kacu korea air and correspondence university korea

Post on 14-Nov-2014






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: 이안커뮤니케이션


2008Korea National Open University


the open university KNOU,

leading lifelong learning society

The Unlimited Source of

Knowledgeand Competitiveness

Korea National Open University

People looking at the future

Planning for a brighter future -The “information society”thrives on people who continuously develop and

enhance their skills and abilities. KNOU intends to be the ever-flowing spring

that satisfies the thirst of those who has a passion for learning.

KNOU is the right choice for those preparing tomorrow.

06 President’s Message

08 History of KNOU

Leader of Open University10 Vision of KNOU

12 Global KNOU

14 Digital University

16 Campus Network

Knowledge Community38 Educational Media

40 Educational Evaluation Methods

41 Tutoring and Mentoring

42 Digital Media Center


46 Institute of Distance Education

47 KNOU Press

ContentsPartner for Lifelong Education20 College of Liberal Arts

22 College of Social Sciences

24 College of Natural Sciences

26 College of Educational Sciences

28 Graduate School

30 Part-time Enrollment Program

32 Center for Lifelong Education

34 Center for In-Service Education

35 Center for Bachelor’s Degree Examination

Program for Self-Education

Student Life and Campus50 Student Activities

52 Student Services

53 Student Support Facilities

54 Key Statistics of KNOU

56 Academic Calendar

57 KNOU in the Press

The Unlimited Source of

Knowledgeand Competitiveness

Korea National Open University

President ’’s Message Korea National Open University

President’s Message

Korea National Open University is open to everyone who

wants to prepare for the future with dream and passion


Korea National Open University

Korea National Open University, the first national distance education university, has performed a major role in open

education in Korea for 36 years since 1972. It has played a leading part in higher education nationwide, turning out

400 thousand graduates who now work in various fields of society. Many universities in other countries have modeled

themselves on KNOU as a good example of distance education.

KNOU provides the high-quality lectures on TV, radio, and the Internet, including video conferencing and multimedia

lectures, developed by professors and producers. Also, KNOU is the only university in Korea that offers both distance

educations courses and class courses at 14 regional campuses and 35 study centers for 180 thousand students all

over the country.

In order to provide courses of better quality, KNOU is redoubling efforts to improve educational and administrative

circumstances based on expansion of financial basis. We believe that these efforts will make the quality of education

at KNOU, which is good enough to induce students both for college degree and reeducation. Through these efforts,

KNOU purposes to be the university that everyone in Korea is recommended and wants to enter.

In the advent of information society, lifelong education is more needed than any other century. KNOU has

endeavored to enlarge the opportunity of receiving higher education on a national scale, and now our focus moves on

the importance of lifelong education as well. As an open university leading the lifelong learning society in Korea,

KNOU is open to everyone who prepares for the future with dream and passion.


Opening the first door to lifelong educationas the nation’s premier center for lifelong learning,KNOU will stand by you in your lifetime pursuit of knowledge

History of KNOU Korea National Open University

1972. 03

1981. 02

1982. 021982. 071984. 05

1984. 12

1991. 121992. 031993. 021994. 11

1996. 091997. 051998. 01

2000. 042001. 09

2002. 11

2003. 112005. 032007. 03

Korea Air & Correspondence College (KACC), the first lifelong education

institution in Korea, is established with five departments annexed to Seoul

National University (SNU)

Two-year junior college program reorganized into a five-year bachelor’sprogram

KACC separated from SNU and KACC Newspaper founded

KNOU Press founded

Electronic Computing Center (Information & Computer Center)


Institute of Educational Media Developmen founded

Five-year program reorganized to four-year program

Introduction of division-based system (5 divisions)

Renamed “Korea Air & Correspondence University”(KACU)

English name changed from Korea Air & Correspondence University to

Korea National Open University

KNOU TV (OUN) opened

Center for Lifelong Education founded

Bachelor’s Degree Exarnination Program for Self-Education transferred to

and operated by KNOU

Center for In-Service Education opened

Graduate School established and Virtual Education Support Center


16th Annual Conference of Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)

hosted by KNOU

KNOU Sponsorship Committee founded

College system established

Establishment of Digital Media Center (by unification of Educational Media

Development Center and e-Learning Center)





Brief History


Korea National Open University

The role of KNOU is much greater than ever as an open lifelong educational institution that provides arenewable source of information and knowledge demanded by the information society.

Korea National Open University

KNOU Vision

1 Vision of KNOU

Mega UniversitySince 1972, KNOU has turned out roughly 400,000

graduates and has an enrollment of nearly 180,000

students now. About 20% of the graduates continue

their studies at graduate schools each year while

other graduates actively engage in various sectors of


University for working and learning togetherOver 80% of students enrolled at KNOU have jobs.

Because they can study any time and any place of

their own choosing, students can pursue their higher

academic career while progressing in their social

career. KNOU offers “substitute exams”equivalent

to classroom coursework for those who cannot

attend classroom lectures. About 1,000 study

groups, spanning every department and region of

the country, encourage students to study together.

University with a strong human networkStudents enrolled at KNOU come from all different

walks of life, from homemakers to lawmakers, from

teenagers to senior citizens, from Seoul citizens to

Jeju Islanders. The ages, occupations, and regional

origins of our students are truly diverse. Once you

join KNOU, you will not only obtain knowledge but

also interact with peers from a broad range of



Korea National Open University

KNOU Vision

Providing lifelong education for allUnique paths for unique aspirations

Open university, leading lifelong learning society in 21st century

Distance education- The strategy to specialize

the educational operation systems of KNOUStudents helping services Distance educational mediastrategy

Lifelong education- Central role in higher education - Re-education oriented university - Open university

Open to all

Open to time, place

Open to social change

Public education- System improvement for

the increase in the opportunitiesof lifelong education

Equal opportunity of education

Social integration through

equality in education

Specialized for higher education

The identity and idea of the university

Academic exchanges with the world ’’sleading distance universitiesKNOU has signed sisterhood agreements with

distance universities throughout the world.

In addition, through academic exchanges with

leading distance-education institutions in the world,

KNOU obtains the most up-to-date knowledge and

disseminate its exceptional education system

around the globe.

Imprinting the pride of Korea on the worldKNOU engages in ceaseless efforts to broaden the

understanding of Korea around the world, including

the development and supply of Korean language

programs to overseas Koreans, academic support to

scholars specializing in Korean studies, and the

opening of overseas information centers. We are

shaping a truly national university that unites the

Korean people through academic excellence.

