kevin williamson marc goodman presentation

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Marc Goodman: Protector of Future Crimes

By Kevin Williamson

Marc Goodman is in charge of the “Future Crimes Institute” that

researches and advises on the ever growing technology and how it can be

used in the wrong hands.

Goodman explained the importance of him and his

team when it came to stopping our enemies

from using greater technology against us.

Goodman really captured the audience by telling them

how quickly technology is growing and getting into the hands of terrorists quicker

than into ours.

Goodman maintained the engagement of the

audience by telling them real-life stories as examples of how radically technology could decide the decision if a human being lives or dies.

I rate the speaker as a 4, because he seemed to have

only one tone throughout the speech. I believe it could have

been better if he was to change his volume when speaking of the intense


Garr Reynolds tip was to start with the end in

mind, and to know your audience as well as


Nancy Duarte’s tips for presentations was to

treat your audience as king, and help them

see what you’re saying.

By watching Marc Goodman’s presentation, I have learned that

you must be a true believer in what you are talking about, and that if you tell real-life examples of the consequences that could

happen if you don’t take it to heart, then you will make a

great delivery.

Sir Ken Robinson, unlike Marc Goodman, used humor and sarcasm to get his message

across to his audience, which I believe that is why Robinson

was able to keep their attention throughout.

Sir Ken Robinson also, I believe, had a much lighter

message to get across to his audience, which made it

simpler than Marc Goodman did.

Based on Marc Goodman’s TED Talk, if you have an interesting topic and are able to give real-life stories and examples and be

intense enough to keep your audience engaged, but not to much that it scares them away, you will be able to make a

great delivery and carry out a presentation worth listening to.

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