kelly trikenskas. what is stress?!?! stress- a reaction of body and mind to everyday challenges and...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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How bad is it?  It depends on your PERCEPTION -  how you or your body reacts to something as you see it, this is different for different people at different times


Kelly Trikenskas

What is Stress?!?!

Stress- a reaction of body and mind to everyday challenges and demands

How bad is it?

It depends on your PERCEPTION- how you or your body reacts to

something as you see it, this is different for different people at different times

STRESSORS- ANYthing that causes stress Biological- illness, disabilities, injury Environmental- poverty, pollution,

crowding, noise, natural disaster Cognitive/thinking- perception Personal- mind/body reactions from

health related behaviors, ex. Drug use, in-activity

Life Situations- death of a pet, divorce of a parent, peer relationships

Body’s Response to Stressors 3 stages


1. Alarm Response

You become highly alert as your body prepares for “fight or flight”

Which system is this?

2. Resistance

You actively engage in “fight or flight” making decisions, sweating, heart racing etc.

3. Fatigue- a tired feeling Physical-

Muscle tiredness Psychological-

Your brain is tired- from constant worry, overwork, depression, boredom

Pathological- Your body is tired, you get ill- anemia,

flu, overweight, poor nutrition

Physical Effects

Psychosomatic Response- physical reaction from stress rather than illness or injury Headaches Heart Attack High Blood pressure Weakened Immune system

Mental/Emotional/ Social Effects

Difficulty concentrating Mood swings Risk of substance abuse and other

high risk behaviors

Managing Stress

Engage in physical activity Family/friend support Find a hobby you enjoy Avoid tobacco, drugs and alcohol

Learning How to Avoid Additional Stress Say No Walk Away Avoid conflict Plan ahead Get enough rest (about 9 hours) Physical activity Nutritious food

How to avoid more STRESS (cont.) Redirect your energy Relax- laugh Positive attitude Seek support Express yourself

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