Hub for distance education in AsiaHolding the presidency of the Asian Association of

Open Universities (AAOU) for three years from

March 2002, KNOU played a central role in

advancing distance learning in Asia. In addition, by

hosting the 16th AAOU Annual Conference, KNOU

has solidified its position as one of the top 10 open

universities in (Asia and) the world.

Overseas universities that have a sisterhood relationship with KNOU

U.S.A. Mississippi State University

Thailand Ramkhamhaeng University, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University

Pakistan Allama Iqbal Open University

The Netherlands Open Universiteit Nederland

China Yanbian University, The Jilim Broadcast Television College, Shanghai TV University

Taiwan National Open University

Israel The Open University of Israel

U.K The Open University

Malaysia Open University Malaysia

Poland The Adam Mickiewicz University

Korea National Open University


Global KNOU

Through exchange programs with the world ’’s leading distance universities, KNOU has secured a position as a global university for lifelong education and distance education.


Korea National Open University

KNOU World

A choice by global leaders in the 21st century - KNOU


Digital mindsetKNOU’s first-rate educational infrastructure, based

on cutting-edge information and communication

technoloies, provides students with opportunities for

learning that transcend time and space. To offer a

high-tech education for all learning levels, it is fully

equipped with the latest software and hardware,

including KNOU TV (OUN), video conferencing

lectures, a Learning-on-Demand (LOD) system and

Web-Based Instruction.

Enjoying education from your homeBy leveraging an array of cutting-edge education

media, KNOU provides an open campus not

restricted by time or place. Whether it’s your

bedroom or your car, any place can serve as a

lecture hall. A university where any Korean can

pursue independent learning, whenever and

wherever they want---this is the ubiquitous campus

imagined by KNOU.

Education-on-Demand System

- Portal site for virtual lectures- e-Campus with participation ofstudents, professors and tutors

- Learning Management System &Learning Content ManagementSystem

High-tech digital education media

- Video conferencing lecturesystem

- web-based instruction- LOD system- CDs, e-Books and MP3s

Ubiquitous campus

- Participation in Korean Virtual Campus

- Establishment of M-learningand U-learning


Korea National Open University

3KNOU embraces a holistic digital mindset produced by an organic combination

of its Education-on-Demand system and high-tech digital education media.

KNOU Digital

Digital university perfected by a‘digital triangle’

Korea National Open University

3 Digital University

The entire nation served by one lecture hallWith 14 regional campuses and 35 study centers

around the nation, the entire peninsula serves as

KNOU’s lecture hall. All areas of academic affairs,

from admissions to graduation, are carried out in

similar fashion at every regional campuses. A

distinctive educational environment that features

video conferencing lectures, libraries and tutorial

systems enhances the efficiency of study.

When there are no classes, regional campuses

provide a convenient setting for student-based

study groups. As cultural and education centers for

local residents and venues for special lectures and

reading clubs, the campuses also contribute to

enriching the local community’s life.

Two-way network covering the entire nationKNOU’s video conferencing enables a two-way

education network. A system connected through a

broadband network makes two-way learning

between professors and students in remote

classrooms possible by sending out video lectures

from the university headquarters and regional


Services for the students- Distributing and receiving application forms

- Supporting the student body association

- Providing classroom lectures

- Providing tutoring and academic counseling

- Handling exams and credits

- Issuing certificates

- Operating library and computer labs

- Offering student conveniences

- Offering learning materials

- Operating childcare facilities


Korea National Open University

To provide each and every person with a convenient and comfortable educational environment, KNOU has built a campusnetwork consisting of 14 regional campuses, two annexes, and 35 study centers spread throughout Korea.

KNOU Network

Seoul 1 (02-4606-723~8)(02-4606-731~6)

Seoul NorthAnnex(02-980-4488)


Daejeon and Choongnam

Daejeon·Choongnam (042-822-8041~3)





Daegu·Gyeongbuk(053-606-6666, 6677)


University headquartersRegional campusAnnex and Study center



Seoul 2 (02-8403-713~6)

Seoul WestAnnex(02-383-5907~9)



Busan, Ulsan and Gyeongnam

Daegu and Gyeongbuk

Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi


Gwangju and Jeonnam





KNOU Network

A vibrant regional campus networkcharting a new direction for education

Korea National Open University

4 Campus Network

At a place of lifelong learning, your cherished dreams are coming into shapeThere is no limit to one ’’s passion and thirst for knowledge.KNOU, the open university which is the center of lifelong education, sheds light on the path toward your dreams.

Overview of curricula

● Undergraduate course : College of Liberal Arts, College of Social Sciences, College of Natural Sciences

College of Educational Sciences

● Graduate program : Dept. of Practical English, Dept. of Public Administration, Dept. of Management

Dept. of Home Economics, Dept. of Computer Science, Dept. of Nursing, Dept. of Lifelong Education

Dept. of Early Childhood Education and Dept. of e-Learning

● Part-time enrollment program

● Non-degree program

● Bachelor ’’s Degree Examination Program for Self-Education

College of Liberal ArtsStudies in the liberal arts are a starting point for communication or the first step that people understandeach other. Up-to-date education in literature, languages and culture will develop you into a global leaderwith international insight.

Dept. of Korean Language & LiteratureDeveloping Korea’s own “uniqueness”into Korean

competitiveness, the Department of Korean Language &

Literature nurtures capable adults who will become active

members of society by providing practical education in Korean

linguistics, both ancient and contemporary Korean literature,

language and syntax and creative writing. Upon graduation,

students will be ready to demonstrate their capabilities in

various fields of society, including journalism, publishing,

advertising, and education as well as in literary circles.

Dept. of English Language & LiteratureThe English language is an essential requirement for a global

expert. The Department of English Language & Literature

develops professionals in English by offering practical

language education balanced across speaking, listening,

reading and writing, through courses on British and American

literature, English linguistics, practical English, business

English and English conversation. Graduates will have a wide

range of choices in their career, ranging from translation and

interpretation to international trade, as well as continuing their

studies at graduate school

Dept. of Chinese Language & LiteratureWith an education from the Department of Chinese Language

& Literature, 1.3 billion Chinese can become your business

partners! By teaching conversational Chinese, professional-

level reading, and providing practical knowledge on China, the

department develops experts in Chinese who will promote

strong Korea-China trade ties. Graduates can work in the

fields of interpretation and translation or continue onto

programs of graduate study.

