kbc "beam "newsletter aug. 2011

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KBC "Beam "Newsletter Aug. 2011


INSIDE This Issue

P1 In The Interim

P2 Anniversaries

& Birthdays

P2 List of Deacons

P2 Opportunities

P3 Love Connection

P3 Children’s Worship

Schedule for August

P3 Ushers for August

P3 Children’s Message


P3 Pastor Search Update

P4 A Service Opportunity

P4 Reflections

P5 August Calendar

P6 Friday Night Community

Outdoor Cinema Series

P6 Back-to-School

Supply Drive

P6 Background Checks

P7 Training Extravaganza

P7 Meet-n-Eat

P7 Fall Senior Adult Rally

P7 Promotion

Sunday Change

P8 Camp Mundo Vista

P8 Staff

P5 Baptist Knights

In The Interim

Mission Statement

A congregation is well advised to compose for itself a Mission Statement

which will serve as a direction finder and keeper as they travel together

toward God’s destiny for them. It is not a confession of faith, nor a complete

doctrinal statement, but something like the cloud and the fire which went

ahead of God’s people in the wilderness.

With deliberate, prayerful intent, the congregation was invited on a Saturday

morning to draft such a statement for Knightdale Baptist Church. The

following is the statement which was composed by those who were led to

gather for that purpose. The date was July 24, 2011.

The Mission of Knightdale Baptist Church, as a loving, unified body, is to

worship God and share Christ through various Christian ministries, teaching,

service, prayer and fellowship.

As my Clary clan in South Carolina used to say, “Anybody with one eye and

half sense can plainly see that the mission statement does not describe us as

having already arrived.” We hope it describes us as what we shall be when we

have “arrived.” Consequently, as we travel toward our destiny it will be useful

to keep us on track. Churches and Christians inevitably find themselves off

track, off task, off mission. A judicious use of a short mission statement helps

put us back on track.

As we make our plans to pursue various ministries, teach disciples, meet the

needs of those who suffer, we need to look to the mission statement and be

sure the plans move us toward what God is calling us to be.

The development of a local church mission statement is essential for its

health. A sense of mission focuses on an awareness of direction, purpose, and

reason for being. The mission of the church becomes the standard of

measurement for all activity.

Any organization needs a clear mission to be effective. A church mission

statement must have a theological dimension. Theology is a study of God’s

activity. God is the source of the church’s existence. The church, therefore,

exists to relate to and express God’s activity in today’s world, as well as to

interpret God’s presence in the past. God’s living presence, the Holy Spirit, is

at work expressing the activity of God in today’s world.

The development of a local church mission statement is essentially an answer

to the question, What is the meaning of being in Christian ministry right here

and right now. Maintaining a

current mission statement is an

ongoing, never-ending

theological activity of the local


― Charles Dorman

(Note: Much of the above was

copied from a book entitled

Management for Your Church,

which outlines a process for

developing a Mission statement.

a monthly newsletter of a monthly newsletter of a monthly newsletter of a monthly newsletter of Knightdale Baptist ChurchKnightdale Baptist ChurchKnightdale Baptist ChurchKnightdale Baptist Church

August , 2011 V o l u m e 8 , I s s u e 8

Jimmy and Angela Griffin August 1st

Korey and Christie Hatch

August 2nd

Bill and Sue Bunn August 5th

Page 2 the Beam, a monthly Newsletter for Knightdale Baptist Church August, 2011

List of Deacons

2011 2012 2013 Beverly Hinton Robin Farrington Melissa Abshire Margaret Humphries Korey Hatch Mark Beasley Terry Johnson Billy Murray Pete Harrell Monique Mackey (Chair) Jean Raybon Rick Talley Bill Scanlon Mary Weathers

