kilkeel high school parents handbook · all students attending kilkeel high school are required to...

Post on 01-Nov-2019






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Kilkeel High School


A word of welcome from Mr W.D. Cunningham………………………………..2 Kilkeel High School Aims…………………………………………………………3 Kilkeel High School Mission Statement…………………………………………4 Pastoral Care Team……………………………………………………………….5 Who do I need to speak to?...........................................................................6 How do I make contact?................................................................................7 Student Rules and Expectations……………………………………………...…8

Punctuality..............................................................................................9 Preparation……………………………………………………………………11 Presentation…………………………………………………………………..12 Positive Behaviour…………………………………………………………...16 Property………………………………………………………………………..17 Premises……………………………………………………………………....18

Additional Information……………………………………………………………...19 Rules and responsibilities internet use…………………………………………..21 Detention…………………………………………………………………………….22 Letters and Mailings

Attendance Letter………………………………………………………………i Detention Information Sheet………………………………………………….ii Detention Letter………………………………………………………………..iii Punctuality Letter………………………………………………………………iv

Forms you may need to use School Fund…………………………………………………………………….i Absence Form………………………………………………………………….ii Signing Out Form………………………………………………………………ii Lunchtime Pass………………………………………………………………..iii

Policies Anti-bullying…………………………………………………………………….i Drugs and Drugs’ Education…………………………………………………v Child Protection………………………………………………………………..viii

A WORD OF WELCOME FROM MR W.D. CUNNINGHAM Dear Parents, Welcome to the first edition of our “Parents’ Handbook”, published to help strengthen the links between home and

school, between staff and parents. As staff, we have a mutual bond through your children, our pupils, and as we seek to do our BEST for them – for that is always our aim – we believe that a better understanding of our practices and procedures will assist us in our various roles and responsibilities.

In 2005 – 2006 we revised and updated our School Aims and Mission Statement and I am indebted to all staff, pupils,

governors and parents, for their input. I believe that, together, we have managed to incorporate within those aims all that is best for each of our pupils as we lead and guide them to take their places as young adults in the world of work which lies ahead but, equally important, in their own community all around them. I know that this is what you would want for your children also! ‘Creating opportunity, realising potential, developing individuals’ may be the business of the school but we will be so much more successful if we can work together, home AND school, to pursue these ideals for all.

Please use this Handbook as a guide to a better understanding of school procedures; if you feel there is anything here

which concerns you or if you wish further information, please contact me and let me know. I would appeal for your 100% support as we work with your children day by day to ensure that they receive their

entitlement and, eventually, reach their potential to be able to enjoy the success in life which they deserve. TOGETHER, we can make a difference for all our children! Thank you for all your support in the past and in anticipation of the future. Yours faithfully, W D Cunningham, Principal.


It is the aim of Kilkeel high School that our students will: •  Develop enquiring minds which will see learning as a lifelong experience. •  Achieve their full potential, irrespective of age, ability, race or gender. •  Develop the attitudes and skills that will enable them to take their place as

responsible citizens in an ever-changing world. •  Be self-disciplined and capable of making informed decisions,

independently and collaboratively. •  Take responsibility for their own physical well-being. •  Enjoy good relationships with peers and staff, caring for each other and

valuing the diversity that exists among us. •  Show courtesy and good manners, respecting themselves and others within

the school, the local community and the global environment.


To enable our students to fulfil these aims we will endeavour to: •  Provide a well-balanced, structured and challenging curriculum, supported by high

quality teaching, which will meet the learning needs of all.

•  Provide a supportive learning environment which cultivates self-esteem and enables students of all abilities to develop confidence, act with initiative and adopt positive attitudes towards themselves and others.

•  Ensure that the school is an orderly and disciplined community in which consideration for others, courtesy and good manners are encouraged and a positive attitude towards discipline, conduct and authority sustained.

•  Teach the importance of social responsibility and provide opportunities for students to show community spirit and environmental awareness.

