kheda, gujarat - pmksy · 2.5 area, production and productivity of horticulture crops of kheda 20...

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Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)

District Irrigation Plan (2016-2020)KHEDA, GUJARAT


Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)

District Irrigation Plan (2016-2020)KHEDA, GUJARAT



Contents Executive summary .............................................................................................................................. 4 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 8

i. Background ............................................................................................................................. 8 ii. Vision ..................................................................................................................................... 13 iii. Objective .............................................................................................................................. 13

iv. Strategy/approach ........................................................................................................... 13 V. Programme Components .............................................................................................. 14 v. Rationale/ Justification Statement ............................................................................ 15 vi. Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 15

1. General Information of the District ................................................................................................ 17

1.1 District Profile ................................................................................................................... 17

1.2 Demography ...................................................................................................................... 18 1.3 Biomass and Livestock .................................................................................................. 20

1.4 Agro-Ecology, Climate, Hydrology and Topography ........................................ 21 1.5 Soil Profile .......................................................................................................................... 21 1.6 Land Use Pattern ............................................................................................................. 22

2. District Water Profile ..................................................................................................................... 23

2.1. Area Wise, Crop Wise Irrigation Status ............................................................... 23

2.2 Production and Productivity of Major Crop ........................................................ 26

2.3 Irrigation Based Classification.................................................................................. 27 3. Water Availability in Kheda .......................................................................................................... 29

3.1. Status of Water Availability ....................................................................................... 29

3.2 Status of Ground Water Availability ................................................................................... 30

3.3 Hydrogeology ................................................................................................................... 31 3.3 Status of Command Area ............................................................................................. 34

3.4 Existing Type of Irrigation .......................................................................................... 34 4. Water Requirement ........................................................................................................................ 35

4.1. Domestic Water Demand ............................................................................................ 35

4.2 Crop Water Requirement ............................................................................................ 36 4.3. Livestock Water Demand ........................................................................................... 39 4.4 Industrial Water Deamnd ........................................................................................... 40

4.5 Water Demand for Power Generation ................................................................... 40 4.6 Total Water Demand of the district for various sectors ................................. 40 4.7 Water Budget .................................................................................................................... 42

5. Strategic Action Plan for Irrigation in District under PMKSY ...................................................... 44

5.1 Department wise Coverage of Area .......................................................................... 44

5.2 Component wise Strategic Action Plan .................................................................. 46 5.3 Year wise Strategic Action Plan ................................................................................ 47

5.4. Department wise Financial Outlay ......................................................................... 48

5.3 Monitoring and Evaluation ......................................................................................... 50 5.6 Expected Output and Outcome.................................................................................. 51 5.4 Suggestions ........................................................................................................................ 51 5.5 Summary of Strategic Action Plan .......................................................................................... 52

Annexure ............................................................................................................................................ 54



Table No

Title of the Table Page No

1.1 District Profile 10 1.2 (a) Demographic Profile of Kheda 11 1.2 (b) Demographic Profile of Kheda 12 1.3 (a) Block wise no. of Livestock in Kheda District (Small Animals) 13 1.3 (b) Block wise no. of Livestock in Kheda District (Large Animals) 13 1.4 Agro-ecology of Kheda 14 1.5 Block wise Soil Classification 15 1.6 Block wise Land use Patten 15 2.1 Area wise and Crop wise Irrigation Status of Agriculture Crops 16 2.2 Area under Horticulture Crops 17 2.3 Block wise Area under Various Crops 17 2.4 Area, Production and Productivity of Agriculture Crops of Kheda 20 2.5 Area, Production and Productivity of Horticulture Crops of Kheda 20 2.6 Block wise Irrigation based Classification 21 3.1 Block wise Water Availability from Canal 22 3.2 Block wise Water Availability from Ground Water Source 22 3.3 Water Availability from Various Sources in Kheda 23 3.4 Ground Water Status of Kheda 23 3.5 Block wise Canal and Other Services Command 27 3.6 Block wise Area under Various Irrigation Infrastrcuture 27 4.1 Domestic Water Demand (MCM) 28 4.2 Block wise Crop Water Requirement (MCM) 30 4.3 Crop wise Water Requirement 30 4.4 Livestock Water Demand 31 4.5 Animal wise Water Requirement 31 4.6 Water Demand for Industries 32 4.7 Water Demand for Power Generation 32 4.8(a) Present Water Demand of the District for Various Sectors 32 4.8(b) Total Water Demand of the District for Various Sectors (2020) 33 4.9 Block wise Water Budget 34 5.1 Department wise Planned Coverage of Area under PMKSY 36

5.2 Component wise Financial Outlay for PMKSY 37

5.3 Department wise Financial Outlay of PMKSY 39

5.4 Summary of Strategic Action Plan 54


Table No

Title of the Appendix Table Page No

1 Department wise Summary of Strategic Action Plan 39 2 Strategic Action Plan of Water Resouce Department 41

3 Strategic Action Plan of GWRDC 114


4 Strategic Action Plan of GLDC 114

5 Strategic Action Plan of GSWMA 116

6 Strategic Action Plan of GGRC 119


No Title of the Figure



1.1. District Map of Kheda 10

1.2. Administrative Set-up of Kheda 11

1.3. Block wise Population Distribution 12

1.4. Social Category wise Population Distribution 12

2.1. Gross Irrigated and Rainfed Area under Agriculture Crops 17

3.1. Ground Water Status Map of Kheda 24

3.2. Depth of Ground Water Level (Pre-Monsoon) 25

3.3. Depth of Ground Water Level (Post-Monsoon) 26

4.1. Block wise Domestic Water Requirement 30

4.2. Crop Water Demand and Existing Water Potential 31

4.3. Water Requirement for Various Sectors (2015) 34

5.1. Department wise Planned Coverage of Area under PMKSY 36

5.2. Component wise Fund Distribution under PMKSY 37

5.3. Year wise Financial Outlay under PMKSY 38


Executive summary

Water is of vital importance for human & animal life, for maintaining ecological balance

and for developmental efforts. With the ever increasing demand for water due to

population growth, urbanization and industrialization, making water available to multiple

uses, planning and management of water resources and utilization of water economically,

optimally and equitably assumes greater significance. Government of India formulated

PMKSY with the vision of extending the coverage of irrigation (Har Khet Ko Pani) and

improving water use efficiency (More Crop Per Drop) in a focused manner with end to end

solution on water resource creation, distribution, management, field application and

extension activities. Under PMKSY an integrated planning and management of water

resources, through estimation of water budget for each of the district and sub districts and

preparation of strategic action plan to address the water gap through District Irrigation

Plan (DIP) was envisaged. The present report presents the District Irrigation Plan under

PMSY in Kheda District.

Further, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) incentivizes states to enhance

expenditures on irrigation and water resources management by making the access to

PMKSY funds to states conditional i.e., state will have access only if the expenditure in

water resource development for agriculture sector in the year under consideration is not

less than the baseline expenditure, which is defined as the average of the expenditure in

irrigation sector irrespective of the department in the state plan in three years prior to the

year under consideration.

PMKSY will be implemented in area development mode only by adopting a „decentralized

State level planning and projectised execution‟ structure that will allow States to draw up

their own irrigation development plans based on DIPs and SIPs with a horizon of 5-7

years. A three tier structure at national, state and district level will oversee implementation

and coordination of the program. The District Level Implementation Committee will form

the third tier of the PMKSY. The DLIC will be chaired by the Deputy Commissioner, Kheda

and is comprised of the Departments of Agriculture, Horticulture, District Rural

Development Agency (DRDA), Irrigation and Public Health Department, Forest

Department, Lead bank of the District and any other line Departments in the District. The

DLIC will oversee the implementation and inter-departmental coordination at district


District Water Profile: Out of gross cropped area of 3,40,629 ha (exclusive of

horticulture crops) in the district, only kharif cereals have a share of 1,46,089 ha (or

62.3%). Paddy and bajra are the Major crops cultivated in kharif season with an area share

of 50 per cent and 18 per cent respectively. Tobacco is having third largest area share

among major agriculture crops (25070 ha or 12% of total kharif area). In rabi season, 95

per cent area, i.e. 80,470 ha was covered under jowar. Paddy, Groundnut and maize are

the major crops cultivated in summer season. A total of 68,629 ha area out of 4,09,258 ha

under major agriculture crop is rainfed in the district. Most of the rainfed area is occupied


by a Bajra and Castor with an area share of 61 per cent and 23.5 per cent respectively.

The district was having a total area of 43,311 ha under horticulture crops during 2014-15.

Out of the total area under horticulture crops fruits, vegetables, flowers and spices have

area share of 19.5 per cent, 73.4 per cent, 3.6 per cent and 3.4 per cent respectively.

Approximately except 10 per cent area under fruit crops, most of the area under

horticulture crops was irrigated in the district.

Area under Irrigation: The Gross Irrigated Area of Kheda district is 2,92,159 hectare

which is around 72.3 per cent of the total sown area of the district. Among the blocks,

almost 100 per cent sown area of Mahudha, Thasara and Nadiad blocks are irrigated.

Kapadvanj and Kathalal block has largest unirrigated area of 32,632 ha and 17,696 ha


Availability of Water Sources: Major source of Surface water for irrigation purpose in

the district is canal.The availability of surface water is accross all the seven blocks of the

district, except Kapadvanj.Kapadvanj block has the least surface water availability of 14.45

MCM. The total availability of Surface water in the district is 587.6 MCM. Mehemadabad

block has the largest surface water availability of 103.4 MCM, followed by Nadiyad (97.0

MCM) and Thasara (93.9 MCM). Total surface water availability during kharif season and

Rabi season is 320.2 MCM and 267.4 MCM respectively. No surface water is available in

summer season.

As per Central Ground Water Board notification, the status ground water in five out of

eight blocks of the district is safe. Ground water status of Kapadvanj, Kathalal and

Mehemdavad is semi-critical. Thasara block has the highest ground water availability of

131.8 MCM, followed by Nadiyad (116.91 MCM) and Mehemadabad (106.86 MCM).

Existing Type of Irrigation: A total of 1,46,032 ha is under canal command, out of

which 75,102 (or 51.4%) is developed and remaing 70,930 (or 48.6%) is undeveloped.

59,796 ha of the district is irrigated by tanks, 5763 ha by ponds and 19,006 ha by tubewell.

Demand for Water Sources: The present water demand of the district has been

assessed to be 1840.02 MCM annually, with Kapadvanj being the block with maximum

requirement of water for irrigation of crops (307.07 MCM). Thasara and Nadiyad blocks

stand at 2nd and 3rd respectively with total requirement of 291.29 MCM and 244.68 MCM

for cultivation of crops.

At present, maximum of total estimated water demand, i.e. 91 per cent demand is from

agriculture sector, followed by domestic consumption (4%) and power generation (3%).

Water requirement for livestock consumption is 21.94 MCM and the same for industrial

sector is negligible.

Water Budget in the District: At present, total water demand of the district is 1840.02

MCM and the estimated water demand for the year 2020 is 1849.33 MCM. All the eight

blocks have insufficient water to fulfill the water demand. Kapadvanj has the highest water

gap of 208.6MCM, which is 1.82 times higher that that of the present water availability.

Thasara block, with total water gap of 141 MCM has the second highest water gap in the



Planned Coverage of Area under PMKSY: During the upcoming four financial years,

a total of 23,517 ha area will be covered under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinachyi Yojna.

However, an additional area of 12,532 ha area is proposed to be covered under PMKSY

during nexy four years.

Out of the total area planned to cover under PMKSY, Water Resource Department is

expected to bring an additional area area of 3564 hectare under irrigation through various

activities, such as canal works, water course, drought proofing through check dam and

water harvesting, deepening of ponds, construction of check dams etc. Gujarat Green

Revolution Company Ltd. (GGRC) which is implementing all the micro irrigation schemes

of the state is expected to cover a total area of 11,165 ha under drip and sprinkler irrigation.

As per the plan of Gujarat Land Development Corporation (GLDC), a total of 992

individual and community ponds and water harvesting structures will be created by the

department during upcoming 4 years. These structures are expected to irrigate a total area

of 2803 ha in the district. Gujarat State Watershed Management Agency (GSWMA) is

expected to cover a total area of 924 ha under various component of watershed.

Component wise Financial Outlay:

Figures in Rupees Lakh

Component 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Total

AIBP 5607.00 16441.07 15929.39 15929.42 53906.88

Har Khet ko Pani 3620.20 10970.22 9168.06 8989.13 32747.61

Per Drop More Crop 1374.18 1030.64 1030.64 1030.64 4466.09

Per Drop More Crop (Supplementary Water Management)

331.00 2433.00 2493.00 993.00 6250.00

PMKSY Watershed 1641.22 598.39 158.16 90.28 2488.05

Capacity Building 35.47 48.07 54.23 63.20 200.98

Total 12609.07 31521.38 28833.47 27095.66 100059.6

Department wise Financial Outlay:

Figures in Rupees Lakh

S.N Department 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Total

1 WRD 8448 27537.71 27036 25357 88379

2 SSNNL 555.8 1752 2308

3 GWRDC 152.5 152.5 152.5 152.5 610

4 GLDC 401.9 401.9 401.9 401.9 1608

5 GGRC 1374 1031 1031 1031 4466

6 GSWMA 1641.22 598.39 158.16 90.28 2488.05

7 ATMA 35.47 48.07 54.23 63.2 201

Total 12609.07 31521.38 28833.47 27095.66 100059.6


Expected Output and Outcome: At present, a total of 61764 ha of area under crops is

unirrigated in the district. Under PMKSY it is proposed to cover an additional area of

12,352 ha under irrigation during the upcoming four years. In addition, 11,165 ha area will

be brought under micro irrigation system. This will not only save significant amount of

water but a significantly larger area can also be irrigated with limited quantity of water.

The PMKSY interventions are likely to generate an additional income of Rs. 3112.70 lakh to

the farmers of the district. This is based on the assumption of at least 60% of potential

utilised and Rs. 42,000 per ha incremental income from rainfed to irrigated farming.

This is also likely to create 115.22 lakh mandays of non-recurring employment and 5301

jobs on recurring basis (in 12,352 ha additional area brought under irrigation at the rate of

2.33 ha average land holding by farmers).



i. Background

Preparation of decentralized area specific district planning process visualized in various

plans took concrete shape through the years and initiatives like specific guidelines on

methodologies and processes for preparation of district plans; framework for preparation

of perspective plan, medium term and annual plans by then planning commission in 1969

and the 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments conferring constitutional status to

Panchayats at district and sub district level, local self-government in urban areas;

constitution of district planning committee to consolidate the plans prepared at

Panchayats and municipalities and preparation of a draft development plan for the whole


The decentralized planning process was strengthened further through emphasis by

planning commission on preparation of district level plans and making it an integral part

of the process of preparation of the states 11th five year plan . Planning commission issued

guidelines in August 2006 on the preparation of the district plans. The guideline defines

the district planning as „…the process of preparing an integrated plan for the local

government sector in a district taking into account the resources (natural, human and

financial) available and covering the sectoral activities and schemes assigned to the district

level and below and those implemented through local governments in a state. The

document that embodies this statement of resources and their allocation for various

purposes is known as the District Plan”.

Government of India through a resolution in National Development Council on 29th May

2007 conceived a special Additional Central Assistance Scheme to address the slow growth

of agriculture and allied sectors by incentivizing states to draw up plans for their

agriculture sectors more comprehensively. The NDC resolution states "GoI will introduce a

new Additional Central Assistance scheme to incentivize states to draw up plans for their

agriculture sector more comprehensively, taking agro-climatic conditions, natural resource

issues and technology into account, and integrating livestock, poultry and fisheries, etc.

This will involve a new scheme for Additional Central Assistance (ACA) to State Plans,

administered by the Union Ministry of Agriculture over and above its existing Centrally

Sponsored Schemes, to supplement the state-specific strategies including special schemes

for beneficiaries of land reforms. The newly created National Rainfed Area Authority will,

on request, assist states in planning for rainfed areas".

The NDC in its resolution advised the states to prepare a comprehensive district

agriculture plans (C-DAP) that will fully utilize available resources and will include allied

agriculture sectors. Further, GOI issued a manual on preparation of comprehensive district

agriculture plans to help the states prepare C-DAP. As per these guidelines, the objective of

district planning is „to design an integrated and participatory action plan for the

development of local area in general and agriculture and allied sectors in particular‟. The

objectives of Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C-DAP) are:


To prepare a Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C-DAP) through participatory

process involving various organisations and stakeholders.

To enable optimum utilisation of scarce natural, physical & financial resources.

To assess and plan for the infrastructure required to support the agriculture


To establish linkages with the required institutional support services, like credit,

technology transfer, ICT, research etc.

To evolve an action plan for achieving sustainable agricultural growth with food

security and cropping system that will improve farmers‟ income.

The guidelines wanted the state/district authorities to (i) ensure that the agricultural plans

are prepared for the district and then integrated into the agricultural plans of the state

based on the agro-climatic conditions, availability of technology, trained manpower and

natural resources; (ii) the local needs / crops / feed and fodder / animal husbandry /

dairying / fisheries / priorities are reflected in the plan; (iii) the productivity gaps for

important crops and livestock and fisheries are reduced; and (iv) the returns to the farmers

from these are maximized.

The latest move in the process of strengthening of decentralized planning process was the

Government of India guidelines issued in 2015 in the form of a template for the

preparation of District Irrigation Plan (DIP) and State Irrigation Plan (SIP) as part of the

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) program and made the preparation of

DIP and SIP mandatory for the state to receive funds from the program. The present

District Irrigation Plan (DIP) report is a product of these long drawn efforts of

Government of India to strengthen the decentralized planning process in the country

focusing on the vital resource i.e., water.

Water is of vital importance for human & animal life, maintenance of ecological balance

and promotion of developmental activities. Considering its vital importance and ever

increasing demand for water in the face of population growth, urbanization &

industrialization &considerations of climatic change, making water, an increasingly a

scarce resource, available to multiple uses, planning and management of water resources,

utilization of water economically, optimally and equitably assumes greater importance.

According to the 12th Five Year Plan, the water budget estimates of India by Ministry of

Water Resources suggest an availability of 1123 Billion Cubic Meters (BCM) against a

current estimated demand of 710 BCM. The Standing Committee of the Ministry of Water

Resources estimates that this water demand will rise to 1093 BCM by 2025. Though the

existing water availability in the immediate future seems to be adequate, with the near

constant supply of water resources in the face of increasing demand on account of

population growth, urbanisation and industrialization will strain the water supply-demand



The per capita water availability which stood at 5,177 cubic meters in 1951 was reduced to

1820 cubic meters in 2001 while the international prescribed limit is 1800 cubic meters.

The projected per capita availability of water is 1341 cubmic meters in 2025 and 1140

cubmic meters in 2050 suggesting the shortage of water in the medium term1. Further, the

all India water balance estimates does not reflect the variations in water balance across

time and space- certain areas having a positive water balance and the others facing acute

shortage. The problem is further accentuated by water quality related issues.

With the abundant surface and ground water supply in the first five decades since

Independence, more than 80 percent of the total available water resources were allocated

for irrigation purposes and the rest meeting the domestic and industrial demands. In a

recent study2 on the demand for water from agriculture, domestic and industrial uses in

2000, 2025 and 2050 seems to suggest that domestic demand (34 BCM in 2000, 66 BCM

in 2025 and 101 BCM in 2050) and industrial demand (42 BCM in 2000, 92 BCM in 2025

and 161 BCM in 2050) for water will utilize the total balance water available while

agriculture demand for water will be (605 BCM in 2000, 675 BCM in 2025 and 637 BCM

in 2050). This change is partly because of the changing sectoral contributions of India‟s

GDP but also partly because of dynamics of irrigation development in the country where

the initial expansion in area under irrigation is propelled by the availability of abundant

water resources and availability of good quality land. This is no longer the case in many of

the states where the availability of land and water are serious constraints for further

expansion of irrigation. Further, as per then planning commission up to March 2012 out of

141 million hectares of net sown area in the country 114 (or 81%) million hectares is

Irrigation Potential Created (IPC) and 88 (or 62%) million hectares is Irrigation Potential

Utilised (IPU) leaving almost 20% of irrigated potential unutilized. This leaves 40 percent

of the net sown area in the country dependent on rainfall which makes farming a high risk

and less productive.

The competing demands for water resources and the emerging issues and concerns were to be addressed through certain basic principles and commonality in approaches in dealing with planning, development and management of water resources3 under an Integrated Water Resource Management framework. The main objectives of water resource management as delineated in National Water Policy 2012 are:

Planning, development and management of water resources need to be governed by common integrated perspective considering local, regional, State and national context, having an environmentally sound basis, keeping in view the human, social and economic needs.

Principle of equity and social justice must inform use and allocation of water.

1 Ministry of Water Resources (2011), Strategic Plan for Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, New

Delhi. 2 Amarasinghe, U.A., Shah T., Turral, H. and Anand, B.K. 2007. India’s water future to 2025-2050:

Business-as-usual scenario and deviations. Research Report 123, International Water Management Institute,

Colombo. 3 Ministry of Water Resources, National Water Policy, 2012, Government of India, New Delhi.


Good governance through transparent informed decision making is crucial to the objectives of equity, social justice and sustainability. Meaningful intensive participation, transparency and accountability should guide decision making and regulation of water resources.

Water needs to be managed as a common pool community resource held, by the state, under public trust doctrine to achieve food security, support livelihood, and ensure equitable and sustainable development for all.

Water is essential for sustenance of eco-system, and therefore, minimum ecological needs should be given due consideration.

Safe Water for drinking and sanitation should be considered as pre-emptive needs, followed by high priority allocation for other basic domestic needs (including needs of animals), achieving food security, supporting sustenance agriculture and minimum eco-system needs. Available water, after meeting the above needs, should be allocated in a manner to promote its conservation and efficient use.

All the elements of the water cycle, i.e., evapo-transpiration, precipitation, runoff, river, lakes, soil moisture, and ground water, sea, etc., are interdependent and the basic hydrological unit is the river basin, which should be considered as the basic hydrological unit for planning.

Given the limits on enhancing the availability of utilizable water resources and increased variability in supplies due to climate change, meeting the future needs will depend more on demand management, and hence, this needs to be given priority, especially through (a) evolving an agricultural system which economizes on water use and maximizes value from water, and (b) bringing in maximum efficiency in use of water and avoiding wastages.

Water quality and quantity are interlinked and need to be managed in an integrated manner, consistent with broader environmental management approaches inter-alia including the use of economic incentives and penalties to reduce pollution and wastage.

The impact of climate change on water resources availability must be factored into water management related decisions. Water using activities need to be regulated keeping in mind the local geo climatic and hydrological situation.

The National Water Policy 2012 drives the water resource management program planning

and management in the country. Government of India launched Pradhan Mantri Krishi

Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) to address the constraints to providing assured irrigation as

well as increasing efficiency and productivity of current water use to bring more prosperity

to the rural areas. Priorities of Government of India were reflected in the Hon‟ble

President‟s address to the joint Session of the Parliament of 16th Lok Sabha where he

indicated that “Each drop of water is precious. Government is committed to

giving high priority to water security. It will complete the long pending

irrigation projects on priority and launch the ‘Pradhan Mantri Krishi

Sinchayee Yojana’ with the motto of ‘Har Khet Ko Paani’. There is a need for

seriously considering all options including linking of rivers, where feasible;

for ensuring optimal use of our water resources to prevent the recurrence of


floods and drought. By harnessing rain water through ‘Jal Sanchay’ and ‘Jal

Sinchan’, we will nurture water conservation and ground water recharge.

Micro irrigation will be popularised to ensure ‘Per drop-More crop”.

PMKSY has been approved with an indicative outlay of Rs.50,000 crore over a period of

five years from 2015-16 to 2019-20. The programme is an amalgamation of on-going

schemes of Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation,

Ministry of Agriculture & Cooperation and Ministry of Rural Development. The existing

schemes AIBP, CADWM, MI, SWMA, and Watershed & Convergence with MGNREGA

were brought together under the umberella program of PMKSY. Further the scheme seeks

convergence with scheme like Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee

Scheme (MGNRES), Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), Jawaharlal Nehru National

Solar Mission and Rural Electrification programmes (JLNNSM&REP), Rural

Infrastructure development Fund (RIDF), Member of Parliament Local Area Development

Scheme (MPLAD), Member of Legislative Assembly Local Area Development Scheme

(MPLALAD), Local body funds (LBF), Working Plan of State Forest Department (WPSFD)


The PMKSY will be implemented in an area development mode only by adopting a

decentralized state level planning and projectised execution structure that will allow the

state to draw up their own irrigation development plans based on DIPs and SIPs with a

horizon of 5-7 years. The program will be supervised and coordinated utilizing the existing

mechanism and structure available under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) program

with state agriculture department acting as the State Nodal Agency for implementation of

PMKSY. However, the implementing departments for the four components like AIBP,

PMKSY (Har Khet Ko Pani), PMKSY (Per drop more crop) and PMKSY (watershed

development) will be decided by the respective program ministry/department.

The funds under this program would be provided to the states as per the pattern of

assistance of Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) decided by the Ministry of Finance and

NITI Aayog. During 2015-16 the existing pattern of assistance of ongoing scheme will be

continued. An outlay of Rs. 50,000 crore has been approved for 2015-20. The financial

assistance provided to the state governments from this centrally sponsored scheme is

subject to fulfillment of certain conditions. Firstly, a state will become eligible to access

PMKSY fund only if it has prepared the District Irrigation Plans (DIP) and State Irrigation

Plan (SIP), excepting for the initial year, and the expenditure in water resource

development for agriculture sector in the year under consideration is not less than the

baseline expenditure, which is defined as the average of the expenditure in irrigation sector

irrespective of the department in the state plan in three years prior to the year under

consideration. Secondly, State will be given additional weightage for levying charges on

water and electricity for irrigation purposes, so as to ensure sustainability of the

programme. Thridly, inter state allocation of PMKSY fund will be decided based on (i)

share of percentage of unirrigated area in the state vis-à-vis national average including

prominence of areas classified under Dessert Development Programme (DDP) and

Drought Prone Area Development Programme (DPAP) and (ii) increase in percentage

share of expenditure on water resource development for agriculture sector in State Plan


expenditure in the previous year over three years prior to it (iv) improvement in irrigation

efficiency in the state.

ii. Vision

The overreaching vision of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) will be to

ensure access to some means of protective irrigation to all agricultural farms in the

country, to produce „per drop more crop‟, thus bringing much desired rural prosperity.

iii. Objective The objective of the PMKSY program are to :

a) Achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level (preparation of

district level and, if required, sub district level water use plans).

b) Enhance the physical access of water on the farm and expand cultivable area under

assured irrigation (Har Khet ko pani),

c) Integration of water source, distribution and its efficient use, to make best use of water

through appropriate technologies and practices.

d) Improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage and increase availability both in

duration and extent,

e) Enhance the adoption of precision-irrigation and other water saving technologies (More

crop per drop).

f) Enhance recharge of aquifers and introduce sustainable water conservation practices

g) Ensure the integrated development of rainfed areas using the watershed approach

towards soil and water conservation, regeneration of ground water, arresting runoff,

providing livelihood options and other NRM activities.

h) Promote extension activities relating to water harvesting, water management and crop

alignment for farmers and grass root level field functionaries.

i) Explore the feasibility of reusing treated municipal waste water for peri-urban

agriculture, and

j) Attract greater private investments in irrigation.

iv. Strategy/approach To achieve these objectives PMKSY adopted strategies that include

a) Creation of new water sources; repair, restoration and renovation of defunct water

sources; construction of water harvesting structures, secondary & micro storage,

groundwater development, enhancing potentials of traditional water bodies at village level

like Jal Mandir (Gujarat); Khatri, Kuhl (H.P.); Zabo (Nagaland); Eri, Ooranis (T.N.);

Dongs (Assam); Katas, Bandhas (Odisha and M.P.) etc.

b) Developing/augmenting distribution network where irrigation sources (both assured

and protective) are available or created;

c) Promotion of scientific moisture conservation and run off control measures to improve

ground water recharge so as to create opportunities for farmer to access recharged water

through shallow tube/dug wells;


d) Promoting efficient water conveyance and field application devices within the farm viz,

underground piping system, Drip & Sprinklers, pivots, rain-guns and other application

devices etc.;

e) Encouraging community irrigation through registered user groups/farmer producers‟

organisations/NGOs; and

f) Farmer oriented activities like capacity building, training and exposure visits,

demonstrations, farm schools, skill development in efficient water and crop management

practices (crop alignment) including large scale awareness on more crop per drop of water

through mass media campaign, exhibitions, field days, and extension activities through

short animation films etc.

V. Programme Components PMKSY has the following four programme components

1 Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme(AIBP) a) To focus on faster

completion of ongoing Major and Medium Irrigation including National Projects.

2 PMKSY (Har Khet ko Pani) a) Creation of new water sources through Minor

Irrigation (both surface and ground water); b) Repair, restoration and renovation of water

bodies; strengthening carrying capacity of traditional water sources, construction rain

water harvesting structures (Jal Sanchay); c) Command area development, strengthening

and creation of distribution network from source to the farm; d) Ground water

development in the areas where it is abundant, so that sink is created to store runoff/ flood

water during peak rainy season. e) Improvement in water management and distribution

system for water bodies to take advantage of the available source which is not tapped to its

fullest capacity (deriving benefits from low hanging fruits). At least 10% of the command

area to be covered under micro/precision irrigation. f) Diversion of water from source of

different location where it is plenty to nearby water scarce areas, lift irrigation from water

bodies/rivers at lower elevation to supplement requirements beyond IWMP and

MGNREGS irrespective of irrigation command. g) Creating and rejuvenating traditional

water storage systems like Khatri, Kuhl etc. at feasible locations.

3 PMKSY (Per Drop More Crop) a) Programme management, preparation of

State/District Irrigation Plan, approval of annual action plan, Monitoring etc. b)

Promoting efficient water conveyance and precision water application devices like drips,

sprinklers, pivots, rain-guns in the farm (Jal Sinchan); c) Topping up of input cost

particularly under civil construction beyond permissible limit (40%), under MGNREGS for

activities like lining inlet, outlet, silt traps, distribution system etc. d) Construction of

micro irrigation structures to supplement source creation activities including tube wells

and dug wells (in areas where ground water is available and not under semi critical

/critical /over exploited category of development) which are not supported under AIBP,

PMKSY (Har Khet ko Pani), PMKSY (Watershed) and MGNREGS as per block/district

irrigation plan. e) Secondary storage structures at tail end of canal system to store water

when available in abundance (rainy season) or from perennial sources like streams for use

during dry periods through effective on-farm water management; f) Water lifting devices


like diesel/ electric/ solar pumpsets including water carriage pipes, underground piping

system. g) Extension activities for promotion of scientific moisture conservation and

agronomic measures including cropping alignment to maximise use of available water

including rainfall and minimise irrigation requirement (Jal sarankchan); h) Capacity

building, training and awareness campaign including low cost publications, use of pico

projectors and low cost films for encouraging potential use water source through

technological, agronomic and management practices including community irrigation. i)

The extension workers will be empowered to disseminate relevant technologies under

PMKSY only after requisite training is provided to them especially in the area of promotion

of scientific moisture conservation and agronomic measures, improved/ innovative

distribution system like pipe and box outlet system, etc. Appropriate Domain Experts will

act as Master Trainers. j) Information Communication Technology (ICT) interventions

through NeGP-A to be made use in the field of water use efficiency, precision irrigation

technologies, on farm water management, crop alignment etc. and also to do intensive

monitoring of the Scheme.

