it. Te %!t '!iser !n" te oters %i$ke" "i"n*t see- to ,e too "!ngerous# !n"

'!iser !n" /ein!n &ere -ore t!n $!%!,le of !n"ling ! fe& s-!ll tr!%s. So &itout furteresit!tion# 4iol! &!lke" into te "!rk $orri"or.


6itout /ein!n*s 4u-ines$en$e# te %!t&!y &!s %it$7"!rk. <or !n or"in!ry %erson# it &oul"

 ,e si-il!r to &!lking &it teir eyes $lose"# !n" tey &oul" ,e %r!$ti$!lly un!,le to -o)e. 8ut

for 4iol!# &o !" gro&n u% in te "!rk# !n" s%ent -ore ti-e in te "!rk t!n in te ligt# it &!s

!r"ly "iffi$ult.

4iol! &!lke" !s e nor-!lly &oul"# !n" ,efore long# e re!$e" ! stone "oor. 4iol! sto%%e" t&o

-eters ,efore te "oor# !n" !lso ! $enti-eter ,efore te $ontr!%tion on te groun".

It &!s ! $o--on -e$!nis-. 6en &eigt is %ut on te stone %ressure %l!te# it &ill slo&ly sink

"ee%er into te groun"# !n" it &oul" !$ti)!te so-eting ,igger.

4iol! tougt# ‘%ould this trigger a fatal trap, or open the door&’ 

‘'erhaps both.’ 

He !" !lre!"y sense" te !re! !roun" te "oor. 9ter t!n te $ontr!%tion on te groun"# tere

&!s noting else.

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In oter &or"s# unless e &!nte" to ,re!k o%en te "oor &it ,rute for$e# e &oul" !)e to ste%

onto te %ressure %l!te ,efore i-.

E)er sin$e e $!-e to tis &orl"# e felt like e !" lost te !lertness e !" ,efore. 6ile 4iol!

tougt of is $ir$u-st!n$e# e ste%%e" on te %ressure %l!te# !n" %re%!re" to f!$e !ll kin"s of

"!ngerous situ!tions.

Ho&e)er# noting !%%ene" oter t!n te stone "oor in front of i- slo&ly o%ening. It le" to !n

e-%ty roo-. No# it &!s te$ni$!lly not $o-%letely e-%ty. Tere &ere ,uttons on te &!ll# !n" !

l!rge s$reen $o)ere" &it l!yers of "ust.

To 4iol!# &o $oul"n*t fully $o-%reen" /!0uns# tese ,uttons !n" s$reen &ere no -ore t!n

 %!tterns on te &!ll.

9ter t!n $uriously %using ! fe& ,uttons# 4iol! "i"n*t "o !nyting else. <in!lly# e e!"e" for

!noter "oor in te roo-# !n" $ontinue" is 2ourney to fin" te str!nge energies e-!n!ting fro-

! ro$k.


At tis ti-e# on te oter si"e3

“I*- ri$ I $!n re!lly lie on ! ,e" for te rest of -y life !n" still !ffor" foo".” '!iser ugge" !

str!nge st!tue t!t &!s ! ,it t!ller t!n i-.

It &!s st!n"ing u%rigt# &it $rosse" !r-s in front of its $est. Toug '!iser "i"n*t un"erst!n"

&y te st!tue &!s so si-%le !n" $o-%letely "ifferent fro- /ein!n*s i"e! of ,e!uty# ,ut &!t

-!ttere" te -ost &!s# it &!s $o-%letely -!"e out of gol".

“=e!r gol"-!n# I*- ne)er letting you go for te rest of -y life life.” '!iser re%e!te"ly kisse" te

gol"en st!tue.

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'issing gol" see-e" like ! str!nge ting to "o# ,ut $o-%!re" to te guy ,lo&ing on te -irror

!n" &i%ing it $le!n# !n" te girl ru,,ing ! s&or" &it er f!$e3 'issing gol" see-e" uite



E)en if te tree &ere in teir o&n f!nt!sy &orl"# tey $oul"n*t ignore te $le!r soun" of -et!l

$olli"ing. /e!n&ile# !fter te $l!nging soun" )i,r!te" trougout te !re!# it &!s follo&e" ,y !

soun" of ! e!)y stri"e. 9nly one ting !%%e!re" in !ll tree of teir -in"s 5 !r-or

'!iser l!uge" &ryly( “=on*t %!ni$# !r-or $!nnot &!lk. /!y,e te st!n" fell.”

Purity fro:e on te s%ot !n" te!rs fille" er ,ig eyes. Te s&or" se &!s tou$ing -o-ents !go&!s slo&ly r!ise" itself in te !ir. Te $ol" s&or" s&ung -erely $enti-eters !&!y fro- er f!$e#

!n" te -et!lli$ foot got off te st!n" it &!s on# $l!nging te groun" ,elo& it.

/ein!n ,!$ke" is f!$e !&!y fro- te -irror# !n" tre-,le" !s e looke" !t te refle$tion in te

-irror. Tere see-e" to ,e ! ,un$ of -et!ls t!t ‘shouldn’t be able to mo(e’  ,ut &ere u% !n"

!,out# running !roun".

“=7"on*t %!ni$.” '!iser s!i" &it ! tre-,ling )oi$e( “E)en if te !r-or -o)es# tey -!y not ,e!r-ful to us3 8ut3 H!s !nyone seen 4iol!+”

“U&!!!# 4iol!7"!ge s!i"# e &!s going to go $e$k out te oter %!t.” Purity &!s $rou$e"

on te groun"# el" er e!" !n" $rie".

“=efense Siel"” /ein!n yelle" urrie"ly# siel"ing i-self !n" te ,ron:e -irror ,ein" i-.

As soon !s te siel" for-e"# ! s$!ry gre!ts&or" ,rut!lly sl!--e" itself !g!inst te siel".

/ein!n s&e!te" !n" s!i" in relief( “4u$ky 4u$kily -y -irror is ok!y.”

“=on*t tou$ -y gol"-!n >ou %ie$es of -et!l tr!s.” '!iser el" u% is gun# !n" turne" its

setting to te igest.

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He fire" !t &ill to&!r"s tree sets of !r-or# !n" tey &ere ri""le" &it oles# ,e$o-ing %ie$es

of -et!lli$ tr!s.

“AHHH” Purity s$re!-e" on te to% of er lungs# !n" er tre-,ling finger &!s %ointing


So-e&ere3 If '!iser !n" /ein!n re-e-,ere" $orre$tly# &!sn*t tere ! su%er l!rge !r-or

st!n"ing in t!t "ire$tion+ An" te $l!nging soun" t!t rese-,le" e!rtu!kes see-e" to !)e

$onfir-e" teir fe!r.

'!iser fro&ne"# looke" !t gol"-!n# ten ,!$k !t te )!lu!,les e $!rrie"# !n" s!i" &it !nguis(

“/y gol"-!n# I*- sorry. I $!n*t gi)e u% te tre!sures on -e for you# nor -y "re!- of e!ting on-y ,e" for te rest of -y life.”

After e -o!ne"# '!iser i--e"i!tely ,!$ke" u% ten -eters. 6it te!rs in is eyes# e s!&

gol"-!n ,eing fl!ttene" into ! seet -et!l ,y te uge !r-or.

Seeing te uge !r-or $!rging !t i-# '!iser ui$kly r!n to&!r" te e0it# -eeting Purity !n"

/ein!n on te &!y.

Tey r!n !s f!st !s tey $oul"# !n" tey &ere follo&e" ,y ! long line of &!lking !r-or# in$lu"ing

one t!t &!s "estroying te $eiling !n" &!lls !s it &!lke". Te %l!$e &ere tey &ere ,efore !"

i--e"i!tely turne" into s!-,les.

“6ere te ell is 4iol!+” '!iser s$re!-e".

“/y ,ron:e -irror is gone# u&!!!.” /ein!n &!s s!" ,eyon" ,elief# !n" &it t&o ri)ers of

te!rs stre!-ing fro- is eyes# e r!n for is life.

Purity res%on"e" to '!iser*s uestion( “U&!!!# &e &ent te &rong &!y. 6e*re "e!"# !n" I

&ill ne)er see 4iol!7"!ge &e!ring !noter 'nigt*s unifor-.”

‘%rong way&’  '!iser looke" !t ruins ,ein" i-. If tey turn ,!$k# tey &oul" -ost likely

 ,e$o-e $or%ses e-,ellising te s!-,les.

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“I7I !)e ne)er -isse" so-eone so -u$ in tis life. 4iol!# &ere te ell !re you+”


Co-%!re" to tree %eo%le -issing i-# 4iol! &!s leisurely e0!-ining te ne& roo-.

He "e"u$e"# te oter tree &oul" s%en" ! long ti-e ,eing into0i$!te" in t!t roo-# so tere &!s

no %oint for i- to urry ,!$k.

To 4iol!# te roo- e &!s in &!s yet !noter str!nge %l!$e.

Tere &ere -!ny $offins l!ying !roun"# !n" ! %ortr!it &!s foun" on e)ery $offin. 4iol! o%ene" !

$offin# !n" foun" ! $or%se &r!%%e" in ,!n"!ges. It &!s uite e0tr!or"in!ry


'!iser took ! "ee% ,re!t# !n" looke" !t tese ?,o0es* &it %ortr!its. His instin$t &ere !lerting

i- of te %ossi,le "!ngers. 8ut $onsi"ering te &!y tey $!-e fro- !" &!lking !r-ors# tey

$oul"n*t turn ,!$k.

“'!iser# I7I*- s$!re".” Purity &!s tre-,ling so -u$ t!t /ein!n# &o &!s $!rrying er# &!s

s&inging ,!$k !n" fort.

“=on*t look. Sut your -out# !n" "on*t s$re!-.” '!iser turne" is gun to te igest setting.

“'!iser# I3 I*- s$!re" too” /ein!n turne" %!le !n" s!i"( “I*" r!ter t!ke -y $!n$es &it te

!r-or# t!n to run into rotten fles.”

“6!t te ell !re you s!ying” '!iser grunte" in "is"!in( “Cor%ses "on*t &!lk”


“=i"n*t it soun" like ! ,o0 t!t !sn*t o%ene" in ! long ti-e# &!s ,eing o%ene"+” /ein!n !ske"

&it ! str!nge e0%ression on is f!$e.

'!iser*s irises "il!te" !s e s!& e)ery ,o0 $r!$ke" o%en one ,y one.

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He s$re!-e"( “RUN”


Te s!%e of te $offin &!s )ery si-il!r to te $ross Anise !" gi)en to i-.

6it so-e esit!tion# 4iol! took te $ross fro- Anise out ,et&een te $oll!rs of is sirt# !n"

st!rte" &on"ering &o &!s re!lly res%onsi,le for i- sen"ing i- to %!r!llel uni)erse.

4iol! &!lke" in front of yet !noter "oor# ,ut e $oul"n*t fin" !ny le)ers to o%en tis "oor. Te

only ting e s!&# &!s !n in"ention on te "oor in te s!%e of ! $ross.

Altoug $rosses &ere f!irly $o--on# tis %!rti$ul!r $ross !" ! %!ir of =r!gon*s &ings in te

$enter# &i$ &!s un$o--on.

Tis &!s te re!son &y 4iol! !" st!rte" &on"ering. ‘$ould it be this uncanny& That this ruin

had something to do with nise&’ 

“Soul" I %ut Anise*s ne$kl!$e on it+” 4iol! esit!te" !n" $oul" not -!ke u% is -in". Tis &!s#

!fter !ll# te only ting Anise !" left i-# !n" e "i"n*t &!nt to "estroy te ne$kl!$e.


“4iol!# "o you ,elie)e in f!te+” Anise !ske" leisurely# !s se !" !l&!ys !".


“Re!lly+” Anise l!uge" %l!yfully(

“>ou "on*t tink t!t our -eeting &!s "estine"+ If so-eone "i"n*t or"er ! $o--ission to kill

-e# I &oul"n*t !)e gotten $!ugt !n" ,rougt ere. An" if I "i"n*t kno& o& to e!l# te

org!ni:!tion &oul"n*t !)e ke%t -e. T!t "!y# If you !"n*t ,een in2ure" for te first ti-e in

your $!reer# you &oul"n*t !)e $o-e to -e for e!ling.”

Anise su""enly el" 4iol!*s !n"s# !n" se s!i" e-otion!lly(

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4iol! si"e7ste%%e" ligtly# !n" "o"ge" te stre!- of &!ter $o-ing fro- te "oor e 2ust o%ene".

He !lso fise" out tree %eo%le in te &!ter# to %re)ent te- fro- ,eing %use" ,y te stre!-

!n" $olli"e &it te =r!gon*s skin. Te tree &ere $o-%letely &et# teir $lotes &ere torn# !n"

tey &ere g!s%ing for !ir.

4iol! &!s uiet for ! se$on"# ten !ske"( “6ere you guys looking for -e+”

Te tree "is$o-%ose" %eo%le r!ise" teir e!"s# !n" '!iser e)en ugge" 4iol!*s leg !n" $rie"(

“U&!!!# I &ill ne)er le!)e you !g!in. Not only "i" &e get $!se" ,y !r-ors# surroun"e" ,y

-u--ies# &e e)en !l-ost "ro&ne" ,y &!ter. H!" you not o%ene" te "oor# &e &oul"*)e !ll

"ro&ne" outsi"e. 6!t*s e)en &orse &!s t!t !ll -y tre!sure &!s &!se" !&!y# u&!!!.”

“4iol!7"!ge# sorry# Purity soul"*)e follo&e" you o,e"iently.” Purity ,!&le".

“Coug# $oug3” /ein!n $oul"n*t s!y !nyting. Purity &!s on is ,!$k# !n" se el" onto is

ne$k so tigtly t!t se ne!rly ,roke is ne$k. Tis &!s te re!son &y e $oul"n*t use is siel"

to s!)e teir li)es.

4iol! "i"n*t s!y !nyting# ,ut inste!" re-e-,ere" so-eting '!iser -ur-ure" ,efore(

)%e may be last two people on the world that should ha(e met. *ne causes trouble, another

makes the trouble worse.+

4iol! re-e-,ere" tose &or"s ,e$!use e &!s no& $ert!in te =r!gon in front of i- &!s

"efinitely not ! st!tue# !n" te eyes of te =r!gon &ere ,loo"7st!ine" re".

'!iser %ro,!,ly re!li:e" tere &!s so-eting &rong &it 4iol!. He gul%e"# !n" e &!s

&on"ering &!t te ell it $oul" ,e to u%set 4iol!# &o &oul" re-!in e0%ressionless e)en if te

sky f!lls.

'!iser slo&ly turne" is e!" ,!$k# s!& &!t &!s ,ein" i-# !n" i--e"i!tely stoo" u%.

“I*- sorry# I &!s &rong. I tink &e soul" go se%!r!te &!ys”

8/9/2019 Kill No More Volue 2 11/90

'!iser took less t!n ! se$on" to s!y is %!rting &or"s# &ile running in te "ire$tion of

-u--ies !n" &!lking !r-or.

He*" r!ter el% ,!n"!ge te -u--ies !n" oil te !r-or# t!n to st!n" in te sigt of tis


/ein!n !n" Purity !" !lso fin!lly seen tis -ount!in7like =r!gon ,ein" te-. Purity $li-,e"

 ,!$k onto /ein!n*s ,!$k !g!in# &ile /ein!n $ontinue" "oing &!t e &!s "oing ,efore 5

$!rrying Purity# !n" r!n ,ein" '!iser.

4iol! !n" te 8l!$k =r!gon st!re" !t e!$ oter# !n" neiter of te- ,linke". It !" !l-ost felt !s

if it &ere 8!olilong %l!ying ! st!ring g!-e &it i-.

‘This ragon really looks like aolilong other than the color. $ould it be’ 

Te ,loo"7re" eyes of te uge =r!gon st!re" !t te s-!ll ,o"y of 4iol!.

A terrifying =r!gon -out slo&ly o%ene"# so&ing s!r% teet not unlike tose of 8!olilong#

!n" ten te roo- tun"ere" &it te =r!gon*s )oi$e(

“>ou !)e -y $il"*s s-ell.”

4iol! &!s stunne" ,riefly# ten s!i"( “>ou*re ,l!$k# it*s &ite.”

“Its $olor is &ite.”

4iol! &!s uiet !g!in. ‘This place was related to nise, and aolilong’s father %as this all


“=o you &!nt 8!olilong ,!$k+”

Te 8l!$k =r!gon# &o !" not -o)e"# slo&ly r!ise" its e!"( “8!olilong+ >ou n!-e" it+”

Te$ni$!lly s%e!king# '!iser n!-e" it# ,ut 4iol! no""e".

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Te =r!gon let out ! tun"erous l!ugter# !n" te "ust fro- te $eiling fell !s ! result of te

l!ug. 4iol! "o"ge" ! fe& of te-# &itout -!king !ny soun"s# !n" e &!ite" until te =r!gon*s

"e!fening l!ugter sto%%e".

“>ou &!nt 8!olilong ,!$k+” 4iol! !ske" !g!in.

Te 8l!$k =r!gon grunte" in "is"!in( “6y &oul" I &!nt t!t runt ,!$k+”

“I*- le!)ing ten.” Sin$e te 8l!$k =r!gon "i"n*t &!nt its $il" ,!$k# 4iol! &!s %l!nning on

looking for '!iser# so t!t tey &oul"n*t lose teir li)es ere.

“4e!)e+” Te 8l!$k =r!gon l!uge" $ol"ly.

He!ring te -ur"erous intent of te =r!gon# 4iol! sto%%e" !n"# &itout turning ,!$k# !ske"(

“Are you %l!nning to kill -e+”

“>ou !re )ery "ire$t# I kin" of like you.” Te 8l!$k =r!gon n!rro&e" its eyes(

“Unfortun!tely you !re t!t runt*s -!ster# so you !)e to "ie. 8ut ,efore you "ie# I &ill let you

kno& te n!-e of your killer. /y n!-e is /iluo. Tell -e your n!-e# runt*s -!ster.”

4iol!*s eyes gre& $ol" !s &ell3

“4iol!” A s$re!- $!-e fro- !f!r. '!iser !n" te oters r!n ,!$k to 4iol!. '!iser urrie"ly


“4iol!# &!t*s outsi"e of te "oor on te oter si"e+”

4iol! looke" !t te "oor e $!-e fro-# !n" !ns&ere" trutfully( “Noting !t !ll.”

'!iser ,o&e"( “T!nks# ten I*- going to run for -y life. >ou !)e ! ni$e $!t &it 8!olilong*s


In f!$t# /iluo*s )oi$e &!s so lou" t!t e)en '!iser# &o &!s running furter !n" furter !&!y#

!" e!r" i-# in$lu"ing te "e$l!r!tion of killing i-.

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'!iser &!s only for$e" to turne" ,!$k ,e$!use te tings t!t &ere $!sing i- &ere f!r too

-!ny !n" !%%!lling.

4iol! felt !n !,nor-!l e!t ,ein" i-. His instin$t tol" i- to -o)e !&!y fro- te "oor. A

fiery tree7e!"e" oun" 2u-%e" out of te "oor. Te $enter e!" looke" !t '!iser# !n" sot out

! stre!- of fl!-es "ire$tly !t i-.