•  Teach the benefits of exercise, good nutrition, hygiene and good health practices.

•  Develop effective two-way channels of communication and an active partnership between home, school and community.

•  Develop a culture of celebrating achievement in all its forms.


A Pastoral Care approach was introduced in the school in 1989. Since then the emphasis in student management has been to continue the development of a positive ethos with a view towards the on-going improvement in the quality of teaching and learning.

Pastoral Care comes into every aspect of school life and, because of this unique quality, it is seen as the accepted medium of creating, maintaining and developing good, appropriate relationships, whether teacher-teacher, teacher-student or student-student.

Our main aim, through Pastoral Care, is to run a school in which staff and students are secure, contented, informed and encouraged to achieve their best.

Key Stage Co-ordinators

Year Heads

Form Tutors

Board of Governors Chairman: Rev. W.


Principal Mr W.D. Cunningham

Vice Principal Mr V. Coert

Vice Principal Ms. R. Reilly

WHO DO I NEED TO SPEAK TO? To help you decide who to contact, a summary of the responsibilities of senior members of staff and key support staff is listed below. Principal: Mr W.D. Cunningham Vice Principals: Mr V. Coert Ms. R. Reilly Key Stage Co-ordinators: Mrs. N. Graham

Mr J. Bird Mr P. Harris

Year Heads Mrs C. McAtee (Year 8) Mr. G Howard (Year 9) Ms J. Roddy (Year 10) Mr A. Kincaid (Year 11) Mr I. Matthews (Year 12) Miss R. Taylor (Sixth Form)

FORM TUTOR The Form Tutor should be the first point of contact for both the student and parent; he/she has day-to-day responsibility for the welfare of your child, including attendance, punctuality, uniform and behaviour. YEAR HEAD The Year Head has overall responsibility for welfare and conduct of students within his/her year group. Year Heads are another point of contact and support parents, students and Form Tutors with ongoing or serious issues relating to students in their year.

KEY STAGE CO-ORDINATOR Each Key Stage Co-ordinator works closely with Year Heads and Vice-principals. He/She has responsibility for a number of year groups and plays an important role in dealing with lateness, signing in/out, detention and serious behaviour problems. He/She is a further point of contact regarding your child’s welfare. VICE-PRINCIPAL The Vice Principal in charge of pastoral care is responsible for co-ordinating issues relating to the welfare of your child. He works closely with Key Stage Co-ordinators, Year Heads and Form Tutors. The Vice Principal should only be contacted directly when a serious issue or emergency arises. PRINCIPAL The Headmaster has overall responsibility for the smooth running of the school including the welfare and conduct of your child. He will work closely with Vice Principals and all other staff. HOW DO I MAKE CONTACT? You can contact the appropriate member of the Pastoral Care Team by confidential note or by telephone call to the office. If you phone the school, it is unlikely the member of staff will be immediately available but he/she will return your call as soon as he/she is able. Please note the office staff are unable to make appointments for members of teaching staff. Address Kilkeel High School Telephone: 028 4176 2365

Knockchree Avenue 028 4176 2713 Kilkeel Fax: 028 4176 5038 County Down BT34 4BP Email:


PUNCTUALITY Students will arrive to school and class on time.

PREPARATION Students will always go to class with the correct equipment, homework and diary.

PRESENTATION Students’ class work, homework and coursework will be of the highest standard. Students will wear the full school uniform.

POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR At all times students will show respect for the views and rights of each member of the school community. Students will behave in a safe and orderly manner in the classroom and around school.

PROPERTY Students will not damage, deface or remove personal and school property.

PREMISES Students will stay in school at lunchtime unless they have a lunchtime pass. (A copy of this document will form part of your child’s induction in September and will be signed by both Student and Form Tutor)


We believe punctuality is a life skill, valued in the workplace. We expect our students to be self disciplined in their time keeping.