4 PMKSY (Watershed Development)

a) Effective management of runoff water and improved soil & moisture conservation

activities such as ridge area treatment, drainage line treatment, rain water harvesting, in-

situ moisture conservation and other allied activities on watershed basis. b) Converging

with MGNREGS for creation of water source to full potential in identified backward

rainfed blocks including renovation of traditional water bodies

v. Rationale/ Justification Statement In reference to the status and need of irrigation, the water resource management including

irrigation related priorities was identified for Kheda district by the peoples‟ representatives

of district with support from administration and technical experts. For instance the reports

of Strategic Research and Extension Plan (SREP) prepared under ATMA program,

Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C-DAP) prepared as part of Rashtriya Krishi

Vikas Yojana (RKVY), Potential Linked Credit Plans (PLP) of NABARD and the Integrated

District Development Plan etc identified number of irrigation related issues for Kheda

district including the (i) protection of crops from abiotic stress factors including

flashfloods; (i) promoting water use efficiency through sprinkler and drip irrigation; (iii)

promoting protected polyhouse cultivation to minimize risk factors and enhance quality

and productivity; (iv) Improvement of on-farm water delivery and efficiency of existing

irrigation systems; (v) promotion of soil conservation of arable & non-arable land through

engineering measures; (vi) creation of new water harvesting structures, check dams,

ponds, tanks, etc and (vii) land improvement measures.

vi. Methodology During the course of preparation of District Irrigation Plan (DIP) the team visited Kheda

district to collect data and have interaction with all the stakeholders. Methodology adopted

to prepare DIP is outlined in brief as under:


Collection of primary and secondary data from multiple sources including Season

and Crop Reports, Statistical Handbook, District Census Handbook and other

published documents and websites of different departments.

Meetings with state government departments and related institutions were held and

meeting through VC was also held with state level authorities.

GIS maps of the area‟s/clusters were studied to understand the land morphology,

topography of the district.

Discussions and interviews were held with officers of agriculture department,

horticulture department, sub division soil conservation office, Agriculture

Technology Management Agency (ATMA), District Watershed Development Agnecy

(DWDA) of District Rural Development Authority (DRDA), Animal Husbandry

department, Water resource department and identified the key issues and key focus

areas of the region. Discussion with District Development Manager of NABARD for

Kheda district was also held during the visit.

Team members also participated in the State Level workshop and held active

discussions with GoI officers, State Level officers and scientists of various institutions

including Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) and Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)

office etc.

On the basis of detailed discussion and analysis of data, the team arrived at the projections

of various components of PMKSY and Department wise plan for four years from 2016-17 to

2019-20 was prepared which is given in Annexure V



1. General Information of the District

1.1 District Profile Kheda district comes under Middle Gujarat Sub-Region. It is located 35 km from

Ahmedabad on the bank of river Vatrak. In the northern side Sabarkantha, eastern side

Panchmahals, western side Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar in North West and in the southern

side Anand & Vadodara districts are situated. The district is the major producer of tobacco.

Hence, it is called by the name “Golden Leaf”.

Latitude and longitude:

Kheda district is situated in Gujarat plains, hill region-central Gujarat between 22.30° to

23.18° North latitude and 72.32° to 73.37° East longitude. The district spread accoross an

area of 4219 sq km. Table. 1.1 District Profile

Name of the District

District code Latitude Longitude

Kheda 7 22.30 to 23.18 N 72.32 to 73.37 E

Administrative setup

The districts in Gujarat are divived into Talukas (Tehsils) and the community development

block as unit of administration is same as the Taluka. Kheda district has 10 talukas/blocks

and 559 Gram panchayats. District Collector, being a representative of state government at

district level discharges most important duties and also play the role of Chief Co-

coordinator of the District.

Fig.1.1 District Map of Kheda

*In 2013, Virpur and Balashinor blocks became a part of newly former Mahisagar district


The Panchayati Raj institutions are fairly strong and most of the development works have

been transferred to the District Panchayats and its subordinate bodies. The District

Panchayat has an elected President and District Development Officer is appointed by the

Government works as its Secretary, who together looks after day-to-day work related to the

development. The following chart shows the organization structure of Kheda district


Fig.1.2 Administrative Set-up of Kheda

1.2 Demography As per the 2011 census, the population of the district was 20,53,769 out of which number

of males and females were 10,58,505 and 9,95,264 respectively (Table 1.2). There were

480 persons per square kilometer of area in 2001 but at present (2011) it was 582 persons

per sq. km. The percentage of rural population to total population was 77.23 per cent in the

district in 2011.The overall literacy rate of the district was 71.96 per cent as per 2001

census but it increased to 82.65 per cent as per 2011 census. The sex ratio of Kheda district

during 2001 and 2011 was 923 and 940 respectively.

Table. 1.2 (a) Demographic Profile of Kheda

S# Population

Blocks No. of Villages Covered

M F CH* (1-14 Yrs)


1 Kapadvanj 104 140288 132880 33882 273168

2 Kathlal 58 106886 101740 27572 208626

3 Mehmedabad 65 130566 125412 34144 255978

4 Kheda 39 66433 61729 16385 128162

5 Matar 55 84391 78409 20874 162800

6 Nadiad 59 284226 266104 63877 550330

7 Mahudha 41 68304 64256 17357 132560

8 Thasra 96 177411 164734 44165 342145

State Total 517 1058505 995264 258256 2053769


Fig.1.3 Block wise Population Distribution

Out of total population of 20,92,745, the district was having 1,04,465 schedule caste

members (4.99%), 24,824 (1.18%) schedule tribe members and 19,63,456 (93.8%) general

members during 2011. Block wise SC, ST and general population is detailed in Table.1.2


Table. 1.2 (b) Demographic Profile of Kheda

S# SC ST General Total

Blocks No. of HH

No. of Member

No. of HH

No. of Member

No. of HH

No. of Member

No. of HH

No. of Member

1 Kapadvanj 2,729 15087 519 4832 51754 253249 55002 273168

2 Kathlal 1,014 6062 140 874 41183 201690 42337 208626

3 Mehmedabad 1,636 9883 226 1920 50298 244175 52160 255978

4 Kheda 2,227 11991 1,391 6977 22550 109194 26168 128162

5 Matar 1,700 8098 357 1737 30845 152965 32902 162800

6 Nadiad 2,501 24378 580 8599 111848 517353 114929 550330

7 Mahudha 855 4276 255 1348 25249 126936 26359 132560

8 Thasra 3,585 18911 1,551 11023 62945 312211 68081 342145

State Total 16247 98686 5019 37310 396672 1917773 417938 2053769

Fig.1.4 Social Category wise Population Distribution


1.3 Biomass and Livestock

Small and Large Livestock

The major source of livelihood for households in Kheda district is agriculture followed by

animal husbandry. In 2012 a total of 9,11,530 cattles and draft animals (including buffalo)

were reared by 4,17,938 households at the rate of 2.18 cattle/buffaloes per household.

Among the small animals, the blocks of Nadiad (194528), Mehmedabad (170651) and

Mahudha (37446) had a large no of poultry birds. Similarly, the blocks of Thasra (27610),

Nadiad (25209) and Kapadvanj (14937) had large number of goats; the blocks of Nadiad

(3269), Kathlal (3185) and Kapadvanj (3036) had large no of sheep.

Table. 1.3 (a) Block Wise No of Livestock in Kheda District as per 2012 Livestock Census (Small Animals)

Sr. No.

Name of Block/Taluka

Small Animals

Poultry (No.)

Ducks (No.)

Pigs (No.) Goats (No.)

Sheeps (No.) Total

1 Kapadvanj 11973 0 0 14937 3036 29946 2 Kathlal 12047 54 0 8801 3185 24087 3 Kheda 35059 0 0 4371 756 40186 4 Mahudha 37446 0 0 9101 2237 48784 5 Matar 16304 96 0 7897 684 24981 6 Mehmedabad 170651 24 0 12449 1955 185079 7 Nadiad 194528 9039 0 25209 3269 232045 8 Thasra 22490 0 0 27610 2293 52393

Total 500498 9213 0 110375 17415 637501

Among the large animals the blocks of Thasra (19763), Nadiad (19647) and Kapadvanj

(10389) had a large no of indigenous cow population. The block of Kapadvanj (54674) had

the largest number of hybrid cow population. The blocks of Thasra (133441), Nadiad

(107723) and Mehmedabad (107001) had the largest number of buffalo population.

Table. 1.3 (b) Block Wise No of Livestock in KhedaDistrict as per 2012 Livestock Census (Large Animals)

Sr. No.

Name of Block/Taluk


Large Animals Indigenous Cow

Hybrid Cow

In Descriptive Buffalo

Draft Animal (Buffalo/yak/ bulls/any other)


1 Kapadvanj 10389 54674 83564 22348 200921 2 Kathlal 4636 5356 67987 13781 115847 3 Kheda 8156 1377 38136 4667 92522 4 Mahudha 5673 3354 41399 8480 107690 5 Matar 9154 2964 53540 6111 96750 6 Mehmedabad 5781 5933 107001 12495 316289 7 Nadiad 19647 8301 107723 16007 383723 8 Thasra 19763 3272 133441 26420 235289

Total 83199 85231 632791 110309 1549031


1.4 Agro-Ecology, Climate, Hydrology and Topography The district has semi-arid climate with three distinguished seasons i.e. kharif (June to

September), winter (October to January) and summer (February to May). The district

receives the rainfall through South-West monsoon which normally starts from middle of

June, July and August are the richer months for rainfall. The last ten years average rainfall

of the district is 831.8 mm. Average number of rainy days in the district is 36.2. The more

rainfall received in the months of July and August and thereafter rainfall declined in the

months of September and October. However, scanty and uneven rainfall pattern is not


The average maximum temperature during summer months recorded was 42°C and

minmum temperature at 21° C. During winter months, the average temperature ranges

between 13°C and 35°C. Similarly, during rainy season, between the months of June and

September, average maximum temperature recorded was 37°C and minimum temperature

at 23°C.

Table.1.4. Agro ecology of Kheda Agro


Zone Type

Type of Terrain









No of


Days (No)

Average Monthly Temperature (°C) Period

Summer (April-May)

Winter (Oct-Mar)

Rainy (June-Sept)















Majority of soil is Sandy Loam

831.8 200.33 36.2 21 42 20.9

13 35 12.9

23 37 22.9

Source: IMD, Ahmeadabad

1.5 Soil Profile

The majority of the Kheda district soil is Clay loam type. It covers about 1,71,838 ha area

and this soil find in all the talukas of Kheda Districts. It covers about 71 per cent area of the

district. It has high retention capacity with high water holding capacity and medium in soil

fertility and suitable for majority of the agriculture and horticulture crops. The soil pH

ranged from is 6.95-8.06 (neutral in reaction). The Thasra taluka has maximum (29200

ha.) Clay loam soils. The black soil cover about 18.8 per cent area of the Kheda district and

Nadiad, Mahudha, Kheda, Kapadwanj, and Thasra talukas have larger area of this soils as

compaired to rest of the talukas. Mahudha have maximum black soil (9445 ha). The saline

soils area was 387 ha in Kheda district. The majority area of saline soils were observed in

Kheda taluka (134 ha) followed by Mahemadavad (129 ha) and Matar (124 ha). The soil

types and their characteristics of Kheda district and talukas of Kheda district is furnished

in Table 1.5.

Table.1.5. Block wise Soil Classification


Taluka Black soil

Sandy loam

Clay Loam

Others Total

Nadiad 8454 95 21723 461 30733

Mahudha 9445 146 11732 417 21740

Mahemadavad 4785 2669 23801 560 31815 Kheda 5765 2220 14765 690 23440

Matar 3668 382 27368 364 31782

Kapadwanj 8456 5000 28819 - 42275 Kathalal 85 11690 14430 - 26205

Thasra 5070 - 29200 - 34270

Total 45728 22202 171838 2492 242260 Source: Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan, Kheda District, Government of Gujarat

1.6 Land Use Pattern The total geographical area of the district is 3,39,112 hectares, out of which nearly 2,60,792

hectares (or 76.9%) is under Agriculture. Another 38,055 hectares (or 11.2%) of the land is

under other uses including non-agricultural uses. However 6501 ha area is cultivable

waste, out of which only Thasra block has 2950 ha of cultivable waste. Block wise land use

pattern of the district can be observed in following table.

Table.1.6. Block wise Land Use Pattern Taluka










Pastures Barren &










Nadiad 40415 - 5133 200 1454 654 34082 33882

Mahudha 25858 - 3154 680 2029 680 21074 20394

Mahemadavad 28735 - 4570 1049 2435 200 24040 22991

Kheda 40497 - 3495 200 2032 1049 34880 34680

Matar 38641 - 4020 900 1505 900 33721 32821

Kapadwanj 68758 3098 5827 512 1700 1287 49562 49050

Kathalal 29855 - 3546 10 1543 620 25457 25447

Thasra 66353 - 8310 2950 4128 2956 44477 41527

Total 339112 3098 38055 6501 16826 8346 267293 260792

Source: Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan, Kheda District, Government of Gujarat


Chapter II

2. District Water Profile

Kheda district falls under the agro climatic zone of Middle Gujarat Agro Climatic zone (GJ-

3), North Gujarat Zone GJ-4. The district has semi-arid climate with three distinguished

seasons i.e. kharif (June to September), winter (October to January) and summer

(February to May). The major cropping system under the existing farming systems is

primarily Rice- Wheat, Bajra –Tobacco - Bajra, Bajra – Castor, Potato – Bajra, Rice –

Mustard, Rice – Rustica Tobacco, Cotton - Tobacco. Rice, Bajra, Tobacco and Jowar are

the predominant agriculture crops of the District.

Among horticulture crops, Aonla, Citrus, Banana, Papaya and Mango are the major fruit

crops and Potato, Brinjal, Cabbage, Tomato are among the major vegetables cultivated in

the district.

2.1. Area Wise, Crop Wise Irrigation Status Out of gross cropped area of 3,40,629 ha (exclusive of horticulture crops) in the district,

only kharif cereals have a share of 1,46,089 ha (or 62.3%). Paddy and bajra are the Major

crops cultivated in kharif season with an area share of 50 per cent and 18 per cent

respectively. Tobacco is having third largest area share among major agriculture crops

(25070 ha or 12% of total kharif area). In Rabi season, 95 per cent area, i.e. 80,470 ha was

covered under jowar. Paddy, Groundnut and maize are the major crops cultivated in

summer season.

A total of 68,629 ha area out of 4,09,258 ha under major agriculture crop is rainfed in the

district. Most of the rainfed area is occupied by a Bajra and Castor with an area share of 61

per cent and 23.5 per cent respectively. Crop wise area under irrigated and rainfed

situation is highlighted in the following table.

Table.2.1 Area wise and Crop wise Irrigation Status of Agriculture Crops (2013-14) Crop Type kharif (Area in ha.) Rabi (Area in ha.) Summer (Area in

ha.) Total (Area in ha.)

Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot (A)Cereals 114972 31117 146089 80470 0 80470 39024 0 39024 234466 31117 265583

(B) Coarse Cereals

0 0 0 2632 0 2632 0 0 0 2632 0 2632

(C) Pulses 4448 8208 12656 302 409 711 833 0 833 5583 8617 14200

(D) Oil Seeds

6627 12754 19381 1853 388 2241 312 0 312 8792 13142 21934

(E) Fibre 21349 0 21349 0 0 0 0 0 0 21349 0 21349

(F) Any other crops

30650 15344 45994 27062 409 27471 10095 0 10095 67807 15753 83560

Total 178046 67423 245469 112319 1206 113525 50264 0 50264 340629 68629 409258

Source: Department Of Agriculture, Agriculture Statistic of state, AgriState


Fig.2.1 Gross Irrigated and Rainfed area under Agriculture Crops

The district reports to have total area of 43,311 ha under horticulture crops during 2014-15.

Out of the total area under horticulture crops fruits, vegetables, flowers and spices have

area share of 19.5 per cent, 73.4 per cent, 3.6 per cent and 3.4 per cent respectively.

Approximately except 10 per cent area under fruit crops, most of the area under

horticulture crops was irrigated in the district.

Table.2.2 Area under Horticulture Crops (in ha)

S.N. Blocks Vegetables Fruits Flowers Spices Total 1 Nadiad 7467 2263 208 204 10142 2 Thasara 3103 1134 133 244 4614 3 Mahudhaa 2460 577 115 53 3205 4 Matar 2431 791 227 12 3461 5 Kheda 3310 1076 144 40 4570 6 Mahemdavad 4733 1190 139 48 6110 7 Kathlal 3829 636 394 216 5075 8 Kapadvanj 4491 796 208 639 6134

Total 31824 8463 1568 1456 43311 Source: Horticulture Department, Gujarat

Out of total area under major agriculture crops, Thasara block has a share of 18.4 per cent,

followed by Kapadvanj (16.8%), Matar (13%) and Nadiad (13%). Kapadvanj block has the

largest rainfed area of the district, i.e. 37,772 ha under major agriculture crops. Block wise

area under various crops in irrigated and rainfed situation is highlighted in tble.2.3.

Table.2.3 Block wise Area under Various Crops (Area in hectare) 1. Block: Kapadvanj

Crop Type

kharif Rabi Summer Total

Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot

Cereals 3500 12850 16350 5051 0 5051 5223 0 5223 13774 12850 26624

Coarse Cereals

0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 5

Pulses 0 5098 5098 0 42 42 187 0 187 187 5140 5327

Oil Seeds

0 10002 10002 0 0 0 165 0 165 165 10002 10167


Fibre 12563 0 12563 0 0 0 0 0 0 12563 0 12563

others 464 9738 10202 3135 42 3177 579 0 579 4178 9780 13958

Total 16527 37688 54215 8191 84 8275 6154 0 6154 30872 37772 68644

2. Block: Kathalal

Crop Type

kharif Rabi Summer Total

Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot

Cereals 3864 10382 14246 2806 0 2806 4563 0 4563 11233 10382 21615

Coarse Cereals

0 0 0 83 0 83 0 0 0 83 0 83

Pulses 0 2732 2732 0 0 0 70 0 70 70 2732 2802

Oil Seeds

0 2288 2288 85 0 85 0 0 0 85 2288 2373

Fibre 1535 0 1535 0 0 0 0 0 0 1535 0 1535

others 635 5026 5661 2964 0 2964 514 0 514 4113 5026 9139

Total 6034 20428 26462 5938 0 5938 5147 0 5147 17119 20428 37547

3. Block: Kheda

Crop Type

kharif Rabi Summer Total

Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot

Cereals 16425 6 16431 13200 0 13200 1550 0 1550 31175 6 31181

Coarse Cereals

0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 5

Pulses 170 12 182 7 0 7 26 0 26 203 12 215

Oil Seeds

140 0 140 450 0 450 0 0 0 590 0 590

Fibre 348 0 348 0 0 0 0 0 0 348 0 348

others 1743 12 1755 2844 0 2844 1278 0 1278 5865 12 5877

Total 18826 30 18856 16506 0 16506 2854 0 2854 38186 30 38216

4. Block: Mahudha

Crop Type

kharif Rabi Summer Total

Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot

Cereals 11770 0 11770 6815 0 6815 4925 0 4925 23510 0 23510

Coarse Cereals

0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 10

Pulses 250 0 250 15 0 15 25 0 25 290 0 290

Oil Seeds

245 0 245 300 0 300 5 0 5 550 0 550

Fibre 475 0 475 0 0 0 0 0 0 475 0 475

others 5055 0 5055 2036 0 2036 1365 0 1365 8456 0 8456

Total 17795 0 17795 9176 0 9176 6320 0 6320 33291 0 33291

5. Block: Matar

Crop Type

kharif Rabi Summer Total

Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot

Cereals 26810 541 27351 16415 0 16415 2050 0 2050 45275 541 45816

Coarse Cereals

0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 4

Pulses 322 22 344 0 210 210 11 0 11 333 232 565

Oil Seeds

0 152 152 125 0 125 0 0 0 125 152 277

Fibre 238 0 238 0 0 0 0 0 0 238 0 238

others 1259 22 1281 3578 210 3788 681 0 681 5518 232 5750

Total 28629 737 29366 20122 420 20542 2742 0 2742 51493 1157 52650

6. Block: Mehemadabad

Crop kharif Rabi Summer Total


Type Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot

Cereals 18105 3757 21862 14630 0 14630 5357 0 5357 38092 3757 41849

Coarse Cereals

0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 10

Pulses 0 124 124 0 7 7 6 0 6 6 131 137

Oil Seeds

375 90 465 175 0 175 0 0 0 550 90 640

Fibre 155 0 155 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 0 155

others 1014 326 1340 4677 7 4684 2091 0 2091 7782 333 8115

Total 19649 4297 23946 19492 14 19506 7454 0 7454 46595 4311 50906

7. Block: Nadiyad

Crop Type

kharif Rabi Summer Total

Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot

Cereals 18506 3581 22087 12503 0 12503 6031 0 6031 37040 3581 40621

Coarse Cereals

0 0 0 15 0 15 0 0 0 15 0 15

Pulses 0 220 220 0 150 150 25 0 25 25 370 395

Oil Seeds

2 222 224 38 388 426 10 0 10 50 610 660

Fibre 385 0 385 0 0 0 0 0 0 385 0 385

others 4144 220 4364 5050 150 5200 1229 0 1229 10423 370 10793

Total 23037 4243 27280 17606 688 18294 7295 0 7295 47938 4931 52869

8. Block: Thasara

Crop Type

kharif Rabi Summer Total

Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot Irr RF Tot

Cereals 15992 0 15992 9050 0 9050 9325 0 9325 34367 0 34367

Coarse Cereals

0 0 0 2500 0 2500 0 0 0 2500 0 2500

Pulses 3706 0 3706 280 0 280 483 0 483 4469 0 4469

Oil Seeds

5865 0 5865 680 0 680 132 0 132 6677 0 6677

Fibre 5650 0 5650 0 0 0 0 0 0 5650 0 5650

others 16336 0 16336 2778 0 2778 2358 0 2358 21472 0 21472

Total 47549 0 47549 15288 0 15288 12298 0 12298 75135 0 75135

Source: Department Of Agriculture, Agriculture Statistic of state, AgriState

2.2 Production and Productivity of Major Crop

Paddy, Jowar, Bajra and Tobacco are the major agricultural crops cultivated in the district.

These four crops have an area share of more than 83 per cent in gross agriculture area of

the district.

The district produced a total of 33,87,028 quintal paddy, quintal 2193612 jowar, 422825

quintal bajra and 4,39,539 quintal tobacco during 2013-14. The details of the area,

production and yield of various crops of Kheda district can be observed in table. 2.4 and


Table.2.4. Area, Production and Productivity of Agriculture Crops in Kheda Season Crops Rainfed Irrigated Total

A (ha)

P (Qtl) Y

(kg/ha) A

(ha) P

(Qtl) Y

(kg/ha) A

(ha) P

(Qtl) Y


kharif Paddy 421 3915.3 930 107150 2524454 2356.00 107571 2528369 2350.42

Bajri 30328 411247.7 1356 7770 11578 149.01 38098 422825.7 1109.84


Season Crops Rainfed Irrigated Total

A (ha)

P (Qtl) Y

(kg/ha) A

(ha) P

(Qtl) Y

(kg/ha) A

(ha) P

(Qtl) Y


Maize 368 6528.32 1774 52 922.48 1774.00 420 7450.8 1774.00

Mung 212 896.76 423 110 423 384.55 322 1319.76 409.86

Math 34 283.22 833 10 833 8330.00 44 1116.22 2536.86

Udid 44 275 625 41 818.75 1996.95 85 1093.75 1286.76

Tur 430 4300 1000 26 1000 3846.15 456 5300 1162.28

Groundnut 505 7575 1500 62 930 1500.00 567 8505 1500.00

Castor 11775 185809.5 1578 5930 93575.4 1578.00 17705 279384.9 1578.00

Sesamum 469 956.76 204 190 387.6 204.00 659 1344.36 204.00

Cotton 0 0 21349 111228.3 521.00 21349 111228.3 521.00

Tobacco 4400 75768 1722 20670 355937.4 1722.00 25070 431705.4 1722.00

Soyabean 5 50 1000 562 4377.98 779.00 567 4427.98 780.95 Rabi Wheat 914 13161.6 1440 0 0 914 13161.6 1440.00

Jowar 0 0 80470 2193612 2726.00 80470 2193612 2726.00

Rapeseed & mustard

0 0 711 8816.4 1240.00 711 8816.4 1240.00

Sugarcane 0 0 2098 32219.09 1535.70 2098 32219.09 1535.70

Fennel 0 0 10 100 1000.00 10 100 1000.00

Tobacco 0 0 544 7833.6 1440.00 544 7833.6 1440.00 Summer Groundnut 0 0 8596 152493 1774.00 8596 152493 1774.00

Bajra 0 0 180 3580.2 1989.00 180 3580.2 1989.00

Paddy 0 0 34512 858658.6 2488.00 34512 858658.6 2488.00

Maize 0 0 4512 124034.9 2749.00 4512 124034.9 2749.00

Mung 0 0 50 1032 2064.00 50 1032 2064.00

Udid 0 0 310 1770.1 571.00 310 1770.1 571.00

Source: Department Of Agriculture, Agriculture Statistic of state, AgriState

Table.2.5. Area, Production and Productivity of Horticulture Crops in Kheda

Area in Ha., Prod. in M.T., Yield in M.T./Ha. Name of Taluka

Vegetable Fruit Flower Spices


Nadiad 7467 144700 19.38 2263 34714 15 208 2018 9.70 204 2000 9.80

Thasara 3103 57961 18.68 1134 22805 20 133 1361 10.23 244 650 2.66

Mahudhaa 2460 42391 17.23 577 8476 15 115 1030 8.95 53 310 5.84

Matar 2431 47291 19.45 791 13867 18 227 2142 9.44 12 55 4.54

Kheda 3310 62670 18.93 1076 27715 26 144 1345 9.34 40 294 7.36

Mahemdavad 4733 76341 16.13 1190 17261 15 139 1261 9.07 48 448 9.34

Kathlal 3829 69292 18.10 636 10089 16 394 3880 9.85 216 1041 4.82

Kapadvanj 4491 88551 19.72 796 16221 20 208 1915 9.21 639 1779 2.78

Total 31824 589197 18.51 8463 151148 17.86 1568 14952 9.54 1456 6576 4.52

Source: Department Of Horticulture, Govt. of Gujarat

2.3 Irrigation Based Classification The Gross Irrigated Area of Kheda district is 2,92,159 hectare which is around 72.3 per

cent of the total sown area of the district. Among the blocks, almost 100 per cent sown area

of Mahudha, Thasara and Nadiad blocks are irrigated. Kapadvanj and Kathalal block has

largest unirrigated area of 32,632 ha and 17,696 ha respectively.


Table.2.6. Block wise Irrigation based Classification

Name of Block/ Taluka

Irrigated (Area in ha)

Rainfed (Area in ha) Partially

Irrigated/ Protective Irrigation


or Totally Rainfed

Gross Irrigated


Net Irrigated


Kapadvanj 22437 22437 NA 32632 Kathalal 7000 7000 NA 17696 Kheda 38146 19600 NA 18 Mahudha 14829 11397 NA 0 Matar 51103 29971 NA 925 Mehemadabad 46665 26834 NA 4135 Nadiyad 54299 32648 NA 6358 Thasara 57680 38220 NA 0 Kheda dist 292159 188107 NA 61764 Source: Department Of Agriculture, Agriculture Statistic of state, AgriState


Chapter- III

3. Water Availability in Kheda

Kheda District is occupied by only minor rivers and streams and no major rivers in the

district. However, it is bounded by two perennial rivers i.e. Mahi and Sabermati Rivers.

South part of the district is irrigated in all the three seasons and surface water is applied

through a network of canals of Mahi Right Bank Canal system (MRBC). The ground water

is shallow in major parts of the district excepting along the Mahi River. The status of water

availability from surface and ground water is discussed in this chapter.

3.1. Status of Water Availability

Major source of Surface water for irrigation purpose in the district is canal.The availability

of surface water is accross all the seven blocks of the district, except Kapadvanj.Kapadvanj

block has the least surface water availability of 14.45 MCM. The total availability of Surface

water in the district is 587.6 MCM. Mehemadabad block has the largest surface water

availability of 103.4 MCM, followed by Nadiyad (97.0 MCM) and Thasara (93.9 MCM).

Total surface water availability during kharif season and Rabi season is 320.2 MCM and

267.4 MCM respectively. No surface water is available in summer season.

Table.3.1 Block wise Water availablility from Canal (Major and Mediun Irrigation)

Figures in MCM

Blocks Kharif Rabi Summer Total

Kapadvanj 5.1 9.4 0.0 14.4 Kathalal 30.3 55.7 0.0 86.0 Kheda 33.1 18.5 0.0 51.5 Mahudha 42.8 27.7 0.0 70.4 Matar 45.5 25.4 0.0 70.9 Mehemadabad 56.8 46.6 0.0 103.4 Nadiyad 62.3 34.7 0.0 97.0 Thasara 44.5 49.4 0.0 93.9 Kheda Dist 320.2 267.4 0.0 587.6

Source: SSNNL and WRD, Govt. of Gujarat

As per the data provided by Gujarat Water Resource Development Corporation, Ground

water is available in all the eight blocks of the district. Thasara block has the highest

ground water availability of 131.8 MCM, followed by Nadiyad (116.91 MCM) and

Mehemadabad (106.86 MCM). The availability of ground water in the district has been

discussed in para 3.2.

Table.3.2 Block wise Water availablity from Ground Water Sources

Figures in MCM

Blocks Kharif Rabi Summer Total Kapadvanj 93.85 5.9 0 99.75 Kathalal 59.29 1.91 0 61.2 Kheda 68.98 0.3 0 69.28 Mahudha 49.89 19.76 0 69.65 Matar 52.04 27.19 0 79.23 Mehemadabad 75.2 31.66 0 106.86


Nadiyad 101.45 15.46 0 116.91 Thasara 80.11 51.69 0 131.8 Kheda dist 580.81 153.87 0 734.68

Source: GWRDC, Govt. of Gujarat

Table.3.3 Water availablity from Various Sources in Kheda

Figures in MCM

S.N. Source Kharif Rabi Summer

1 Surface Water 320.2 267.4 0 2 Ground Water 580.81 153.87 0

Total 901.01 421.27 0

Source: GWRDC, SSNNL and WRD, Govt. of Gujarat

3.2 Status of Ground Water Availability As per Central Ground Water Board notification, the status ground water in five out of

eight blocks of the district is safe. Ground water status of Kapadvanj, Kathalal and

Mehemdavad is semi-critical. Block wise status of ground water given in following table.

Table.3.4 Ground Water Status of Kheda

Sr No

Taluka/ Block Status of block as per central ground water board notification

OE Critical Semi-Critical

Safe Saline

1 Kapadvanj √

2 Kathalal √

3 Kheda √ 4 Mahemdavad √

5 Mahudha √ 6 Matar √ 7 Nadiad √ 8 Thasra √

Source: GWRDC, Govt. of Gujarat

The stage of categorisation of ground water status is shown in following map.


Fig.3.1. Ground Water Status Map of Kheda

Source: Ground Water Brochure of Kheda District

*Balasinor and Virpur blocks are now part of Mahisagar district.

3.3 Hydrogeology

The Kheda district lies in the Cambay basin situated between Saurashtra crater and

aravalli Swell and Deccan Shield in the east. The basin comprises both marine formations.

