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K-12 Subcommittee Breakout Discussion President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics

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11 Fall 2014 Public Meeting

12 Wednesday, September 3, 2014

13 2:15 p.m.

14 The University of Texas at San Antonio

15 Downtown Campus

16 501 W. Cesar Chavez Boulevard

17 San Antonio, Texas 78207, at 2:15 p.m.




21 Reported by: Natalie Hunsucker, CSR

22 Hoffman Reporting & Video Service




K-12 Subcommittee Breakout Discussion President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics

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1 A-P-P-E-A-R-A-N-C-E-S

























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2 MS. GANDARA: All right. So what we have

3 done in this committee in the past and, unless I'm told

4 not to, I think is a good idea is to include all of you in

5 the discussion just as the committee members because you

6 have important ideas, thoughts, comments, and we don't get

7 another opportunity to really share. So it just makes it

8 doubly difficult when we have only 30 minutes, but I still

9 want to encourage you to comment.

10 I have to ask first, because we have an

11 agenda here that is at least good for 75 minutes or so,

12 what your preference would be in terms of which issues to

13 take up first. Under old business, we have the issue of

14 the immigrant student services and comments on that. We

15 have the discussion, which Marco and I had talked about at

16 some length actually having today, about how we should

17 proceed with the teacher recognition piece. I think we

18 have to touch on that for five minutes anyway because some

19 decisions have to be made.

20 We have the issue of whether this committee

21 wants to be engaged in developing one or more policy

22 documents having to do with teacher recruitment and

23 perhaps other issues. We have -- And under there, I have

24 particularly the disappearance of Title 7 funding, which

25 we once had and I believe should have again, and the issue

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1 of dissemination of the work because there's actually a

2 lot of stuff that is happening, going on, getting done,

3 being documented, being published. And I have great

4 concerns about how well we're disseminating all of that.

5 But under new business are also the issues

6 of unaccompanied child migrants, comments on a policy

7 consideration for dreamers who want to be prepare to

8 become teachers and whether the committee is still

9 interested in the two (inaudible) sides that it now has or

10 does it want to shift. And those two (inaudible) sides

11 being the immigrant student services and the teacher

12 recruitment. Or does the committee want to shift

13 priorities or add other priorities and I know there's some

14 comment here about that.

15 Alejandra is supposed to join us sometime

16 during these 30 minutes to talk about the 25th anniversary

17 and what we would like our role to be in that and what

18 kinds of initiates we would like to push. And, finally, I

19 wanted to put on the table perhaps a closer conversation

20 with AFT and CTA, who are representative of our committee

21 but have not had, I think, as high of a profile on this

22 committee as they deserve and could help us with

23 representing, I mean, given that we have this whole focus

24 on teacher recruitment.

25 So those are the issues. Do I hear anything

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1 from the committee about where you would want to start on

2 that list? We're not going to make it through all of

3 this.

4 MS. MELVIN: We might want to just break up,

5 I don't know, in terms of time, into the two subgroups

6 that we have and have our own subgroups.

7 MS. GANDARA: ISS and the teacher stuff?

8 MS. MELVIN: Yeah.

9 MR. DAVIS: So because it's a public meeting

10 and we have to transcribe it, that would be hard to do.

11 MS. MELVIN: No subgroup. No subgroups of

12 the subgroups.

13 MS. SPEAKER: (Inaudible.)

14 MR. DAVIS: That would be hard to --

15 MS. GANDARA: All right. While you consider

16 that, I think I'm going to push it over to Marco and I to

17 have a little bit of a conversation with you guys about

18 the -- the teacher recognition/recruitment and the three

19 basic options we have before us about how we would like to

20 pursue that.

21 Marco, you want to outline the -- the three?

22 MR. DAVIS: Yes. Perfect. So you all may

23 recall, but for the certain -- for our -- for our guests,

24 let me share that two years ago, in 2012, the subcommittee

25 undertook a teacher recognition program whereby it sought

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1 to recognize and elevate outstanding educators in the

2 Latino community. Ultimately, the program -- the teacher

3 recognition program was made a White House Champions of

4 Change program, which is a program that the White House

5 manages fairly regularly. It's available at

6 whitehouse.gov/champions. You can see where fairly

7 regularly, almost on a weekly basis, the White House

8 features outstanding, what they call, sort of everyday

9 heros, people who are not household names but who should

10 be, but who are not necessarily nationally recognized, who

11 are doing great work in various areas, whether it be

12 education, (inaudible), employment, law, et cetera,

13 et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So they have a standard

14 process and focus.

15 So that was one program that was done. And

16 so now the question before the subcommittee or -- or

17 for -- for the sake of time is to think about sort of how

18 to do this teacher recognition program, again, as there's

19 been a desire to -- to repeat it. But there are

20 essentially sort of three options to pursue it as I've

21 outlined it. But there's probably more than three, but

22 certainly three that have been discussed thus far.

23 So I want us to -- to repeat this Champions

24 of Change program. But what I would remind folks sort of

25 the way I -- to outline it, sort of the main features of

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1 that is to poll the Champions of Change event. What would

2 happen would be that the -- the commissioners would find

3 some way, through outreach, et cetera, to identify a slate

4 of teachers and to submit recommendations to the White

5 House for review. The White House would then review those

6 recommendations, review that slate of potential

7 candidates, would vet them, which is one of the standard

8 pieces that the White House does, which is sort of a

9 minimal background check to make sure that they're not

10 felons and so on partly because they're -- they're

11 recognized at the White House, so they have to attend the

12 ceremony, as well, and also apply any additional criteria

13 that the White House deems necessary in order to make

14 their selections. So that's a process that they manage

15 internally at the White House.

16 So, obviously, one of the advantages of

17 repeating the Champions of Change program is that the

18 program would then be held at the White House. Teachers

19 would be featured on the White House Champions of Change

20 website. There would be a media advisory issued by the

21 White House Communications Office, et cetera. Also, an

22 advantage would be leveraging the -- the White House

23 infrastructure. So holding an event at the White House

24 South Court Auditorium, those press releases and -- and

25 bios are drafted by the White House, et cetera. And, of

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1 course, the teacher could go to Washington and see that

2 it's the White House's part of the program.

3 Obviously, the challenges to repeating that

4 program, as experienced prior, was that there's a loss of

5 autonomy. So the White House has the final say on the

6 criteria and the final say on the final slate of the

7 teachers, on the final selections. What the commission

8 would be able to do is to make a recommendation of those

9 seven people, but the White House ultimately would make

10 that decision as they run that program.

11 There are also sometimes challenges in terms

12 of costs associated, most notably travel for the honored

13 teachers to the White House, as the White House does not

14 have a budget for any of the Champions of Change programs.

15 So the teachers who are selected to be honored have to

16 under -- underwrite their own costs. It also --

17 MS. GANDARA: Or somebody on the committee

18 has to come up with the money for it.

19 MR. DAVIS: Right. But, see, if someone on

20 the committee comes up with it, much like Option B, as

21 I'll talk about in a minute, then it's a process that the

22 commission has to take on anyway separate from the White

23 House and it's still subject to -- so only doing it for

24 the ones that are selected by the White House, et cetera.

25 MS. GANDARA: All right. So before you go

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1 on to the two, are -- are you finished with one?

2 MR. DAVIS: Yeah. The only other thing I

3 was going to say is, also, just bear in mind that

4 obviously, then, it also would be subject to the White

5 House timetable. For example, when this Champions of

6 Change ceremony could be held is subject to the White

7 House.

8 MS. GANDARA: And the obvious thing to

9 consider here, as we discussed in a private -- in a

10 previous meeting, was that it -- not only do we lose

11 autonomy, we lose continuity of a certain sense because it

12 doesn't have its own life. It just becomes something that

13 is part of Champions of Change. And in a change of

14 administrations --

15 MR. DAVIS: Right.

16 MS. GANDARA: -- we would not necessarily

17 have an ongoing program.

18 MR. DAVIS: Right.

19 MS. GARCIA: Do the -- Does the committee

20 get to know what the White House criteria is?

21 MR. DAVIS: Yes.

22 MS. GARCIA: That would be helpful. Because

23 I think before, we were selecting people that met our

24 criteria and then there were additional, obviously, things

25 that were going on that we -- if we had know it in

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1 advance, we would have maybe made other selections.

2 MR. DAVIS: Yes. Good point. Okay. So --

3 so that -- So that's option one just to think about.

4 Option two (inaudible), very simply, will be

5 for the commission to (inaudible). The process would be

6 that commissioners would develop a set of criteria, would

7 conduct outreach, recruiting candidates, oversee the

8 selection process and create the actual recognition

9 program event at the (inaudible) et cetera, et cetera, et

10 cetera. Obviously, one advantage is that there is then

11 the full commission autonomy. There's full commission

12 branding, visibility for the commission. For that, there

13 is that potential for continuity at the minimum through

14 this commission. And should this commission be recharged

15 in the future administration, it could continue that

16 program.

17 Some of the challenges are that there is no

18 existing infrastructure before that. Right? So the

19 criteria don't exist. Because even if you revisited last

20 year's, you would have to -- to take a look at that again.

21 All planning and implementation would have to be carried

22 out either by the commissions for (inaudible) resources

23 any funds to the underwriting costs of the program would

24 have to be raised by the commission, et cetera.

25 Obviously, the (inaudible) all the support that goes

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1 through its own processing department (inaudible) for any

2 gifts, solicitation and/or receipt to the Department of

3 Education and sort of putting out all sort of visibility

4 in media and outreach, et cetera. That's two.

5 Three is a -- a new possibility based on a

6 conversation we had about a month ago with an organization

7 called Hispanic Heritage Foundation. And for those who

8 are not familiar, I will very briefly just mention it.

9 The Hispanic Heritage Foundation was established by the

10 White House in 1987 but is now an independent 503(C)

11 nonprofit organization. But it was originally established

12 to commemorate the creation of the Hispanic Heritage month

13 in America.

14 It was known best for its prestigious

15 Hispanic Heritage Awards, which they still hold each year,

16 and are considered among the highest honors for Hispanics

17 in the U.S., often recognizing Latino leaders who have

18 made positive contributions in the U.S., in Latin-America

19 and globally in various categories. It honors physicians,

20 scientists, educators, public officials, celebrities,

21 athletes, et cetera. There's an annual event attended by

22 many people in Washington, D.C. Certainly the Warner

23 Theater has been attended by many sort of dignitaries.

24 The Hispanic Heritage Foundation also,

25 several years back, 16 years ago, added a youth awards

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1 program where high school students have been selected for

2 their achievements in the classroom, in the community and

3 in focus of ten priority tracks, one of which is

4 education. After a high profile search featuring outreach

5 to 4,000 schools, young people are selected in regions

6 through a -- a local committee that will pass on the word

7 to local educators, staff and board members for the

8 Hispanic Heritage Foundation. And then there's three

9 regional winners and then there's five national winners

10 for young people.

11 The reason why I bring it up the youth

12 awards is that the youth winners -- each of these three

13 regional youth winners is asked to nominate the teacher

14 who has made a significant impact on them, on their

15 success per the innovative teacher recognition program.

16 So in each of the eleven markets, one teacher is selected.

17 Basically, the young people identify the teacher. They're

18 asked to get contact info and a bio and so on. But they

19 also are asked to write an assay on behalf -- or from

20 their perspective on the teacher, which includes things

21 like their vision, their empathy, their mentoring, their

22 guidance, their innovative ideas and untraditional efforts

23 to reach the students, cultural connectivity, engaging

24 with parents, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

25 The Hispanic Heritage Foundation, again,

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1 uses a local selection committee to review those

2 applications and staff that have been very (inaudible) to

3 (inaudible) at the moment, make the selection of those

4 individual teachers as soon as they know the winners so

5 that they can select from each market. From those eleven,

6 one is selected as the national winner who would attend

7 the national Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards program. All

8 of these are usually broadcast on television as well as

9 other things.

10 So what the Hispanic Heritage Foundation has

11 expressed interest in is in collaborating with the

12 initiative or the commission in looking at combining --

13 combining or involving the commission in some way in that

14 innovative teacher program. So the idea is that what

15 would happen here. And, obviously, there's still many

16 more conversations that need to be held, what we're

17 exploring through a few other activities, as well, in

18 creating a formal partnership with the Hispanic Heritage

19 Foundation and having an actual (inaudible) agreement

20 signed off on by the Department of Education and the

21 Hispanic Heritage Foundation for a number of activities,

22 one which would include this. It doesn't have to be

23 this -- this (inaudible).

24 Advantages would be leveraging the external

25 organization and infrastructure and their process for

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1 identifying and selecting teachers. There's obviously

2 eleven regional markets throughout the country, so there's

3 a potential to build into that. There's also an

4 opportunity there in that some if -- some if not all the

5 of costs could be borne by the Hispanic Heritage

6 Foundation. So basically as part of this (inaudible),

7 they're then able to fundraise, to get sponsors and so on

8 independent of us not to have the need to go through the

9 Department of Education's review process for fundraising

10 so long as they make their -- their fundraising their

11 portion of the event, which would include things like

12 travel. At the moment, the Innovative Teacher (inaudible)

13 all their expenses are paid for travel, so (inaudible).

14 Obviously, the challenge is there. There is

15 also a different type of loss of autonomy and that's

16 partnering with a partner and having to negotiate some of

17 those pieces, obviously, the same piece of visibility,

18 making sure that the two entities are well represented and

19 visible and so on and so forth (inaudible) White House

20 program as compared to the Championship program

21 (inaudible). So those are sort of just the three options

22 to put on the table to consider as -- as the commission

23 thinks about what direction you want to go.

24 MS. GANDARA: It's not clear to me how the

25 commission doesn't disappear into the Hispanic Heritage.

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1 And wouldn't there ultimately be only one teacher?

2 MR. DAVIS: So yeah. So we weren't able to

3 go sort of more in depth in terms of that. And I didn't

4 want, also, to go to too, too much into detail with them.

5 What I can say is that I think that the Hispanic Heritage

6 Foundation is fairly flexible, fairly adaptable in

7 (inaudible) the program.

8 So I think things like the question of

9 expanding it to be more than one national winner, figuring

10 out how to co-brand, so, for example, it could be the --

11 for -- for brevity's sake, the Commission/Hispanic

12 Heritage Foundation outstanding teacher award. I mean, I

13 think they could -- they would even consider renaming it

14 that way. There would be the ability to do all the media

15 (inaudible) with the commission's partner (inaudible)

16 Hispanic Heritage Foundation. And the commission is

17 honoring these folks.

18 There could be (inaudible) for the

19 commission to invite them to Washington, D.C., or

20 something to figure out ways to recognize, honor and

21 support them, raise their visibility and raise the

22 (inaudible) to their participation in the program. We

23 could have commissioners. Well, they did, in fact,

24 suggest, for example, the (inaudible) was we could work to

25 have a commissioner and/or staff person represented in

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1 each of the regional markets being the ones presenting the

2 award to the teacher, so (inaudible) the actual ceremony

3 where the youth awards happen and the teacher is

4 recognized (inaudible) be incorporated into the program

5 and visible recognizable (inaudible).

