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karya tulis




By Group 151. Arif Feraza Nugraha 0910100042. Christian Kevin Yoga Pratama091010005


RATIFICATION SHEETHas been inspected and approved by teachers on:Day:_____________________________________________________ Date :_____________________________________________________Location:_____________________________________________________Biology Teacher English Teacher

Hadi Prastyo, S. Si Drs. H. Sutiono NIP. NIP. Ratified By:Head Master Of SMA Negeri 1 Kota Tangerang Selatan

Drs. H. Suhaya, MMNIP. 19520403 198403 1005

MOTTOBe yourself before someone else take it from you;True success is when we make the other happy;Nobody can go back and start from beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending;Tidak ada pelaut yang tercipta di laut yang tenang Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind;Go confidently in the direction of your dream! Live the life youve imagine;Dont just avoid the impossible. By trying something that isnt possible, you will be able to achieved the best what might complish

PRESENT SHEETTHIS SCIENTIFIC PAPER, WE PRESENT TO :1. God Almighty;2. Our Parents;3. Head Master; Mr. Drs. H. Suhaya, MM4. Vice-Principle; Mrs. Dra. Sri Marwati, S.Pd5. Homeroom on 12 grade; Mrs. Hj. Ketih6. Homeroom on 11 grade; Mrs. Hj. Elly Yulianti, S.Pd7. Homeroom on 10 grade; Mrs. Noorlailah Sahlan, S.Pd8. English Teacher; Mr. Sutiono, S.Pd9. Biology Teacher; Mr. Hadi Prastyo, S.Si10. Teacher and admistrative staff that we can said one by one11. Our friends who have beed helped for collect the data

FOREWORDPraise and thankful for God Almighty because of the grace and hidayah, we can finished this sciencetific paper just in time. All knowledge which existing on earth must be interconnected, useful, and have the benefit for living. Therefore, we made this sciencetific paper hopeful can be related, useful, and have more benefit for people around us. In writing this sciencetific paper, the author got more challenges and difficulty by ourselves, but with encouragement and prayer from the participants, the author can pass trough very well. We said thank for all participant those had been helped us for preparing this sciencetific paper, including: 1. God Almighty;2. Our Parents;3. Head Master; Mr. Drs. H. Suhaya, MM4. Vice-Principle; Mrs. Dra. Sri Marwati, S.Pd5. Homeroom on 12 grade; Mrs. Hj. Ketih6. Homeroom on 11 grade; Mrs. Hj. Elly Yulianti, S.Pd7. Homeroom on 10 grade; Mrs. Noorlailah Sahlan, S.Pd8. English Teacher; Mr. Sutiono, S.Pd9. Biology Teacher; Mr. Hadi Prastyo, S.Si10. Teacher and admistrative staff that we can said one by one11. Our friends who have beed helped for collect the data

Certainly be an honor for us because can present a sciencetific paper which still so far from perfect. Therefore, we hope critic and some advice for it that build quality for the perfection of sciencetific paper. Hopefully this material can beneficial and contribute ideas for needy, especially for the author that the expected goals can achieved. For your attention thank you.

Ciputat, February 2012

(The Author)


CHAPTER 11.1. Background.. 1.2. Problem Formulation 1.3. Purpose.1.4. Research Methode1.5. Systematic of Writing...

CHAPTER 2INTRODUCE KEDONDONG FRUIT..2.1. Scientific Classification of Kedondong2.2. Morfology of Kedondong.2.3. Anatomy of Kedondong2.4. Fisiology of KedondongCHAPTER 3THE ADVANTAGES AND THE CONTENT OF KEDONDONG3.1. The Advantages of Kedondong Fruit3.2. The Benefit of Kedondong for Human VitalityCHAPTER 4CLOSING4.1. Conclusion.4.2. AdvicePREFERENCE


1.1. BackgroundMany people actually have known about kedondong fruit. It has sour flavour where many Indonesian people consume this fruit just for snack or can be a dessert. But, nowadays people around Indonesia still not understand yet about this fruit. Kedondong is fruit plants which comes from Anacardiaceae family. Which have similarities with fruit like mango, The trees have the height until 20 meters. It generally, live on tropical area and low ground. The kinds of kedondong that we known, generally have shape like egg, but the other varieties have a shape bigger than normal kedondong fruits. And this variety of kedondong live in Karimunjawa, Jepara, and Center Java.According to experts in biological science, kedondong have many advantages that we dont know, one of which is for increase our energy and vitality for daily activity. The main content contained on kedondong fruit is sugar elements in form sukrosa which very important for human body. And water that contained on kedondong is very useful for digestive system and can avoid dehydration.Therefore, the purpose we made this scienctific paper to know the advantages of kedondong fruit especially for our body and can help everyone for understand about it.