School starts with Registration at 8.50am The registration of students will be electronic. The attendance data enables us to follow patterns and trends in absence and to work more effectively in preventing truancy and casual absence. Students are expected to arrive in good time for lessons throughout the day. Lateness is monitored and persistent lateness dealt with. Absence from school must be explained on the day of return via a parental note. Pre prepared notes are available from your child's Form Tutor. Students who are on the late bus register must sign in at the office immediately on arrival. Students who need to leave school between 8:50am and 3:10pm (other than those who have permission to go home for lunch) must “sign out” at the general office between 8:50am and 9:15am on that morning. Permission from a member of the senior management team is needed. Students must use a Kilkeel High School signing out form. No student will be signed out on the strength of a telephone call to the school. Students may leave school if their parents call in person to collect them. Students must still “Sign Out” at the General Office.

A student who is ill in school must report to the General office. If it is in his/her best interests to go home, the general office will telephone home to make arrangements. When these are completed the student must sign out before leaving school. Students must not telephone home to report they are ill. Students may, in an emergency, get special permission to “sign out” from Mr Cunningham, Mr Kirker or Mr Barton.

Name_________________________________Form class_______________ Time signing out____________Time signing in (if appropriate) ____________ Reason For Signing Out:- Medical/Dental Other Exceptional circumstances If other please provide brief details:- ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Name of parent / guardian (printed) _________________________________ Signature of parent / guardian _____________________________________ Mobile or home contact number for check ____________________________ Signature of senior teacher _______________________________________



We believe that organisation is an important skill and that students should learn to be prepared for each school day.

Students should come to school with a bag containing the materials and equipment required for each class or activity. This would normally include: Pens ruler books pencils diary homework(s). calculator But on certain days may involve:

• P.E. or Games kit • Home Economics’ ingredients • Art and Design work

Please ensure that your child comes to school suitably equipped for each class or activity.


We believe a positive self image is very important, helping to build self esteem and contributing to the overall development of our students. We also believe students

should complete class and homework to the highest standard possible.

All students attending Kilkeel High School are required to wear uniform. A full list of uniform and suppliers’ details is given below. Whilst fully appreciating the initial cost of school uniform, we feel that it solves several problems. It provides a smart outfit for five days of the week and helps ensure that no child need look richer, poorer, smarter or shabbier than another. It also helps avoid the distraction of a ‘fashion parade’ in school. Uniform helps us establish a ‘corporate identity’ for the school and encourages students to take pride in that identity. The uniform is generally modelled on smart business wear and encourages students to take themselves and their occupation as students, seriously. We do ask and expect parents to support us in the detail as well as the principle of school uniform. We need your support in maintaining high standards. We believe that rather than a long list of negatives regarding dress and behaviour, the following requirements would be helpful to you: • The uniform should be worn without additions, alterations or deviations. • Girls skirts should be an appropriate length. Short skirts are not acceptable in terms of either practicality or modesty • Shoes should be plain black, low-heeled and comfortable. For reasons of safety students should not wear peep-toed or open-backed shoes or sandals. • BLACK TRAINERS are NOT an acceptable alternative to shoes, nor black jeans for smart, black trousers. Hats/caps and hooded/tracksuit tops are not part of the school uniform and are not permitted.

• Jewellery is inappropriate with uniform and should not be worn apart from:

▪One small, plain stud in the lobe of each ear.

▪Obvious and heavy makeup and coloured nail varnish are not acceptable.

▪Hair should be clean and neat. Long hair must be tied back when practical work is being done e.g. in Science, Technology, Home Economics and PE.

We are aware that outdoor coats are expensive and are worn on many more occasions than school. We would ask parents to ensure that whatever type and style of coat is bought, it is appropriate for school use and will look smart worn over school uniform. Outdoor coats must not be worn in the corridors or in classrooms.


