kids incorporated

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Kids Incorporated


    Kids Incorporated

    Corporate Sponsor

    Season 1

    Written by

    Preetom Bhattacherjea

    Twitter: @PreetomB


  • 8/10/2019 Kids Incorporated




    Kids Incorporated sings Freedom by Wham! GLORIA, MICKEY,RENEE, THE KID, and STACY take their bows and walk to the

    dining area next to the dance floor while high-fivingrepeatedly.

    RENEEThat was great, guys!

    MICKEYYeah, good job everyone!

    GLORIAThat might have been one of our bestperformances yet!

    THE KIDYou guys want to high-five some more?

    STACYFor sure!

    RILEY enters from a back room and stands behind the bar.

    RILEY(to the kids)

    Hey, someone was asking about you guyswhile you were on stage. Seemed like

    he meant business.RENEE

    Really? Where is he?

    MR. OLEARY is sitting by himself at a nearby table checkinghis watch.

    GLORIADoes anyone know what he wants?

    STACYI didnt do anything wrong, I swear


    Mr. OLeary notices the kids after Stacys shrill voicepervades his ear canals.

    MR. OLEARYOh, hey there! Didnt see you come offstage. I have to say, you were reallysomething.

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    MICKEYThanks Mister, weve been practicingreal hard.


    No need to be so formal. Call me Mr.OLeary, Mickey.

    MICKEYWow, he knows my name!

    MR. OLEARYOf course I do, I know all of yournames. Youre making quite some noiseout there, all the kids are talkingabout Kids Incorporated.


    Wow, I had no idea.

    STACYI bet you dont know my name.

    Mr. OLeary ignores Stacy completely.

    MR. OLEARYYou betcha. And I think its abouttime you guys were rewarded for all ofyour hard work.

    The kids look at each other wide-eyed and giggle.GLORIA

    Whatd you have in mind Mr. OLeary?

    MR. OLEARYHow would you feel about going to themall and being able to buy whateveroutfit you wanted?

    GLORIAThat would be super!

    MR. OLEARYAnd for the others, candy galore. Moremalteds than you can drink. Maybe wecan even get you a new weird hat, TheKid.

    THE KIDAlrighhhhht.

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    MR. OLEARYWhy do they call you that, anyway?

    THE KIDEveryone refuses to call me by my real


    Mickey pushes The Kid aside so he can better speak to Mr.OLeary.

    MICKEYHold on a second, The Kid. This allsounds well and good, but whats in itfor you, Mr. OLeary?

    MR. OLEARYIm glad you brought that up. You guysget all that cool stuff, and all you

    have to do is wear some cool shirtswhile youre on stage.

    RENEEThat doesnt sound so bad, are theshirts really that cool?

    MR. OLEARYThe coolest. Now lets get a round ofmalteds, on me.

    Mr. OLeary and the kids walk up to the counter, where Riley

    is wiping the bar.MR. OLEARY (CONT'D)

    A round of malteds for me and my fivenew friends, my good man.

    RILEYComing right up.

    Riley gives the kids their drinks. A phone starts ringing andMr. OLeary pulls out his gigantic cell phone.


    Whats that? Some kind of new toy?

    MR. OLEARYThis? Its called a cellular phone. Ican make a phone call from wherever Iam. Maybe youll have one someday.

    Mr. OLeary turns around and begins speaking to someone onhis phone.

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    MR. OLEARY (CONT'D)(on phone)

    Listen, I dont care what they said.They told me theyd wear them sotheyre wearing them. JUST MAKE IT


    Riley huddles the kids together at the counter.

    RILEYHey guys, do you really think youshould trust this guy?

    MICKEYYeah, why not? He really likes ourmusic, he wants to give us money, andhes even going to give us fresh newclothes to wear on stage.

    RILEYI dont know, something just rubs methe wrong way. Listen to the way hetalks to people on his phone. Whywould anyone even need to have theirown phone with them all the time?

    GLORIAHe seems like a smart guy to me. Maybeyou could learn a thing or two fromhim.

    Mr. OLeary begins walking back over to the group.

    RILEY(in a hushed voice)

    All Im saying is... be careful.

    A hand slaps against the counter and everyone looks over atMr. OLeary, startled.

    MR. OLEARYSo, what are we talking about?

    RILEYN-nothing. Just telling them how luckythey are that someone took interest intheir work.