Seeing tis# '!iser 2u-%e" ,ein" 8!olilong*s "!"# !n" $!use" te fl!-e to l!n" on /iluo*s

 ,o"y. /iluo !" fin!lly -o)e"# !n" is enor-ous &ings fl!%%e"# trying to e0tinguis te fl!-e

&it te &in". 8ut tis inste!" !ngere" te tree7e!"e" oun"# &ose e!"s !ll sot out fl!-es#

 ,ut tis ti-e it &!sn*t !t '!iser.

=r!gon )s. Houn"# &o &oul" &in+

=r!gons !n" oun"s &ere on "ifferent le)els# !n" 2ust 2u"ging ,y te si:e "ifferen$e# !nyone

&oul" kno& t!t te fl!-ing oun" losing &oul" ,e 2ust ! -!tter of ti-e. Ho&e)er# /iluo

see-e" to !te fl!-es# !n" !s long !s e &!s !)oi"ing te fl!-es# tey see-e" to !)e ,een

e)enly -!t$e".

“4iol!# urry# let*s go.” '!iser &!)e" is !n" ,e$koning# gesturing 4iol! to flee.

4iol! "i"n*t esit!te# !n" e left &it '!iser. 4iol! &!sn*t intereste" in tis =r!gon7oun" &!r#

e &!s 2ust ! ,it $urious( “6ere "i" you guys fin" tis oun"+”

“T!t you*ll !)e to !sk our gre!t -!gi$i!n# /r. /ein!n.” As e fle"# '!iser s!i" sn!%%ily.

4iol! &!s in so$k. Te oun" &!s te result of /ein!n# &o !" ne)er gotten into !ny trou,le+

“I3” /ein!n so&e" !n inno$ent e0%ression( “I !$$i"ent!lly ste%%e" on ! oun" st!tue*s t!il@

&o kne& it &oul" ,e$o-e ! re!l oun" !n" st!rte" $!sing us.”

“Tis %l!$e is re!lly str!nge.” Purity !" !lre!"y $rie" er te!rs "ry# !n" se &e!kly s!i" on

/ein!n*s ,!$k.

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“If tis &!s &il"erness sur)i)!l# ten &o in te &orl" $oul" sur)i)e in tis kin" of &il"erness+”

/ein!n s!i"# &it ! %!le f!$e.

“=!-n t!t gee:er 8!r,!lis. He o,)iously &!nte" us to "ie ere.” '!iser s&ore# outr!ge"(

“6en I get ,!$k# if I "on*t %ull out !ll of is ,e!r"# I*- going to $!nge -y n!-e to ?'!iter*;.”

TBN( '!iter &oul" -e!n ?'!i7I"iot*.


“8!r,!lis# te >!ron Pl!ins soul"n*t ,e !r" to 4iol!# ,ut &oul"n*t it ,e too !r" for oters+”

/i:erui stret$e" $o-fort!,ly !n" $ontinue" sun,!ting( “4iol! $oul" get $!reless# !n" ten3”

8!r,!lis si%%e" is ,u,,le te!# !n" &!)e" is !n"(

“It*ll ,e fine. 6e &on*t lose ! single one of our toys. Te strongest ting on >!ron Pl!ins is te

4eikesi =r!gons# &i$ is 2ust 1D -eters t!ll !n" F -eters &i"e.

/ein!n*s %rote$ti)e siel" is !s ti$k !s te skin on is f!$e# !n" 4eikesi =r!gon &ill ne)er

 ,re!k te skin on is f!$e3 I -e!n# ne)er ,re!k is %rote$ti)e siel".

Toug '!iser*s true strengt is unkno&n# ,ut !t le!st tis guy !s -!stere" te 'ung <u of

running for is life.

As for Purity# if se gets fero$ious# ten you &ill un"erst!n" o& -u$ of ! u-!n &e!%on se

!$tu!lly is3”

/i:erui listene" &it in$re!se" interest# ,ut tese four interesting guys &ere sent so f!r !&!y for

! -ont# &i$ -e!ns e &on*t !)e !ny toys to %l!y &it for ! -ont.

“A -ont is ! long ti-e. 6y "i" you sen" te- to te f!r !&!y >!ron Pl!ins+” /i:erui


“/i7ge# re$onstru$ting te "or- &oul" t!ke !t le!st ! -ont# rigt+”

TBN( /i is te sort for- for /i:erui# &ile ge ,ro is te sort for- for gege ,roter.

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/i:erui looke" !t 8!r,!lis ske%ti$!lly.

‘$onstructing the dorms takes a month& week would be already too long.’ 

If !ll /!0uns in Akl!n A$!"e-y &ere utili:e"# te $onstru$tion $oul" ,e "one &itin ! "!y. E)en! =r!gon Prin$e*s %!l!$e &oul"n*t t!ke -ore t!n tree &eeks.

“Tis "efinitely &on*t ,e ! si-%le "or-” /i:erui !lre!"y s!& 8!r,!lis* sinister grin# !n" soon#

te s-irk on is f!$e !s &ell.

‘/ine then, let Liola and the group rest in the 0aron 'lains for a month, then they can resume

 playing after.’ 

/i:erui leisurely turne"# !n" i-!gine" -!ny fun s$en!rios in is e!".

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“Whoa! Baolilong’s dad is catching up! God, did the three-headed hound suck that bad?

It sure got taken care of really quickly

"aiser slo#ed his pace for only $ust a %o%ent to look behind hi%, and he i%%ediately

sa# the corridor behind the% #as being crushed under tre%endous #eight of a Black

&ragon #ith blood-red eyes, furiously chasing after the%

'uddenly, (einan tripped )e and *urity both fell on the ground, hard When +iola sa#

the%, he stopped, grabbed the% both, and said cal%ly “)urry

(einan said breathlessly “I can’t run any%ore

*urity, too, #as tre%bling “(y legs are petrified

+iola turned and sa# the Black &ragon #as already less than .// %eters a#ay fro%

the%, and it #as clearly %o0ing %uch faster than they #ere 1he Black &ragon #as

going to catch up to the% ine0itably

+iola yelled and stopped "aiser “"aiser, take the% #ith you to the sidelines (einan,

use your protecti0e shield, and if you find the chance, escape

“2re you really going to fight hi%? "aiser’s e3pression changed “2re you confident that

you can #in?

+iola didn’t reply +ogically, for hi% to escape fro% (iluo #asn’t hard )o#e0er,

defeating (iluo #asn’t an easy feat, especially considering his current condition )is

in$uries fro% the pre0ious fight #eren’t fully healed, his ankle bone broken, plus he can’t


“+iola, if you don’t kill hi%, he #ill definitely kill you! "aiser had probably guessed #hat

+iola #as thinking, and then added

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“Besides, that &ragon isn’t a person "illing hi% shouldn’t be breaking your pro%ise,


‘Is that so…?’  +iola didn’t ha0e ti%e to hesitate (iluo, #ho #as hundreds of %eters

a#ay %o%ents ago, #as already in front of the%, in a %atter of seconds

+iola turned his head, #anting to tell "aiser to back a#ay 4onetheless, "aiser could

so%eti%es be quite s#ift By the ti%e +iola looked at (iluo, they had already ran back

to a hole in the #all, and #ere then surrounded by se0eral layers of protecti0e shield

When (iluo opened his %outh in an atte%pt to s#allo# +iola, +iola started his Blood

5luttering "i, and $u%ped using the &ragon’s #hiskers as tra%poline, launching hi%self

o0er the &ragon’s head +iola suddenly increased his #eight, and sto%ped on (iluo’s


If (iluo #as an ordinary person, the force #ould’0e been enough to crack his skull open

like a #ater%elon 6nfortunately, +iola had had $ust about e0ery kind of opponent,

e3cept an ordinary person

1hough it caused (iluo enough pain, to force hi% to let out a cry, it didn’t do %uch


(iluo angrily s#ung his head against the #all, trying to crush +iola #ho #as standing on

his head But #ith +iola’s agility, he #ould ne0er get hurt so easily )e $u%ped onto the

&ragon’s neck s#iftly, and easily e0aded (iluo’s attacks

(iluo cal%ed do#n after failing to get rid of +iola in se0eral hits (iluo said suddenly

“+ooks like that runt does ha0e an eye for talent "illing you #ould be a bit unfortunate

1he &ragon’s enor%ous body suddenly e%itted black s%oke

When +iola sa# the strange e0ent, he had already $u%ped do#n fro% the &ragon’s

neck )o#e0er, he didn’t kno# #hether he should take this opportunity to launch attack

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)e had no idea #hat (iluo #as up to 1hough the s%oke see%ed har%less, but he

#asn’t sure if #ould fall into a trap by attacking #ithout resol0e

(ean#hile the black s%oke had co%pletely engulfed (iluo, and suddenly dispersed

(iluo, #ho #as originally as large as a %ountain, #as no# co0ered in a black s%oke of

only about a person’s height

1he black s%oke slo#ly returned to (iluo’s body, and a person e%erged )e #as a

handso%e %an #ith dark hair and blood-red eyes )is $agged face sho#ed off his

character, and it #as quite the contrast, co%pared to +iola’s elegant face

“)%% "aiser knitted his eyebro#s and looked at (iluo, and said #ithout holding

back “7ou look nothing like Baolilong, #hose face is so s%ooth that it looks like an egg

 2re you sure Baolilong is your offspring?

(iluo’s red eyes looked at "aiser, and a black ball of energy fle# out of his hand and hit

the protecti0e shield (einan’s face #ent pale, and strengthened the shield 1he black

ball e3ploded, and the hole they had been hiding in disappeared in an instant, e0en the

protecti0e shield shook 0iolently

"aiser, #ho #as petrified at first, cal%ed do#n #hen he sa# that the protecti0e shield

#as still holding, pouted and said “Getting angry $ust because #hat I said #as true 7ou

really are a &ragon #ithout %anners

(iluo narro#ed his eyes, raised both hands, and created black balls three ti%es the

si8e of the pre0ious one

(einan #as s#eating profusely as he finished his incantation to increase the layers of

the shield 1he originally transparent shield had so %any layers, it no# looked like a

giant glass sphere

"aiser #as still itching to ridicule (iluo %ore, so he put his face near the protecti0e

shield With the glass-like shield %agnifying his face, "aiser’s face looked like he really

ought to be taught a lesson

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(iluo’s 0eins popped out of his forehead, the t#o black balls doubled in si8e again

Without any hesitation, (iluo thre# the% at the shield But $ust as they left his hands,

t#o thro#ing stars suddenly appeared in the black balls’ tra$ectories 1hey collided and

a giant e3plosion ensued 1he e3plosion caused the entire palace to collapse into ruins,

and the dust for%ed a %ushroo% cloud


“Wo#, #hat a giant e3plosion 1he shield lost three layers in the e3plosion, (einan

hurry up and put the% back We %ight be facing Baolilong’s dad playing bo#ling again

"aiser playfully looked outside, and looked to see if +iola #as still in one piece after thee3plosion, or if he #as already shattered into pieces

(einan turned and looked at "aiser (einan’s face #as co%pletely pale, and as soon

as he opened his %outh, blood oo8ed out the corners (einan looked at "aiser #ith sad


:0en for "aiser, he couldn’t turn a blind eye to these ga8es, so he grudgingly said “5-

fine, I’ll say less

“7ou really are cra8y With such a short distance e0en you #ill be s#allo#ed by the


(iluo #as hurt by his o#n %agic, and he got angrier as a result )o#e0er, seeing that

his opponent #asn’t in a %uch better situation than hi%, (iluo started s%iling

+iola quickly e3a%ined his o#n #ounds %ediu% internal in$ury, a t#enty-centi%eter cut

on his left ar%, and his sprained ankle see%ed to ha0e fractured, not to %ention plenty

of bruises and cuts But it felt like it #asn’t too se0ere

;o%pared to his opponent, +iola closely e3a%ined, he see%ed better off (iluo’s hands

#ere se0erely burned, and there #as a thirty-centi%eter red %ark on his chest +iola

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#as satisfied, at least his opponent’s situation #as as bad as his < they #ere both

seriously in$ured

“)%%, (einan, look at the% #ith those bloodied #ounds If #e go out #ith a fe#

bullets, shouldn’t #e take care of it? "aiser pushed his face against the shield again,

and sa# the t#o people facing each other, both co0ered in blood

*urity tre%bled “6#aah, the entire palace disappeared What horrifying %agic

(einan said #ith a pale face “2nd #ith such a large e3plosion, it’s %ore horrifying that

there are t#o people standing up like that

“1hat IS horrifying, then I should $ust stay behind the protecti0e shield "aiser carefullyconcluded

(iluo finally ran into a #orthy opponent, so the s%ile on his face got #ider )e re%inded


“'top caring about that little runt’s feelings and su%%on hi% already 6se your &ragon

%agic and let’s ha0e a good fight!

+iola re%ained quiet )e couldn’t e0en feel a bit of %agic ele%ent, let alone using

&ragon %agic )e e0en had trouble using the “'u%%on &ragon that Baolilong and

*urity spent a night trying to teach hi%

“)e #ants +iola to su%%on Baolilong? "aiser’s eyes flashed “It #ould be faster to call

that gee8er Barbalis and ask hi% to bring Baolilong #ith hi%

(iluo’s cold eyes scanned the shield, *urity and (einan i%%ediately used all four of

their hands to co0er "aiser’s %outh "aiser, #ho still #anted to talk, could only %ake

%uffled noises

(iluo turned around to#ards +iola, and asked unbelie0ably “7ou don’t kno# ho# to

su%%on a &ragon? 2re you really a &ragon "night?

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“I’% not a &ragon "night +iola ans#ered si%ply and honestly

“=h? 7ou are not a &ragon "night? (iluo s%iled coldly “1hen is the cross around your 

neck fake? =nly the &ragon :%peror’s bloodline has the necklace to enter the roo%

that i%prisoned %e 1#enty years ago the &ragon >ueen #as pregnant, so you are

the &ragon :%peror’s son?!

“I don’t kno# #ho the &ragon :%peror is 1his necklace #as gi0en to %e by so%eone

else +iola cal%ly stated the truth ‘Anise’s cross… has something to do with Dragon

Emperor bloodlines?’ 

(iluo suddenly co0ered his face #ith one of his hand, and burst out laughing “7-you

don’t kno# #ho &ragon :%peror is? &ragon *rince, your deception has gone too far

Who in the #orld #ould not kno# about one of the three biggest kingdo%s &ragon

:%pire, and its ruler?

“I’% an 2ssassin +iola fro#ned slightly, confused as to #hy he #as %istaken as the

&ragon *rince, so%ething he couldn’t co%prehend

(iluo suddenly stopped laughing, and his eyes #ere filled #ith hate )e didn’t belie0e

anything of #hat +iola said, and thought the &ragon :%pire’s &ragon "nights #ere

beco%ing less and less chi0alrous

‘To save his own life, he wold lie as far as this… that rnt coldn’t be given to

someone li!e this"’ 

(iluo lifted his bleeding ar%s, his eyes narro#ed, and his ar%s began to change skin

turned into scales, %uscles doubled, and fingers beca%e sharp cla#s (iluo said #ith

hatred “&ie!

Broken 'il0er #as already in +iola’s hands, and it #as already unsheathed, re0ealing a

sharp dagger

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+iola had te%porarily put the pro%ise of not killing in the back of his %ind, because he

didn’t think that under the current circu%stances, it #as possible for hi% to kill (iluo at

all =r perhaps he should run?

+iola’s %ind flashed #ith the %ost intelligent choice, but +iola scanned the protecti0e

shield If he #ere to run, #hat #ould happen to "aiser and the others?

But #hy should he care about those three? )e had only %et the% for a bit o0er a #eek

While +iola stood #here he #as, fending off (iluo’s ferocious attacks, his instincts

#anted hi% to run 2n assassin #ould ne0er fight his opponent head-on, nor #ould they

attack #hen they are at a disad0antage

Instincti0ely, +iola #anted to run, but his feet stood fir%ly on the ground +iola’s

conscious thought, he had already let 2nise die, and he couldn’t let it go e0en no#

If he #ere to let "aiser and the others die here, then perhaps he #ould ne0er ha0e the

courage to speak to anyone else again

“&ragon Blaster! 1hough (iluo didn’t understand #hat +iola #as struggling #ith and

#hy he #as distracted, but he #asn’t going to let this opportunity pass When his&ragon cla# #as in front of +iola’s chest, (iluo used &ragon Blaster #ithout hesitation

When +iola reali8ed #hat #as happening, it #as already too late )is body already fle#

off and blasted through se0eral #alls, only to be stopped by a large pillar

)e didn’t need to e3a%ine his #ounds to kno# that his internal in$uries had turned fro%

%ediocre to se0ere, but #ithout ha0ing ti%e to recuperate, +iola instincti0ely raised

Broken 'il0er to block (iluo, #ho had flo#n o0er and #as follo#ing hi%

1his block %ade +iola’s blood boil 5acing his ene%ies head-on #as a disad0antage to

hi%, but #ith his ankle fractured, +iola couldn’t use his speed to e0ade (iluo’s horrifying

po#er :0ery ti%e +iola blocked (iluo’s attack, he felt as if his ar% #as going to break

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“+iola-dage! *urity screa%ed 1he #hite clothes she had specially prepared for hi% had

already turned red :0eryone could see +iola #as in bad shape

+iola finally couldn’t hold onto Broken 'il0er any longer When (iluo attacked, he hit

Broken 'il0er out of +iola’s hands, and it fle# and got stuck in the protecti0e shield

+iola could only use his ar%s to defend for a fe# %ore attacks, ho#e0er, he couldn’t

e0en raise his ar%s 1hey #ere deeply cut by &ragon’s scales, and his bones #ere

0aguely 0isible in 0arious areas

Without being able to use his ar%s, +iola could only use his legs to defend

(iluo let out an e0il laugh 1en black arro#s appeared in his cla#, and shot the% #ith a#a0e of his hand

+iola used Blood-5luttering "i to block the attack, and the dark arro#s collided #ith his

"i, %aking +iola’s blood-drained face e0en paler

+iola’s body #ent nu%b, and he no longer had the strength to stand up )e knelt in front

of (iluo, #ith blood dripping out of his %outh to the ground

(iluo looked do#n at +iola With one ar%, he grabbed +iola’s thin neck, and raised hi%

high in the air as if to sho# off )e e0en laughed e0illy to#ard "aiser, #hile purposely

#a0ing +iola’s body back and forth

“1-this is too ridiculous! *urity had tears co0ering her face, #hile her body #as


'he kicked (einan at the back of his head, %aking the “*rotecti0e 'hield Generator

unconscious 1hus, the layers of shield instantly disappeared

“6h, *urity, do you kno# #hat you’re doing? "aiser gulped as he backed a#ay a fe#

steps )e e0en kicked (einan in atte%pt to #ake hi% up

(ean#hile, *urity #as unusually cal%, and #ithout any signs of fear

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'he started %aking 0arious gestures #ith her hand, and started chanting so%e

indecipherable incantation 1he presence of %agic forced *urity’s black hair to fly in the


(iluo reali8ed so%ething #as #rong )e thre# do#n the dying +iola, and rushed

to#ards *urity

When his cla# #as $ust about to reach *urity’s face, a gunshot sound occurred

(iluo didn’t care %uch about an antique #eapon, for the handgun couldn’t do enough

da%age to hi% )o#e0er, a strong #a0e of %agic and fla%e %ade (iluo duck 2 #hite

bo%b brushed across (iluo’s face, #hich %ade hi% screa% in pain

1he #hite bo%b crashed into the side of a rock 1hough the hole it %ade #as only half a

%eter #ide, and its po#er see%ed nothing co%pared to (iluo’s black spheroid, but if

so%eone #ere to %easure the hole, they #ould find a surprising depth of the hole

‘#ompressed $ireball?’  (iluo’s iris contracted 1he fireball #as #hite

‘%ow long had it been since someone sed a white fireball?’  (iluo thought of "aiser as

another threat, so he i%%ediately raised his cla# to kill *urity and get rid of her first

“"yaaa, so ugly! *urity finally finished her incantation )o#e0er, as soon as she

opened her eyes, she sa# (iluo’s face, #hich #as already half destroyed by "aiser

Because of the surprise, *urity i%%ediately used her %agic, and (iluo’s #hole body

#as surrounded by her terrifying %agic

(iluo felt a strong pull behind hi%, confused, he turned around only to see a black hole

behind hi% )e finally understood #hat #as going on, and he let out a screa% louder

than #hen he #as hit by "aiser “&a%n! 'pace (agic

 2 strong gra0ity pulled (iluo’s body into the black hole

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(iluo struggled #ith all his %ight, and he e0en left deep cla# %arks on the ground )e

finally reali8ed that there #as nothing else he could do, so he screa%ed at +iola, #ho

#as lying on the ground

“&ragon *rince, $ust you #ait I, (iluo, #ill ne0er forgi0e any &ragon :%pire royalties!