Major part of the district is underlain by alluvium which intern is underlain by Tertiary

sedimentary formations with in The Cambay Sedimentary Basin. The alluvium mainly

consists of fine to coarse grained sand, gravel, silt, clay and Kankar.The thickness of

alluvium gradually increases from piedmonts zone in the northeast towards west and

southwest. Maximum thickness of alluvium in the district is estimated to be about 250-

300 m in the south western part. In western and south western part ground water occurs

both under phreatic and confined conditions in arenaceous horizons that form a multi-

layered aquifer system. The occurrence and movement of groundwater is mainly controlled

by inter-granular pore spaces. In Alluvium two major aquifers can be identified within the

explored depth.Groundwater in the upper unit occurs under phreatic conditions, which at

places becomes semi-confined to confined .The lower unit, comprising a few hundred

meters of alternating sandy and clayey horizons, formsa multiple confined aquifer system.

The general disposition of these aquifers in the study area is as follows. (Ground Water


Brochure of Kheda District by CGWB)

Description Aquifer Depth (m bgl)

Hydrogeological Unit-I Less than 40

Hydrogeological Unit-II Confined I 40-195

Fig.3.2. Depth Gound Water Level (Pre-Monsoon)

Source: Ground Water Brochure of Kheda District

*Balasinor and Virpur blocks are now part of Mahisagar district.

In the piedmont plain in central part of district, the nature of sediments is more uniform

and only phreatic aquifer is present. This belt forms the principal recharge zone for the

deeper aquifers. The argillaceous beds in the central and western parts, mainly act as

confining layers. In the north eastern part covered by hard rock formation groundwater

occurs in top weathered and fractured formation. Groundwater is extensively developed by

dug, dug-cum-bored and tube wells in areas underlain by alluvium. Depth of dug and dug-

cum-bored wells varies 5 m to 38 mbgl whereas depth to water level, in general, varies

from 5 to 15 mbgl.A map depicting spatial distribution of Depth to water level Pre-

Monsoon in Kheda District is presented in fig. 3.2. The depth to water level in the district

ranges between 2m to about 40m during May 2012. Nearly 7% area of the district is

covered by the water level of less than 2m bgl. Nearly 18% area of the district is covered by


the water level of 2m to 5m bgl. Nearly 35% area of the district is covered by the water level

of 5m to 10m bgl. Nearly 19% area of the district is covered by the water level of 10m to

20m bgl. Nearly 16% area of the district is covered by the water level of 20m to 40m bgl.

Nearly 5% area of the district is covered by the water level of greater than 40m bgl. A map

depicting spatial distribution of Depth to water level Post-Monsoon in Kheda District is

presented in following figure.

Fig.3.2. Depth Gound Water Level (Post-Monsoon)

Source: Ground Water Brochure of Kheda District

*Balasinor and Virpur blocks are now part of Mahisagar district.

The depth to water level in the district ranges between 2m to about 40m during May 2012.

Nearly 9% area of the district is covered by the water level of less than 2m bgl. Nearly 32%

area of the district is covered by the water level of 2m to 5m bgl. Nearly 28% area of the

district is covered by the water level of 5m to 10m bgl. Nearly 18% area of the district is

covered by the water level of 10m to 20m bgl. Nearly 13% area of the district is covered by

the water level of 20m to 40m bgl. Free flowing artesian wells were reported earlier, in

fifties, in western part of the district. Their depths were more than 300 mbgl and

reportedly yielded ground water of inferior quality .However; free flowing wells are not

observed at present.


3.3 Status of Command Area It can be observed from the following table that, a total of 1,46,032 ha is under canal

command, out of which 75,102 (or 51.4%) is developed and remaing 70,930 (or 48.6%) is

undeveloped. Block wise, Nadiad and Mehmedabad block has the largest area under

command area. Both of these blocks have a total of 36 per cent command area out of total

canal command area in the district. However, 64 per cent canal command of Nadiad block

and 49.32 per cent canal command of Mehmedabad block is undeveloped. The detail of

block wise canal command can be observed in table.3.5.

Table.3.5. Block wise Canal and other services Command

Area in ha.

S.No. Name of the Block

Information of Canal Command

Information on the other Services Command

Total Area

Developed Area

Undeveloped Area

Total Area

Developed Area

Undeveloped Area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Kapawdanj 2731 2731 0 NA NA NA 2 Thasra 21287 14102.55 7184.45 NA NA NA 3 Nadiad 26971 9440 17531 NA NA NA 4 Matar 19730 6905.5 12824.5 NA NA NA 6 Mahudha 18841 7625.25 11215.75 NA NA NA 7 Mehmedabad 25820 13083.9 12736.1 NA NA NA 8 Kheda 14331 5015.85 9315.15 NA NA NA 9 Kathalal 16321 16198.15 122.85 NA NA NA

Total 146032 75102 70930 NA NA NA Source: SSNNL and WRD, Govt. of Gujarat

3.4 Existing Type of Irrigation

As discussed in previous sub chapter, the district has a total of 75,102 ha area under

developed canal command. 59,796 ha of the district is irrigated by tanks, 5763 ha by

ponds and 19,006 ha by tubewell. Source wise command area under various infrastructure

is detailed in following table.

Table.3.6. Block wise Area under various irrigation infrastructure

Area in ha.

Taluka Canal Tank Pond Tube well

Nadiad 9439.85 23325 255 1997

Mahudha 7625.25 6008 615 1234

Mahemadavad 13083.9 0 858 7614

Kheda 5015.85 5715 2312 3487

Matar 6905.5 18841 580 982

Kapadwanj 2731 0 200 332

Kathalal 16198.2 0 425 1162

Thasra 14102.6 5907 518 2198

Total 75102.1 59796 5763 19006

Source: SSNNL, WRD and Comprehensive Agriculture Plan, Govt. of Gujarat


Chapter IV

4. Water Requirement

The earlier Chapters deal with the general profile, water profile and water availability in

Kheda district. The present chapter deals with the current (2015) and projected (2020)

demand for water from various sectors. The demand has been worked out on the basis of

data collected from different departments which has already been presented in previous

chapters. The unit for volume of water has been chosen as million cubic meters (MCM)

instead of Billion cubic meters as suggested in the guidelines.

4.1. Domestic Water Demand

Data of Census 2011 and 2001 has been considered to arrive at the growth rate of

population of the district. As per Census 2011, the district has shown a decadal growth rate

of 13.61%. Table 4.1 below indicates the block-wise population of the district. Current

population (in 2015) has been calculated based on the population growth rate between

2001 and 2011. Projected population has been calculated in similar way.

Domestic water consumption schemes are formulated assuming daily requirement of

water for people residing in urban areas of the district @ 140 Litres and for population in

rural areas, as 100 Litres per capita per day (lpcd). Using the same norms domestic water

supply demand has been worked out and given in table 4.1 below.

Table. 4.1. (a) Domestic Water Demand in 2015

Sr. No.

Blocks Population in 2015

Rural Urban Present Water Demand (MCM)

1 Kapadvanj 291743 225313 66430 11.62

2 Kathalal 222813 172078 50734 8.87

3 Kheda 136877 105710 31167 5.45

4 Mahudha 141574 109338 32236 5.64

5 Matar 173870 134280 39590 6.92

6 Mehemadabad 273385 211135 62250 10.89

7 Nadiyad 587752 453921 133831 23.41

8 Thasara 365411 282207 83204 14.55

2193425 1693982 499443 87.35


Table. 4.1. (b) Domestic Water Demand in 2020

Sr. No.

Blocks Projected population

in 2020

Rural Urban Gross Water

Demand in 2020

(MCM) 1 Kapadvanj 311582 240635 70947 12.41

2 Kathalal 237964 183779 54184 9.48

3 Kheda 146185 112898 33286 5.82

4 Mahudha 151201 116773 34428 6.02

5 Matar 185694 143411 42282 7.40

6 Mehemadabad 291975 225492 66483 11.63

7 Nadiyad 627720 484788 142932 25.00

8 Thasara 390259 301397 88862 15.54

Total 2342578 1809173 533405 93.29

The annual water requirement has been indicated in Million cubic meters. It can be

inferred from the table that considering the growth rate of population of the district, the

quantity of water required shall be approximately 93.29 MCM which is 6.8%, i.e. 5.94

MCM more than the present water requirement.

Fig.4.1 Block wise Domestic Water Requirement

4.2 Crop Water Requirement In Kheda district, the predominating existing farming system is Agriculture + Animal

Husbandry, followed by Agriculture + Animal Husbandry + Horticulture. The major

cropping system under the existing farming systems is primarily Rice- Wheat, Bajra –

Tobacco - Bajra, Bajra – Castor, Potato – Bajra, Rice – Mustard, Rice – Rustica Tobacco,

Cotton - Tobacco. Rice, Bajra, Tobacco and Jowar are the predominant agriculture crops

of the District.


Out of total 49,905 ha.,gross rainfed area under major agriculture crops, 60.7 per cent is

occupied by Bajra and 23.6 per cent by Castor. Similarly, out of total irrigated area of

2,95,915 ha. under major agriculture crops, 36.2 per cent is occupied by Kharif Paddy,

27.1 per cent by Jowar, 11.6 per cent by rabi paddy and 7 per cent under Tobacco.

Among horticulture crops, Aonla, Citrus, Banana, Papaya and Mango are the major fruit

crops having area share of 73 per cent out of total area under fruit crops. Vegetables are

being cuiltivated in 34,290 ha. area of the district. Potato, Brinjal, Cabbage, Tomato are

among the major vegetables produced in Kheda.

The crop wise water requirement has been taken based upon discussion with Agriculture

Universities, department officials and irrigation experts as per practice prevailing in the

State which is as under:

Table.4.2. (a) Crop wise Water Requirement (Agriculture Crops) in MCM/ha

Kharif Rabi Paddy 0.005 Wheat 0.0052 Jowar 0.0035 Jowar 0.007 Bajri 0.0035 Maize 0.007 Maize 0.0035 Gram 0.003 Ragi 0.002 Rapeseed &

Mustard 0.0035

Mung 0.0024 Sugarcane 0.018

Math 0.0024 Isabgul 0.0032 Udid 0.0024 Fennel 0.007 Tur 0.0024 Tobacco 0.0063

Groundnut 0.003 Summer

Castor 0.005 Groundnut 0.0075

Sesamum 0.002 Bajra 0.0065

Cotton 0.005 Paddy 0.017 Tobacco 0.0042 Maize 0.0098

Guar Seed 0.0035 Mung 0.007

Soyabean 0.0024 Udid 0.007

Sesamum 0.0035

Table.4.2. (b) Crop wise Water Requirement (Horticulture Crops) in MCM/ha

Crops Water Req. Banana 0.0250 Fruits 0.0120 Vegetables 0.0062 Chillies 0.0090 Fennel 0.0070 Cumin 0.0032 Fenugreek 0.0059 Other Spices 0.0032 Flowers 0.0060

Based on the above assumption, estimated water requirement for horticulture and

agriculture crops in several blocks is given in the following table.


Table.4.3 Block wise Crop Water Requirement for Agriculture and Horticulture Crop (in MCM)

Blocks Horticulture Crops Agriculture Crops

Water Potential Required

Existing Water Potential

Water Potential Required

Existing Water Potential

Kapadvanj 41.19 40.22 265.88 128.00

Kathalal 34.26 33.45 139.00 59.77

Kheda 38.24 36.51 102.72 102.66

Mahudha 23.20 22.46 140.14 121.55

Matar 26.75 25.67 129.54 125.33

Mehemadabad 44.23 42.76 153.21 130.05

Nadiyad 76.26 73.32 168.42 145.19

Thasara 36.26 34.69 255.03 255.03

Total 320.39 309.08 1353.93 1067.57

Area under different crops has been discussed in Chapter 2 (Table 2.2). Taking above

parameters water demand of different crops has been worked out. Existing water potential

available (being utilized) has been assumed as the water used in irrigated land.

Table.4.4 Block wise Crop Water Requirement and Gap Block Crop Area

Sown (ha)

Irrigated area(ha)

Water Potential Required


Existing Water

Potential (MCM)

Water Potential to be Created

(MCM) Kapadvanj Agriculture

and Horticulture


63346 22437 307.07 168.21 138.86 Kathalal 34745 7000 173.26 93.23 80.03 Kheda 38254 38146 140.96 139.16 1.80 Mahudha 33001 14829 163.33 144.00 19.33 Matar 52350 51103 156.28 151.01 5.28 Mehemadabad 50800 46665 197.45 172.81 24.64 Nadiyad 60657 54299 244.68 218.50 26.18 Thasara 70666 57680 291.29 289.72 1.57 Total 403819 292159 1674.32 1376.64 297.68

*Existing water potential is higher than that of the total water availability in the district. This may be due to use of less quantity of water in comparison to ideal water use. Secondly, there may be slightly higher quantity of water availability from various sources those are not captured in the data maintained by concerned department.


Fig.4.2 Crop Water Demand and Existing Water Potential





























.23 13














0 28



Water Potential Required (MCM) Existing Water Potential(MCM)

It can be concluded from the table that in 8 blocks, a total water potential of 215.43 MCM

needs to be created in the district to fulfill the requirement of crops.

4.3. Livestock Water Demand

The requirement of water by livestock in the district has been derived from last two

livestock census (2007 & 2012), as discussed in first chapter 1.3. The table below

represents the animal wise water requirement as well as total water requirement of the

district for animals.

Table. 4.5. Livestock Water Demand

Block Total number of live stock

Present water

demand (MCM)

Water demand in 2020 (MCM)

Existing Water

potential (MCM)

Water potential

to be created (MCM)

Kapadvanj 200921 4.09 4.72 4.09 0.63

Kathalal 115847 2.20 2.54 2.20 0.34

Kheda 92522 1.26 1.45 1.26 0.19

Mahudha 107690 1.42 1.64 1.42 0.22

Matar 96750 1.72 1.99 1.72 0.26

Mehemadabad 316289 3.17 3.65 3.17 0.49

Nadiyad 383723 3.68 4.25 3.68 0.57

Thasara 235289 4.40 5.07 4.40 0.68

Total 1549031 21.94 25.31 21.94 3.37

Water requirement for each of the animal is estimated based on the following assumption

as per the secondary data received from Animal husbandry department.


Table.4.6. Animal wise Water Requirement

Animal Daily Water

Demand (Liter)

Animal Daily Water

Demand (Liter)

Milch Cow/ Buffalo 65 Pig 7 Dry Cow/ Buffalo 60 Sheep/ Goat 5 Calf 10 Camel 24 Heifer 20 Broiler Birds (Per 1000 birds) 459 Horse 40 Layer Birds (Per 100 birds) 18 Mare 50

For projecting the water demand of livestock, growth rate as deduced from census has

been considered during calculations. It is assumed that present water requirement of

animal is met from existing water usage and hence existing potential is equal to existing


4.4 Industrial Water Deamnd

Industrial water demand of Kheda district is neglisible. Hence, not considered for the estimation of total water demand of the district.

Table.4.7 Water Demand for Industries

Block Power requirement,


Water demand (BCM)

Water demand in 2020 (BCM)

Existing Water potential


Water potential to be created


No Significant requirement of water for industrial use.

4.5 Water Demand for Power Generation Kheda district is having a thermal power unit, i.e. Wanakbori at Thasara/ Galteshwar

taluka. The power station produce 2270 megawat electricity. Total water requirement for

these units is estimated to be 56.4 MCM.

Table. 4.8 Water Demand for Power Generation

Block Unit Power Generated,


Water demand (MCM)

Water demand in 2020 (MCM)

Existing Water

potential (MCM)

Water potential

to be created (MCM)

Thasara/ Galteshwar

Wanakbori 2270 56.40 56.40 56.40 0

4.6 Total Water Demand of the district for various sectors This section presents the total water demand of the district and has been calculated by

summing up all major sectors consuming water. The current water demand in 2015, has

been indicated in Table 4.9(a) and the projected water demand has been depicted in Table

4.9 (b).


4.9 (a) Present Water Demand of the district for various sectors

S. No.

Block Components Total (MCM) Domestic Crop Livestock Power

generation 1 Kapadvanj 11.62 307.07 4.09 0 322.78 2 Kathalal 8.87 173.26 2.20 0 184.34 3 Kheda 5.45 140.96 1.26 0 147.67 4 Mahudha 5.64 163.33 1.42 0 170.39 5 Matar 6.92 156.28 1.72 0 164.93 6 Mehemadabad 10.89 197.45 3.17 0 211.50 7 Nadiyad 23.41 244.68 3.68 0 271.77 8 Thasara 14.55 291.29 4.40 56.40 366.64

Total 87.35 1674.32 21.94 56.40 1840.02

The present water demand of the district has been assessed to be 1840.02 MCM annually,

with Kapadvanj being the block with maximum requirement of water for irrigation of crops

(307.07 MCM). Thasara and Nadiyad blocks stand at 2nd and 3rd respectively with total

requirement of 291.29 MCM and 244.68 MCM for cultivation of crops.

At present, maximum of total estimated water demand, i.e. 91 per cent demand is from

agriculture sector, followed by domestic consumption (5%) and power generation (3%).

Water requirement for livestock consumption is 21.94 MCM and the same for industrial

sector is negligible.

Fig.4.3 Water Requirement for Various Sectors (2015)





1%Power generation



4.9 (b) Total Water Demand of the district for various sectors (Projected for 2020)

S. No.

Block Components Total (MCM) Domestic Crop Livestock Power

generation 1 Kapadvanj 12.41 307.07 4.72 0 324.20

2 Kathalal 9.48 173.26 2.54 0 185.28

3 Kheda 5.82 140.96 1.45 0 148.23

4 Mahudha 6.02 163.33 1.64 0 171.00

5 Matar 7.40 156.28 1.99 0 165.66

6 Mehemadabad 11.63 197.45 3.65 0 212.73

7 Nadiyad 25.00 244.68 4.25 0 273.93

8 Thasara 15.54 291.29 5.07 56.40 368.30

Total 93.29 1674.32 25.31 56.40 1849.33

During 2020, total water requirement of the district has been assessed at 1849.33 MCM.

The percentage share of various sector remain same in 2020.

4.7 Water Budget A total of 587 MCM surface water and 734.68 MCM ground water is available in Kheda

district. It can be observed from the following table that except Kapadvanj block, all other 7

blocks are blessed with ample amount of surface water. However, ground water availability

is higher in four blocks, namely Thasara, Nadiyad, Mehemadabad and Kapadvanj in

comparison to other blocks.

At present, total water demand of the district is 1840.02 MCM and the estimated water

demand for the year 2020 is 1849.33 MCM.

All the eight blocks have insufficient water to fulfill the water demand. Kapadvanj has the highest water gap of 208.6MCM, which is 1.82 times higher that that of the present water availability. Thasara block, with total water gap of 141 MCM has the second highest water gap in the district.

Table.4.9 Block wise Water Budget

Figures in MCM


Existing water availability


Water Demand Water Gap

Surface water

Ground water

Present Projected

(2020) Present

Projected (2020)

Kapadvanj 14.45 99.75 114.2 322.8 324.2 208.6 210

Kathalal 86.02 61.2 147.2 184.3 185.3 37.12 38.06

Kheda 51.53 69.28 120.8 147.7 148.2 26.86 27.42



Existing water availability


Water Demand Water Gap

Surface water

Ground water

Present Projected

(2020) Present

Projected (2020)

Mahudha 70.44 69.65 140.1 170.4 171 30.3 30.91

Matar 70.95 79.23 150.2 164.9 165.7 14.75 15.48

Mehemadabad 103.4 106.9 210.3 211.5 212.7 1.247 2.477

Nadiyad 96.98 116.9 213.9 271.8 273.9 57.88 60.04

Thasara 93.88 131.8 225.7 366.6 368.3 141 142.6

Total 587.6 734.7 1322 1840 1849 517.7 527


Chapter V

5. Strategic Action Plan for Irrigation in District under


5.1 Department wise Coverage of Area During the upcoming four financial years, a total of 23,517 ha area will be covered under

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinachyi Yojna. However, an additional area of 12,352 ha area is

proposed to be covered under PMKSY during nexy four years. The department wise area

coverage is presented in Table.5.1 and Fig.5.1.

Out of the total area planned to cover under PMKSY, Water Resource Department is

expected to bring an additional area area of 3564 hectare under irrigation through various

activities, such as canal works, water course, drought proofing through check dam and

water harvesting, deepening of ponds, construction of check dams etc. Gujarat Green

Revolution Company Ltd. (GGRC) which is implementing all the micro irrigation schemes

of the state is expected to cover a total area of 11,165 ha under drip and sprinkler irrigation.

As per the plan of Gujarat Land Development Corporation (GLDC), a total of 992

individual and community ponds and water harvesting structures will be created by the

department during upcoming 4 years. These structures are expected to irrigate a total area

of 2803 ha in the district.

Gujarat State Watershed Management Agency (GSWMA) is expected to cover a total area

of 924 ha under various component of watershed. PMKSY-Watershed Component

(erstwhile named as Integrated Watershed Management Programme) is one of the flagship

program of Govt. of India. The main objectives of this is to restore the ecological balance

by harnessing, conserving and developing degraded natural resources such as soil,

vegetative cover and water. Gujarat is one of the largest States in context of land area

treatment under PMKSY-Watershed project. The important activities carried out under

this projects are Soil moisture conservation, Water harvesting, Vegetative cover and

Plantation, Agricultural production and Productivity improvement, Dairy development,

Agro processing, Livelihood and Income Generating Activities etc. In Gujarat PMKSY-

Watershed component is implemented through a State Level Nodal Agency constituted as

Gujarat State Watershed Management Agency (GSWMA), an autonomous society

supported under the Rural Development Department (RDD) of Government of Gujarat.

GSWMA has vision of “Enhancing the quality of rural population through Sustainable,

Equitable and Participatory Natural resources Management” and also has Mission of

“Creating sustainable rural livelihoods through scientific and Integrated Watershed

Development Approach”.


5.1. Department wise Planned Coverage of Area under PMKSY

Area in ha

S.N Department 2016-17





Area Area Area Area Area

Water Resource Department (State and Panchayat Irrigation Department)

1 Kapadvanj 58 181 176 178 593

2 Kathalal 0 5 0 0 5

3 Kheda 55 108 133 154 450

4 Mahudha 25 51 50 75 201

5 Matar 135 180 180 180 675

6 Mehemadabad 25 55 55 75 210

7 Nadiyad 90 205 155 115 565

8 Thasara 140 193 193 194 720

9 Vaso 15 35 55 40 145

Total 543 1013 997 1011 3564

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited (SSNNL)

1 Kapadvanj -- 313 -- -- 313

2 Kathalal 124 838 -- -- 962

3 Kheda -- -- -- -- 0

4 Mahudha -- 19 -- -- 19

5 Matar -- -- -- -- 0

6 Mehemadabad -- 1349 -- -- 1349

7 Nadiyad -- -- -- -- 0

8 Thasara 485 1653 -- -- 2138

9 Vaso -- -- -- -- 0

Total 609 4172 -- -- 4781 Gujarat Water Resource Development Corporation Ltd. (GWRDC)

1 Kapadvanj 39 39 39 39 156

2 Kathalal 15 15 15 15 60

3 Kheda 0 0 0 0

4 Mahudha 0 0 0 0

5 Matar 0 0 0 0

6 Mehemadabad 10 10 10 10 40

7 Nadiyad 0 0 0 0

8 Thasara 6 6 6 6 24

Total 70 70 70 70 280

Gujarat Land Development Corporation (GLDC)

1 Kapadvanj 88 88 88 88 350

2 Kathalal 88 88 88 88 350

3 Kheda 88 88 88 88 350

4 Mahudha 88 88 88 88 350

5 Matar 88 88 88 88 350

6 Mehemadabad 88 88 88 88 350

7 Nadiyad 88 88 88 88 350

8 Thasara 88 88 88 88 350

Total 701 701 701 701 2803


Gujarat Green Revolution Company Ltd (GGRC)

1 Galteshwar 21 16 16 16 68

2 Kapadvanj 1867 1400 1400 1400 6066

3 Kathlal 428 321 321 321 1391

4 Kheda 114 86 86 86 371

5 Mahudha 45 34 34 34 146

6 Matar 80 60 60 60 261

7 Mehmdabad 482 361 361 361 1566

8 Nadiad 104 78 78 78 338

9 Thasara 293 219 219 219 951

10 Vaso 2 2 2 2 7

Total 3435 2577 2577 2577 11165 Gujarat State Watershed Management Agency (GSWMA)

1 Kapadvanj 387 260 98 22 767

2 Kathalal -- -- -- -- --

3 Kheda -- -- -- -- --

4 Mahudha -- -- -- -- --

5 Matar -- -- -- -- --

6 Mehemadabad -- -- -- -- --

7 Nadiyad -- -- -- -- --

8 Thasara 123 34 -- -- 157

Total 510 294 98 22 924

Grand Total 5876.5 8818.39 4442.39 4380.39 23517

Fig-5.1. Year wise area to be covered under PMKSY (in ha)

5.2 Component wise Strategic Action Plan

Out of a total planned outlay of 100059.6 lakh rupees, AIBP component has the largest

share of 54 per cent, followed by Har Khet ko Pani (33%) and PMKSY watershed (2%). Per

drop more crop component has a share of 11 per cent in the total outlay, which includes


supplementary water management. AIBP components are to be executed mainly by

Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply and Kalpsar Department (WRD) and Sardar

Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd. (SSNNL). Har Khet ko Pani component will be implemented

by WRD, SSNNL and GWRDC. Per drop more crop component will be executed by GGRC.

Watershed component will be taken care of by the Rural Development Department

through GSWMA and extension & training component will be executed by ATMA.

However, all the stakeholders need to have coordination among them to have the

maximum irrigation efficiency and to avoid duplicity. Fig. 5.2 is the graphical

representation of various components of PMKSY.

Fig.5.2. Component wise Fund Distribution under PMKSY

Detail component wise break up of financial outlay can be observed in the following table.

Table.5.2. Component wise Financial Outlay for PMKSY Figures in Rupees Lakh

Component 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Total

AIBP 5607.00 16441.07 15929.39 15929.42 53906.88

Har Khet ko Pani 3620.20 10970.22 9168.06 8989.13 32747.61

Per Drop More Crop 1374.18 1030.64 1030.64 1030.64 4466.09

Per Drop More Crop (Supplementary Water Management)

331.00 2433.00 2493.00 993.00 6250.00

PMKSY Watershed 1602.39 557.52 155.16 90.28 2405.35

MGNREGA 38.83 40.87 3.00 00 82.7

Capacity Building 35.47 48.07 54.23 63.20 200.98

Total 12609.07 31521.38 28833.47 27095.66 100059.6

5.3 Year wise Strategic Action Plan

Year wise financial outlay for the four years can be observed in Fig.5.3. In the first year of

implementation, i.e. in financial year 2016-17, a budget of Rs. 12609.07 lakh is required. In

the subsequent three years, Rs. 31521.39 lakh, Rs. 28833.48 lakh and Rs. 27095.67 lakh


budget is estimated for various departments. Year wise financial outlay is illustrated in fig-


Fig.5.3. Year wise Financial Outlay under PMKSY (in Rupees Lakh)

5.4. Department wise Financial Outlay Department wise, the estimated budget of Water Resource Department is the highest, i.e.

Rs.88,378.87 lakh, followed by GGRC (Rs.4466 lakh), SSNNL (Rs. 2307.94 lakh), GSWMA

(Rs. 2488.05 lakh), GLDC ( Rs. 1607.68 lakh). Other departments such as GWRDC and

ATMA has proposed budget of Rs. 610.00 lakh and Rs. 200.98 lakh respectively. Year wise

estimated financial outlay of various departments is given in table.5.3.

Table.5.3. Department wise Financial Outlay for PMKSY Figures in Rupees Lakh

S.N Department 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Total

Water Resource Department (WRD)

1 Kapadvanj 482.00 2444.00 1944.00 1445.00 6315.00

2 Kathalal 0.00 11.67 0.00 0.00 11.67

3 Kheda 1604.00 4812.22 4812.22 4812.22 16040.66

4 Mahudha 728.00 2235.52 2185.52 2185.52 7334.56

5 Matar 1580.00 4751.51 4741.50 4741.51 15814.52

6 Mehemadabad 789.00 2910.23 3010.23 2370.24 9079.70

7 Nadiyad 1773.00 5721.56 5721.56 5321.58 18537.70

8 Thasara 1299.00 3928.57 3898.57 3898.60 13024.74

9 Vaso 193.00 722.43 722.43 582.46 2220.32

Total 8448 27538 27036 25357 88379

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited (SSNNL)

1 Kapadvanj 75.00 131.46 -- -- 206.46

2 Kathalal 127.08 351.96 -- -- 479.04

3 Kheda -- -- -- -- --

4 Mahudha -- 7.98 -- -- 7.98

5 Matar -- -- -- -- --


6 Mehemadabad 75.00 566.50 -- -- 641.50

7 Nadiyad -- -- -- -- --

8 Thasara 278.70 694.26 -- -- 972.96

9 Vaso -- -- -- -- --

Total 556 1752 -- -- 2307.94

Gujarat Water Resource Development Corporation Ltd. (GWRDC)

1 Kapadvanj 85.50 85.50 85.50 85.50 342.00

2 Kathalal 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 120.00

3 Kheda -- -- -- -- --

4 Mahudha -- -- -- -- --

5 Matar -- -- -- -- --

6 Mehemadabad 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 80.00

7 Nadiyad -- -- -- -- --

8 Thasara 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 68.00

9 Vaso -- -- -- -- --

Total 152.50 152.50 152.50 152.50 610.00

Gujarat Land Development Corporation (GLDC)

1 Kapadvanj 50.24 50.24 50.24 50.24 200.96

2 Kathalal 50.24 50.24 50.24 50.24 200.96

3 Kheda 50.24 50.24 50.24 50.24 200.96

4 Mahudha 50.24 50.24 50.24 50.24 200.96

5 Matar 50.24 50.24 50.24 50.24 200.96

6 Mehemadabad 50.24 50.24 50.24 50.24 200.96

7 Nadiyad 50.24 50.24 50.24 50.24 200.96

8 Thasara 50.24 50.24 50.24 50.24 200.96

Total 401.92 401.92 401.92 401.92 1607.68

Gujarat Green Revolution Company Ltd (GGRC)

1 Galteshwar 8.39 6.29 6.29 6.29 27.26

2 Kapadvanj 746.61 559.96 559.96 559.96 2426.49

3 Kathlal 171.19 128.39 128.39 128.39 556.36

4 Kheda 45.64 34.23 34.23 34.23 148.34

5 Mahudha 18.01 13.51 13.51 13.51 58.54

6 Matar 32.09 24.07 24.07 24.07 104.30

7 Mehmdabad 192.71 144.54 144.54 144.54 626.32

8 Nadiad 41.58 31.18 31.18 31.18 135.13

9 Thasara 117.05 87.79 87.79 87.79 380.41

10 Vaso 0.90 0.68 0.68 0.68 2.93

Total 1374.18 1030.64 1030.64 1030.64 4466.09

Gujarat State Watershed Management Agency (GSWMA)

1 Kapadvanj 1176.57 340.70 92.58 36.87 1646.72

2 Thasara 265.76 59.29 00 00 325.05

Other Components

160.06 157.50 62.58 53.41 433.55

MGNREGA 38.83 40.87 3.00 00 82.7

Total 1641.22 598.39 158.16 90.28 2488.05

Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA)


1 Kapadvanj 4.43 6.01 6.78 7.90 25.12

2 Kathalal 4.43 6.01 6.78 7.90 25.12

3 Kheda 4.43 6.01 6.78 7.90 25.12

4 Mahudha 4.43 6.01 6.78 7.90 25.12

5 Matar 4.43 6.01 6.78 7.90 25.12

6 Mehemadabad 4.43 6.01 6.78 7.90 25.12

7 Nadiyad 4.43 6.01 6.78 7.90 25.12

8 Thasara 4.43 6.01 6.78 7.90 25.12

Total 35.47 48.07 54.23 63.20 200.98

Grand Total 12609 31521 28833 27096 100059.60

5.3 Monitoring and Evaluation The Strategic Action Plan of PMKSY will be monitored by the respeictive departments

through the regular reporting system and component wise progress will be monitored by

the District Level Irrigation Committee. Further, the activities, outputs and outcomes will

be reported in web based MIS of PMKSY for review at state and national level. Some of the

key indicators that will be used to monitor and evaluate the progress of PMKSY include:

Annual irrigation water supply per unit irrigated area measured as the ratio of total

volume of irrigation water supplied at intake divided by total area irrigated in all


Potential created and utilized measured as the ratio of total potential utilised

(measured crop area) to irrigation potential created

Output (agricultural production) per unit irrigated area measured as the ratio of

total value of agriculture production divided by the total irrigated area.