Dept. of French Language & LiteratureAn international language belonging to a sophisticated culture,

French remains one of the most important languages in

Europe. Beginning with basic courses on French, the

Department of French Language & Literature focuses on

special lectures and conversation classes to enable students

to communicate fluently with native French speakers. After

completing substantial studies on the French language,

graduates can pursue careers in such areas as journalism,

publishing, finance, education, tourism, international trade and


Dept. of Japanese StudiesThe Department of Japanese Studies invites students to gain

an in-depth understanding of Japan, a country near as well as

distant, and to acquire a broad knowledge of Japanese

language, literature and culture in general. The department

emphasizes practical education utilizing audio-video materials

such as Japanese animated films and movies, which enhance

students’proficiency in the Japanese language. Graduates

will enter businesses involved with one of the pillars of

Northeast Asia commerce and diplomacy, or may continue

their study at the graduate level.


Korea National Open University

A leader of global communication!We cultivate leaders who will take on the world.“ ”

College of Social SciencesThe 21st century, an era of boundless competition, demands creative thinking and professional expertise.Talented individuals meeting the needs of the times and pioneering new knowledge, you are the future leaders.

Dept. of LawThe Department of Law fosters sincere and competent legal

professionals serving at the vanguard of social justice and the

advancement of human civilization. Graduates can serve as

legal professionals or hold legal affairs positions in

government offices, the National Assembly, financial

institutions and so on.

Dept. of Public AdministrationBy building people’s specialized administrative abilities and

attitudes, the Department of Public Administration fosters

individuals who will play active roles in the public or private

sector and contribute to social development. Graduates can

work in public organizations and private companies or serve

as teaching or administrative staffs at university, claims

adjusters, tax officers, customs officers or notary publics.

Dept. of EconomicsThe Department of Economics develops economists with the

strong educational foundation to make intelligent decisions.

Through the study of economic theory, and securing practical

knowledge in relevant fields, graduates may pursue careers in

private and public companies, financial institutions, and

government offices or continue their education in graduate


Dept. of ManagementThe Department of Management fosters proficient business

professionals at the forefront of the 21st century by teaching a

combination of theory and practical business knowledge

required for the effective operation and management of a

company. Graduates pursue a variety of career paths,

including in private and public companies, as CPAs, tax

officers or certified labor consultants.

Dept. of International TradeThe Department of International Trade cultivates global

experts equipped for the era of globalization by providing a

broad-ranging optimal education for the 21st-century global

information society. Graduates work at trade firms, private

companies and banks, and serve as specialists in

international business.

Dept. of Media Arts & SciencesBy offering education in both practice and theory in the fields

of broadcasting, advertising, multimedia, journalism and film,

the Department of Media Arts & Sciences develops

professionals for the media arts and video industry, a core

part of the information society. Upon graduation, students

seek careers in broadcasting companies, newspapers,

independent productions, web design, film production

companies, and advertising & PR agencies.

Dept. of TourismIn the 21st century, where culture and tourism are increasingly

looming as new subjects, the Department of Tourism cultivates

tourism professionals who possess both professional and

practical knowledge as well as a sharpened mindset across

many facets of society. Graduates enter the tourism industry in

Korea and abroad, tourism-related industries, public

organizations and international organizations.


Korea National Open University

We are geared toward the creation of new knowledge in Korea.“ ”

College of Natural SciencesFostering experts in the basic sciences improves everyone ’’s quality of life. We are on the cutting edge,exploring the frontiers of knowledge to bring greater prosperity to the future.


Korea National Open University

People-oriented technology,enabling humanity to achieve a better life“ ”

Dept. of Agricultural SciencesBy providing education in the development and production of

animal and plant resources as well as food, the Department of

Agricultural Sciences develops the professionals needed to

secure food stability and conserve the environment, which are

critical goals of the 21st century. Graduates work in

companies in agriculture and related fields as well as in

government organizations.

Dept. of Home Economics Department of Home Economics consists of majors in Home

Management, Food & Nutrition, and Clothing & Textiles. Our

aim is to educate the experts by giving basic knowledge and

expertise related to the fields of children & family, family

resource management & consumers, food & nutrition and

costumes, and clothing science & fashion marketing.

Graduates are working in the specialized fields of home

management, food & nutrition, and clothing & textiles.

Dept. of Computer ScienceThrough education in basic and applied knowledge required

for learning state-of-the-art Information Technology, the

Department of Computer Science develops pioneers for the

information society of the 21st century. After studying IT-

based skills and applied technology, graduates will play a

crucial role in the development of the information society. With

the growing demand for professionals in this field, these

career paths have unlimited potential.

Dept. of Information StatisticsThe Department of Information Statistics develops statistics

professionals, required by society for social surveys, empirical

studies and policy-making. Graduates may build their careers

at survey agencies and quality-control areas that require data

and information analysis, research divisions of financial

institutions and businesses, the information and

telecommunications arena, and the life science research field

including hospitals and cancer treatment centers.

Dept. of Environmental HealthDepartment of Environmental Health trains experts in the field

of environmental health in order to protect environments and

improve human health as the environmental problems

destroying the global ecosystem and threatening human

health are getting more serious day by day. Graduates may

continue their study at graduate schools of environment and

health, or work at health & medical institutes, environmental

management organizations, health & education research

centers and other businesses in the industries related to

health & environments, or become officials in charge of health

and environment matters.

Dept. of NursingThe Department of Nursing produces professional nurses with

strong fundamentals in both physical and mental aspects of

human health. Graduates work as nurse trainers, nursing

administrators, nursing service providers, professional nurses,

health educators and industrial health nurses in the fields of

medical science, academia or community health.

College of Educational SciencesEducation is regarded as a long-term policy, because fostering the next generation provides the foundationfor national and social development. We develop future leaders with ideal values and motivation through aworld-class educational environment.

Dept. of EducationDepartment of education focuses on the basic attitude of

devotion to share the knowledege with others, which is

considered fundamental especially for the students majoring

in edcation. The Department concentrates on cultivating

general knowledge about common education of youths,

women, adults and the elderly and on developing elementary

knowledge needed as a participator in educational matters.

On the basis of this knowledge, students may take charge of

planning, executing, analyzing and evaluating programs in the

organizations, facilities or institutes related to education of

youths, adults, women and the elderly and also may

implement in-depth researches in graduate schools.

Dept. of Early Childhood EducationThe Department of Early Childhood Education aims to nurture

experts in early childhood education and childcare, and

personnel for social education programs for children as well

as producing teachers for child education and childcare

facilities. Therefore, students learn the fundamentals of

psychology to understand infant and childhood development,

the philosophical basics of education and child-rearing, and

social basics to incorporate the values of traditional culture

and the needs of today’s society. Through courses on child

health, social studies, physical movement, language and

science education, and infant & child program development

and evaluation in addition to courses on teaching, the

Department of Early Childhood Education develops students

into specialists who provide sound guidance to infants and

young children, our future leaders.