 2s he finished his last #ord, his last cla# could no longer hold on, and he #as sucked

into the black hole 2fter the black hole had “s#allo#ed (iluo, as if it had been

satisfied, it obediently closed its %outh :0erything #ent back to nor%al, as if nothing

had happened

 2nd the ruins #ere e0en %ore in ruins :0erything that should or shouldn’t ha0e been

destroyed, had all been in sha%bles


“What’s going on? (einan finally #oke up, but he didn’t see (iluo, so he asked his

friends #hat had happened

*urity and "aiser didn’t ans#er (einan, they si%ply looked at each other 5inally, "aiser 

pointed at *urity #ith bla%ing eyes and yelled

“7ou had this kind of %agic but you didn’t use it earlier? Why did you #ait until +iola #as

al%ost dead?! 7ou ob0iously #anted to see ho# +iola looked #hen he #as co0ered in

blood, you 0icious #o%an!

“idiculous! *urity #ould ne0er #ant +iola-dage to die *urity protested profusely

“Besides, #hy didn’t "aiser use that #hite bo%b earlier, then +iola-dage #ouldn’t be

hurt by (iluo "aiser is the 0icious one

“2re you $oking? "aiser #ouldn’t back do#n either

“&o you kno# ho# hard it is to successfully cast that %agic? +ast ti%e I tried, I al%ost

ble# %yself up, and I had to spend a fortune $ust to patch %y #ounds &o you really

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think that I #ould use it all the ti%e? 7ou really think I ha0e too %uch %oney for


‘%e&… The most important thing is &or life, right?’  (einan thought #hile black lines

co0ered his face

*urity pouted and said

“2t least you #ould only kill yourself 1he last ti%e I used this %agic, I al%ost sent the

entire 2klan 2cade%y into the black hole, so do you think I should use it all the ti%e?

 2nd then they #ould ha0e to find %ore students to accept, ho# troubleso%e it #ould


=f course, after the incident, she ne0er ad%itted that the space %agic #as her doing,

although she had al#ays felt that principal Barbalis already kne#

‘%e&… The important thing is the stdents’ lives, right?’  (einan #as already on the

ground, speechless and crying

)e #ept to#ards +iola “+iola, #e are still ali0e )o# %iraculous!

“;an you tell %e about &ragon :%pire?

+iola turned his head to#ard (einan, but as he tilted his head, blood gushed out of his

%outh like #ater out of a facet, but in his eyes, he still sho#ed a desire to kno# the

ans#er, though that too #as di%inishing 1hen +iola tilted his head, and #ent


‘This g& isn’t normal…’  (einan reali8ed that despite his strange habits, he’s probably

the %ost nor%al person out of the four

“If you argue like this, +iola is really going to die (einan placed +iola on his back, and

an3iously yelled at the other t#o #ho #as still screa%ing at each other

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*urity and "aiser both turned their heads around, and sa# blood gushing out in e0ery

areas of +iola body, despite the fact that (einan had already bandaged parts of hi%

1he blood fro% +iola’s %outh and his pale face indicated that, if they don’t get so%e

help soon, there #ould be an additional corpse here in the ruins

“*urity, use your space %agic and send us back to 2klan 2cade%y "aiser said


*urity instead said #ith tears “I don’t kno# ho# I ha0e no idea #here %y space %agic

#ould send people to

“What?! "aiser screa%ed in surprise “1hen #here the hell did you send (iluo? &on’t

tell %e you only sent (iluo back to the 7aron *lains?

*urity shook her head, because she had no idea #here (iluo #as sent to *erhaps he’s

in the ne3t roo%, or perhaps he beca%e an interdi%ensional tra0eler like +iola

“*urity, can’t you at least try? (einan asked an3iously “7aron *lains is too far fro% the

city +iola #ill ne0er li0e long enough for us to reach the city

*urity #as $ust as an3ious, but she #as too afraid to try because she didn’t kno# ho# toposition her %agic If she uses it to send +iola and the rest of her group a#ay, no one

#ould kno# #here they could end up

'eeing that *urity had no confidence in positioning, (einan and "aiser #ere both

helpless @udging fro% +iola’s #ounds, perhaps they #ould be 0isiting his gra0e the ne3t


“"aiser, tell %e about the &ragon :%pire +iola, #ho #as unconscious seconds ago,raised his head and asked

“'o%eone is dying and you’re still asking questions? "aiser #as surprised, and

snapped But he #as #orried that this %ight be +iola’s last %o%ent of consciousness

before he dies

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“'o%eone is dying? +iola asked, confused “Who’s dying? Is anyone hurt?

"aiser, *urity, and (einan all yelled unbelie0ably “7ou are the one dying!

+iola #as stunned )e’s going to die? +iola fro#ned, #ondering if he %issed any fatal#ound in his last scan 1o %ake sure, he checked his #ounds again 1hough he did

confir% that he had sustained hea0y in$ures, but they #eren’t enough to kill hi%

+iola asked skeptically “Why a% I dying?

“7our ar%s are al%ost si%ilar to a skeleton! (einan pointed the ar%s around hi% that

#ere co0ered in blood

“)%, I can’t %o0e %y ar%s for no#

“7ou are co0ered in blood! *urity obser0ed that his #hite shirt had turn red

“I’0e already stopped the bleeding

“7ou are f<ing spitting blood like a #ater faucet "aiser yelled

“I ha0e internal in$uries, so I’% spitting out the clotted blood

"aiser and the others stared at +iola, #ho should be “near death 2fter a long %o%ent

of silence, "aiser said cal%ly “=kay, actually It’s because #e #ant to kill you!

+iola replied cal%ly after obser0ing “:0en #ith %y disabled ar%s, fractured ankle,

se0ere internal in$ury, and se0ere loss of blood, the chance of the three of you

succeeding in killing %e is less than ./ percent

6pon hearing this, "aiser laughed coldly, and raised his gun 2 s%all #hite bo%b slo#ly


“'top! "aiser, cal% do#n, you are going to blo# yourself up (einan and *urity

quickly held "aiser

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"aiser struggled and said “+et %e go! +et %e butcher this ungrateful bastard!

+iola fro#ned, and #ith a light $u%p, he got off (einan’s back, and landed #ith his left

foot )e bent o0er, and #ith his %outh he took out the dagger fro% his boot 2s the

three stood still, stunned by his actions, +iola disappeared #here he stood, and then the

blade of Broken 'il0er appeared a centi%eter a#ay fro% "aiser’s neck, #ith +iola

standing behind "aiser like a ghost

"aiser’s face #as i%%ediately changed to a flattering s%ile “+iola, you kno#, #e’0e

al#ays been best buds! Why #ould I really #ant to har% you? I #as $ust kidding, $ust


+iola %o0ed Broken 'il0er a#ay, and accurately spit it back into his boots )e see%ed

indifferent to#ards "aiser’s lack of hu%or, and said plainly “&idn’t you guys #ant


1reasure! +ights shone again in the other three pairs of eyes

+iola nodded to#ards the right “=0er there

“What kind of treasure? "aiser asked curiously

“2 stone #ith energy +iola ans#ered directly

“Is it a art pieceAs#ordAge%? 1hree of the% asked together, but each #ith #hat they


Without responding to any of the questions, +iola said softly “Behind that pillar

1hough each of the% three #ere disappointed that it #as $ust a rock, but e0en if it’s not

#hat they #anted, si%ply because +iola said that it #as e%itting strange energies’, it

%eant that, e0en if it’s $ust a rock, it #as definitely not an ordinary rock

Better than nothing, #as #hat they thought 'o they all ran as fast as they could to the

pillar +iola pointed

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 2 bright rock’ quietly laid on a pedestal, #aiting for the%

@udging fro% the sno# #hite light that the rock’ is e%itting, they all kne#, this rock’ #as

hundreds of ti%es %ore 0aluable than the treasures they’0e seen before

"aiser e0en gulped continuously, then %ur%ured to +iola “+iola, ne3t ti%e, if there’s any

rock e%itting energy no, no, if an&thing  e%its energy, please tell %e first, and as soon

as possible

“'uch a pretty ge%! *urity had already forgotten anything about s#ords )er feet

#alked to#ards the rock as if they had %inds of their o#n, and her eyes had only the

reflection of the rock

)o#e0er, "aiser #as faster than *urity, and suddenly ran to the rock and held it in his

hands *urity, on the other hand, also see%ed to sho# a #o%an’s natural desire for


When "aiser held up the ge%, *urity also put her hands around the ge%C her pouting

face indicated that she #as deter%ined not to let go

+iola turned to see #hy (einan didn’t line up to grab the ge%, only to see that (einanhad gotten a huge %irror out of no#here, together #ith a co%b, and #as co%bing his

tousled, gold hair carefully )e then pulled out his bottle of cologne, carefully sprayed it

around his body 1he carefully groo%ing (einan didn’t see% to care at all about the


While "aiser and *urity #ere each trying to grab the ge% for the%sel0es, they didn’t

reali8e that the pedestal on #hich the ge% sat, flashed so%e strange pattern, and then

slo#ly disappeared

But +iola noticed so%ething #as #rong 'o%ething #as %o0ing around the ruins

'o%ething that shouldn’t be %o0ing

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:0en though the fight bet#een (iluo and hi% had caused %any loud e3plosions, they’

hadn’t %o0ed, but #hy #ould they no#

+iola looked at the ge% in "aiser and *urity hands as if so%ething #as on his %ind

‘'erhaps that gem was some sort of seal?’ 

“6h *urity, "aiser =riginally (einan #as about to put t#o strings of hair back to

#here they belong, but #hat he sa# in his %irror %ade hi% decide other#ise

(einan took a couple of steps to#ard +iola, and tre%bled as he tried to re%ind the t#o

friends of his, #ho didn’t notice the surrounding dangerous due to the allure of the ge%

 2 fe# headless people’ #alked past +iola and (einan, co%pletely ignoring the% 1heir

target #as ob0iously that ge% =r perhaps the t#o people #ho #ere trying to take the


'eeing that the t#o had already been surrounded by corpses, (einan couldn’t hold

back any%ore and yelled “*urity, "aiser! +ook around you! 'top fighting!

1he t#o finally see%ed to be #oken up

 2fter being stunned briefly, *urity and "aiser finally reali8ed the situation they #ere in

*urity i%%ediately screa%ed, and let go of the ge% 'he ran back to +iola, #hile

tra%pling a fe# corpses on the #ay 'he then held onto +iola tightly

=nly "aiser #as left

)e gulped, and carefully put his ar%s around his precious ge% )e #anted to run back

to +iola like *urity, but he #asn’t successful like her Where0er "aiser #ent, all the

corpses %o0ed in that direction

5inally, "aiser #as $ust about buried by corpses )e got angry, and pulled out his gun

and fired at #ill 5or corpses that had heads, he shot the heads, as for the others, he

shot the legs

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)o#e0er "aiser quickly reali8ed it #asn’t helping his situation 1he corpses didn’t see%

to %ind that they didn’t ha0e heads, and the ones #ith broken legs cra#led on the

ground to#ards hi%

With %ore and %ore corpses co%ing out of the surrounding roo%s, "aiser finally started

calling for help “+iola, help %e! If you #ant, I’ll share /D carat #ith you!

+iola said plainly “*ut the ge% back to #here it #as

“What are you saying?! "aiser ground his teeth “4o! 1his is %y darling I’% ne0er

letting it go

“*ut it back, and the corpses #ill stop +iola cal%ly deter%ined

“4e0er! 4ot e0en if I die! "aiser screa%ed

“+et’s go +iola said straightfor#ardly, and at the sa%e ti%e turned around to lea0e this

strange ruins

“Wait, are you really going to lea0e your friend behind? &a%n you, +iola, #e are friends,

ho# can you possibly lea0e %e behind! e%e%ber #hen you first ca%e to this #orld,

#ho took care of you? Who ans#ered your questions? "aiser cried on the top of his


+iola thought quietly 2ll he re%e%bered #as so%eone telling hi% to go the shelter

 2nd by no#, the corpses had already gotten a hold of "aiser 1he deco%posed and

s%elly hands had grabbed "aiser’s ankle, shoulder, ar%s

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“"aiser see%s e3tre%ely depressed Is he going to be okay? *urity kept turning back

to check on "aiser, #ho #as #alking #ith his face parallel to the ground

“7es +iola said straightfor#ardly

“'igh, it #as $ust a ge% ;ould it be %ore i%portant than his life? (einan brushed his

bright, golden hair, and shook his head in confusion

“"aiser really o0erdid it )e al%ost got torn to pieces by those %u%%ified corpses for

that ge% If +iola didn’t put the ge% back on the pedestal in ti%e, "aiser #ould ha0e

turned into a corpse too

1hough +iola sa0ed "aiser’s life, all he recei0ed in return #as a couple of days of death

glares +iola #as beginning to think, perhaps he should ha0e let "aiser die #ith the

ge%, then %aybe he #ould be happier?

“+iola-dage, ho#’s your ar%? *urity #orriedly looked at +iola’s ar%

“I can %o0e it no# +iola lifted his ar%, and stretched his fingers to reassure *urity

“&on’t #orry (einan interrupted “1he northern city of 5reesia is $ust up ahead When

#e’re there, I’ll bring hi% to the best healing (a3un, and I pro%ise it #on’t e0en lea0e a


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“I’% hungry "aiser’s eyes #ere staring at the others, #ith stares full of rage fro% losing

his precious ge%

*urity, #ho #as on the brink of tears fro% being stared at, said #ith a tre%bling 0oice

“*urity #ill buy you the best food "aiser should stop being %ad *urity is scared!

“eally? "aiser’s eyes i%%ediately brightened

*urity nodded continuously, and "aiser finally see%ed to ha0e lifted his spirit, #ith the

desire for food flashing in his eyes

Before long, "aiser arri0ed at the gate to 5reesia, and turned around to beckon at +iola

and the others +iola and the others sighed and quickened their pace 1hen they allarri0ed at the tall gate of 5reesia


“*ut your student I& inside the checkpoint, and the (a3uns there #ill auto%atically

identify us 2s "aiser inserted a black card into a (a3un, he e3plained to the confused


With 2klan 2cade%y’s student I&s, the four easily entered 5reesia

1he city #as an ob0ious contrast to the capital city of 2klan It #as open and spacious,

and there #ere far less flying (a3uns in the air 1here #ere %any people #ho, like +iola

and the others, #alked on the side of the road

1here #ere far fe#er %etallic buildings co%pared to the 2klan’s capital, #ith quite a fe#

real trees buried in the earth 1he buildings #ere also short 2t least far shorter than

buildings in 2klan, #hich are all hundreds of stories tall

“5reesia, the city closest to the 7aron *lains, and the city furthest to the north in the

continent of 2klan It’s also called the 4orthern 'tar, 5reesia 'ince people li0ing here

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#ill often ha0e to fend of sub-&ragons, they are all 0ery strong, and their custo%s are

fairly rough

(einan e3plained to e0eryone

“1heir barbecue is quite fa%ous When +iola is cured, I’ll bring you to the %ost fa%ous

restaurant here

:0eryone cheerfully agreed )o#e0er, "aiser still %ur%ured “But I’% about to die fro%


:0eryone arri0ed at the healing center, and #ith *urity’s insistence, +iola used the best

as #ell as the %ost e3pensi0e healing (a3un

 2lthough it #asn’t as good as the one Barbalis purchased, it #asn’t too far off Besides,

+iola’s in$uries #eren’t nearly as bad as last ti%e, so "aiser only had to chant “I’%

hungry for half an hour, before +iola’s #ounds #ere co%pletely healed

+iola reali8ed, the healing (a3un #as quite a%a8ing at e3ternal #ounds Where0er it

touched, the #ound #ould be healed But for internal in$uries, its uses see%ed

e3tre%ely li%ited 'o, although +iola looks perfectly fine on the outside, his internal

in$uries re%ained quite se0ere

‘(oo!s li!e I’ll have to rel& on m& )i to heal the internal in*res for the coming

da&s,’  +iola thought

With "aiser’s continuous urging, (einan lead e0eryone to a special restaurant "aiser

arri0ed as if he #ere a hurricane blo#ing through the front door, and he #as so happy

that he al%ost danced on the spot )is eyes sparkled as he requested a roo% fro% the


(einan sho#ed a proud s%ile “5ortunately, there is one roo% left

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 2s soon as he heard, "aiser cheered #ith *urity, and e0en (einan sho#ed a big s%ile

on his face 1hough +iola see%ed e3pressionless al#ays, but $udging fro% the tension

fro% his face, he #as a bit %ore rela3ed, indeed

“We #ant a roo% 2nother person appeared through the door, and rashly asked for a


1he #aitress at the door #as apologetic and said “I’% really sorry, the last roo% #as


“What? 4o roo%? &o you kno# #ho #e are? 1he black haired, black eyed %an

sho#ed discontent, and started yelling 1he #aitress see%ed to ha0e gotten %ore and

%ore angry, and her %iddle fingers fro% both hands looked as if they #ere about to be

out of control

=riginally, +iola and the rest had already #alked a#ay, but then they suddenly stopped

1he reason as to #hy they stopped, #as ob0iously not because of "aiser, #ho only had

grilled %eat in his %ind 4or #as it *urity, #ho #ould be tre%bling at the %ere sight of

an argu%ent =f course, nor is it +iola, #ho #as a cold-hearted assassin that didn’t care

%uch about others

“'ir, if there #ere no roo%s left, can’t you find another place to eat? Why %ake things

difficult for this lady? (einan brushed his hair, and denounced at such rude beha0ior

1he yelling %an heard (einan’s criticis%, and flashed a s%ile as if so%e e0il plan had

#orkedC he then turned all of his anger to#ards (einan

“It’s none of your da%n business If she doesn’t #ant %e to yell at her, then gi0e %e

your roo%! =ther#ise stop faking chi0alry o0er there

 2s soon as they %entioned gi0ing up their roo%, (einan had already felt t#o burning

eyes on his back If he says yes, then those eyes #ould probably %ateriali8e as bullets,

and (einan certainly didn’t #ant to hold a protecti0e shield #hile he #as eating, so he

decidedly declined

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“4o! We booked the roo% first (y friends and I #ill ne0er sub%it to bullies 2lthough,

he #as already gi0ing into the bully kno#n as "aiser

“Bully? )aha, do you kno# #ho %y %aster is? 1he %an said in disdain

(einan said righteously “4o %atter #ho it is, you shouldn’t

“(y %aster is the *aladin +ancelot! 1he %an’s face sank, and all the rough

e3pressions #ere gone When he said +ancelot’s na%e, his attitude #as si%ilar to that

of a de0oted follo#er saying his God’s na%e

 2t this ti%e, e0eryone #as quiet, and their eyes opened #ide, sho#ing co%plete

disbelief (einan sta%%ered “)-)o# is that possible? 2 *aladin appearing in such are%ote location

1he %an laughed :0ery ti%e he says +ancelot’s na%e, e0eryone’s e3pression #ould

al#ays %ake %e laugh out loud

1he %an resu%ed his rough e3pression “What? (y %aster disappeared long ago

because he #anted to tra0el the #orld 4o# he’s tra0eled to 5reesia, #hat’s #rong #ith


“(r *aladin is really here? *urity rushed up, her eyes filled #ith sparkles “Where is

he? Where? ;an you tell %e #here he is?