1.2. Problem Formulation1. What kind of content on kedondong fruit?2. What are the advantages found on kedondong fruit?3. How to utilize kedondong fruit for increase vitality for human body?1.3. Purpose1. To know about what kind of content on kedondong fruit.2. To know the advantages of kedondong fruit.3. To know how the utilize of kedondong fruit for increase vitality human body.1.4. Research Metodh1. ObservationThe writers indirect enter a field of study, but by seeing and hearing on electronic media to obtain a written record to be developed in this sciencetific paper.2. DocumenterCollect data based on documentation records that relating with past or present condition of the object research, which is expected to provide a clearer description about the condition and profress of the research object.3. Literature StudyThe writers conducted a literature study to obtain and add obtained data in writing from media, like some articles in the book, variety of sites on cyber world and the other literature which still related with the subject of this sciencetific paper.1.5. Systematic of WritingAccording to guide book from SMAN 1 Kota Tangerang Selatan, the author have been arranged this sciencetific paper systematically in 4 chapter, that is:Chapter I: PRELIMINARYThis chapter discussion about background, problem formulation, purpose, research metodh, and systemathic of writing.

Chapter II: INTRODUCE KEDONDONG FRUITThis chapter discussion about scientific classification, morphology, anatomy, and fisiology of kedondong fruit.

Chapter III :ADVANTAGES AND THE CONTENT CONTAIN IN KEDONDONG FRUITThis chapter discussion about the benefit of kedondong and the function of kedondong for vitality human body.Chapter IV:CLOSINGThis chapter discussion about conclusion from this sciencetific paper and some advice for reader.


2.1. Scientific Classification of KedondongKedondong is a fruit plant commonly found in all tropic area and included in Angiospermae. This fruit has binomial name Spondias dulcis forst. Usually in English language, the people called with amabrella, otaheite apple or great hog plum. In each country or region, this fruit has a special name, like in South East Asia called Kedondong (Indonesia and Malaysia), Hevi (Filipina), Gway (Myanmar), Mokah (Kamboja), Kook kvan (Laos), Makak farang (Thailand), dan coc (Vietnam). In addition, kedondong also called Kedondong Sunda, Kedondong Jawa, Kedondong Madura, Kecemcem (Bali), Inci (Bima, NTT), Karunrung (Makassar), dan Dau kaci (Bugis).Classification of kedondong fruit are as follows:Kingdom: PlantaeSpecies: Spondias dulcis Divisio : MagnoliophytaClass: Magnoliopsida Ordo: SapinidalesFamilia: AnacardiaceaeGenus: Spondias

2.2. Morfology of KedondongKedondong is a fruit that grow from trees which have height 20 meters. Morphology of kedondong fruit are as follows: 1. LeafThis plant are included in compounds-leaved plant, the widest part which in the middle leaf have a oval shape, the base of leaf is tapering (acutus), the pointed of leaf is tips (acuminatus), colour of leaf is green with the length 5-8 cm and the width 3-6 cm. Based on the direction of a big bone branch in strand, kedondong leaf included in bony-pinnate leaf with odd number of child leaves (imparipinatus) and a couple of child leaves, the edge of leaf is flat, the layout of leaf is scattered (folia sparsa), leaf surface is smooth (laevis) and shine (nitidus). 2. BranchThis plant have a woody stem (lignosus) which usually hard and strength because mostly consist from wood that found on trees with shape of stem circle (terse) and grow straight, branching stems is simpodial where main stem too hard for founded because the development is too slow than the branch, the surface stem is smooth and the colour is greenish white.3. RootThis plant is rooting steep and the colour is dark brown. 4. FlowerThis plant included in compound-flower (inflorescentia), the shape is malai (panicula) where the mother stlalk make a branching monopodial, the length 24-20 cm, the length of petal flower approximately 5 cm, have eight stamens with yellow colour, have a 4-5 flower crown, lanset, and the colour is cream. 5. FruitFruitful buni (bacca) where this fruit has a thin outer layer of the wall or stiff like leather and the inner layer is thick, softly, waterly and often have eaten, the shape is oval, single fleshy fruit that contain flesh, has a diameter approximately 5 cm and full of fibrous, the colour is yellowish green with the avarege weight is 0.7-1 kg/fruit, usually the fruit grown a lot6. SeedThe shape of seed is circle and rough, and the colour is yellowish white.