    MR. OLEARYNow, you see kids - Im going to giveyou your very first lesson on makingit big.

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    The second someone sees you doing wellfor yourself, that mean, green monstercalled jealousy pokes its head out.

    RILEYI wasnt saying anything bad, honest.

    MR. OLEARYPeople like this dont want you tohave nice things, they want to see youfail.

    RENEEBut why would Riley want that? Hesour friend.

    MR. OLEARYUnfortunately, money brings out theworst in other people. Even the ones

    you thought were your friends.

    STACYRiley, is what Mr. OLeary sayingtrue?

    RILEYNo, of course not. If youre happy,Im happy.

    MR. OLEARYSo how much have you been paying Kids

    Incorporated for all the times theyveperformed here, drumming up businessfor you?

    RILEYW-Well, I havent, we just dont havethe budget right now.

    MR. OLEARYThere you have it, kiddos. And allthis time he pretended he was yourfriend.

    RILEYGuys, wait.

    GLORIARiley, you disgust me.

    STACYI hope you rot.

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    Youre up for your next number.

    Kids Inc. perform Jealousy by Club Noveau. Mario Lopez

    plays a fifteen minute drum solo and then dances for anadditional seven minutes to no music.


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    Kids Inc. is in the dining area, decked out in newsunglasses, backwards hats, and awesome windbreakers. Renee,

    Stacy, and Gloria are at a table talking, while The Kid andMickey are leaning on the counter with their backs to Riley.Theyre all acting with a glamorous nonchalance.

    MICKEY(still not looking back)

    Two more malteds, Riley. And make themstrawberry this time. Im feelingadventurous.

    STACYA handful of gummy bears would reallyhit the spot right about now.

    MICKEYAnd some gummy bears for the lady.

    Riley sighs disappointedly. Mr. OLeary appears by thecounter. He is holding a bag.

    MR. OLEARYYou heard the man, Riley. Better getyour act together before I buy thisplace and youre out on the street.

    RILEYRight away, sir. Right away.

    THE KIDLife is sweet, I hope I never have togo back to being poor, like Riley.

    MR. OLEARY(laughing)

    I dont think any of us want that.

    Riley looks down at his toes and continues making themalteds.

    MICKEYSo whats up, Mr. OLeary?

    MR. OLEARYNothing much, I cant help but noticehow cool you guys look. My kids havejust been begging me for yourautographs.

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    THE KIDYeah, we went on a little shoppingtrip to celebrate.


    Glad to hear it. You earned it,remember that. I wanted to show youguys something, why dont we join thegirls there at the table.

    Mr. OLeary walks over and sits in an open seat with thegirls. Mickey and The Kid pull up chairs.

    MR. OLEARY (CONT'D)Hey girls, whats happening?

    STACYWe were all talking about how when

    were rich and old enough to go...

    MR. OLEARYYeah okay, thats great. Guys, Ivebeen pretty good to you, wouldnt yousay?


    RENEEThe best.

    THE KIDI wish you were my dad.

    MR. OLEARYSo youd say its fair that I start toget a little taste of my end of ourbusiness deal, wouldnt you?

    RENEEYeah, of course!


    Anything, Mr. OLeary. Im sure youhave some kickin stuff for us towear.

    MR. OLEARYThats what I like to hear. Thats thetype of attitude thats going toskyrocket you into fame.

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    Mr. OLeary reaches into his bag and starts passing out T-shirts.

    MR. OLEARY (CONT'D)Im going to need you guys to wear

    these for your next few performances.Theyre a great new brand and theyregoing to be in supermarkets across thecountry soon.

    The Kid holds up his T-shirt to reveal that the front of theshirt has a cartoon soiled diaper with bulging eyes and alarge smile. Below the image it says Butt Hankies.

    THE KIDButt Hankies? You want us to wearshirts with diapers on them? In frontof all our friends and fans?

    MR. OLEARYListen, kid. It doesnt matter whatthe product is, they could be monsterboogers.

    KIDS INC.Ewwwwwwwwww!

    MR. OLEARYPeople care about you. What you thinkis hip, theyll think is hip. Soon

    everyone you know will be wearingthese things. As a matter of fact, Ihave to go change mine now.

    Mr. OLeary exits.

    GLORIAI guess we dont really have a choice,we did make an agreement.

    RENEEYeah, lets go get changed. Werealmost on.