Dept. of Culture & Liberal ArtsIn the contemporary society where diverse cultures of the

world coexist, the Department of Culture & Liberal Arts

produces graduates with critical viewpoints and a logical way

of thinking through a balanced and comprehensive

understanding of foreign and Korean culture. Students

approach topics of interest, casually as well as in-depth, which

promote imagination and creativity in broad areas of the

humanities, society, nature, culture & the arts, and cultural

content development. Graduates have a wide range of career

opportunities as they can work in the fields of script writing,

broadcast production, cultural criticism, performance art

planning, publishing and education, or continue studies in

graduate schools of literature, history, philosophy or art.

Education means teaching and nurturing.We practice the education in the true sense of the world.“ ”


Korea National Open University

■■ Graduate School of KNOUAs Korea’s first national graduate school by distance

education, the Graduate School of KNOU has been

producing master’s degree holders since 2001. Providing a

100-percent online education, the graduate school offers a

quality professional education to those who cannot obtain a

graduate school education due to constraints of time and


■■ Admissions- GPA of undergraduate program and interview

■■ Lectures- Education method: distance education (Internet)

- 15 weeks per semester, 3 hours per week

■■ Scholarships and Benefits- Scholarships granted to about 20% of enrolled students

- Deferment of mandatory military service

- When government officials in the field of education

graduate from an education-related department, they will

earn extra research points in line with promotion policies

for government officials.

■■ Departments- Dept. of Practical English

- Dept. of Public Administration

- Dept. of Management

- Dept. of Home Economics

- Dept. of Computer Science

- Dept. of Nursing

- Dept. of Lifelong Education

- Dept. of Early Childhood Education

- Dept. of e-Learning


Lifelong developing opinionleaders with lofty idealsSociety has an immense need for professionals with leadership and expertise.The Graduate School of KNOU produces individuals who will spearhead social change based on time-honored academic theories and practical competence.

Graduate School Korea National Open University


Korea National Open University 2829

Korea National Open University

Offering learning opportunities for all,we serve as a foundation for openeducation““I cannot study because I lack the time. ””This is not an excuse allowed at KNOU.You can selectively study the area of knowledge you desire in an educational environmenttailored to your needs.

■■ What is Part-time EnrollmentThe part-time enrollment program is to give learning

opportunities to the adult learners who registered on part-

time enrollment program in addition to regular students of

colleges (universities). When you register for classes and

earn certain records, you can receive a bachelor’s degree

through the Credit Bank System. Tuitions lower than other

universities and lectures delivered through flexible distance

education media provide an opportunity for a university

education for homemakers or those with jobs who want a

university education but cannot enroll in classes for

circumstantial reasons.

■■ Eligibility and application procedureGraudates and graduates-to-be from high schools or those

who have passed the qualification examination for college

entrance are qualified for this program and college students,

graduate students, and graduates have the same


■■ Course registrationYou can register for up to three courses (9 credits), including

one course from the department you are enrolled in.

■■ Educational method and evaluationOnce you register for courses under the part-time

enrollment program, you will be evaluated according to the

same criteria as other students at KNOU.

Depending on the course, each class will be offered in the

form of lectures through educational media (TV, audio,

multimedia or web) and classroom lectures at regional


You are evaluated based on classroom-lecture exams, mid-

term exams (open-ended questions), assignments

(reports), classroom lecture-substitute exams (multiple

choice questions) and a final exam (multiple choice


■■ Receiving a degreeIf you take 140 or more credits under the Credit Bank

System including 84 or more credits in the part-time

enrollment program, you will receive the BA degree from



Korea National Open University

Part-time Enrollment Program Korea National Open University

What is the Center for Lifelong Education?Targeting on the goal of lifelong education---maintaining and

improving the quality of life to share with others---the Center

for Lifelong Education provides the lifelong learning required

in modern society through a variety of programs.

Educational Method and OperationEducational effect has been maximized through the state-of-

the-art distance education by TV lectures, a VOD system,

workshops, and combined education methods. The

professional tutoring system and KNOU’s faculty guidance

system improve the quality of self-directed learning.

Available Programs-Training program for Korean language instructors

-Training program for forest commentary

- License preparation program for the real estate agents

- License preparation program for organic farming


- License preparation program for health education teachers

- License preparation program for reading instructors

- Licence preparation progrom for shopmaster

- License preparation program for housing management


Setting milestones for a brightfuture along the never-ending roadof learningToday, we live in an era of lifelong education where learning is a part of daily life. Center for Lifelong Education is here to help you plan a prosperous life by enhancing your intellectualcuriosity and assisting you in achieving your dreams.

Center for Lifelong Education Korea National Open University


Korea National Open University

An enhanced quality of educationupgrades the knowledge of Korea

Center for In-Service Education develops the expertise and ability of teachers to enhance the overall quality of education and present best

educational practices amid an ever-changing environment. The program offers a wide range of courses addressing a variety of new teaching

methods, with a focus on teachers working in the field.

By providing teachers responsible for the future of education in Korea with more convenient education and training, we are helping them to achieve self-realization.


Korea National Open University

- Introductory course on alternative education

With growing interest in alternative education,

many people want to practice alternative

education within the framework of a public

education system. This course introduces the

philosophy of alternative education and its

practice. When a working teacher completes

the course, he/she will earn four training


- Understanding and education of exceptional


The focus is on learning specific methods for

disabled students and facilitating an integrated

education based on an understanding of the

physical and psychological features of disabled

students. When a working teacher completes

the course, he/she will earn four training


- Basic course on counseling

This course develops a teacher’s abilities to

help children and youths adapt to school life.

Trainees will develop skills for guiding learning-

disabled children, and for providing guidance

on student’s life, and career course selection.

Lectures cover theories included in the

licensing exam for Youth Counselor Level 3.

Training Program for Teachers

When you have a passion for learning,KNOU will always be with you

Aspiring to realize the philosophy of lifelong education and contribute to the development of nation and society, the Bachelor ’’s Degree

Examination Program for Self-Education is providing the self-taught with opportunities to obtain a bachelor ’’s degree. Those who pass a four-

step series of exams will receive the same degree as conferred by a regular university.

Center for Bachelor’s Degree Examination Program for Self-Education has been administering the Bachelor’s Degree Examination since 1998 in

accordance with the law. The center runs a counseling office of self-education information, provides guidance on obtaining a degree, and distributes

free study guide CD-ROMs, program guides, and newsletters on obtaining degrees.

※※Available majors : Korean Language & Literature, English Language & Literature, Management, Law, Public Administration,

Early Childhood Education, Home Economics, Computer Science, Nursing

As long as you have a passion for learning, you are never alone.KNOU stands by you and supports your passion for knowledge.