6 There's -- There is some flexibility.

7 There's not a lot of definitive. But it's something that,

8 again, if you wanted to pursue that avenue (inaudible)

9 right now, you could have further conversation about how

10 that would work to see if it would meet your requirements.

11 MS. GANDARA: Just before I ask Lily to

12 comment, do you know what their cycle is like right now?

13 MS. GARCIA: (Inaudible.)

14 MS. GANDARA: Oh, thank you. Great minds,

15 huh? Okay.

16 MR. DAVIS: Okay. So their current --

17 MS. GANDARA: So that means it wouldn't be

18 until the following September at the earliest?

19 MR. DAVIS: So -- Not exactly. So the

20 application, I think, deadline is September 30th, right?


22 MR. DAVIS: Yeah. So the application for

23 the youth award is September 30th, which means they'll

24 receive the youth applications. The youth are the ones

25 who nominate teachers. So it's actually spring, I think,

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1 into the summer where they recognize the teachers. So you

2 could conceivably jump into this cycle if you desire.

3 MS. GARCIA: Because I know Tony Tijerina so

4 well, my comfort level is high. If this was like an --

5 an --

6 MR. DAVIS: Unknown area.

7 MS. GARCIA: -- unknown, right, I -- I'd

8 probably go whoa, whoa, whoa. So there's two things.

9 I -- I like the organization itself. It's a small

10 organization. It's not a very political organization. It

11 really deals with cultural -- preserving Hispanic culture.

12 So that appeals to me.

13 And the other thing is -- and I don't know

14 how to say this in a nice way -- commissions like ours

15 disappear every day. So we can't -- You know, we'll do

16 great work and I think we'll make an impact. But I never

17 thought of this commission as going on in 20 years,

18 because the next president of whatever party will have

19 different priorities. It might not be education of --

20 Hispanic excellence in education. It might be Hispanic

21 excellence in entrepreneurs and small businesses. I mean,

22 they -- there'll be a different focus inevitably.

23 So I -- I want to -- I look at us as the

24 clock is ticking and how do we take something that -- that

25 we all thought was a really good idea in recruiting more

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1 Latino teachers as the population and the student

2 population grows, how are we going to have the faculty in

3 a school reflect the community. And this was one tiny

4 little piece of, you know, making it a little glamorous,

5 to say, "You're recognized. You did an amazing thing."

6 They went to the White House. It got some -- It got some

7 media coverage. When we're gone, how will that continue

8 on?

9 And so, you know, I was thinking when you

10 got to number two, the second thing, I thought, well,

11 maybe AFT and NEA could take this over and make it more

12 the teachers. And we're hopefully not going away real

13 soon. That's my -- That's my goal. But if you have

14 something like the Hispanic Heritage Foundation, it kind

15 of takes it out of that political realm where maybe our

16 organizations have a good or bad relationship with the

17 administration and future administrations. You're never

18 going to have that with the foundation.

19 I like the idea of saying the connection we

20 have is that we would be part of the selection committee.

21 We could work with -- We could work with the foundation on

22 what the criteria would be. And we wouldn't -- we won't

23 forever maybe have this commission as the -- as the brand

24 of it, but that's less important to me than the

25 recognition that we wanted to have.

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1 And this is (inaudible). Okay. And this is

2 very popular on all the Spanish language television shows

3 around the country and -- and in certain places in -- in

4 Mexico. So I -- That appeals to me. And without knowing

5 a lot more of the details, I -- I could live with that.

6 MR. SCRIBNER: Another -- Another, for me,

7 encouraging sign is looking at who they're going to be

8 honoring this year. One of the -- the education honorees

9 are the Carl Hayden High School robotics team from -- from

10 our school district.

11 (Simultaneous discussion)

12 MR. SCRIBNER: The -- the -- The

13 documentary, "Underwater Dreams" --

14 MS. SPEAKER: Oh, that's at your school?

15 MR. SCRIBNER: That's our school.

16 MS. SPEAKER: I wondered about that.

17 MR. SCRIBNER: And then the featured film

18 with George Lopez and Marisa Tomei and -- and -- and

19 others, in January, "Spare Parts," is coming out. And --

20 and -- And I just say that because earlier this morning, a

21 couple of speakers, they talked about the activism and

22 dreamers and young people. And here is a wonderful

23 example of students who are excelling in stem and -- and

24 beating MIT in these competitions. They are the ones in

25 Arizona, my kids, who are leading the -- the group for

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1 grassroots efforts towards (inaudible) immigration reform.

2 So I'm all for it.

3 MS. NEIRA: I'd like to follow up on a

4 couple of things. One, I think it's going to be important

5 for the commission to have an understanding of what goes

6 into the MOU Commission. I think that's a real critical

7 piece. I think the co-branding, even if it's just

8 temporary, is critical to keep that role going.

9 I particularly appreciate the new voice,

10 that it really takes it away from the political voice also

11 locally when it comes from the students. We always say --

12 Teachers always say that if you want to be evaluated, go

13 to your students. So I think it's a real great way of

14 recognizing the voice of the students and sometimes

15 parents because the parents are so involved in that

16 process. So I -- I really support this with the caveat

17 that it really is a partnership.

18 And I think, as Lily said, the smallness of

19 the group and their intensity on culture, it -- it just

20 lends itself to collaboration. So I think I'm a lot more

21 comfortable with that than with the first recommendation

22 because it does take it away from the process.

23 That being said, I -- I want to go back to

24 the statement I made this morning. This is just a small

25 part of the process that we talked about. I think,

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1 Patricia, you said about the new business and the new

2 business is really trying to build upon what -- this whole

3 recruitment piece, because the recognition is just a

4 celebration, a celebration of the profession. It really

5 doesn't go to the heart of recruiting the -- the pipeline

6 that we need in our classrooms at this point.

7 MS. GANDARA: Does it -- Marco, does it tend

8 to lean towards high school teachers who get chosen

9 because it -- okay -- yeah, because these are the students

10 who --

11 MS. GARCIA: That should be part of the

12 criteria of looking to say that we have a number of early

13 childhood and elementary and secondary teachers. And it

14 doesn't come up from the students because they're not

15 going to have second graders (inaudible), but that there's

16 some way of recognizing (inaudible).

17 MS. GANDARA: Okay. If there's any other

18 comment about this?

19 MS. SPEAKER: I'd like to comment. I think

20 that the option to have the students recognize their

21 teacher is the best one. We give awards to teachers and

22 they stay on the shelf and they're great for that time

23 when you take a trip. But if you want to leave a legacy

24 and really have their -- their story told, it's through

25 the eyes of the child. Teachers love that.

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1 We -- You know, I have a student that I've

2 been in touch with after 26 years. He's my legacy. He's

3 my -- He's the reason that I do what I do. So I think

4 having students tell their story and letting that live on

5 will be a much bigger award than anything else.

6 MR. SPEAKER: I have a question on the

7 Heritage -- Hispanic Heritage. The criteria, we're

8 talking about recruitment, right, for Hispanic

9 recruitment? I'm a student. The person that influenced

10 me was Mr. Smith. Am I going to be eliminated because I

11 picked Mr. Smith and not Mr. Martinez? You see what I

12 mean?

13 So we're trying to recruit that -- So, in

14 other words, I'm a kid that's gotten nominated because I

15 was a great Hispanic kid in class, but my teacher that

16 influenced me was Mr. Smith. Well, is that part of our

17 criteria is going to be that it has to be Hispanic or not

18 Hispanic? Because then I'm getting nominated and I'm

19 going to write things about Mr. Smith and how great he

20 was. But with that rule, the committee's there saying,

21 "Well, I guess, Smith. We don't want Smith. We want

22 Martinez." So does that mean -- Are we going to have that

23 standard?

24 (Simultaneous discussion)

25 MS. GANDARA: I -- I appreciate you bringing

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1 that up. What we had decided in the last round was that

2 we were looking for Latino teachers or -- or teachers who

3 had dedicated themselves to the Latino population. And we

4 actually did have --

5 MS. SPEAKER: We had non-Latino teachers.

6 MS. GANDARA: We had a couple of non-Latino

7 teachers.

8 MR. SPEAKER: But as a -- but as a

9 student -- Yeah, well, that's what I was going to say.

10 MR. SCRIBNER: Yeah.

11 MR. SPEAKER: Because as a student, how

12 would --

13 MR. SCRIBNER: Right.

14 MR. SPEAKER: -- they wouldn't know. You

15 know what I'm saying?

16 MR. SCRIBNER: Right. The -- The robotics

17 experience, Freddie Lajvardi from -- immigrated from Iran

18 and has been in -- in West Phoenix his entire career

19 connecting with kids.

20 MR. SPEAKER: I just wanted to make sure.

21 MR. SCRIBNER: Yeah.

22 MS. GANDARA: Well, it's absolutely an

23 excellent question, as it would need to revisited now too.

24 (Simultaneous discussion)

25 MS. MELVIN: Related to that, are we still

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1 holding these teachers to our standards or the White House

2 standards or is that out the door now?

3 (Simultaneous discussion)

4 MS. SPEAKER: We would need to continue to

5 develop our -- our standards, our criteria.

6 MR. DAVIS: Right. So this -- so we --

7 There would be more flexibility. It would not sort of

8 be -- Because it would not be part of the Champions

9 program, there would not be that specific set of criteria.

10 But that's part of the pieces to which Maria was alluding,

11 that that would be the negotiation with the foundation

12 about what the criteria would be. And I know that the

13 commission would be able to sort of forward some ideas.

14 If they wanted something more concrete,

15 then, you know, at the -- at the moment, I'm not sure.

16 I'd need to get some more information on that. I'd have

17 to do some follow-up. It seems to be a little bit more

18 based on sort of the inspiration and the student's

19 impression of the teachers, effectiveness, impact,

20 motivation, you know, things like connections to the

21 parents. Right. Is it just that that teacher was

22 connected to the student's parents or is it all the

23 teachers' parents? Those are pieces that could be

24 explored that we could figure out ways to define it, to

25 capture more.

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1 MR. ARTILES: So I -- I agree with the

2 arguments made in terms of the (inaudible) the foundation

3 (inaudible) so far and particularly the issue of

4 sustainability and how do we keep this up over time. The

5 other concern I have is impact. Okay. We recognize these

6 individuals who have exemplary careers. Beyond this

7 legacy (inaudible) also these individual stories can

8 contribute to a -- a knowledge base, which is (inaudible)

9 base in terms of what we do to learn this in the larger

10 scheme of things.

11 So I think we should think about raising

12 money to document this individual's trajectory (inaudible)

13 in which we can carefully disseminate not only through the

14 commission's networks but all the networks that all of us

15 have in our respective professional careers and make sure

16 that this really is used in meaningful ways, not only

17 teacher education programs, but also professional

18 development, so really go beyond the recognition of that

19 individual and ask the question: "What we can we learn

20 from this person's experiences given the evidence we have

21 before us? What are the lessons that (inaudible) that we

22 can build over time?"

23 MS. SPEAKER: This person being what did we

24 learn from the teachers or what are we learning from the

25 student and how they view the teachers?

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1 MR. ARTILES: It's stories that we gather

2 about these teachers, whether it's the students' stories

3 or the students' or the teachers' experience, but how do

4 we impact the profession, as an example, from the lessons

5 we derive reflecting on what we have learned (inaudible).

6 MS. GARCIA: Can I piggyback on that?

7 Because -- and it's -- it's -- it triggered where this

8 recognition/recruitment that we're talking about, what

9 you're talking about is how do we use these award winning

10 incredible teachers to build something that then recruits

11 other wonderful, credible people.

12 MR. ARTILES: Exactly.

13 MS. GARCIA: And I -- I -- I don't want to

14 make the -- the judgment that because you're a Latino

15 student, you live in a poor neighborhood. But we know

16 that a lot of high minority populations are high poverty

17 populations. Part of the recruitment that -- that I

18 wanted to, you know, add to that is what drew those --

19 assuming or -- or analyzing which of those award winners

20 are in challenged neighborhoods, poverty neighborhoods,

21 what drew them to that? Because we're -- we're looking

22 for ways of getting incredibly bright, talented career

23 people who will teach in the most challenging way.

24 MS. GANDARA: Can I please second that?

25 Because that was my -- I think this was what made me

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1 rather upset the last time around was because that was

2 knocked out. The teachers who came from these kinds of

3 neighborhoods were not in the running, basically, because

4 the schools weren't doing that well --

5 MS. GARCIA: All based on test scores.

6 MS. GANDARA: -- based on test scores. And

7 so, for me, this would be very important that we talk

8 about people who are doing this work in the hard places

9 and not in the easy places.

10 MS. GARCIA: And -- And why they wanted to

11 teach there and why they wanted to stay there, I think, is

12 what the analysis should be based on.

13 MS. GANDARA: Well, it sounds like this

14 Heritage Foundation has a lot of positives and probably

15 more positives than the other two options. Though it does

16 also seem to me like this being September 3rd and then

17 closing September 30th and having to come up with criteria

18 and ideas about how we would do this and what the MOU is

19 and everything else simply may not be possible on this

20 cycle --

21 MR. DAVIS: It may or may not.

22 MS. GANDARA: -- realistically.

23 MR. DAVIS: It may.

24 MS. GANDARA: It may or it may not.

25 MR. DAVIS: It's not definitely out of the

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1 question.

2 MS. MELVIN: We close deals like this in a

3 month.

4 MR. DAVIS: Well, and, also, again, I

5 think --

6 (Simultaneous discussion)

7 MR. DAVIS: -- I think the teacher portion

8 doesn't close.

9 MS. GANDARA: But the students --

10 MR. DAVIS: Right. And so then the students

11 who, as I understood the process --

12 MS. SPEAKER: They would need some direction

13 also.

14 MR. DAVIS: -- the students who are

15 selected -- Right. And so I think it's after September

16 30th when the students are selected or asked to nominate a

17 teacher, after that.

18 MS. GARCIA: Okay. And we can -- we can

19 impact the criteria after that on -- on looking at the

20 teachers.

21 MS. GANDARA: On the teachers.

22 (Simultaneous discussion)

23 MS. GANDARA: But the students have to be

24 given some direction, though, right, about who you're

25 choosing? Like consider also elementary schoolteachers --

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1 MR. DAVIS: Right.

2 MS. MARTINEZ: -- and that sort of thing?

3 MR. DAVIS: Right. But they -- Again, I

4 don't think they submit the nomination with their

5 application. I think they submit it later.


7 MR. DAVIS: Yeah.

8 MS. SPEAKER: So right now, it's just the

9 students that get submitted?

10 MR. DAVIS: They just submit to -- Because

11 they -- The youth award wins a scholarship and

12 recognition.

13 MS. GANDARA: And then they --

14 MR. DAVIS: They -- Then the winners

15 nominate a teacher.

16 MR. SPEAKER: They select winners per

17 region.

18 MR. DAVIS: Right.

19 (Simultaneous discussion)

20 MR. SPEAKER: Every region has to send the

21 students who win.