1he %an #as da8ed by the long series of questions, and said

“+ancelot couple days ago he #ent to the 7aron *lains to check out the disturbances

there 1oday I got a %essage fro% hi%, saying that he’ll be back today, and told %e to

book a roo% to ha0e a drink #ith hi% Wait, #hy the hell a% I telling you this?

“'o I #ill be able to see the fa%ous *aladin soon? *urity resu%ed her fantasy of the

prince char%ing

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‘Distrbances in the +aron 'lains?’  +iola thought, ‘these distrbances- were all in the

barbece restarant in $reesia, other than one who was sent to .od/!nows/where0’ 

“1hat’s right, so gi0e up your roo%! +ancelot #ants to eat %eat and drink 1he %an

laughed e0illy

(einan and *urity al%ost nodded, but the sound of a gun stopped their heads (einan

took out his %irror, and #ith a shaky %irror he sa# "aiser pointing a gun at t#o people

in front of hi% 1heir faces #ent pale, and i%%ediately changed their nodding to shaking

of their heads But they #ere afraid that, #hen the *aladin arri0es, he #ould be gi0ing

the speech on their funeral

“I-W241-GI++:&-(:21! "aiser said slo#ly, #ord by #ord

+iola, #ho #as ne3t to hi%, %ur%ured, “I ha0en’t felt this strong of a %urderous intent in

quite a long ti%e

(einan ran back to "aiser’s side, and used this action to sho# that he #on’t gi0e up the

roo% *urity #as crying instead, and said un#illingly “I-I #ant to see the *aladin,


“What’s so great about the *aladin? Is he edible? ;an he fill %y sto%ach? "aiser

yelled angrily "aiser, #ho had already s%elled the scent of barbecue, #ill ne0er gi0e up

the roo%

1hough *urity #as tre%bling, but in order to fulfill her drea% of seeing the *aladin

+ancelot, she hea0ed her s%all chest, and screa%ed on the top of her lungs “I #ant to

see the *aladinE

1his e3plosi0e screa% %ade e0eryone co0er their ears in pain "aiser #as the only one

co0ering one ear #ith his left hand, #hile his right hand still pointed a gun at *urity

“I say 1he %an also co0ered his ears, and tried to find a #ay to resol0e the current


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“'ince you don’t ha0e that %any people, and there’s only +ancelot and %e, ho# about

#e share a roo%? 1he %an thought, if this continues, then the #hole restaurant %ight

be destroyed today

“W-We can eat together #ith 'ir +ancelot? *urity co0ered her chest, as if she #ere

about to faint

“)e’s not going to rob %e of %y grilled %eat, is he? "aiser asked skeptically

1he %an’s %outh t#itched “=rder separately!

 2fter co%ing to an agree%ent, they all follo#ed the #aitress, #ho sighed in relief, into

the roo%


When "aiser sa# dishes of red %eat being ser0ed, he al%ost forgot that hu%ans ate

cooked %eat, and picked up the ra# %eat as if he #ere going to eat it 5ortunately,

*urity grabbed the% back, and #ithin seconds she cooked the%, so "aiser didn’t ha0e

to eat ra# %eat

1he black haired %an drank a fe# cups, and then started laughing )e turned to the

cold +iola and asked “Bro, #hat’s your na%e?

+iola ga0e the %an a cold look, and said “+iola

1he %an fro#ned “1hat’s a strange na%e

“What is your na%e? *urity asked curiously, #hile her hands #ere still busy cooking

%eat for "aiser

“=h, %y na%e is Blood 1he %an suddenly paused, then continued “@ust call %e


*urity nodded understandingly “'o it’s Wolf-dage

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 2 thought suddenly flashed through +iola’s head, but he didn’t say anything Besides,

after this %eal, they #ill be going in separate #ays It didn’t %atter #ho this %an #as at


“Wolf! +-+et’s drink! "aiser, #hose sto%ach #as no# filled, had already forgotten the

hostility %o%ents before )e started drinking #ith Wolf 1hey both started to get drunk,

and e0en started dancing 1hey #ere drinking as if they had been the best friends for

their entire li0es

 2s ti%e passed by, dishes containing %eat #ere piling up in front of the% "aiser stared

at the gro#ing “%ountain of %eat, but he didn’t #ant to grab any because, he felt that if

he continued to eat, he #ould ha0e to fill his skull #ith barbecue

But *urity continued to order %ore, and her hands continued to cook %ore 'he stared

at door, #aiting for so%eone in shining ar%or, carrying a flashing blade, and push

through that door as if they #ere a soldier fro% hea0en

(einan said #ith a pale face “"aiser, eat so%e %ore!

“6h "aiser looked at the %eat %ountain in front of hi% It #as the first ti%e in his life

#hen he #anted to 0o%it at the sight of food

(einan and "aiser #ere both staring at the %eat and sighing =nly +iola, #ho #as

che#ing slo#ly fro% the beginning, #as eating the %eat slo#ly But #ith *urity cooking

a piece e0ery F seconds, the %eat %ountain #as only gro#ing

1hen, there #as suddenly a ringing sound "aiser, (einan, and *urity all looked at their

co%%unication (a3uns 5inally, Wolf, sitting on the side, grabbed his co%%unication

(a3un, and said angrily

“&a%n +ancelot, #here the hell are you? I’0e been #aiting for you for ages, and there

are already three %eat %ountains in front of %e Wolf said as he sa# *urity’s longing

and yet terrifying eyes

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“Wolf, co%e back %e up! 2 deep 0oice said, and it #as panting

“What did you say? 1he le0ity of Wolf’s face disappeared )e suddenly stood up, in

co%plete disbelief that there #ould be anything in 7aron *lains that #ould result in

+ancelot asking for back up

+ancelot didn’t ans#er 1he only thing that could be heard fro% the co%%unication

(a3un #as a sound of a 0iolent fight

+ancelot continued to yell “1#enty years ago 1he one &ragon :%peror sealed

a#ay Black &ragon Before he finished, the 0oice frag%ented, and then there #as

nothing but static

“&a%n! Without saying bye to +iola and the others, Wolf pushed the roo%’s door and

ran out

'trange e3pressions appeared on all their faces 1hen e0eryone looked at *urity, #hose

face had turned pale "aiser cleared his throat and said

“+ooks like #e #on’t be seeing the *aladin today

“Good thing #e left the ruins quickly, other#ise ‘he’  #ould’0e found us (einan said as

if his fear hadn’t subsided fro% before

+iola’s face sank, and he turned his face a#ay fro% *urity’s doggy-eyed e3pression But

*urity sat closer and closer to hi%, and there #ere %ore and %ore tears on her face

5inally, she practically put her large glasses in +iola’s face and begged

“I don’t #ant to cause trouble +iola said coldly

“'il0er (ask! *urity said as if she #ere prepared 4o %atter #hat she #as going to

con0ince +iola 1he proble% #as started by the%, and they can’t du%p it on the


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+iola #as still indifferent, and continued to che# slo#ly *urity turned to "aiser, and

begged “"aiser, #eren’t you $ust friendly #ith Wolf? )e #ent as reinforce%ent, #hat if

so%ething goes #rong?

"aiser shrugged “1here shouldn’t be anything #rong 2fter all, +ancelot is the *aladin!

@ust like +iola, "aiser had already noticed that Wolf #as probably *lus the *aladin,

#ith the t#o of the% they shouldn’t lose to (iluo Worst case scenario they could at

least escape

*urity thought ‘%ow cold the legendar& 'aladin (ancelot lose to 1ilo?’ 

 2fter thinking that #ay, she cal%ed do#n, but still continued to %ur%ur “But I #ant to

see the *aladin

 2t this ti%e, the door #as rushed open again, and Wolf appeared again )e yelled

hurriedly “7ou guys need to take a (a3un and lea0e 5reesia i%%ediately Without any

further e3planation, Wolf rushed out of the roo% again

“Why do #e need to lea0e 5reesia? 1his is the closest place to 7aron *lains Before

that gee8er Barbalis co%e get us, #e still ha0e to go back to the 7aron *lains to pretend

that #e’re still in our #ilderness sur0i0al test "aiser scoffed at #hat Wolf said

But $ust as "aiser finished, the ground suddenly shaking 0iolently 1his %ountain-

%o0ing shake #as all too fa%iliar to the four of the%, and their faces all turned pale

*urity asked #hile tre%bling “'o #e take a (a3un back to the capital of 2klan?

(einan and "aiser both nodded But strangely, +iola declined “7ou guys go first I’%

going to go and see

(einan and *urity both looked at +iola in disbelief =nly "aiser raised his eyebro#s

“7ou #ant to see the true strengths of the "nights, don’t you?

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+iola did not deny it )e took out the %ask and, as if he already kne#, dug through

*urity’s luggage 2s e3pected, he found the sil0er "night’s unifor% < *urity #ould not

forget to bring her brother’s "night unifor% e0en in #ilderness sur0i0al

 2fter +iola put the unifor% on, he pushed out the door to the roo%, and prepared to see

the true strength of the "nights

“&idn’t think this guy #as a %artial arts fanatic "aiser %ur%ured


+iola stepped outside, and sa# %any people running for their li0es

 2 doubt flashed in +iola’s %ind < (iluo #as practically released by hi% #ith 2nise’s

cross necklace If these people #ere killed by (iluo, #ould that count as hi% killing


 2lthough +iola kne# that he’s nitpicking, but he didn’t #ant any possibility of breaking

his pro%ise #ith 2nise

With these thoughts, the #hite figure accelerated +iola could already see fro% afar, the

black %ountain, (iluo, #ho #as trying to destroy 5reesia’s not-so-tall #alls 1here #ere

only t#o figures stopping hi%, one #as a bright #hite, and the other #as black and red

+iola lightened his step, and $u%ped on the #alls )e sa# (iluo, #ho #as in his &ragon

for%, shooting out rays of black light to#ards +ancelot ;oincidentally, Wolf #as also on

the #alls, looked at his o#n situation #ith a fro#n “;rap, %y black aura has li%ited

effect on the Black &ragon

Wolf turned around, and suddenly reali8ed 'il0er (ask #as standing ne3t to hi% but he

didn’t kno# #hen or ho#

)e #as stunned, but then he sa# the #hite unifor% on +iola, he treated hi% as if he’s a

rank-sil0er "night 2ccording to "nights’ ranks, rank-'il0er "night %ust obey Wolf’s

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orders 1herefore, Wolf said coldly “unt, don’t butt in! 2 rank-sil0er "night #ill only

beco%e a liability in this fight

+iola nodded With his internal in$uries, he didn’t #ant to fight anyho# )e #as here to

only #atch the strongest of this #orld fight

)e curiously looked +ancelot #as in the air #ith a s#ord, riding on a sno#-#hite horse,

and the horse e0en had a horn +iola fro#ned slightly, not kno#ing #hether that #as a

horse or so%e other creature

If "aiser #ere here, he #ould’0e definitely ans#ered, that it #as an unicorn, supposedly

the holiest of creatures, and only the *aladin +ancelot could ride it

Wolf again obser0ed the battle, and then started chanting 2n enor%ous black pike

appeared in his hand "no#ing that he and (iluo both had dark ele%ent, Wolf kne# his

attacks #ouldn’t be useful against the black &ragon

)e #asn’t planning on $oining the fight, but he #as defending, so that the Black &ragon

#ouldn’t ha0e the opportunity of breaking the #all of 5reesia and in$uring the li0es


But, so%ething see%ed #rong 2fter the Black &ragon couldn’t defeat +ancelot, and

noticed that there #as the threat of a large pike on the #all, he angrily used a &ragon

ho#l into the sky 2 dust stor% appeared in the distance, and #ith +iola’s sharp eyes, he

could see the% clearly )e said “'ub-&ragons

“What did you say? Wolf couldn’t belie0e it as he looked at the approaching dust stor%,

but he too could feel the ru%bling of thousands of feet

Wolf i%%ediately started %ur%uring “I’% Blood Wolf (y %ount Blackie, if you don’t

co%e here in three seconds, I’ll skin your hide for a coat

+iola #as stunned 1his %ount su%%oning spell #as far different fro% the one *urity

had taught hi%

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‘%ow can some random things he said smmon something?’ 

1hough +iola #as skeptical, but ob0iously, Blood Wolf #as the fa%ous &ark "night, and

#as significantly different fro% +iola, #ho #as not e0en a "night and a failed &ragon


 2 crack appeared %id-air, fro% #hich an enor%ous black #olf $u%ped out, and it

obediently let Blood Wolf get on its back

Wolf #ho should no# be called Blood Wolf, fro#ned at +iola and said “unt, su%%on

your %ount, and follo# %e to kill those 'ub-&ragons!

+iola hesitated “I don’t kno# ho# to su%%on

Blood Wolf al%ost fell out of his %ount “7ou’0e already gotten to 'il0er rank, and you

still don’t kno# ho# to su%%on? Blood Wolf #idened his eyes in co%plete disbelief

“I can’t feel the %agic ele%ent +iola said hesitantly

“Who cares about %agic ele%ent Blood Wolf #a0ed his hands i%patiently “@ust think

about your %ount in your heart, and then call for hi%

)earing this, +iola closed his eyes, trying his best to think of Baolilong’s look 'lo#ly,

Baolilong’s appearance did indeed appear in +iola’s %ind )e could al%ost see

Baolilong pouting in (i8erui’s ar%s, and (i8erui #as la8ily sunbathing

+iola tried to call out for it “Baolilong?

Baolilong’s pink eyes really blinked, and looked around for +iola, but it couldn’t find it’s


1he confused Baolilong turned his face, not kno#ing #hat had happened

“Baolilong! ;o%e to %y side 'eeing that it #as #orking, +iola concentrated and yelled


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Baolilong suddenly $u%ped up, and its little feet hea0ily stepped on so%eone’s fa%ily

 $e#els, #hich #as acco%panied by a loud screa%

Baolilong said “5ather is calling %e

Baolilong floated up in the air, and it’s figure suddenly disappeared

=nly (i8erui co0ering his parts #as left behind, and a fe# #ords ca%e out bet#een his

clenched teeth “Good fella, you’0e finally learned su%%oning 6#aahEE that really



 2s soon as +iola “sa# Baolilong disappear, and he kne# that he #as successful in


)e pulled his consciousness back, and sure enough, a crack appeared in the sky <

one that #as e0en larger than the one Blackie ca%e through 2nd then a White &ragon

of %ore than ten %eters tall fle# out of the crack, and ga0e out a loud &ragon roar as it


5or a %o%ent, Blood Wolf #as stunned 2nd e0en +ancelot and (iluo in the distance

#ere also stunned

Blood Wolf %ur%ured “1his is the first ti%e I’0e heard of a &ragon "night didn’t kno#

ho# to su%%on his o#n &ragon, and had so%eone else teach hi%

“'acred White &ragon? +ancelot started feeling uneasy If he re%e%bered correctly,

the 'acred White &ragon #as the offspring of the Black &ragon in front of hi% ‘Did it

come as reinforcement for its father?’ 

“unt (iluo reali8ed the situation #ith %i3ed feelings

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“2h, that &ragon 'eeing another &ragon, Baolilong yelled +iola fro#ned, as he had

forgotten the relationship bet#een Baolilong and (iluo But then Baolilong continued

“ is black!

:0eryone fell to the ground! (iluo and +iola fell especially hard (iluo yelled angrily

“&a%n runt, it’s only been t#enty years, and you’0e already forgotten your old %an?!

“=ld %an? Baolilong blinked its big, pink eyes, as if he suddenly reali8ed “7ou’re the

old dad!

‘There was old and new dad…?’  :0eryone thought +iola, ho#e0er, #as #onder if the

ne# dad referring to hi%self

“unt, you’re not allo#ed to recogni8e any of the &ragon :%pire oyalties as your

%aster (iluo narro#ed his eyes )e couldn’t i%agine the little runt liking its %aster

enough to call hi% dad 'o killing its %aster #as %ore troubleso%e than he pre0iously


“&ragon :%pire oyalty? +ancelot fro#ned and looked at +iola +ancelot had seen all

three sons of the e%peror, and he said #ith absolutely certainty “)e is definitely not a

&ragon :%pire oyalty

“7ou %ust be lying? :0en the youngest son of the &ragon :%peror has beco%e rank-

gold a long ti%e ago :0en though Blood Wolf hadn’t seen the *rinces, he #ould not

belie0e +iola #as a &ragon :%pire prince

“I’% not a &ragon :%pire oyalty +iola denied again

(iluo finally reali8ed so%ething #as #rong 5or +iola’s denial, he could treat it as a lie(iluo doesn’t kno# Blood Wolf, but he kne# +ancelot #ell

;onsidering +ancelot’s relationship #ith the &ragon :%peror, he #ould definitely kno#

#hat the :%peror’s sons #ould look like 2nd gi0en +ancelot’s straightfor#ard nature,

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there #as no #ay he #ould lie ‘#an it be that the rnt’s master reall& isn’t a Dragon

Empire ro&alt&?’ 

But t#enty years ago, it #as ob0iously the &ragon :%peror #ho took the runt a#ay

 2nd the only people #ho could free hi%, #ere the royalties (iluo #as getting %ore and

%ore confused, and he didn’t kno# #hat to belie0e

“What a stupid &ragon! @ust as the at%osphere intensifies, a disdained 0oice ca%e

fro% the #all, and a green-haired boy la8ily lying on the #alls

“What did you say?! (iluo angrily breathed

“'tupid &ragon! I’0e already told you 1he queen ga0e birth to the princess t#enty yearsago! +i 'il0er (ask #as $ust so%eone #ho accidentally beca%e Baolilong’s %aster

7ou can’t e0en co%prehend such a si%ple thing, and you ha0e such a large head What

the hell is in your head, tofu curd?

"aiser stood up, and yelled condescendingly )e thought that, since there #as the

*aladin, the &ark "night, plus +iola 1here #as no #ay (iluo could breach their

defenses 'o he #ould ne0er be satisfied unless he spoke e0erything on his %ind

+ancelot raised his eyebro#s because he couldn’t deny #hat #as said, and Blood Wolf

#as already rolling on the ground, laughing But +iola #as thinking, #hat is tofu curd?

Good thing (iluo #as already shocked by the pre0ious state%ents that he didn’t hear

the bit about tofu curd, other#ise "aiser’s days #ould be nu%bered

(iluo said in shock “1he little runt really didn’t recogni8e a royalty as its %aster?

