kick ass

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Kick-Ass Directed by: Matthew VaughnStarring: Aaron Johnson , Chloe Moretz , Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Nicolas Cage

“I never understood why nobody did it before me,” awkward teenager Dave Lizewski ( played by upcoming John Lennon actor Aaron Johnson) spends most of his free time reading comic books or making deposits into the wack-off warehouse. Dave’s life is changed forever when he buys a green scuba suit online and although he lacks any real super powers he decides to try to help those in need. The answer to why nobody has tried it before him is quickly answered as, without giving too much away, Dave ends up in the hospital bruised, battered and thanks to body wide metal braces on his bones looking a little like wolverine. Although Dave is the films ‘Hero’ he actually takes a back seat whenever Damon Macready/Big Daddy( played by a superb Nicolas Cage in a role that “Makes Nicolas Cage cool again”) or his 11-year old daughter Mindy Macready/Hit-Girl( Chloe Moretz who is the true star of this film) are present. British director Matthew Vaugn (Layer Cake,

Stardust) handles this comic to movie adaptation with the skill of a much moreseasoned director. The way he weaves story, comedy, and action is very ambitious and it pays off in the end. From the first time we meet these carefully crafted characters we start to feel for them and the challenges they face. Vaugn does a great job of sticking close to Mark Millar’s (Wanted) original story and characters yet at the same time putting his own mark on it, using the same style he did in Layer Cake.

“Okay you c*nts…lets see what you can do!”-- Chloe Moretz’s foul mouthed Hit-Girl is every parents nightmare, yet still a young, emotionally challenged girl we can feel for

The story puts a fresh spin on the over exhausted super hero genre, leaving out the ‘super’ part entirely. This fleshes out the

characters and makes them much more relatable. Over all it’s a story of human triumph and the strength of some to put

themselves at risk for the good of their communities. These ordinary people accept the extraordinary challenge of ridding the streets of the crime infested scum that prey on the innocent. They do this not for wealth or glory, fame or reward but to better the world that they have all but lost faith in. After Dave recovers from his first disastrous encounter he doesn’t give up, his morale is strengthened and he starts to work and train even harder. During this point a love interest

Written by: Eric D. Ballinger

emerges for Dave in the form of Katie, a female classmate played by the very beautiful Lyndsy Fonseca. This seeming romance takes a comical detour when we find out the real reason behind Katie’s interest and the way Dave handles it is priceless.

As Dave and Katie’s relationship continues she asks him for help with an ex-boyfriend who wont leave her alone. As Dave “deals” with the problem he finds himself in way over his head but a mysterious duo of seemingly real super heroes rescue him from his own undoing. Its at this point that we are introduced to Big Daddy and Hit-Girl, a team of killers as lethal as they are mismatched. Dave continues with his ‘crime fighting’ and eventually meets up with yet again another Hero, this one named Red Mist (played by Christopher Mintz-Plasse who sheds the skin of McLovin like I didn’t think possible) . Red Mist is actually Chris D’Amico son of feared

mob boss Frank D’Amico in disguise to lure in Kick-Ass and find out who the other heroes that have been taking out D’Amico’s contacts. Thanks to Red Mist, Dave unwittingly leads his fellow heroes into a trap orchestrated by Frank D’Amico’s men. The following sequence

“Like every serial killer already knew: eventually fantasizing just doesn’t do it for you anymore”.-- Kick-Ass ponders for a moment continuing his average life or taking a leap of faith, starting the life he always knew he was meant for.

of the captives being beaten and executed on live television is a little disturbing although Hit-Girl, who was not captured or killed thanks to her bullet proof vest, returns to save Dave and what was left of her Father. The battle to free Big Daddy and Kick-Ass from the clutches of Frank D’Amico and his band of men is so emotional one would swear it was tangible. The action alone is electrifying but add in the fact that Hit-Girl is fighting while her father is literally burning to death in front of her makes it just that much more mesmerizing. The thugs put the video of the execution online and on the local television

programs so that all wannabe heroes could learn from the example. As Dave’s family and friends watch he is beaten until despite his metal encased skeleton he is in more pain then ever before. Dave and Hit-Girl return to her safe house to nurse their wounds, both physical and emotional. Although Dave is strongly against it Hit-Girl decides to once and for all end the man who destroyed her entire family, Frank D’Amico. This final battle is one of the most intense I have ever witnessed in a movie. As it leads up to the final confrontations, Hit-Girl V. Frank D’Amico and Kick-Ass V. Red Mist, the suspense doesn’t give in. We see crazy knives on strings, Jetpacks with machine guns attached, and a huge Bazooka all of which are used to their full lethal potential. This was one of the most enjoyable 2 hours

I have ever spent in front of the television and commend everyone who had a hand in making this movie, it is truly Kick-Ass.


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