22 MR. DAVIS: Right.

23 MR. SPEAKER: Then from that region, they'll

24 send a teacher. Then all those who will be considered for

25 the national program, they select one in each category.

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1 MS. GANDARA: But we're talking about trying

2 to broaden that so it's (inaudible).

3 MR. SPEAKER: Right.

4 MS. SPEAKER: And -- And my question was

5 about the fairness of being able to nominate a teacher.

6 How -- how -- How does it happen? Do you get buy-in from

7 the school districts or how -- how do the kids get to know

8 that this is open for them?

9 MR. DAVIS: Yeah. So the -- so the -- Any

10 student, I believe, of Hispanic descent anywhere in

11 America can sub -- Well, actually, I don't know if it's

12 anywhere in America or just the eleven markets. But

13 they're able to submit an application.

14 MS. SPEAKER: So where is the information

15 found for them to be included in that?

16 (Simultaneous discussion)

17 MR. DAVIS: It's on their website. It's --

18 It's this outreach to 4,000 schools through nonprofit

19 organizations that they partner with. So they disseminate

20 it through social media. They disseminate news about the

21 application.

22 (Simultaneous discussion)

23 MS. SPEAKER: So we wouldn't know

24 specifically what school districts have presented the

25 information or anything like that?

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1 MR. DAVIS: So they might be able to know

2 that. I don't know that they know your -- I -- I know

3 what -- Well, I don't know off the top of my head. But

4 the eleven cities, I think they try to get as much input

5 as they can from the eleven cities. They try to spread

6 the word as widely as they can in those eleven regions.

7 MR. SPEAKER: And they've also brought in

8 the (inaudible) through Mundos.

9 MR. DAVIS: Right.

10 MR. SPEAKER: They do Subway in (inaudible).

11 So it really is quite disseminated.

12 (Simultaneous discussion)

13 MR. DAVIS: They try to get -- I mean, they

14 get literally (inaudible) like -- I couldn't even

15 remember. I think it's something like 50,000 applicants.

16 They get a lot.

17 MS. GARCIA: I'm -- I'm assuming that if

18 this commission wanted to partner with them, they'd be

19 thrilled that we could then extend that reach. They're --

20 They're using what their staff and their, you know,

21 ground -- ground troops have. And those of us that are in

22 other areas like -- like our organizations could then say

23 we can push that out. We have affiliates in every state

24 and, between the two of us, in practically every school

25 district. So we could send information out to our

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1 affiliates. We don't send information to kids, but we

2 send it to their teachers to make sure the kids in your

3 area have this information.

4 MS. GANDARA: Unless I hear something

5 negative here -- I'm just hyperconscious of the time

6 here -- it sounds to me like folks really very much would

7 like this idea of at least moving forward and getting

8 (inaudible).

9 (Simultaneous conversation)

10 MR. DAVIS: So what I would suggest simply

11 is for the next steps is I can -- I -- we can go back and

12 engage with the Hispanic Heritage Foundation. We can pull

13 in the cochairs for the initial conversation. And then we

14 can look at scheduling (inaudible) e-mails. We can

15 schedule like conference calls among the full subcommittee

16 so that folks are able to review before our final and

17 probably wait and make some sort of final decision once

18 all questions have been answered and there's a clear path

19 (inaudible).

20 MS. GANDARA: And -- And can we just leave

21 it that we will indeed have a conference call with the

22 subcommittee? I'm uncomfortable with the extent at which

23 we haven't had these and haven't had, you know -- And

24 maybe we can actually continue with some of the rest of

25 the agenda as well. Okay. Yes?

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1 MS. SPEAKER: A final comment. This is

2 important work. I'm -- I'm pleased to have been here

3 today. I have to get back to my school district for a

4 meeting. But I don't know how I got to be here. I'm

5 happy I'm here. But how does your important work get to

6 us?

7 (Simultaneous discussion)

8 MR. DAVIS: Did you register?

9 MS. SPEAKER: Yes, we did.

10 MR. DAVIS: You will be added to our mailing

11 list. You will get any and all communications from now

12 forward.

13 MS. SPEAKER: Out of curiosity, can you guys

14 tell us who you are?

15 MR. MARTINEZ: My name's Rudy Martinez. I

16 represent (inaudible). I'm in the central division,

17 assistant to the director.

18 (Simultaneous discussion)

19 MS. BARRERA: I'm Diana Barrera. I'm the

20 director of (inaudible) in Somerset ISD here in the

21 San Antonio area.

22 MS. MENDOZA: My name is Marie Mendoza. I'm

23 the director of World Languages. I teach bilingual, ESL,

24 language (inaudible) for middle school and high school,

25 Irving Independent School District (inaudible).

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1 MS. SPEAKER: Take a look at our book.

2 MS. MENDOZA: I know. I have.

3 MS. SPEAKER: There's -- There's a coupon

4 out there.

5 (Simultaneous discussion)

6 MS. TONYA: Hi. I'm Tonya (inaudible) with

7 Educational (inaudible) Service at the San Antonio office,

8 not the Woodstone office.

9 MS. SPEAKER: I'm (inaudible) for

10 (inaudible) America. I (inaudible) of our (inaudible)

11 teachers throughout the nation. So I'm really interested

12 in getting involved and helping out with that.

13 MS. GANDARA: So, for you, it would be very

14 (inaudible) the dreamers (inaudible) and the teachers.

15 MS. SPEAKER: Yes, unaccompanied minors. I

16 need to know everything (inaudible).

17 MS. GARCIA: Delia Garcia, (inaudible).

18 MS. SPEAKER: I'm (inaudible) Molina, vice

19 president of Texas Aide Teachers Association, middle

20 school teacher, ESL.

21 MR. PEREZ: I'm (inaudible) Perez with the

22 American (inaudible) Teachers (inaudible).

23 MR. DAVIS: Thank you all.

24 MS. SPEAKER: Okay. Thank you.

25 (Breakout concluded at 2:52 p.m.)

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5 I, NATALIE HUNSUCKER, a Certified Court Reporter

6 duly commissioned and qualified in and for the County of

7 Bexar, State of Texas, do hereby certify that the forgoing

8 is a true and accurate transcription, taken to the best of

9 my ability, of the K-12 Subcommittee Breakout Discussion

10 at the President's Advisory Commission on Educational

11 Excellence for Hispanics, held at the University of Texas

12 at San Antonio Downtown Campus, 501 W. Cesar Chavez

13 Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78207, September 3, 2014,

14 from 2:15 p.m. to 2:51 p.m.

15 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand

16 on the 23rd day of September, 2014.



19 _________________________________ NATALIE HUNSUCKER, Texas CSR 4279

20 Expiration Date: 12/31/2015 Hoffman Reporting Service

21 Firm Registration No. 93 206 East Locust Street

22 San Antonio, Texas 78212 Phone: 210.736.3555

23 Fax: 210.736.6679



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< 1 >12   35:2016   11:251987   11:10

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< 3 >3   1:12   35:1330   3:8   4:1630th   16:20, 23  27:17   28:1631   35:203rd   27:16

< 4 >4,000   12:5   30:184279   35:19

< 5 >50,000   31:15501   1:16   35:12503   11:10

< 7 >7   3:2475   3:1178207   1:17   35:1378212   35:22

< 9 >93   35:21

< A >ability   15:14   35:9able   8:8   14:7   15:2  24:13   30:5, 13  31:1   32:16absolutely   23:22accurate   35:8achievements   12:2activism   19:21activities   13:17, 21actual   10:8   13:19  16:2adaptable   15:6add   4:13   26:18added   11:25   33:10additional   7:12  9:24administration  10:15   18:17administrations  9:14   18:17advance   10:1advantage   7:22  10:10advantages   7:16  13:24ADVISORY   1:6  7:20   35:10affiliates   31:23  32:1AFT   4:20   18:11agenda   3:11   32:25ago   5:24   11:6, 25agree   25:1agreement   13:19Aide   34:19Alejandra   4:15alluding   24:10amazing   18:5America   11:13  30:11, 12   34:10American   34:22analysis   27:12analyzing   26:19anniversary   4:16annual   11:21answered   32:18Antonio   1:14, 17  33:21   34:7   35:12,

13, 22anyway   3:18   8:22appeals   17:12   19:4A-P-P-E-A-R-A-N-C-E-S   2:1applicants   31:15application   16:20,22   29:5   30:13, 21applications   13:2  16:24apply   7:12appreciate   20:9  22:25area   17:6   32:3  33:21areas   6:11   31:22arguments   25:2Arizona   19:25ARTILES   25:1  26:1, 12asked   12:13, 18, 19  28:16assay   12:19assistant   33:17associated   8:12Association   34:19assuming   26:19  31:17athletes   11:21attend   7:11   13:6attended   11:21, 23Auditorium   7:24autonomy   8:5   9:11  10:11   14:15available   6:5avenue   16:8award   15:12   16:2,23   22:5   26:9, 19  29:11Awards   11:15, 25  12:12   13:7   16:3  21:21

< B >back   11:25   20:23  32:11   33:3background   7:9bad   18:16Barrera   33:19, 19base   25:8, 9

based   11:5   24:18  27:5, 6, 12basic   5:19Basically   12:17  14:6   27:3basis   6:7bear   9:3beating   19:24behalf   12:19believe   3:25   30:10best   11:14   21:21  35:8BEXAR   35:2, 7Beyond   25:6, 18bigger   22:5bilingual   33:23bio   12:18bios   7:25bit   5:17   24:17board   12:7book   34:1borne   14:5Boulevard   1:16  35:13brand   18:23branding   10:12break   5:4BREAKOUT   1:4  3:1   34:25   35:9brevity's   15:11briefly   11:8bright   26:22bring   12:11bringing   22:25broadcast   13:8broaden   30:2brought   31:7budget   8:14build   14:3   21:2  25:22   26:10business   3:13   4:5  21:1, 2businesses   17:21buy-in   30:6

< C >call   6:8   32:21called   11:7calls   32:15Campus   1:15   35:12

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candidates   7:7  10:7capture   24:25career   23:18   26:22careers   25:6, 15carefully   25:13Carl   19:9carried   10:21categories   11:19category   29:25caveat   20:16celebration   21:4, 4celebrities   11:20central   33:16ceremony   7:12   9:6  16:2certain   5:23   9:11  19:3certainly   6:22  11:22Certified   35:5certify   35:7Cesar   1:16   35:12cetera   6:12, 13, 13,13   7:3, 21, 25   8:24  10:9, 9, 10, 24   11:4,21   12:24, 24, 24challenge   14:14challenged   26:20challenges   8:3, 11  10:17challenging   26:23Champions   6:3, 6,23   7:1, 17, 19   8:14  9:5, 13   24:8Championship  14:20Change   6:4, 24   7:1,17, 19   8:14   9:6, 13,13Chavez   1:16   35:12check   7:9child   4:6   21:25childhood   21:13choosing   28:25chosen   21:8cities   31:4, 5class   22:15classroom   12:2

classrooms   21:6clear   14:24   32:18clock   17:24close   28:2, 8closer   4:19closing   27:17co-brand   15:10co-branding   20:7cochairs   32:13collaborating   13:11collaboration   20:20combining   13:12, 13come   8:18   21:14  27:17comes   8:20   20:11comfort   17:4comfortable   20:21coming   19:19commemorate  11:12comment   3:9   4:14  16:12   21:18, 19  33:1comments   3:6, 14  4:6COMMISSION   1:6  8:7, 22   10:5, 11, 11,12, 14, 14, 24   13:12,13   14:22, 25   15:11,16, 19   17:17   18:23  20:5, 6   24:13  31:18   35:10commissioned   35:6commissioner  15:25commissioners   7:2  10:6   15:23commissions   10:22  17:14commission's  15:15   25:14committee   3:3, 5,20   4:8, 12, 20, 22  5:1   8:17, 20   9:19  12:6   13:1   18:20committee's   22:20Communications  7:21   33:11community   6:2 

 12:2   18:3compared   14:20competitions   19:24conceivably   17:2concern   25:5concerns   4:4concluded   34:25concrete   24:14conduct   10:7conference   32:15,21connected   24:22connecting   23:19connection   18:19connections   24:20connectivity   12:23consider   5:15   9:9  14:22   15:13   28:25consideration   4:7considered   11:16  29:24contact   12:18continue   10:15  18:7   24:4   32:24continuity   9:11  10:13contribute   25:8contributions   11:18conversation   4:19  5:17   11:6   16:9  32:9, 13conversations  13:16costs   8:12, 16  10:23   14:5country   14:2   19:3COUNTY   35:2, 6couple   19:21   20:4  23:6coupon   34:3course   8:1Court   7:24   35:5coverage   18:7create   10:8creating   13:18creation   11:12credible   26:11criteria   7:12   8:6  9:20, 24   10:6, 19  18:22   21:12   22:7,

17   24:5, 9, 12  27:17   28:19critical   20:6, 8CSR   1:21   35:19CTA   4:20cultural   12:23  17:11culture   17:11   20:19curiosity   33:13current   16:16cycle   16:12   17:2  27:20

< D >D.C   11:22   15:19Date   35:20DAVIS   2:11   5:9, 14,22   8:19   9:2, 15, 18,21   10:2   15:2  16:16, 19, 22   17:6  24:6   27:21, 23, 25  28:4, 7, 10, 14   29:1,3, 7, 10, 14, 18, 22  30:9, 17   31:1, 9, 13  32:10   33:8, 10  34:23day   17:15   35:16deadline   16:20deals   17:11   28:2decided   23:1decision   8:10  32:17decisions   3:19dedicated   23:3deems   7:13define   24:24definitely   27:25definitive   16:7Delia   34:17department   11:1, 2  13:20   14:9depth   15:3derive   26:5descent   30:10deserve   4:22desire   6:19   17:2detail   15:4details   19:5develop   10:6   24:5

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developing   3:21development   25:18Diana   33:19different   14:15  17:19, 22difficult   3:8dignitaries   11:23direction   14:23  28:12, 24director   33:17, 20,23disappear   14:25  17:15disappearance   3:24discussed   6:22   9:9DISCUSSION   1:4  3:1, 5, 15   19:11  22:24   23:24   24:3  28:6, 22   29:19  30:16, 22   31:12  33:7, 18   34:5   35:9disseminate   25:13  30:19, 20disseminated   31:11disseminating   4:4dissemination   4:1district   19:10  31:25   33:3, 25districts   30:7, 24division   33:16document   25:12documentary   19:13documented   4:3documents   3:22doing   6:11   8:23  27:4, 8door   24:2doubly   3:8Downtown   1:15  35:12drafted   7:25dreamers   4:7  19:22   34:14Dreams   19:13drew   26:18, 21duly   35:6