“I don’t kno# #hat had happened in the past bet#een you and the &ragon :%pire

"aiser laughed like a thief

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“But, 'il0er (ask not only took the &ragon fro% the :%pire, he e0en defeated the

:%peror’s precious daughter It’s safe to say that, he hasn’t gotten along #ell #ith the

:%pire either

(iluo’s face sho#ed hesitation again )e #as starting to doubt #ho +iola really #as

:0er since the beginning, +iola’s actions didn’t %atch that of a royalty 2nd no# e0en

+ancelot denied his identity as a royalty

(iluo hesitated for a %o%ent, then he transfor%ed fro% that %ountain of a &ragon into

the black-haired, black-eyed %an again

(iluo #alked in front of Baolilong, and asked “unt, #hy didn’t you recogni8e a &ragon

:%pire royalty as your %aster?

Baolilong’s big, pink eyes flashed #ith dissatisfaction “1hey, disgusting!

(iluo see%ed 0ery satisfied #ith this ans#er )is pre0ious anger co%pletely

disappeared, and instead it #as replaced #ith great laughter

(iluo yelled as he laughed “&ragon :%peror! 4o# you can’t ha0e your #ays! +et’s see

#hat you could do #ith the little runt!

+ancelot fro#ned, and tried to e3plain on the :%peror’s behalf “Back then, the &ragon

:%peror had no choice

(iluo stopped laughing, and coldly said to +ancelot “4o choice? ‘2ighteos’  *aladin,

there are plenty of i%%oral things you don’t kno# about 7ou ha0e no idea of #hat the

&ragon :%peror is really like

(iluo then scanned Baolilong and +iola, then took off into the air Before he left, he said

“unt, treat your %aster #ell I ha0e so%e things to settle #ith the &ragon :%peror

“=ld papa Baolilong sat there as he sa# (iluo lea0e, its pink %outh #as pouting


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'eeing (iluo’s lea0ing, e0eryone sighed in relief =nly +ancelot yelled in distress

“;rap, I ha0e to go #arn the &ragon :%peror

 2s +ancelot finished, the unicorn e%itted a long snort, and carried its %aster to#ards

the &ragon :%pire

Blood Wolf #ho that sa# +ancelot #as lea0ing, hesitated and then co%plained “What

the hell, he called %e fro% the ;o%%erce 2lliance for a reunion, no# he $ust lea0es by

hi%self But, the fight bet#een &ragon :%peror and the "ing of &ragons, (iluo #ill

definitely be e3citing to #atch

“5ine, catch up Blood Wolf, #ith an e3cited e3pression, ordered Blackie to catch up as

fast as possible to the sno#-#hite figure

=nly +iola and the others #ere left behind to stare at one another 1here #ere also a

cro#d pointing their fingers at +iola, and one could faintly hear the% saying

“'il0er (ask, “&ragon "night, and “'uch a large &ragon

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“Whoa, 'il0er (ask, the lo#est &ragon-thief, %ost heartless #o%an beater, and the %ost sha%eless

#o%an kidnapper "aiser looked at headline of the 2cade%y Weekly in his hands, as he shook his

head in confusion

‘As (iola’s room mate, how come I didn’t !now (iola was this terrible?’ 

“+iola-dage isn’t like that! *urity seriously ob$ected

"aiser took the ne#spaper, used it to #rap the fried bread-sticks he planned to eat as a %idnight

snack, and shrugged “2t least no# #e kno# that the 2cade%y Weekly has its uses as a bread-stick


“1he 2cade%y Weekly isn’t usually this biased (einan quickly clarified “But this ti%e it in0ol0es

*rincess +anski, so e0eryone’s a bit strained

"aiser raised his eyebro#s, and re%inded (einan that they had $ust #alked past the cafeteria “1hey

ble# the cafeteria into s%ithereens, and you call that ‘a bit strained’ ?

1hinking about the original state of the beautiful cafeteria co%pared its current outlook, (einan

couldn’t hold back a sigh “2 gentle%an’s rage is al#ays because of a lady

“:0en for a lady, there should be a li%it to the rage "aiser shook his head in disagree%ent “With

the cafeteria gone, #e ha0e to go really far for breakfast

“&on’t #orry, the cafeteria #ill be rebuilt in three days Barbalis’s 0oice suddenly ca%e fro% behind

"aiser, #ho% $u%ped in fear

“But you guys really are Barbalis didn’t kno# if he should be happy because these four are

interesting, or start to #orry considering they #ere natural trouble%akers

“)ey, hey 1his ti%e #e #eren’t the ones #ho caused the cafeteria’s destruction It’s because the

(echa 5ighters and the "nights started fighting each other "aiser i%%ediately started to protest

Barbalis fro#ned “I’% not talking about the cafeteria I’% talking about 5reesia

“5reesia? "aiser’s heart shook, and he %ade an innocent face “What’s 5reesia? We #ere at 7aron

*lains *lains!

“'top playing du%b Barbalis said #ith a serious e3pression

“(i8erui recei0ed a notice fro% the *aladin to i%%ediately head of to the &ragon ;ontinent Both

+ancelot and Blood Wolf %entioned a "night #earing a sil0er %ask and had golden eyes #ith black

hair +et %e ask you, did you let (iluo out?

"aiser didn’t e0en stop to think, and i%%ediately denied it “&efinitely not

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But as soon as "aiser said so, +iola glanced at "aiser

Barbalis s%iled “=h? 1hen ho# #ould you kno# #hat the heck (iluo e0en is? 4o ne#spaper e0en

published the Black &ragon’s na%e

"aiser’s $a# dropped #ide open )e #as co%pletely speechless

Barbalis turned to#ards +iola, and asked sole%nly “&o you ha0e the &ragon :%pire oyal 5a%ily’s

&ragon cross?

+iola hesitated, and then took out 2nise’s cross necklace

Barbalis stared hard at the necklace, and fro#ned “)o# the hell did you get that?

“2n old friend ga0e it to %e +iola didn’t like Barbalis staring at the necklace, so he i%%ediately put

it back inside his shirt

Barbalis %ur%ured “But ho# is this e0en possible? 7ou aren’t e0en fro% this #orld )o# did the

&ragon cross get to the #orld you’re fro%?

+iola already had a guess in his %ind 'eeing the si%ilarities bet#een +anski’s and 2nise’s face,

bet#een *urity’s space %agic and the %agic that sent hi% to this #orld using the necklace, +iola

had already guessed that 2nise #as fro% this #orld, and perhaps she #as e0en closely related to


“3Sigh3 , no %atter #hat, this necklace belongs to the &ragon :%pire oyal 5a%ily (aybe you

should return it? Barbalis ga0e the %ost reasonable suggestion

+iola’s eyes suddenly turned cold, and the te%perature see%ed to ha0e dropped as result

"aiser and others shi0ered against their #ill, and e0en Barbalis felt the pressure that %ade e0en

(i8erui shudder

“&on’t e0en drea% of it! +iola said #ith a cold e3pression :0eryone around hi% felt as if they #ere

about to free8e to death

 2s soon as +iola finished #hat he #as saying, he turned around to lea0e, co%pletely ignoring his

class and its instructor

“I think that guy is in a bad %ood today "aiser %ur%ured

“What! Barbalis, #ho #as nearly fro8en to death, screa%ed

“7ou kne# he’s in a bad %ood, and you didn’t stop %e? 2re you trying to get your instructor killed?!

&on’t %ake %e e3pel you and force you to fight (i8erui

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“&a%n! I didn’t kno# you’d be so%eone #ho’d say those #ords I didn’t think you #ould dare to

cross the best 2ssassin &o you honestly think an 2ssassin #ould respect his instructors?

"aiser pouted in disdain, and ad0ised kindly “4e3t ti%e #hen you speak to +iola, stand further

a#ay :0en (i8erui isn’t bra0e enough to stand too close to +iola

Barbalis thu%ped his chest “5ine, fine 4e3t ti%e I #ill stand a %ile a#ay 1hat #ay, I #ill ha0e ti%e

to use Teleportation to escape

"aiser and the others started to #onder ‘4ho in the world appointed 5arbalis as the principal?’ 


:0en though +iola left class out of rage, he soon regretted it Why #as he so short-te%pered, and

rash? 1hough no# that he left, #ouldn’t it be #eird for hi% to go back?

+iola sighed, and decided to head back to the dor% to use "i to heal hi%self, since it’s not a good

idea to lea0e his internal in$uries unattended

)o#e0er, #hen he #as half#ay to the dor%, +iola changed his %ind )e re%e%bered Baolilong #as

still inside the dor%

1he little White &ragon #ho #as far %ore troubleso%e than helpful, #ould probably ra% into his

ar%s #hen it sees hi%, and therefore pre0enting fro% concentrating his "i

+iola sighed again )e decided it #as best to find a secluded gro0e +iola intentionally #alked

deeper into the forest, until he reached a s%all hill #here no one #as around, and started using his

"i to treat his internal #ounds

)is internal in$uries see%ed to ha0e far surpassed his pre0ious esti%ation While circulating his "i,

+iola had already spat out %any %outhfuls of blood, and ti%e fle# as he tried to heal

'uddenly, +iola felt so%eone #as heading to#ards his direction

)e originally planned to stop healing, but #hen he felt the approaching person #as holding Baolilong

in their ar%s, #ho shared a %ind #ith +iola

+iola told Baolilong 0ia telepathy, not to disturb hi% )e then continued healing, and planned to

co%pletely take care of his internal in$uries in one go


“Baby, your papa is 0o%iting blood, are you sure he’ll be okay? @as%ine #as concerned #hen she

sa# the black-haired %an #as surrounded by dark blood stains

“*apa said don’t disturb hi% Baolilong took another huge bite fro% a piece of beef $erky @as%ine

bought, as it told her #hat +iola had told it

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@as%ine ans#ered #ith an “=h

'he conte%plated on the strange situation she had earlier 'he had ran into a fi0e year-old child #ho

#as running around by itself, and @as%ine, as the child lo0er, #ent and asked the child #here its

parents #ere

When Baolilong screa%ed that he #as hungry, @as%ine took it to buy food 1hough @as%ine had

al#ays #ondered

‘Do all the five &ear/old !ids li!e to eat this mch meat? And a lot of it too, he had alread& eaten

enogh beef to cover half of its bod&"’ 

@as%ine turned and looked at +iola 'he thought, that black-haired %an see%ed really young and he

#as, at %ost, her age

‘%e reall& didn’t loo! li!e a father0 5t then again, for a man as handsome as he, it woldn’t be

srprising if he had some…  Accidents0 It was definitel& possible0’ 

@as%ine i%agined this aloof %an in front of her eyes, fu%bling around as he changed diapers, fed

the child %ilk co# %ilk, of courseH, or coa3ed the baby to sleep

'he couldn’t hold back a burst of laughter Baolilong #as confused by the sight, and it didn’t

understand #hy @as%ine suddenly laughed

“Baby, #here is your %a%a? 2lthough @as%ine kne# this question could hurt the child, she couldn’t

repress her question

“(a%a? &ead Baolilong ans#ered as a %atter-of-fact

@as%ine blinked se0eral ti%es as she held back sy%pathetic tears

‘So 5aolilong’s mother had alread& died, and his dad mst be devastated b& her death, right?’ 

@as%ine looked at the handso%e %an #ith co%passion


+iola 0o%ited out the last of his clotted blood 1he blood he had spit out had al%ost dyed the ground

around hi% co%pletely red But +iola felt his #hole body rela3ed 6nlike this %orning, his steps no

longer felt hea0y

“2re you okay? @as%ine ran to +iola’s side #ith surprise and #orry at the sa%e ti%e

+iola slo#ly opened his eyes, and a pair of unique, sil0er eyes %et @as%ine’s eyes

@as%ine said #ithout thinking “7our eyes are you blind?

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 2s soon as she said blind’, @as%ine suddenly reali8ed she said so%ething 0ery rude, and she got

annoyed of ho# careless she had al#ays been

“I a% looking at you +iola replied plainly

@as%ine looked at the eyes staring back at her, and stuck out her tongue 'he then handedBaolilong to +iola “)ere’s your son

+iola took Baolilong #ithout saying a #ord )e didn’t tell her of the t#o %istakes she %ade

=ne Baolilong #asn’t his child

1#o Baolilong #as genderless

“)%%, class%ate, you’re fro% the 'chool of 'orcery, right? Were you %editating? I’0e ne0er heard

of 0o%iting blood during %editation @as%ine asked +iola curiously

“I #as healing +iola told her the truth

“=h 2s @as%ine replied, she stared at Baolilong’s actions

 2s soon as Baolilong got back to +iola’s ar%s, its t#o little hands grabbed onto hi% tightly, as if it

#as afraid +iola #ould run a#ay

@as%ine had originally doubted if +iola really #ere Baolilong’s father, but seeing Baolilong’s actions,

@as%ine #as no longer #orried

“It’s dinner ti%e Baby’s dad, #ould you like to co%e #ith %e for dinner? @as%ine in0ited +iola #ith


+iola had planned to re$ect the offer, but Baolilong pulled hi%, begged hi% #ith its pink, big eyes, and

it e0en %ur%ured “)ungry

‘Didn’t &o *st finish two hge pieces of beef…’  @as%ine’s eyes #idened ‘4here did the meat he

 *st ate go? #an it be that his stomach was connected to another dimension?’ 

“5ine, I’ll go #ith you +iola nodded )e thought about the fact that he #as penny-less, and the

cafeteria #as destroyed "aiser probably had already dragged *urity to so%e restaurant, and +iola

#ouldn’t kno# #here to look for the%

@as%ine s%iled, and she brought hi% to the restaurant #here +anski and her had agreed to %eet for dinner

=n the #ay, she couldn’t restrain herself fro% asking +iola 0arious questions But e3cept his na%e,

+iola used silence as an ans#er to all of the% 1his really #asn’t +iola’s fault, it’s $ust that @as%ine’s

questions #ere far too

“;lass%ate +iola, #hen did you %eet baby’s %o%?

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‘6ever met her’  +iola thought

“)o# %any years did you spend #ith baby’s %o%?

‘6ever spent an& time together, thogh I spent 7ite a few hors with the bab&’s dad’ 

“Was your #edding a "night’s #edding, or (echa 5ighters 2h, sorry, I forgot you’re a 'orcerer

5inally, @as%ine stopped, and said sole%nly

“;lass%ate +iola, I don’t think dro#ning yourself in sadness is good If the baby’s %o% is still

#atching you fro% the hea0ens, and she sees you being this depressed, she #ould be unhappy 'o

restrain your grief and find so%eone else 5ind a ne# %o% for your fi0e year old child

+iola nodded )e #ould surely pass all these %essages to (iluo, that is, if he #as gi0en another

chance to see hi%

'eeing +iola had agreed, @as%ine nodded in satisfaction


1hey arri0ed at the restaurant, and #as guided by a #aiter to the best roo% in the restaurant 2s

soon as they opened the door, they sa# %ore than ten "nights chatting a%ongst the%sel0es


When they "nights caught a sight of @as%ine, they greeted her #ith #ar%ly )o#e0er, #hen they

sa# +iola follo#ing her, they quieted do#n and stared at +iola #ith suspicious eyes

@as%ine easily found +anski a%ong the "nights 'he #alked up to +anski, and greeted, then

introduced +iola “+anski, I brought a friend, is that okay?

“=f course +anski glanced curiously at +iola, and she started to guess #hat +iola’s relationship #ith

her good friend #as +anski #as also curious about the child in +iola’s ar%s 2s a #o%an, she #as

naturally dra#n to Baolilong’s cute face

“)e’s not a "night 2 ed "night narro#ed his eyes as he obser0ed +iola )e #as disturbed by

+iola’s handso%e face, and #asn’t fond of +iola’s thin body But none of those reasons co%pares to

his dislike to the gray 'orcerer robe

 2nother ed "night grunted “2 'orcerer

“1his is a %eeting for "nights 1his #eakling of a 'orcerer shouldn’t be here 2ll the "nights

co%plained #ith dissatisfaction

+iola #asn’t interested in the dissatisfaction a%ong the "nights, but in the tone of their 0oices

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1he "nights spoke differently than the straightfor#ard "aiser )ad it been "aiser, he #ould probably

ha0e said so%e#here along the lines of

“1his is the "night’s territory, all 'orcerers get the hell out

“If I re%e%ber correctly, I asked @as%ine to co%e 'o any friend she brings is %y friend &o youguys ha0e anything to say about %y friend? +anski said coldly

“We #ould ne0er insult your friend, *rincess +anski, but this person is a 'orcerer 2 ed "night


 2ll the "nights #ere trying to hold back their hatred, but the truth #as, "nights despised 'orcerers

1heir hatred #ere far deeper than their hatred to#ards (echa 5ighters

(echa 5ighters and "nights hated each other because of their co%petiti0eness 1he only co%%on

ground they had #as their si%ilar hatred for helpless 'orcerers

+anski #a0ed her hand i%patiently 'ince she #as a child, she kne# 'orcerers #ere not all helpless

 2t the 0ery least, she kne# the &ragon :%peror, her father, has a 'orcerer friend #ho #as terrifying

'o%eone ne0er to be trifled #ith < (i8erui

“@as%ine, co%e sit beside %e #ith your friends +anski %aintained her ga8e on the adorable

Baolilong 'he really #anted to pinch Baolilong’s face

@as%ine kne# it all too #ell 'he kne# +anski #ould definitely like Baolilong In fact, she percei0ed

that no fe%ale creature #ho #ouldn’t fall in lo0e #ith Baolilong With a s%ile, she led +iola sit

bet#een her and +anski

+iola sensed his seat #as an i%portant position 1he rage inde3 of the surrounding "nights’ eyes

had already gone up fro% .// to .///

If he #as a nor%al person, he probably #ould ha0e ran off before his butt touched the seat But +iola

#as the best 2ssassin, and the best 2ssassin %ust ha0e the best ability to cal% hi%self

 2s a %atter of fact, the only thing that’s challenging +iola’s ability to %aintain his cal% #as not the

terrifying eyes )e sa# these eyes #ay too often )e had gro#n accusto%ed to the%H, instead, it

#as the fact that she #as sitting right ne3t to hi% 1he #o%an #ho had 2nise’s face and 2nise’s

crea%y golden hair

“1his little child is 2fter +anski had taken a fe# bites of her food, she finally asked

@as%ine ans#ered #ith a s%ile “1his is %y friend +iola, and this cute little child is his son )is na%e

is Baolilong

“'on? +anski looked at +iola curiously )o#e0er, +iola couldn’t look back, because Baolilong #as

bugging hi% to get the honey-baked ha% on the table

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1he pouting Baolilong once again took +anski’s attention a#ay, and she grabbed the plate of ha%

and set it in front of Baolilong

Baolilong happily took large bites at the ha%

+anski, #ith a s%ile on her face, got closer and closer to +iola +iola could al%ost s%ell +anski’sfragrance, though +anski’s real intent #as to touch Baolilong’s head

“'orcerer! 2 Blue "night couldn’t hold hi%self back any%ore and yelled at +iola

+anski, #ho had noticed #hat she #as doing #as inelegant, bounced back to her original position

+iola raised his head, looked in the direction of the Blue "night, and stared at hi% curiously

1he Blue "night put on his perfect "night’s s%ile “'ince you’re a 'orcerer, and you’0e recei0ed

*rincess +anski’s hospitality, shouldn’t you sho#case so%e %agic spells to entertain our *rincess?