Output (agricultural production) per unit irrigation water supply measured as the

ratio of total value of agriculture production divided by the total volume of irrigated

water supplied.

Total Operations & Maintenance (O&M) cost per unit irrigated area measured as the

total Management, Operation and Maintenance (MOM) costs for the system divided

by total area irrigated (potential utilised).

Total Operations & Maintenance (O&M) cost per unit volume of water supplied

measured as total Management, Operation and Maintenance (MOM) costs for the

system divided Total volume of water supplied (all uses)

Equity performance measured as actual area irrigated in head, middle and tail

divided by Command area in head, middle and tail.

GSWMA has its own structural arrangements (GSWMA, District Watershed Development

Unit, PIA, and Watershed Committee) from state to village level for implementation of

program and has system of internal monitoring of project activities through different

means. GSWMA has its own web based monitoring system as Soil Water Resource

Management System (SWaRSys). The said system is online and helps not only for the

monitoring/documentation of all the main project activities but also facilitates to collect

and collate monthly and quarterly data from District level offices.


5.6 Expected Output and Outcome At present, a total of 61,764 ha of area under crops is unirrigated in the district. In order to

irrigate hundred per cent sown area an additional 215.43 MCM water potential needs to be

created, whereas at present a total of 1475.85 MCM water potential is existed for

cultivation. In addition, average cropping intensity of the district is around 150 per cent.

To bring more area under cultivation and to increase cropping intensity in the district,

there is further need of creation of water potential.

Out of eight blocks, four blocks namely Kheda, Mahudha, Matar, Mehemadabad have have

ample amount of water both from surface and ground water sources to meet the demand

for domestic consumption, animal consumption, crops, industries and power. Remaining

four blocks, viz. Kapadvanj, Kathalal, Nadiyad and Thasara block respectively have water

gap of 189 MCM, 44 MCM, 43 MCM and 93 MCM respectively.

Keeping in view the above situation, a plan to develop command area of 3419 ha in several

blocks has been proposed by State Irrigation and Panchayat Irrigation Department. The

major component includes canal works under AIBP and water course, pond deepening and

check dam under Har Khet ko Pani. Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited (SSNNL) will

bring an additional area of 4781 ha under irrigation by creating wells and making

underground pipelines. Gujarat Water Resource Development Corporation Ltd. (GWRDC)

has proposed to create an irrigation potential of 280 ha by installing new tube wells with

drip irrigation system where ground water is available. Similarly, Gujarat Land

Development Corporation (GLDC) will bring irrigation facility to 2803 ha area in the

district through farm ponds, sim ponds and water harvesting structures. Gujarat State

Watershed Management Agency (GSWMA) will irrigate an additional area of 924 ha

through various components of IWMP.

Similarly under Per Drop More Crop component, 11,165 ha will be covered by Gujarat

Green Revolution Company Ltd (GGRC). This will save a significant 28-48% of water as

compared to traditional method of irrigation. Hence, significantly larger area can be

irrigated with limited quantity of water.

The PMKSY interventions are likely to generate an additional income of Rs. 3112.70 lakh to

the farmers of the district. This is based on the assumption of at least 60% of potential

utilised and Rs. 42,000 per ha incremental income from rainfed to irrigated farming.

This is also likely to create 115.22 lakh mandays of non-recurring employment and 5301

jobs on recurring basis (in 12,352 ha additional area brought under irrigation at the rate of

2.33 ha average land holding by farmers).

5.4 Suggestions For successful implementation of PMKSY plan it is suggested that:

All the stakeholders should convene meeting of Panchayat Samities and then finalise

the village plan and prepare DPR.

There should not be any duplicity of project.

The Department should supplement each other so that the maximum irrigation

efficiency is achieved.


Agriculture and Horticulture Department should take micro irrigation projects in the

command of minor irrigation projects which are either completed or likely to be

completed in near future.

All the irrigation projects should have a component of water conveyance so that the

each drop of water is judiciously utilized.

Where ever feasible, solar pumpsets should be installed.

All the structures planned should be geo tagged and marked on map, so that social

monitoring of the projects can be conducted. This will also avoid the duplicity.

Priority should be given to projects to minimize the gap in potential created and

potential utilized.

Execution of the scheme should be expeditiously completed.

There should be smooth fund flow for timely completion of the project and to avoid

cost escalation.

5.5 Summary of Strategic Action Plan Table: 5.4 Summary of Strategic Action Plan

Sr. No

Concerned Ministry/

Department Component Activity

Total Number/Capacity


Command Area (Ha)

Period of Implementation

Estimated cost (in Rs. Lakh)

1 MoWR


Canal works by WRD

4 year 53606.9

2 MoWR Canal works by

SSNNL 1 year 300

Subtotal 53906.9

3 MoWR

Har khet ko pani

Water Course by WRD

4 year 19177

4 MoWR Deeping of ponds & Check Dam by

WRD 4 year 9345

5 MoWR Underground

Pipeline by SSNNL 45 Nos. 46.848 km /11310020 2138

1 year 2007.9

6 MoWR Recharge structure

by GWRDC 44 no 220 4 year 440

7 MoWR New tubewells with

Drip by GWRDC 4 no 60 4 year 170

8 MoWR Farm pond by

GLDC 640 no 921.6 4 year 716.8

9 MoWR Sim pond by GLDC 128 no 537.6 4 year 640

10 MoWR WHS by GLDC 224 no 1344 4 year 250.88

Subtotal 32747.6



Per drop more crop

(Supplementary water

management activities)

Drough proofing through check dams/water harvesting structures by WRD

4 year 6250

Subtotal 6250

MoWR Micro Irrigation

12.1 MoWR

Per Drop More Crop

Drip Irrigation 4187 farmers 6699 ha 4 year 4019.47

12.2 MoWR Sprinkler Irrigation 2791 farmers 4466 ha 4 year 446.6

MoWR Subtotal 4466.07



PMKSY Watershed

Various components of watershed by


924.05 4 year 2405.32


Sr. No

Concerned Ministry/

Department Component Activity

Total Number/Capacity


Command Area (Ha)

Period of Implementation

Estimated cost (in Rs. Lakh)

13.2 DoLR-MoRD


4 years 82.73

Subtotal 2488.05


Capacity Building by


Training related to irrigation

27549 farmers 4 year 200

Subtotal 200

Grand Total 100058.6


Annexure Annexure-1- Department wise Summary of Strategic Action Plan

1. Strategic Action Plan of Water Resource Department

Rupees in Lakh

Scheme Component 2016-17

2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Total

AIBP Canal Works 5307 16441.07 15929.39 15929.42 53606.88 Har Khet ko

Pani Water Course 1916 5753.64 5753.64 5753.71 19176.99 Deepening of Ponds & Check Dam

894 2910 2860 2681 9345

Per drop more crop (Supplementary water management activities)

Drought Proofing Through check dams/water Harvesting Structures

331 2433 2493 993 6250

Total 8448 27537.71 27036.03 25357.13 88378.87

2. Strategic Action Plan for Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited (SSNNL)

Rupees in Lakh

Scheme Component 2016-17





AIBP Canal Works 300 0 0 0 300 Har Khet ko Pani Lined Field

Channels 2007.9 0 0 0 2007.9

2307.9 0 0 0 2307.9

3. Strategic Action Plan for Gujarat Water Resource Development Corporation (GWRDC)

Rupees in Lakh

Scheme Component 2016-17





Har Khet ko Pani Recharge Structure

110 110 110 110 440

New Tube Wells with Drip

42.5 42.5 42.5 42.5 170

Total 152.5 152.5 152.5 152.5 610


4. Strategic Action Plan for Gujarat Land Development Corporation (GLDC) Rupees in Lakh

Scheme Component Budget Number Command Area 2016-

17 2017-18




Har Khet ko


Farm pond 179.2 179.2 179.2 179.2 716.8 640 921.6 Sim pond 160 160 160 160 640 128 537.6

WHS 62.72 62.72 62.72 62.72 250.88 224 1344 Total 401.92 401.92 401.92 401.92 1607.68 992 2803.2

5. Strategic Action Plan for Gujarat Green Revolution Company Ltd. (GGRC)

Rupees in Lakh Year Total

Total Number (Farmers)

Area (Ha.) Estimated Total Cost (Rs. in lakh)

Estimated Assistance (Rs. in lakh)

2016-17 2147 3435.45 2748.36 1374.18 2017-18 1610 2576.59 2061.27 1030.64 2018-19 1610 2576.59 2061.27 1030.64 2019-20 1610 2576.59 2061.27 1030.64 Total 6978 11165 8932 4466

6. Strategic Action Plan for Gujarat State Watershed Management Agency (GSWMA)

Rupees in Lakh

Scheme Component 2016-17





PMKSY Watershed

Various Components of Watershed (New and Renovation)

1602.39 557.49 155.16 90.28 2405.32

MGNREGA 38.83 40.9 3 0 82.73 Command Area (ha) 510.25 293.8 98 22 924.05

Total 1641.22 598.39 158.16 90.28 2488.05

7. Strategic Action Plan for Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA)

Scheme Component 2016-17





Capacity Building (Training)

Total Budget 35 48 54 63 200 No. of Trainees 4869 6534 7074 9072 27549


Annexure-2. Strategic Action Plan of Water Resouce Department

S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned

Ministry/ Department

Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Kapadwanj Aboch MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

2 Kapadwanj Abvel MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

3 Kapadwanj Aghatna Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

4 Kapadwanj Alampur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

5 Kapadwanj Alawa MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

6 Kapadwanj Ambaliyara MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

7 Kapadwanj Antisar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

8 Kapadwanj Antroli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

9 Kapadwanj Atarsumba MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

10 Kapadwanj Bavano Math MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

11 Kapadwanj Betawada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

12 Kapadwanj Bhailakui MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

13 Kapadwanj Bhoja Na Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

14 Kapadwanj Bhungaliya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

15 Kapadwanj Bhutiya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

16 Kapadwanj Bodha MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

17 Kapadwanj chikhlod MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

18 Kapadwanj Dadana Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

19 Kapadwanj Dahiyap MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

20 Kapadwanj Dana MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

21 Kapadwanj Danadra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

22 Kapadwanj Dandiyapur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

23 Kapadwanj Dantali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

24 Kapadwanj Dasalvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

25 Kapadwanj Deradi Pavathi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

26 Kapadwanj Dhuliya Vasna MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

27 Kapadwanj Dudhathal MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

28 Kapadwanj Fatiyabad MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

29 Kapadwanj Fuljina Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

30 Kapadwanj Garod MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

31 Kapadwanj Ghadiya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

32 Kapadwanj Ghauva MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

33 Kapadwanj Gocharna Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

34 Kapadwanj Hamirpura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

35 Kapadwanj Jagdupur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

36 Kapadwanj Jaloya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

37 Kapadwanj Jambudi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

38 Kapadwanj Kabhaina Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

39 Kapadwanj Kalaji MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

40 Kapadwanj Kamboya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

41 Kapadwanj Kapadvanj (M) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

42 Kapadwanj Karkariya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

43 Kapadwanj Kashipura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

44 Kapadwanj Kavath MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

45 Kapadwanj Kevadiya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

46 Kapadwanj Khadol MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

47 Kapadwanj Khanpur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

48 Kapadwanj Kosam MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

49 Kapadwanj Kotwalna Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

50 Kapadwanj Ladujina Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

51 Kapadwanj Lal Mandva MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

52 Kapadwanj Lalpur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

53 Kapadwanj Lalpur (Nirmali) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

54 Kapadwanj Letar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

55 Kapadwanj Mahamadpura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

56 Kapadwanj Mal Itadi Baraiya Bhag MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

57 Kapadwanj Mal Itadi Pagi Bhag MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

58 Kapadwanj Malana Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

59 Kapadwanj Mirapur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

60 Kapadwanj Moti Zer MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

61 Kapadwanj Nani Zer MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

62 Kapadwanj Narshipur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

63 Kapadwanj Nathana Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

64 Kapadwanj Navagam MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

65 Kapadwanj Nikol MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

66 Kapadwanj Nirmali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

67 Kapadwanj Palaiya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

68 Kapadwanj Pathoda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

69 Kapadwanj Pirojpur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

70 Kapadwanj Punadra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

71 Kapadwanj Ramosadi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

72 Kapadwanj Rampura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

73 Kapadwanj Rampura (Dundarvadi) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

74 Kapadwanj Reliya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

75 Kapadwanj Rozavada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

76 Kapadwanj Salod MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

77 Kapadwanj Savali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

78 Kapadwanj Shihora MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

79 Kapadwanj Singali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

80 Kapadwanj Singpur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

81 Kapadwanj Sorna MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

82 Kapadwanj Suki MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

83 Kapadwanj Sultanpur (Taiyabpur) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

84 Kapadwanj Sultanpur (Vadadhara) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

85 Kapadwanj Sunda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

86 Kapadwanj Taiyabpur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

87 Kapadwanj Talpoda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

88 Kapadwanj Telnar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

89 Kapadwanj Thavad MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

90 Kapadwanj Thunchal MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

91 Kapadwanj Torna MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

92 Kapadwanj Ukardina Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

93 Kapadwanj Vadadhara MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

94 Kapadwanj Vadali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

95 Kapadwanj Vadol MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

96 Kapadwanj Vaghajipur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

97 Kapadwanj vaghana Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

98 Kapadwanj Vaghas MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

99 Kapadwanj Vaghavat MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

100 Kapadwanj Valva Mahuda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

101 Kapadwanj Vanta MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

102 Kapadwanj Vasna MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

103 Kapadwanj Vavna Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

104 Kapadwanj Vejalpur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

105 Kapadwanj Vyas Vasna MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

106 Kapadwanj Vyasjina Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

107 Kapadwanj Zanda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

108 Vaso Alindra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

109 Vaso Bamroli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

110 Vaso Dantali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

111 Vaso Davda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

112 Vaso Degam MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

113 Vaso Heranj MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

114 Vaso Khandhli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

115 Vaso Maliyataj MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

116 Vaso Navagam MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

117 Vaso Palana MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

118 Vaso Pij MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

119 Vaso Siholdi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

120 Vaso Vaso MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

121 Vaso Zarol MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

122 Matar Antroli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

123 Matar Asamali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

124 Matar Aslali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

125 Matar Bamangam MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

126 Matar Baroda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

127 Matar Bhalada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

128 Matar Chanor MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

129 Matar Daloli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

130 Matar Dethli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

131 Matar Garmala MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

132 Matar Hadeva MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

133 Matar Haijarabad MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

134 Matar Indravarna MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

135 Matar Kathoda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

136 Matar Khadiyarpura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

137 Matar Kharenti MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

138 Matar Koshiyal MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

139 Matar Kunjara MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

140 Matar Laval MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

141 Matar Limbasi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

142 Matar Machhiel MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

143 Matar Mahelaj MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

144 Matar Malavada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

145 Matar Marala MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

146 Matar Matar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

147 Matar Mehmedabad MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

148 Matar Nadhanpur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

149 Matar Nagrama MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

150 Matar Nandoli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

151 Matar Palla MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

152 Matar Pariyaj MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

153 Matar Pipariya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

154 Matar Punaj MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

155 Matar Radhvanaj MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

156 Matar Ranasar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

157 Matar Ratanpur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

158 Matar Sandhana MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

159 Matar Sayla MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

160 Matar Shekhupur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

161 Matar Sinjiwada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

162 Matar Sokhda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

163 Matar Traj MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

164 Matar Tranja MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

165 Matar Undhela MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

166 Matar Untai MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

167 Matar Valotri MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

168 Matar Vansar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

169 Matar Vasai MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

170 Matar Vastana MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

171 Matar Viroja MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

172 Nadiad Akhdol MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

173 Nadiad Alundra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

174 Nadiad Aljada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

175 Nadiad Andhaj MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

176 Nadiad Arajanpur Kot MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

177 Nadiad Arera MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

178 Nadiad Bhumel MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

179 Nadiad Bilodra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

180 Nadiad Chaklasi (M) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

181 Nadiad Chalali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

182 Nadiad Dabhan MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

183 Nadiad Dawapura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

184 Nadiad Dumral MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

185 Nadiad Erandiyapura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

186 Nadiad Fatepur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

187 Nadiad Hangapur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

188 Nadiad Gutal MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

189 Nadiad Hathaj MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

190 Nadiad Hathnoli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

191 Nadiad Javol MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

192 Nadiad Kaloli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

193 Nadiad Kamla (OG)(Part) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

194 Nadiad Kanjari (M) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

195 Nadiad Kanjoda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

196 Nadiad Keriavi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

197 Nadiad Maholel MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

198 Nadiad Marida MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

199 Nadiad Mitral MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

200 Nadiad Monghroli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

201 Nadiad Nadiad (M+OG) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

202 Nadiad Nana Vaga MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

203 Nadiad Nardanda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

204 Nadiad Navagam MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

205 Nadiad Palaiya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

206 Nadiad Paldi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

207 Nadiad Piplag MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

208 Nadiad Piplata MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

209 Nadiad Rajnagar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

210 Nadiad Rampura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

211 Nadiad Salun Talpad MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

212 Nadiad Salun Vanto MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

213 Nadiad Silod MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

214 Nadiad Sodp[ur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

215 Nadiad Surasamal MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

216 Nadiad Thaledi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

217 Nadiad Tundel MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

218 Nadiad Uttarsanda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

219 Nadiad Vadtal MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

220 Nadiad Valetva MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

221 Nadiad Valla MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

222 Nadiad Vina MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

223 Nadiad Yoginagar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

224 Nadiad Zarol MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

225 Thasra Agarwa MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

226 Thasra Ajroli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

227 Thasra Ajupura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

228 Thasra aKalch MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

229 Thasra Ambav MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

230 Thasra Amrutpura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

231 Thasra Anghadi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

232 Thasra Aurangpura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

233 Thasra Badharpura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

234 Thasra Baladha MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

235 Thasra Bhadrasa MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

236 Thasra Bharthari MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

237 Thasra Bhatpura No-1 MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

238 Thasra Bhatpura No-2 MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

239 Thasra Bhatvasna MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

240 Thasra Bordi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

241 Thasra Chandasar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

242 Thasra Chetarsumba MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

243 Thasra Chitlav MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

244 Thasra Dabhali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

245 Thasra Dabhsar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

246 Thasra Dakor (M+OG) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

247 Thasra Dhunadra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

248 Thasra Dhundi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

249 Thasra Ekalvelu MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

250 Thasra Gadhvina Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

251 Thasra Golaj MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

252 Thasra Gumadiya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

253 Thasra Harkhol MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

254 Thasra Jakhed MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

255 Thasra Jalanagar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

256 Thasra Jargal MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

257 Thasra Jesapura Mithapura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

258 Thasra Jorapura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

259 Thasra Kalsar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

260 Thasra Khad Godhra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

261 Thasra Khijalpur Talpad MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

262 Thasra Khijalpur Vanto MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

263 Thasra Kosam MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

264 Thasra Kotariya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

265 Thasra Kotlindora MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

266 Thasra Kuni MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

267 Thasra Mahi Itadi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

268 Thasra Malai MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

269 Thasra Malvan MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

270 Thasra Manjipura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

271 Thasra Marghakui MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

272 Thasra Masra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

273 Thasra Menpura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

274 Thasra Mithana Muvda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

275 Thasra Morambli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

276 Thasra Muliyad MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

277 Thasra Nandara MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

278 Thasra Nes MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

279 Thasra Ozharala MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

280 Thasra Padal MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

281 Thasra Palaiya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

282 Thasra Pali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

283 Thasra Pandvania MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

284 Thasra Pilol MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

285 Thasra Pipalvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

286 Thasra Porda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

287 Thasra Rakhiyal (OG) (Part) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

288 Thasra Rani Porda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

289 Thasra Raniya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

290 Thasra Rasulpur Padal MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

291 Thasra Rasulpur Thasra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

292 Thasra Rawaliya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

293 Thasra Rozva MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

294 Thasra Rustampura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

295 Thasra Saiyat MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

296 Thasra Salun MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

297 Thasra Sanadra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

298 Thasra Sandheli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

299 Thasra Sandheliya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

300 Thasra Sangol MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

301 Thasra Sarnal MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

302 Thasra Shahpura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

303 Thasra Shamalpura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

304 Thasra Simlaj MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

305 Thasra Sonaiya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

306 Thasra Sonipur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

307 Thasra Sui MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

308 Thasra Thasra (M) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

309 Thasra Timbana Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

310 Thasra Udhmatpura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

311 Thasra Umba MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

312 Thasra Uplet MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

313 Thasra Vadad MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

314 Thasra Vajewal MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

315 Thasra Vallavpura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

316 Thasra Vamali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

317 Thasra Vanoda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

318 Thasra Vanoti MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

319 Thasra Vaso MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

320 Thasra Vinzol MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

321 Thasra Vithalpura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

322 Thasra Wanghroli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 20

323 Thasra Mor ambali, Vallavpura, sui, Masra, Dakor

MoWR Har Khet ko Pani Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 50

324 Mahudha Baladi,Chunel,nagvaal miyapur,sanali

MoWR Har Khet ko Pani Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 50

325 Mahemdavad Rudan MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 10

326 Mahemdavad Kuna MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 10

327 Mahemdavad Modaj MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 10

328 Mahemdavad Karoli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 10

329 Mahemdavad Aklcha MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 10

330 Mahemdavad Mankwa MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 12

331 Mahemdavad Chhapra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 18

332 Kheda Damri, Shetra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 10

333 Kheda Shetra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 10

334 Kheda Bherai, Nayka MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 10

335 Kheda Chalindra, Navagam MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 10

336 Kheda Sankhej, Galki MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Deeping of Pond 2 5 3 10

337 Kapadwanj Aboch MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

338 Kapadwanj Abvel MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

339 Kapadwanj Aghatna Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

340 Kapadwanj Alampur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

341 Kapadwanj Alawa MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

342 Kapadwanj Ambaliyara MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

343 Kapadwanj Antisar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

344 Kapadwanj Antroli MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

345 Kapadwanj Atarsumba MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

346 Kapadwanj Bavano Math MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

347 Kapadwanj Betawada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

348 Kapadwanj Bhailakui MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

349 Kapadwanj Bhoja Na Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

350 Kapadwanj Bhungaliya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

351 Kapadwanj Bhutiya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

352 Kapadwanj Bodha MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

353 Kapadwanj chikhlod MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

354 Kapadwanj Dadana Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

355 Kapadwanj Dahiyap MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

356 Kapadwanj Dana MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

357 Kapadwanj Danadra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

358 Kapadwanj Dandiyapur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

359 Kapadwanj Dantali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

360 Kapadwanj Dasalvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

361 Kapadwanj Deradi Pavathi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

362 Kapadwanj Dhuliya Vasna MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

363 Kapadwanj Dudhathal MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

364 Kapadwanj Fatiyabad MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

365 Kapadwanj Fuljina Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

366 Kapadwanj Garod MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

367 Kapadwanj Ghadiya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

368 Kapadwanj Ghauva MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

369 Kapadwanj Gocharna Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

370 Kapadwanj Hamirpura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

371 Kapadwanj Jagdupur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

372 Kapadwanj Jaloya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

373 Kapadwanj Jambudi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

374 Kapadwanj Kabhaina Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

375 Kapadwanj Kalaji MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

376 Kapadwanj Kamboya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

377 Kapadwanj Kapadvanj (M) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

378 Kapadwanj Karkariya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

379 Kapadwanj Kashipura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

380 Kapadwanj Kavath MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

381 Kapadwanj Kevadiya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

382 Kapadwanj Khadol MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

383 Kapadwanj Khanpur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

384 Kapadwanj Kosam MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

385 Kapadwanj Kotwalna Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

386 Kapadwanj Ladujina Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

387 Kapadwanj Lal Mandva MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

388 Kapadwanj Lalpur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

389 Kapadwanj Lalpur (Nirmali) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

390 Kapadwanj Letar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

391 Kapadwanj Mahamadpura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

392 Kapadwanj Mal Itadi Baraiya Bhag MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

393 Kapadwanj Mal Itadi Pagi Bhag MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

394 Kapadwanj Malana Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

395 Kapadwanj Mirapur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

396 Kapadwanj Moti Zer MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

397 Kapadwanj Nani Zer MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

398 Kapadwanj Narshipur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

399 Kapadwanj Nathana Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

400 Kapadwanj Navagam MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

401 Kapadwanj Nikol MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

402 Kapadwanj Nirmali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

403 Kapadwanj Palaiya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

404 Kapadwanj Pathoda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

405 Kapadwanj Pirojpur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

406 Kapadwanj Punadra MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

407 Kapadwanj Ramosadi MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

408 Kapadwanj Rampura MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

409 Kapadwanj Rampura (Dundarvadi) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

410 Kapadwanj Reliya MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

411 Kapadwanj Rozavada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

412 Kapadwanj Salod MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

413 Kapadwanj Savali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

414 Kapadwanj Shihora MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

415 Kapadwanj Singali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

416 Kapadwanj Singpur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

417 Kapadwanj Sorna MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

418 Kapadwanj Suki MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

419 Kapadwanj Sultanpur (Taiyabpur) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

420 Kapadwanj Sultanpur (Vadadhara) MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

421 Kapadwanj Sunda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

422 Kapadwanj Taiyabpur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

423 Kapadwanj Talpoda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

424 Kapadwanj Telnar MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

425 Kapadwanj Thavad MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

426 Kapadwanj Thunchal MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

427 Kapadwanj Torna MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

428 Kapadwanj Ukardina Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

429 Kapadwanj Vadadhara MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

430 Kapadwanj Vadali MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

431 Kapadwanj Vadol MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

432 Kapadwanj Vaghajipur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

433 Kapadwanj vaghana Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

434 Kapadwanj Vaghas MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

435 Kapadwanj Vaghavat MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

436 Kapadwanj Valva Mahuda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

437 Kapadwanj Vanta MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

438 Kapadwanj Vasna MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

439 Kapadwanj Vavna Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

440 Kapadwanj Vejalpur MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

441 Kapadwanj Vyas Vasna MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

442 Kapadwanj Vyasjina Muvada MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

443 Kapadwanj Zanda MoWR Har Khet ko Pani

Chek Dam 2 3 2 25

Nos.of Works for this component :- 443 9345

444 Nadiad Salun Tadpad,Salun Vata MoWR Har khet ko Pani Saloon Sub Minor with System Ex Nadiad branch

17 320 1 110

445 Nadiad Kanjoda MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.-2R Ex Saloon Sub Minor

5 50 1 35

446 Nadiad Salun Tadpad, Kanjoda MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.-3 R Ex Saloon Sub Minor

8 208 1 79

447 Nadiad Salun Tadpad, Kanjoda MoWR Har khet ko Pani New Saloon Sub Minor

6 66 1 12.98

448 Nadiad Salun Vanta,Marida MoWR Har khet ko Pani Nadiad Distry 10 115 1 19

449 Nadiad Marida,Nadiad MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M. 7-L EX.NADIAD DISTRY

8 122 1 15.75

450 Nadiad Marida MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M. 11 R EX.NADIAD DISTRY

10 150 1 27.7

451 Nadiad Marida MoWR Har khet ko Pani Marida S.M. EX.NADIAD DISTRY

6 176 1 14.2

452 Nadiad Marida MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.2-R Ex. Marida S.M.

5 105 1 14.7

453 Nadiad Marida MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.3-R Ex. Marida S.M.

4 60 1 8.5


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

454 Nadiad Marida MoWR Har khet ko Pani Nadiadbrach D.O. 6 194 1 27.7

455 Nadiad Surasamad,Alindra,Mohlel,Palliya

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Surasamad Distry 23 515 1 132.7

456 Nadiad Surasamad,Chalali MoWR Har khet ko Pani 1-R Ex Surasamad Distry

6 136 1 49

457 Nadiad Surasamad,Chalali MoWR Har khet ko Pani Chalali S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

4 60 1 18

458 Nadiad Surasamad,Alindra MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.-7-L Ex Surasamad Distry

7 95 1 28

459 Nadiad Alindra,Mohlel MoWR Har khet ko Pani Mohlel S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

5 70 1 0

460 Nadiad Mohlel MoWR Har khet ko Pani Morden S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

5 52 1 0

461 Nadiad Palliya,Salun,Hathaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani 17-L S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

28 595 1 143.3

462 Nadiad Vansol,Saiyadpura,Chalali,Surasamad

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Chaklashi S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

25 720 1 74.5

463 Nadiad Surasamad MoWR Har khet ko Pani 3-L S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

7 127 1 32.7

464 Nadiad Hathaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani 6-R Ex 17-L S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

12 101 1 14.1

465 Nadiad Vansol,Chalali MoWR Har khet ko Pani 6-R Ex 17-L S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

25 540 1 53.5

466 Nadiad Mohlel,Salun MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

7 165 1 19

467 Nadiad Hathaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani 9-L Ex 17-L S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

6 58 1 17.8

468 Nadiad Vansol MoWR Har khet ko Pani 2-L Ex Vansol S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

13 214 1 28

469 Nadiad Mohlel,Navagam,Javol MoWR Har khet ko Pani 15-R S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

29 545 1 133.3

470 Nadiad Hathaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani 12-R Ex 17-L S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

6 120 1 11.5

471 Nadiad Hathaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani S,M, 1-R Ex 12-R Ex 17-L S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

2 37 1 6.5

472 Nadiad Hathaj,Palliya,Javol MoWR Har khet ko Pani TAIL S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

17 160 1 134.7


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

473 Nadiad Hathaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani 12-R Ex 17-L S.M. Ex15-R ex Surasamad Distry

7 55 1 13

474 Nadiad Parvata,Thamna,Ghora,Pansora,Manghroli,Aardi

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Pansora Distry 40 456 1 600

475 Nadiad Lingda,Pansora MoWR Har khet ko Pani M-1/L, Ex. P.D. 25 330 1 450

476 Nadiad Pansora MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.-12/R, Ex. M-1/L.

3 45 1 62

477 Nadiad Pansora MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.-13/L, Ex. M-1/L.

2 10 1 15

478 Nadiad Pansora MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.-14/R, Ex. M-1/L.

3 30 1 40

479 Nadiad Thamna MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.- 4/R, Ex. P.D. 5 58 1 78

480 Nadiad Ghora MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.- 5/R, Ex. P. D. 7 50 1 80

481 Nadiad Ghora MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M- 4/L, Ex. S.M-5/R.

3 28 1 40

482 Nadiad Ghora,Thamna MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M-5/R, Ex. S.M-5/R.

3 10 1 23

483 Nadiad Ghora,Thamna MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.- 6/L, Ex. P. D. 4 45 1 60

484 Nadiad Pansora,Aardi,Sodpur,Ghora,Jhalabordi

MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.- 8/R, Ex. P. D. 25 266 1 370

485 Nadiad Aardi,Jhalabordi MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M-8/L, Ex. S.M-8/R.

3 45 1 61.7

486 Nadiad Aardi MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M-9/R, Ex. S.M-8/R

6 50 1 65

487 Nadiad Aardi MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.-8/R-A, Ex. P.D. 5 70 1 102.35

488 Nadiad Pansora MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M-10/L, Ex. P.D. 5 67 1 82.35

489 Nadiad Aardi,Jhalabordi MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M-11/R, Ex. P. D. 3 32 1 43.2

490 Nadiad Vansol MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M-12/L, Ex. P.D. 6 72 1 100

491 Nadiad Jhalabordi,Mangroli MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M-13/R, Ex. P. D. 20 226 1 325


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

492 Nadiad Sodpur MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M-7/R, Ex. S.M-13/R.

4 37 1 52

493 Nadiad Sodpur MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M-8/R, Ex. S.M-13/R.

3 30 1 45

494 Nadiad Sodpur MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M-13/R, Ex. S.M-13/R.

5 17.5 1 40

495 Nadiad Manghroli,Chalali,Vansol

MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.-14/L Ex. P.D. 5 50 1 66

496 Nadiad Manghroli,Alindra MoWR Har khet ko Pani Tail S. M. Ex. P D. 10 81 1 116.5

497 Nadiad Manghroli,Chalali MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.-1/L, Ex. Tail S.M.

3 19 1 27.91

498 Nadiad Manghroli MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.-1/L, Ex. Tail S.M.

6 40 1 70

499 Nadiad Shrashamal,Chaklasi,Kanjoda

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Uttarsanda Distry 27 420 1 165

500 Nadiad Chaklasi MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.8/L Ex. Utt. D 8 116 1 52.25

501 Nadiad Chaklasi,Fatepura,salun talpad,Salun vata

MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.12/R Ex. Utt. D 20 320 1 95.35

502 Nadiad Fatepura,Uttarsanda MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.2/L Ex S.M.12/R 3 25 1 7.6

503 Nadiad Fatepura MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.4/L Ex. S.M.12/R

1 10 1 1

504 Nadiad Chaklasi MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.14/L Ex. Utt Dry. 1 20 1 6.75

505 Nadiad Chaklasi,Uttarsanda MoWR Har khet ko Pani Uttarsanda S.M. Ex. Uttarsanda distry.

8 65 1 32.95

506 Nadiad Chaklasi,Bhumel MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.-1/L, Ex Utt. S.M.

12 115 1 12.8

507 Nadiad Uttarsanda MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.-4/L, Ex Utt. S.M.

4 65 1 1.3

508 Nadiad Chaklasi,Bhumel,Kanjari MoWR Har khet ko Pani Chaklasi S.M. Ex. Uttarsanda distry.

23 330 1 72.85

509 Nadiad Chaklasi MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.6/R Ex. Chaklasi S.M.

2 13.15 1 19.5

510 Nadiad Chaklasi,Boriavi,Kanjari MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.9/L Ex. Chaklasi S.M.

4 75.15 1 18.2


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

511 Nadiad Ajarpura MoWR Har khet ko Pani Boriyavi Distry Part-I Ex Nadiad Branch

21 418 1 147

512 Nadiad Kasor MoWR Har khet ko Pani Tail SM, Ex. B.D.P-I 18 554 1 126

513 Nadiad Kasor MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.1/L Ex Til S.M. 3 19 1 21

514 Nadiad Kasor MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.9/R Ex Til S.M. 2 45 1 14

515 Nadiad Kasor MoWR Har khet ko Pani Boriyavi Distriy part II, Ex Boriyavidist P I

46 1085 1 322

516 Nadiad Rahtalav MoWR Har khet ko Pani Rahtalav S.M. Ex. B. Dy. Part II

8 101 1 56

517 Nadiad Shaktinagar MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.3/R Ex. Rahtalav S.M.

3 118 1 21

518 Nadiad Kasor MoWR Har khet ko Pani Kasor SM.Ex Boriyavidist P.II

14 336 1 98

519 Nadiad fatehpura MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M. 3/L, Ex. Kasor SM

9 227 1 63

520 Nadiad Kasor MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.18/L, B.D.P-II 1 64 1 7

521 Nadiad badapura MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M.25/R, B.D.P-II 1 60 1 7

522 Thasra Thasra, Shahpura MoWR Har khet ko Pani Main Canal D.O. Ch. 78320' to 95000'

1 40.52 3 7

523 Thasra Thasra, Udhmatpura, Jalanagar,Dhundhi, Rsulpur, Pilol, Vanoti

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Shahpura Distributary

18 1083 3 126

524 Thasra Thasra , Badharpura MoWR Har khet ko Pani Badarpura Minor 8 148.73 3 56

525 Thasra Thasra, Jalanagar,Dhundhi,

MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M. 1/ L ex. Shahpura Distri.

