ki ama high school newsletter · ki ama high school newsletter ... on thursday 20 june i had the...

Post on 25-Jun-2020






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Kiama High School Newsletter RESPECT · RESPONSIBILITY · EXCELLENCE Ph: 4232 1911 · e-mail:


Term 2 Week 9A and 10B

Monday 24 June 2019


Thanks to parents and carers for all that you do for your children in supporting their education. We are very appreciative of parents who also volunteer in many ways to help the school. We can’t do it without you. Just to name a few important roles, you drive students to sporting fixtures, help out in the canteen and contribute to our P & C. This Monday we farewelled Dave Raison as outgoing P & C President. Thanks Dave for your support of the P & C over the last 12 months. We welcome Mark Croxford to the role of P & C President for 2019. I look forward to working with Mark and the team of dedicated parents who are firmly focussed on supporting school initiatives. We are working on library refurbishment at the moment. Thanks to a collaborative effort from our P & C and KHS Band Supporters we raised funds at the recent Federal Election with a cake stall that went to helping the band with their regional tour which commences this Sunday, and over $300 was added to our library refurbishment. We held a very successful Parent Teacher Evening on Tuesday. At that event, for Years 7, 11 and 12 Kerrie Powell conducted a parent survey on mobile phone usage. This will be available again on Tuesday 2 July when Years 8, 9 and 10 have their Parent Teacher interviews. It is important that you have your say. At Kiama High School we want to ensure that we have procedures in place to support Department of Education Policy. We want to ensure consistency and consultation allows us to focus on student learning whilst having devices when needed.

Kiama High School Newsletter ·


On Thursday 20 June I had the privilege of attending a presentation of a Community Fellowship at the University of Wollongong to Jack Manning Bancroft. Jack is the Chief Executive Officer of AIME. His acceptance speech and the articulation of his vision for ending inequality and closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities through educational opportunity was inspiring.

Catherine Glover Principal

Kiama High School Newsletter ·



HIGH FLYERS Congratulations to the many students who participated at the Zone Athletics carnival in Shoalhaven last Friday. A number of students have qualified for the next level and we wish them the very best. Our super band tour departs on Sunday and we are very grateful for the commitment and enthusiasm shown by wonderful teachers and mentors such as Mrs Luke and Mr Deans. We wish our students and staff a wonderful time away in their very busy week. Some of us were extremely fortunate to hear the band in their only Kiama gig for this tour at the KHS Hall on Wednesday night. Wow!! Such a talented group of musicians.

News just in: Arwen Patrick of Year 10 has been successful in gaining a place in the NSW Country U15s Girls Rugby Union team and will be playing QLD Country in the Gold Coast on the 13 & 14 July followed by a match versus NSW City on the 4 August in Newcastle. This is fantastic news and we wish Arwen the very best with the “game they play in Heaven”.

Kiama High School Newsletter ·


Congratulations to our SRC on their many achievements this year. As the time comes to vote in the SRC for the next 12 months, we are reminded of the many strong leaders developing at Kiama High School, under the guidance of Mrs Littrich and Ms Motbey. So many wonderful initiatives such as the KHS Fest and Packed With Love campaigns which demonstrate compassion and respect from our student body. One that has to be a standout is the painting of slogans for our toilet doors, in an attempt to beautify the bathrooms. Thanks to Ms Stehr, Head Teacher of CAPA for leading our SRC in the design of these. They look amazing!

We heard from a number of students in our last couple of assemblies in their quest for student leadership. We would like to commend each and every student who nominated and presented a speech to an audience of approximately 400 people.

You are impressive. We would love to hear about the achievements our students make as representatives of Kiama High School as sometimes we do not receive reports on their achievements. Please email so that we can celebrate the successes.


This week reports have started to go home via the parent portal. Parents were emailed a login and instructions on how to access their child’s reports. If you experience any difficulty, please contact the front office and our office staff will do their very best to rectify any issues. If, after reading the report, you have further questions, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or Head Teacher. These people will be able to readily answer any queries you may have about student

learning this semester.

PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS Unfortunately, some were disappointed to not receive an appointment time for the Years 7, 11 and 12 evening on Tuesday. If you missed an appointment and would really like to make contact with your child’s teacher, please contact the teacher directly through the front office. Alternatively, teachers have a sheet with them at the interviews and you can leave your contact details for them to follow up. Please be mindful it is a very busy time of year and they will endeavour to respond at their earliest convenience. This same process will apply for the interviews on 2 July for Years 8-10.

BUSY END OF TERM Despite the fact we are drawing to an end for this term, there are still a number of excursions, assessment tasks and events happening around the school. We expect all students to keep bringing their equipment, wearing full school uniform and applying 100% effort to all classes.

Melissa Anthony Deputy Principal

Kiama High School Newsletter ·


ENERGY DRINKS A reminder that energy drinks such as Red Bull, V and Mother are all banned items at school and will be confiscated. They are not healthy items and we have noticed a number of children drinking these as their start to the day. There is a great amount of research that these drinks can be potentially dangerous to a person and they are not recommended for people under 18 years of age. Most variations of these drinks have ingredients that include a high level of caffeine and sugar. Typically these drinks also contain energy boosters such as ginseng, guarana, carnitine and taurine. The best option for energy boosters for our young children is a healthy breakfast and a walk in the morning. We appreciate your support in this matter. Attached is some extra reading which includes links to research completed so far.

Kiama High School Newsletter ·



On Tuesday 18 June, 20 Year 10 students visited the TAFE Wollongong Campus for the Taste of TAFE event. Students had the opportunity to learn about five different skill areas over the day. Examples of the types of activities undertaken included constructing a small brick wall, preparing a flower arrangement, nursing a baby simulator and exploring the metal fabrication workshop and seeing how technology can be used to design, cut and shape a steel ‘marvel’ sign. Students reported an increased understanding of vocational training pathways and careers after attending the event. Well done for being proactive and exploring your options!

Ten students from Year 10 have also just successfully completed the TAFE YES Program – a more intensive four day program focussed on a career area of interest. Here is a picture of Timanawa and Jack honing their skills during the Carpentry Program.

Any students interested in finding out more about TAFE options should be aware that there are a few events coming up that may be of interest, including InfoFest next week, a series of information sessions including sessions designed specifically for Year 10 and Year 12 students and parents. All details can be found on the TAFE website and Facebook pages.

I have commenced careers sessions with Year 10 students looking at course selections for their senior studies and tools for exploring career options. I have been really impressed with the enthusiastic way students have engaged and the great questions they are asking. These sessions will continue for the remainder of the term. I look forward to meeting as many Year 10 parents as possible at the information night that will be held on Tuesday 30 July. This is a really important night for parents to understand the range of options available for students during the senior years.

A reminder to any Year 12 student considering university who was absent and missed the session I ran on university application processes and the UAC Guide, please come and see me in the Careers Office ASAP.

Week 8 was our second designated work experience week this term. In Term 3, the designated weeks are Weeks 3 and 4 (5-16 August). Any student who wants to participate but has not attended a work experience session and collected the forms, please see me in Careers Office L3 ASAP. A reminder that work experience is available for students in Years 9 – 12.

Mitchell Grove Careers Adviser

Kiama High School Newsletter ·



Chess Competition Thursday 6 June Kiama High School Chess Team played Nowra Anglican College in NSW Junior Chess Competition. Our team was pleased to claim a 4-0 victory, with wins on all 4 boards. 1st Board – Hugo outplayed his opponent with a variety of discovered checks and outstanding moves. His game finished first and ended in a swift and comfortable victory with his opponent’s downfall in a complicated checkmate. 2nd Board – Hao on board played a long game of strategic yet defensive moves. He eventually took the positional advantage in the game and quickly capitalised. His opponent was only left to blunder himself into the end of the game which resulted in Hao’s well predicted checkmate. 3rd Board – Harry played an outstanding game against his rookie opponent. He managed to snag an advantage by capturing some unguarded pieces through a barrage of forking moves. Harry showed his expertise against his third board opponent with a convincing rook and king endgame. 4th Board – Hayden started off his game poorly by losing his queen within the first five moves but fought his way back into the game through his strong defensive position. His opponent with a clear advantage managed to blunder his queen, rook, bishop and knight all within quick succession gifting Hayden an easy clutch victory. Thanks Hugo Ikeda for the report.