1. Those holding academic registration in discontinued majors (Chinese Language & Literature, Mathematics and Agricultural Sciences) can take Exam Steps 1~4.

2. For the Early Childhood Education major, only those who have completed at least two years or earned 70 or more credits from a Department of Early Childhood

Education at a four-year university or a junior college can take the Exam Step 3 and higher.

3. For the Nursing field, those who have graduated from a Department of Nursing at a three-year junior college or who have completed at least three years or earned

105 or more credits from a Department of Nursing at a four-year university can take the Exam Step 4.

Center for In-Service Education Korea National Open University Center for Bachelor ’’s Degree Examination Program for Self-Education Korea National Open University

New intelligence is blossoming where true knowledge is shared

We are suggesting a new vision of education.A state-of-the-art education with no limits of time and place -

KNOU is drawing a new paradigm in the canvas of education.

TV lectures

Face-to-Face class

Audio lectures

(radio, CDs, MP3s)Classroom



Web Based Instruction(WBI)


Mid-term evaluation

Final evaluation

■■ Diversity of educational evaluation

Educational methods


Mid-term evaluation

- Mid-term exam

- Assignments

- Classroom-lecture exam

- Classroom-lecture substitute exam

Final evaluation



For obtaining knowledge from A to Z,we have the answers for you

■■ Description of educational media- Textbooks and Workbooks : Textbooks written by the faculties of

KNOU and other leading universities in Korea contain in-depth and

professional information and help easy learning. In addition to

textbooks, there are workbooks to enhance study efficiency of

students'. The workbooks consist of summary of the lecture,

supplementary learning materials and exercises.

- TV Lectures : All the TV lectures are provided by KNOU TV(OUN).

KNOU TV is a public channel specialized in education that is serviced

on cable and satellite TV networks. In addition to regular degree

programs, KNOU TV also televises various educational programs

such as re-education programs for progessionals, and language and

license programs.

- Audio Lectures (radio, CDs, and MP3s) : The subjects centered on

voice explanations such as foreign language conversations are

provided by audio lectures. You can listen to the radio lectures on EBS

FM and also listen to the all the audio lecutres on the Internet

homepage of KNOU.

- Multimedia Lectures : Multimedia lecture is a form of lecturing

developed to maximize the learning efficiency by providing video

lectures, texts and diverse visual materials altogether.

- Web Based Instruction (WBI) : The web based instruction (WBI),

where interactive teaching-learning activities such as team projects

and online debates are practicing using diverse multimedia materials

including videos, voices, and animations, has overcome the limitation

of distance education media and encourages active participation of


- LOD System : The Learning-on-Demand (LOD) system enables the

review of TV lectures, audio lectures, multimedia lectures and web

based instruction(WBI) via the Internet at any convenient time or place.

- Classroom Lectures : To overcome the limitations of distance education

and stimulate interaction between students and professors and among

students themselves, students are required to take classroom lectures at

regional campuses for three courses per semester.

- Video Conferencing Lectures : Lectures given on a video

conferencing system overcome the physical distance between

professors and students and provide the same study environment as

actual classroom lectures. In addition to lectures, other various events

are performed through this system.

Educational Media Korea National Open University

Multimedia for Study


Korea National Open University

■■ Educational methodsCourses based on textbooks are given through the diverse media and

classroom lectures.

Classroom lecturesVideo conferencing lectures


TV lecturesAudio lectures

(radio, CDs, MP3s)Multimedia lectures

Web Based Instruction(WBI)


One who takes challenge and has a dream,you get an A+ everyday

■■ Examination and evaluation methodsTo improve students’learning and perform appropriate evaluations,

KNOU administers a number of examinations. Each semester,

students are evaluated based on a classroom-lecture exam,

classroom-lecture substitute exam, mid-term exam, assignments

and a final exam. Examinations are also given during summer and

winter, which are offered as non-regular semester.

◆◆ Regular semester

- Mid-term evaluation (30%) : classroom-lecture exam, classroom -

lecture substitute exam, mid-term exam, assignments

- Final evaluation (70%) : final exam

- Experiment & apprenticeship evaluation (100%) : experiment and

apprenticeship report

◆◆ Summer / Winter classes : summer / winter exam (100%)

◆◆ Evaluation types and methods

- Courses for classroom lectures

·Classroom-lecture exam : evaluation following classroom


·Classroom-lecture substitute exam : applicants are evaluated

based on an exam instead of attending classroom lectures

- Mid-term exam : discussion questions

- Assignments : assignments to be submitted on the day of a mid-

term exam

- Final exam : multiple-choice questions on all courses at the end of

a semester

- Experiment and apprenticeship evaluation : reports on an

experiment and apprenticeship for relevant courses during a


- Summer / Winter exam : multiple-choice questions at the end of


■■ What is tutoring?In distance education which students need to develop their self-directed

learning plans, they often request assistance for developing their

academic calendar, study methods, examinations, assignments and

thesis writing. A tutor is a special assistant to help those students who

experience difficulties with distance education.

Tutors are divided into two types : Region tutors and Department tutors.

■■ Region tutorsSelected from the 12 regional campuses (with the exception of Seoul),

Region tutors meet directly with students to provide guidance and

counseling, mainly in courses on the liberal arts.

- Provide guidance and answer questions about courses

- Provide guidance and counseling on study methods in distance


- Provide guidance on how to prepare assignments and write a thesis

- Provide guidance on how to study for examinations

- Provide guidance and counseling on using various media for

distance education

■■ Department tutorsDepartment tutors are selected for each department and provide

guidance on adapting to school life and one's major by blended and

cyber tutoring

◆◆Blended tutoring : Provide guidance and counseling on studymethods, answer questions via online(at tutoring web site) andoffline(at regional campuses).- Provide information on the academic calendar and counselstudents to prevent dropouts

◆◆Cyber tutoring : Provide guidance for courses in which studentsearn credits through internet lectures- Provide counseling and answer questions about lectures- Check student status each week and send e-mails encouragingstudy participation

- Provide various study materials by running a reference center eachcourse

■■ What is Mentoring?Mentoring is a student supporting program where mentors, i. e., theseniors who began studying in KNOU earlier, provide information aboutthe university and help the freshmen and transferred students throughonline and offline, on the basis of their learning experiences so far.

◆◆ Roles of mentor- Sharing learning methods and skills- Giving information on major school matters and the use of studentsupporting services

- Helping basic understanding of the curriculum of each department

Instead of merely teaching and learning,we create a great community together


Korea National Open University

Educational Evaluation Methods Korea National Open University Tutoring and Mentoring Korea National Open University


Korea National Open University

KNOU opens the future of higher education in Koreawith our high-quality contents

Digital Media Center

The Digital Media Center, created by the merging of Educational Media Development Center and e-Learning Center,provides high-level courses and improves learning services by development and operation of media and e-learningcontents.