9 33.22 3 63

526 Thasra Thsara MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M. 2/ R ex. Shahpura Distri.

4 122.03 3 28

527 Thasra Rasulpur, Thasra MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M. 3/ R ex. Shahpura Distri.

10 116.32 3 70

528 Thasra Rasulpur, Thasra, Pilol MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M. 6/R Ex. Shahpura Distri.

6 207.38 3 42

529 Thasra Vnoti, Pilol MoWR Har khet ko Pani Tail S.M. Ex. Shahpura Distri.

10 22.32 3 70


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

530 Thasra Vnoti MoWR Har khet ko Pani Outlet Channel Ex. Shahpura Distri.

2 22.2 3 14

531 Thasra Vnoti, Agarva MoWR Har khet ko Pani Vanoti minor 6 32.2 3 42

532 Thasra Agarava , Dhudhi MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 1R of Vanoti minor

7 155 3 49

533 Thasra Vanoti , Agarava MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 2R of Vanoti minor

5 126 3 35

534 Thasra Vanoti , Rahkiyal MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 3R of Vanoti minor

2 85 3 14

535 Thasra Vanoti , Rakhiyal MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 4T of Vanoti minor

4 119 3 28

536 Thasra Kalsar,Rakhiyal, Zakhed MoWR Har khet ko Pani Umareth distrybutory 30 743 3 210

537 Thasra Kalsar MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 1L of Umareth distrybutory

7 127 3 49

538 Thasra Rakhiyal MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 2R of Umareth distrybutory

5 99 3 35

539 Thasra Kalsar MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 3L of Umareth distrybutory

6 132 3 42

540 Thasra Zakhed,Padavaniya MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 4L of Umareth distrybutory

11 206 3 77

541 Thasra Nes , Chitalav MoWR Har khet ko Pani Raniya distrybutory 9 179 3 63

542 Thasra Kalsar MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 5R of Raniya distrybutory

2 43 3 14

543 Thasra Kalsar,Nes MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 6 R of Raniya distrybutory

2 51 3 14

544 Thasra Nes,Dhunadara MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 7 R of Raniya distrybutory

5 433 3 35

545 Thasra Nes,Dhunadara MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 9 R of Raniya distrybutory

7 77 3 49

546 Thasra Nes MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 10R of Raniya distrybutory

13 152 3 91

547 Thasra Bhadrasa MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 3R Ex Tail minor of Raniya distrybutory

2 75 3 14

548 Thasra Bhadrasa MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 9R Ex Tail minor of Raniya distrybutory

2 33 3 14


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

549 Thasra Kalsar MoWR Har khet ko Pani Kalsar Sub minor 6 226 3 42

550 Thasra Dhunadara MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 3R Ex Kalsar minor

4 75 3 28

551 Thasra Dhunadara MoWR Har khet ko Pani Dhunadara D.O 5 73 3 35

552 Thasra Dhunadara, MoWR Har khet ko Pani Dhunadara Minor 17 488 3 119

553 Thasra Dhunadara,Majipura MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 5R of Dhunadara Minor

3 152 3 21

554 Thasra Padavaniya MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 9R of Dhunadara Minor

4 107 3 28

555 Thasra Padavaniya, MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 11R of Dhunadara Minor

1 50 3 7

556 Thasra Padavaniya MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub minor 15R of Dhunadara Minor

1 32 3 7

557 Thasra Khakhanpur,Manjipura,Jorapura

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sundalpura sub minor

6 135 3 42

558 Thasra ,Sureli Dhulata,Bechari

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sureli Minor 6 221 3 42

559 Vaso Khandhli MoWR Har khet ko Pani Khandhli SM Ex Limbasi Br ch 42600'

8 35 ૩ 80

560 Vaso Khandhli MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 3/R Ex Khandhli SM ch 2000'

3 35 ૩ 30

561 Vaso Deva Vanta MoWR Har khet ko Pani Deva SM Ex Limbasi Br ch 14475'

8 244 ૩ 80

562 Vaso Deva Tadpad MoWR Har khet ko Pani Deva Tadpad SM Ex Limbasi Br ch 27000'

10 332 ૩ 100

563 Vaso Deva Tadpad MoWR Har khet ko Pani Bhadkad SM-2 Ex Limbasi Br ch 31650'

8 100 ૩ 80

564 Matar Lawal MoWR Har khet ko Pani Lawal SM Ex Limbasi Br ch 37285'

5 56 ૩ 50

565 Matar Tranja, Khandhli MoWR Har khet ko Pani Tranja Feeder Ex Limbasi Branch Ch 44990'

10 72 ૩ 100

566 Matar Nandoli, Nagrama,Tranja

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Nagrama SM-1 Ex Limbasi Br ch 50050'

11 60 ૩ 110

567 Matar Nandoli, Dethli MoWR Har khet ko Pani Dethli SM Ex Limbasi Br ch 50050'

9 56 ૩ 90


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

568 Matar Malawada, Dethli MoWR Har khet ko Pani Malawada SM-1 Ex Limbasi Br ch 53850'

4 162 ૩ 40

569 Matar Malawada MoWR Har khet ko Pani Malawada SM-2 Ex Limbasi Br ch 55525'

10 121 ૩ 100

570 Matar Malawada, Dethli, Vasai MoWR Har khet ko Pani Vasai SM Ex Malawada SM 2 ch 2500'

7 109 ૩ 70

571 Matar Nagrama MoWR Har khet ko Pani Nagrama SM-2 Ex Limbasi Br ch 56125'

7 121 ૩ 70

572 Matar Malawada, Bhalada. Pariaj

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Bhalada Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 59586'

25 171 ૩ 250

573 Matar Bhalada MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 10 / L Ex Bhalada Minor ch 10420'

4 55 ૩ 40

574 Matar Bhalada, Shekhupur MoWR Har khet ko Pani Old Shekhupur SM Ex Bhalada Minor ch 11900'

10 55 ૩ 100

575 Matar Limbasi MoWR Har khet ko Pani Narda Feeder Ex Limbasi Br ch 67920'

2 82 ૩ 20

576 Matar Shekhupur, Sayla MoWR Har khet ko Pani New Shekhupur SM Ex Limbasi Br ch 71200'

12 388 ૩ 120

577 Matar Sayla , Chanor, Limbasi MoWR Har khet ko Pani Chanor Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 81118'

19 388 ૩ 190

578 Matar Chanor, Limbasi MoWR Har khet ko Pani Chanor SM Ex Chanor Minor ch 6400'

14 81 ૩ 140

579 Matar Daloli,Viroja MoWR Har khet ko Pani Daloli Fedeer Ex Pariaj Tank

6 127 ૩ 60

580 Matar Bamangam MoWR Har khet ko Pani Bamangama SM Ex Daloli Fedeer Ch 1500'

5 127 ૩ 50

581 Matar Viroja,Daloli MoWR Har khet ko Pani Viroja Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 86400'

18 371 ૩ 180

582 Matar Indravarna, Hadeva

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Indravarna Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 86400'

12 371 ૩ 120

583 Matar Hadeva,Vastana MoWR Har khet ko Pani Hadeva SM Minor Ex Indravarna Minor Ch 3600'

9 523 ૩ 90

584 Matar Indravarna, Valotri MoWR Har khet ko Pani Old Valotri Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 95200'

10 58 ૩ 100

585 Matar Ranasar,Limbasi MoWR Har khet ko Pani Ranasar Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 3500'

28 58 ૩ 280

586 Matar Limbasi MoWR Har khet ko Pani Limbasi Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 10100'

15 58 ૩ 150


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

587 Matar Limbasi MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 4/L Ex Limbasi Minor ch 2180'

9 142 ૩ 90

588 Matar Limbasi MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 6/L Ex Limbasi Minor ch 5400'

9 85 ૩ 90

589 Matar Punaj,Limbasi MoWR Har khet ko Pani Punaj Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 8500'

23 128 ૩ 230

590 Matar Limbasi MoWR Har khet ko Pani New Limbasi Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 14645 '

11 29 ૩ 110

591 Matar Khareti MoWR Har khet ko Pani Khareti Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 14645 '

10 72 ૩ 100

592 Matar Limbasi MoWR Har khet ko Pani Gobra Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 24000 '

11 87 ૩ 110

593 Matar Nadhanpur MoWR Har khet ko Pani Nadhanpur Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 26110 '

11 41 ૩ 110

594 Matar Nadhanpur , Asamli MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 4/R Ex Limbasi Disry ch 23800 '

14 75 ૩ 140

595 Matar Asamali, Vastana, Gobarapura

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Vastana Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 35800 '

15 530 ૩ 150

596 Nadiad Piplag, Gutal,Keriavi,Akhadol

MoWR Har khet ko Pani D.O. of Cambay Branch bet'n ch.0 ft. to 24500 ft.

19 301 3 152

597 Nadiad Piplag, Piplata,Dumaral MoWR Har khet ko Pani Piplag Sub Minor Ex Cambay Branch

11 208 3 75

598 Nadiad Piplag, Keriavi MoWR Har khet ko Pani Piplata Sub Minor Ex Cambay Branch

11 157 3 72

599 Nadiad Gutal,Keriavi,Narsanda MoWR Har khet ko Pani Narsanda Sub Minor Ex Cambay Branch

27 322 3 192.5

600 Nadiad Narsanda MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 5/L Ex Narsanda Sub Minor

3 82 3 21

601 Nadiad Keriavi,Akhadol MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sanjaya Sub Minor Ex Cambay Branch

18 295 3 128

602 Nadiad Valetava, Akhadol MoWR Har khet ko Pani Valetva Sub Minor Ex Cambay Branch

8 62 3 58

603 Nadiad Akhadol,Karoli,Mitral MoWR Har khet ko Pani Mitral Sub Minor Ex Cambay Branch

9 146 3 70

604 Nadiad Keriavi,Piplata,Mitral,Pij MoWR Har khet ko Pani Pij Minor Ex Cambay Branch Ch 0' to 22600'

33 699 3 230

605 Nadiad Piplata,Pij MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 5/R Ex Pij Minor.

10 361 3 78


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

606 Nadiad Mitral,Pij MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 7/R Ex Pij Minor.

5 90 3 38

607 Nadiad Pij MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 9/R Ex Pij Minor

9 232 3 70

608 Nadiad Pij,Rampur MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 13/R Ex Pij Minor

7 246 3 55

609 Nadiad Pij MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 3/R Ex Sub Minor 13/R.

4 134 3 27

610 Nadiad Pij,Gnagapur,Rampur MoWR Har khet ko Pani Tail Sub Minor 3/R Ex Pij Minor

7 249 3 50

611 Nadiad Pij MoWR Har khet ko Pani New Pij Sub Minor Ex Pij Minor

4 70 3 31

612 Nadiad Thaledi MoWR Har khet ko Pani Thaledi SM Ex Cambay Branch

10 109 3 78

613 Nadiad Navagam,Gangapur MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 8/R Ex Navagam Minor.

3 60 3 20

614 Nadiad Navagam,Vaso,Shiholadi,Laval,Maliyataj,Khandhali

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Navagam Minor Ex Limbasi Branch.

36 910 3 250

615 Matar Bhalada MoWR Har khet ko Pani Bhalada SM Ex. Sinjiwada Distributory

29 525 3 283

616 Matar Bhalada MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 9-L Ex. Bhalada SM

5 76 3 47

617 Matar Dethali MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 16-L Ex. Dethali Minor

12 206 3 110

618 Matar Dethali, Vasai MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 4-L Ex. SM 16-R 4 20 3 33

619 Matar Laval MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 23/L Ex Navagam Minor

2 188 3 15

620 Matar Shiholadi MoWR Har khet ko Pani Siholdi SM Ex Navagam Minor

7 47 3 50

621 Matar Laval MoWR Har khet ko Pani Laval SM Ex Navagam Minor.

9 185 3 65.5

622 Matar Maliyataj MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 26/R Ex Navagam Minor.

4 29 3 28

623 Matar Laval MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 31/L Ex Navagam Minor

4 40 3 30

624 Matar Heranj MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 34/R Ex Navagam Minor

4 80 3 27


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

625 Matar Khandhali MoWR Har khet ko Pani Khandali Tail SM Ex Navagam Minor

5 162 3 35

626 Matar Navagam,Vaso,Shiholadi,Laval,Maliyataj,Khandhali

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Navagam Minor Ex Limbasi Branch.

36 910 3 250

627 Vaso Navagam,Vaso,Shiholadi,Laval,Maliyataj,Khandhali

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Navagam Minor Ex Limbasi Branch.

36 910 3 250

628 Vaso Vaso,Gangapur MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 13/R Ex Navagam Minor.

6 137 3 40

629 Vaso Vaso MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM Vaso 2 Ex Navagam Minor

4 42 3 28.5

630 Vaso Vaso MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM Old Vaso Ex Navagam Minor

5 45 3 36.8

631 Vaso Vaso MoWR Har khet ko Pani Vaso SM No 1 Ex Navagam Minor.

1 16 3 8

632 Nadiad Nadiad,Dumral ,Dabhan,Davada

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Matar Branch Ex Nadiad Br 0' to 26200 '

11 244 3 77

633 Nadiad Tundel ,Dumral MoWR Har khet ko Pani S.M 4/L Ex Matar Br. Ch.7700 '

15 332 3 105

634 Nadiad Nadiad,Tundel MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 7/R Ex SM 4/L Ex

5 100 3 35

635 Nadiad Nadiad,Tundel MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 12/L Ex S.M 4/L 0 to 1000'

2 42 3 14

636 Nadiad Nadiad,Tundel MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 7/L Ex Matar Br at Ch.11000'

2 56 3 14

637 Vaso Pij, Bamroli Palana,Vaso MoWR Har khet ko Pani TUNDEL SM EX Matar Branch at Ch.15700'

28 539 3 196

638 Vaso Pij MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 1/R Ex Tundel SM

2 35 3 14

639 Nadiad Tundel,Dawada MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 8/L Ex Tundel SM

4 72 3 28

640 Vaso Palana, Vaso, Bamroli MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 13/L Ex Tundel SM

4 60 3 28

641 Vaso Bamroli,Vaso MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 18/L Ex Tundel SM

2 51 3 14

642 Nadiad Dabhan, Davada MoWR Har khet ko Pani Dabhan Minor Ex Matar Br. 0 to 13000'

11 162 3 77

643 Vaso Dantali MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 8/L Dabhan Minor at Ch.9000 ft

6 121 3 42


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

644 Vaso Dantali MoWR Har khet ko Pani New Zaraol Sub Minor Ex Dabhan minor at ch.10500'

7 109 3 49

645 Vaso Dehgam MoWR Har khet ko Pani Dabhan Minor Ex Matar Br. 13000' to 20400''

5 135 3 35

646 Vaso Zarol MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 11/L Ex Dabhan Minor at Ch.13500'

5 171 3 35

647 Nadiad Hathnoli MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 15/R Ex Dabhan Minor at Ch.15000''

3 55 3 21

648 Vaso Dehgam MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 16/R Ex Dabhan Minor at Ch.17000''

2 48 3 14

649 Vaso Dehgam MoWR Har khet ko Pani Degham Sub Minor Ex Tail of Dabhan Minor

14 388 3 98

650 Vaso Zarol MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 6/L Ex Degham at ch.5400 '

2 82 3 14

651 Matar Sandhana MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 7/L Ex Dedham at Ch.6600 '

4 86 3 28

652 Nadiad Dawada MoWR Har khet ko Pani Dawda SM Ex Matar Branch at Ch.22000'

3 81 3 21

653 Vaso Bamroli,Dantali MoWR Har khet ko Pani Bamroli SM Ex Matar Branch 26200'

4 127 3 28

654 Vaso Palana,Bamaroli MoWR Har khet ko Pani Matar Branch Ex Nadiad Br 26200' to 54400'

12 371 3 84

655 Vaso Dantali MoWR Har khet ko Pani Dantali SM Ex Matar Bramch At Ch.38400'

15 268 3 105

656 Vaso Palana ,Siholadi MoWR Har khet ko Pani Palana SM 0' to 25000' Ex Matar Branch at ch.40500'

23 523 3 161

657 Vaso Palana MoWR Har khet ko Pani Outlet Channel Ex Palana SM at Tail

2 58 3 14

658 Matar Sandhana, Antroli, Ratanpar, Haijrabad

MoWR Har khet ko Pani SANDHANA MINOR Ex Matar Branch at Ch.40970'

27 349 3 189

659 Matar Sandhana MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 2/R Ex Sandhana Minor

3 85 3 21

660 Matar Sandhana, Radhwanaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 6/L Ex Sandhana Minor

5 142 3 35

661 Matar Sandhana MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 8/L Ex Sandhana Minor

3 85 3 21

662 Matar Sandhana, Radhwanaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 11/L Ex Sandhana Minor

5 128 3 35


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

663 Matar Sandhana, Haijrabad MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 13/R Ex Sandhana Minor

3 29 3 21

664 Matar Haijrabad,Antroli MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 14/R Ex Sandhana Minor

3 72 3 21

665 Matar Antroli , Ratnpur MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 17/L Ex Sandhana Minor

5 87 3 35

666 Matar Ratanpur MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 22/R Ex Sandhana Minor

2 41 3 14

667 Matar Udhela, Radhwanaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani Matar Branch Ex Nadiad Br 54400' to 59100'

3 75 3 21

668 Matar Radhwanaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani Radhavanj SM Ex Matar Branch at ch.53800'

20 530 3 140

669 Matar Radhwanaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 8/L Ex Radhavanj SM 0' to 1200'

5 146 3 35

670 Matar Radhwanaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 12/R Ex Radhavanj Sm 0' to 2600'

2 35 3 14

671 Matar Udhela, Matar, Utai, Khadiyarapura, Matar, Piparia, Kosial, Mehlaj

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Matar Minor Ex Traj Distry ch 2300'

40 1100 3 280

672 Matar Udhela, Utai, Wansar, Sokhada, Matar

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Wansar SM Ex Matar Minor ch 2600

17 332 3 119

673 Matar Matar,Sokhada MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 8/L EX Waansar SM at Ch.6900'

5 81 3 35

674 Matar Matar,Sokhada MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 9/R Ex Wansar SM ch 7700'

5 47 3 35

675 Matar Matar MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 12/R Ex Wansar SM ch 9700'

3 35 3 21

676 Matar Matar,Traj,Piparia ,Kosial

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Matar SM Ex Matar Minor at ch. 13770'

14 427 3 98

677 Matar Matar,Traj MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 3/L Ex SM Ex Matar Minor ch 0' to 5000'

5 63 3 35

678 Matar Matar MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 5/L Ex Matar Sub Minor

1 25 3 7

679 Matar Mehlej MoWR Har khet ko Pani Traj Sub Minor Ex Matar Minor ch 33015'

5 32 3 35

680 Matar Mehlej MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 19/L Ex Matar Minor ch 35300

4 36 3 28

681 Matar Mehlej MoWR Har khet ko Pani Mahelaj SM Ex Matar Minor ch 38175

12 97 3 84


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

682 Matar Mehlej MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 5/L Ex Salla Feeder

12 100 3 84

683 Matar Udhela, Utai, Heranj, Garmala, Traj, Asalali,

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Traj Distry between ch o' to Ch.33500' Ex Matar Br ch 59100'

27 473 3 189

684 Matar Utai, Khadiyarapura, Garmala

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 2/R Ex Traj Distry ch 7280

10 189 3 70

685 Vaso Alindra MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 3/L Ex Traj Distry ch 7280

12 122 3 84

686 Matar Heranj MoWR Har khet ko Pani Chowkadia Feeder Ex Traj distry ch 8400

3 53 3 21

687 Matar Garmala MoWR Har khet ko Pani Garmala Feeder Ex Traj Distry 15200'

11 201 3 77

688 Matar Garmala, Machhiyel, Traj MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 6/R Ex Traj Distry ch 16200'

20 351 3 140

689 Matar Garmala,Traj MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 6/L Ex 6/R Ex T.D

5 50 3 35

690 Matar Heranj, Khandhali ,Kathoda

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 7/L Ex Traj Distry 16200'

13 281 3 91

691 Matar Machhiyel ,Kadhoda MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 8/L Ex Traj Distry ch 18200'

10 151 3 70

692 Matar Asalali MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 14/L Ex Traj Distry

2 44 3 14

693 Matar Heranj MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 1/L Ex Chawkdiya Tank

12 257 3 84

694 Matar Heranj MoWR Har khet ko Pani Sub Minor 7/L Ex Chawkdiya Tank

2 40 3 14

695 Matar Traj, Punaj, Khareti, Pujera, Baroda, Nadhanpura, Baroda, Pallla

MoWR Har khet ko Pani Traj Distry between Ch.33500' to Ch.65200' Ex Matar Br ch 59100'

28 750 3 196

696 Matar Traj MoWR Har khet ko Pani Salla Feeder Ex Traj Distry at Ch.35200'

8 155 3 56

697 Matar Traj , Punaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 15/L Ex Traj Distry ch 33500'

9 170 3 63

698 Matar Traj MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 12/R ( Ex Traj Distry 28000')

10 208 3 70

699 Matar Punaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 20/R ( Ex Traj Distry 41000')

5 52 3 35

700 Matar Khareti MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 22/L (New) ( Ex Traj Distry 46300')

14 310 3 98


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

701 Matar Pujera,Khareti MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 22/L (Old) Ex Traj Distry 48500')

4 50 3 28

702 Matar Mahelej MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 23/R (Ex Traj Distry 49000')

4 48 3 28

703 Matar Baroda, Nadhanpura MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 29/L ( Ex Traj Distry 54000')

8 81 3 56

704 Matar Baroda MoWR Har khet ko Pani Baroda SM ( Ex Traj Distry 60550'

5 125 3 35

705 Matar Baroda MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 2/L Ex Baroda SM ch 600

3 70 3 21

706 Matar Palla,Asamali MoWR Har khet ko Pani PALLA SM EX TRAJ DISTRY ch 65020

9 95 3 63

707 Matar Asamali MoWR Har khet ko Pani ASAMALI SM ( Ex Palla SM Ch 600)

10 186 3 70

708 Matar Asamali MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 5/L (Ex Palla SM ch 5100) 0' to 2730

4 85 3 28

709 Matar Traj MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 1/R Ex Traj Irri Tank)

5 35 3 35

710 Matar Traj MoWR Har khet ko Pani SM 2/L Ex Traj Irri Tank)

3 78 3 21

711 Matar Traj MoWR Har khet ko Pani Patel Feeder ( Ex Traj Irri.Tank)

4 60 3 28

712 Matar Traj MoWR Har khet ko Pani Salaa Feeder Ex Salla Tank

8 153 3 56

713 Matar Punaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani Punaj SM Ex Salla Tank

4 35 3 28

714 Matar Punaj MoWR Har khet ko Pani Outlet 2/00 Ex Salla Tank

2 15 3 14

715 Matar Mehlej MoWR Har khet ko Pani D.O (2.Nos) Ex Malek Tank

2 15 3 14

Nos.of Works for this component :- 272 19177

716 Matar Traj MoWR AIBP Traj Distry Between Ch. 18873 to 19873 Mt

1 145 2 15

717 Matar Ratanpur , Sokhada MoWR AIBP Lift Irrigation Rice Line Ex Sandhana Minor

1 65 2 16.5

718 Matar Ratanpur MoWR AIBP Lift Irrigation Center Line Ex Sandhana Minor

1 44 2 24


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

719 Matar Sokhada MoWR AIBP Lift Irrigation Sokhda Line Ex Sandhana Minor

1 241 2 43.5

720 Matar Sokhada MoWR AIBP Lift Irrigation Matadar Line Ex Sandhana Minor '

1 69 2 25.5

721 Matar Matar, Sokhada MoWR AIBP SM 8/L EX Waansar SM at Ch.6900'

1 81 2 27

722 Matar Matar, Sokhada MoWR AIBP SM 9/R Ex Wansar SM ch 7700'

1 47 2 13.5

723 Matar Matar MoWR AIBP SM 12/R Ex Wansar SM ch 9700'

1 35 2 6

724 Matar Matar,Traj MoWR AIBP SM 3/L Ex SM Ex Matar Minor ch 0' to 5000'

1 63 2 12

725 Matar Mehlej MoWR AIBP SM 5/L Ex Salla Feeder

1 100 2 37.5

726 Matar Mehlej MoWR AIBP Sub Minor 19/L Ex Matar Minor ch 35300

1 36 2 4.5

727 Matar Alindra MoWR AIBP Sub Minor 3/L Ex Traj Distry ch 7280

1 122 2 24

728 Matar Heranj MoWR AIBP Chowkadia Back Feeder Ex Traj distry ch 13500

1 20 2 3

729 Matar Garmala MoWR AIBP Garmala Sub Minor Ex Traj distry ch 8400

1 36 2 22.5

730 Matar Garmala MoWR AIBP Garmala Feeder Ex Traj Distry 15200'

1 201 2 24

731 Matar Heranj MoWR AIBP Sub Minor 1/L Ex Chawkdiya Tank

1 257 2 39

732 Matar Mehlej MoWR AIBP Sub Minor 7/L Ex Chawkdiya Tank

1 36 2 4.5

733 Matar Traj MoWR AIBP SM 12/R ( Ex Traj Distry 28000')

1 208 2 15

734 Matar Udhela, Khadiyarapura, utai, Heranj, Alindra, Garmala, Traj, Aslali

MoWR AIBP Traj Distry between ch o' to Ch.33500' Ex Matar Br ch 59100' (Canal Road)

1 3 306.6

735 Matar Traj , Punaj , Baroda,palla ,Nadhanpura ,Mehlej

MoWR AIBP Traj Distry between Ch.33500' to Ch.65200' Ex Matar Br ch 59100' (Canal Road)

1 3 289.8

736 Matar Udhela , Utai, Khadiyarapura, Matar

MoWR AIBP Matar Minor Ex Traj Distry at Ch.2300 ft (Canal Road)