< E >earlier   19:20

earliest   16:18early   21:12East   35:21easy   27:9education   6:12  11:3   12:4   13:20  17:19, 20   19:8  25:17EDUCATIONAL   1:7  34:7   35:10Education's   14:9educators   6:1  11:20   12:7effectiveness   24:19efforts   12:22   20:1either   10:22elementary   21:13  28:25elevate   6:1eleven   12:16   13:5  14:2   30:12   31:4, 5,6eliminated   22:10e-mails   32:14empathy   12:21employment   6:12encourage   3:9encouraging   19:7engage   32:12engaged   3:21engaging   12:23entire   23:18entities   14:18entrepreneurs   17:21ESKELSEN   2:5ESL   33:23   34:20essentially   6:20established   11:9, 11et   6:12, 13, 13, 13  7:3, 21, 25   8:24  10:9, 9, 9, 24   11:4,21   12:24, 24, 24evaluated   20:12event   7:1, 23   10:9  11:21   14:11everyday   6:8evidence   25:20exactly   16:19   26:12example   9:5   15:10,24   19:23   26:4

EXCELLENCE   1:7  17:20, 21   35:11excellent   23:23excelling   19:23exemplary   25:6exist   10:19existing   10:18expanding   15:9expenses   14:13experience   23:17  26:3experienced   8:4experiences   25:20Expiration   35:20explored   24:24exploring   13:17expressed   13:11extend   31:19extent   32:22external   13:24eyes   21:25

< F >fact   15:23faculty   18:2fairly   6:5, 6   15:6, 6fairness   30:5Fall   1:11familiar   11:8far   6:22   25:3Fax   35:23featured   7:19   19:17features   6:8, 25featuring   12:4felons   7:10figure   15:20   24:24figuring   15:9film   19:17final   8:5, 6, 6, 7  32:16, 17   33:1finally   4:18find   7:2finished   9:1Firm   35:21first   3:10, 13   20:21five   3:18   12:9flexibility   16:6   24:7flexible   15:6focus   4:23   6:14  12:3   17:22

folks   6:24   15:17  32:6, 16follow   20:3following   16:18follow-up   24:17forever   18:23forgoing   35:7formal   13:18forth   14:19forward   24:13   32:7  33:12found   30:15Foundation   11:7, 9,24   12:8, 25   13:10,19, 21   14:6   15:6,12, 16   18:14, 18, 21  24:11   25:2   27:14  32:12Freddie   23:17full   10:11, 11   32:15funding   3:24fundraise   14:7fundraising   14:9, 10funds   10:23further   16:9future   10:15   18:17

< G >GAMA   2:4, 10GANDARA   2:3   3:2  5:7, 15   8:17, 25  9:8, 16   14:24  16:11, 14, 17   21:7,17   22:25   23:6, 22  26:24   27:6, 13, 22,24   28:9, 21, 23  29:6, 13   30:1   32:4,20   34:13GARCIA   2:5   9:19,22   16:13   17:3, 7  21:11   26:6, 13  27:5, 10   28:18  31:17   34:17, 17gather   26:1George   19:18getting   4:2   22:18  26:22   32:7   34:12gifts   11:2give   21:21

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given   4:23   25:20  28:24glamorous   18:4globally   11:19go   8:1, 25   14:8, 23  15:3, 4   17:8   20:12,23   21:5   25:18  32:11goal   18:13goes   10:25   20:5going   4:2   5:2, 16  9:3, 25   17:17   18:2,12, 18   19:7   20:4, 8  21:15   22:10, 17, 19,22   23:9good   3:4, 11   10:2  17:25   18:16gotten   22:14graders   21:15grassroots   20:1great   4:3   6:11  16:14   17:16   20:13  21:22   22:15, 19ground   31:21, 21group   19:25   20:19grows   18:2guess   22:21guests   5:23guidance   12:22guys   5:17   33:13

< H >hand   35:15happen   7:2   13:15  16:3   30:6happening   4:2happy   33:5hard   5:10, 14   27:8Hayden   19:9head   31:3hear   4:25   32:4heart   21:5held   7:18   9:6  13:16   35:11help   4:22helpful   9:22helping   34:12hereunto   35:15Heritage   11:7, 9, 12,15, 24   12:8, 25 

 13:7, 10, 18, 21  14:5, 25   15:5, 12,16   18:14   22:7, 7  27:14   32:12heros   6:9Hi   34:6high   4:21   12:1, 4  17:4   19:9   21:8  26:16, 16   33:24highest   11:16Hispanic   11:7, 9, 12,15, 24   12:8, 25  13:7, 10, 18, 21  14:5, 25   15:5, 11,16   17:11, 20, 20  18:14   22:7, 8, 15,17, 18   30:10   32:12HISPANICS   1:7  11:16   35:11Hoffman   1:22  35:20hold   11:15holding   7:23   24:1honor   15:20honored   8:12, 15honorees   19:8honoring   15:17  19:8honors   11:16, 19hopefully   18:12House   6:3, 4, 7   7:5,5, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18,19, 21, 22, 23, 25  8:5, 9, 13, 13, 23, 24  9:5, 7, 20   11:10  14:19   18:6   24:1household   6:9House's   8:2huh   16:15Hunsucker   1:21  35:5, 19hyperconscious  32:5

< I >idea   3:4   13:14  17:25   18:19   32:7ideas   3:6   12:22  24:13   27:18

identify   7:3   12:17identifying   14:1immigrant   3:14  4:11immigrated   23:17immigration   20:1impact   12:14  17:16   24:19   25:5  26:4   28:19implementation  10:21important   3:6  18:24   20:4   27:7  33:2, 5impression   24:19inaudible   4:9, 10  6:12   10:4, 5, 9, 22,25   11:1   13:2, 3, 19,23   14:6, 12, 13, 19,21   15:7, 15, 15, 18,22, 24   16:2, 4, 5, 8  19:1   20:1   21:15,16   25:2, 3, 7, 8, 12,21   26:5   30:2   31:8,10, 14   32:8, 14, 19  33:16, 20, 24, 25  34:6, 7, 9, 10, 10, 10,14, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21,22, 22Inaudible.   5:13  16:13include   3:4   13:22  14:11included   30:15includes   12:20incorporated   16:4incredible   26:10incredibly   26:22independent   11:10  14:8   33:25individual   13:4  25:7, 19individuals   25:6individual's   25:12inevitably   17:22influenced   22:9, 16info   12:18information   24:16  30:14, 25   31:25  32:1, 3

infrastructure   7:23  10:18   13:25initial   32:13initiates   4:18initiative   13:12innovative   12:15,22   13:14   14:12input   31:4inspiration   24:18intensity   20:19interest   13:11interested   4:9  34:11internally   7:15invite   15:19involved   20:15  34:12involving   13:13Iran   23:17Irving   33:25ISD   33:20ISS   5:7issue   3:13, 20, 25  25:3issued   7:20issues   3:12, 23   4:5,25its   9:12   11:1, 14

< J >January   19:19JOANN   2:4, 10join   4:15judgment   26:14jump   17:2

< K >K-12   1:4   3:1   35:9keep   20:8   25:4KENT   2:8kid   22:14, 15kids   19:25   23:19  30:7   32:1, 2kind   18:14kinds   4:18   27:2knocked   27:2know   4:13   5:5  9:20, 25   13:4  16:12   17:3, 13, 15  18:4, 9   22:1   23:14,

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15   24:12, 15, 20  26:15, 18   30:7, 11,23   31:1, 2, 2, 2, 3,20   32:23   33:4  34:2, 16knowing   19:4knowledge   25:8known   11:14

< L >Lajvardi   23:17language   19:2  33:24Languages   33:23larger   25:9Latin-America   11:18Latino   6:2   11:17  18:1   23:2, 3   26:14law   6:12leaders   11:17leading   19:25lean   21:8learn   25:9, 19, 24learned   26:5learning   25:24leave   21:23   32:20legacy   21:23   22:2  25:7lends   20:20length   3:16lessons   25:21   26:4letting   22:4level   17:4leveraging   7:22  13:24life   9:12LILY   2:5   16:11  20:18list   5:2   33:11literally   31:14little   5:17   18:4, 4  24:17live   19:5   22:4  26:15local   12:6, 7   13:1locally   20:11Locust   35:21long   14:10look   10:20   17:23  32:14   34:1

looking   13:12   19:7  21:12   23:2   26:21  28:19Lopez   19:18lose   9:10, 11loss   8:4   14:15lot   4:2   16:7   19:5  20:20   26:16   27:14  31:16love   21:25

< M >mailing   33:10main   6:25making   14:18   18:4manage   7:14manages   6:5MARCO   2:11   3:15  5:16, 21   21:7MARIA   2:9   24:10Marie   33:22Marisa   19:18market   13:5markets   12:16  14:2   16:1   30:12MARTINEZ   2:6  16:21   22:11, 22  29:2   33:15, 15mean   4:23   15:12  17:21   22:12, 22  31:13meaningful   25:16means   16:17, 23media   7:20   11:4  15:14   18:7   30:20meet   16:10Meeting   1:11   5:9  9:10   33:4MELVIN   2:7   5:4, 8,11   23:25   28:2members   3:5   12:7MENDOZA   33:22,22   34:2mention   11:8mentoring   12:21met   9:23Mexico   19:4middle   33:24   34:19migrants   4:6

mind   9:3minds   16:14minimal   7:9minimum   10:13minority   26:16minors   34:15minute   8:21minutes   3:8, 11, 18  4:16MIT   19:24Molina   34:18moment   13:3  14:12   24:15money   8:18   25:12MONICA   2:6month   11:6, 12  28:3morning   19:20  20:24motivation   24:20MOU   20:6   27:18moving   32:7Mundos   31:8

< N >name   33:22names   6:9name's   33:15Natalie   1:21   35:5,19nation   34:11national   12:9   13:6,7   15:9   29:25nationally   6:10NEA   18:11necessarily   6:10  9:16necessary   7:13need   13:16   14:8  21:6   23:23   24:4,16   28:12   34:16negative   32:5negotiate   14:16negotiation   24:11neighborhood   26:15neighborhoods  26:20, 20   27:3NEIRA   2:9   20:3networks   25:14, 14never   17:16   18:17

new   4:5   11:5   20:9  21:1, 1news   30:20nice   17:14nominate   12:13  16:25   28:16   29:15  30:5nominated   22:14, 18nomination   29:4non-Latino   23:5, 6nonprofit   11:11  30:18notably   8:12number   13:21  18:10   21:12

< O >obvious   9:8obviously   7:16   8:3  9:4, 24   10:10, 25  13:15   14:1, 14, 17Office   7:21   34:7, 8officials   11:20Oh   16:14   19:14  29:6Okay   10:2   16:15,16   19:1   21:9, 17  25:5   28:18   32:25  34:24old   3:13once   3:25   32:17ones   8:24   16:1, 24  19:24ongoing   9:17open   30:8opportunity   3:7  14:4Option   8:20   10:3,4   21:20options   5:19   6:20  14:21   27:15order   7:13organization   11:6,11   13:25   17:9, 10,10organizations  18:16   30:19   31:22originally   11:11outline   5:21   6:25outlined   6:21

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outreach   7:3   10:7  11:4   12:4   30:18outstanding   6:1, 8  15:12oversee   10:7

< P >p.m   1:13, 17   35:14,14p.m.   34:25paid   14:13parents   12:24  20:15, 15   24:21, 22,23part   8:2   9:13   14:6  18:20   20:25   21:11  22:16   24:8, 10  26:17participation   15:22particularly   3:24  20:9   25:3partly   7:10partner   14:16  15:15   30:19   31:18partnering   14:16partnership   13:18  20:17Parts,   19:19party   17:18pass   12:6path   32:18PATRICIA   2:3   21:1people   6:9   8:9  9:23   11:22   12:5,10, 17   19:22   26:11,23   27:8Perez   34:21, 21Perfect   5:22person   15:25   22:9  25:23person's   25:20perspective   12:20Phoenix   23:18Phone   35:22physicians   11:19picked   22:11piece   3:17   14:17  18:4   20:7   21:3pieces   7:8   14:17 

 24:10, 23piggyback   26:6pipeline   21:5places   19:3   27:8, 9planning   10:21please   26:24pleased   33:2point   10:2   21:6policy   3:21   4:6political   17:10  18:15   20:10poll   7:1poor   26:15popular   19:2population   18:1, 2  23:3populations   26:16,17portion   14:11   28:7positive   11:18positives   27:14, 15possibility   11:5possible   27:19potential   7:6   10:13  14:3poverty   26:16, 20practically   31:24preference   3:12prepare   4:7presented   30:24presenting   16:1preserving   17:11president   17:18  34:19PRESIDENT'S   1:6  35:10press   7:24prestigious   11:14previous   9:10prior   8:4priorities   4:13, 13  17:19priority   12:3private   9:9probably   6:21   17:8  27:14   32:17proceed   3:17process   6:14   7:14  8:21   10:5, 8   13:25 

 14:9   20:16, 22, 25  28:11processing   11:1profession   21:4  26:4professional   25:15,17profile   4:21   12:4program   5:25   6:2,3, 4, 4, 15, 18, 24  7:17, 18   8:2, 4, 10  9:17   10:9, 16, 23  12:1, 15   13:7, 14  14:20, 20   15:7, 22  16:4   24:9   29:25programs   8:14  25:17Public   1:11   5:9  11:20published   4:3pull   32:12pursue   5:20   6:20  16:8push   4:18   5:16  31:23put   4:19   14:22putting   11:3

< Q >qualified   35:6question   6:16   15:8  22:6   23:23   25:19  28:1   30:4questions   32:18quite   31:11

< R >raise   15:21, 21raised   10:24raising   25:11reach   12:23   31:19real   18:12   20:6, 13realistically   27:22really   3:7   17:11,25   20:10, 16, 17  21:2, 4, 24   25:16,18   31:11   32:6  34:11realm   18:15

reason   12:11   22:3recall   5:23receipt   11:2receive   16:24recharged   10:14recognition   3:17  5:18, 25   6:3, 18  10:8   12:15   18:25  21:3   25:18   26:8  29:12recognizable   16:5recognize   6:1  15:20   17:1   21:20  25:5recognized   6:10  7:11   16:4   18:5recognizing   11:17  20:14   21:16recommendation  8:8   20:21recommendations  7:4, 6recruit   22:13recruiting   10:7  17:25   21:5recruitment   3:22  4:12, 24   5:18   21:3  22:8, 9   26:8, 17recruits   26:10reflect   18:3reflecting   26:5reform   20:1region   29:17, 20, 23regional   12:9, 13  14:2   16:1regions   12:5   31:6register   33:8Registration   35:21regularly   6:5, 7Related   23:25relationship   18:16releases   7:24remember   31:15remind   6:24renaming   15:13repeat   6:19, 23repeating   7:17   8:3Reported   1:21Reporter   35:5

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Reporting   1:22  35:20represent   33:16representative   4:20represented   14:18  15:25representing   4:23requirements   16:10resources   10:22respective   25:15rest   32:24review   7:5, 5, 6  13:1   14:9   32:16revisited   10:19  23:23right   3:2   5:15  8:19, 25   9:15, 18  10:18   16:9, 12, 20  17:7   22:8   23:13,16   24:6, 21   28:10,15, 24   29:1, 3, 8, 18,22   30:3   31:9robotics   19:9   23:16role   4:17   20:8round   23:1Rudy   33:15rule   22:20run   8:10running   27:3