• Maroon skirt (A-lined or gored) • Grey blouse • Maroon pullover • School tie • Grey knee socks or grey/black woollen tights permissible in winter • Black shoes


• Black trousers • Grey shirt • Maroon pullover • School tie • Grey socks • Black shoes Black shoes

The Physical Education department requires full kit to be worn at all times


Physical Education & Games • Polo shirt (sky blue) • Tracksuit bottoms or jogging bottoms (black) • Short socks (white) • Football boots • Hockey, rugby, football socks (maroon) • Gym shoes • Shorts (black) • Towel • Extra pullover or sweat top (maroon) • Swimming trunks. • Optional • Rugby/Hockey shirt (school colours)

Physical Education & Games • Polo shirt (sky blue) • Tracksuit bottoms or jogging bottoms (black) • Ankle socks (white) • Training shoes (no baseball boots/fashion shoes) • Hockey socks (maroon) • Maroon pants • Maroon wrap-over skirt • Towel • Extra pullover or sweat top (maroon) • Swim suit • Optional • Black athletic shorts for athletics or cross-country • Astro-turf shoes

Uniform stockists: Forsythe’s (Kilkeel) Holmes’ (Kilkeel and Annalong) Murphy’s (Kilkeel) Something Special (Kilkeel) Trendy Kids (Kilkeel) Annett’s (Newcastle)


We believe students should complete class and homework to the highest standard possible.

CLASSWORK Students should listen to and follow the teacher's instructions making the necessary effort to complete tasks. HOMEWORK All students are expected to complete set homework on time as detailed in the homework timetable; we regard it as an extension of what is done in school. Your child should record his/her homework in his/her diary, which we would encourage you to monitor and sign. Your child's class work, homework and/or coursework should be of the highest standard possible.


We believe that all students should behave in a responsible manner both in regard to themselves and to others, showing consideration,

courtesy and respect for other people and property at all times. Students are expected to co-operate with staff by following all instructions given to them. Students are expected to behave in a safe and controlled manner at all times. Students should show courtesy and good manners, respecting themselves and others. Students must not use offensive, abusive or vulgar language in school; it will NOT be tolerated. Students should apply themselves to given tasks, working to the best of their ability at all times.


We believe the school forms an important part of the local community and therefore students should value the premises, treating school equipment and

buildings with respect. We urge parents NOT to allow students to bring a mobile phone into school. In exceptional circumstances, e.g. school organised trip, they MUST be left into the General Office. Valuable items including electronic equipment like portable music players should not be brought to school. Students should treat all areas of the school buildings and equipment with respect. All clothing and personal possessions should be clearly labelled with the owner’s name. Damaging or defacing school property or another person’s property is a serious offence and will not be tolerated. Such instances will be dealt with severely.

Kilkeel High School will not be held responsible for the loss or damage of personal property brought to school.


We believe that our students should be properly supervised at all times. In order to facilitate this some areas of the school are out of grounds

during certain times of the day. Students must NOT leave the school grounds at break time. Only students in possession of a lunchtime pass may leave the grounds at lunchtime to go home for lunch. A completed form accompanied with a signed passport photograph, detailing where they are going home for lunch, must be sent to school before a home lunch pass is issued. Students must not leave school without permission, which should be obtained as described under ‘punctuality’.


1.  SCHOOL FUND All parents / guardians are invited to make a contribution to the finances of the school, on

a yearly basis. We would appreciate it if you would arrange to sent in £12.00 for the first child and £6.00 for each additional child, each September.

Without this help, K.H.S. would not be able to subsidise our student trips, activities,

sporting events etc. A receipt will be issued for all monies received. Please complete the document provided and make cheques payable to ‘Kilkeel High

School’. 2. PARENTS MEETING / EVENTS K.H.S. believes that relationships between home and school are very important. With this

in mind we strongly encourage you to attend all relevant parent / teacher meetings. On occasions, throughout the year, informal social evenings / events will be arranged and we would welcome your attendance and appreciate your support when these occur.

3. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES We ask you to encourage your child to take part in as many extra-curricular activities as possible. In K.H.S. we are able to offer our students a wide variety of clubs, societies, music and sporting events throughout the year. As a school, we feel it is very important for students and staff to meet and work together outside the classroom. 4. TRIPS AND VISITS Tutorial groups and whole year trips are regularly organised by our Pastoral Care Teams. These are often subsidised by school fund and centred on social activities e.g. ice-skating, bowling, theatre concerts etc. Once again, please encourage your child to join in and take advantage of all our out of school events which are organised by staff, for his / her benefit.


The school has computers with internet access to help our learning. These rules will keep you safe and help us be fair to others. • Students will only access the system with their own login and password, which they will keep secret.

• Students will not access others’ files.

• Students will use the computers for school work and homework or as alternatively directed by the teacher

• Students must ask permission from a member of staff before using the Internet.

• Students will only E-mail people they know, or others with their teacher’s approval.

• The messages students send must be polite and responsible.

• Students must not give their home address or telephone number, or arrange to meet someone, unless their parent, carer or teacher has given permission.

• Students should report any unpleasant material or messages sent to them. Students must understand this report would be confidential and would help protect other students and themselves.

• Students must realise that the school will check their computer files and will monitor Internet sites visited.

DETENTION Normal school detention is given for serious incidents of unacceptable behaviour or when extra work / copy exercise is not completed. It takes place for 1 hour after school on Wednesday and Thursday. Extra detention is given by the school’s management, Year Heads or above, for incidents referred to them. It takes place for 1 hour after school on Tuesday and Friday. In all cases letters are sent home, informing parents, well in advance of the date of the detention. Detention is a serious sanction. Failure to complete it may result in Internal suspension.


School Fund……………………………………………………….i Absence Form…………………………………………………….ii Signing Out Form…………………………………………………ii Lunchtime Pass…………………………………………………..iii

Please find enclosed a cheque for _______________ (£12.00 for first child and £8.00 for each additional child). Student name(s)____________________________________________ Class (s) __________________________________________________ Signed ___________________________________________________ Date_____________________________________________________ Thank you for your contribution to KHS school fund. Form Tutor________________________________________________ Date _____________________________________________________



(Name)______________________________ of class ______________ was absent from school on ____________________________________ because Medical/Dental Other exceptional circumstances If other please provide brief details:- ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name of parent / guardian (printed) __________________________________ Signature of parent / guardian ______________________________________ Mobile or home contact number for check _____________________________ Signature of form tutor ____________________________________________


Name___________________________Form class_______________ Time signing out_______Time signing in (if appropriate) ___________ Reason For Signing Out:- Medical/Dental Other Exceptional circumstances If other please provide brief details:- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name of parent / guardian (printed) ___________________________ Signature of parent / guardian _______________________________ Mobile or home contact number for check ______________________ Signature of senior teacher __________________________________

Date: Sept 2012 Dear Parent / Guardian In the interests of the safety of our students it is a school rule that no student leaves the school grounds at break-time, and only those with parental permission leave at lunchtime. In order that we may effectively supervise our students at lunchtime we are asking parents / guardians of students who go home * for lunch to confirm that this is normal practice by completing the Reply Slip below. The completed document should be given to the student’s Form Tutor. In return, the students will receive, from a Vice-Principal, a Home Lunch Pass, valid for one school year, which should be carried at all times. Please note that a current passport photograph is required as a means of identification. This student photograph will form part of the home lunch pass. *If a student intends to go regularly to another adult apart from yourself at lunchtime, please indicate name, relationship to student, address and a contactable number on the Reply Slip. Yours faithfully, WD Cunningham Principal



Student’s Name ___________________________________ Form __________ I, as a Parent / Guardian of the above student, request that he / she be issued with a Home Lunch Pass for the school year 2006 / 2007 I confirm that he / she comes home* for lunch. Parent / Guardian __________________________(Signature)Date__________ The school reserves the right to contact the home to check validity of signatures. Home Address ___________________________________________________ Contact number___________________________________________________

* Alternative address for lunch _______________________________________ Contact number__________________________________________________ Name of supervising adult__________________________________________ Relationship of adult to above student ________________________________


