kid city news dear calvary church family, e streets of the

Post on 21-Nov-2021






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Dear Calvary Church Family,

As we enter into the Christmas season this year, it will be different than most, as we are still dealing with all the uncertainty of what is going on around us today. I imagine it was the same that first Christmas, as Rome was in control, a census had been decreed, and all had to leave their homes and return to their ancestorial home place to be counted.

With all that uncertainty is when God showed up and gave you and I the greatest gift of all, His son. God does His best work in the midst of the chaos raging in the world.

As I look at the Christmas narrative, there are two individual/groups that stick out to me. First is the inn keeper, who had in front of him the opportunity of a lifetime, but because of the busyness or the chaos of that day, he stated there was no room in the inn.

Secondly, we see the shepherds out in the field, and when the angelic host announced that Christ had been born, they stopped what they were doing and went immediately to see and praise the new born King. The chaos and uncertainty did not prevent them from being with the King.

My prayer for you and your family during this Christmas season is that you do not get too busy with all the things that occur during this season, or the uncertainty of the world, that you do not have room for Jesus. I pray that you will be like the shepherds and give Jesus His rightful place and time during this season.

Please remember if there is no Christ then there is no Christmas. Let’s celebrate the greatest gift ever given and give that gift to someone who has never truly experienced a true Christmas.

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”

Merry Christmas from my family to yours~

In Christ, Pastor Bruce

KID CITY NEWS “The streets of the city will be filled

with boys and girls playing there.”

Zech 8:5

Hello, Kid City Citizens &


As Christmas approaches, we

often think about the wonderous

birth of Jesus.

This was foretold by the

scriptures that He would be

coming, but also that some would

suffer as a result.

Not long after the birth of

Jesus, Mary and Joseph had to flee

their country for Egypt because of

Herod (Matthew 2).

In this time, there was great

suffering because of Herod’s

actions. Christmas is a time of

celebration of our Lord Jesus’ birth,

but we should be mindful of the

pain many suffered as well.

In this time of thanks and

giving, let us remember those who

have made sacrifices and suffered

for us, such as our Lord, our

leaders, our parents, friends,

military, law enforcement, pastors,

deacons, teachers, and many others.

May God continue to watch

over each of you and your families

and keep you all safe.

P.S. Please keep practicing

your Christmas songs for the

Christmas play.

Kind regards, Harold Benfield


with Communion Wednesday, December 23rd

@7:00 PM

Congratulations to

Nathan & Nicole Rayfield on

the birth of their son,

Neo Paul Rayfield.

He was born on November 10th.

He weighed 7lbs and 11oz and

was 20.3”.

Also, congratulations to his proud

grandparents, Mark & Kim Jackson,

and to his big brother and sister,

Noah and Naomi.


Our annual Christmas Card delivery is underway!

Drop off your cards in our box, place your donations in the

offering plate (please mark the envelope “LM”), and pick up cards for you and your family each week at the table as you enter through

the front of the church. All donations received will go

towards our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Our church

goal is $7,500.00.

Need before December 13th: full size jars of peanut butter~

full size jars of jelly~ Saltine crackers~

other items needed weekly: Ramen noodles (chicken or beef),

vienna sausages, mac & cheese (individual cups), beanie weenies, chicken noodle soup (or other kid-

friendly flavors), Little Debbie-type snack cakes,

juice boxes, kool-aid pouches, instant grits or oatmeal packs,

pop-tarts, fruit cups, applesauce, and pudding cups.


All ladies are welcome to join us for

our annual Christmas Party on

Tuesday, December 1st at 7:00 PM in

the fellowship hall. Bring a wrapped

gift ($5-$10 cost) for our gift

exchange, and a treat to share.

Hope to see you there!


Bring your final gift to the Women’s

Christmas Party on Tuesday,

December 1st. We will reveal then.


Thank you to everyone that supported OCC during 2020. Calvary sent 177

boxes to the processing center. We look forward to sharing where

the boxes are sent, soon, and hopefully we will receive some responses from

the recipients during the year. The group going to the processing center on Saturday, December 12th need to

meet at the church at 11:15 AM. We will leave at 11:30 AM sharp. Please wear comfortable shoes.


Soul Sisters Life Group will meet on

Monday, December 7th at 6:30 PM.

This will be our only meeting in December. Hope to see

you there.

The Pastor, staff, and congregation would like to welcome Sean Crook,

Janice Buchanan, Crystal Buchanan, and Zane Brooks into

our church family!