William Hailey Aug 1 Beverly Hinton Aug 11 Frances Glover Aug 23 Jeremy Tention Aug 23 Becca Farrington Aug 2 RyAnn Gasca Aug 13 Christie Hatch Aug 24 Humberto Henao Aug 5 Cynthia Peterson Aug 17 Rosetta May Aug 25 Jordan Nichols Aug 7 Leonor Henao Aug 18 Dwight Whitley Aug 25 Kip Boatwright Aug 8 Barbara Polky Aug 19 David Talley Aug 26 Jerry Hall Aug 8 Scott Mackey Aug 8 Janice Dean Aug 20 Benjamin Poirier Aug 27 John Massey Aug 20 Charles Debnam Aug 10 Melissa Abshire Aug 28 Johnny Sue Horne Aug 10 Amber Richardson Aug 21 Judy Smith Aug 10 Bob Talley Aug 28

Nelson and Joyce Crider August 8th

Mark and Shirley Rice

August 8th

Buddy and Terri Journigan August 12th

Herbert and Bea Riley

August 27th


thought on my part. The main

purpose for my request was to give

the church the OPPORTUNITY to hire

a part-time minister of youth. The

other purpose for this request was to

allow me to explore other part-time


OPPORTUNITIES. Second, and more

importantly, the church voted to

begin the process of seeking and

hiring a part-time minister of youth.

OPPORTUNITY! I am excited for our

youth and their families! I also hope

you will join me in thanking all the

dedicated youth leader volunteers

who have skillfully and lovingly

guided the youth ministry for over

seven years. The new youth minister

will truly be blessed to minister with

Nido Qubein, popular motivational

speaker, author, successful business

man and current president of my

alma mater, High Point University,

once said, “CHANGE BRINGS

OPPORTUNITIES.” For many, change

is filled with anxiety and fear. For

others, it represents an

OPPORTUNITY for growth. At the

church business conference this past

Sunday evening, the church

expressed a desire for growth

OPPORTUNITIES on two specific

motions: First, a motion was made

by the personnel committee, at my

request, that my full-time position

be reduced to a twenty-five hour per

week part-time position. This

request came after much prayer and

such an outstanding group of

dedicated volunteers.

My new part-time position begins

August 26th

and will include the

duties of minister of worship and

assisting the new pastor in the

development of a comprehensive

family life ministry.

As I mentioned Sunday night, I thank

the Lord for the privilege of serving

each of you and look forward, with

great anticipation, to the

OPPORTUNITIES that God brings to


To God Be the Glory!

Hal Roach

Love Connection for


(Please send a card,

place a call or visit the

following during the

month of August):

Hilda Holmes

110 Dwelling Place

Knightdale, NC 27545

Laura Oliver

609 Fayetteville Street

Knightdale, NC 27545

Page 3 the Beam, a monthly Newsletter for Knightdale Baptist Church August, 2011

Children’s Worship Schedule for the

Month of August Coordinator: Terry Johnson (217-2765)

Aug 7th Lead Teachers Assistants

Crib Babies: Cheryl Jackson Rachel Jackson

Toddlers: DeAnne and Rick Talley

2’s & 3’s: Pete Harrell, Volunteer Needed

Children’s Church: James Lucas

Assistants: Kristin and Tim Poirier

Aug 14th

Crib Babies: Christie Hatch, Suzanne Yeatts

Toddlers: Terri Journigan, Joey Gasca

2’s & 3’s: Angela Griffin Ashley Griffin

Children’s Church: James Lucas

Assistants: Bill Scanlon, Jim and Robin Farrington

Aug 21st

Crib Babies: Debbie Betts

Toddlers: Volunteers Needed

2’s & 3’s: Volunteers Needed

Children’s Church: James Lucas

Assistants: Jessica Jones, Courtney Glover,

Valerie and Mark Beasley

Aug 28th

Crib Babies: Bobbie Earnhardt, Peggy Altice

Toddlers: Kim Cameron, Volunteer Needed

2’s & 3’s: Terry Johnson, Bridgett and

Jesse Ward

Children’s Church: James Lucas

Assistants: Brian and Holly Martin

Please note: If for some reason you are not available to help on the day that you volunteered to work, we ask that you please don’t forget to find a replacement for yourself so there is adequate coverage during the worship service. Also, if you have a change in the schedule for the children’s nursery or children’s church, please contact the monthly coordinator so that the change can be made prior to the printing of the worship bulletin. However, any permanent changes in the schedule should continue to be handled by the lead coordinator.