Attendance……………………………………………………………..i Punctuality……………………………………………………………..ii Smoking………………………………………………………………..iii

ATTENDANCE Date____/____/____ Name of Student_____________________________________ Form________ Dear__________________________ Good attendance at school is vital if your son/daughter is to achieve his/her full potential. School records show that your son/daughter has missed ______ days since the start of the current school year without any explanation being given for the absences. If there are legitimate reasons for the absences, I would be grateful if you could inform the school as soon as possible. Should his/her attendance continue to cause concern I will be obliged to refer the matter to the Year Head who will contact the Education and Welfare Service. Yours sincerely, _____________________________________Form Tutor

PUNCTUALITY Date____/____/____ Name of Student_____________________________________ Form________ Dear________________________________ Punctuality is an important part of self discipline and is essential to good time management. Arriving late to school means lessons are interrupted and vital time is missed. Since the start of the school year_________________has been late to school on _______ occasions without providing a legitimate reason. Any further lateness this term will result in me having to apply a relevant sanction to reinforce the school’s position. If there are legitimate reasons why your son/daughter has been late I would be grateful if you could inform the school as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, _____________________________________Year Head

SMOKING Date __/__/__ Name of student ___________________________ Form _______ Dear______________________________ As _______________ Form Tutor, I am responsible for all aspects of his/her well-being whilst on school premises. I am sorry to have to report that ______________has been discovered smoking / in the company of smokers (please delete) during school hours. As you can appreciate, we feel that you need to be aware of this fact and rather than issue a punishment, we would prefer to ask you and your son/daughter to take some time together to read and discuss the enclosed leaflet. It gives some very useful information on the obvious dangers of smoking and contains important phone numbers of out-side agencies which you may wish to contact to give your child the help and support that he/she needs at this time. I am sure you agree that smoking is one aspect of the adult world that we do not want our students to experience and we hope that by working together, we can quickly eliminate this problem. Of course, if _________ persists in breaking our “No Smoking” policy in school, then we have no choice but to apply appropriate sanctions. Thank you, in advance, for your practical support in this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact school if you wish to speak to me on this or any other pastoral care issue. Yours sincerely,

ANTI-BULLYING POLICY N.B. The full School Policy is available in school

General Principles Bullying affects everyone, not just the bullies and the victims. It also affects those other children who watch, and less aggressive students can be drawn in by group pressure. Bullying is not an inevitable part of school life, nor is it a necessary part of growing up, and it rarely sorts itself out. It is clear that certain jokes, insults, intimidating/threatening behaviour, written abuse and violence are to be found in our society. No one person or group, whether staff or student, should have to accept this type of behaviour. Only when all issues of bullying are addressed, will a child best be able to benefit from the opportunities available at the School. The School believes that its students have the right to learn in a safe and pleasant environment without the fear of being bullied. All institutions, both large and small, contain some numbers of students with the potential for bullying behaviour. If a school is well disciplined and organised, it can minimise the occurrence of bullying. As part of its PSHE programme the school includes lessons which make it clear that bullying is a form of anti-social behaviour: it is WRONG and will not be tolerated. Bullying can occur through several types of anti-social behaviour:- • PHYSICAL A student can be physically punched, kicked, hit, spat at, etc. • VERBAL Verbal abuse can take the form of name calling. It may be directed towards gender, ethnic origin, physical/social disability, or personality, etc.

•  EXCLUSION A child can be bullied simply by being excluded from discussions/activities, by those he/she believes to

be his/her friends. •  DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OR THEFT Students may have their property damaged or stolen. Physical threats may be used by the bully in

order that the student hand over property to them. What should a student do if he/she is being bullied? (Remember that silence is the bully's greatest weapon!) a)  Generally it is best to tell your parents, a teacher or another adult you trust, straight away. You will

get immediate support.

b)  Tell yourself that you do not deserve to be bullied, and that it is WRONG!

c)  Be proud of who you are. It is good to be individual.

d)  Try not to show that you are upset. It is hard but a bully thrives on someone’s fear.

e)  Stay with a group of friends/people. There is safety in numbers.

f)  Be assertive - shout "No!" Walk confidently away. Go straight to a teacher or member of staff.

g)  Fighting back may make things worse. If you decide to fight back, talk to a teacher or parent/guardian first.