+anski and @as%ine both turned and looked at +iola 1o the%, this #asn’t too difficult of a request,

and they #ere definitely curious about +iola’s ability, especially after @as%ine had #itnessed +iola’s

blood-spitting healing %ethod

+iola found hi%self in a difficult position )e couldn’t e0en feel the %agic ele%ents, so ho# could he

possibly cast any %agic spells and sho# these "nights?

+iola suddenly reali8e that "aiser #as useful in cases such as this )ad "aiser been present, he

could probably co%e up #ith so%e e3cuses to get through the current situation

)o#e0er, +iola could only ans#er the% honestly “I ha0en’t learned any 'orcery

4o#, all the "nights looked do#n on +iola 'o %uch that they al%ost started pointing at hi% to

ridicule hi%! :0en +anski see%ed colder 'he could perhaps befriend a 'orcerer, but she didn’t #ant

to be friends #ith so%eone co%pletely helpless

@as%ine, #ho had seen a nu%ber of si%ilar situations in her days, kept her cal% 'he noticed ho#

e3tre%ely cal% +iola #as, and she kne# he #as ob0iously not ordinary person

“I should go +iola said, kno#ing he had o0erstayed his #elco%e 2nd if he stayed longer, these

"nights #ould probably pull out their s#ords

“Go? 2 ed "night laughed coldly “'ince you didn’t fulfill a guest’s duty, then lea0e behind the%oney for the %eal

+iola replied apathetically “I didn’t eat

1he ed "night pointed at Baolilong, #ho #as still #restling #ith the honey ha% 1he "night

ob0iously he #anted +iola to pay for his child

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If +iola had the %oney, he #ould ha0e paid the% #ithout a #ord, but no# he finally reali8ed ho#

%oney could bring about a hero )o#e0er, +iola #ould ne0er beco%e a hero because of %oney

J1A4 )ero is referring to so%eone #ho died in battle and beco%e a heroK

4e0ertheless, the "night had the guts to ask +iola for %oney

*erhaps he should go earn so%e %oney? +iola started considering this possibility seriously,

especially #hen he had the king of eaters, Baolilong, ne3t to hi%

“'top %aking things difficult for %y friend @as%ine started fro#ning 'he started to feel uneasy

1rifling a secreti0e person like +iola couldn’t possibly end #ell

6nder nor%al circu%stances, the ed "nights #ould ne0er disobey the Blue "night @as%ine

)o#e0er, #ith a da%sel ne3t to the%, all the "nights #anted to sho# off their skill in front of +anski

1herefore, the ed "night ignored @as%ine, and slo#ly pulled out his s#ord, #ith hatred flashing in

his eyes

“If you don’t perfor% your duties, and you don’t pay, then don’t bla%e us for attacking you to protect

our *rincess +anski’s honor

+iola tried hard as he could to turn #hat the "night said to “"aiser-ean

‘If &o don’t f8ing pa&, then for the sa!e of m& wallet, I’m going to beat &o p so mch that &o

have to crawl ot of here"’ 

“I ha0e no %oney +iola said again #ith honesty

1he ed "night s%iled #ith satisfaction “&ra# your #eapon!

@as%ine got angry of #hat she sa# 'he didn’t think a %ere ed "night #ould possibly dared to

ignore her orders, but +anski stopped @as%ine

4or%ally, +anski #ould follo# the "night’s chi0alry code to the letter, and #ould ne0er let a "night

touch an ordinary person

+anski #hispered in @as%ine’s ear “&o you think that person looks ordinary at all?

@as%ine s%iled #ith understanding 'he finally confir%ed +anski’s thoughts #ere si%ilar to hers in

regards of +iola

5ro% the look of things, +anski see%s to #ant the egotistical ed "night to be taught a lesson, in

addition, he could be a pa#n to help her and @as%ine obser0e +iola’s real strength

+iola had no plans to unsheath his #eapon +anski had already seen his Broken 'il0er If he pull out

Broken 'il0er, isn’t he practically ad%itting he is 'il0er (ask?

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5urther%ore, +iola had no intention on battling #ith a "night, since a 'orcerer shouldn’t e0en kno#

%artial arts +iola stood still as if he planned on taking a beating, and said

“I ha0e no #eapon

1he "night got angrier 2 "night #as absolutely forbidden to s#ing a #eapon at so%eone #ho hadnone In anger, the "night thre# his s#ord aside, and thre# punches at +iola

+iola nonchalantly looked at the rando% punches )e thought of hundreds of #ays to a0oid the%,

not to %ention thousands of #ays to kill this "night in a single blo#, but he didn’t use any of the%

1he "night’s fist landed hea0ily on +iola’s face, and %any %ore landed on his body

+anski and @as%ine both #idened their eyes in shock 'o%ething see%ed #rong ‘#old (iola reall& 

be helpless?’ 

Baolilong #as still biting the ha%, and its pink eyes #ere filled #ith rage If it #eren’t for +iola #ho

had already told it 0ia telepathy not to do anything, Baolilong #ould ha0e s#allo#ed the "night #ho

dared to attack its papa Baolilong bit hard on the ha%, to try to suppress its rage

'eeing +iola being beaten up, +anski stood up and yelled at the "night “'top +et hi% go 2 "night

should ne0er hit an ordinary person

1he "night stopped his punches, and saluted +anski as a fello# "night, #ith his right hand across

his chest

+anski looked do#n at +iola, her eyes #ere filled #ith sy%pathy 'he took out a fe# pieces of gold

coins, placed the% in front of +iola, and apologi8ed

“'orry, I didn’t stop the% in ti%e *lease take this %oney and go to the nearest healing center

+iola slo#ly raised his head ;o%pared to the punches, +anski’s sy%pathetic eyes #as far %ore


‘'lease don’t loo! at me with Anise’s e&es"’  +iola screa%ed in his heart

)e noticed his feelings #ere identical to #hat he felt #hen 2nise died It #as a feeling +iola #as

co%pletely unfa%iliar #ith

+ike a child thro#ing a tantru%, +iola hit the gold coins and they fle# off the table )e glanced bitterly

at the "night #ho thre# punches at hi%, and then #alked out of the roo% #ithout looking back

Baolilong sa# +iola lea0ing, it spitted out the ha% inside of its %outh, and caught up to papa 2t this

ti%e, Baolilong’s eyes had turned fro% pink to a near blood-red color

@as%ine sa# those bitter eyes, she shi0ered 6nlike +anski, she still felt +iola #as definitely not an

ordinary person

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+iola didn’t kno# #hat he #as doing )e started circulating his "i and healed all the #ounds he had

on his skin )e didn’t consider these scratches and bruises as #ounds )o#e0er, he #as 0ery

frustrated, as if his heart has been set afla%e

 2fter he had ran out of the roo%, he coincidentally ran into "aiser and the others, #ho i%%ediately

backed %ore than ten steps a#ay

"aiser yelled

“&on’t co%e near %e 7our eyes are a thousand degrees belo# free8ing point I don’t #ant to be the

first person to die fro% cold eyes

“What are you talking about? I’% $ust a bit unhappy +iola hesitated, still unsure of ho# to describe

#hat he #as feeling

“&id you blo# your lid? "aiser #idened his eyes

‘If this was *st a bit nhapp&, then how wold (iola be when he’s frios? 4old he rn straight to

the #ommerce Alliance, lanch all of their missiles, and perish along with the rest of the world?’ 

“+id? 6nfa%iliar #ith the e3pression, +iola didn’t #ant to say anything %ore

)e on refle3 “Gi0e %e the "night’s unifor%

But e0en +iola, hi%self, didn’t understand #hy he #anted the unifor%

"aiser and others gulped

:0en if +iola had told the% to bring (i8erui to hi%, they probably #ould rather pit their li0es against

(i8erui than to see +iola’s cold eyes, let alone so%e "night’s unifor%

*urity tre%bled as she handed the unifor% to +iola, and unlike her usual beha0ior, she didn’t stick

around +iola’s side

+iola took the unifor% and patted the pocket #here the sil0er %ask #as )e then disappeared into

the darkness, only lea0ing behind a single sentence “Get Baolilong so%ething to eat

“I pity the poor bastard #ho %essed #ith hi%

It #as rare for "aiser to sho# pity, but as soon as he thought about eating, he placed his pity on the

back of his %ind and happily #ent along #ith *urity, (einan, and Baolilong to go eat so%e hot pot


+iola put on the "night unifor% and the 'il0er (ask

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)e kne# #hat he planned on doing )e also kne# full #ell that #hat he #as about to do #ill do far

%ore har% than good But, he had to do it 1he rage inside his heart continued to burn

+iola #alked into the restaurant )e stood by the door, co%pletely ignored the #aiters, as #ell as the

curious and terrified eyes around hi%

:0en in 2klan 2cade%y, it #as rare to see a 'il0er "night, let alone a )oly "night #earing a sil0er

%ask, surrounded by a terrifying aura

Before long, %ore than ten "nights approached the restaurant door 2fter seeing 'il0er (ask, they

#ere all stupefied

1he 'il0er (ask, #ho% they ha0e searched for long and hard, had actually been found, and #as

ob0iously #aiting for the%

:0eryone #as surprised :specially +anski, #ho, #ith a surprised yet happy tone, asked shyly “2re

you looking for %e?

“7es +iola said coldly

+anski #as slightly flustered and a little loss for #ords “1hen ha0e you eaten yet? 6h, do you

#ant to ha0e dinner #ith %e?

+anski had co%pletely forgotten that she had $ust eaten

+iola s%iled in a strange, yet sinister #ay “I’% full of anger

+anski #as stunned, she didn’t kno# #hat 'il0er (ask #as talking about, but all the other "nights

#ere already quite angry #hen they sa# 'il0er (ask

With the addition of +anski’s unusual beha0ior, their rage gre# e0en %ore 2 fe# ed "nights

 $u%ped out and yelled

“7ou honorless co#ard, for our *rincess +anski’s honor, #e challenge you

“7ou #ant to challenge %e? +iola s%iled in satisfaction, and used his ability to feign a "nightly #ay

of talking

“5unny, I, too, #ant to teach a lesson to the people #ho tarnished %y honor

+anski looked at the ed "nights in co%plete disbelief

 2 challenge across different ranks #as not unheard of, but al%ost no "night #ould dare challenge

anyone #ho #as t#o ranks abo0e the% It #as practically suicide! 'ince +anski kne# full #ell of

'il0er (ask’s true strength, he definitely had e0ery right to be a 'il0er "night

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“*rincess +anski, don’t #orry We suspect that this guy isn’t e0en a "night, but instead $ust a lying


 2 ed "night said in satisfaction “We already #ent through the entire list of sil0er "nights, and not a

single one had a sil0er %ask

“2ny "night #ho runs into a trickster #ith a "night’s unifor% has the duty to punish those #ho tarnish

our reputation 2 Blue "night #ho had been silent had $u%ped out after he heard the ed "night

)earing this, +anski #as confused ;ould 'il0er (ask really be a trickster?

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“I had a fair duel #ith "night +anski, but people ha0e been spreading ru%ors of %e bullying her

+iola opened his %outh and said coldly “1his ru%or is an insult to both %e and "night +anski, and I

#ill not let the people #ho started this ru%or go unpunished

“'hut up It #as ob0ious you #ho used dirty tricks to get *rincess +anski to duel you )o# can you

e0en defend yourself #hen you kno# you’re guilty?! ed "night yelled loudly at +iola

+anski, ho#e0er, felt a bit di88y 'ince #hen did her duel #ith 'il0er (ask spread as such a t#isted

ru%or? 4o #onder 'il0er (ask #as angry 4o "night could stand such a dishonor +anski suddenly

felt like crying, she thought 'il0er (ask %ust think she #as one #ho spread such ru%ors to tarnish

his reputation

“)e called you "night +anski, not *rincess +anski @as%ine started to ad%ire 'il0er (ask It #as

rare for so%eone to call +anski as a "night instead of a *rincess

+anski s%iled forcefully “7eah, "nights should call each other "night’

+anski thought to herself ‘%e was able to get approval from the Sacred 4hite Dragon, his actions is

filled with a )night’s pride, and his martial arts were ama9ing0 $or someone li!e him, what cold he

be, other than a )night?’ 

+anski bla%ed herself for e0en doubting 'il0er (ask

“;an a 'il0er "night handle ten ed "nights, plus t#o Blue "nights? @as%ine s%iled


Before +anski had ti%e to react, @as%ine had already pulled out her s#ord and $u%ped into the

group of "nights

1he "nights surrounded +iola, and @as%ine’s face #as filled #ith desire to fight 2 'il0er "night

#asn’t so%ething that she sa# e0eryday If she didn’t challenge hi% no#, she feared she #ould not

be able to sleep at night

+iola took out Broken 'il0er fro% his boot But unlike #hat he nor%ally does, +iola pulled the dagger

out )e held the sheath in his left hand and the dagger in his right

+ike a light bree8e, +iola’s #hite outline appeared in front of a ed "night 1he "night #as frightened

and lifted his s#ord to block but +iola had already, #ithout any hesitation, cut the "night’s

broads#ord in half #ith his dagger, and knocked the "night out cold #ith the sheath in his left hand

@as%ine took a deep breath “In that instant, he hit the "night L 4o, perhaps ./ ti%es

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It #as too fast for @as%ine to see clearly ‘4as this the strength of a Silver )night?’  @as%ine held her 

fa0orite s#ord tightly, her eyes flashing #ith e3cite%ent for battle

+iola continued to#ards his ne3t target, and left @as%ine a surprise “It #as .F ti%es

1he "nights kne# that one-on-one, they had no chance of beating a 'il0er "night, so they all rushedin, to try and #in #ith nu%bers against 'il0er (ask

)o#e0er, they had no idea that the person in front of the% #as an 2ssassin, and chaos #as al#ays

#hat 2ssassins fa0or

(ost of the% blacked out before they e0en sa# 'il0er (ask, let alone actually land a hit on hi% 1he

battle #as one-sided

5inally, +iola appeared in front of a ed "night #hose face had turned pale, and this #as the "night

#ho pnched the crap out of +iola

With 'il0er (ask’s gold eyes narro#ing, he appeared behind the ed "night, the ed "night’s

%outh foa%ed and fell to the ground #ith in$uries all o0er his body

@as%ine fro#ned and asked “FM ti%es?

“FN 2fter releasing so%e of his anger, +iola see%ed to ha0e cal%ed do#n a little, especially since

he al#ays had a good i%pression of @as%ine

But, there #as still one person #ho hadn’t been taken care of

+iola slo#ly turned around to look at the Blue "night #ho stood in silence #ith his %outh #ide open

=f course, it #as the other Blue "night and not @as%ine

1hough the Blue "night kne#, he #ould ne0er be a #orthy opponent to 'il0er (ask, he couldn’t beg

for %ercy, that #ould be destroying his o#n honor

When he sa# +iola approached hi%, the Blue "night #as so scared, his knees al%ost ga0e out )e

no longer doubted 'il0er (ask of being a 'il0er "night )e kne# he #as one of the people #ho had

tarnished a 'il0er "night’s honor, and ho# serious the consequences #ould be

@as%ine could no longer hold herself back and $u%ped in front of the other Blue "night )er right

hand held a narro# s#ord, and a s%all shield on her left ar% 'he #as #earing a light ar%or that

didn’t restrict her %o0e%ent

@as%ine #asn’t sure #hy, but she #as shaking ;ould it be tre%bling because of 'il0er (ask’s

incredible strength? =r #as she $ust e3cited to be able to fight a strong opponent?

+iola stopped and asked to 0erify “2re you going to protect hi%?

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@as%ine raised her eyebro#s “If I ha0e to find a reason to duel #ith you, then yes, I’% protecting


+iola slo#ly put Broken 'il0er back to its sheath, and @as%ine’s face turned sour in dissatisfaction

@as%ine said #ith frustration “7ou’re not going to fight %e? It is because I’% a #o%an?

“4o =nly #hen %y dagger is sheathed #ill I be able to use %y true strength +iola had already

sensed @as%ine’s true strength, #hich #as %uch higher than the tre%bling Blue "night behind her

1o fake his "nighthood, +iola planned on facing his opponent head on like a "night

@as%ine probably kne# the difference in strength bet#een her and +iola, and she kne# ho# sharp

Broken 'il0er really #as 5or hi% to turn it back to stick, #ould let hi% fight #ithout holding back, so

he #ouldn’t in$ure her

 2fter she understood +iola’s intention, she said “7ou’ll ha0e to let %e %ake ./ %o0es first

“'ure +iola said #ithout hesitation

@as%ine couldn’t hold back 2fter a fe# steps in the air, her s#ord had already reached +iola

@as%ine #as fa%ous for her speed a%ong Blue "nights, and the rate at #hich she s#ung her

s#ord, %ade it see% like she #as s#inging three s#ords at once )o#e0er, to +iola, #ho had easily

e0aded +anski’s nine &ragon "is, three s#ords #as nothing to hi% With a s#ift %o0e, +iola easily

e0aded @as%ine’s first attack

@as%ine #as deter%ine to use all of her ten %o0es at once, so +iola #ouldn’t ha0e any breathing

roo%, since he can’t attack

5or her second %o0e, @as%ine’s body #as #rapped #ith a blue aura 'he $u%ped in the air, and

 $abbed her s#ord at an a%a8ing speed 1he s#ord $abs fell like raindrops to#ard +iola fro% abo0e

+iola took the Broken 'il0er in his hand, and #a0ed it like an ordinary person #a0ing his hand 1en

crisp %etallic clashing sound filled the roo%

@as%ine had t#o setbacks, but the s%ile on her face only gre# broader @as%ine increased her

speed e0en %ore and attack again and again

6nder the naked eye, one could only see @as%ine’s outline %o0ing around like a gust of #ind

+iola looked like he #asn’t doing %uch 'o%eti%es, it e0en looked like he #as standing co%pletely

still )o#e0er, both @as%ine and +anski kne#, +iola #asn’t stock- still )e #as $ust so fast that

people didn’t notice hi% %o0ing

@as%ine finally stopped, her hands #ere on her knees as she tried to catch her breath )er eyes

#ere not filled #ith frustrations fro% setbacks, but instead, e3cite%ent for facing a strong opponent

'he raised her head, and had a large s%ile on her face

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“7ou attacked .F ti%es +iola s%iled slightly

@as%ine stuck out her tongue, put a#ay her s#ord, and laughed as she said “'o I attacked three

%ore ti%es than I should 5ine, #e’ll count that as %e losing

9;lap, clap, clap!9

'o%eone in the roo% suddenly started clapping :0eryone turned around to look the in the direction

of the source of the applause 1hey sa# a %an dressed in black, #hose face #as filled #ith s%ile as

if he #as #atching a sho#

@as%ine and +anski #ere both confused, but +iola #asn’t )e kne# #ho e3actly the %an #as

)o#e0er, he thought that the %an #ould still be in the &ragon ;ontinent #ith the *aladin, +ancelot

“7ou’re #orthy to be +ancelot’s apprentice 1en ed "nights #ere nothing to you, e0en a Blue "night

didn’t %ake you %o0e %ore than a %eter Blood Wolf laughed as he said this

‘(ancelot’s apprentice?’ 