1 3 144

737 Matar Alindra, Garmala, Heranj MoWR AIBP Chokadia Feeder Ex Traj Distry at Ch.8400 ft (Canal Road)

1 3 27


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

738 Matar Traj,Asalali MoWR AIBP 12/ R Ex Traj Distry at Ch. 28000 ft (Canal Road)

1 3 60

739 Nadiad Narsanda MoWR AIBP Sub Minor 5/L Ex Narsanda Sub Minor

1 39.83 2 12.79

740 Nadiad Valetava, Akhadol MoWR AIBP Valetva Sub Minor Ex Cambay Branch

1 50 2 23.08

741 Nadiad Piplata,Pij MoWR AIBP Sub Minor 5/R Ex Pij Minor.

1 245.25 2 40.69

742 Nadiad Mitral,Pij MoWR AIBP Sub Minor 7/R Ex Pij Minor.

1 62.97 2 13.71

743 Nadiad Pij,Rampur MoWR AIBP Sub Minor 13/R Ex Pij Minor

1 179.58 2 42.97

744 Nadiad Pij MoWR AIBP Sub Minor 3/R Ex Sub Minor 13/R.

1 79.99 2 15.54

745 Nadiad Pij,Gnagapur,Rampur MoWR AIBP Tail Sub Minor 3/R Ex Pij Minor

1 198.45 2 38.4

746 Matar Bhalada MoWR AIBP Bhalada SM Ex. Sinjiwada Distributory

1 501.25 2 79.55

747 Matar Bhalada MoWR AIBP SM 9-L Ex. Bhalada SM

1 76 2 18.3

748 Matar Dethali, Vasai MoWR AIBP SM 16-L Ex. Dethali Minor

1 85.3 2 41.85

749 Matar Dethali MoWR AIBP SM 4-L Ex. SM 16-R 1 26 2 10.965

750 Matar Laval MoWR AIBP SM 23/L Ex Navagam Minor

1 170 2 17.26

751 Matar Shiholadi MoWR AIBP Siholdi SM Ex Navagam Minor

1 42.62 2 20.11

752 Matar Laval MoWR AIBP Laval SM Ex Navagam Minor.

1 165.94 2 34.69

753 Matar Maliyataj MoWR AIBP SM 26/R Ex Navagam Minor.

1 26 2 19.42

754 Matar Laval MoWR AIBP SM 31/L Ex Navagam Minor

1 36.65 2 15.61

755 Matar Heranj MoWR AIBP SM 34/R Ex Navagam Minor

1 72.83 2 15.45

756 Matar Khandhali MoWR AIBP Khandali Tail SM Ex Navagam Minor

1 146.5 2 20.58


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

757 Vaso Vaso,Gangapur MoWR AIBP SM 13/R Ex Navagam Minor.

1 121.32 2 25.14

758 Vaso Vaso MoWR AIBP SM Vaso 2 Ex Navagam Minor

1 37.6 2 21.3

759 Vaso Vaso MoWR AIBP SM Old Vaso Ex Navagam Minor

1 40.57 2 14.4

760 Vaso Vaso MoWR AIBP Vaso SM No 1 Ex Navagam Minor.

1 13.36 2 27.88

761 Nadiad Keriyavi,Piplata,Mitral,Pij

MoWR AIBP Pij Minor(Canal Road)

1 3 207

762 Nadiad Demol,Ramol,Navagam,Devavanta,Vaso,Gnagapur,Run,Devatalpad

MoWR AIBP Navagam Minor(Canal Road)

1 3 262.5

763 Matar Meghalpur, Balinta MoWR AIBP Dethali Minor(Canal Road)

1 3 243.3

764 Vaso Deva Tadpad MoWR AIBP Deva Tadpad SM Ex Limbasi Br ch 27000'

1 65 2 31.8

765 Vaso Deva Tadpad MoWR AIBP Bhadkad SM-2 Ex Limbasi Br ch 31650'

1 65 2 18.9

766 Vaso Deva Tadpad MoWR AIBP Bhadkad SM-1 Ex Limbasi Br ch 31800'

1 65 2 48.9

767 Matar Lawal MoWR AIBP Lawal SM Ex Limbasi Br ch 37285'

1 65 2 16.35

768 Matar Tranja, Khandhli MoWR AIBP Tranja Feeder Ex Limbasi Branch Ch 44990'

1 65 2 31.5

769 Matar Nandoli, Nagrama,Tranja

MoWR AIBP Nagrama SM-1 Ex Limbasi Br ch 50050'

1 65 2 54

770 Matar Malawada, Dethli MoWR AIBP Malawada SM-1 Ex Limbasi Br ch 53850'

1 65 2 33.45

771 Matar Malawada MoWR AIBP Malawada SM-2 Ex Limbasi Br ch 55525'

1 65 2 34.05

772 Matar Malawada, Dethli, Vasai MoWR AIBP Vasai SM Ex Malawada SM 2 ch 2500'

1 65 2 39.9

773 Matar Nagrama MoWR AIBP Nagrama SM-2 Ex Limbasi Br ch 56125'

1 65 2 18.3

774 Matar Daloli,Viroja MoWR AIBP Daloli Fedeer Ex Pariaj Tank

1 65 2 48.45

775 Matar Bamangam MoWR AIBP Bamangama SM Ex Daloli Fedeer Ch 1500'

1 65 2 13.35


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

776 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP SM 4/L Ex Limbasi Minor ch 2180'

1 65 2 12.75

777 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP SM 6/L Ex Limbasi Minor ch 5400'

1 65 2 33

778 Matar Khareti MoWR AIBP Khareti Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 14645'

1 65 2 36.45

779 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP Gobra Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 24000'

1 65 2 39.3

780 Matar Nadhanpur MoWR AIBP Nadhanpur Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Disry 26110 '

1 65 2 29.25

781 Matar Nadhanpur , Asamli MoWR AIBP SM 4/R Ex Limbasi Disry ch 23800'

1 65 2 29.25

782 Matar Limbasi , Punaj, Nadhanpur

MoWR AIBP Limbasi Distry between ch o' to Ch.43500' Ex Limbasi Br ch 59586' (Canal Road)

1 3 397.8

783 Matar Tranja, Khandhli MoWR AIBP Tranja Feeder Ex Limbasi Branch Ch 44990'(Canal Road)

1 3 63

784 Matar Malawada, Bhalada. Pariaj

MoWR AIBP Bhalada Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 59586'(Canal Road)

1 3 194.1

785 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP Narda Feeder Ex Limbasi Br ch 67920'(Canal Road)

1 3 24

786 Matar Sayla , Chanor, Limbasi MoWR AIBP Chanor Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 81118'(Canal Road)

1 3 110.4

787 Matar Daloli,Viroja MoWR AIBP Daloli Fedeer Ex Pariaj Tank (Canal Road)

1 3 99

788 Matar Viroja,Daloli MoWR AIBP Viroja Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 86400'(Canal Road)

1 3 111.6

789 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP Limbasi Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 10100'(Canal Road)

1 3 112.5

790 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP New Limbasi Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 14648'(Canal Road)

1 3 60.3

791 Matar Asamali, Vastana, Gobarapura

MoWR AIBP Vastana Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 35800 '(Canal Road)

1 3 129.9

792 Matar Malawada , Limbasi,Hadeva

MoWR AIBP Limbasi Branch between ch 37285' to Ch.97200'

15 2 15

793 Matar Limbasi , Punaj, Nadhanpur

MoWR AIBP Limbasi Distry between ch o' to Ch.43500' Ex Limbasi Br ch 59586'

14 2 15

794 Matar Tranja, Khandhli MoWR AIBP Tranja Feeder Ex Limbasi Branch Ch 44990'

10 2 5


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

795 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP Narda Feeder Ex Limbasi Br ch 67920'

2 2 1

796 Matar Malawada, Bhalada. Pariaj

MoWR AIBP Bhalada Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 59586'

25 2 12.5

797 Matar Sayla , Chanor, Limbasi MoWR AIBP Chanor Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 81118'

19 2 9.5

798 Matar Viroja,Daloli MoWR AIBP Viroja Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 86400'

18 2 9

799 Matar Indravarna, Hadeva

MoWR AIBP Indravarna Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 86400'

12 2 6

800 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP Limbasi Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 10100'

15 2 7.5

801 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP New Limbasi Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch '

11 2 5.5

802 Matar Asamali, Vastana, Gobarapura

MoWR AIBP Vastana Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch '

15 2 7.5

803 Vaso Khandhli MoWR AIBP Khandhli SM Ex Limbasi Br ch 42600'

8 2 0.8

804 Vaso Khandhli MoWR AIBP SM 3/R Ex Khandhli SM ch 2000'

3 2 0.3

805 Vaso Deva Vanta MoWR AIBP Deva SM Ex Limbasi Br ch 14475'

8 2 0.8

806 Vaso Deva Tadpad MoWR AIBP Deva Tadpad SM Ex Limbasi Br ch 27000'

10 2 1

807 Vaso Deva Tadpad MoWR AIBP Bhadkad SM-2 Ex Limbasi Br ch 31650'

8 2 0.8

808 Matar Lawal MoWR AIBP Lawal SM Ex Limbasi Br ch 37285'

5 2 0.5

809 Matar Nandoli, Nagrama,Tranja

MoWR AIBP Nagrama SM-1 Ex Limbasi Br ch 50050'

11 2 1.1

810 Matar Nandoli, Dethli MoWR AIBP Dethli SM Ex Limbasi Br ch 50050'

9 2 0.9

811 Matar Malawada, Dethli MoWR AIBP Malawada SM-1 Ex Limbasi Br ch 53850'

4 2 0.4

812 Matar Malawada MoWR AIBP Malawada SM-2 Ex Limbasi Br ch 55525'

10 2 1

813 Matar Malawada, Dethli, Vasai MoWR AIBP Vasai SM Ex Malawada SM 2 ch 2500'

7 2 0.7


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

814 Matar Nagrama MoWR AIBP Nagrama SM-2 Ex Limbasi Br ch 56125'

7 2 0.7

815 Matar Bhalada MoWR AIBP SM 10 / L Ex Bhalada Minor ch 10420'

4 2 0.4

816 Matar Bhalada, Shekhupur MoWR AIBP Old Shekhupur SM Ex Bhalada Minor ch 11900'

10 2 1

817 Matar Shekhupur, Sayla MoWR AIBP New Shekhupur SM Ex Limbasi Br ch 71200'

12 2 1.2

818 Matar Chanor, Limbasi MoWR AIBP Chanor SM Ex Chanor Minor ch 6400'

14 2 1.4

819 Matar Daloli,Viroja MoWR AIBP Daloli Fedeer Ex Pariaj Tank

6 2 0.6

820 Matar Bamangam MoWR AIBP Bamangama SM Ex Daloli Fedeer Ch 1500'

5 2 0.5

821 Matar Viroja,Daloli MoWR AIBP Viroja Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 86400'

18 2 1.8

822 Matar Indravarna, Hadeva

MoWR AIBP Indravarna Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 86400'

12 2 1.2

823 Matar Hadeva,Vastana MoWR AIBP Hadeva SM Minor Ex Indravarna Minor Ch 3600'

9 2 0.9

824 Matar Indravarna, Valotri MoWR AIBP Old Valotri Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Br ch 95200'

10 2 1

825 Matar Ranasar,Limbasi MoWR AIBP Ranasar Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 3500'

28 2 2.8

826 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP SM 4/L Ex Limbasi Minor ch 2180'

9 2 0.9

827 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP SM 6/L Ex Limbasi Minor ch 5400'

9 2 0.9

828 Matar Punaj,Limbasi MoWR AIBP Punaj Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 8500'

23 2 2.3

829 Matar Khareti MoWR AIBP Khareti Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 14645 '

10 2 1

830 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP Gobra Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 24000 '

11 2 1.1

831 Matar Nadhanpur MoWR AIBP Nadhanpur Sub Minor Ex Limbasi Disry ch 26110 '

11 2 1.1

832 Matar Nadhanpur , Asamli MoWR AIBP SM 4/R Ex Limbasi Disry ch 23800 '

14 2 1.4


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

833 Thasra Ambav MoWR AIBP Ambav S .M / Ex Main Canal

1 49 3 22.5

834 Thasra Vanoti MoWR AIBP Tail S.M Ex, Shahpura Distri.

1 207.38 3 15

835 Thasra Vanoti MoWR AIBP Outlet Channel Ex, Shahpura Distri.

1 22.32 3 6.75

836 Thasra Rakhiyal MoWR AIBP Sub minor 2R of Umareth distrybutory

1 99 3 18.3

837 Thasra Kalsar MoWR AIBP Sub minor 3L of Umareth distrybutory

1 132 3 34.8

838 Thasra Zakhed,Padavaniya MoWR AIBP Sub minor 4L of Umareth distrybutory

1 206 3 37.5

839 Thasra Agarava , Dhudhi MoWR AIBP Sub minor 1R of Vanoti minor

1 155 3 26.4

840 Thasra Vanoti , Agarava MoWR AIBP Sub minor 2R of Vanoti minor

1 126 3 15.6

841 Thasra Vanoti , Rahkiyal MoWR AIBP Sub minor 3R of Vanoti minor

1 85 3 12.795

842 Thasra Vanoti , Rakhiyal MoWR AIBP Sub minor 4T of Vanoti minor

1 119 3 18.3

843 Thasra Thasra, Udhmatpura, Jalanagar,Dhundhi, Rsulpur, Pilol, Vanoti

MoWR AIBP Shahpura Distry between ch o' to Ch.15000' Ex Main canal(Canal Road)

1 2 137.1

844 Thasra Nes , Chitalav,Kalsar, Dhunadara, Bhadrasa

MoWR AIBP Raniya distrybutory (Canal Road)

1 2 72.9

845 Thasra Kalsar,Rakhiyal, Zakhed MoWR AIBP Umareth distrybutory(Canal Road)

1 2 66

846 Thasra Vnoti, Pilol MoWR AIBP Tail Minor Ex Shahpura Distry at Ch.15000 ft (Canal Road)

1 2 70.8

847 Thasra Agarava,Vanoti , Rahkiyal

MoWR AIBP Vanoti minor (Canal Road)

1 2 63.9

848 Thasra Dhunadara,Majipura,Padavaniya

MoWR AIBP Dhunadara Minor(Canal Road)

1 2 204.6

849 Thasra Thasra, Udhmatpura, Jalanagar,Dhundhi, Rsulpur, Pilol, Vanoti

MoWR AIBP Shahpura Distry between ch o' to Ch.15000' Ex Main canal

2 2 3

850 Thasra Kalsar,Rakhiyal, Zakhed,,Kalsar,Padavaniya

MoWR AIBP Umareth distrybutory 15 2 24.75

851 Thasra Nes , Chitalav,Dhunadara,Bhadrasa Kalsar

MoWR AIBP Raniya distrybutory 9 2 14.85


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

852 Thasra Agarava , Dhudhi , Vanoti

MoWR AIBP Vanoti minor 6 2 9

853 Thasra Dhunadara, MoWR AIBP Dhunadara Minor 17 2 25.5

854 Thasra Thasra , Badharpura MoWR AIBP Badarpura Minor 8 2 10

855 Thasra Thasra, Jalanagar,Dhundhi,

MoWR AIBP S.M. 1/ L ex. Shahpura Distri.

9 2 11.25

856 Thasra Thsara MoWR AIBP S.M. 2/ R ex. Shahpura Distri.

4 2 5

857 Thasra Rasulpur, Thasra MoWR AIBP S.M. 3/ R ex. Shahpura Distri.

10 2 12.5

858 Thasra Rasulpur, Thasra, Pilol MoWR AIBP S.M. 6/R Ex. Shahpura Distri.

6 2 7.5

859 Thasra Vnoti, Pilol MoWR AIBP Tail S.M. Ex. Shahpura Distri.

10 2 12.5

860 Thasra Agarava , Dhudhi MoWR AIBP Sub minor 1R of Vanoti minor

7 2 8.75

861 Thasra Vanoti , Agarava MoWR AIBP Sub minor 2R of Vanoti minor

5 2 6.25

862 Thasra Vanoti , Rahkiyal MoWR AIBP Sub minor 3R of Vanoti minor

2 2 2.5

863 Thasra Vanoti , Rakhiyal MoWR AIBP Sub minor 4T of Vanoti minor

4 2 5

864 Thasra Kalsar MoWR AIBP Sub minor 1L of Umareth distrybutory

7 2 8.75

865 Thasra Rakhiyal MoWR AIBP Sub minor 2R of Umareth distrybutory

5 2 6.25

866 Thasra Kalsar MoWR AIBP Sub minor 3L of Umareth distrybutory

6 2 7.5

867 Thasra Zakhed,Padavaniya MoWR AIBP Sub minor 4L of Umareth distrybutory

11 2 13.75

868 Thasra Kalsar MoWR AIBP Sub minor 5R of Raniya distrybutory

2 2 2.5

869 Thasra Kalsar,Nes MoWR AIBP Sub minor 6 R of Raniya distrybutory

2 2 2.5

870 Thasra Nes,Dhunadara MoWR AIBP Sub minor 7 R of Raniya distrybutory

5 2 6.25


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

871 Thasra Nes,Dhunadara MoWR AIBP Sub minor 9 R of Raniya distrybutory

7 2 8.75

872 Thasra Nes MoWR AIBP Sub minor 10R of Raniya distrybutory

13 2 16.25

873 Thasra Bhadrasa MoWR AIBP Sub minor 3R Ex Tail minor of Raniya distrybutory

2 2 2.5

874 Thasra Bhadrasa MoWR AIBP Sub minor 9R Ex Tail minor of Raniya distrybutory

2 2 2.5

875 Thasra Kalsar MoWR AIBP Kalsar Sub minor 6 2 7.5

876 Thasra Dhunadara MoWR AIBP Sub minor 3R Ex Kalsar minor

4 2 5

877 Thasra Dhunadara MoWR AIBP Dhunadara D.O 5 2 6.25

878 Thasra Dhunadara,Majipura MoWR AIBP Sub minor 5R of Dhunadara Minor

3 2 3.75

879 Thasra Padavaniya MoWR AIBP Sub minor 9R of Dhunadara Minor

4 2 5

880 Thasra Padavaniya, MoWR AIBP Sub minor 11R of Dhunadara Minor

1 2 1.25

881 Thasra Padavaniya MoWR AIBP Sub minor 15R of Dhunadara Minor

1 2 1.25

882 Thasra Khakhanpur,Manjipura,Jorapura

MoWR AIBP Sundalpura sub minor

6 2 7.5

883 Nadiad Salun Tadpad,Salun Vata MoWR AIBP Saloon Sub Minor with System Ex Nadiad branch

1 320 2 25

884 Nadiad Kanjoda MoWR AIBP S.M.-2R Ex Saloon Sub Minor

1 50 2 30

885 Nadiad Salun Tadpad, Kanjoda MoWR AIBP S.M.-3 R Ex Saloon Sub Minor

1 208 2 30

886 Nadiad Salun Tadpad, Kanjoda MoWR AIBP New Saloon Sub Minor

1 66 2 50

887 Nadiad Salun Vanta,Marida MoWR AIBP Nadiad Distry 1 115 2 100

888 Nadiad Marida,Nadiad MoWR AIBP S.M. 7-L EX.NADIAD DISTRY

1 122 2 25

889 Nadiad Marida MoWR AIBP S.M. 11 R EX.NADIAD DISTRY

1 150 2 35


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

890 Nadiad Marida MoWR AIBP Marida S.M. EX.NADIAD DISTRY

1 176 2 20

891 Nadiad Marida MoWR AIBP S.M.2-R Ex. Marida S.M.

1 105 2 20

892 Nadiad Marida MoWR AIBP S.M.3-R Ex. Marida S.M.

1 60 2 25

893 Nadiad Marida MoWR AIBP Nadiadbrach Canal 1 194 2 3000

894 Nadiad Surasamad,Alindra,Mohlel,Palliya

MoWR AIBP Surasamad Distry 1 515 2 150

895 Nadiad Surasamad,Chalali MoWR AIBP 1-R Ex Surasamad Distry

1 136 2 25

896 Nadiad Surasamad,Chalali MoWR AIBP Chalali S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 60 2 30

897 Nadiad Surasamad,Alindra MoWR AIBP S.M.-7-L Ex Surasamad Distry

1 95 2 25

898 Nadiad Alindra,Mohlel MoWR AIBP Mohlel S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 70 2 40

899 Nadiad Mohlel MoWR AIBP Morden S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 52 2 45

900 Nadiad Palliya,Salun,Hathaj MoWR AIBP 17-L S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 595 2 40

901 Nadiad Vansol,Saiyadpura,Chalali,Surasamad

MoWR AIBP Chaklashi S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 720 2 45

902 Nadiad Surasamad MoWR AIBP 3-L S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 127 2 30

903 Nadiad Hathaj MoWR AIBP 6-R Ex 17-L S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 101 2 20

904 Nadiad Vansol,Chalali MoWR AIBP 6-R Ex 17-L S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 540 2 25

905 Nadiad Mohlel,Salun MoWR AIBP S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 165 2 35

906 Nadiad Hathaj MoWR AIBP 9-L Ex 17-L S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 58 2 39

907 Nadiad Vansol MoWR AIBP 2-L Ex Vansol S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 214 2 40

908 Nadiad Mohlel,Navagam,Javol MoWR AIBP 15-R S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 545 2 40


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

909 Nadiad Hathaj MoWR AIBP 12-R Ex 17-L S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 120 2 45

910 Nadiad Hathaj MoWR AIBP S,M, 1-R Ex 12-R Ex 17-L S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 37 2 20

911 Nadiad Hathaj,Palliya,Javol MoWR AIBP TAIL S.M. Ex Surasamad Distry

1 160 2 35

912 Nadiad Hathaj MoWR AIBP 12-R Ex 17-L S.M. Ex15-R ex Surasamad Distry

1 55 2 40

913 Nadiad Parvata,Thamna,Ghora,Pansora,Manghroli,Aardi

MoWR AIBP Pansora Distry 1 456 2 75

914 Nadiad Lingda,Pansora MoWR AIBP M-1/L, Ex. P.D. 1 330 2 35

915 Nadiad Pansora MoWR AIBP S.M.-12/R, Ex. M-1/L.

1 45 2 50

916 Nadiad Pansora MoWR AIBP S.M.-13/L, Ex. M-1/L.

1 10 2 55

917 Nadiad Pansora MoWR AIBP S.M.-14/R, Ex. M-1/L.

1 30 2 45

918 Nadiad Thamna MoWR AIBP S.M.- 4/R, Ex. P.D. 1 58 2 40

919 Nadiad Ghora MoWR AIBP S.M.- 5/R, Ex. P. D. 1 50 2 40

920 Nadiad Ghora MoWR AIBP S.M- 4/L, Ex. S.M-5/R.

1 28 2 25

921 Nadiad Ghora,Thamna MoWR AIBP S.M-5/R, Ex. S.M-5/R.

1 10 2 35

922 Nadiad Ghora,Thamna MoWR AIBP S.M.- 6/L, Ex. P. D. 1 45 2 40

923 Nadiad Pansora,Aardi,Sodpur,Ghora,Jhalabordi

MoWR AIBP S.M.- 8/R, Ex. P. D. 1 266 2 40

924 Nadiad Aardi,Jhalabordi MoWR AIBP S.M-8/L, Ex. S.M-8/R.

1 45 2 45

925 Nadiad Aardi MoWR AIBP S.M-9/R, Ex. S.M-8/R

1 50 2 40

926 Nadiad Aardi MoWR AIBP S.M.-8/R-A, Ex. P.D. 1 70 2 25

927 Nadiad Pansora MoWR AIBP S.M-10/L, Ex. P.D. 1 67 2 30


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

928 Nadiad Aardi,Jhalabordi MoWR AIBP S.M-11/R, Ex. P. D. 1 32 2 32

929 Nadiad Vansol MoWR AIBP S.M-12/L, Ex. P.D. 1 72 2 20

930 Nadiad Jhalabordi,Mangroli MoWR AIBP S.M-13/R, Ex. P. D. 1 226 2 25

931 Nadiad Sodpur MoWR AIBP S.M-7/R, Ex. S.M-13/R.

1 37 2 35

932 Nadiad Sodpur MoWR AIBP S.M-8/R, Ex. S.M-13/R.

1 30 2 40

933 Nadiad Sodpur MoWR AIBP S.M-13/R, Ex. S.M-13/R.

1 17.5 2 35

934 Nadiad Manghroli,Chalali,Vansol

MoWR AIBP S.M.-14/L Ex. P.D. 1 50 2 40

935 Nadiad Manghroli,Alindra MoWR AIBP Tail S. M. Ex. P D. 1 81 2 50

936 Nadiad Manghroli,Chalali MoWR AIBP S.M.-1/L, Ex. Tail S.M.

1 19 2 30

937 Nadiad Manghroli MoWR AIBP S.M.-1/L, Ex. Tail S.M.

1 40 2 25

938 Nadiad Shrashamal,Chaklasi,Kanjoda

MoWR AIBP Uttarsanda Distry 1 420 2 150

939 Nadiad Chaklasi MoWR AIBP S.M.8/L Ex. Utt. D 1 116 2 35

940 Nadiad Chaklasi,Fatepura,salun talpad,Salun vata

MoWR AIBP S.M.12/R Ex. Utt. D 1 320 2 40

941 Nadiad Fatepura,Uttarsanda MoWR AIBP S.M.2/L Ex S.M.12/R 1 25 2 25

942 Nadiad Fatepura MoWR AIBP S.M.4/L Ex. S.M.12/R

1 10 2 40

943 Nadiad Chaklasi MoWR AIBP S.M.14/L Ex. Utt Dry. 1 20 2 30

944 Nadiad Chaklasi,Uttarsanda MoWR AIBP Uttarsanda S.M. Ex. Uttarsanda distry.

1 65 2 45

945 Nadiad Chaklasi,Bhumel MoWR AIBP S.M.-1/L, Ex Utt. S.M.

1 115 2 25

946 Nadiad Uttarsanda MoWR AIBP S.M.-4/L, Ex Utt. S.M.

1 65 2 30


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

947 Nadiad Chaklasi,Bhumel,Kanjari MoWR AIBP Chaklasi S.M. Ex. Uttarsanda distry.

1 330 2 35

948 Nadiad Chaklasi MoWR AIBP S.M.6/R Ex. Chaklasi S.M.

1 13.15 2 30

949 Nadiad Chaklasi,Boriavi,Kanjari MoWR AIBP S.M.9/L Ex. Chaklasi S.M.

1 75.15 2 45

950 Nadiad Ajarpura MoWR AIBP Boriyavi Distry Part-I Ex Nadiad Branch

1 418 2 300

951 Nadiad Kasor MoWR AIBP Tail SM, Ex. B.D.P-I 1 554 2 60

952 Nadiad Kasor MoWR AIBP S.M.1/L Ex Til S.M. 1 19 2 30

953 Nadiad Kasor MoWR AIBP S.M.9/R Ex Til S.M. 1 45 2 45

954 Nadiad Kasor MoWR AIBP Boriyavi Distriy part II, Ex Boriyavidist P I

1 1085 2 150

955 Nadiad Rahtalav MoWR AIBP Rahtalav S.M. Ex. B. Dy. Part II

1 101 2 60

956 Nadiad Shaktinagar MoWR AIBP S.M.3/R Ex. Rahtalav S.M.

1 118 2 40

957 Nadiad Kasor MoWR AIBP Kasor SM.Ex Boriyavidist P.II

1 336 2 25

958 Nadiad fatehpura MoWR AIBP S.M. 3/L, Ex. Kasor SM

1 227 2 25

959 Nadiad Kasor MoWR AIBP S.M.18/L, B.D.P-II 1 64 2 30

960 Nadiad badapura MoWR AIBP S.M.25/R, B.D.P-II 1 60 2 30

961 Thasara MoWR AIBP Shedhi branch canal ch.0 to 32 km

1 2 6000

962 Thasra Muliyad, Dakor, Sui, Vallavpura, Bordi, Mor

ambali, Masra, Khijalpur, Chunel,

Hiranj, Malai

MoWR AIBP Dakor distri 1 6355 2 371.7

963 Thasra Ambav, Kosam MoWR AIBP M-1-R ex SBC 1 105 2 23.1

964 Thasra Dabhsar MoWR AIBP M-2-R ex SBC 1 180 2 25.5

965 Thasra Thasra MoWR AIBP M-3-R ex SBC 1 75 2 29.25


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

966 Thasra Thasra MoWR AIBP M-4-R ex SBC 1 66 2 20.1

967 Thasra Muliyad MoWR AIBP M-1-L ex DD 1 329 2 43.95

968 Thasra Muliyad, Dakor MoWR AIBP M-2-L ex DD 1 284 2 48

969 Thasra Dakor MoWR AIBP M-3-L ex DD 1 194 2 7.5

970 Thasra MoWR AIBP SD-4-L ex DD 1 2 54.75

971 Thasra Dakor MoWR AIBP M-1-L ex SD-4-L 1 526 2 41.4

972 Thasra Malai MoWR AIBP M-2-L ex SD-4-L 1 133 2 15.45

973 Thasra Malai, sui MoWR AIBP M-3-T ex SD-4-L 1 347 2 37.8

974 Thasra MoWR AIBP SD-5-L ex DD 1 2 58.05

975 Thasra sui MoWR AIBP M-1-L ex SD-5-L 1 342 2 45.45

976 Thasra Sui, Masra MoWR AIBP M-2-L ex SD-5-L 1 495 2 47.25

977 Thasra Khijalpur MoWR AIBP M-3-L ex SD-5-L 1 384 2 64.35

978 Thasra Khijalpur MoWR AIBP M-4-T ex SD-5-L 1 421 2 94.05

979 Thasra vallavpura MoWR AIBP M-6-L 1 379 2 50.4

980 Thasra Bordi MoWR AIBP M7-R 1 423 2 55.2

981 Thasra vallavpura MoWR AIBP M-8-L 1 330 2 36.45

982 Thasra Mor ambali MoWR AIBP M-9-R 1 193 2 37.2

983 Thasra MoWR AIBP SD-10-R 1 2 4.5

984 Thasra Mor ambali MoWR AIBP M-1-R ex 10-R 1 432 2 43.2


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

985 Thasra chunel MoWR AIBP M-2-T ex 10-R 1 453 2 66.15

986 Thasra Mor ambali MoWR AIBP SD-11-T 1 2 15.3

987 Thasra Mor ambali MoWR AIBP M-1-R ex 11-T 1 442 2 64.8

988 Thasra heranj MoWR AIBP M-2-T ex 11-T 1 248 2 48.6

989 Mahudha MoWR AIBP Shedhi branch canal ch.32 to 46 km

1 2 2400

990 Mahudha Alina, Baladi, dhodhavada, kadi, kaij,

kaparupura, khaladi,

MoWR AIBP Bordi distri 1 4082 2 419.7

991 Mahudha mahisa, mirajapur, nagval, porda, sanali,

saastaapura, sheri, undara, vasna

MoWR AIBP Mahisa Distry 1 2500 2 329.7

992 Mahudha Alina MoWR AIBP M-1-R ex Bordi Distry

1 105 2 23.1

993 Mahudha Alina,Saiyat MoWR AIBP M-2-R ex Bordi Distry

1 180 2 25.5

994 Mahudha Alina MoWR AIBP M-3-L ex Bordi Distry

1 75 2 29.25

995 Mahudha Alina, Mahisa MoWR AIBP M-4-L ex Bordi Distry

1 66 2 20.1

996 Mahudha Alina MoWR AIBP M-5-R ex Bordi Distry

1 329 2 43.95

997 Mahudha Alina,Miyapur,Nagval MoWR AIBP Nagwal SD Bordi Distry

1 284 2 48

998 Mahudha Alina MoWR AIBP M-6-L ex Nagwal SD 1 194 2 7.5

999 Mahudha Alina MoWR AIBP M-7-R ex Nagwal SD 1 526 2 41.4


Mahudha Alina,Miyapur,Nagval MoWR AIBP M-8-T ex Nagwal SD 1 133 2 15.45

1001 Mahudha Bordi MoWR AIBP M-9-R ex Bordi Distry

1 347 2 37.8


Mahudha Sheri,Khaladi MoWR AIBP M-10-R ex Bordi Distry

1 2 58.05


Mahudha Khaladi,Baladi MoWR AIBP M-11-R ex Bordi Distry

1 342 2 45.45


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Mahudha Khaladi,Baladi MoWR AIBP M-12-L ex Bordi Distry