Thank you for all your help.

Ushers for August


Children’s Time Ministry Leader’s


August 7th - Monique Mackey

August 14th - Bill Scanlon

August 21st - David Betts

August 28th - James Lucas

September 4th -

Jim Farrington

September 11th -

Monique Mackey

Pastor Search Committee Update

investigation in the near future. This will take some time to complete this mission, so continue to be in prayer for our church, the committee and the candidates.

-Philip Humphries

The Pastor Search Committee is making excellent progress in our mission to call a pastor for our church. We received over 150 resumes and after prayerful consideration have narrowed the list and will begin interviews and extensive

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the gym and as I am writing this I am planning a movie morning for the kids also. It was one of my ideas to have the prayer partners for the youth while they were away in Kentucky, and I thank everyone who helped me with that project. I was not able to go visiting as much as I had thought I would so I came up with a way to reach out to our friends who are in the hospital or are shut-in and cannot make it. I sent cards to almost everyone on the shut-in list and prayer concerns lists at least once. I also met a lot of interesting people who came asking for help. It broke my heart a few times when we were not able to help a few that came to the door because of funding

Most of y’all probably know that I was working at the church this summer. I was working as a CBF sponsored intern. The program is mainly for students who are interested in a career in ministry. I was not interested in doing this internship to start a journey of going into the ministry, but instead I wanted to learn more of the behind the scenes. I wanted to learn everything it takes to plan a worship service, I wanted to interact and meet people that come into the office off the street wanting help, and I also wanted to learn more about the church. I was able to do many things this summer that I would have never gotten the chance to experience. I had different activities for the children such as a game time in

or that I couldn’t help because I was the only one in the office sometimes. I learned that there is a lot of behind the scenes stuff that I had no idea about in ministry. It takes a lot of preparation by Dr. Dorman, Hal, and Patty for us to have a worship service on Sundays, a Bible study on Wednesdays, and all the other programs that take place. I learned a lot this summer but most importantly I learned how to be a better church member by expanding my knowledge of how the church works. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to work at the church this summer.

―Rebecca Farrington

A Service Opportunity

The Properties Committee is in need of crews to paint several rooms before school starts. We usually do this in preparation for Homecoming, but it needs to be done be-fore the preschool children return to their classes. It has been more than ten years since the classrooms were painted.

The committee is trying to get things organized. They suggest that groups such as Sunday School classes, might be easier and more fun. The RA’s have already volunteered. What we need you to do right now is volunteer - groups and/or individuals. If you cannot paint, perhaps you could help buy the paint. This building makes the greatest impact on first time visitors and non-members of any building on our property. We cannot allow it to be less than attractive. It’s time. We are asking persons to sign up now. Give us your name and we will get the work organized. Sign-up sheets will be available in Sunday School classes and the Sanctuary. You may also contact members of the Properties Committee with your offers of help. Call any one of them. They will be encouraged by your support.

Thank you in advance for your help. Joyce Crider: 266-3765 Jerry Hall: 266-1366 David Betts: 662-1260 “Pete” Harrell: 266-2830 Frank Biggerstaff: 266-1273 Sam Maise: 266-3315 Richy Narron: 217-2307 Patricia Mangum: 365-4453

Page 5 the Beam, a monthly Newsletter for Knightdale Baptist Church August, 2011

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

31 Food Pantry Sunday 9:15 AM Koffee Before Church 9:45 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Morning Worship 4:30 PM Church Council Meeting 5:00 PM Snack n YAK

1 7:00 PM Nominating Committee Meeting 7:30 PM Open Basketball

2 10:00 AM BALL Club

3 6:30 PM Youth Summer Program 7:00 PM Worship Choir Practice

4 7:00 PM Properties Committee Mtg.