< S >sake   6:17   15:11San   1:14, 17   33:21  34:7   35:12, 13, 22saying   18:19  22:20   23:15schedule   32:15scheduling   32:14scheme   25:10scholarship   29:11school   12:1   18:3  19:9, 10, 14, 15  21:8   30:7, 24  31:24   33:3, 24, 24,25   34:20schools   12:5   27:4  30:18schoolteachers  28:25

scientists   11:20scores   27:5, 6SCRIBNER   2:8  19:6, 12, 15, 17  23:10, 13, 16, 21search   12:4second   18:10  21:15   26:24secondary   21:13see   6:6   8:1, 19  16:10   22:11select   13:5   29:16,25selected   8:15, 24  12:1, 5, 16   13:6  28:15, 16selecting   9:23   14:1selection   10:8  13:1, 3   18:20selections   7:14  8:7   10:1send   29:20, 24  31:25   32:1, 2sense   9:11separate   8:22September   1:12  16:18, 20, 23   27:16,17   28:15   35:13, 16Service   1:22   34:7  35:20services   3:14   4:11set   10:6   24:9  35:15seven   8:9share   3:7   5:24shelf   21:22shift   4:10, 12shows   19:2sides   4:9, 10sign   19:7signed   13:20significant   12:14simply   10:4   27:19  32:10Simultaneous  19:11   22:24   23:24  24:3   28:6, 22  29:19   30:16, 22  31:12   32:9   33:7,

18   34:5slate   7:3, 6   8:6small   17:9, 21  20:24smallness   20:18Smith   22:10, 11, 16,19, 21, 21social   30:20solicitation   11:2somebody   8:17Somerset   33:20soon   13:4   18:13sort   6:8, 17, 20, 24,25   7:8   11:3, 3, 23  14:21   15:3   24:7,13, 18   29:2   32:17sought   5:25sounds   27:13   32:6South   7:24Spanish   19:2Spare   19:19SPEAKER   5:13  19:14, 16   21:19  22:6   23:5, 8, 11, 14,20   24:4   25:23  28:12   29:8, 16, 20,23   30:3, 4, 14, 23  31:7, 10   33:1, 9, 13  34:1, 3, 9, 15, 18, 24speakers   19:21specific   24:9specifically   30:24sponsors   14:7spread   31:5spring   16:25staff   12:7   13:2  15:25   31:20standard   6:13   7:7  22:23standards   24:1, 2, 5start   5:1state   31:23   35:1, 7statement   20:24stay   21:22   27:11stem   19:23steps   32:11stories   25:7   26:1, 2story   21:24   22:4Street   35:21

student   3:14   4:11  18:1   22:1, 9   23:9,11   25:25   26:15  30:10students   12:1, 23  19:23   20:11, 13, 14  21:9, 14, 20   22:4  26:2, 3   28:9, 10, 14,16, 23   29:9, 21student's   24:18, 22stuff   4:2   5:7sub   30:11SUBCOMMITTEE  1:4   3:1   5:24   6:16  32:15, 22   35:9subgroup   5:11subgroups   5:5, 6,11, 12subject   8:23   9:4, 6submit   7:4   29:4, 5,10   30:13submitted   29:9Subway   31:10success   12:15suggest   15:24  32:10summer   17:1support   10:25  15:21   20:16supposed   4:15sure   7:9   14:18  23:20   24:15   25:15  32:2sustainability   25:4

< T >table   4:19   14:22take   3:13   8:22  10:20   17:24   18:11  20:22   21:23   34:1taken   35:8takes   18:15   20:10talented   26:22talk   4:16   8:21   27:7talked   3:15   19:21  20:25talking   22:8   26:8,9   30:1teach   26:23   27:11  33:23

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teacher   3:17, 22  4:11, 24   5:7, 18, 25  6:2, 18   8:1   12:13,15, 16, 17, 20   13:14  14:12   15:1, 12  16:2, 3   21:21  22:15   24:21   25:17  28:7, 17   29:15, 24  30:5   34:20teachers   4:8   7:4,18   8:7, 13, 15   13:4  14:1   16:25   17:1  18:1, 12   20:12  21:8, 13, 21, 25  23:2, 2, 5, 7   24:1,19, 23   25:24, 25  26:2, 3, 10   27:2  28:20, 21   32:2  34:11, 14, 19, 22team   19:9television   13:8  19:2tell   22:4   33:14temporary   20:8ten   12:3tend   21:7terms   3:12   5:5  8:11   15:3   25:2, 9test   27:5, 6Texas   1:14, 17  34:19   35:1, 7, 11,13, 19, 22thank   16:14   34:23,24Theater   11:23thing   9:2, 8   17:13  18:5, 10   29:2things   9:24   12:20  13:9   14:11   15:8  17:8   20:4   22:19  24:20   25:10think   3:4, 17   4:21  5:16   6:17   9:23  10:3   15:5, 8, 13  16:20, 25   17:16  20:4, 6, 7, 13, 18, 20,25   21:19   22:3  25:11, 11   26:25  27:11   28:5, 7, 15 

 29:4, 5   31:4, 15thinking   18:9thinks   14:23thought   17:17, 25  18:10thoughts   3:6three   5:18, 21   6:20,21, 22   11:5   12:8,12   14:21thrilled   31:19ticking   17:24Tijerina   17:3time   5:5   6:17  21:22   25:4, 22  27:1   32:5timetable   9:5tiny   18:3Title   3:24today   3:16   33:3told   3:3   21:24Tomei   19:18Tony   17:3Tonya   34:6, 6top   31:3touch   3:18   22:2tracks   12:3trajectory   25:12transcribe   5:10transcription   35:8travel   8:12   14:12,13triggered   26:7trip   21:23troops   31:21true   35:8try   31:4, 5, 13trying   21:2   22:13  30:1two   4:9, 10   5:5, 24  9:1   10:4   11:4  14:18   17:8   18:10  27:15   31:24type   14:15

< U >U.S   11:17, 18Ultimately   6:2   8:9  15:1unaccompanied  4:6   34:15

uncomfortable  32:22understanding   20:5understood   28:11undertook   5:25Underwater   19:13underwrite   8:16underwriting   10:23University   1:14  35:11Unknown   17:6, 7untraditional   12:22upset   27:1use   26:9uses   13:1usually   13:8

< V >various   6:11   11:19VERONICA   2:7vet   7:7vice   34:18Video   1:22view   25:25visibility   10:12  11:3   14:17   15:21visible   14:19   16:5vision   12:21voice   20:9, 10, 14

< W >wait   32:17want   3:9   4:7, 10,12   5:1, 4, 21   6:23  14:23   15:4   17:23  20:12, 23   21:23  22:21, 21   26:13wanted   4:19   16:8  18:25   23:20   24:14  26:18   27:10, 11  31:18wants   3:21Warner   11:22Washington   8:1  11:22   15:19way   6:25   7:3  13:13   15:14   17:14  20:13   21:16   26:23ways   15:20   24:24 

 25:16   26:22website   7:20   30:17Wednesday   1:12weekly   6:7well   4:4   7:12   13:8,17   14:18   15:23  17:4   18:10   22:16,21   23:9, 22   27:4,13   28:4   30:11  31:3   32:25went   18:6we're   4:4   5:2  13:16   18:7, 12  22:7, 13   26:8, 21,21   30:1West   23:18WHEREOF   35:15White   6:3, 4, 7   7:4,5, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18,19, 21, 22, 23, 25  8:2, 5, 9, 13, 13, 22,24   9:4, 6, 20   11:10  14:19   18:6   24:1whitehouse.gov   6:6whoa   17:8, 8, 8widely   31:6win   29:21winner   13:6   15:9winners   12:9, 9, 12,13   13:4   26:19  29:14, 16winning   26:9wins   29:11WITNESS   35:15wondered   19:16wonderful   19:22  26:11Woodstone   34:8word   12:6   31:6words   22:14work   4:1   6:11  15:24   16:10   17:16  18:21, 21   27:8  33:2, 5World   33:23write   12:19   22:19

< Y >

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Yeah   5:8   9:2   15:2  16:22   21:9   23:9,10, 21   29:7   30:9year   11:15   19:8years   5:24   11:25,25   17:17   22:2year's   10:20young   12:5, 10, 17  19:22youth   11:25   12:11,12, 13   13:7   16:3,23, 24, 24   29:11

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< 1 >12   (1)16   (1)1987   (1)

< 2 >2:15   (3)2:51   (1)2:52   (1)20   (1)2012   (1)2014   (4)2015   (1)206   (1)210.736.3555   (1)210.736.6679   (1)23rd   (1)25th   (1)26   (1)

< 3 >3   (2)30   (2)30th   (4)31   (1)3rd   (1)

< 4 >4,000   (2)4279   (1)

< 5 >50,000   (1)501   (2)503   (1)

< 7 >7   (1)75   (1)78207   (2)78212   (1)

< 9 >93   (1)

< A >ability   (2)

able   (8)absolutely   (1)accurate   (1)achievements   (1)activism   (1)activities   (2)actual   (3)adaptable   (1)add   (2)added   (2)additional   (2)administration   (2)administrations   (2)advance   (1)advantage   (2)advantages   (2)ADVISORY   (3)affiliates   (2)AFT   (2)agenda   (2)ago   (3)agree   (1)agreement   (1)Aide   (1)Alejandra   (1)alluding   (1)amazing   (1)America   (4)American   (1)analysis   (1)analyzing   (1)anniversary   (1)annual   (1)answered   (1)Antonio   (7)anyway   (2)appeals   (2)A-P-P-E-A-R-A-N-C-E-S   (1)applicants   (1)application   (5)applications   (2)apply   (1)appreciate   (2)area   (3)areas   (2)arguments   (1)Arizona   (1)ARTILES   (3)

asked   (4)assay   (1)assistant   (1)associated   (1)Association   (1)assuming   (2)athletes   (1)attend   (2)attended   (2)Auditorium   (1)autonomy   (4)available   (1)avenue   (1)award   (7)Awards   (6)

< B >back   (4)background   (1)bad   (1)Barrera   (2)base   (2)based   (5)basic   (1)Basically   (3)basis   (1)bear   (1)beating   (1)behalf   (1)believe   (2)best   (3)BEXAR   (2)Beyond   (2)bigger   (1)bilingual   (1)bio   (1)bios   (1)bit   (2)board   (1)book   (1)borne   (1)Boulevard   (2)brand   (1)branding   (1)break   (1)BREAKOUT   (4)brevity's   (1)briefly   (1)bright   (1)

bring   (1)bringing   (1)broadcast   (1)broaden   (1)brought   (1)budget   (1)build   (4)business   (4)businesses   (1)buy-in   (1)

< C >call   (2)called   (1)calls   (1)Campus   (2)candidates   (2)capture   (1)career   (2)careers   (2)carefully   (1)Carl   (1)carried   (1)categories   (1)category   (1)caveat   (1)celebration   (2)celebrities   (1)central   (1)ceremony   (3)certain   (3)certainly   (2)Certified   (1)certify   (1)Cesar   (2)cetera   (17)challenge   (1)challenged   (1)challenges   (3)challenging   (1)Champions   (10)Championship   (1)Change   (9)Chavez   (2)check   (1)child   (2)childhood   (1)choosing   (1)chosen   (1)

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cities   (2)class   (1)classroom   (1)classrooms   (1)clear   (2)clock   (1)close   (2)closer   (1)closing   (1)co-brand   (1)co-branding   (1)cochairs   (1)collaborating   (1)collaboration   (1)combining   (2)come   (3)comes   (2)comfort   (1)comfortable   (1)coming   (1)commemorate   (1)comment   (6)comments   (3)COMMISSION   (24)commissioned   (1)commissioner   (1)commissioners   (3)commissions   (2)commission's   (2)committee   (14)committee's   (1)Communications  (2)community   (3)compared   (1)competitions   (1)conceivably   (1)concern   (1)concerns   (1)concluded   (1)concrete   (1)conduct   (1)conference   (2)connected   (1)connecting   (1)connection   (1)connections   (1)connectivity   (1)consider   (5)

consideration   (1)considered   (2)contact   (1)continue   (4)continuity   (2)contribute   (1)contributions   (1)conversation   (6)conversations   (1)costs   (4)country   (2)COUNTY   (2)couple   (3)coupon   (1)course   (1)Court   (2)coverage   (1)create   (1)creating   (1)creation   (1)credible   (1)criteria   (15)critical   (2)CSR   (2)CTA   (1)cultural   (2)culture   (2)curiosity   (1)current   (1)cycle   (3)

< D >D.C   (2)Date   (1)DAVIS   (39)day   (2)deadline   (1)deals   (2)decided   (1)decision   (2)decisions   (1)dedicated   (1)deems   (1)define   (1)definitely   (1)definitive   (1)Delia   (1)department   (4)depth   (1)

derive   (1)descent   (1)deserve   (1)desire   (2)detail   (1)details   (1)develop   (2)developing   (1)development   (1)Diana   (1)different   (3)difficult   (1)dignitaries   (1)direction   (3)director   (3)disappear   (2)disappearance   (1)discussed   (2)DISCUSSION   (18)disseminate   (3)disseminated   (1)disseminating   (1)dissemination   (1)district   (4)districts   (2)division   (1)document   (1)documentary   (1)documented   (1)documents   (1)doing   (4)door   (1)doubly   (1)Downtown   (2)drafted   (1)dreamers   (3)Dreams   (1)drew   (2)duly   (1)

< E >earlier   (1)earliest   (1)early   (1)East   (1)easy   (1)education   (8)EDUCATIONAL   (3)Education's   (1)

educators   (3)effectiveness   (1)efforts   (2)either   (1)elementary   (2)elevate   (1)eleven   (7)eliminated   (1)e-mails   (1)empathy   (1)employment   (1)encourage   (1)encouraging   (1)engage   (1)engaged   (1)engaging   (1)entire   (1)entities   (1)entrepreneurs   (1)ESKELSEN   (1)ESL   (2)essentially   (1)established   (2)et   (17)evaluated   (1)event   (5)everyday   (1)evidence   (1)exactly   (2)example   (5)EXCELLENCE   (4)excellent   (1)excelling   (1)exemplary   (1)exist   (1)existing   (1)expanding   (1)expenses   (1)experience   (2)experienced   (1)experiences   (1)Expiration   (1)explored   (1)exploring   (1)expressed   (1)extend   (1)extent   (1)external   (1)eyes   (1)

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< F >fact   (1)faculty   (1)fairly   (4)fairness   (1)Fall   (1)familiar   (1)far   (2)Fax   (1)featured   (2)features   (2)featuring   (1)felons   (1)figure   (2)figuring   (1)film   (1)final   (7)finally   (1)find   (1)finished   (1)Firm   (1)first   (3)five   (2)flexibility   (2)flexible   (1)focus   (4)folks   (4)follow   (1)following   (1)follow-up   (1)forever   (1)forgoing   (1)formal   (1)forth   (1)forward   (3)found   (1)Foundation   (19)Freddie   (1)full   (3)funding   (1)fundraise   (1)fundraising   (2)funds   (1)further   (1)future   (2)

< G >GAMA   (2)