    Kids Inc. gets on stage wearing their new T-shirts. Theybegin to perform Money by Pink Floyd, but only get 30seconds in before everyone in the audience begins laughing atthem. They run offstage and past a confused Mr. OLeary.

    MR. OLEARYHey, what happened. You guys betterget back up there right now!

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    STACYShove it, OLeary.

    MR. OLEARY(yelling toward the counter)

    Riley, theyre cut off! Theyre allcut off! No more shakes, bakes, orcakes!


    Kids Inc. Take seats on a bench.

    THE KIDThis bites, big time.

    RENEEMega big time.

    Kids Inc. begin singing a song.

    RENEE (CONT'D)How did things come to be this way?All I wanted was to sing and play

    THE KIDIt was all so simple yesterdaySunny skies, not a sign of gray


    But now things are so complicatedMaybe all this money is overrated

    STACYWe should have just stuck to the musicanywayyyyy

    RENEEAll the tensions made me wearyThe sugar high made us think unclearlyLeaving the stage will cost us dearlyNever should have trusted Mr. OLeary

    STACYI thought itd all be fame and moneyInstead were hocking hankies thathold poo and pee

    THE KIDI thought itd be new hats and coolvests

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    Instead Ive got a creepy diaper on mychest

    MICKEY(to the others)

    Dont you guys think youre

    overreacting a little bit? Its not sohorrible right?

    The rest of the kids give him strange and dirty looks.


    MICKEYWell, now that Ive been told whatsbeen going on is badIm glad Mr. OLeary isnt my dadSomebody please tell me what else to


    STACYWe should have just. Stuck. To themusiiiiic. Anywaaaaaaay.

    The song ends and Kids Inc. get up off of their bench.


    The kids are now in their regular clothes. They approach Mr.OLeary, The Kid taps him on the shoulder.

    THE KIDMr. OLeary?

    Mr. OLeary turns around.

    MR. OLEARYYes? Oh. Its you.

    RENEEWe need to talk to you.


    What is there to talk about? We had adeal, and you guys didnt hold up yourend.

    STACYWell your deal isnt any kind that wewant to be a part of.

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    Gloria hands all the cool clothes that Kids Inc. bought usingMr. OLearys money back over to him.

    MR. OLEARYThats your choice. I could get mad, I

    could sue you five into the stone age.But I wont. What I will do is wash myhands of you.

    Mr. OLearys cell phone rings. He answers and walks away.

    GLORIAThat was much easier than I thoughtitd be.

    MICKEYYeah, but I cant help but feel badabout the whole situation.

    RENEEDo you really want to wear Butt Hankyshirts for the rest of your life.

    MICKEYI guess not.

    THE KIDMan, Im wiped out.


    Me too. Why dont you guys have a seatand Ill grab us some shakes.

    GLORIAThanks Mickey!

    Gloria, The Kid, Renee, and Stacy take a seat at a table,Mickey walks up to the counter. Riley is behind the countermopping.

    MICKEYHey Riley.

    Riley stops mopping.

    RILEYHeard what happened with your businessdeal. Sorry things didnt work out.

    MICKEYIt was just too good to be true.

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    RILEYReally makes you think about how youtreat the people that are already inyour life, right?


    Hm... not particularly

    Riley shakes his head in disappointment.

    RILEYSo what can I get you?

    MICKEYWere in a pretty lousy mood. Howabout five shakes, some sour balls,some lickety-splits, and throw in a

    few wet wazzles.

    RILEYYou got it. Thatll be 17 dollars and63 cents.


    We... dont pay for things.

    RILEYMr. OLeary was covering your tab, he

    told me to cut you guys off.MICKEY

    Shoot, Ill be right back.

    Mickey walks over to the table where the other four aresitting.

    MICKEY (CONT'D)Hey, does anyone have any cash? Weneed to pay Riley for our shakes.


    Oh no, thats right, no more freegoodies now that Mr. OLearys gone.

    RENEEWe spent all our money on thoseclothes, what are we going to do?

    The four kids at the table put their faces in their hands.Mickey looks up at the ceiling, like a real dumb-guy.

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    STACYWe really got ourselves in a picklehere.


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    Kids Inc. is sitting at a table. Each chair is facing adifferent direction and each kid is splayed out, melting into

    their seat.

    RENEEWhat are we going to do?

    GLORIAWell have to go back to how thingswere before.