Teachers will take you seriously and will deal with bullies in a way which will end the bullying and will

not make things worse for you.

What should a student do if he/she knows someone is being bullied? a) TAKE ACTION! Watching and doing nothing looks as if you are on the side of

the bully. It makes the victim feel more unhappy and on his/her own. b) If you feel you cannot get involved, tell an adult IMMEDIATELY. Teachers have

ways of dealing with the bully without getting you into trouble. c)  Do not be, or pretend to be, friends with a bully. What should a parent do if she suspects her child is being bullied? a) Look for unusual behaviour in your children. For example, they may suddenly

not wish to attend school, feel ill regularly, or not complete work to their normal standard.

b) Always take an active role in your child’s education. Enquire how their day has gone, who they have spent their time with, how lunch time was spent etc.

c) If you feel your child may be a victim of bullying behaviour, inform the School IMMEDIATELY. Your complaint will be taken seriously and appropriate action will follow.

d) It is important that you advise your child not to fight back. It can make matters worse!

e) Tell your own son or daughter there is nothing wrong with him or her. It is not his or her fault that they are being bullied.

f) Make sure your child is fully aware of the School policy concerning bullying, and that they will not be afraid to ask for help.

What the school will do to avoid bullying? a) Have a school rule forbidding bullying and pointing out the consequences a bully faces b) Organise the community in order to minimise opportunities for bullying, e.g. provide suitable

supervision at problem times. c) Use any opportunity to discuss aspects of bullying, and the appropriate way to behave towards

each other, e.g. the PSHE programme. d) Deal quickly, firmly and fairly with any complaints, involving parents where necessary. e) Review the School Policy and its degree of success. f) The School Staff will continue to have a firm but fair discipline structure. The rules should be few,

simple and easy to understand. g) Not use teaching materials or equipment which give a bad or negative view of any group because

of their ethnic origin, sex, etc. h) Encourage students to discuss how they get on with other people and to form positive attitudes

towards other people. This includes a review of what friendship really is. i) Encourage students to treat everyone with respect. j)  We will treat bullying as a serious offence and take every possible action to eradicate it from our

School. Disciplinary steps 1.  Students found to be bullying will be warned officially to stop offending. 2.  Parents/guardians of students found to be bullying will be informed. 3.  Where the incidence of bullying is serious, or the student continues to offend, he/she will be dealt

with by senior staff and will face appropriate consequences. 4.  If a student, found to be bullying, continues to offend, he/she will face suspension. 5.  If he/she will not end such behaviour, he/she will be recommended for permanent exclusion


DRUGS’ AND DRUGS EDUCATION POLICY N.B. The full School Policy is available in school.

General Principles Kilkeel High School utterly opposes the misuse of drugs by members of the school as well as the illegal supply of such substances to or by anyone connected with the school community. As a school we are committed to the health and safety of all our members and will take the necessary action to safeguard their well-being. We acknowledge the importance of our pastoral role in the welfare of young people and, through the general ethos of the school in addition to our Drugs’ Education Programme, will seek to inform and educate our students in the consequences of drug use and misuse. We take a pro-active stance on this matter, believing that Health Education is a vital part of the Personal and Social Education of every student. Fundamental to our school’s values and practice is the important principle of sharing the responsibility for the education of young people with parents and guardians; we will, therefore, keep them informed and involved at all times. The school will actively co-operate and liaise with locally based community initiatives, the PSNI Community Liaison Team, Social Services, SELB and the Health and Drug Agencies in order to deliver its commitment to Drugs’ Education and to deal with incidents of substance use and misuse.