GANDARA   (31)GARCIA   (15)gather   (1)George   (1)getting   (5)gifts   (1)give   (1)given   (3)glamorous   (1)globally   (1)go   (12)goal   (1)goes   (2)going   (18)good   (5)gotten   (1)graders   (1)grassroots   (1)great   (8)ground   (2)group   (2)grows   (1)guess   (1)guests   (1)guidance   (1)guys   (2)

< H >hand   (1)happen   (4)happening   (1)happy   (1)hard   (3)Hayden   (1)head   (1)hear   (2)heart   (1)held   (4)help   (1)helpful   (1)helping   (1)hereunto   (1)Heritage   (21)heros   (1)Hi   (1)high   (9)highest   (1)Hispanic   (27)HISPANICS   (3)

Hoffman   (2)hold   (1)holding   (2)honor   (1)honored   (2)honorees   (1)honoring   (2)honors   (2)hopefully   (1)House   (28)household   (1)House's   (1)huh   (1)Hunsucker   (3)hyperconscious   (1)

< I >idea   (5)ideas   (4)identify   (2)identifying   (1)immigrant   (2)immigrated   (1)immigration   (1)impact   (6)implementation   (1)important   (6)impression   (1)inaudible   (64)Inaudible.   (2)include   (3)included   (1)includes   (1)incorporated   (1)incredible   (1)incredibly   (1)independent   (3)individual   (3)individuals   (1)individual's   (1)inevitably   (1)influenced   (2)info   (1)information   (6)infrastructure   (3)initial   (1)initiates   (1)initiative   (1)innovative   (4)

input   (1)inspiration   (1)intensity   (1)interest   (1)interested   (2)internally   (1)invite   (1)involved   (2)involving   (1)Iran   (1)Irving   (1)ISD   (1)ISS   (1)issue   (4)issued   (1)issues   (4)its   (3)

< J >January   (1)JOANN   (2)join   (1)judgment   (1)jump   (1)

< K >K-12   (3)keep   (2)KENT   (1)kid   (2)kids   (5)kind   (1)kinds   (2)knocked   (1)know   (32)knowing   (1)knowledge   (1)known   (1)

< L >Lajvardi   (1)language   (2)Languages   (1)larger   (1)Latin-America   (1)Latino   (6)law   (1)leaders   (1)leading   (1)

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lean   (1)learn   (3)learned   (1)learning   (1)leave   (2)legacy   (3)lends   (1)length   (1)lessons   (2)letting   (1)level   (1)leveraging   (2)life   (1)LILY   (3)list   (2)literally   (1)little   (4)live   (3)local   (3)locally   (1)Locust   (1)long   (1)look   (4)looking   (6)Lopez   (1)lose   (2)loss   (2)lot   (7)love   (1)

< M >mailing   (1)main   (1)making   (2)manage   (1)manages   (1)MARCO   (5)MARIA   (2)Marie   (1)Marisa   (1)market   (1)markets   (4)MARTINEZ   (7)mean   (6)meaningful   (1)means   (2)media   (5)meet   (1)Meeting   (4)

MELVIN   (6)members   (2)MENDOZA   (3)mention   (1)mentoring   (1)met   (1)Mexico   (1)middle   (2)migrants   (1)mind   (1)minds   (1)minimal   (1)minimum   (1)minority   (1)minors   (1)minute   (1)minutes   (4)MIT   (1)Molina   (1)moment   (3)money   (2)MONICA   (1)month   (3)morning   (2)motivation   (1)MOU   (2)moving   (1)Mundos   (1)

< N >name   (1)names   (1)name's   (1)Natalie   (3)nation   (1)national   (5)nationally   (1)NEA   (1)necessarily   (2)necessary   (1)need   (8)negative   (1)negotiate   (1)negotiation   (1)neighborhood   (1)neighborhoods   (3)NEIRA   (2)networks   (2)never   (2)

new   (5)news   (1)nice   (1)nominate   (5)nominated   (2)nomination   (1)non-Latino   (2)nonprofit   (2)notably   (1)number   (3)

< O >obvious   (1)obviously   (10)Office   (3)officials   (1)Oh   (3)Okay   (10)old   (1)once   (2)ones   (4)ongoing   (1)open   (1)opportunity   (2)Option   (4)options   (4)order   (1)organization   (6)organizations   (3)originally   (1)outline   (2)outlined   (1)outreach   (5)outstanding   (3)oversee   (1)

< P >p.m   (4)p.m.   (1)paid   (1)parents   (6)part   (10)participation   (1)particularly   (3)partly   (1)partner   (4)partnering   (1)partnership   (2)Parts,   (1)

party   (1)pass   (1)path   (1)PATRICIA   (2)people   (11)Perez   (2)Perfect   (1)person   (3)person's   (1)perspective   (1)Phoenix   (1)Phone   (1)physicians   (1)picked   (1)piece   (5)pieces   (4)piggyback   (1)pipeline   (1)places   (3)planning   (1)please   (1)pleased   (1)point   (2)policy   (2)political   (3)poll   (1)poor   (1)popular   (1)population   (3)populations   (2)portion   (2)positive   (1)positives   (2)possibility   (1)possible   (1)potential   (3)poverty   (2)practically   (1)preference   (1)prepare   (1)presented   (1)presenting   (1)preserving   (1)president   (2)PRESIDENT'S   (2)press   (1)prestigious   (1)previous   (1)prior   (1)

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priorities   (3)priority   (1)private   (1)probably   (4)proceed   (1)process   (11)processing   (1)profession   (2)professional   (2)profile   (2)program   (28)programs   (2)Public   (3)published   (1)pull   (1)pursue   (3)push   (3)put   (2)putting   (1)

< Q >qualified   (1)question   (7)questions   (1)quite   (1)

< R >raise   (2)raised   (1)raising   (1)reach   (2)real   (3)realistically   (1)really   (14)realm   (1)reason   (2)recall   (1)receipt   (1)receive   (1)recharged   (1)recognition   (12)recognizable   (1)recognize   (5)recognized   (4)recognizing   (3)recommendation  (2)recommendations  (2)

recruit   (1)recruiting   (3)recruitment   (9)recruits   (1)reflect   (1)reflecting   (1)reform   (1)region   (3)regional   (4)regions   (2)register   (1)Registration   (1)regularly   (2)Related   (1)relationship   (1)releases   (1)remember   (1)remind   (1)renaming   (1)repeat   (2)repeating   (2)Reported   (1)Reporter   (1)Reporting   (2)represent   (1)representative   (1)represented   (2)representing   (1)requirements   (1)resources   (1)respective   (1)rest   (1)review   (6)revisited   (2)right   (26)robotics   (2)role   (2)round   (1)Rudy   (1)rule   (1)run   (1)running   (1)

< S >sake   (2)San   (7)saying   (3)schedule   (1)scheduling   (1)

scheme   (1)scholarship   (1)school   (15)schools   (3)schoolteachers   (1)scientists   (1)scores   (2)SCRIBNER   (9)search   (1)second   (3)secondary   (1)see   (5)select   (3)selected   (8)selecting   (2)selection   (4)selections   (3)send   (5)sense   (1)separate   (1)September   (9)Service   (3)services   (2)set   (3)seven   (1)share   (2)shelf   (1)shift   (2)shows   (1)sides   (2)sign   (1)signed   (1)significant   (1)simply   (3)Simultaneous   (14)slate   (3)small   (3)smallness   (1)Smith   (6)social   (1)solicitation   (1)somebody   (1)Somerset   (1)soon   (2)sort   (16)sought   (1)sounds   (2)South   (1)Spanish   (1)

Spare   (1)SPEAKER   (32)speakers   (1)specific   (1)specifically   (1)sponsors   (1)spread   (1)spring   (1)staff   (4)standard   (3)standards   (3)start   (1)state   (3)statement   (1)stay   (2)stem   (1)steps   (1)stories   (3)story   (2)Street   (1)student   (10)students   (19)student's   (2)stuff   (2)sub   (1)SUBCOMMITTEE  (7)subgroup   (1)subgroups   (4)subject   (3)submit   (5)submitted   (1)Subway   (1)success   (1)suggest   (2)summer   (1)support   (3)supposed   (1)sure   (6)sustainability   (1)

< T >table   (2)take   (8)taken   (1)takes   (2)talented   (1)talk   (3)talked   (3)

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talking   (4)teach   (3)teacher   (31)teachers   (37)team   (1)television   (2)tell   (2)temporary   (1)ten   (1)tend   (1)terms   (6)test   (2)Texas   (9)thank   (3)Theater   (1)thing   (6)things   (10)think   (33)thinking   (1)thinks   (1)thought   (3)thoughts   (1)three   (9)thrilled   (1)ticking   (1)Tijerina   (1)time   (7)timetable   (1)tiny   (1)Title   (1)today   (2)told   (2)Tomei   (1)Tony   (1)Tonya   (2)top   (1)touch   (2)tracks   (1)trajectory   (1)transcribe   (1)transcription   (1)travel   (3)triggered   (1)trip   (1)troops   (1)true   (1)try   (3)trying   (3)two   (12)

type   (1)

< U >U.S   (2)Ultimately   (3)unaccompanied   (2)uncomfortable   (1)understanding   (1)understood   (1)undertook   (1)Underwater   (1)underwrite   (1)underwriting   (1)University   (2)Unknown   (2)untraditional   (1)upset   (1)use   (1)uses   (1)usually   (1)

< V >various   (2)VERONICA   (1)vet   (1)vice   (1)Video   (1)view   (1)visibility   (4)visible   (2)vision   (1)voice   (3)

< W >wait   (1)want   (17)wanted   (9)wants   (1)Warner   (1)Washington   (3)way   (8)ways   (4)website   (2)Wednesday   (1)weekly   (1)well   (18)went   (1)we're   (11)West   (1)

WHEREOF   (1)White   (29)whitehouse.gov   (1)whoa   (3)widely   (1)win   (1)winner   (2)winners   (8)winning   (1)wins   (1)WITNESS   (1)wondered   (1)wonderful   (2)Woodstone   (1)word   (2)words   (1)work   (10)World   (1)write   (2)

< Y >Yeah   (10)year   (2)years   (5)year's   (1)young   (4)youth   (10)

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Page 11







11 Fall 2014 Public Meeting12 Wednesday, September 3, 201413 2:15 p.m.14 The University of Texas at San Antonio15 Downtown Campus16 501 W. Cesar Chavez Boulevard17 San Antonio, Texas 78207, at 2:15 p.m.18



21 Reported by: Natalie Hunsucker, CSR22 Hoffman Reporting & Video Service23



Page 21 A-P-P-E-A-R-A-N-C-E-S2















Page 31 K-12 SUBCOMMITTEE BREAKOUT DISCUSSION2 MS. GANDARA: All right. So what we have3 done in this committee in the past and, unless I'm told4 not to, I think is a good idea is to include all of you in5 the discussion just as the committee members because you6 have important ideas, thoughts, comments, and we don't get7 another opportunity to really share. So it just makes it8 doubly difficult when we have only 30 minutes, but I still9 want to encourage you to comment.

10 I have to ask first, because we have an11 agenda here that is at least good for 75 minutes or so,12 what your preference would be in terms of which issues to13 take up first. Under old business, we have the issue of14 the immigrant student services and comments on that. We15 have the discussion, which Marco and I had talked about at16 some length actually having today, about how we should17 proceed with the teacher recognition piece. I think we18 have to touch on that for five minutes anyway because some19 decisions have to be made.20 We have the issue of whether this committee21 wants to be engaged in developing one or more policy22 documents having to do with teacher recruitment and23 perhaps other issues. We have -- And under there, I have24 particularly the disappearance of Title 7 funding, which25 we once had and I believe should have again, and the issue

Page 41 of dissemination of the work because there's actually a2 lot of stuff that is happening, going on, getting done,3 being documented, being published. And I have great4 concerns about how well we're disseminating all of that.5 But under new business are also the issues6 of unaccompanied child migrants, comments on a policy7 consideration for dreamers who want to be prepare to8 become teachers and whether the committee is still9 interested in the two (inaudible) sides that it now has or

10 does it want to shift. And those two (inaudible) sides11 being the immigrant student services and the teacher12 recruitment. Or does the committee want to shift13 priorities or add other priorities and I know there's some14 comment here about that.15 Alejandra is supposed to join us sometime16 during these 30 minutes to talk about the 25th anniversary17 and what we would like our role to be in that and what18 kinds of initiates we would like to push. And, finally, I19 wanted to put on the table perhaps a closer conversation20 with AFT and CTA, who are representative of our committee21 but have not had, I think, as high of a profile on this22 committee as they deserve and could help us with23 representing, I mean, given that we have this whole focus24 on teacher recruitment.25 So those are the issues. Do I hear anything

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Page 51 from the committee about where you would want to start on2 that list? We're not going to make it through all of3 this.4 MS. MELVIN: We might want to just break up,5 I don't know, in terms of time, into the two subgroups6 that we have and have our own subgroups.7 MS. GANDARA: ISS and the teacher stuff?8 MS. MELVIN: Yeah.9 MR. DAVIS: So because it's a public meeting10 and we have to transcribe it, that would be hard to do.11 MS. MELVIN: No subgroup. No subgroups of12 the subgroups.13 MS. SPEAKER: (Inaudible.)14 MR. DAVIS: That would be hard to --15 MS. GANDARA: All right. While you consider16 that, I think I'm going to push it over to Marco and I to17 have a little bit of a conversation with you guys about18 the -- the teacher recognition/recruitment and the three19 basic options we have before us about how we would like to20 pursue that.21 Marco, you want to outline the -- the three?22 MR. DAVIS: Yes. Perfect. So you all may23 recall, but for the certain -- for our -- for our guests,24 let me share that two years ago, in 2012, the subcommittee25 undertook a teacher recognition program whereby it sought

Page 61 to recognize and elevate outstanding educators in the2 Latino community. Ultimately, the program -- the teacher3 recognition program was made a White House Champions of4 Change program, which is a program that the White House5 manages fairly regularly. It's available at6 whitehouse.gov/champions. You can see where fairly7 regularly, almost on a weekly basis, the White House8 features outstanding, what they call, sort of everyday9 heros, people who are not household names but who should10 be, but who are not necessarily nationally recognized, who11 are doing great work in various areas, whether it be12 education, (inaudible), employment, law, et cetera,13 et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So they have a standard14 process and focus.15 So that was one program that was done. And16 so now the question before the subcommittee or -- or17 for -- for the sake of time is to think about sort of how18 to do this teacher recognition program, again, as there's19 been a desire to -- to repeat it. But there are20 essentially sort of three options to pursue it as I've21 outlined it. But there's probably more than three, but22 certainly three that have been discussed thus far.23 So I want us to -- to repeat this Champions24 of Change program. But what I would remind folks sort of25 the way I -- to outline it, sort of the main features of

Page 71 that is to poll the Champions of Change event. What would2 happen would be that the -- the commissioners would find3 some way, through outreach, et cetera, to identify a slate4 of teachers and to submit recommendations to the White5 House for review. The White House would then review those6 recommendations, review that slate of potential7 candidates, would vet them, which is one of the standard8 pieces that the White House does, which is sort of a9 minimal background check to make sure that they're not