Digital Media Center


Korea National Open University

Major works

■ Development of educational media - Planning and producing of TV, audio(radio, CDs, MP3s), multimedia and web lectures

■ Operation of KNOU TV(OUN)- Broadcasting lectures on cable TV and digital satellite TV

■ Operation of Learning-On-Demand (LOD) systems- Portal service of media lectures to enhance learning conveniences for students

■ Research & development of e-learning and international exchanges - Development of ACTS (Advanced Contents Template System) and CDMS (ContentsDevelopment & Management System)

- International exchange through e-learning (http://elic.knou.ac.kr) ■ Development & support of teaching - Systematic supports for reinforcement of teaching capacities for professors such asholding workshops, providing help desks and guidebooks etc.


Korea National Open University

❶ Digital Media Center ❷ LOD service


❸ e-learning ❹ eLIC

❺ ACTSMajor facilities

■ 2 TV studios■ 4 web studios ■ NLE / general editing room■ Video conferencing room ■ Media data room

An open education transcending timeand space opens the door to a wholenew world■■Hub for research on distance education in Korea

Korea’s only research institute

specializing in distance

education, the Institute of

Distance Education was

established to improve the

level of higher education

through distance education.

◆◆ Division of Distance Education Research & Development

- Research on the philosophy and systems of lifelong

education and distance education

- Research on reform and innovation of distance education

for university

- Research on policies for university development

- Publishing of KNOU journals and Lifelong Learning Society

◆◆ Division of Educational Technology Research

- Research on the features of distance education media and

their effective utilization

- Research on teaching and learning methods

- Research on support for teaching and learning

- Research on teaching planning development and evaluation

◆◆ Division of Educational Evaluation & Counseling

- Research on curriculum and evaluation

- Research on improving learning methods and learning


- Research on adult learners

- Psychological counseling and examination for students

- Help center for victims of sexual harassment and sexual



Korea National Open University

At any time and place you choose, we will be your partner for knowledge

Institute of Distance Education Korea National Open University KNOU Press Korea National Open University

■■ KNOU PressKNOU Press makes

great efforts to

promote effective

learning for 200,000

KNOU students in a

distance education

environment and publishes more than 600 kinds of university

textbooks written by the faculty of Korea’s leading universities

and renowned scholars. KNOU press also publishes

professional academic books to support academic research,

and books for lifelong education courses. In addition, plans are

under way to actively develop learning materials using new

media, such as e-books.

■■ Wings of Knowledge-EpistemeKNOU Press introduced the "Wings of Knowledge" brand in

2004 for tradebooks, and the "Episteme" brand in 2006 for

university textbooks and academic books. In the process, it is

fulfilling its mission to deliver knowledge to the students as

well as the general public. Aiming to provide a range of

practical information and knowledge essential for

sophisticated living in today's information-oriented society,

KNOU Press is making sustained efforts to publish high-

quality books in a broad range of fields, including the liberal

arts, social sciences and natural sciences.

KNOU Press, the largest and most active university press in Korea, is making a significant contribution to theresearch, development and delivery of knowledge both within and without the university.

Through the pleasure of learning,you will discover a new meaning in your life

As you exert efforts and make progress, you will gain knowledge that enriches your life.While devoting yourself to your studies and pursuing your dream, your future will gradually expand.

You will discover a new meaning in your life through your learning at KNOU.


● Student activities

● Student services

● Student support facilities

■■ Together with others sharing same interests and prospects---Study GroupsAge, gender and previous career do not matter. As long as you harbor a passion for learning, you are united as one at KNOU.

Through voluntary study groups, students share study materials and learn more effectively.

Overview of study groups nationwide (1,001 in total)

The KNOU campus, it’s where therichest experiences of your life will take place

Students’passions are united. You feel strong vitality in campus life. Campus Life


Korea National Open University

Student Activities Korea National Open University

Seoul 1


615 17 16







10 149

Seoul 2 Busan Daegu /Gyeongbuk

Incheon Gwangju /Jeonnam

Daejeon /Chungnam

Ulsan Gyeonggi Gangwon Chungbuk Jeonbuk Gyeongnam Jeju

Dept. ofKorean

Language &Literature


Dept. ofEnglish

Language &Literature


Dept. ofChinese

Language &Literature


Dept. ofFrench

Language &Literature


Dept. ofJapaneseStudies


Dept. of Law


Dept. of Public



Dept. ofEconomics


Dept. ofManagement


Dept. ofInternational



Dept. of Media Arts &



Dept. ofTourism


Dept. ofAgriculturalSciences


Dept. ofHome



Dept. ofComputerScience


Dept. ofInformationStatistics


Dept. ofEnvironmental



Dept. ofNursing


Dept. ofEducation


Dept. of EarlyChildhoodEducation


Dept. ofCulture &

Liberal Arts


■■ Bustling with energy! - Club activitiesStudents can experience much more than just studying at KNOU. About 250 clubs fulfilling unique interests are organized across

14 regional campuses nationwide. These clubs will further enrich the lives of students at KNOU. Students will enjoy a satisfactory

life by participating in their favorite club activities, ranging from movie production to volunteer work.

Overview of clubs nationwide (248 in total)

We want to support studentsand to share the hopes of education

‘Edu-Technology’which seeks harmony between learning and technology


Korea National Open University

■■ Student Service CenterMeeting the needs of students by

providing high quality services, the Student

Service Center offers one-stop service to

students in various administrative affairs

across divisions. The center assists students

in leading a more convenient school life

through the development of a systematic and deliberate one-stop service for

school life and study activities.

- Academic affairs & registration services : Information and certificates

provided whenever necessary through a linkage to databases.

·Administering registration

·Issuing certificates and operating automatic issuance machines

·Managing temporary absence and voluntary withdrawal from college

·Correcting entries in school registry

·Managing graduation

·Issuance of recommendations

- Linkage services : Frequently visited web sites are linked for convenient


·Search for admission-related affairs

·Search for essential academic calendar

·Search for employment-related sites

·Search for various advisory sites

·Issuance of certificates via the Internet

- Student life services : Guidance for school life

·Information on admissions for freshmen and transfer students

·Information on re-enrollment

·Issuance of student IDs

·Information on employment and part-time jobs

·Re-issuance of tuition bills

·Counseling and information on academic affairs

·Information on various exams and exam sites

Hours of operation

Weekdays : 09:00 ~ 20:00 Saturdays : 09:00 ~ 13:00

■■ Learning Support Services for Disabled StudentsUnlike traditional universities, KNOU does

not require that students come to school

every day, thus providing a convenient

learning system for disabled persons. With

basic advices from members of the Disabled

Student Steering Committee, the Office of

Student Affairs and regional campuses assist disabled students in studying

and enjoying school life by providing support such as extended hours for

exams, special assistants, and scholarships. For visually impaired students,

electronic educational materials are available.