Chris Ellevsen Teacher Librarian (Relieving)

Under 15s AFL The KHS Under 15s AFL Team have enjoyed another convincing win against Mulwaree High School in Goulburn on Monday. With the wind chill lowering the temperature to a 'balmy' 4 degrees, the boys kept warm by scoring points, running out winners 96-30. The performance highlighted the depth of AFL talent at Kiama High School. With three late withdrawals due to injury, another three, younger players were brought into the side and made outstanding contributions. Kiama now progress through to the fourth round of the NSW CHS Knockout and are awaiting the

results of other games to learn who their next opponents will be.

Kiama High School Newsletter ·


NSW Table Tennis Tournament Our school team, consisting of Will Blomley, Callum Young, Tasman Berry and Wil Da-lBarra, travelled to Homebush to take on the best in the state in the State Championships. We came up against serious competition and it was an experience for our boys to witness the standard of these players. We were defeated in all our pool matches but not without giving a good account of ourselves. Will was our number one player and so had to face the full force of the talent on show. Callum and Wil both had some strong games but just fell short of securing a victory. Tasman won three of his matches and he and Will combined to defeat their doubles opponents from Merewether. Overall, it was a fabulous day and has set a challenge for next year to see if we can better our performance of finishing 10th in the state.

Paul Berry

Kiama High School Newsletter ·



Recently, students in our Year 12 Aboriginal Studies and Year 12 Society and Culture classes travelled to Dubbo as part of their studies. They heard presentations from specialists in Indigenous Health at the Wellington Aboriginal Corporation Health Service, from educators at the Orana Juvenile Justice Facility, and from workers at Apollo House, a Community Centre providing services for disadvantaged residents of the Apollo Housing Estate. We arrived at Apollo House to help with their after school programme, where kids come for a few hours of supervised play and a bite to eat. Our students were an instant hit, making friends and getting involved in games of handball and touch football, while others made Mothers’ Day Cards and chatted inside the centre. After a few hours we reluctantly left, having learned some valuable lessons, the most important of which was that small organisations like Apollo House, operating on a shoestring budget but with enormous “heart”, can make a difference in the lives of the communities they serve. Arriving back at school, our students devised a plan – a quick “whip around” was organised, to which every student contributed, and the money raised was used to purchase a box of handballs for Apollo House – our students had seen a need which we could meet, a small gesture which might make a small difference, and the tireless Ms Duggan arranged for the packaging and posting. A few days later, we received an email from Mel Singh, the Programme Co-Ordinator at Apollo House – she said: “On behalf of the staff and especially the kids at Apollo House, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for the handballs. I have calculated that we go through at least 2 handballs a day so they will definitely come in handy and are greatly appreciated.” We also received the photos opposite. Never forget, that even the smallest gesture can make an enormous difference to the lives of others.

Mark Storch Head Teacher HSIE

Kiama High School Newsletter ·




Week 9A

Mon 24/6 Tue 25/6 Wed 26/6 Thurs 27/6 Fri 28/6

Sandra Jacinta Nat W. Jacquie Nerida

Week 10B

Mon 1/7 Tue 2/7 Wed 3/7 Thurs 4/7 Fri 5/7

Susie Help needed Help needed Help needed Jo


WEEK 9A 2019


Band Tour

Sustainability in our school


Band Tour


Band Tour


Band Tour

NAIDOC Vocal Group Performance


Band Tour

WEEK 10B 2019


Parent/Teacher Interviews Years 8, 9 & 10

NSW CHSSA & All Schools Golf

NSW CHSSA Boys Touch




Last day of term


Years 8, 9 and 10

Tuesday 2 July, 3.45 to 7.00pm

in the GADHU Gym

Kiama High School Newsletter ·



2020 Year 11 Course Selections

Year 10 students have now commenced the 2020 Year 11 Course Selection Process, with the Careers Adviser, Mr Grove, issuing their course selection booklets during Careers lessons, designed to assist the students with their choices. There will be further information provided to students to ensure that make appropriate course selections.