10 felons and so on partly because they're -- they're11 recognized at the White House, so they have to attend the12 ceremony, as well, and also apply any additional criteria13 that the White House deems necessary in order to make14 their selections. So that's a process that they manage15 internally at the White House.16 So, obviously, one of the advantages of17 repeating the Champions of Change program is that the18 program would then be held at the White House. Teachers19 would be featured on the White House Champions of Change20 website. There would be a media advisory issued by the21 White House Communications Office, et cetera. Also, an22 advantage would be leveraging the -- the White House23 infrastructure. So holding an event at the White House24 South Court Auditorium, those press releases and -- and25 bios are drafted by the White House, et cetera. And, of

Page 81 course, the teacher could go to Washington and see that2 it's the White House's part of the program.3 Obviously, the challenges to repeating that4 program, as experienced prior, was that there's a loss of5 autonomy. So the White House has the final say on the6 criteria and the final say on the final slate of the7 teachers, on the final selections. What the commission8 would be able to do is to make a recommendation of those9 seven people, but the White House ultimately would make

10 that decision as they run that program.11 There are also sometimes challenges in terms12 of costs associated, most notably travel for the honored13 teachers to the White House, as the White House does not14 have a budget for any of the Champions of Change programs.15 So the teachers who are selected to be honored have to16 under -- underwrite their own costs. It also --17 MS. GANDARA: Or somebody on the committee18 has to come up with the money for it.19 MR. DAVIS: Right. But, see, if someone on20 the committee comes up with it, much like Option B, as21 I'll talk about in a minute, then it's a process that the22 commission has to take on anyway separate from the White23 House and it's still subject to -- so only doing it for24 the ones that are selected by the White House, et cetera.25 MS. GANDARA: All right. So before you go

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Page 91 on to the two, are -- are you finished with one?2 MR. DAVIS: Yeah. The only other thing I3 was going to say is, also, just bear in mind that4 obviously, then, it also would be subject to the White5 House timetable. For example, when this Champions of6 Change ceremony could be held is subject to the White7 House.8 MS. GANDARA: And the obvious thing to9 consider here, as we discussed in a private -- in a10 previous meeting, was that it -- not only do we lose11 autonomy, we lose continuity of a certain sense because it12 doesn't have its own life. It just becomes something that13 is part of Champions of Change. And in a change of14 administrations --15 MR. DAVIS: Right.16 MS. GANDARA: -- we would not necessarily17 have an ongoing program.18 MR. DAVIS: Right.19 MS. GARCIA: Do the -- Does the committee20 get to know what the White House criteria is?21 MR. DAVIS: Yes.22 MS. GARCIA: That would be helpful. Because23 I think before, we were selecting people that met our24 criteria and then there were additional, obviously, things25 that were going on that we -- if we had know it in

Page 101 advance, we would have maybe made other selections.2 MR. DAVIS: Yes. Good point. Okay. So --3 so that -- So that's option one just to think about.4 Option two (inaudible), very simply, will be5 for the commission to (inaudible). The process would be6 that commissioners would develop a set of criteria, would7 conduct outreach, recruiting candidates, oversee the8 selection process and create the actual recognition9 program event at the (inaudible) et cetera, et cetera, et10 cetera. Obviously, one advantage is that there is then11 the full commission autonomy. There's full commission12 branding, visibility for the commission. For that, there13 is that potential for continuity at the minimum through14 this commission. And should this commission be recharged15 in the future administration, it could continue that16 program.17 Some of the challenges are that there is no18 existing infrastructure before that. Right? So the19 criteria don't exist. Because even if you revisited last20 year's, you would have to -- to take a look at that again.21 All planning and implementation would have to be carried22 out either by the commissions for (inaudible) resources23 any funds to the underwriting costs of the program would24 have to be raised by the commission, et cetera.25 Obviously, the (inaudible) all the support that goes

Page 111 through its own processing department (inaudible) for any2 gifts, solicitation and/or receipt to the Department of3 Education and sort of putting out all sort of visibility4 in media and outreach, et cetera. That's two.5 Three is a -- a new possibility based on a6 conversation we had about a month ago with an organization7 called Hispanic Heritage Foundation. And for those who8 are not familiar, I will very briefly just mention it.9 The Hispanic Heritage Foundation was established by the

10 White House in 1987 but is now an independent 503(C)11 nonprofit organization. But it was originally established12 to commemorate the creation of the Hispanic Heritage month13 in America.14 It was known best for its prestigious15 Hispanic Heritage Awards, which they still hold each year,16 and are considered among the highest honors for Hispanics17 in the U.S., often recognizing Latino leaders who have18 made positive contributions in the U.S., in Latin-America19 and globally in various categories. It honors physicians,20 scientists, educators, public officials, celebrities,21 athletes, et cetera. There's an annual event attended by22 many people in Washington, D.C. Certainly the Warner23 Theater has been attended by many sort of dignitaries.24 The Hispanic Heritage Foundation also,25 several years back, 16 years ago, added a youth awards

Page 121 program where high school students have been selected for2 their achievements in the classroom, in the community and3 in focus of ten priority tracks, one of which is4 education. After a high profile search featuring outreach5 to 4,000 schools, young people are selected in regions6 through a -- a local committee that will pass on the word7 to local educators, staff and board members for the8 Hispanic Heritage Foundation. And then there's three9 regional winners and then there's five national winners

10 for young people.11 The reason why I bring it up the youth12 awards is that the youth winners -- each of these three13 regional youth winners is asked to nominate the teacher14 who has made a significant impact on them, on their15 success per the innovative teacher recognition program.16 So in each of the eleven markets, one teacher is selected.17 Basically, the young people identify the teacher. They're18 asked to get contact info and a bio and so on. But they19 also are asked to write an assay on behalf -- or from20 their perspective on the teacher, which includes things21 like their vision, their empathy, their mentoring, their22 guidance, their innovative ideas and untraditional efforts23 to reach the students, cultural connectivity, engaging24 with parents, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.25 The Hispanic Heritage Foundation, again,

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Page 131 uses a local selection committee to review those2 applications and staff that have been very (inaudible) to3 (inaudible) at the moment, make the selection of those4 individual teachers as soon as they know the winners so5 that they can select from each market. From those eleven,6 one is selected as the national winner who would attend7 the national Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards program. All8 of these are usually broadcast on television as well as9 other things.10 So what the Hispanic Heritage Foundation has11 expressed interest in is in collaborating with the12 initiative or the commission in looking at combining --13 combining or involving the commission in some way in that14 innovative teacher program. So the idea is that what15 would happen here. And, obviously, there's still many16 more conversations that need to be held, what we're17 exploring through a few other activities, as well, in18 creating a formal partnership with the Hispanic Heritage19 Foundation and having an actual (inaudible) agreement20 signed off on by the Department of Education and the21 Hispanic Heritage Foundation for a number of activities,22 one which would include this. It doesn't have to be23 this -- this (inaudible).24 Advantages would be leveraging the external25 organization and infrastructure and their process for

Page 141 identifying and selecting teachers. There's obviously2 eleven regional markets throughout the country, so there's3 a potential to build into that. There's also an4 opportunity there in that some if -- some if not all the5 of costs could be borne by the Hispanic Heritage6 Foundation. So basically as part of this (inaudible),7 they're then able to fundraise, to get sponsors and so on8 independent of us not to have the need to go through the9 Department of Education's review process for fundraising10 so long as they make their -- their fundraising their11 portion of the event, which would include things like12 travel. At the moment, the Innovative Teacher (inaudible)13 all their expenses are paid for travel, so (inaudible).14 Obviously, the challenge is there. There is15 also a different type of loss of autonomy and that's16 partnering with a partner and having to negotiate some of17 those pieces, obviously, the same piece of visibility,18 making sure that the two entities are well represented and19 visible and so on and so forth (inaudible) White House20 program as compared to the Championship program21 (inaudible). So those are sort of just the three options22 to put on the table to consider as -- as the commission23 thinks about what direction you want to go.24 MS. GANDARA: It's not clear to me how the25 commission doesn't disappear into the Hispanic Heritage.

Page 151 And wouldn't there ultimately be only one teacher?2 MR. DAVIS: So yeah. So we weren't able to3 go sort of more in depth in terms of that. And I didn't4 want, also, to go to too, too much into detail with them.5 What I can say is that I think that the Hispanic Heritage6 Foundation is fairly flexible, fairly adaptable in7 (inaudible) the program.8 So I think things like the question of9 expanding it to be more than one national winner, figuring

10 out how to co-brand, so, for example, it could be the --11 for -- for brevity's sake, the Commission/Hispanic12 Heritage Foundation outstanding teacher award. I mean, I13 think they could -- they would even consider renaming it14 that way. There would be the ability to do all the media15 (inaudible) with the commission's partner (inaudible)16 Hispanic Heritage Foundation. And the commission is17 honoring these folks.18 There could be (inaudible) for the19 commission to invite them to Washington, D.C., or20 something to figure out ways to recognize, honor and21 support them, raise their visibility and raise the22 (inaudible) to their participation in the program. We23 could have commissioners. Well, they did, in fact,24 suggest, for example, the (inaudible) was we could work to25 have a commissioner and/or staff person represented in

Page 161 each of the regional markets being the ones presenting the2 award to the teacher, so (inaudible) the actual ceremony3 where the youth awards happen and the teacher is4 recognized (inaudible) be incorporated into the program5 and visible recognizable (inaudible).6 There's -- There is some flexibility.7 There's not a lot of definitive. But it's something that,8 again, if you wanted to pursue that avenue (inaudible)9 right now, you could have further conversation about how

10 that would work to see if it would meet your requirements.11 MS. GANDARA: Just before I ask Lily to12 comment, do you know what their cycle is like right now?13 MS. GARCIA: (Inaudible.)14 MS. GANDARA: Oh, thank you. Great minds,15 huh? Okay.16 MR. DAVIS: Okay. So their current --17 MS. GANDARA: So that means it wouldn't be18 until the following September at the earliest?19 MR. DAVIS: So -- Not exactly. So the20 application, I think, deadline is September 30th, right?21 MS. MARTINEZ: Yes.22 MR. DAVIS: Yeah. So the application for23 the youth award is September 30th, which means they'll24 receive the youth applications. The youth are the ones25 who nominate teachers. So it's actually spring, I think,

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Page 171 into the summer where they recognize the teachers. So you2 could conceivably jump into this cycle if you desire.3 MS. GARCIA: Because I know Tony Tijerina so4 well, my comfort level is high. If this was like an --5 an --6 MR. DAVIS: Unknown area.7 MS. GARCIA: -- unknown, right, I -- I'd8 probably go whoa, whoa, whoa. So there's two things.9 I -- I like the organization itself. It's a small10 organization. It's not a very political organization. It11 really deals with cultural -- preserving Hispanic culture.12 So that appeals to me.13 And the other thing is -- and I don't know14 how to say this in a nice way -- commissions like ours15 disappear every day. So we can't -- You know, we'll do16 great work and I think we'll make an impact. But I never17 thought of this commission as going on in 20 years,18 because the next president of whatever party will have19 different priorities. It might not be education of --20 Hispanic excellence in education. It might be Hispanic21 excellence in entrepreneurs and small businesses. I mean,22 they -- there'll be a different focus inevitably.23 So I -- I want to -- I look at us as the24 clock is ticking and how do we take something that -- that25 we all thought was a really good idea in recruiting more

Page 181 Latino teachers as the population and the student2 population grows, how are we going to have the faculty in3 a school reflect the community. And this was one tiny4 little piece of, you know, making it a little glamorous,5 to say, "You're recognized. You did an amazing thing."6 They went to the White House. It got some -- It got some7 media coverage. When we're gone, how will that continue8 on?9 And so, you know, I was thinking when you10 got to number two, the second thing, I thought, well,11 maybe AFT and NEA could take this over and make it more12 the teachers. And we're hopefully not going away real13 soon. That's my -- That's my goal. But if you have14 something like the Hispanic Heritage Foundation, it kind15 of takes it out of that political realm where maybe our16 organizations have a good or bad relationship with the17 administration and future administrations. You're never18 going to have that with the foundation.19 I like the idea of saying the connection we20 have is that we would be part of the selection committee.21 We could work with -- We could work with the foundation on22 what the criteria would be. And we wouldn't -- we won't23 forever maybe have this commission as the -- as the brand24 of it, but that's less important to me than the25 recognition that we wanted to have.

Page 191 And this is (inaudible). Okay. And this is2 very popular on all the Spanish language television shows3 around the country and -- and in certain places in -- in4 Mexico. So I -- That appeals to me. And without knowing5 a lot more of the details, I -- I could live with that.6 MR. SCRIBNER: Another -- Another, for me,7 encouraging sign is looking at who they're going to be8 honoring this year. One of the -- the education honorees9 are the Carl Hayden High School robotics team from -- from

10 our school district.11 (Simultaneous discussion)12 MR. SCRIBNER: The -- the -- The13 documentary, "Underwater Dreams" --14 MS. SPEAKER: Oh, that's at your school?15 MR. SCRIBNER: That's our school.16 MS. SPEAKER: I wondered about that.17 MR. SCRIBNER: And then the featured film18 with George Lopez and Marisa Tomei and -- and -- and19 others, in January, "Spare Parts," is coming out. And --20 and -- And I just say that because earlier this morning, a21 couple of speakers, they talked about the activism and22 dreamers and young people. And here is a wonderful23 example of students who are excelling in stem and -- and24 beating MIT in these competitions. They are the ones in25 Arizona, my kids, who are leading the -- the group for

Page 201 grassroots efforts towards (inaudible) immigration reform.2 So I'm all for it.3 MS. NEIRA: I'd like to follow up on a4 couple of things. One, I think it's going to be important5 for the commission to have an understanding of what goes6 into the MOU Commission. I think that's a real critical7 piece. I think the co-branding, even if it's just8 temporary, is critical to keep that role going.9 I particularly appreciate the new voice,

10 that it really takes it away from the political voice also11 locally when it comes from the students. We always say --12 Teachers always say that if you want to be evaluated, go13 to your students. So I think it's a real great way of14 recognizing the voice of the students and sometimes15 parents because the parents are so involved in that16 process. So I -- I really support this with the caveat17 that it really is a partnership.18 And I think, as Lily said, the smallness of19 the group and their intensity on culture, it -- it just20 lends itself to collaboration. So I think I'm a lot more21 comfortable with that than with the first recommendation22 because it does take it away from the process.23 That being said, I -- I want to go back to24 the statement I made this morning. This is just a small25 part of the process that we talked about. I think,

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Page 211 Patricia, you said about the new business and the new2 business is really trying to build upon what -- this whole3 recruitment piece, because the recognition is just a4 celebration, a celebration of the profession. It really5 doesn't go to the heart of recruiting the -- the pipeline6 that we need in our classrooms at this point.7 MS. GANDARA: Does it -- Marco, does it tend8 to lean towards high school teachers who get chosen9 because it -- okay -- yeah, because these are the students10 who --11 MS. GARCIA: That should be part of the12 criteria of looking to say that we have a number of early13 childhood and elementary and secondary teachers. And it14 doesn't come up from the students because they're not15 going to have second graders (inaudible), but that there's16 some way of recognizing (inaudible).17 MS. GANDARA: Okay. If there's any other18 comment about this?19 MS. SPEAKER: I'd like to comment. I think20 that the option to have the students recognize their21 teacher is the best one. We give awards to teachers and22 they stay on the shelf and they're great for that time23 when you take a trip. But if you want to leave a legacy24 and really have their -- their story told, it's through25 the eyes of the child. Teachers love that.