Aims The school’s overall aim encompasses TWO main areas: 1.  PREVENTION Through the Drugs’ Education Programme, we aim to : •  minimise the number of young people in the school who ever engage in drugs’ misuse; •  persuade our young people to resist experimentation, or, if already experimenting with or

misusing drugs, to stop; •  encourage any who do experiment regularly to seek help and support and, eventually, to

persuade them to stop.

2.  PROTECTION Through the Drugs’ Education Programme, we aim to help our young people by : •  providing accurate and up-to-date information on drugs and their effects on health, and on

the risks and legal aspects of drug-taking so that they will be enabled to distinguish fact from myth;

•  introducing opportunities to enhance the young people’s self-respect, personal competence and self-esteem by encouraging the development of : - positive attitudes and behaviours towards themselves as well as in their social relationships with others; - skills and behaviours which enable them to communicate effectively, assert themselves, take responsible decisions, identify risks, help others and resist pressures and influences which might lead them to participate in activities which could have serious consequences for their health and well-being;

- an understanding of the varying attitudes, values and perspectives which exist towards drug-related issues and so enable them to

reach an informed personal viewpoint. At all times we will endeavour to ensure progression and continuity in the knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and values addressed. The specific content, the depth of treatment, the strategies and the activities included will be, as far as possible, matched to the age, maturity and circumstances of our young people. Curriculum Our AIMS will be fulfilled through aspects of the students’ experiences in the taught curriculum, the informal curriculum and through opportunities for extra-curricular activities. The Drugs’ Education Programme will be delivered in the taught curriculum mainly through Personal, Social and Health Education, Science, Religious Studies, Home Economics, Physical Education and English (as directed by the Programmes of Study and the Northern Ireland Curriculum), but further opportunities to reinforce learning will occur in other areas of the teaching programme. Sanctions Any student found to be involved with drugs will face at least suspension with detailed reports being sent, not only to the PSNI, but also to all relevant outside agencies.

CHILD PROTECTION POLICY (N.B. The full School Policy is available in school)

General Principles We in Kilkeel High School have a primary responsibility for the care, welfare and safety of the students in our charge, valuing individuals for their unique talents and abilities. We will carry out this duty through our Pastoral Care Policy which aims to provide a caring, supportive and safe environment in which all students can learn and develop to their full potential. One way in which we seek to protect our students is by helping them learn about the risks of possible abuse and helping them to recognise unwelcome behaviour in others so that they acquire the confidence and skills necessary to keep themselves safe. The staff of our school have adopted Codes of Practice in respect of their behaviour towards students and they have been issued with guidelines on the use of ‘reasonable force’ where other behaviour management strategies have failed. The purpose of the Child Protection Policy is to protect our students by ensuring that everyone who works in our school, both teaching and non teaching staff, has clear guidance on the action which is required where abuse (be it physical, sexual, or emotional), or neglect of a child is suspected. Procedures for Reporting Suspected ( or Disclosed) Child Abuse The Designated Teacher for Child Protection is Mr M Barton, Vice-Principal in charge of Pastoral Care. In his absence Mr D Cunningham, Principal, will assume responsibility for Child Protection matters. If a child makes a disclosure to a teacher, or other member of staff, which gives rise to concerns about possible abuse, or if a member of staff has

concerns about a child, the member of staff must report promptly to the Designated Teacher without any further investigation. Full notes will be made of all relevant details and discussion. The Designated Teacher will discuss the matter with the Principal to plan a course of action and ensure that a written record is made in accordance with SELB guidelines. The Principal may seek clarification or advice in consultation with the Education and Welfare Officer, the Senior Social Worker and / or the SELB’s Designated Officer before a referral is effected. The Principal, after due consideration, will decide whether, in the best interests of the child, the matter needs to be formally referred to Social Services and the SELB’s Designated Officer for Child Protection. The safety of the child is our first priority. It should be noted that information given to members of staff about possible child abuse can not be held ‘in confidence’. In the interests of the child staff may need to share this information with other professionals in accordance with the SELB Child Protection Procedures.

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