:0eryone’s $a#s dropped in disbelief, and e0en the other people in the restaurant #ho #ere

#atching the sho# sputtered #ine fro% their %ouths

)o#e0er, the person #ho #as %ost surprised, #as the Blue "night #ho insulted 'il0er (ask )e

looked as if he #as about to pass out

“:3cuse %e, 'ir "night, #ho are you? =r ho# #ould you re0eal to us the identity of the *aladin’s

apprentice? @as%ine asked carefully and respectfully

Blood Wolf s%iled, and used his strange su%%oning “Blood Wolf is %y na%e, and I’% not going to

say %uch Damn 5lac!ie come here

 2s al#ays, e0ery "night #as in disbelief #hen they heard the strange #ay of su%%oning, but Blood

Wolf’s %ount really did co%e

It #as the sa%e as the last ti%e +iola had seen it, a black #olf $u%ped out of thin air, and its %a$estic

presence left all the "nights in a#e

:0eryone kne# that the &ark "night Blood Wolf’s %ount #as a black #olf, they also kne# of the

friendship bet#een the *aladin and the &ark "night

“Greetings, &ark "night Blood Wolf @as%ine and +anski both greeted, #ith their right hand across

their chest, perfor%ing a standard "night salute

“)ello to you t#o, pretty ladies Blood Wolf greeted the% dubiously, but no one could say anything

about it

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1he ranks a%ong "nights #ere clearly defined, and there #as nothing #rong e0en if Blood Wolf

co%pletely ignored the t#o Blue "nights

+iola’s head #as in a fog Why did Blood Wolf say that he’s +ancelot’s apprentice?

+iola narro#ed his eyes )e didn’t like the feeling of being in0ol0ed a sinister plan

Blood Wolf still kept the s%ile on his face )e placed his ar% around 'il0er (ask’s shoulder and


“+ittle 'il0er, your %aster, +ancelot, asked %e to talk to you about a lot of things Why don’t #e find

another place for so%e #ine?

+iola %aintained his cold e3pression, and still held onto Broken 'il0er in his hand

)e thought ‘At least )nights se martial arts0’ 

1o +iola, "nights #ere far %ore easier to handle than 'orcerers +iola responded “1here sure are a

lot of things to discuss

'eeing the% acting strangely, and that they #ere about to find another place for a good tal! 

+anski asked so%e#hat i%patiently “'il0er (ask, #ill I see you again?

+iola turned to look at +anski )e didn’t kno# #hy she #anted to see hi% again, and +iola #asn’t

sure if he’s going to e0er appear again as 'il0er (ask

)e #as silent for a %o%ent, and then he nodded, after #hich he sa# a bright s%ile surfaced on

+anski’s face


 2fter +iola and Blood Wolf had stepped out, @as%ine had a %ischie0ous s%ile on her face

'he prodded +anski #ith her shoulder, #ho #as still giggling, and said “Wo#, the *aladin’s

apprentice? Wouldn’t that be a perfect %atch?

+anski suddenly blushed “What are you talking about, #hat perfect %atch?!

“7ou kno# #hat I %ean @as%ine continued teasing her good friend, and en$oyed her rare blushingface “2las, re%e%ber to let %e borro# your boyfriend later for sparring!

“What the hell are you talking about?! +anski protested, e0en her ears #ere red

 2s the t#o girls playfully talked to each other, the Blue "night standing beside the%, #ho had been

ignored for all this ti%e, let his s#ord fall to the ground )is face #as filled #ith rage

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 2s +iola and Blood Wolf #alked, a cro#d gathered around the% 2 'il0er "night #as a rare sight,

and no# there’s e0en a "night #ith a huge black #olf

1here #ere already plenty of people #ho guessed Blood Wolf’s identity, and their $a#s #ere al%ostreached the ground

“+ittle 'il0er, you ha0e to pro%ise %e, #hen you ha0e ti%e you’ll spar #ith %e Blood Wolf rubbed

his pal% 'eeing the pre0ious fight, he #as itching to fight +iola < so %uch that he al%ost $u%ped in

the %iddle of the fight

“4o +iola denied instantly

Blood Wolf al%ost slipped off his %ount, and he %ur%ured

“What the hell :0en +ancelot #ould gi0e %e so%e crappy e3cuse, so%ething about a rain check

7ou little runt denied %e #ithout hesitation?

=n the #ay back, Blood Wolf kept pestering +iola #ith dissatisfaction, trying to %ake hi% pro%ise for 


)o#e0er, as an 2ssassin, +iola had plenty of patience, and he actually ans#ered “4o, “4o, “4o

the entire #ay back, until they #ere back in 2klan 2cade%y, and inside principal Barbalis’s office

Barbalis #as sitting inside his office, #aiting for the% When he sa# the% #alking in, Barbalis

i%%ediately asked “Blood Wolf, did you do as I asked?

With his %outh dry fro% pestering +iola, Blood Wolf snapped

“7es But old gee8er, aren’t you afraid of #hat #ould happen after +ancelot finds out he suddenly

gained an apprentice #hose face he has ne0er seen Won’t he be incredibly furious?

Barbalis laughed “+ancelot’s rage is nothing )e’s straight as an arro#, not to %ention this #as

appro0ed by the &ragon :%peror hi%self

“What are you t#o doing? +iola’s e3pression started to change Blood Wolf plus 'orcerer Barbalis,

#hose abilities are unkno#n, #ould be hard for +iola to handle

“I’ll tell you the truth Barbalis stopped laughing “2t the sa%e ti%e, I’ll tell you the truth about your&ragon ;ross necklace

“7ou probably didn’t kno# this, but as long as you #ear that cross necklace, the &ragon :%peror #ill

kno# e0erything you’re doing Blood Wolf pulled the chain on +iola’s neck and re0ealed the cross


Blood Wolf added “:0en #hat you did in the past

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+iola’s face sank, and he pushed Blood Wolf’s hand a#ay

4o one likes to be #atched, but +iola kne# he #ould ne0er let go of this necklace :0en if his life

#as broadcasted to the #orld, he #ouldn’t let it go

Barbalis si%ply said “2nise is +anski’s t#in sister, and also a &ragon :%pire’s *rincess

+iola’s face suddenly changed 1hough he had guessed it before, but he ne0er thought about it

seriously 4o# it #as finally confir%ed that 2nise #as fro% this #orld

“1#enty years ago, there #as an accident *rincess 2nise, #ho had $ust been born, #as sent to

another #orld

Blood Wolf continued “1hat accident had also caused (iluo’s #ife, that is, your 'acred White

&ragon’s %other, to die Because of this, (iluo and the &ragon :%peror had turned into each

other’s ne%esis

“When the &ragon cross returned to this #orld, the &ragon :%peror had already felt it Barbalis


“)e originally #anted to obey to the #ill of his daughter and let you li0e peacefully, so he didn’t co%e

to disturb you But he didn’t think that, not only #ould the 'acred White &ragon recogni8e you as its

%aster, you e0en let (iluo out

“&estiny is like a drunk %an 7ou ne0er kno# #hat it’ll do ne3t In %y opinion, you #ere ne0er %eant

to be an ordinary person Blood Wolf laughed

+iola, ho#e0er, couldn’t laugh )e sank deep into self-bla%e again )ad he not caused 2nise’s

death, she %ay ha0e already returned to the &ragon :%pire, li0ed peacefully and happily as a


“7ou no# ha0e t#o choices, +iola Barbalis continued

“&eclare 'il0er (ask is +iola, and +ancelot #ill really accept you as his apprentice 1hen the &ragon

:%peror #ill announce to that #orld, that t#enty years ago, you #ere taken in by +ancelot to be

trained in secret, and *rincess +anski’s t#in brother 1hen, you #ill beco%e a *rince of the &ragon


Blood Wolf laughed secretly “=r, you can continue your current life, and see #here destiny takes


+iola’s %ind #as in chaos 2fter finding out %any truths, +iola #as clueless on ho# he should

respond 'o he could only re%ain silent

“1hink about it I #ill be here for a #eek If you plan on being a *rince, in a #eek I #ill bring you back

to the &ragon ;ontinent Blood Wolf leisurely laid do#n on the sofa

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+iola had no idea ho# he had gotten back to the dor%

 2fter he had gotten back, he sa# "aiser turning hi%self in a sushi #rap again, and Baolilong actually

did the sa%e thing and #rapped itself up on +iola’s bed

+iola fro#ned, and decided not to ask "aiser to look after Baolilong too %uch, or else #ho kno#s

#hat other habits Baolilong #ould pick up

When +iola got on the bed, Baolilong i%%ediately un#rapped itself #hile half-asleep and #ent to

+iola’s ar%s

Before +iola closed his eyes, he prayed 2nise #ould appear in his drea%s tonight )e had far too

%any questions to ask her


“2nise, #here is your ho%e? +iola asked suspiciously 1he doesn’t see% #orried about her fa%ily

(y ho%e? 2nise blinked her beautiful eyes “(y ho%e is right here

+iola #as confused “)ere? 1his is the headquarters of the organi8ation that abducted you

 2nise laughed s#eetly, and pointed at the sky and the grass “(y ho%e is here I s#ore to tra0el the

#orld, and practice healing around the #orld!

*ractice healing around the #orld!


+iola opened his eyes again, and sa# a pair of blue eyes, and +iola reali8ed his face #as being

pulled in opposite directions by four fingers

+iola asked coldly “"aiser, #hat are you doing?

"aiser said in all seriousness “Getting the la8y 2ssassin off the bed

 2nd then, "aiser added “=riginally I #as going to lea0e you alone, but then I thought, #ithout you,

boss %ight not be #illing to go pay for breakfast, so I had to get you up

“)o# co%e you #ere so sound asleep? "aiser raised his eyebro#s

Before today, he could ne0er get #ithin ten %eters of +iola #ithout being noticed, but no# he #as

e0en able to touch +iola’s face 1his #as %ore unfatho%able to "aiser than #inning the lottery

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+iola did not respond, and instead he asked "aiser “What e3actly do I ha0e to do to learn healing


“(editation, sensing %agic ele%ent *ractice %agic, continue %editation +earning %agic is fairly

difficult, and there is no shortcut at all

+iola sighed in his heart, and understood he #as too i%patient :0en #hen he #as trying to learn

%artial arts, it took years of practice and training )o# could he e3pect to learn any healing skills like

those of 2nise in a short ti%e?

+iola, "aiser, and Baolilong, #ho clung onto papa’s leg, #alked outside of the dor%

 2s soon as they did so, they sa# *urity and (einan already #aiting outside When *urity sa# +iola,

she cheerfully #ent up to hi%, and said #ith curiosity “7ou guys see%ed slo# today

“Because so%eone #as still on the bed, and I couldn’t get hi% up! "aiser replied confidently

 2s soon as he replied, he sa# *urity and (einan glancing at hi%, as if there #ere no possibility of

the 2ssassin, #ho #as standing right ne3t to hi%, to be the person #ho couldn’t get up

"aiser i%%ediately protested “)ey! I #asn’t the la8y bu%, it #as that sil0er-eyed guy

*urity’s eyes #idened in co%plete disbelief, and (einan looked at hi% as if his eyes #ere saying

“stop feigning your innocence :0en Baolilong poked its head out fro% behind +iola, and its eyes

#ere filled #ith doubt

Oeins popped out of "aiser’s forehead “I #asn’t the bu%! When there’s breakfast, I #ill ne0er stay

on the bed!

*urity and (einan both suddenly reali8ed “1hat’s right, #hen there’s food to eat, "aiser #ould

struggle and cra#l o0er e0en if he hasn’t had sleep for se0en days 'o did +iola really o0ersleep?

'hould he be happy that his friends belie0ed hi%? =r sad about #hat they said of hi%? 1he corner

of "aiser’s %outh t#itched But in the end, he succu%bed to the s%ell of food )e grabbed the bag

fro% *urity’s hands "aiser asked as he pulled food out of bags

“We aren’t going to the cafeteria today?

“&idn’t you see the class plans announced yesterday? 7esterday the principal said, #e #ill be ha0ing

classes inside the dor% today *urity #orriedly said

'he #as suspicious that the principal %ight ha0e ca%e up #ith so%e ne# stunts to pull on the


“1his dor% is beautiful, but so%ething see%s 0ery strange about it (einan sighed

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)e #asn’t sure if he could graduate fro% the 'chool of 'orcery )e heard the graduation rate in

recent years had beco%e terribly lo#

“=f course it’s strange "aiser said as he #as s#allo#ing “I noticed the other day, the roo% #e’re

staying in is on the top floor 1hat floor #as co%pletely e%pty other than our roo% Why didn’t they

%ake %ore roo%s in that floor?

‘If the principal’s plan onl& involved )aiser and (iola, then it’d be great…’  1he 'orcery students

congregated in front of the dor% thought

“&ear students, 1he principal had suddenly appeared behind e0eryone #ith a satisfied s%ile on his


 2ll the students tre%bled 'eeing the s%ile on Barbalis’ face, e0eryone’s heart sank

1he principal %ust ha0e thought of so%ething absurd for class 2nd unfortunately, this class

probably had so%ething to do #ith their dor% (eaning e0en after class, the dor% they #ould go

back to probably #on’t be a safe place at all

“;o%e, co%e, e0eryone take a te3tbook Barbalis cheerfully handed out te:tboo!s, co%pletely

ignoring the dropped $a#s of e0ery student

‘Since when did we have something li!e te:tboo!s?’ 

Dormitor& ;ser’s 1anal  "aiser blinked, reali8ing he didn’t read it #rong

"aiser started #ondering

‘4hat needs to be e:plained abot a dorm? #an it be that the& need to e:plain where &o shold go

to pee, or where the fire escapes are? 6o, 5arbalis can’t be that bored… To be e:act, 5arbalis was

 prett& boring, bt no matter how bored he might be, he wold never care abot the stdents’ escape

in the event of a fire0 <n the contrar&, he was more li!el& to be the arsonist who sets the dorm on

fire, and e:pel an&one who dies in the fire0’ 

+iola #as %ore practical )e didn’t %ake any guesses )e i%%ediately opened the book and started

reading )o#e0er, +iola #as co%pletely clueless as to #hat this %anual had to do #ith the dor%,

because it #as ob0iously a (echa %anual (ore specifically, it #as one that required %ultiple pilots

‘#an’t it be…’  +iola raised his head to look at the %etallic hull of the dor%

“*rincipal, sir 2 student raised his hand hesitantly

“&on’t ask %e :0ery roo% has an assigned nu%ber, use your eyes! I’ll gi0e you half an hour, go

learn #hat you need to control it

Barbalis yelled “We #ill begin drills in half an hour! 2nyone #ho %akes a %istake #ill be e3pelled!

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 2ll the 'orcery students hea0ed a long sigh ‘4h& is gradating this difficlt?"’ 


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'ince "aiser e3pressed hi%self and yelled at the "ing of &ragons, (iluo, the cro#d #ho

#atched hi% re%e%bered his appearance *eople #ere afraid that the Black &ragon

#ould co%e back for re0enge, so they e3iled "aiser as #ell as his co%panions

Without any other choice, they had to go back to 7aron *lains to li0e out their %onth of

#ilderness sur0i0al What #as


# &!s te f!$t t!t &it 8!olilong ,eing tere# !ll of te Su,7=r!gons ke%t teir "ist!n$e fro-

te-3 All e0$e%t one# &i$ got "issol)e" in teir sto-!$s.

1he ti%e they spent here #ith Baolilong #as, in fact, the %ost peaceful ti%e they had

spent e0er since "aiser %et +iola

When (i8erui appeared in front of the% #ith anticipation, +iola #as so%e#hat sad

*erhaps the rank-2 danger 8one, 7aron *lains, #as actually %ore peaceful than 2klan


When they stepped back on the flying (a3un, Barbalis counted of all the students

1here #ere e3actly F/, none #ere %issing

Barbalis nodded in satisfaction “7ou are all #orthy to be sopho%ores, and you’0e all

learned ho# to sur0i0e )ahaha, I, Barbalis, sure taught you all #ell, hahaha!

Black lines gre# do#n e0ery student’s face 2ll of the% helplessly returned to the place

%ore terrifying than rank-2 7aron *lains < 2klan 2cade%y’s 'chool of 'orcery!

:0eryone thought that, since they had already been through a %onth of trouble, they

#ould at least ha0e so%e ti%e to rest, and the principal #ouldn’t co%e up #ith so%estrange ne# ideas

1hey all thought #rong 1he 0ery reason #hy Barbalis sent the% a#ay, #as to prepare

a bigger ga%e 1his %onth of #ilderness sur0i0al #as the rest and rela:ation they had

hoped for

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With a large s%ile, Barbalis took the students to the brand ne# student dor%

1hey couldn’t belie0e the 'chool of 'orcery dor% looked e0en flashier and ne#er thanthe 'chool of (echa 5ighters With bright sil0er %etallic #all, and %odern designs 2ll of 

#hich suggested that Barbalis #as up to so%ething

 2ll the students gulped, and started backing a#ay 1hey all feared the dor% #ould

suddenly stand up and eat the% ali0e

“)ot da%n, the penny pincher suddenly turned around! With his $a# dropped, "aiser

stared at the ne# dor% that looked nothing like the old ruins )e then i%%ediately ranthrough the door, and as he s#iped his black student I&, he yelled happily “&ear bed,

soft sheets, puffy pillo#s I, "aiser, a% here to sleep on you!

 2s "aiser s#iped his I&, the door opened #ith a%a8ing speed

Before "aiser e0en had the chance to screa%, #ith a woosh sound, he #as sucked into

the black roo% behind the door

1he door closed #ith a%a8ing speed, as if the #hole thing happened in the blink of an

eye! It #as then #hen e0eryone reali8ed ho# horrifying the door #as

“"-"aiser got eaten by the dor%! *urity cried, and ran behind +iola, as if she #ere

afraid the ar%s #ould co%e out of the door to grab her

“*apa, #here did "aiser go? Baolilong, #ho #as in its hu%an for%, asked +iola


+iola’s face sank )e turned only to see Barbalis s%iling, as if he #as pleased #ith his


1hough he #asn’t sure of Barbalis’ intent, but he #as certain that he #ould ne0er step

into this building #ithout kno#ing %ore about it

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Barbalis probably noticed the 2ssassin’s cold eyes 1o a0oid ha0ing a dagger around his

neck, he quickly e3plained

“1his is a special design 1his dor% #ill, according to your student I&, instantly transport

you to your o#n roo%

 2s if he #as trying to pro0e #hat Barbalis had said, "aiser ti%e pushed open the

#indo#, and yelled through the #indo#

“+iola, before you go to your roo% go buy %e so%e food I #ant to eat #hen I #ake up

Without responding to "aiser, +iola fro#ned slightly, #alked up to the door, and s#iped

his o#n I& 1he door s#ung open again, and a strong suction grabbed +iola into thehall

+iola #asn’t too fond of flying through the air #ithout being able to control it, although

Baolilong, #ho #as on +iola’s back, s%iled brightly, and e0en cheered #ith its hands in

the air

In a %atter of seconds, +iola floated to an e%pty roo% 1he only thing inside the roo%

#as a 0ery large sphere in the center, and it #as flashing #ith 0arious ray of colorfullight

1he sphere suddenly shone a ray of light to#ards +iola, and +iola al%ost ducked on

refle3, but the light stopped in front of +iola, and a se%i-transparent screen appeared

1here #ere %any buttons, and e0ery had different destination #ritten on the%, such

as +or room,%all , = person people’s room, etc

+iola hesitated, but Baolilong didn’t

'eeing the bright screen, Baolilong laughed innocently, and #ith its little hands,

Baolilong started %ashing e0ery button on the screen

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+iola took off again, and #ith bla8ing speed, he fle# to so%e sort of hall 1here #ere all

sorts of strange things placed in it, and they confused +iola )ad "aiser been here,

perhaps he #ould ha0e been able to identify the% all

1he (a3uns looked identical like ga%ing or


 eui%-ent3 Per!%s te only "ifferen$e &!s# tey &ere -ore "e!"ly.

