keeping the horn on the rhino using crime prevention theory to understand and combat poaching elisa...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Keeping the Horn on the RhinoUsing crime prevention theory to understand and combat poaching

Elisa Reuter, M.A. German State Police Hessen

GaPS Research Group, Ghent University, Belgium

Approaches to counter poaching

Response in private nature reserves is largely uncoordinated and under-resourced

Change in the roles of a ranger from conservationist to private quasi law-enforcement entity

Neo-colonialism and exclusion of indigenous people

Shoot on sight as solution?

Only recently has criminology been employed to better understand poaching and offender decision-making

Theoretical Framework

Crime = convergence of 3 factors in space and time

• Routine Activity Theory

o Malleable vs. non-malleable factors

o Target suitability of rhino horn

o Opportunity to control crime by influencing malleable factors

(Cohen & Felson 1979)

Motivated Offender

Suitable Target

Lack of capable


Theoretical Framework

Rational Choice Theory

Influence on offender decision-making:o Anticipated effort, o Perceived risk, and o Expected reward

o Suggests potential offenders perform reconnaissance upfront

o Resulted in Situational Crime Prevention Measures (Clarke, 1997)

o Situational Crime Prevention works towards increasing risk and effort, and decreasing possible rewards

(Cornish & Clarke 1986)

Evaluating measures in Situational Crime Prevention Theory:

1. Increasing Anticipated Effort

Target Hardening- Rhino Collaring- Intelligence-led

patrols- Reducing target


Access Control

- Entry & Exit screening

- ID of persons & vehicles

- Visible & well maintained fence

- Employee database

Deflecting Offenders- Visible Policing- Posting of

warning signs- Randomizing

patrol routes & times

- Extensive Ecological Management / “Sanctuary in a Sanctuary”

Controlling Facilitators- Detection Dogs- Gate

operations- Weapon

registration & regulations

Entry & Exit screening- Gate

operations- Search

procedures for vehicles, persons & luggage

- ID of contractors & service providers

Formal Surveillance- ProTrack Armed

Response- UAV/ Drone

surveillance- Air support by

helicopter/light aircraft

Surveillance by Employees- Black Mambas

APU- Warden Team- Ad-hoc stop &

search of vehicles

- Reporting of persons & vehicles by game drives via radio

Natural Surveillance- guests, lodge

owners, tourism operators, general public

- Portable GPS transmitters for service provider & contractor vehicles

Evaluating measures in Situational Crime Prevention

Theory:2. Increasing Perceived Risk

Evaluating Measures in Situational Crime Prevention Theory:

3. Reducing Expected Reward

Target Removal- De-horning- Translocation

Identifying Property- Horn infusions- Micro-chipping

horn- Ear-notching

rhinos- Signage at

fence & other ports of entry

Reducing Temptation- Signage along

fence- Horn infusions- Rotational

assignment of Armed Response Team

- Short-notice deployments

- GPS trackable radios

- Polygraph testing

- Media publications

Denying Benefits- Detection Dog- Horn infusions- De-snaring,

emptying snares

- New methods of detection, i.e. radioisotope marking of horn

Evaluating Measures in Situational Crime Prevention Theory:

4. Removing Excuses

Rule Setting- Signage of

reserve rules at the gates

- Signage of legal obligations concerning poaching at gates

Stimulating Conscience- Repeating

warning signage

- Spreading awareness among visitors, clients & employees

- Radio/TV adverts to raise awareness

Creating Inhibitors- Environmental

education for children & adults of local communities

- Creating vested interest by employment & benefits

- Whistleblower Program (benefits for information)

Facilitating Compliance- Environmental

Monitors- Green Kidz- Community

work via ProTrack

- Training & Skill building for employees to create upward mobility

Strengths & challenges of SCPT measures

Combination of red and green intelligence to alter risk, effort and reward

Tailored to the situation and location, adaptable system

Allows for inclusion of stakeholders on all levels, especially local communities, to increase guardian capabilities

Aids in locating assets and deploying patrols

▬ Management intense and financially strapping (donor fatigue)

▬ Not a one-fix-all solution and needs to be adapted over time

▬ Supply/Harvesting side approach bigger illegal trade

Key Successes at Balule Nature Reserve

No rhino poached in 9 month

3 black rhino babies on the ground

207 beneficiaries from employment of 23 Environmental Monitors in Anti-Poaching Unit

Delivered environmental education to children and adults and creates interest in the preservation of wildlife and nature

Improved cooperation with surrounding communities

Improved cooperation within the reserve between tourism operators, private landowners, game guards and section wardens

Keeping the Horn on the RhinoA Case Study of a Multi-Stakeholder Framework to Counter Poaching

Elisa Reuter, M.A., German State Police Hessen, GermanyGaPS Research Group, Ghent University, Belgium


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