The Parent Information Evening for Year 10 parents will be held on Tuesday, 30 July. Please save this date. This year, as a trial, the evening will commence at 5.30pm, instead of the later time of 7.00 pm. This is in response to a number of stakeholders requesting an earlier timeslot and we will seek feedback from our school community about how well this works.

A presentation will be delivered in the KHS Hall, commencing at 5.30pm, with general information about the course selection process, and the HSC and ATAR requirements. This will be followed by faculty displays in L-Block, where parents and students can discuss courses with the classroom teachers and faculty head teachers.

Year 10 students will submit their selections online by Monday, 5 August, and all Year 10 students will be interviewed in the following week to ensure that students have courses most suited to their aspirations, aptitudes and abilities.

Year 12 Trial HSC Examinations

Students have already received their Trial HSC Examination timetables and have been informed of their responsibilities in these exams. A reminder that, should a student be unable to attend their examination – either because of illness or an unforeseen incident – the parent or student must notify the Front Office prior to the commencement of the exam. An email will then be forwarded to the relevant Faculty Head Teacher, HT Administration – Attendance and HT Secondary Studies, initiating the Assessment Task Appeal process. If there are any queries about this, please feel free to contact me.

Assessment Task Appeals - Years 10, 11 & 12

A reminder that, if a student is absent the day of or the day prior to an assessment task, they will need to complete an Assessment Task Appeal Application. These are available online, and from the Front Office, the Year Adviser and the Secondary Studies Office.

If the absence is due to illness, a medical certificate must be supplied. If there is difficulty obtaining a doctor’s appointment, some pharmacies issue medical certificates.

If the absence is known about in advance – such as participating in a school-based event or a medical/dental appointment – students must complete the Assessment Task Appeal process in excess of two days prior to the task. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they make alternative arrangements prior to the task. This allows the classroom teacher to reschedule their task, as needed.

Should there be any questions about this, please contact the Secondary Studies Office. It is better to be safe, than for students to lose valuable assessment marks.

Judith McLaughlin Head Teacher – Secondary Studies

Kiama High School Newsletter ·



CAP “Christians Against Poverty” is offering parents a free course in money management. We teach a simple but proven method to manage your income towards getting out of debt or just finding more money for special expenses like holidays. We are not financial planners but money coaches, you do all the work in a work book. This course follows on from the financial literacy course given to year 10 last December. When – Wednesdays at 7 pm – 8.30pm, 26 June and 3 July

Where – Kiama Uniting Church cnr Manning & Bong Bong Sts

Please register with Trevor McBeath on 4237 7064


SENTRAL Youth Service, Kiama are hosting FREE skate clinics facilitated by Olliesonny Skateboarding to help local young people prepare for Skatefest Kiama. Clinics are for ages 8 and up and inclusive of all abilities. Choose the one that suits you and register at

10 July – Gerringong Skate Park 9:30 - 11am - Beginner: For fresh rollers. If you have never skated before but would like to learn, this class is for you. We work on skate safety, pushing, leaning, kick turning, stopping and some stylish, easy tricks. 11:30 - 1pm - Girls Only: This one is for the girls! Whether it’s your first time or you are a seasoned rider, this girls-only session will build confidence for girls in a male-dominated sport. This class focusses on strengthening your skills both on and off the board! Mums and female carers are invited to join in! 11 July – Kiama Skate Park 9:30 - 11am - Intermediate: If you are confident pushing, stopping and kick turning, this class is for you. Learn how to drop in, ollie, kick flip, rock to fakie, rock and roll and more. 11:30 - 1pm - Competition Skills: For any riders entering the Skatefest Kiama competition. This class focusses on strengthening skills, introducing style and creating smooth lines for your competition run. Our coaches all have competition and judging experience and are keen to share their tips for your best heat!

For further information call Melissa at SENTRAL Youth Service on 4233 1276.




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