1 495 2 47.25


Mahudha Khaladi,Baladi MoWR AIBP M-13-L ex Bordi Distry

1 384 2 109.35


Mahudha Sanali MoWR AIBP M-14-R ex Bordi Distry

1 421 2 94.05

1007 Mahudha Sanali MoWR AIBP M-15-T ex Bordi Distry

1 379 2 50.4


Mahudha Mahisa MoWR AIBP Minor 1 /R of Mahisa Dy

1 423 2 24.75


Mahudha Mahisa MoWR AIBP Minor 2 /L of Mahisa Dy

1 330 2 24.75

1010 Mahudha Mahisa,Alina MoWR AIBP Minor 3 /R of Mahisa Dy

1 193 2 26.7

1011 Mahudha Mahisa,Alina MoWR AIBP Minor 4 /R of Mahisa Dy

1 2 36

1012 Mahudha Mor ambali MoWR AIBP Minor 5 /L of Mahisa Dy

1 432 2 34.2

1013 Mahudha Alina MoWR AIBP Minor 6 /R of Mahisa Dy

1 453 2 7.95

1014 Mahudha Kadi,Sastapur MoWR AIBP Minor 7 /R of Mahisa Dy

1 2 18.9

1015 Mahudha Kadi,Sastapur MoWR AIBP Minor 8+10 /R of Mahisa Dy

1 442 2 53.55

1016 Mahudha kaiyaj,kadi,sastapur,Sanali

MoWR AIBP Minor 9 /L of Mahisa Dy

1 248 2 34.725

1017 Mahudha kaiyaj,kadi,sastapur,Sanali

MoWR AIBP Minor 11 /T of Mahisa Dy

1 2 61.65

1018 Mahudha Vadthal,Finav,Ramana Muvada

MoWR AIBP SD-1/L Ex.humaravad Distry

1 452 2 28.5

1019 Mahudha Vina MoWR AIBP SD-2/L Ex.humaravad Distry

1 498 2 9


Mahudha Sapala,Bagdu, Sundha Vanasol

MoWR AIBP SD-4/R Ex.humaravad Distry

1 510 2 13.5

1021 Mahudha Dadusar,Moti Khadol ,Nani khodal

Faloli,Minawada, Ruppura,Balol,Mahudha,

Torania ,Nandgam, Mangalpura

MoWR AIBP Mahudha Distry. 1 3486 2 279.24

1022 Mahudha Balol,Moti Khodal,Minawada

Khurdabad, Ramna muvada

MoWR AIBP Balol Sub. Distry. 1 2200 2 68.4


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1023 Mahudha Faloli MoWR AIBP Minor 1-L 1 479 2 37.8


Mahudha Minavada MoWR AIBP Minor 2-R 1 336 2 19.35

1025 Mahudha Minavada & Khurdabad MoWR AIBP Minor 3-R 1 65 2 1.5

1026 Mahudha Khurdabad MoWR AIBP Minor 4-L 1 318 2 15.3

1027 Mahudha Moti Khadol, Khurdabad&Balol

MoWR AIBP Minor 5-T 1 187 2 36.45


Mahudha Dadusar MoWR AIBP Minor 6-L 1 370 2 19.65

1029 Mahudha Ramnamuvada MoWR AIBP Minor 7-R 1 576 2 27.27


Mahudha Dadusar & Nani Khadol MoWR AIBP Minor 8-L 1 380 2 64.35

1031 Mahudha Mahudha MoWR AIBP Minor 9-R 1 296 2 43.57

1032 Mahudha Mahudha & Toraniya MoWR AIBP Minor 10-L 1 308 2 36.45

1033 Mahudha Toriyana & Nandgam MoWR AIBP Minor 11-R 1 515 2 27.25

1034 Mahudha Mahudha ,Toraniya Nandgam & Mangalpur

MoWR AIBP Minor12-R 1 144 2 53.65

1035 Mahudha Toriyana ,Nandgam & Undara

MoWR AIBP Minor 13T 1 434 2 91.62

1036 Mahudha Vadthal, Dhandhodi,Bhaner

MoWR AIBP Varsola Distry 1 2 50.55

1037 Mahemdavad Rudan Vansoli Navchetan,Navagam,

Sinhuj,Vamali,vanthvali,Kesara, sundh varsola ,


MoWR AIBP Varsola Distry 1 2 418.65


Kathlal/ Mahudha Bhaner/ Vadthal MoWR AIBP Minor 1-L 1 112 2 11.67

1039 Mahemdavad Rudan MoWR AIBP Minor 2-R 1 342 2 24.82


Mahudha Dhandhodi, Vansoli MoWR AIBP Vadthal sub. Distry 1-L

1 2 38.8

1041 Mahudha Dhandhodi, Vansoli MoWR AIBP Minor 3-L 1 305 2 38.7


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Mahudha Vansoli MoWR AIBP Minor 4-R 1 472 2 25.95

1043 Mahudha/Mahemdavad

Bhumas, Vansoli MoWR AIBP Minor 5-L 1 472 2 89.55


Mahemdavad Vansoli,Sinhuj, Dolpura MoWR AIBP Sinhuj Sub. Distry. 2-R

1 443 2 75.525

1045 Mahemdavad Dolpura,Vansoli MoWR AIBP Minor 6-R 1 2 81.45


Mahemdavad Dolpura,Sinhuj MoWR AIBP Minor 7-L 1 436 2 21.6

1047 Mahemdavad Navchetan MoWR AIBP Minor 8 -L 1 197 2 21.62


Mahemdavad Navchetan,Sinhuj MoWR AIBP Minor 9 -L 1 570 2 81.9


Mahemdavad Sinhuj MoWR AIBP Minor 10 -L 1 213 2 45.45


Mahemdavad Sinhuj, Kesra MoWR AIBP Minor 11-R 1 429 2 63.705

1051 Mahemdavad Kesra MoWR AIBP Minor 12 -L 1 227 2 22.5

1052 Mahemdavad Sundha vansol MoWR AIBP Minor 13 -L 1 341 2 36.75

1053 Mahemdavad Vanthvali MoWR AIBP Minor 14-R 1 284 2 45.9

1054 Mahemdavad Vamali MoWR AIBP Minor 15 -L 1 193 2 29.25

1055 Mahemdavad Varsola &Devkivansol MoWR AIBP Varsola Sub Distry 3-T

1 2 27.45

1056 Mahemdavad Varsola MoWR AIBP Minor 16-R 1 402 2 11.7

1057 Mahemdavad Devkivansol MoWR AIBP Minor 17-T 1 215 2 43.35

1058 Mahudha Vadathal MoWR AIBP M-1/R Ex.humaravad Distry

1 422 2 60.3

1059 Mahudha Finav MoWR AIBP M-5/R Ex.humaravad Distry

1 250 2 34.2


Mahudha Bhumas,singali, Hajatiya MoWR AIBP M-6/R Ex.humaravad Distry

1 551 2 117.3


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1061 Mahudha Mahudha MoWR AIBP M-7/R Ex.humaravad Distry

1 400 2 37.5

1062 Mahudha Mahudha MoWR AIBP M-8/L Ex.humaravad Distry

1 286 2 52.2

1063 Mahudha Mangalpur MoWR AIBP M-9/L Ex.humaravad Distry

1 86 2 20.4


Mahudha Singali MoWR AIBP M-10/R Ex.humaravad Distry

1 240 2 27.9

1065 Mahudha Khutaj MoWR AIBP M-11/R Ex.humaravad Distry

1 238 2 16.95


Mahudha Sundha Vanasol MoWR AIBP M-21/T Ex.humaravad Distry

1 251 2 67.05

1067 Nadiad Vina MoWR AIBP M-12/T Ex.humaravad Distry

1 260 2 38.25


Nadiad Arera MoWR AIBP M-22/L Ex.humaravad Distry

1 230 2 39.6


Nadiad Andhaj MoWR AIBP M-24/L Ex.humaravad Distry

1 346 2 30.9

1070 Mahemadavad Varasola MoWR AIBP M-25/R Ex.humaravad Distry

1 386 2 28.35

1071 Mahemadavad Khambhali MoWR AIBP M-26/R Ex.humaravad Distry

1 300 2 26.25

1072 mahemdavad MoWR AIBP Shedhi branch canal ch.46 to 66.79 km

1 2 1900

1073 Mahemdavad - MoWR AIBP Nenpur 1 - 2 368.55

1074 Mahemdavad - MoWR AIBP Tail 1 - 2 690.9

1075 Mahemdavad - MoWR AIBP 17/L SD Ex TD 1 - 2 265.5

1076 Mahemdavad Rudan MoWR AIBP Rudan M.R.EX S.B.C. 1 450 2 46.8

1077 Mahemdavad MoWR AIBP S.D. 1/R.EX S.B.C. 1 - 2 37.35

1078 Mahemdavad Pithai MoWR AIBP M 1/L Ex. S.D. 1/R 1 155 2 8.55

1079 Mahemdavad Jaliya MoWR AIBP M 2/L Ex.S.D. 1/R 1 230 2 17.25


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Mahemdavad Jaliya , Abhupura, Bharkunda

MoWR AIBP M 3/T Ex.S.D. 1/R 1 320 2 47.25

1081 Mahemdavad Sarsavni MoWR AIBP M/1/L .EX S.B.C. 1 279 2 15.3


Mahemdavad Sarsavni ,Karoli MoWR AIBP M 2/L .EX S.B.C. 1 334 2 23.4


Mahemdavad Sarsavni, Ratanpur MoWR AIBP M 3/R .EX S.B.C. 1 113 2 16.65


Mahemdavad Sarsavni , Satrunda MoWR AIBP M 4/L .EX S.B.C. 1 213 2 28.2

1085 Mahemdavad Satrunda MoWR AIBP M 5/L .EX S.B.C. 1 249 2 13.95


Mahemdavad Ghodasar MoWR AIBP Jinger Ex ND 1 236.00 2 44.55

1087 Mahemdavad Kuna,Modaj, Jinjar

MoWR AIBP Modaj M-1 Ex ND 1 2 31.65


Mahemdavad Ghodasar, Kuna

MoWR AIBP Kuna 3 BM Ex Modaj M-1

1 498.00 2 11.55


Mahemdavad Modaj, Dajipura

MoWR AIBP Kuna 4 BM Ex Modaj M-1

1 2 30.6


Mahemdavad MOdaj, Dajipura,Jinjar

MoWR AIBP Dajipura Ex ND 1 243.00 2 15.3

1091 Mahemdavad Sansoli,Modaj,Ghodasar, Amsaran,Rohisa,Nenpur

MoWR AIBP Rohisa Ex ND 1 810.00 2 84.45

1092 Mahemdavad Sansoli,Sojali,Ghodali MoWR AIBP Sojali Ex ND 1 396.00 2 44.1

1093 Mahemdavad Sansoli,Nenpur ,Pahad MoWR AIBP Sansoli Ex ND 1 308.00 2 23.85


Mahemdavad - MoWR AIBP Sansoli BM Ex ND 1 2 10.5

1095 Mahemdavad Nenpur,Pahad MoWR AIBP Nenpur MR-2 Ex ND 1 120.00 2 1.8


Mahemdavad - MoWR AIBP Nenpur MR-3 Ex ND 1 2 51.75

1097 Mahemdavad Nenpur, Malataj

MoWR AIBP Nenpur BM Ex Nenpur M-3

1 785.00 2 10.8


Mahemdavad - MoWR AIBP Malataj Ex Nenpur M-3

1 2 17.55


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Mahemdavad Pahad,Vadadla,Sadra, Nenpur

MoWR AIBP Sadana MR Ex ND 1 858.00 2 111.3

1100 Mahemdavad Karoli MoWR AIBP Minor 1/R Ex TD 1 241.00 2 27.45

1101 Mahemdavad Karoli MoWR AIBP Minor 2/L Ex TD 1 181.00 2 10.5

1102 Mahemdavad Aklacha MoWR AIBP Minor 3/R Ex TD 1 263.00 2 41.25

1103 Mahemdavad Sihunj MoWR AIBP Minor 4/L Ex TD 1 85.00 2 0.45

1104 Mahemdavad Aklacha MoWR AIBP Minor 5/L Ex TD 1 226.00 2 31.5

1105 Mahemdavad Kesra MoWR AIBP Minor 6/l Ex TD 1 78.00 2 22.5

1106 Mahemdavad Rinchhol MoWR AIBP Minor 7/R Ex TD 1 111.00 2 2.85

1107 Mahemdavad Mankawa, Wanthawadi MoWR AIBP Minor 8/L Ex TD 1 514.00 2 44.55

1108 Mahemdavad Rinchhol MoWR AIBP Minor 9/R Ex TD 1 80.00 2 1.05

1109 Mahemdavad Mankawa MoWR AIBP Minor 10/R Ex TD 1 151.00 2 24.75

1110 Mahemdavad Mankawa, Wanthawadi MoWR AIBP Minor 11/L Ex TD 1 554.00 2 77.805

1111 Mahemdavad Khatraj MoWR AIBP Minor 12/R Ex TD 1 362.00 2 45.45

1112 Mahemdavad Khatraj MoWR AIBP Minor 13/L Ex TD 1 317.00 2 54.3

1113 Mahemdavad Areri MoWR AIBP Minor 14/L Ex TD 1 315.00 2 36

1114 Mahemdavad Devki Vansol MoWR AIBP Minor 15/L Ex TD 1 485.00 2 38.325

1115 Mahemdavad Katchchai MoWR AIBP Minor 16/L Ex TD 1 249.00 2 38.85

1116 Mahemdavad Mahemdavad MoWR AIBP Minor 18/L Ex TD 1 309.00 2 35.1

1117 Mahemdavad Chhapra MoWR AIBP Minor 19/L Ex TD 1 456.00 2 56.7


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1118 Mahemdavad Virol MoWR AIBP Minor 20/L Ex TD 1 250.00 2 43.65

1119 Mahemdavad Parsantaj MoWR AIBP Minor 21/T Ex TD 1 466.00 2 60.3

1120 Mahemdavad Kachchai MoWR AIBP Minor2/L Ex 17/L SD 1 484.00 2 50.4

1121 Mahemdavad Iyava MoWR AIBP Minor3/L Ex 17/L SD 1 150.00 2 47.25

1122 Mahemdavad Katakpura MoWR AIBP Minor4/L Ex 17/L SD 1 307.00 2 32.1

1123 Mahemdavad Kheda MoWR AIBP Minor5/L Ex 17/L SD 1 318.00 2 31.05

1124 Mahemdavad Kheda MoWR AIBP Minor6/L Ex 17/L SD 1 102.00 2 9

1125 Mahemdavad Kheda, Viththalpura

MoWR AIBP Minor7/T Ex 17/L SD 1 485.00 2 73.35

1126 Kheda MoWR AIBP Meshwo Main canal ch 0 to 14.58 km

1 2 3000

1127 Kheda MoWR AIBP Kajipura Branch canal ch 0 to 9.085 km

1 2 1900

1128 Kheda MoWR AIBP Kajipura Extension canal 0 to 15.24

1 2 3000

1129 Kheda kanij MoWR AIBP Kanij Narayan Distry. L/S

1 438 2 59.4

1130 Kheda barejadi,kanij MoWR AIBP Lift Kansdi R/S 1 55 2 18.5

1131 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 282/L Distry. 1 96 2 9

1132 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 282/R Distry. 1 12 2 9

1133 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 292/L distry 1 36 2 13.5

1134 Kheda mahijsankhej maragia vasna

MoWR AIBP Galki Feeder 1 490 2 47.4

1135 Kheda mahijsankhej maragia vasna

MoWR AIBP Minors of Galki Tank 1 2 195

1136 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 332/Faramvali Kansdi

1 115 2 19.7


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1137 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 333/R distry[Dosajivali Kansdi]

1 37 2 28.73

1138 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 333/L Rangpur Distry.

1 176 2 22.35

1139 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 363/L Distry 1 44 2 18.75

1140 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 363/R Distry 1 40 2 13.5

1141 Kheda lali MoWR AIBP 399 l 1 12 2 12

1142 Kheda lali MoWR AIBP 414/L Distry. 1 50 2 14.63

1143 Kheda lali MoWR AIBP 414/R Distry. 1 50 2 25.2

1144 Kheda lali MoWR AIBP New Cut Canal 1 291 2 11.7

1145 Kheda bidaj MoWR AIBP 447 Distry 1 66 2 18.45

1146 Kheda bidaj MoWR AIBP 472/L, Ashramwali Kansdi

1 52 2 13.95

1147 Kheda sarsa MoWR AIBP 472/ L Sarsa Distry. 1 132 2 15

1148 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 282/L Minor 1 96 2 9.2

1149 Kheda sarsa MoWR AIBP Sarsa Sub- Distry. X 472 / L SD

1 50 2 16

1150 Kheda Lali, bidaj, kanera,malharpura,


MoWR AIBP Main Khari 1 80 2 143.1

1151 Kheda MoWR AIBP Main Khari 1 2 60.3

1152 Kheda kanera MoWR AIBP Pagi Kans.[Canal] 1 110 2 9.2

1153 Kheda kanera MoWR AIBP Kanera Kans.[Canal] 1 125 2 13.7

1154 Kheda kanera, malharpura MoWR AIBP Malarpura Kans[Canal]

1 145 2 25.9

1155 Kheda pinglaj, navagam,kathvada,


MoWR AIBP Kharola Branch Canal

1 305 2 259.5


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1156 Kheda nayka MoWR AIBP Brahmania Zankha kans [Canal]

1 105 2 10.1

1157 Kheda pinglaj, pansoli, bherai, govindpura, nayka

MoWR AIBP Khari Branch Canal 1 680 2 297.9

1158 Kheda nayka MoWR AIBP Kaloli branch canal 1 355 2 66

1159 Kheda bherai, nayka MoWR AIBP Bherai Irrig.Tank[Bherai Tank feedar]

1 254 2 9.15

1160 Kheda bherai, nayka MoWR AIBP Minor's of Bherai Tank

1 2 75

1161 Kheda pansoli MoWR AIBP Pansoli Dethal Kans.[Canal]

1 91 2 19.2

1162 Kheda pinglaj, MoWR AIBP Bareja west cans 1 60 2 24

1163 Kheda navagam, bherai,govindpura

MoWR AIBP Bherai Govindpura Kans[Canal]

1 170 2 26.55

1164 Kheda nayka MoWR AIBP Nayaka Tank feeder 1 20 2 18.3

1165 Kheda navagam,kathvada MoWR AIBP Mesiyo Kans [Canal] 1 235 2 22.5

1166 Kheda kathvada MoWR AIBP Mesiyo Tail 1 90 2 16.5

1167 Kheda kathvada MoWR AIBP Dabhadiyo 1 60 2 27

1168 Kheda Kathvada,navagam MoWR AIBP Ukavala Kans 1 140 2 15

1169 Kheda navagam, chalindra MoWR AIBP Jambudio kans [Canal]

1 80 2 22.5

1170 Kheda navagam,nayka MoWR AIBP Chalindra tank Feeder

1 10 2 17.4

1171 Kheda chalindra MoWR AIBP Chalindra distry. 1 185 2 18

1172 Kheda pinglaj MoWR AIBP Kalyan Bhatt Kansh 1 25 2 7.5

1173 Kheda govindpura MoWR AIBP Govindpura kans Ext.SL No.43

1 100 2 7.5

1174 Kheda mahij,lali,bidaj,malharpura,goblaj,pansoli,bherai,k


MoWR AIBP Gobalaj tank feder [KBC Section]

1 512 2 12


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1175 Kheda mahij,lali,bidaj,malharpura,goblaj,pansoli,bherai,kashipura,dharampura,Du

ngri timba laat,shantipura laat, dathal,govindpura,

damri, shetra, wasna buzarg, chandana,radhu,

MoWR AIBP Kajipura Branch Canal

1 1253 2 272.7

1176 Kheda Mahij, wasna margiya MoWR AIBP 70/R Minor 1 40 2 15

1177 Kheda Mahij, wasna margiya MoWR AIBP 70/L Minor 1 22 2 22.5

1178 Kheda Mahij, wasna margiya MoWR AIBP 7656/R 1 71 2 31.5

1179 Kheda Mahij, wasna margiya MoWR AIBP 7656/L 1 41 2 34.5

1180 Kheda Mahij, wasna margiya MoWR AIBP 1012/L 1 45 2 30

1181 Kheda Mahij, wasna margiya MoWR AIBP 1012/R 1 45 2 30

1182 Kheda Mahij, wasna margiya MoWR AIBP 142/R Sarsa Distry. 1 152 2 34.35

1183 Kheda bhagupura, ghorapara MoWR AIBP 210/R Malarpura Minor

1 122 2 10.05

1184 Kheda hariyala,kajipura MoWR AIBP 283/L,Hariyala Distry.

1 101 2 23.85

1185 Kheda kajipura,vadala MoWR AIBP Wadala Tank Feeder 1 564 2 22.8

1186 Kheda Dungri timba laat,shantipura laat, dathal,govindpura,

damri, shetra, wasna buzarg, chandana,radhu,

MoWR AIBP KBC Extension 1 572 2 457.2

1187 Kheda damri,shetra MoWR AIBP 111/R, Damri Minor 1 60 2 20.85

1188 Kheda wasnabujarg,chandana MoWR AIBP 176/ Wasnabujarg Distry.

1 62 2 18.3

1189 Kheda radhu,varsang MoWR AIBP Varsang Sub-Minor 1 30 2 3

1190 Kheda Samadra,Vaikunthpura, Bhagupura, Gorpura

MoWR AIBP samadara tank network

1 70 2 89.25

1191 Kheda Vadala, Govindpura, Damri, Shetra,

Bherai,Dathal, Pansoli

MoWR AIBP Vadala tank network 1 200 2 72

1192 Kheda Mahij, Lali, Bidaj, Malarpura, Goblej,

Pansoli, Bherai, Kashipura

MoWR AIBP Goblej tank network 1 275 2 236.55

1193 Kheda Shetra, Damri MoWR AIBP Shetra tank network 1 100 2 14.7


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1194 Thasra Muliyad, Dakor, Sui, Vallavpura, Bordi, Mor

ambali, Masra, Khijalpur, Chunel,

Hiranj, Malai

MoWR AIBP Dakor Distry 1 2 371.7

1195 Mahudha Alina,Baladi,Chunel,Khaladi,Nagaval,Sanali,Sheri

MoWR AIBP Bordi Distributory 1 2 419.7

1196 Mahudha kadi,kaiyaj,kaparupur,Sastapur,,Mahisa,

MoWR AIBP Mahisa Distributory 1 2 329.7

1197 Mahudha Vadathal,Finav,Ramana muvada,Singali,Mangalp


MoWR AIBP Khumaravad Distry 1 2 300

1198 Mahemadavad Khambhali,Samaspur,Gadva,Gothaj

MoWR AIBP Khumaravad Distry 1 2 150

1199 Nadiad Arera,Andhaj,Rampura MoWR AIBP Khumaravad Distry 1 2 150


Mahudha Dadusar,Moti Khadol ,Nani khodal

Faloli,Minawada, Ruppura,Balol,Mahudha,

Torania ,Nandgam, Mangalpura

MoWR AIBP Mahudha Distry. 1 2 279.24

1201 Mahudha Vadthal, Dhandhodi,Bhaner

MoWR AIBP Varsola Distry. 1 2 50.55

1202 Mahemdavad Rudan Vansoli Navchetan,Navagam,

Sinhuj,Vamali,vanthvali,Kesara, sundh varsola ,


MoWR AIBP Varsola Distry. 1 2 418.65

1203 Mahemdavad Ghodasar MoWR AIBP Nenpur 1 2 368.55


Mahemdavad Kuna,Modaj, Jinjar


1205 Mahemdavad Dajipura MoWR AIBP 1 2

1206 Mahemdavad Sansoli,Amsaran,Rohisa,Nenpur


1207 Mahemdavad Sojali,Ghodali MoWR AIBP 1 2


Mahemdavad Pahad MoWR AIBP 1 2

1209 Mahemdavad Malataj MoWR AIBP 1 2

1210 Mahemdavad Vadadla,Sadra MoWR AIBP 1 2

1211 Mahemdavad Karoli MoWR AIBP Tail 1 2 690.9

1212 Mahemdavad Aklacha MoWR AIBP 1 2


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1213 Mahemdavad Sihunj MoWR AIBP 1 2

1214 Mahemdavad Kesra MoWR AIBP 1 2

1215 Mahemdavad Rinchhol MoWR AIBP 1 2

1216 Mahemdavad Mankawa, Wanthawadi MoWR AIBP 1 2

1217 Mahemdavad Rinchhol MoWR AIBP 1 2

1218 Mahemdavad Khatraj MoWR AIBP 1 2

1219 Mahemdavad Areri MoWR AIBP 1 2

1220 Mahemdavad Devki Vansol MoWR AIBP 1 2

1221 Mahemdavad Katchchai MoWR AIBP 1 2

1222 Mahemdavad Mahemdavad MoWR AIBP 1 2

1223 Mahemdavad Chhapra MoWR AIBP 1 2

1224 Mahemdavad Virol MoWR AIBP 1 2

1225 Mahemdavad Parsantaj MoWR AIBP 1 2

1226 Mahemdavad Kachchai MoWR AIBP 17/L SD Ex TD 1 2 259.5

1227 Mahemdavad Iyava MoWR AIBP 1 2

1228 Mahemdavad Katakpura MoWR AIBP 1 2

1229 Mahemdavad Kheda MoWR AIBP 1 2

1230 Mahemdavad Kheda MoWR AIBP 1 2

1231 Mahemdavad Kheda, Viththalpura



S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1232 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 292/L distry 1 2 24.9

1233 Kheda mahijsankhej maragia vasna

MoWR AIBP Galki Feeder 1 2 47.4

1234 Kheda Lali, bidaj, kanera,malharpura,


MoWR AIBP Main Khari 1 2 143.1

1235 Kheda MoWR AIBP Main Khari 1 2 60.3

1236 Kheda kanera, malharpura MoWR AIBP Malarpura Kans[Canal]

1 2 77.7

1237 Kheda pinglaj, navagam,kathvada,


MoWR AIBP Kharola Branch Canal

1 2 259.5

1238 Kheda nayka MoWR AIBP Brahmania Zankha kans [Canal]

1 2 30.3

1239 Kheda pinglaj, pansoli, bherai, govindpura, nayka

MoWR AIBP Khari Branch Canal 1 2 297.9


Kheda nayka MoWR AIBP Kaloli branch canal 1 2 66

1241 Kheda navagam, bherai,govindpura

MoWR AIBP Bherai Govindpura Kans[Canal]

1 2 53.1

1242 Kheda nayka MoWR AIBP Nayaka Tank feeder 1 2 36.6

1243 Kheda kajipura,vadala MoWR AIBP Wadala Tank Feeder 1 2 33

1244 Kheda Dungri timba laat,shantipura laat, dathal,govindpura,

damri, shetra, wasna buzarg, chandana,radhu,

MoWR AIBP KBC Extension 1 2 168

1245 Thasra MoWR AIBP Shedhi branch canal 1 2 5

1246 Thasra Muliyad, Dakor, Sui, Vallavpura, Bordi, Mor

ambali, Masra, Khijalpur, Chunel,

Hiranj, Malai

MoWR AIBP Dakor Distry 7 2 14

1247 Thasra Ambav, Kosam MoWR AIBP M-1-R ex SBC 1 2 1

1248 Thasra Dabhsar MoWR AIBP M-2-R ex SBC 1 2 1

1249 Thasra Thasra MoWR AIBP M-3-R ex SBC 1 2 1

1250 Thasra Thasra MoWR AIBP M-4-R ex SBC 1 2 1


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1251 Thasra Muliyad MoWR AIBP M-1-L ex DD 1 2 1

1252 Thasra Muliyad, Dakor MoWR AIBP M-2-L ex DD 1 2 1

1253 Thasra Dakor MoWR AIBP M-3-L ex DD 1 2 1

1254 Thasra MoWR AIBP SD-4-L ex DD 1 2 1

1255 Thasra Dakor MoWR AIBP M-1-L ex SD-4-L 1 2 1

1256 Thasra Malai MoWR AIBP M-2-L ex SD-4-L 1 2 1

1257 Thasra Malai, sui MoWR AIBP M-3-T ex SD-4-L 1 2 1

1258 Thasra MoWR AIBP SD-5-L ex DD 1 2 1

1259 Thasra sui MoWR AIBP M-1-L ex SD-5-L 1 2 1

1260 Thasra Sui, Masra MoWR AIBP M-2-L ex SD-5-L 1 2 1

1261 Thasra Khijalpur MoWR AIBP M-3-L ex SD-5-L 1 2 1

1262 Thasra Khijalpur MoWR AIBP M-4-T ex SD-5-L 1 2 1

1263 Thasra vallavpura MoWR AIBP M-6-L 1 2 1

1264 Thasra Bordi MoWR AIBP M7-R 1 2 1

1265 Thasra vallavpura MoWR AIBP M-8-L 1 2 1

1266 Thasra Mor ambali MoWR AIBP M-9-R 1 2 1

1267 Thasra MoWR AIBP SD-10-R 1 2 1

1268 Thasra Mor ambali MoWR AIBP M-1-R ex 10-R 1 2 1

1269 Thasra chunel MoWR AIBP M-2-T ex 10-R 1 2 1


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1270 Thasra Mor ambali MoWR AIBP SD-11-T 1 2 1

1271 Thasra Mor ambali MoWR AIBP M-1-R ex 11-T 1 2 1

1272 Thasra heranj MoWR AIBP M-2-T ex 11-T 1 2 1

1273 Mahudha Alina, Baladi, dhodhavada, kadi, kaij,

kaparupura, khaladi,

MoWR AIBP Bordi Distributory 7 2 14

1274 Mahudha Alina MoWR AIBP M-1-R ex Bordi Distry

1 2 1

1275 Mahudha Alina,Saiyat MoWR AIBP M-2-R ex Bordi Distry

1 2 1

1276 Mahudha Alina MoWR AIBP M-3-L ex Bordi Distry

1 2 1

1277 Mahudha Alina, Mahisa MoWR AIBP M-4-L ex Bordi Distry

1 2 1

1278 Mahudha Alina MoWR AIBP M-5-R ex Bordi Distry

1 2 1

1279 Mahudha Alina,Miyapur,Nagval MoWR AIBP Nagwal SD Bordi Distry

1 2 1


Mahudha Alina MoWR AIBP M-6-L ex Nagwal SD 1 2 1

1281 Mahudha Alina MoWR AIBP M-7-R ex Nagwal SD 1 2 1

1282 Mahudha Alina,Miyapur,Nagval MoWR AIBP M-8-T ex Nagwal SD 1 2 1

1283 Mahudha Bordi MoWR AIBP M-9-R ex Bordi Distry

1 2 1

1284 Mahudha Sheri,Khaladi MoWR AIBP M-10-R ex Bordi Distry

1 2 1

1285 Mahudha Khaladi,Baladi MoWR AIBP M-11-R ex Bordi Distry

1 2 1

1286 Mahudha Khaladi,Baladi MoWR AIBP M-12-L ex Bordi Distry

1 2 1

1287 Mahudha Khaladi,Baladi MoWR AIBP M-13-L ex Bordi Distry

1 2 1


Mahudha Sanali MoWR AIBP M-14-R ex Bordi Distry

1 2 1


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1289 Mahudha Sanali MoWR AIBP M-15-T ex Bordi Distry

1 2 1

1290 Mahudha Mahisa MoWR AIBP Minor 1 /R 1 2 1

1291 Mahudha Mahisa MoWR AIBP Minor 2 /L 1 2 1

1292 Mahudha Mahisa,Alina MoWR AIBP Minor 3 /R 1 2 1

1293 Mahudha Mahisa,Alina MoWR AIBP Minor 4 /R 1 2 1

1294 Mahudha Mor ambali MoWR AIBP Minor 5 /L 1 2 1

1295 Mahudha Alina MoWR AIBP Minor 6 /R 1 2 1

1296 Mahudha Kadi,Sastapur MoWR AIBP Minor 7 /R 1 2 1

1297 Mahudha Kadi,Sastapur MoWR AIBP Minor 8+10 /R 1 2 1

1298 Mahudha kaiyaj,kadi,sastapur,Sanali

MoWR AIBP Minor 9 /L 1 2 1

1299 Mahudha kaiyaj,kadi,sastapur,Sanali

MoWR AIBP Minor 11 /T 1 2 1


Mahudha Finav,Mahudha,Singali,Mangalpur

MoWR AIBP Khumaravad Distry 10 2 30

1301 Mahudha Dadusar,Moti Khadol ,Nani khodal

Faloli,Minawada, Ruppura,Balol,Mahudha,

Torania ,Nandgam, Mangalpura

MoWR AIBP Mahudh distry 5 2 15

1302 Mahudha Rudan Vansoli Navchetan,Navagam,

Sinhuj,Vamali,vanthvali,Kesara, sundh varsola ,


MoWR AIBP Varsola distry 5 2 15

1303 Mahudha Arera,Rampura,Naranpura

MoWR AIBP Khumaravad Distry 10 2 30

1304 Mahudha Arera,Andhaj,Rampura MoWR AIBP SD-3/L Ex.Khumaravad Distry

5 2 15

1305 Mahudha Khambhali,Samaspur,Gadva,Gothaj

MoWR AIBP SD-6/T Ex.Khumaravad Distry

4 2 12

1306 Mahudha Sarasawani,Shatrunda,Jinjar

MoWR AIBP Shedhi 3 2 15

1307 Mahudha Khatraj,Mahemdavad,Mankwa,kailashpura

MoWR AIBP Tail 4 2 8


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Mahudha Kuna, Dajipura, Modaj

MoWR AIBP Nenpur 3 2 6

1309 Kheda kanij MoWR AIBP Kanij Narayan Distry. L/S

1 2 2

1310 Kheda barejadi,kanij MoWR AIBP Lift Kansdi R/S 1 2 1

1311 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 282/L Distry. 1 2 2

1312 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 282/R Distry. 1 2 2

1313 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 292/L distry 1 2 2

1314 Kheda mahijsankhej maragia vasna

MoWR AIBP Galki Feeder 1 2 2

1315 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 332/Faramvali Kansdi

1 2 2

1316 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 333/R distry[Dosajivali Kansdi]

1 2 2

1317 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 333/L Rangpur Distry.