2.3 Anatomy of KedondongIn section which cross on leaf, found epidermis papilla abaxial and hypodermis adaxial, but inside minor leaf veins not found transfer floem cell. In stem occur secretion hole that contain resin, cork cambium, nodes tri-lakunar, main sentrifugal blood vessel tissue, no internal floem, found xylem without trakeid fiber but libriform fiber. Type of reproduction this plant is hermaprodit.2.4. Fisiology of KedondongThis Spondias dulcis or especially we know kedondong included into C3 plant because the first organic carbon ficsation product is 3-carbonaceous compound (3fosfogliserat), where this plant through dark reaction and light reaction, and this plant produce a few of food if their stomata is closed in daytime and dry. If CO2 insede leaf has decline, it cause decrease the material to Kelvin Cycle, where the rubisco can replaced CO2 as O2. Because concentrate of O2 is higher than CO2 in vacum inside the leaf. Therefore, rubisco adding more O2 in Kelvin Cycle than CO2. As a result, the product is decomposes and one of 2-carbonaceous is sent out from chloroplast. Then, miticondria and peroksisom going to break the compound of 2-carbonaceous become CO2 therefore, this process called as fotorespiration because, it happened inside light and consumed O2. But, this process cant produce ATP. Generally, this stage is same with the others, through glikolisis step, grooming phase, Kelvin Cycle, and fosforilasi oxidative.


3.1. The Advantages of Kedondong FruitKedondong is fruit which have many advantages and some the advantages of it is for jam, jelly, and juice. This fruit is also very useful for facilitating defecate and usually the people use it for treat the cough and use this fruit for snack for people on diet.Fruit which has been boiled and dried can saved for a few month and the raw fruit mostly use for rujak, snack, pickles, and vegetable. Then, the young leaves can also be steamed for fresh vegetables. The fruit and leaf can also for animal feed. Then the wood very useful for handicraft area, especially for made a boat.Medicine benefit from this fruit, leaf, and stems skin is very useful for cure borok and burned. The main content on kedondong is sugar compound in form sukrosa which very important for increase the energy and vitality body. As well as the fiber and water which high enough for cure digestive and avoid dehydration.In 100 gram of kedondong fruit that can be eaten, usually contain 60 - 85 gram of water, 0.5 - 0.8 gram of protein, 0.3 - 0.8 gram of fat, 8 - 10.5 gram of sukrosa, and 0.85 - 3.60 of fiber. Where the flesh is rich of vitamin C and iron than the immature fruit contain pectin around 10%. Besides of it, vitamin C which contain on it can help for increasing production of collagen that have function as elasticity for women skin.Leaf, stems skin, and roots akin this Spondias dulcis also contain saponin, flavonoiada, and tannin. The benefit for beauty is as antioxidant that directly avoid free radicals.

3.2. The Benefit of Kedondong for Human Vitality

Kedondong have many benefits, one of them is is for source vitality for human body. Generally, kedondong usually used as ingridients food but, we can known how to use kedondong for vitality of human body. One way making kedondong cider. Kedondong cider is a drink that made from boiled kedondong and take the water and then drink it for increase vitality body.

Making kedondong cider for vitalty body is very simple and practicale, the tools and the ingredient is so easy to get, therefore is simple for made it.

Ingridients :1. Kedondong2. Honey3. Water

Tools:1. Glass2. Spoon3. Bowl

How to make:1. Prepare the ingridients and tools 2. Pour the water in pan, then simmer3. Input kedondong fruit into a bowl, boiled until the color changes to yellowish 4. Lift the water boiled and then pour into a glass 5. While warm, adding a honey, then drink it.

CHAPTER IVCLOSING4.1. ConclusionFrom our research, we can concluded that Kedondong is a fruit plant commonly found in all tropic area and included in Angiospermae. This fruit has binomial name Spondias dulcis forst. Kedondong has many benefit some the advantages of it is for jam, jelly, and juice. This fruit is also very useful for facilitating defecate and usually the people use it for treat the cough and use this fruit for snack for people on diet. For our body that is for enhancer of energy and vitality body because it has many element which very important for our body, that is fiber content and high enough water can avoid dehydration. The main content of kedondog fruit is sugar in form sucrose which very important for endurance. And the other benefit of kedondong fruit is for women beauty because has antioxidant which direct can avoid from free radical. Kedondong fruit also has vitamin C which contain in it, for helping increase production of collagen that has function as elasticity for women skin.

4.2. Advice1. Need for futher research conducted about kedondong fruit because the content in the fruit still have many benefit for human body. 2. Continue lack of action how to form the fruit and gives variant shape and type from it, to create more variant from kedondong. 3. Its important to marketing the fruit for known many people around Indonesia, because of many people still dont know about this fruit.



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