keterangan tentang obat

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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Keterangan Tentang Obat. Keterangan Tentang Obat. Reading. Secretolytic agent Composition 5 ml elixir bromhexine HCL 4 mg Indicator For productive cough i.e. cough to influenza (flu), cough in acute/chronic bronchitis and asthma. Dosage Elixir - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Keterangan Tentang Obat

Secretolytic agent


5 ml elixir bromhexine HCL 4 mg


For productive cough i.e. cough to influenza (flu), cough in acute/chronic

bronchitis and asthma




Adults & Children > 10 years : 3 x 2 tsps

Children 5-10 years : 3 x 1 tsps

Children 2-5 years : 3 x ½ tsps

Children, 2 years : 3 x ¼ tsps

Or according to doctor’s prescription.

The elixir suitable for diabetic patients,

Since it does not contain sugar.

Side Effect

Occasionally gastro intestinal side effects may occur but these are almost in variable mild. Headache, Vertigo, sweating, skin rash and an increase in transminase have been reported rarely.

Store in a safe place out of reach of


• 1. 5 ml elixir bromhexine HCL 4 mg is the

… of the medicine

a. dosage

b. Composition

c. side effects

d. indicator

2. What is the medicine for ?

a. Headache

b. Skin rash

c. Vertigo

d. Cough

3. A three years old child who suffers

from cough should take …tsps.

a. ¼

b. ½

c. 1

d. 1 ½

4. “ ...transaminase have been reported rarely.

The underlined word means …happening

a. often

b. not often

c. Commonly

d. Usual

5. These are the side effects of consuming

this medicine, except …

a. vertigo

b. sweating

c. skin rash

d. stomachache

6. We should put this kind of medicine in a

place which cannot be …easily by


a. taken

b. rejected

c. thrown

d. refused

Perbandingan (Comparison)

Perbandingan keadaan suatu benda (Comparative adjective)

a. Tingkat sama (positive) : as adjective asb. Tingkat lebih (comparative) : adjective + er than/more adjective thanc. Tingkat Lebih (superlative) : The adjective + est/ The most adjective

Satu Suku Kata

Tall taller tallest

Big Bigger Biggest

Young younger youngest

Dua Suku Kata

Happy Happier Happiest

Easy Easier Easiset

Cleaver Cleverer cleverest

Simple Simplest Simplest

Modern More Modern Most Modern

Stupid More Stupid Most Stupid

Tiga Suku Kata

Expensive more expensive

most expensive

Beautiful more beautiful



Dangerous more dangerous

most dangerous


good better best

bad worse worst

old older




far Farther




Contoh Kalimat My house is as beautiful as yours.

This book is thicker than that one.

Dian is more popular than Andin.

Himalaya is the highest mountain

in the world.

I think snake is the most dangerous


1. Via : I think TV is …than a radio. Tia : of course, It has audio and visual system.

a. Interestingb. More interestingc. As interesting asd. The most interesting

2. Budi : We are in hurry. I think we’d better use motorcycle.

Rudy : Yes, I agree with you. It’s …

a. Fast b. As fast as c. Faster d. The fastest

3. Dody : Do you like living in this country side?

Edo: Of course I think living is the countryside is …than in the big cities.

a. Peaceb. Peacefulc. more peacefuld. the most peaceful

4. Amy : How tall are you? Nanda : I am 160cm.

What about you? Amy : 150cm so you are…me.

a. taller thanb. shorter thanc. the tallestd. the shortest

5. Rini : Reggie is always so polite. Hasan : You are right. Not many

people are polite as he is. Rini : What about Royani?

I think Royani behaves even…

Hasan : That’s true.

a. more politelyb. the most politelyc. politelyd. politer

Ungkapan Permintaan Ijin

• Can I …, please?

• Excuse me, do you think I could … ?

• Would it be possible …?

• Could I ….

• May I …?

• Do you mind if I ….?

• I was wondering if I could …

Memberi Ijin

• Sure

• Yes, of course

• Certainly

• Go ahead

• By all means

• Not at all

Ungkapan Menolak Memberi Ijin

• Sorry But I …

• I’d rather you didn’t

• Well actually I’d rather you didn’t …

• I am afraid not

1. In a fashion shop

Young lady : Excuse me, …

Shop assistant : Sure, Madam, The fitting

room is over there.

a. Do you think I could try this dress on?

b. Do you agree to try this on

c. What are you going to try this on?

d. Could you try this dress on, please?

2. Daughter : Dad …?

Father : With whom will you go?

Daughter : with aunt Anita.

Father : All right. Be careful then

a. Can you tell me?

b. May I go the cinema?

c. Shall I do it for you?

d. Could you tell me the truth?

3. Riani : What is the meaning of this


Sita : Sorry I don’t know. Why don’t

you look it up in the dictionary?

Riani : I don’t bring it. …?

Sita : Sure. Here you are.

a. Where is your dictionary?

b. Do you have a dictionary?

c. Your dictionary is very important

this moment.

d. Can I borrow your dictionary?

4. Student : Would you mind if I turn on the lamp sir? It is getting

dark here. Teacher : …

a. certainlyb. not at allc. of coursed. sure

5. Man : Can I submit the identity card tomorrow? Clerk : … It should be now.

a. of courseb. go aheadc. I am afraid you can’td. You can’t do that

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