5 6 FLC Reserved all day 8:00 AM Training Extravaganza 2011

7 8:45 AM Handbell Practice 9:15 AM Koffee Before Church 9:45 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Morning Worship 5:00 PM Snack n YAK

8 7:00 PM Nominating Committee Meeting 7:30 PM Open Basketball

9 10:00 AM BALL Club 7:00 PM Angelic Ministers Mtg

10 6:30 PM Youth Summer Program 7:00 PM Worship Choir Practice

11 10:00 AM Philathea SS Class Mtg. 7:30 PM CMT Meeting

12 13

14 8:45 AM Praise Team Practice 9:15 AM Koffee Before Church 9:45 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Morning Worship 5:00 PM Snack n YAK

15 7:00 PM Cemetery Meeting 7:00 PM Nominating Committee Meeting 7:30 PM Open Basketball

16 10:00 AM BALL Club 7:00 PM Finance Committee Mtg. 7:00 PM Louis King American Legion

17 6:30 PM Youth Summer Program 7:00 PM Worship Choir Practice

18 10:00 AM Weathers/Knight Circle

19 8:30 PM Movie Night (Gnomeo & Juliet)

20 Sanctuary & FH Reserved

21 8:45 AM Handbell Practice 9:00 AM Quarterly Sunday School Breakfast 9:45 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Morning Worship/ guest speaker Jack Causey 5:00 PM Snack n YAK 6:00 PM Deacon's Meeting

22 7:00 PM Nominating Committee Meeting 7:30 PM Open Basketball

23 10:00 AM BALL Club 7:00 PM Discipleship Team Meeting

24 6:30 PM Youth Summer Program 7:00 PM Worship Choir Practice

25 7:00 PM Meet-n-Eat 7:00 PM Personnel Committee Meeting

26 27

28 8:45 AM Praise Team Practice 9:15 AM Koffee Before Church 9:45 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Morning Worship 4:30 PM Church Council Meeting 5:00 PM Snack n YAK

29 7:00 PM Nominating Committee Meeting 7:30 PM Open Basketball

30 10:00 AM BALL Club

31 6:30 PM Youth Summer Program 7:00 PM Worship Choir Practice

1 7:00 PM Properties Committee Mtg.

2 3


Baptist Knights for August and September

Baptist Knights are KBC volunteers that ensure the facilities are locked and secure each day. If you need the facilities unlocked for any reason please be sure to contact the church office so that they may help make those arrangements for you. Thank you.

Jul 31 - Aug 6 Jim Farrington Aug 28 - Sept 3 Richy Narron Sept 25 - Oct 1 Sam Maise Aug 7 - Aug 13 David Hinton Sept 4 - Sept 10 Brian Martin Aug 14 - Aug 20 Stephen Tew Sept 11 - Sept 17 Rick Talley Aug 21 - Aug 27 David Hinton Sept 18 - Sept 24 James Lucas

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Youth Events and Missions

A Back-to-School

Supply Drive A drive, sponsored by the Angelic Ministers, is going on now! Please help with this mission by purchasing school supplies for children in need in our local schools. We need book bags, pencils, pencil cases, wide-ruled notebooks, erasers, scissors, crayons, glue sticks, etc. This is an immediate need - some schools have already started and others will start soon. You can leave your donations in the Conference Room. Thank you for all your support!

Dear KBC Volunteer,

Knightdale Baptist Church has enrolled in Shepherd’s Watch, a program associated with Group Publishing. Many of you may know that our VBS materials come from Group Publishing each year as well as other KBC materials for children and youth. The program is specifically geared toward making church a safe place for children and youth.

Some time ago we began a process to have Background Checks done on all workers who were involved in the children and youth areas of our church. The process was not completed. How-ever, we do have a limited number of Background Checks on file that will not need to be re-peated until August of 2015.

Although others signed Background Check forms, many of those were never completed. Some of our key volunteer workers are in this group. We are beginning a process this week of signing the Shepherd’s Watch Background Check forms so that they can be processed in August. You can pick up a form at the church office, and I will have them available during the Sunday School hour soon. Be sure to complete the front and back of the forms.

