kenzie schletty. twilight the twilight saga eclipse they made it look mysterious with not a lot of...

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Kenzie Schletty


The Twilight saga Eclipse

They made it look mysterious with not a lot of words so it draws your attention more

Because the movie is called eclipse the artist made it look like an eclipse is happening

Lady Gaga

A Lady Gaga concert They used a picture

from one of her music videos to show her

They gave the time the date and where it is to explain the concert

They made it simple and easy but they also gave all the necessary info


The movie Titanic Showed the main

characters and where the movie will take place

They did a very good job on showing the movie. The title is bold which really draws your attention and the boat along with the people that where the main story

Katy Perry

A Katy Perry concert They gave you

everything that you really need to know including the prices

They maybe made it a like to complicated. They do have a lot of info which is good but it almost seems like they have to much info

17 Again

The movie 17 Again Kind of showed

what the movie is going to be about

They showed the main person that will be in the movie, the slogan. And the date that it will premier in theaters

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