Hello DV8, Winter came quick! I do enjoy crunchy leaves, s’mores, and of course a good fire, whether it’s indoors or out. We have so much to be thankful!! Take a moment right now to list 5 things you are thankful for and praise God. Seriously, do it. Did you do it? Really, pause and do it!! This is what I do know…if we don’t stop and pause, we miss the present. It’s worth a pause of praise! Speaking of praise, as the CHRISTmas season is on fast approach, I can’t help but be thankful for my salvation! When I think that God loved me so much that He gave us Jesus, I can’t help but be thankful enough to praise Him! God’s word says… You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11 So, I have a challenge for you. During this season, be determined to give more than you get! What does that look like? I’m glad you

asked! 1) Start planning now to be a

giver. If you have a job, tithe! If you don’t, spend time thinking of ways to be a blessing.

2) Make a list of people God wants you to impact. Obviously, your family, but outside of that, who is God speaking to you about? A church member? A teacher? A neighbor? It could be an unknown. Maybe an angel tree?

3) What to give? It doesn’t have to cost a lot! Sometimes the sweetest gifts are those of time and service. You ask, what can I do to help you? Or spend time writing a card, letting someone know how they have impacted you.

You see, it really is the thought that counts! Choose to be thoughtful! Choose to be a giver! Choose to make an impact! That is how you show Thanksgiving to God! To obey His word. Love God and love others! Now more than ever!

DV8, mark those calendars: Saturday- Dec. 5th 3:30 PM

DV8 Christmas Party Wednesday- Dec. 9th 6:30 PM

Christmas Caroling! Saturday- Dec. 12th 5:00 PM

Church Christmas Party Wednesday- Dec. 16th 6:30 PM

Christmas Caroling! Wednesday- Dec. 23rd 7:00 PM Candlelight Service with the church Wednesday- Dec. 30th – Jan. 1st

Winter Extreme, Gatlinburg, TN Hope to see you at every event! If

you have not paid your trip expenses, talk to a leader. We want you there!

Merry Christmas, guys!!

Dear Calvary Church family,

Lorie and I would like to express our

heartfelt thanks to those who reached out to

us during Marshall’s illness, my cancer

ordeal, and his death. Perhaps you sent a

card, made a phone call, prayed for us, or

took the time to attend his funeral. We really

appreciate it. We are so thankful for Kathy

Bivens and all the women and men who

prepared all those meals for us during my

cancer surgery. We want to thank my

Sunday School class, Daughter’s of the

King, and our church, for all the bibles that

were donated in memory of Marshall. We

really appreciate the nice meal that was

served to us after the funeral. Many thanks

to Pastor Brooks for all the phone calls,

visits, and encouraging words. God has truly

blessed us with a wonderful man of God.

Lorie and I love all of you and will keep you

in our prayers. Please keep praying for us,

because we are going through a difficult

time trying to live without him with us.

Love in Christ,

Linda & Lorie Blackburn

Adult Choir Christmas Cantata-

Sunday, December 13th

10:30 AM

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Children’s Christmas Program-

Sunday, December 20th

During the 10:30 AM

Worship service

Nursery Workers for DECEMBER

We are unable to provide a nursery at

this time, due to the Covid-19

restrictions. We apologize for any

inconvenience this may cause, but we

look forward to hopefully getting things

back to normal very soon.


Monday, December 14th @11:00 AM at the church.

Deacon of the Month TRACY MORRISON

A Look at Our Records

Tithes & Offerings

These figures reflect our General

Fund amounts Nov 1………………...…......$8,259.16

Nov 8………….................…$5,335.38

Nov 15……….......................$3,976.29

Nov 22……….…..................$4,072.76

Pastor Bruce Brooks,

contact info:

cell, 704-745-7077


The church offices will be closed on Friday, December 25th in observance of Christmas.

Sunday School Report

Nov 1……...…................................. 74

Nov 8................................................ 79

Nov 15.............................................. 80

Nov 22…………….……....………. 82


Bruce Brooks…………...…..Lead Pastor

Jerry Saine......................Worship Leader

Leann Osborne…......Administrative Sec.

Kim Bost……….HR/Financial Secretary

Leann Osborne…….. Facilities Manager


9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Monday through Friday

Phone: 735-9976 FAX: 736-9985

Email address:

If you would like to join us for prayer, we meet in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings at 8:30

am. Everyone is welcome!

THE MESSENGER “In that day shall messengers go forth...” Ezekiel 30:9


Merry Christmas!

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