kayak quest one of the biggest gifts that we can give to ......kaleo to help underwrite the costs of...

Post on 22-Sep-2020






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Summer Camps


One of the biggest gifts that we can give to

our children and youth is an investment in

their spiritual lives. Through small group Bible

study, meeting new friends, living in cabins,

sharing meals, worship, exploring nature, and

play, summer church camp offers a unique

opportunity for learning and developing

healthy relationships with God and with each


We invite you to invest in the life of a young person

• by sending your child or grandchild to Kamp

Kaleo, or bringing them to Little Kampers

• by volunteering to counsel or direct a camp

or act as sponsor on Canoe Quest

• by enabling children in your church or in your

community to attend camp

• by making a financial contribution to Kamp

Kaleo to help underwrite the costs of volunteer

counselors, directors, and nurses

• by lifting up Kamp and campers in your prayers

• by volunteering your time and talent to prepare

the camp for the summer season in the spring

and “button down” the camp for winter in the fall

Established in 1965, Kamp Kaleo is a place

set aside to encounter God in nature and in

community. The camping program is over-

seen by the Youth and Outdoor Ministries

Committee (YOMC) of the Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ) in Nebraska and the Tri-

Conference (Iowa, Nebraska and South Da-

kota) Ministries of the United Church of Christ.

You are invited to explore and experience

your faith at Kamp Kaleo!

YOMC Working Mission Statement: Inspired by

God’s Spirit, we seek to create radically inclusive

spaces and places for faith exploration.

This is Our Prayer

Kaleo on the River 46872 Willow Springs Road

Burwell, Nebraska 68823 308-346-5083

Kayak Quest June 22 - 25 Ages: Middle School - Adults Cost: $200 per person

Directors: Jim & Cathy Becker

Campers, accompanied by wilderness-experienced

adult sponsors, spend 3 days and 2 nights kayaking the

Calamus River, preparing their own meals outdoors,

and camping out in tents. Exploring Sand Hills river life,

sleeping under the stars, seeing God in nature, building

self confidence, and working together in community

are highlights of Kayak Quest. Bring muscles! Some

kayaking experience is helpful but not necessary.

Times: Arrive 2:00 p.m. on Monday

Ends 3:00 p.m. on Thursday

Adventures In Community May 26-29 Ages: 18 years & older Cost: $215 per camper

Directors: Rev. Bob & Eileen Kunz

This camp is designed for adults with developmental

disabilities. Volunteer “Companions” are recruited

to enjoy camp with and assist campers with their

needs. Activities may include a visit to a local

ranch to see farm animals, bingo with prizes, talent

show, dance, hayrack ride, singing, evening ves-

pers around the campfire, fishing, and games.

Times: Arrive 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday

Ends 1:00 p.m. on Friday Camp fees include a Kamp t-shirt.

IF registered at least two weeks before the

start of the kamp.

All payments must be made prior to the

first day of camp.

For more information, contact:

Holly Gage, Youth Ministries Coordinator


Tessa Warner, YOMC Chair


Rev. David Butz, Camp Administrator

Pastordavidkaleo@gmail.com Registration link and more information will be

available by Feb. 15 at www.kampkaleo.com

Junior Kamp June 7-11

Ages: 4th & 5th Grade Cost: $365 per camper

Directors: Payton Best

For students entering fourth and fifth grades,

it’s time to fly solo! These are formative years

for this age and a time when campers begin

to think about who God is and who they are in

relationship to God and community. Each

day is full with stewardship, small group time,

meals and singing, nap time, afternoon recre-

ation (swimming, river play, outdoor games,

tie dye and crafts), evening fun and vespers.

Times: Arrive 3:00 p.m. on Sunday

Ends 1:00 p.m. on Thursday

Little Kampers July 10-12

Ages: Kindergarten - 3rd grade Cost: 1 camper / 1 adult: $140

Directors: D’Arcy Blosser & Hanna Pinneo-Boring

Middle School Kamp June 14-19

Ages: 6th - 8th Grade Cost: $375 per camper

Director: Rev. Steve Mason

Students entering sixth through eighth grades begin

to develop deep and lasting friendships at this

camp. This age group is just beginning to transition

from a literal understanding of faith to a deeper lev-

el of understanding of who they are in relationship

with God. How we treat one another is another big

learning curve as these young people discover who

they are and how they relate to others. Now that the

campers are a bit older, tanking, canoeing, and

tubing the river become options!

Times: Arrive 3:00 p.m. on Sunday

Ends 1:00 p.m. on Friday

High School—FAFA Kamp July 12-17 Ages: 9th - 12th Grade & 2020 HS

Grads Cost: $375 per camper

Directors: Rev. Becky McNeil & Tessa Warner

Come for a week of all the things you love best about Sr. High camp- the friends, the fellowship, great recreation, getting closer to God and to friends at beautiful Kamp Kaleo, and add in all the best parts of Faith and Fine Arts Camp for those whose gifts and interests lean artistic. You don't want to miss out on the new things God is doing for High School youth at Kaleo!

Times: Arrive 3:00 p.m. on Sunday

Ends 1:00 p.m. on Friday

2020 Kamp Calendar

May 26-29 Adventures in Community

June 7-11 Junior Kamp

June 14-19 Middle School Kamp

June 22-25 Kayak Quest

July 10-12 Little Kampers

July 12-17 High School—FAFA Kamp

Each day, campers will explore a different longing of the human heart!

• Day 1 Jesus calls disciples: Longing to be invited - Luke 6:12-16

• Day 2 Esther and her people: Longing Together - Esther 4

• Day 3 Jonah speaks to God: Longing to be heard - Jonah 4

• Day 4 Solomon prays for wisdom: Longing for Guidence - 1 Kings 3:7-15

• Day 5 Jesus take time for prayer: Longing for Renewal - Luke 5:12-16 &

• Isaiah 40:1-5, 28-31

• Day 6 Sisters work for change: Longing for Change - Numbers 27:1-11

• Day 7 Paul’s words of joy: Longing to Celebrate - Philippians 1:3-11

This Is Our Prayer

This is an “Intro to Camp” experience for chil-

dren. Two busy days and nights enjoying camp

activities, lessons, campfire and making friends

help our Little Kampers and their parents,

grandparents or guardians feel comfortable in

the camp setting. Accompanying adults are

expected to participate fully in the camp ad-

venture with their child. Camp directors and

resource team members lead activities.

Times: Arrive 3:00 p.m. on Friday

Ends 1:00 p.m. on Sunday

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