■■ LibrariesTo support education, research and learning

programs, KNOU operates the Central

Library and a network of libraries at 14

regional campuses and 35 study centers.

The library system contains an array of

academic and scientific resources, which

includes about 800,000 books, 25,000 e-books, and academic databases

from Korea and abroad. Reading rooms can accommodate more than 4,000


The academic information system ONNULI is operated to create an

environment where users can quickly and conveniently search resources

available in the library and provide a variety of information required in the

information age, such as original text information, overseas academic

database, customized information service and multi-media learning material

services. In addition, the academic information search room is open to enable

search on academic information and use of digital broadcasting lecture


Hours of operation

- Archive and academic journal room : Weekdays 09:00 ~ 18:00

Saturdays/holidays : closed

- Information and resource room : Weekdays 09:00 ~ 20:00

Saturdays/holidays : 09:00~17:00

- Academic information search room : 09:00 ~ 22:00

- General reading room : 07:00 ~ 22:00

※ Closed: New Year’s Day, Lunar New Year holiday, KNOU founding

day (Mar. 9), Buddha’s birthday, Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving),


■■ The KNOU Weekly NewspaperFor active engagement in university life, a

university newspaper is critical. The KNOU

Weekly boasts the largest circulation of a

weekly publication among all Korean

universities, totaling about 200,000 copies per

week. It delivers the latest school news,

articles on culture and education, and information needed for studying such

as registration, lectures, exams and student body activities. It also focuses on

creating a university culture that fosters sound opinions and provides a critical

eye on society.

The KNOU Weekly Newspaper

- Is mailed to students every week

- Provides an array of information on studying and academic affairs

- Publishes and mails special lectures

- Provides information on programs and events managed by KNOU

■■ Information & Computer CenterThe Information & Computer Center is in

charge of planning and executing KNOU’s

comprehensive plan on information technolo-

gy. The center processes academic and

administrative information for about 2.18

million students including graduates and

those on temporary leave and operates the school’s information &

telecommunications network. Especially, the center provides state-of-the-art

distance educational environments through the customized service of

academic information and community service to students. Through its

successful operation, the Information & Computer Center raises KNOU’s


Student Services Korea National Open University Student Support Facilities Korea National Open University






02003 2004 2005 2006 2007







※( ) means the number of graduates of the school year

1981~2003 2004 2005 2006 (school year)






196,402 183,475 186,645179,998 181,622

The power of 600,000 students and alumni!Thanks to them, KNOU is a vibrant university


Korea National Open University

Artists 1,493(0.8%)

Student Enrollment by Year

Graduates by Year (cumulative)

Key Statistics of KNOU Korea National Open University

Farmers and fishermen 607(0.3%)Doctors and pharmacists 261(0.1%)Nurses 6,238(3.4%)

Medical administrators 1,715(0.9%)Teachers and education professionals 15,619(8.6%)

Politicians 99(0.1%)Clergymen 700(0.4%)

Businessmen 8,729(4.8%)

Full-time students 4,278(2.4%)

Legal professionals 361(0.2%)Journalists 940(0.5%)

Government employees 12,382(6.8%)

Public corporationemployees 1,590(0.9%)

Daejeon / Chungnam 9,770(5.4%)

Ulsan 4,152(2.3%)

Gyeonggi 20,382(11.2%)

Gangwon 5,115(2.8%)

Chungbuk 4,503(2.5%)Jeonbuk 4,655(2.6%)

Gyeongnam 5,73(3.0%) Jeju 2,584(1.4%)

Educational administrators 1,634(0.9%)

Seoul 144,054(24.3%)

Seoul 235.447(19.5%)

Busan 11,205(6.2%)

Daegu / Gyeongbuk 11,240(6.2%)

Incheon 15,771(8.7%)

Gwangju / Jeonnam 7,171(3.9%)

under 20 684(0.4%)

21~25 14,384(7.9%)

46~50 14,113(7.8%)

51~55 7,055(3.8%)

56~60 2,298(1.3%)

61~65 878(0.5%)

over 60 386(0.2%)

Professional soldiers 1,193(0.7%)

Statistics on Students (as of April 2007)






By gender181,622


By age181,622

By occupation181,622

By region181,622




KNOU’s cutting-edge education opens up a new future for Korea


Korea National Open University

March ~ MayEntrance ceremony, orientation, 1st semester mid-term

exam, 1st semester classroom-lecture substitute exam,

registration for summer classes, graduate school exam

(spring semester)

June ~ August1st semester final exam, exam for summer classes,

submission of graduation thesis, registration for the 2nd

semester, registration for fall semester of graduate


September ~ November2nd semester mid-term exam, 2nd semester classroom-

lecture substitute exam, registration for winter classes,

graduate school exam (fall semester), submission of

application forms for graduate school

December ~ February2nd semester final exam, exam for winter classes,

submission of application forms for freshmen and

transfer students, registration for the 1st semester,

registration for the spring semester of graduate school,

graduation ceremony

““KKNOU ranked 3rd in police superintendent (or above level) enrollment ·graduation”

- Hankook Newspaper

““KNOU ranked 1st with 36 graduates in Overseas Employment”

- Chosun Newspaper

““KNOU ranked Num. 7 in high government officials ofenrollment ·graduation”

- Munhwa Newspaper

A learner-focused education system isthe pride and joy of KNOU








올 7월도입된고위공무원단(1~3급고위공직자)소속공무원 1,303명의출신대학을분석한결과서울대 출신이 전체 대졸자의 25.1%(317명)로가장많았고, 다음으로고려대연세대순인것으로나타났다. 출신고교는경기고가전체고졸자의5.3%(69명)로 1위 고, 경북고광주일고서울고등이뒤를이었다. 이는국회행정자치위소속한나라당안경률의원이 13일 중앙인사위원회로부터 제출 받은 고위공무원단 소속 공무원의 신상 자료를 분석한결과다. 이 자료에 따르면 대학을 졸업한 고위공직자1,265명가운데서울대출신은 317명이었고고려대 106명, 연세대 94명, 성균관대 92명, 육군사관학교 79명 등이었다. 한양대(71명) 방송통신대(63명) 경북대(38명) 부산대(36명) 남대(35명)한국외국어대(29명) 전남대(25명) 등도 많은 고위공직자를배출했다. 고교를졸업한 1,302명가운데경기고출신은 69명이었고, 경북고와광주일고는각각 48명, 44명이었다. 서울고(35명) 대전고(34명) 경복고(33명) 전주고(30명) 등도30명이상을배출했다. 서울대와경기고출신은주로경제관련부처와기관에많이포진하고있는것으로밝혀졌다. 과