    STACYIm used to having nice things now, Icant go back to living like otherpeople. Just the thought of it gives

    me the pricklies.

    THE KIDI would disappear before I let peoplesee me in the same hat twice.

    MICKEYWere going to have to fix this. Buthow?

    STACYMaybe we should get jobs?

    GLORIANahhh, Im not built for work.

    MICKEYWhat if we steal the shakes?

    RENEEI dont know, it might work once, butwe wouldnt be able to come back hereagain.


    We shouldnt be doing that kind ofstuff anyway, its bad news.

    Gloria has an epiphany and shoots up. All the other kids situp and pay attention.

    GLORIAGuys, what if weve been thinkingabout this all wrong?

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    THE KIDWhat do you mean, Gloria?

    GLORIAWell, we were happy with all the money

    and free stuff we got, right?

    OTHER KIDSRight.

    GLORIABut things got weird when we wore theButt Hanky shirts on stage and gotlaughed at, right?

    OTHER KIDSRight.

    GLORIASo the problem isnt us and our dealwith Mr. OLeary, its other people!We need to stop caring what otherpeople think.

    STACYHey, you have a point! As long aswere still playing the music we love,who cares?


    If money makes us happy, otherpeoples opinions and feelingsshouldnt matter.

    MICKEYWow, Gloria. Thats a mature way oflooking at things.

    THE KIDLets call Mr. OLeary and tell himthat were back on board.

    Kids Inc. runs over to the counter.

    RENEERiley, we need the phone.

    RILEYSorry, paying customers only.

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    THE KIDAw, shucks. Sure wish we had our owncellular phone right about now.


    Youre telling me.

    GLORIAGee whiz.

    MICKEYFluorescent pants. What else can wedo?

    RILEYMaybe if you guys apologized...


    I know! We can use the payphoneoutside!

    Kids Inc. runs off screen.


    The Kid picks up the receiver on a pay phone, dials a bunchof numbers.

    THE KIDHi, Mr. OLeary?


    THE KID (CONT'D)Yeah, its us. We need to see youright away.


    THE KID (CONT'D)Well be here, see you then.

    The Kid hangs up the phone.

    THE KID (CONT'D)(to the other kids)

    Alright, we got the ball rolling.


    Mr. OLeary enters and walks to the counter and approachesRiley.

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    MR. OLEARYWhere is everyone? I got a call sayingthat the kids would be here.


    They should be around here somewhere.Oh, here they come now!

    Kids Inc. approaches Mr. OLeary, once again wearing theirButt Hankies T-shirts.

    GLORIAThanks for meeting with us again Mr.OLeary.

    MR. OLEARYI see you guys are wearing the shirtsagain. Is that supposed to impress me?

    RENEEWere real sorry about how we actedbefore. We were thinking about whatothers thought of us, instead of whatreally matters.

    THE KIDNow that were focusing on moneyagain, we want to get back intobusiness with you.

    MR. OLEARYGuys, I dont know. How can I trustyou again?

    GLORIAMaybe this will convince you!

    Kids Inc. get on stage and perform I Want You Back by TheJackson Five. There is uproarious applause and cheering atthe end. They go over to Mr. OLeary who is smiling and slow-clapping.


    Pretty darn impressive.

    RENEEWhaddya say, Mr. OLeary? Will youtake us back?

    MR. OLEARYOkay, okay. I think we can worksomething out.

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    Kids Inc. cheers and hugs one another.

    MICKEYThanks Mr. OLeary, youre alifesaver.

    MR. OLEARYBut there has to be a couple changes.I can only pay you one-fourth of whatI was giving you before.

    GLORIANo problem! Were just glad to haveyou back.

    STACYI was just worried that wearing thoseclothes and doing advertising would

    ruin our music.

    MR. OLEARYDont worry Stacy. I have a sneakingsuspicion that youre going to haveplenty of opportunities to ruin musicin the future.

    The other kids laugh and agree.

    MR. OLEARY (CONT'D)Now lets get over to that counter and

    get us some grub!Everyone walks over to the counter.

    MICKEYSix of your finest malteds, Riley!

    RILEY(to Mr. OLeary)

    Is that okay?

    MR. OLEARYYup, we are back in business.

    RILEYAlright then, coming right up.

    Riley turns around and starts setting up glasses for themalteds. A single tear falls down his cheek and into one ofthe glasses, hitting the side and sliding down.

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