1 2 2

1318 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 363/L Distry 1 2 2

1319 Kheda mahij MoWR AIBP 363/R Distry 1 2 2

1320 Kheda lali MoWR AIBP 399 l 1 2 2

1321 Kheda lali MoWR AIBP 414/L Distry. 1 2 2

1322 Kheda lali MoWR AIBP 414/R Distry. 1 2 2

1323 Kheda lali MoWR AIBP New Cut Canal 1 2 5

1324 Kheda lali MoWR AIBP 439 Direct Outlet 1 2 1

1325 Kheda bidaj MoWR AIBP 447 Distry 1 2 2

1326 Kheda bidaj MoWR AIBP 465 Direct Outlet 1 2 1


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1327 Kheda sarsa MoWR AIBP Sarsa Sub- Distry. X 472 / L SD

1 2 2

1328 Kheda kanera, malharpura MoWR AIBP Malarpura Kans[Canal]

2 2 4

1329 Kheda nayka MoWR AIBP Brahmania Zankha kans [Canal]

1 2 2

1330 Kheda bherai, nayka MoWR AIBP Minor's of Bherai Tank

2 2 4

1331 Kheda Kathvada,navagam MoWR AIBP Ukavala Kans 1 2 2

1332 Kheda navagam,nayka MoWR AIBP Chalindra tank Feeder

1 2 2

1333 Kheda chalindra MoWR AIBP Chalindra distry. 1 2 2

1334 Kheda mahij,lali,bidaj,malharpura,goblaj,pansoli,bherai,k


MoWR AIBP Gobalaj tank feder [KBC Section]

1 2 5

1335 Kheda mahij,lali,bidaj,malharpura,goblaj,pansoli,bherai,kashipura,dharampura,Du

ngri timba laat,shantipura laat, dathal,govindpura,

damri, shetra, wasna buzarg, chandana,radhu,

MoWR AIBP Kajipura Branch Canal

3 2 15

1336 Kheda Mahij, wasna margiya MoWR AIBP 70/R Minor 1 2 5

1337 Kheda Mahij, wasna margiya MoWR AIBP 70/L Minor 1 2 5

1338 Kheda Mahij, wasna margiya MoWR AIBP 7656/R 1 2 5

1339 Kheda Mahij, wasna margiya MoWR AIBP 7656/L 1 2 5

1340 Kheda Mahij, wasna margiya MoWR AIBP 1012/L 1 2 5

1341 Kheda Mahij, wasna margiya MoWR AIBP 1012/R 1 2 5

1342 Kheda Mahij, wasna margiya MoWR AIBP 142/R Sarsa Distry. 1 2 5

1343 Kheda bhagupura, ghorapara MoWR AIBP 210/R Malarpura Minor

1 2 5

1344 Kheda hariyala,kajipura MoWR AIBP 283/L,Hariyala Distry.

1 2 5

1345 Kheda kajipura,vadala MoWR AIBP Wadala Tank Feeder 1 2 5


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1346 Kheda Dungri timba laat,shantipura laat, dathal,govindpura,

damri, shetra, wasna buzarg, chandana,radhu,

MoWR AIBP KBC Extension 4 2 20

1347 Kheda damri,shetra MoWR AIBP 111/R, Damri Minor 1 2 5

1348 Kheda wasnabujarg,chandana MoWR AIBP 176/ Wasnabujarg Distry.

1 2 5

1349 Kheda radhu,varsang MoWR AIBP Varsang Sub-Minor 1 2 5

1350 Kheda Samadra,Vaikunthpura, Bhagupura, Gorpura

MoWR AIBP samadara tank network

4 2 20

1351 Kheda Vadala, Govindpura, Damri, Shetra,

Bherai,Dathal, Pansoli

MoWR AIBP Vadala tank network 4 2 20

1352 Kheda Mahij, Lali, Bidaj, Malarpura, Goblej,

Pansoli, Bherai, Kashipura

MoWR AIBP Goblej tank network 4 2 20

1353 Kheda Shetra, Damri MoWR AIBP Shetra tank network-HR gate

1 2 5

1354 Kheda Shetra, Damri MoWR AIBP Shetra tank network 5 2 5

1355 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP Modernisation of Limbasi Branch Canal with System(3335 to 18160 ft) under AIBP Project(Package No. NL/13)

5 6000 1 798.74

1356 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP Modernisation of Limbasi Branch Canal with System(16175 to 33780 ft) under AIBP Project(Package No. NL/14)

10 2500 1 1593.59

1357 Matar Limbasi MoWR AIBP Modernisation of Khada Minor,Tail Minor,Dugari Minor,Milramapura Minor,Jafranganj Minor & system of Limbasi Distry under AIBP Project(Package No. NL/15)

10 3500 1 835.96

1358 Nadiad Nadiad MoWR AIBP Modernisation of Nadiad Branch Canal under AIBP Project (Package No. NN/10)

1 2500 1 1612.08

1359 Kapadwanj Savali MoWR AIBP Savali Tank 1 15 2 300

1360 Kapadwanj Vadhas MoWR AIBP Vadhas Tank 1 15 2 200

1361 Thasra Matewal MoWR AIBP Matewal Tank 1 15 2 100

1362 Thasra RaniParotha MoWR AIBP RaniParotha Tank 1 15 2 100

1363 Thasra Vadhroli MoWR AIBP Vadhroli Tank 1 15 2 100

Nos.of Works for this component :- 648 53607


S# Name of the Taluka Village Concerned Ministry/


Component Activity Total Numb

er/ Capac

ity (cum)



on Potential (Ha)

Period of

Implementation (5/7 yrs)


cost (in

Rs.) in


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1364 Kheda Dharoda State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Dharoda f.p scheme 1 4 1950

1365 Kheda Vaidik State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Vaidik farm f.p scheme

1 4 60

1366 Kheda Varsang State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Varsang F.p scheme 1 4 500

1367 mahemdavad Sevadal State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Sevadal F.p scheme 1 4 500

1368 mahemdavad Vadadla State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Vadadla F.p scheme 1 4 600

1369 Thasra Raniya State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Step-Well(Vav) 1 3 10

1370 Thasra Malay State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Step-Well(Vav) 1 3 10

1371 Thasra Simlaj State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Step-Well(Vav) 1 3 10

1372 Matar Vansar State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Step-Well(Vav) 1 3 10

1373 Kapadwanj Mirapur State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Flood Protective Scheme

1 2 500

1374 Kapadwanj Dana-Vasna State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Flood Protective Scheme

1 2 500

1375 Kheda Dawapura State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Flood Protective Scheme

1 2 400

1376 Nadiad Veena State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Flood Protective Scheme

1 2 400

1377 Nadiad Andhaj State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Flood Protective Scheme

1 2 400

1378 Kheda Kheda State Irrigation Department

Drought Proofing Through check

dams/water Harvesting Structures

Flood Protective Scheme

1 2 400

Nos.of Works for this component :- 15 6250


Annexure-3 – Strategic Action Plan of GWRDC

Taluka Concerned Ministry/


Activity Total Number/Capacity

(cum )

Command Area/

lrrigation Potential


Estimated cost (in Rs.


Kapadwanj MoWR Recharge Structure 24 120 240

New Tubewell with Drip 2 36 102

Kathlal MoWR Recharge Structure 12 60 120

Mahemdavad MoWR Recharge Structure 8 40 80

Thasra MoWR New Tubewell with Drip 2 24 68


Annexure-4. Strategic Action Plan of GLDC

Blocks Activity Total Number/ Capacity


Command area/irrigation potential (Ha.)

Estimated cost (in Rs.



Farm pond 80 115.2 89.6

Sim pond 16 67.2 80

WHS 28 168 31.36


Farm pond 80 115.2 89.6

Sim pond 16 67.2 80

WHS 28 168 31.36


Farm pond 80 115.2 89.6

Sim pond 16 67.2 80

WHS 28 168 31.36


Farm pond 80 115.2 89.6

Sim pond 16 67.2 80

WHS 28 168 31.36


Farm pond 80 115.2 89.6

Sim pond 16 67.2 80

WHS 28 168 31.36


Farm pond 80 115.2 89.6

Sim pond 16 67.2 80


WHS 28 168 31.36


Farm pond 80 115.2 89.6

Sim pond 16 67.2 80

WHS 28 168 31.36


Farm pond 80 115.2 89.6

Sim pond 16 67.2 80

WHS 28 168 31.36


Farm pond 640 921.6 716.8

Sim pond 128 537.6 640

WHS 224 1344 250.88


Annexure-5. Strategic Action Plan of GSWMA Year 2016-17

Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2016-17)

Unit Cost (In Lakhs)

Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

1 Animal camp No. 37 13.18 0 0 0 0 0 82.09

2 Animal water trough (Havada) No. 6 4.55 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 Causeway on connecting roads No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 Check / Protection wall No. 2 1.51 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Demonstration for Agricultural / Animal Husbandry Productivity Enhancement

No. 13 1.6 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Drainage line correction (To prevent flooding of Gamtal)

rmt 3 4.75 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Drinking water facility No. 3 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 Fencing for protection from wild animals

rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 Grassland/Gauchar Development

Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 Improvised and energy efficient smashan gruh (Cemetery )

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 Panchayat Well Repair & Pump Room

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 Rain water harvesting system No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2016-17)

Unit Cost (In Lakhs)

Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

14 Recharge / Repair of open wells No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

15 Repair / development of artificial water bodies

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 Revival of natural water bodies with recharge activities

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 Sanitation facilities/Sewerage line

rmt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 Use solar power for productive activities

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 R.c.c slab No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 Dhobighat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 Khadiyat 1 3.66 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 New Hand Pump 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 New ring Bore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 Repairing Of Sub Mersible Pump 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

gutter line 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

underground sump 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Land Development 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 Farm Bunding rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Afforestation Ha. 30 45.3 0 8 0 0 0 0

3 Agriculture Demo No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2016-17)

Unit Cost (In Lakhs)

Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

4 Agro Forestry Ha. 8 10.91 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Horticulture Ha. 8 4.99 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Land leveling Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Pasture Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 OTHERS (Specifiy activities ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Soil & Moisture Conservation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Check wall No. 25 52.23 1920 20.5 0 0 0 0


Earthen bund No. 28 40.15 0 0 0 0 0 0


Protection Wall No. 35 100.42 0 0 0 0 0 0


Waste weir No. 5 10.16 0 0 0 0 0 0


Bench Terracing cumec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Bori bandh No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2016-17)

Unit Cost (In Lakhs)

Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes


Brushwood Checks No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Countour Bunding rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Countour Trenches rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Earthern Dam rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Field Outlet No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Gabion structure No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Graded Bunding rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Gully plug No. 73 100.79 0 0 0 0 0 0


Loose Boulder Checks No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Nala Plug No. 15 17.76 0 0 0 0 0 0


Stone bunding rmt. 11 12.2 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2016-17)

Unit Cost (In Lakhs)

Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes


Straggred Contour trenching(Terrace Talavadi)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


OTHERS (Specifiy activities ) 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0


fram bunding 4750 5.04 0 0 0 0 0 0


earthen bund 23 12.06 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Water Harvesting Structure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 Cause way cum Chek dam No. 2 8.85 8500 12 0 0 0 0

2 Check dam No. 106 377.09 77380 197.75 0 0 0 0

3 Village/Community Pond No. 27 81.11 78000 159 0 0 0 0

4 Farm Pond No. 15 3.62 2100 25 0 152 36.15 MGNREGA

5 Percolation Tank No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Pond Inlet No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Pond Outlet No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


OTHERS (Specifiy activities ) No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2016-17)

Unit Cost (In Lakhs)

Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Existing/Old Water Harvesting Structure Maintance (Renovation & Repair)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 Deepening/Desiltation Of Pond No. 43 118.43 83000 92 0 0 0 0

2 Deepening Of Percolation Tank No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 De-siltation of Checkdam No. 0 0 0 0 0 3 2.68 MGNREGA

4 Repairing of Checkdam No. 2 3.57 3600 4 0 0 0 0

Ground Water Recharging Structures

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Dugwell Recharge No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Farm Recharge Filter No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Holiya in farm/Field No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Pond Recharge structure No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2016-17)

Unit Cost (In Lakhs)

Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes


Ground water Recharge bore No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


earthen gully plug 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Cause way cum Chek dam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 earten bund with stone pitching 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


earthen check dam with safe outlet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sub Activity Name 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 AGRICULTURE ACTIVITIES No. 791 144.43 0 0 0 60 51.6 GGRC

2 AGRO PROCESSING ACTIVITIES No. 145 55.1 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 Animal Husbandry No. 141 47.51 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 Establishing linkages No. 3 14 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Local traditional handicraft No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Minor Activities No. 79 139.06 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Non-conventional Energy Sources

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Administrative 71.59

Consolidation Phase 48.47


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2016-17)

Unit Cost (In Lakhs)

Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

Capacity Building, Monitoring & Evaluation


Total 6431 1602.39 254500 518.25 0 215 90.43 82.09


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2017-18)

Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

1 Animal camp No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Animal water trough (Havada) No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 Causeway on connecting roads No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 Check / Protection wall No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Demonstration for Agricultural / Animal Husbandry Productivity Enhancement

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Drainage line correction (To prevent flooding of Gamtal)

rmt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Drinking water facility No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 Fencing for protection from wild animals

rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 Grassland/Gauchar Development

Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 Improvised and energy efficient smashan gruh (Cemetery )

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 Panchayat Well Repair & Pump Room

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 Rain water harvesting system No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

14 Recharge / Repair of open wells No. 1 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0

15 Repair / development of artificial water bodies

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2017-18)

Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

16 Revival of natural water bodies with recharge activities

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 Sanitation facilities/Sewerage line

rmt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 Use solar power for productive activities

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 R.c.c slab No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 Dhobighat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 Khadiyat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 New Hand Pump 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 New ring Bore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 Repairing Of Sub Mersible Pump 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

gutter line 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

underground sump 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Land Development 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 Farm Bunding rmt. 13199 3.98 0 0 400 0 0 0

2 Afforestation Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 Agriculture Demo No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 Agro Forestry Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Horticulture Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Land leveling Ha. 19 13.68 0 0 2000 11 13.2 MGNREGA


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2017-18)

Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

7 Pasture Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 OTHERS (Specifiy activities ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Soil & Moisture Conservation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Check wall No. 1 1.88 0 0 0 0 0 0


Earthen bund No. 1 3.11 0 0 240 0 0 0


Protection Wall No. 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 0


Waste weir No. 3 5.7 0 0 0 0 0 0


Bench Terracing cumec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Bori bandh No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Brushwood Checks No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Countour Bunding rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2017-18)

Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes


Countour Trenches rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Earthern Dam rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Field Outlet No. 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0


Gabion structure No. 2 1.55 0 0 0 0 0 0


Graded Bunding rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Gully plug No. 11 16.3 0 0 0 0 0 0


Loose Boulder Checks No. 10 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0


Nala Plug No. 4 3.98 0 0 0 0 0 0


Stone bunding rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Straggred Contour trenching(Terrace Talavadi)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


OTHERS (Specifiy activities ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2017-18)

Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes


fram bunding 1 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0


earthen bund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Water Harvesting Structure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 Cause way cum Chek dam No. 5 16.29 15000 25 0 0 0 0

2 Check dam No. 37 132.61 87000 168.8 0 0 0 0

3 Village/Community Pond No. 6 17.85 20500 47 0 1 1.5 MGNREGA

4 Farm Pond No. 9 2.02 4000 9 0 5 1.2 MGNREGA

5 Percolation Tank No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Pond Inlet No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Pond Outlet No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


OTHERS (Specifiy activities ) No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


1 4 8000 20 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2017-18)

Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Existing/Old Water Harvesting Structure Maintance (Renovation & Repair)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 Deepening/Desiltation Of Pond No. 3 8.48 13000 20 0 7 25 MGNREGA

2 Deepening Of Percolation Tank No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 De-siltation of Checkdam No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 Repairing of Checkdam No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ground Water Recharging Structures

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Dugwell Recharge No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Farm Recharge Filter No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Holiya in farm/Field No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Pond Recharge structure No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Ground water Recharge bore No. 13 15.6 0 0 0 0 0 0


earthen gully plug 34 18.09 0 0 0 0 0 0


Cause way cum Chek dam 1 3.5 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2017-18)

Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

8 earten bund with stone pitching 6 13.65 0 0 0 0 0 0


earthen check dam with safe outlet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sub Activity Name 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 AGRICULTURE ACTIVITIES No. 406 73.76 0 0 0 0 0 0


3 Animal Husbandry No. 57 23.46 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 Establishing linkages No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Local traditional handicraft No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Minor Activities No. 14 12.13 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Non-conventional Energy Sources

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Administrative 54.68

Consolidation Phase 72.82

Capacity Building, Monitoring & Evaluation


Total 13856 557.52 147500 289.80 2640 24 40.9 0


Physical Target for FY (2018-19)


Sr.No Activity Unit Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays Planned

Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

1 Animal camp No. 0 0 0 0

2 Animal water trough (Havada) No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 Causeway on connecting roads No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 Check / Protection wall No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Demonstration for Agricultural / Animal Husbandry Productivity Enhancement

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Drainage line correction (To prevent flooding of Gamtal)

rmt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Drinking water facility No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 Fencing for protection from wild animals

rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 Grassland/Gauchar Development

Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 Improvised and energy efficient smashan gruh (Cemetery )

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 Panchayat Well Repair & Pump Room

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 Rain water harvesting system No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

14 Recharge / Repair of open wells No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Physical Target for FY (2018-19)


Sr.No Activity Unit Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays Planned

Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

15 Repair / development of artificial water bodies

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 Revival of natural water bodies with recharge activities

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 Sanitation facilities/Sewerage line

rmt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 Use solar power for productive activities

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 R.c.c slab No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 Dhobighat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 Khadiyat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 New Hand Pump 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 New ring Bore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 Repairing Of Sub Mersible Pump 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

gutter line 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

underground sump 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Land Development 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 Farm Bunding rmt. 1178 1.39 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Afforestation Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 Agriculture Demo No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Physical Target for FY (2018-19)


Sr.No Activity Unit Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays Planned

Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

4 Agro Forestry Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Horticulture Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Land leveling Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Pasture Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 OTHERS (Specifiy activities ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Soil & Moisture Conservation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Check wall No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Earthen bund No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Protection Wall No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Waste weir No. 1 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0


Bench Terracing cumec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Bori bandh No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Brushwood Checks No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Countour Bunding rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Countour Trenches rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Physical Target for FY (2018-19)


Sr.No Activity Unit Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays Planned

Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes


Earthern Dam rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Field Outlet No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Gabion structure No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Graded Bunding rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Gully plug No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Loose Boulder Checks No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Nala Plug No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Stone bunding rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Straggred Contour trenching(Terrace Talavadi)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


OTHERS (Specifiy activities ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


fram bunding 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


earthen bund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Water Harvesting Structure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 Cause way cum Chek dam No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Check dam No. 15 55.43 45000 90 0 0 0 0

3 Village/Community Pond No. 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 MGNREGA


Physical Target for FY (2018-19)


Sr.No Activity Unit Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays Planned

Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

4 Farm Pond No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Percolation Tank No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Pond Inlet No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Pond Outlet No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


OTHERS (Specifiy activities ) No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Existing/Old Water Harvesting Structure Maintance (Renovation & Repair)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 Deepening/Desiltation Of Pond No. 1 3 3000 8 0 0 0 0

2 Deepening Of Percolation Tank No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 De-siltation of Checkdam No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 Repairing of Checkdam No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ground Water Recharging Structures

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Dugwell Recharge No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Farm Recharge Filter No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Holiya in farm/Field No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Physical Target for FY (2018-19)


Sr.No Activity Unit Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays Planned

Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes


Pond Recharge structure No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Ground water Recharge bore No. 1 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 0


earthen gully plug 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Cause way cum Chek dam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 earten bund with stone pitching 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


earthen check dam with safe outlet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sub Activity Name 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 AGRICULTURE ACTIVITIES No. 262 15.48 0 0 0 0 0 0


3 Animal Husbandry No. 76 11.11 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 Establishing linkages No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Local traditional handicraft No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Minor Activities No. 23 3.47 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Non-conventional Energy Sources

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Administrative 24.79

Consolidation Phase 17.79

Capacity Building, Monitoring & Evaluation



Physical Target for FY (2018-19)


Sr.No Activity Unit Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays Planned

Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

Total 1557 155.16 48000 98.00 0 2 3 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2019-20)

Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

1 Animal camp No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Animal water trough (Havada) No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 Causeway on connecting roads No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 Check / Protection wall No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Demonstration for Agricultural / Animal Husbandry Productivity Enhancement

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Drainage line correction (To prevent flooding of Gamtal)

rmt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Drinking water facility No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 Fencing for protection from wild animals

rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 Grassland/Gauchar Development

Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 Improvised and energy efficient smashan gruh (Cemetery )

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 Panchayat Well Repair & Pump Room

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 Rain water harvesting system No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

14 Recharge / Repair of open wells No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2019-20)

Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

15 Repair / development of artificial water bodies

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 Revival of natural water bodies with recharge activities

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 Sanitation facilities/Sewerage line

rmt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 Use solar power for productive activities

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

19 R.c.c slab No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 Dhobighat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

21 Khadiyat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 New Hand Pump 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 New ring Bore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

24 Repairing Of Sub Mersible Pump 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

gutter line 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

underground sump 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Land Development 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 Farm Bunding rmt. 1343 1.52 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Afforestation Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 Agriculture Demo No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 Agro Forestry Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2019-20)

Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

5 Horticulture Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Land leveling Ha. 15 1.8 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Pasture Ha. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 OTHERS (Specifiy activities ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Soil & Moisture Conservation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Check wall No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Earthen bund No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Protection Wall No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Waste weir No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Bench Terracing cumec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Bori bandh No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Brushwood Checks No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Countour Bunding rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Countour Trenches rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Earthern Dam rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Field Outlet No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Gabion structure No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2019-20)

Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes


Graded Bunding rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Gully plug No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Loose Boulder Checks No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Nala Plug No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Stone bunding rmt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Straggred Contour trenching(Terrace Talavadi)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


OTHERS (Specifiy activities ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


fram bunding 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


earthen bund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Water Harvesting Structure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 Cause way cum Chek dam No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Check dam No. 2 5.97 5500 14 0 0 0 0

3 Village/Community Pond No. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.5 0

4 Farm Pond No. 0 0 0 0 0 4 0.96 0

5 Percolation Tank No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Pond Inlet No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Pond Outlet No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2019-20)

Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes


OTHERS (Specifiy activities ) No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Existing/Old Water Harvesting Structure Maintance (Renovation & Repair)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 Deepening/Desiltation Of Pond No. 1 3 3000 8 0 0 0 0

2 Deepening Of Percolation Tank No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 De-siltation of Checkdam No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 Repairing of Checkdam No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ground Water Recharging Structures

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Dugwell Recharge No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Farm Recharge Filter No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Holiya in farm/Field No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Pond Recharge structure No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Ground water Recharge bore No. 8 9.6 0 0 0 0 0 0


earthen gully plug 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Cause way cum Chek dam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sr.No Activity Unit Physical Target for FY (2019-20)

Unit Cost (In


Storage Volumes

(Cubic Meter)

Command Area/

Irrigation Potential


Person days/Mandays



Unit Amount (In


Name of Schemes

8 earten bund with stone pitching 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


earthen check dam with safe outlet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Sub Activity Name 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 AGRICULTURE ACTIVITIES No. 29 7.63 0 0 0 0 0 0


3 Animal Husbandry No. 26 6.29 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 Establishing linkages No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Local traditional handicraft No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Minor Activities No. 4 1.06 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 Non-conventional Energy Sources

No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Administrative 13.79

Consolidation Phase 19.62

Capacity Building, Monitoring & Evaluation


Total 1428 90.28 8500 22.00 0 5 2.46 0


Annexure-6. Strategic Action Plan of GGRC

Blocks Total Drip Irrigation System (DIS) Sprinkler Irrigation System (SIS)

Total Number


Area (Ha.)

Estimated Total Cost

(Rs. in lakh)

Estimated Assistance

(Rs. in lakh)

Total Number


Area (Ha.)

Estimated Total Cost

(Rs. in lakh)

Estimated Assistance

(Rs. in lakh)

Total Number


Area (Ha.)

Estimated Total Cost

(Rs. in lakh)

Estimated Assistance

(Rs. in lakh)


Galteshwar 13 20.97 16.77 8.39 8 12.58 15.10 7.55 5 8.39 1.68 0.84

Kapadvanj 1167 1866.53 1493.23 746.61 700 1119.92 1343.90 671.95 467 746.61 149.32 74.66

Kathlal 267 427.97 342.37 171.19 160 256.78 308.14 154.07 107 171.19 34.24 17.12

Kheda 71 114.11 91.29 45.64 43 68.47 82.16 41.08 29 45.64 9.13 4.56

Mahudha 28 45.03 36.03 18.01 17 27.02 32.42 16.21 11 18.01 3.60 1.80

Matar 50 80.23 64.18 32.09 30 48.14 57.77 28.88 20 32.09 6.42 3.21

Mehmdabad 301 481.79 385.43 192.71 181 289.07 346.89 173.44 120 192.71 38.54 19.27

Nadiad 65 103.95 83.16 41.58 39 62.37 74.84 37.42 26 41.58 8.32 4.16

Thasara 183 292.62 234.10 117.05 110 175.57 210.69 105.34 73 117.05 23.41 11.70

Vaso 1 2.25 1.80 0.90 1 1.35 1.62 0.81 1 0.90 0.18 0.09

TOTAL 2147 3435.45 2748.36 1374.18 1288 2061.27 2473.52 1236.76 859 1374.18 274.84 137.42


Galteshwar 10 15.73 12.58 6.29 6 9.44 11.32 5.66 4 6.29 1.26 0.63

Kapadvanj 875 1399.90 1119.92 559.96 525 839.94 1007.93 503.96 350 559.96 111.99 56.00

Kathlal 201 320.98 256.78 128.39 120 192.59 231.10 115.55 80 128.39 25.68 12.84

Kheda 53 85.58 68.47 34.23 32 51.35 61.62 30.81 21 34.23 6.85 3.42

Mahudha 21 33.78 27.02 13.51 13 20.27 24.32 12.16 8 13.51 2.70 1.35

Matar 38 60.17 48.14 24.07 23 36.10 43.32 21.66 15 24.07 4.81 2.41

Mehmdabad 226 361.34 289.07 144.54 136 216.80 260.16 130.08 90 144.54 28.91 14.45

Nadiad 49 77.96 62.37 31.18 29 46.78 56.13 28.07 19 31.18 6.24 3.12

Thasara 137 219.47 175.57 87.79 82 131.68 158.02 79.01 55 87.79 17.56 8.78

Vaso 1 1.69 1.35 0.68 1 1.01 1.22 0.61 0 0.68 0.14 0.07

TOTAL 1610 2576.59 2061.27 1030.64 966 1545.95 1855.14 927.57 644 1030.64 206.13 103.06


Galteshwar 10 15.73 12.58 6.29 6 9.44 11.32 5.66 4 6.29 1.26 0.63

Kapadvanj 875 1399.90 1119.92 559.96 525 839.94 1007.93 503.96 350 559.96 111.99 56.00


Kathlal 201 320.98 256.78 128.39 120 192.59 231.10 115.55 80 128.39 25.68 12.84

Kheda 53 85.58 68.47 34.23 32 51.35 61.62 30.81 21 34.23 6.85 3.42

Mahudha 21 33.78 27.02 13.51 13 20.27 24.32 12.16 8 13.51 2.70 1.35

Matar 38 60.17 48.14 24.07 23 36.10 43.32 21.66 15 24.07 4.81 2.41

Mehmdabad 226 361.34 289.07 144.54 136 216.80 260.16 130.08 90 144.54 28.91 14.45

Nadiad 49 77.96 62.37 31.18 29 46.78 56.13 28.07 19 31.18 6.24 3.12

Thasara 137 219.47 175.57 87.79 82 131.68 158.02 79.01 55 87.79 17.56 8.78

Vaso 1 1.69 1.35 0.68 1 1.01 1.22 0.61 0 0.68 0.14 0.07

TOTAL 1610 2576.59 2061.27 1030.64 966 1545.95 1855.14 927.57 644 1030.64 206.13 103.06


Galteshwar 10 15.73 12.58 6.29 6 9.44 11.32 5.66 4 6.29 1.26 0.63

Kapadvanj 875 1399.90 1119.92 559.96 525 839.94 1007.93 503.96 350 559.96 111.99 56.00

Kathlal 201 320.98 256.78 128.39 120 192.59 231.10 115.55 80 128.39 25.68 12.84

Kheda 53 85.58 68.47 34.23 32 51.35 61.62 30.81 21 34.23 6.85 3.42

Mahudha 21 33.78 27.02 13.51 13 20.27 24.32 12.16 8 13.51 2.70 1.35

Matar 38 60.17 48.14 24.07 23 36.10 43.32 21.66 15 24.07 4.81 2.41

Mehmdabad 226 361.34 289.07 144.54 136 216.80 260.16 130.08 90 144.54 28.91 14.45

Nadiad 49 77.96 62.37 31.18 29 46.78 56.13 28.07 19 31.18 6.24 3.12

Thasara 137 219.47 175.57 87.79 82 131.68 158.02 79.01 55 87.79 17.56 8.78

Vaso 1 1.69 1.35 0.68 1 1.01 1.22 0.61 0 0.68 0.14 0.07

TOTAL 1610 2576.59 2061.27 1030.64 966 1545.95 1855.14 927.57 644 1030.64 206.13 103.06







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