Page 221 We -- You know, I have a student that I've2 been in touch with after 26 years. He's my legacy. He's3 my -- He's the reason that I do what I do. So I think4 having students tell their story and letting that live on5 will be a much bigger award than anything else.6 MR. SPEAKER: I have a question on the7 Heritage -- Hispanic Heritage. The criteria, we're8 talking about recruitment, right, for Hispanic9 recruitment? I'm a student. The person that influenced10 me was Mr. Smith. Am I going to be eliminated because I11 picked Mr. Smith and not Mr. Martinez? You see what I12 mean?13 So we're trying to recruit that -- So, in14 other words, I'm a kid that's gotten nominated because I15 was a great Hispanic kid in class, but my teacher that16 influenced me was Mr. Smith. Well, is that part of our17 criteria is going to be that it has to be Hispanic or not18 Hispanic? Because then I'm getting nominated and I'm19 going to write things about Mr. Smith and how great he20 was. But with that rule, the committee's there saying,21 "Well, I guess, Smith. We don't want Smith. We want22 Martinez." So does that mean -- Are we going to have that23 standard?24 (Simultaneous discussion)25 MS. GANDARA: I -- I appreciate you bringing

Page 231 that up. What we had decided in the last round was that2 we were looking for Latino teachers or -- or teachers who3 had dedicated themselves to the Latino population. And we4 actually did have --5 MS. SPEAKER: We had non-Latino teachers.6 MS. GANDARA: We had a couple of non-Latino7 teachers.8 MR. SPEAKER: But as a -- but as a9 student -- Yeah, well, that's what I was going to say.

10 MR. SCRIBNER: Yeah.11 MR. SPEAKER: Because as a student, how12 would --13 MR. SCRIBNER: Right.14 MR. SPEAKER: -- they wouldn't know. You15 know what I'm saying?16 MR. SCRIBNER: Right. The -- The robotics17 experience, Freddie Lajvardi from -- immigrated from Iran18 and has been in -- in West Phoenix his entire career19 connecting with kids.20 MR. SPEAKER: I just wanted to make sure.21 MR. SCRIBNER: Yeah.22 MS. GANDARA: Well, it's absolutely an23 excellent question, as it would need to revisited now too.24 (Simultaneous discussion)25 MS. MELVIN: Related to that, are we still

Page 241 holding these teachers to our standards or the White House2 standards or is that out the door now?3 (Simultaneous discussion)4 MS. SPEAKER: We would need to continue to5 develop our -- our standards, our criteria.6 MR. DAVIS: Right. So this -- so we --7 There would be more flexibility. It would not sort of8 be -- Because it would not be part of the Champions9 program, there would not be that specific set of criteria.

10 But that's part of the pieces to which Maria was alluding,11 that that would be the negotiation with the foundation12 about what the criteria would be. And I know that the13 commission would be able to sort of forward some ideas.14 If they wanted something more concrete,15 then, you know, at the -- at the moment, I'm not sure.16 I'd need to get some more information on that. I'd have17 to do some follow-up. It seems to be a little bit more18 based on sort of the inspiration and the student's19 impression of the teachers, effectiveness, impact,20 motivation, you know, things like connections to the21 parents. Right. Is it just that that teacher was22 connected to the student's parents or is it all the23 teachers' parents? Those are pieces that could be24 explored that we could figure out ways to define it, to25 capture more.

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Page 251 MR. ARTILES: So I -- I agree with the2 arguments made in terms of the (inaudible) the foundation3 (inaudible) so far and particularly the issue of4 sustainability and how do we keep this up over time. The5 other concern I have is impact. Okay. We recognize these6 individuals who have exemplary careers. Beyond this7 legacy (inaudible) also these individual stories can8 contribute to a -- a knowledge base, which is (inaudible)9 base in terms of what we do to learn this in the larger10 scheme of things.11 So I think we should think about raising12 money to document this individual's trajectory (inaudible)13 in which we can carefully disseminate not only through the14 commission's networks but all the networks that all of us15 have in our respective professional careers and make sure16 that this really is used in meaningful ways, not only17 teacher education programs, but also professional18 development, so really go beyond the recognition of that19 individual and ask the question: "What we can we learn20 from this person's experiences given the evidence we have21 before us? What are the lessons that (inaudible) that we22 can build over time?"23 MS. SPEAKER: This person being what did we24 learn from the teachers or what are we learning from the25 student and how they view the teachers?

Page 261 MR. ARTILES: It's stories that we gather2 about these teachers, whether it's the students' stories3 or the students' or the teachers' experience, but how do4 we impact the profession, as an example, from the lessons5 we derive reflecting on what we have learned (inaudible).6 MS. GARCIA: Can I piggyback on that?7 Because -- and it's -- it's -- it triggered where this8 recognition/recruitment that we're talking about, what9 you're talking about is how do we use these award winning10 incredible teachers to build something that then recruits11 other wonderful, credible people.12 MR. ARTILES: Exactly.13 MS. GARCIA: And I -- I -- I don't want to14 make the -- the judgment that because you're a Latino15 student, you live in a poor neighborhood. But we know16 that a lot of high minority populations are high poverty17 populations. Part of the recruitment that -- that I18 wanted to, you know, add to that is what drew those --19 assuming or -- or analyzing which of those award winners20 are in challenged neighborhoods, poverty neighborhoods,21 what drew them to that? Because we're -- we're looking22 for ways of getting incredibly bright, talented career23 people who will teach in the most challenging way.24 MS. GANDARA: Can I please second that?25 Because that was my -- I think this was what made me

Page 271 rather upset the last time around was because that was2 knocked out. The teachers who came from these kinds of3 neighborhoods were not in the running, basically, because4 the schools weren't doing that well --5 MS. GARCIA: All based on test scores.6 MS. GANDARA: -- based on test scores. And7 so, for me, this would be very important that we talk8 about people who are doing this work in the hard places9 and not in the easy places.

10 MS. GARCIA: And -- And why they wanted to11 teach there and why they wanted to stay there, I think, is12 what the analysis should be based on.13 MS. GANDARA: Well, it sounds like this14 Heritage Foundation has a lot of positives and probably15 more positives than the other two options. Though it does16 also seem to me like this being September 3rd and then17 closing September 30th and having to come up with criteria18 and ideas about how we would do this and what the MOU is19 and everything else simply may not be possible on this20 cycle --21 MR. DAVIS: It may or may not.22 MS. GANDARA: -- realistically.23 MR. DAVIS: It may.24 MS. GANDARA: It may or it may not.25 MR. DAVIS: It's not definitely out of the

Page 281 question.2 MS. MELVIN: We close deals like this in a3 month.4 MR. DAVIS: Well, and, also, again, I5 think --6 (Simultaneous discussion)7 MR. DAVIS: -- I think the teacher portion8 doesn't close.9 MS. GANDARA: But the students --

10 MR. DAVIS: Right. And so then the students11 who, as I understood the process --12 MS. SPEAKER: They would need some direction13 also.14 MR. DAVIS: -- the students who are15 selected -- Right. And so I think it's after September16 30th when the students are selected or asked to nominate a17 teacher, after that.18 MS. GARCIA: Okay. And we can -- we can19 impact the criteria after that on -- on looking at the20 teachers.21 MS. GANDARA: On the teachers.22 (Simultaneous discussion)23 MS. GANDARA: But the students have to be24 given some direction, though, right, about who you're25 choosing? Like consider also elementary schoolteachers --

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Page 291 MR. DAVIS: Right.2 MS. MARTINEZ: -- and that sort of thing?3 MR. DAVIS: Right. But they -- Again, I4 don't think they submit the nomination with their5 application. I think they submit it later.6 MS. GANDARA: Oh.7 MR. DAVIS: Yeah.8 MS. SPEAKER: So right now, it's just the9 students that get submitted?10 MR. DAVIS: They just submit to -- Because11 they -- The youth award wins a scholarship and12 recognition.13 MS. GANDARA: And then they --14 MR. DAVIS: They -- Then the winners15 nominate a teacher.16 MR. SPEAKER: They select winners per17 region.18 MR. DAVIS: Right.19 (Simultaneous discussion)20 MR. SPEAKER: Every region has to send the21 students who win.22 MR. DAVIS: Right.23 MR. SPEAKER: Then from that region, they'll24 send a teacher. Then all those who will be considered for25 the national program, they select one in each category.

Page 301 MS. GANDARA: But we're talking about trying2 to broaden that so it's (inaudible).3 MR. SPEAKER: Right.4 MS. SPEAKER: And -- And my question was5 about the fairness of being able to nominate a teacher.6 How -- how -- How does it happen? Do you get buy-in from7 the school districts or how -- how do the kids get to know8 that this is open for them?9 MR. DAVIS: Yeah. So the -- so the -- Any10 student, I believe, of Hispanic descent anywhere in11 America can sub -- Well, actually, I don't know if it's12 anywhere in America or just the eleven markets. But13 they're able to submit an application.14 MS. SPEAKER: So where is the information15 found for them to be included in that?16 (Simultaneous discussion)17 MR. DAVIS: It's on their website. It's --18 It's this outreach to 4,000 schools through nonprofit19 organizations that they partner with. So they disseminate20 it through social media. They disseminate news about the21 application.22 (Simultaneous discussion)23 MS. SPEAKER: So we wouldn't know24 specifically what school districts have presented the25 information or anything like that?

Page 311 MR. DAVIS: So they might be able to know2 that. I don't know that they know your -- I -- I know3 what -- Well, I don't know off the top of my head. But4 the eleven cities, I think they try to get as much input5 as they can from the eleven cities. They try to spread6 the word as widely as they can in those eleven regions.7 MR. SPEAKER: And they've also brought in8 the (inaudible) through Mundos.9 MR. DAVIS: Right.

10 MR. SPEAKER: They do Subway in (inaudible).11 So it really is quite disseminated.12 (Simultaneous discussion)13 MR. DAVIS: They try to get -- I mean, they14 get literally (inaudible) like -- I couldn't even15 remember. I think it's something like 50,000 applicants.16 They get a lot.17 MS. GARCIA: I'm -- I'm assuming that if18 this commission wanted to partner with them, they'd be19 thrilled that we could then extend that reach. They're --20 They're using what their staff and their, you know,21 ground -- ground troops have. And those of us that are in22 other areas like -- like our organizations could then say23 we can push that out. We have affiliates in every state24 and, between the two of us, in practically every school25 district. So we could send information out to our

Page 321 affiliates. We don't send information to kids, but we2 send it to their teachers to make sure the kids in your3 area have this information.4 MS. GANDARA: Unless I hear something5 negative here -- I'm just hyperconscious of the time6 here -- it sounds to me like folks really very much would7 like this idea of at least moving forward and getting8 (inaudible).9 (Simultaneous conversation)

10 MR. DAVIS: So what I would suggest simply11 is for the next steps is I can -- I -- we can go back and12 engage with the Hispanic Heritage Foundation. We can pull13 in the cochairs for the initial conversation. And then we14 can look at scheduling (inaudible) e-mails. We can15 schedule like conference calls among the full subcommittee16 so that folks are able to review before our final and17 probably wait and make some sort of final decision once18 all questions have been answered and there's a clear path19 (inaudible).20 MS. GANDARA: And -- And can we just leave21 it that we will indeed have a conference call with the22 subcommittee? I'm uncomfortable with the extent at which23 we haven't had these and haven't had, you know -- And24 maybe we can actually continue with some of the rest of25 the agenda as well. Okay. Yes?

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Page 331 MS. SPEAKER: A final comment. This is2 important work. I'm -- I'm pleased to have been here3 today. I have to get back to my school district for a4 meeting. But I don't know how I got to be here. I'm5 happy I'm here. But how does your important work get to6 us?7 (Simultaneous discussion)8 MR. DAVIS: Did you register?9 MS. SPEAKER: Yes, we did.10 MR. DAVIS: You will be added to our mailing11 list. You will get any and all communications from now12 forward.13 MS. SPEAKER: Out of curiosity, can you guys14 tell us who you are?15 MR. MARTINEZ: My name's Rudy Martinez. I16 represent (inaudible). I'm in the central division,17 assistant to the director.18 (Simultaneous discussion)19 MS. BARRERA: I'm Diana Barrera. I'm the20 director of (inaudible) in Somerset ISD here in the21 San Antonio area.22 MS. MENDOZA: My name is Marie Mendoza. I'm23 the director of World Languages. I teach bilingual, ESL,24 language (inaudible) for middle school and high school,25 Irving Independent School District (inaudible).

Page 341 MS. SPEAKER: Take a look at our book.2 MS. MENDOZA: I know. I have.3 MS. SPEAKER: There's -- There's a coupon4 out there.5 (Simultaneous discussion)6 MS. TONYA: Hi. I'm Tonya (inaudible) with7 Educational (inaudible) Service at the San Antonio office,8 not the Woodstone office.9 MS. SPEAKER: I'm (inaudible) for10 (inaudible) America. I (inaudible) of our (inaudible)11 teachers throughout the nation. So I'm really interested12 in getting involved and helping out with that.13 MS. GANDARA: So, for you, it would be very14 (inaudible) the dreamers (inaudible) and the teachers.15 MS. SPEAKER: Yes, unaccompanied minors. I16 need to know everything (inaudible).17 MS. GARCIA: Delia Garcia, (inaudible).18 MS. SPEAKER: I'm (inaudible) Molina, vice19 president of Texas Aide Teachers Association, middle20 school teacher, ESL.21 MR. PEREZ: I'm (inaudible) Perez with the22 American (inaudible) Teachers (inaudible).23 MR. DAVIS: Thank you all.24 MS. SPEAKER: Okay. Thank you.25 (Breakout concluded at 2:52 p.m.)



5 I, NATALIE HUNSUCKER, a Certified Court Reporter6 duly commissioned and qualified in and for the County of7 Bexar, State of Texas, do hereby certify that the forgoing8 is a true and accurate transcription, taken to the best of9 my ability, of the K-12 Subcommittee Breakout Discussion

10 at the President's Advisory Commission on Educational11 Excellence for Hispanics, held at the University of Texas12 at San Antonio Downtown Campus, 501 W. Cesar Chavez13 Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78207, September 3, 2014,14 from 2:15 p.m. to 2:51 p.m.15 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand16 on the 23rd day of September, 2014.17


19 _________________________________ NATALIE HUNSUCKER, Texas CSR 4279

20 Expiration Date: 12/31/2015 Hoffman Reporting Service

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