Once 100% of our workers have had a completed and clean check, we will be able to post a cer-tificate in the children’s area attesting to this safety feature of our ministry. We need to make KBC a safe place in this world for our children to be nurtured and cared for each week.

Thank you for your participation in this process.

Sincerely, Terry Johnson Sunday School Director, KBC

August 19th




Don’t forget to bring your lawn chairs, blankets and snacks. Popcorn & beverages will be provided. No glass containers please.


next meeting

Thursday, August 25th

at 7:00 pm

at IHOP in Knightdale

A Beth Moore Study on Esther

is being planned the last

Thursday in September.

Page 7 the Beam, a monthly Newsletter for Knightdale Baptist Church August, 2011

Leadership and Worship Opportunities

Training Extravaganza August 6, 2011

Trinity Baptist Church

8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Continental Breakfast 8:00 am *No Charge for Training or Breakfast*

What a great opportunity!

Please contact the church office if you are planning to go.

The KBC bus leaves the lower parking lot at 7:45 am if we have

enough people interested.

Are you involved in any of the following areas: Diaconate, Evangelism/Outreach, Missions, Sunday School, Bible Study, Preschool/Children/Youth Leaders, Women’s and Men’s Ministry, Finance, Staff, Senior Adults, and Single Adults? If so, then this training is for you. Please encourage your committee or team members to attend. For descriptions of the 56 conferences go to www.raleighbaptists.org.

The Senior Adult Rally is Tuesday, September 20th at Wake Crossroads Baptist Church. Guest speakers will be Chaplain (Colonel) Dudley Neal and Leigha Martinelli from Duke Children’s Hospital. There will be a special Patriotic program, “Recognizing Veterans - remembering the 10th

anniversary of 9/11.” The cost is $11.00, so sign up by September 9th for some fun, food, fellowship and inspiration. The menu is:

Beef Tips with rice Green Peas Carrots Cornbread Muffins

Fall Senior Adult Rally

Chocolate Pie or Banana Pudding Tea

Catered by “The Forks Cafeteria.”

Decisions Made at the

Quarterly Business Meeting,

July 24th: 1) Approved Hal’s request to go back to part-

time effective September 25th. 2) Passed a motion made by the T-Team to

establish a Pastor Relations Committee. 3) Approved Properties request to hire Alma’s

Cleaning Service to clean the church buildings. Properties will work out the details.

4) Passed a motion made by Personnel to hire a part-time Youth Minister.

Minutes of the meeting are available in the church office.

Promotion Sunday Change The following change has been made in order to provide an easier transition for our children moving up to the next Sunday School classroom. On Sunday, September 4th the Sunday School teachers will walk the children to their new classrooms to see where their new class will be, meet the teacher and then return to their current class. On Wednesday, September 7th right after the Fellowship Meal the Sunday School teachers will be available to meet with the children in their new Sunday School classroom for a short interaction. Then on Sunday, September 11th the children will spend the entire time in their new classroom. Teacher recognitions for the 2011 staff will be on Sunday, September 11th.

Knightdale Baptist Church 15 Main Street

Knightdale, NC 27545

Phone: 266-2471 · Fax: 266-0984


Office Hours (Monday - Friday) 8:00 am until 5:00 pm

Address Service Requested


Dr. Charles Dorman

Interim Pastor

Rev. Hal Roach

Minister of Worship

Mrs. Patty Jones

Church Secretary

Mrs. Christi Boggs

Preschool Director

Page 8 the Beam, a monthly Newsletter for Knightdale Baptist Church August, 2011

Camp Mundo Vista Valerie, Hope and Channing Beasley attended the Mother/Daughter GA Camp this Summer. Looks like they had lots of fun. Please talk to your GA Leader for more information on how you can attend next year!

The Mission of Knightdale Baptist Church, as a loving, unified body, is to worship God and share Christ through various Christian ministries,

teaching, service, prayer and fellowship.

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