거사정리위(100%) 금융감독위(57.1%), 공정거래위(56.3%) 산림청(52.9%) 기획예산처(51.6%)친일행위진상규명위(50%) 재경부(45.2%) 등에서서울대출신비중이상대적으로높았다. 청와대비서실의서울대출신은32.8% 다. 또공정거래위(31.3%) 재경부(31%) 기획예산처(25.8%) 민주평통(20%) 등은 경기고 출신 비율이높았다. 고위공무원단의 평균 연령은 50.3세로 50대(65.3%) 40대(33.9%)가 대부분이었다. 고위공무원단의평균재직기간은 22.3년으로 20~30년근무한 공직자가 70.1%에달했다. 이들 가운데 박사(24.9%) 및 석사학위(54.1%) 취득자는 79%고, 전공별로는행정학(19.1%) 정치학(16.3%)이많았다. 행정부 3급 이상 고위공직자 가운데 검사, 군인, 국정원 직원등특정직과상당수 외무공무원 등은 현재 고위공무원단에 편입되지 않았다. 안경률의원은 "매년고위공무원단소속공무원의출신지역, 학교등을면 히분석해편중인사가 없도록 점검해야 한다"며 "따라서 중앙인사위가공직자들의출신지역도분석해야한다"고말했다.

News on the University Evaluation


갖가지까다로운조건을제시하면서도정작 문호(門戶)는 확 줄어든 국내 기업 대신해외일자리를찾는청년들이1년만에세배나늘었다. 일본·중국·미국등‘빅3’국가에서뚜렷한신장세를보이는데다해외취업자상당수가국내기업이외면하는비(非)명문대, 지방대출신들이어서눈길을모은다. 18일한국산업인력공단에따르면, 해외취업 알선 사업이 본격화된2004년(571명)에 비해 지난해 해외취업자

수가 1621명으로 큰 폭으로 증가했다. 해외취업자는일본이2004년186명에서작년561명, 중국은 151명에서 537명, 미국은 60명에서 4배 가까이 늘어난 231명에 달했다. 국가별로는일본이 IT직종, 중국은업 및 생산관리, 미국은 간호사가 우대받는 것으로 분석됐다. 이 외에도 아랍에미리트(89명), 리비아(20명) 등 중동·아프리카지역의진출도활발해졌다.더 흥미로운 것은 출신 대학별로 해외취

업자를분류한결과상위랭킹10위가모두비명문대 또는 지방 소재 대학인 것으로나타나이들이해외진출에더적극적임을방증하고있다. 해외취업자숫자별랭킹은방송통신대가

36명으로 1위에 올랐고 경희대 수원분교(24명), 한국외대 용인분교(22명), 전남대(20명), 명지대용인분교(18명), 전북대(17명), 인하대·용인대(각 16명), 수원대, 한밭대(각15명) 등의순이다.

방송대충북지역대학새캠퍼스건립“개신동에사이버강의실·유아방등갖춰” 특허청박사‘방송대’서

향학열불태워특허청박사출신심사관300여명중10%가넘는 39명이방통대법학과에서향학열을불태워귀감이되고있다.이들대부분은이공계출신으로 특허 심사를 위해 관련 법 공부가필수라며, 업무 외 시간을 책과 씨름하며 보내고있다고한다.심사·심판, 출원·등록등특허행정절차에서부터새로운지식재산정책설계까지 책임지는 이들은 서비스 품질과 조직 문화를 바꾸는 특허청의 일등공신들이라는주위의평가를받고있다고한다. 한국방송통신대- 중앙ICS, ‘IT 교육서비스’계약체결


건강관리필수, ‘방송대’등통해전문지식쌓아라

3일 I LOVE 방송대마라톤

졸업생 40만 명을 배출한 한국방송통신대학교가 개교 35주년을 맞아 6월 3일(일) 서울상암동월드컵공원에서‘2007 I LOVE 방송대마라톤축제’를개최한다.5km, 10km 하프코스로진행되는방송대마라톤은이홍렬KBS 마라톤해설자가해설을맡고, 코스별로남녀구분해1~5위까지시상한다.

방통대 3일 마라톤축제 개최

온 국민의 평생대학인 한국방송통신대학


3일서울상암동월드컵공원에서‘2007 I

LOVE 방송대마라톤축제’를개최한다.

5km, 10km, 하프코스로 진행되는 이번

마라톤대회의 진행은 전국가대표 마라토



각각 시상할 예정이며, 특히 개교 35주년



2007. 6. 12007. 6. 1

폴란드 아담미츠키에비츠大와 MOU체결장시원 한국방송통신대 총장은 8일 폴란드 포즈난에서 아담미츠키에비츠대와 상호협력및교류를위한MOU를체결한다.

경향신문2007. 6. 7


즈난에서 아담 미츠키에비츠대와 대학 간의



2007. 6. 6

3일 I LOVE 방송대마라톤

졸업생 40만 명을 배출한 한국방송통신대학교가 개교 35주년을 맞아 6월 3일(일) 서울상암동월드컵공원에서‘2007 I LOVE 방송대마라톤축제’를개최한다.5km, 10km 하프코스로진행되는방송대마라톤은이홍렬KBS 마라톤해설자가해설을맡고, 코스별로남녀구분해1~5위까지시상한다.

방통대 3일 마라톤축제 개최

온 국민의 평생대학인 한국방송통신대학


3일서울상암동월드컵공원에서‘2007 I

LOVE 방송대마라톤축제’를개최한다.

5km, 10km, 하프코스로 진행되는 이번

마라톤대회의 진행은 전국가대표 마라토



각각 시상할 예정이며, 특히 개교 35주년



2007. 6. 12007. 6. 1


경향신문2007. 6. 7


즈난에서 아담 미츠키에비츠대와 대학 간의



2007. 6. 6

‘I LOVE KNOU’Marathon Festival

MOU signing betweenThe Adam Mickiewicz University and KNOU



중앙행정부처의 5급이상공무원가운데한국


이어이른바‘sky’로불리는서울대, 고려대, 연

세대 순이다. 지방대학인 전남대와 남대와

경북대등도상위권을들었다. 어려운생활등으로



공무원들이 고위직에 더 많이 포진하고 있는


““KNOU ranked Num. 1 with 3,728 students in 5ht class or above government officials enrollment ·graduation” - Seoul Newspaper

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