+iola #as $ust about to #alk for#ard to take a closer look at these 1a:ns

With a cute look, Baolilong pounded on the screen again +iola then instantly fle# to a

place that, no %atter ho# ad0anced it #as, it al#ays had the sa%e functions < thebathroo%

When +iola #as considering #hether he should go to the bathroo%, Baolilong decided

to put all its #eight for#ard and ra%%ed its head against the screen

1he holographic screen ob0iously couldn’t support Baolilong’s #eight, so it #ent through

the screen, and landed on its face 1he pain %ade Baolilong cry

“)o# did you fall +iola #as $ust about to pick Baolilong back up, but because Baolilong

used its face to press so%e button, +iola fle# a#ay fro% Baolilong

Baolilong #anted to run back to papa’s ar%s, but as soon as it got off the ground, it only

sa# +iola flying a#ay fro% hi%

“*apa! Baolilong suddenly stood up, its baby face filled #ith fear It stretched out its

s%all &ragon #ings, and flapped the% as hard as it could to try to catch up to papa

5inally, +iola stopped, but Baolilong couldn’t stop in ti%e, so it fle# through the

transparent screen Before it reached +iola’s ar%s, +iola started yet another flying


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'o%e people say, hu%ans #ere species incapable of learning But ob0iously, sa%e

could be said about &ragons =r perhaps Baolilong #as special It continuously tried to

catch up to papa, run into the screen, only to ha0e papa fly off again

+iola couldn’t do anything but #atch the tears running do#n Baolilong’s face as it ga0e

chase It #asn’t until the ne3t %orning that +iola had finally arri0ed at his own room By

this ti%e, he had been to $ust about e0ery#here 5inally, there #as so%ething +iola

understood better than "aiser, the 'chool of 'orcery dor%

“)%%? +iola, #hy did it take you so long to get food? "aiser got up fro% his bed, still

half asleep )e looked at the situation in the roo%

Baolilong #as kneeling on the table #ith face filled #ith tears and regret In front of it

#as +iola #ho #ore a naturally cold e3pression

“What happened? "aiser asked curiously, and then turned pale “Baolilong didn’t eat all

of our food, did it?

“4o +iola looked at "aiser “It’s ti%e for class

"aiser touched his sto%ach, and thought, did he really sleep for such a long ti%e? 4o#onder he #as so hungry

1hinking of food, "aiser finally felt so%e %oti0ation 2t the sa%e ti%e, he reali8ed that

+iola #as still #earing the sa%e clothes as last night

"aiser asked “7ou’re such hobo Why didn’t you take a sho#er before you sleep, or is

not taking a sho#er popular a%ong 2ssassins?

+iola %ur%ured “I ha0en’t slept

"aiser looked at +iola #ith unbelie0ing eyes

“7ou didn’t sleep for the #hole night? What did you do? &id you ha0e a tryst #ith the

&ragon :%pire *rincess?

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1hough he said that, "aiser kne# +iola too #ell +iola #as %ore likely to play #ith

Broken 'il0er all night than to ha0e a tryst #ith a #orldly beauty In fact, "aiser doubted

+iola e0en kne# #hat tryst #as

+iola #asn’t too interested in "aiser’s nonsense )e quietly #alked to the bathroo%,

there can ne0er be any s%ell on an 2ssassin

When +iola stepped out of the roo%, he looked at that se%i-transparent screen again

)e sighed in relief, seeing that Baolilong, #ho had been up all of last night, #as so tired

that it #as sound asleep, other#ise he #asn’t sure if he could e0en step out of the


“)ey, you didn’t sleep last night, are you going to ha0e a proble%? &on’t fall asleep half

#ay I’% not going to carry you "aiser e3a%ined +iola, #ho #as rather thin, but

considerably taller than hi%

“4ot sleeping for one night isn’t going to affect %e +iola plainly stated the truth When

he #as chased by 2ssassins fro% the organi8ation, there #as a ti%e #hen he didn’t

sleep for a #eek, and he e0en had to fight so%e of the organi8ation’s top 2ssassins

"aiser grunted “)o# can you not sleep? )u%ans should sleep e0eryday, and #hen

you #ake up you should eat, and then after that you should sleep again

"aiser la8ily held his sto%ach )e #asn’t eating or sleeping, and that #as 0iolating his

principle of #hat hu%ans are supposed to do

‘Is he tal!ing abot pigs or hmans?’  +iola started #ondering

“+iola-dage, "aiser, I’% here *urity cheerfully stepped out of the dor%, and greetedboth of the%

"aiser said idly “Boss you’re finally here, so please hand out breakfast

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“"aiser sure lo0es to eat *urity shook her head helplessly Good thing the allo#ance

her dad her #as still enough, other#ise *urity didn’t kno# ho# she could keep "aiser


5inally, (einan arri0ed 2s soon as he sa# *urity #aiting for hi%, he started to

apologi8e, %ur%uring so%ething about ho# gentle%en should ne0er %ake a +ady #ait

 2s for the t#o guys #ho #ere standing beside *urity, (einan co%pletely ignored the%

 2fter all, no one says anything about gentle%en %aking other gentle%en #ait

 2fter "aiser stared hard at (einan, the four of the% #ere finally ready to sol0e the

proble% of breakfast

Before stepping into the cafeteria, "aiser %ur%ured “I #onder if @etter is going to cause

%ore trouble today?

“&on’t #orry, he’s too busy to cause us trouble, but (einan looked at +iola fro% the

corner of his eyes as if there #ere so%ething on his %ind

“'il0er (ask better be careful 5ro% the ru%ors I’0e heard yesterday, big trouble is

co%ing for hi%

1he three had suddenly straightened their backs 1hey had al%ost forgot not e0er

%entioning that +iola #as the 'il0er (ask, but +iola changed into 'il0er (ask’s unifor%

right before (einan’s eyes

“6h, (einan, can you not tell anyone about +iola-dage and 'il0er (ask? *urity asked


(einan bo#ed e3aggeratedly, and said in a gentle %anner “(einan #ill definitely follo#

+ady *urity’s request

+iola asked bluntly “What kind of ru%or?

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“'ee%s like it has to do #ith *rincess +anski (einan #asn’t sure But #hat #as

certain, #as it #as definitely not so%ething good

+iola re%ained silent, thinking that as long as he doesn’t appear as 'il0er (ask, it #ill

be fine

:0er since he arri0ed in this #orld, the #ounds he endured #ere actually #orse than

#hen he #as being chased by the organi8ation

With the internal in$uries fro% the fight #ith +anski, plus the ones fro% his fight #ith

(iluo, plus not ha0ing any sleep last night, +iola #as in a bad %ood

5ortunately, an 2ssassin’s instinct told hi% that, no %atter #hat the situation #as, hise%otions had to be under control Indeed, +iola #ould ne0er lose control of his

e%otions, ne0er

 2s soon as the four stepped into the cafeteria, they all i%%ediately reali8ed there #as

so%ething #rong

1he 'chool of (echa 5ighters, #ho #ere #earing blue %ilitary unifor%s, all sat in a line

#ith their face to#ards the 'chool of "nights students 1heir eyes #ere filled #ith rage,and their forks, as if it #ere taking re0enge on the food, forcefully stabbed the food

)o#e0er, the "nights see%ed nor%al 1hey #eren’t angry, but instead they #ere

curiously looking a%ong the%sel0es, as if they #ere searching for so%eone or


1he "night students #ith gold eyes recei0ed the %a$ority of the angry stares

5ortunately, there #as no "night #ith gold eyes and black hair, and there #as no rank-sil0er "night, other#ise the result %ight be catastrophic

“+et’s go let’s go We’re fro% the 'chool of 'orcery, and #e ha0e nothing to do #ith

'il0er (ask "aiser laughed loudly, #ith a sly look in his eyes, and see%ed happy

seeing the conflict

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)earing 'il0er (ask, so%e (echa 5ighter students finally couldn’t hold it in any%ore 2

tall and buff student suddenly stood up, and yelled

“1he 'chool of "night really are a sancti%onious bunch 7ou actually perfor%ed such

sha%eless acts to#ard the beautiful and royal *rincess +anksi!

“&efinitely bastards! 7ou #ent as far as seriously in$uring the beautiful *rincess +anski,

#hen you shouldn’t ha0e e0en touched a strand of her hair! 2nother (echa 5ighter

student angrily stood up as #ell

"aiser and *urity looked confused 1hey thought, it #as ob0iously +anski #ho al%ost

killed +iola, and no one actually touched e0en a strand of hair It #as her o#n doing,

using up all her "i, and there #as nothing #rong #ith her other than not being able to

call forth her &ragon 2ura for a couple %onths

“If the principal hadn’t arri0ed in ti%e, *rincess +anski probably #ould’0e been defiled

by that bastard 'il0er (ask 2nother student cried in pain, as if it #as his #ife #ho #as

to be tarnished

“&efinitely sha%eless! I really #anted to, too )earing this, e0ery (echa 5ighter

student see%ed to ha0e an indescribable pain on their faces

1hen the first student #ho stood up yelled again “Gi0e us that bastard 'il0er (ask!

1hen all the (echa 5ighters started chanting the sa%e thing

 2t this ti%e, "aiser and the others turned to looked at +iola, #ho re%ained


1hey thought ‘This g& was >>0> li!el& to be still a virgin? It was more probable that(ans!i wold defile (iola"’ 

1he "night students %aintained their cold appearance and stared back at the (echa

5ighter students

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5inally, a Blue "night stood up, and said in a cold 0oice “1he internal %atters of the

'chool of "nights does not concern the 'chool of (echa 5ighters 2s for 'il0er (ask

breaking the code of chi0alry, #e #ill deal #ith hi% oursel0es

It #as probably better if so%ething like this #asn’t said, because as soon as it #as

%entioned, the (echa 5ighters beca%e e0en %ore enraged (ost of the% had already

pulled out their cannons and lightsabers

1he "nights #ouldn’t back do#n either, #ho took out their s#ords and shields 5or a

%o%ent, the tension #as e3tre%ely high, and #ith the sound of a cannon fro% the

(echa 5ighters, a huge battle raged on

“+iola, please! "aiser i%%ediately turned around and cried to +iola “*lease grab %e

so%e food in the %iddle of this battle I don’t ask for %uch, ten sand#iches #ould be


+iola turned around to lea0e, co%pletely ignoring "aiser "aiser #as stunned, and then

touched his nose and cried “*urity, breakfast

“+-+et’s go outside to eat *urity looked at the kni0es and chairs flying across the

cafeteria, she #as so scared that her body #as co%pletely stiff, let alone going in to

grab food

“Great! "aiser cheered, and hurriedly grabbed *urity and (einan to catch up #ith +iola,

#ho #as already outside


 2s they #alked, +iola and the others suddenly reali8ed a %ilitary for%ation #as in frontof the%, consisting of %ore than ten ed "nights, and there #as a Blue "night in the

%iddle of the% 1he person in the %iddle, #earing blue "night unifor% adorned #ith red

stripes, #as radiantly beautiful, and incredibly elegant 1his #as the fa%ous &ragon

:%pire *rincess, +anski

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‘She isn’t Anise…’  +iola quietly #alked around these "nights, not #anting to look at

+anski’s near-identical face to 2nise’s When they passed each other, a "night suddenly

stopped the% “'chool of 'orcery students

+iola and others stopped, and turned around to look at these "nights =ther than +iola’s

e3pressionless face, the other three appeared to ha0e innocent e3pression on their


"aiser, #ho #as the best at acting, asked in a tre%bling 0oice “'ir ed "night, is there

so%ething I can help you #ith?

“Is there anyone #ith gold eyes and black hair in the 'chool of 'orcery? 1he ed

"night asked as he looked at +iola’s black hair #ith suspecting eyes But #hen he sa#

+iola’s unique sil0er eyes, he fro#ned

 2nother ed "night asked i%patiently “Why bother asking the%? 'il0er (ask #ore

"night’s unifor%

“Wearing "night’s unifor% doesn’t necessarily %ean he’s a "night 1here is no 'il0er

"night, definitely no gold-eyed black-haired "night, and %ost definitely no "night that

#ould hurt *rincess +anski! 1he first ed "night yelled back

+anski, #ho had already #alked afar, suddenly stopped and turned around to look at

the% #ith her beautiful and cold eyes )er 0oice #as as cold and proud as her eyes

“I’0e already said, %y fight #ith 'il0er (ask #as honorable, and no one should fight hi%

in re0enge

1he ed "night hastily clarified “I $ust #ant an honorable duel #ith 'il0er (ask too,*rincess +anski, please don’t %isunderstand

+anski’s face see%ed a bit cal%er and nodded

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'he glanced at +iola and others, and #hen she sa# +iola, her eyes hesitated a bit But

#hen she sa# +iola’s sil0er eyes, she see%ed a bit disappointed, and looked a#ay fro%

+iola and the others

)er ears see%ed to be perking up, as if she #ere afraid that these 'orcery students

actually kne# about 'il0er (ask

1he ed "night asked again i%patiently “Is there any gold-eyed black-haired student in

'chool of 'orcery?

“4o, sir "night "aiser ans#ered honestly 1here #as genuinely no gold-eyed black-

haired student enrolled in the 'chool of 'orcery, e0en though it does ha0e 'il0er (ask

1he other ed "night interrupted again “'chool of 'orcery can’t possibly ha0e a strong

student, and definitely not so%eone #ho can beat the Blue "night, *rincess +anski 2s

he finished, he s%iled in satisfaction 'ince he con0eniently bragged about the *rincess

getting to Blue rank in the process, thinking that the *rincess #ould be fond of hi% for

doing so

+iola #as still e3pressionless, but "aiser and the others #eren’t so happy In fact, they

#ere the ones #ho sur0i0ed in the rank-2 7aron *lains, not to %ention the dangers they

had run into had far surpassed rank-2 1he "ing of &ragons, (iluo, #as so%eone #ho

%ade e0en the legendary *aladin +ancelot call for backup

+iola’s incredible strength didn’t need further %entioning *urity’s space %agic #asn’t

so%ething to be laughed at, either, e0en (iluo #as defeated by it

(einan’s protecti0e shield also blocked (iluo’s attacks 5inally, "aiser’s #hite bo%bs

#ere also po#erful If hits, e0en the toughest &ragon scale #ould rupture

 2ltogether, the four of the% actually possessed incredible strength, $ust that the t#o of

the% #ere still unstable #ith their %agic, so friendly fire #as a real danger a%ong the%

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'o hearing the ed "night looking do#n on the%, "aiser and the others felt quite

unhappy But they ob0iously #eren’t going to pick a fight #ith the 'chool of "nights ed


*urity #as afraid, "aiser didn’t #ant trouble, and (einan #as actually a friend of

another Blue "night there

“(einan 2 true Blue "night suddenly called out (einan’s na%e )er flo#ery bright

s%ile %ade e0eryone fond of her

J1A4 +anski had $ust recei0ed her Blue "night ranked, and therefore not counted as a

true’ Blue "nightK

(einan, too, s%iled “+ong ti%e no see, @as%ine

“I heard that you guys #ent to 7aron *lains for a %onth of #ilderness sur0i0al?

@as%ine suddenly asked 'he #as satisfied #hen she sa# the ed "nights in co%plete


@as%ine #ould ne0er let her friends’ reputations be tarnished, especially since she #as

fully a#are of ho# po#erful (einan’s protecti0e shields #ere

“'ure did! (einan s%iled )e kne# all too #ell #hy @as%ine asked, because he had

already told her about it before, there #as no other reason on #hy she #ould ask

'eeing the ed "nights’ faces change, the t#o looked at each other in satisfaction It

#asn’t until then, #hen @as%ine actually e3citedly asked her real question

“I heard that the *aladin appeared in 5reesia, and e0en fought #ith a Black &ragon

:0en the &ark "night #atched the% &id you guys see it?

“2bout that We sa# it fro% afar, but it #as too far to see clearly (einan hesitated,

and decided not to tell @as%ine the truth

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 2fter all, @as%ine #as close to +anski, so she could end up telling +anski the secret If

so%e day +anski co%es looking for +iola, then perhaps that day #ould be the day

(einan dies

@as%ine looked disappointed “'uch a sha%e It #ould be great if I could see the

*aladin and the &ark "night

'eeing her disappointed face, (einan al%ost told her e0erything about running into

Blood Wolf and +ancelot 5ortunately, "aiser opened his %outh in ti%e

“'igh, I’% really hungry, and #e ha0e to go to class soon +et’s go eat breakfast

@as%ine also suddenly #oke up fro% her fantasy, turned around and hurried +anski“+an, #e should hurry If #e don’t stop the% soon, #ho kno#s #hat the cafeteria %ight

turn into

+anski nodded, and %arched a#ay to#ards the cafeteria It #asn’t until then #hen +iola

looked directly in +anski’s direction, and felt a sense of sadness in his heart


)earing that 'il0er (ask #asn’t in the 'chool of 'orcery, +anski felt e%pty @ust thinking

of that sil0er %asked "night, %i3ed e%otions #ould appear in her eyes

=n one hand, 'il0er (ask #as the person #ho stole her 'acred White &ragon =n the

other hand, +anski couldn’t deny, he #as indeed char%ing his #hite unifor% suited hi%,

and his cold te%pera%ent #as attracti0e

When he #as fighting, his body #as %o0ing as if it #ere dancing in the air But #hat she

liked the %ost #as, #hen 'il0er (ask called her 2nise, she could see the #eakness in

his eyes

5ortunately, 2nise #as dead, +anski couldn’t help but think about her

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“+anski? +anski? @as%ine called for her se0eral ti%es #ithout getting a response 'he

sa# her preoccupied #ith so%ething, then blushed lightly, and then see%ed frustrated

@as%ine kne#, +anski #as definitely thinking about 'il0er (ask again @as%ine couldn’t

resist but said in %ischief “I heard that 'il0er (ask

+anski #as stunned, and hurriedly ask “'il0er (ask? 7ou kno# #ho 'il0er (ask is?

@as%ine sco#led “I don’t kno#

'he #aited until she sa# +anski’s disappoint%ent, and then she laughed out loud

“I heard that, #hen the *aladin #as fighting #ith the Black &ragon, people at 5reesia

sa# that 'il0er (ask appeared #ith the 'acred White &ragon

+anski couldn’t help but i%agine heroic appearance of 'il0er (ask in #hite "night

unifor% riding the 'acred White &ragon, and then pulled herself together and said

“Is it possible, for 'il0er (ask to be related to the *aladin?

“*robably )is #hite unifor% signifies that he probably is on the side of light *erhaps

he’s the apprentice of the *aladin? @as%ine guessed, and she felt she #as right on the


“=r perhaps 'il0er (ask #as 0isiting the principal on behalf of the *aladin? 1hat could

be #hy only the principal could find hi%, since 'il0er (ask isn’t a student of 2klan


“&efinitely possible! +anski %ur%ured as #ell 2fter all, she had ne0er heard of a 'il0er

"night in the 2cade%y

1hough she originally thought that 'il0er (ask %ight be hiding his strength, so he didn’t

#ear a 'il0er unifor% to school But after looking for so long, she couldn’t e0en find a

gold-eyed black-haired student

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1hough she didn’t think of it, but she couldn’t deny the possibility that 'il0er (ask %ay

not be a student at 2klan 2cade%y at all

1hen #here #ould she go to look for 'il0er (ask? +anski couldn’t help but feel a bit


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