just start, and believe that your story will lead you where to go next

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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WRITERS , Don't worry if the first few lines are terrible. Don't worry if you have no idea what will happen beyond the first paragraph. Don't even worry that you will probably have to write that first paragraph over. . Just start, and believe that your story will lead you where to go next. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


WRITERS,Don't worry if the first few lines are terrible. Don't worry if you have no idea what will happen beyond the first paragraph. Don't even worry that you will probably have to write that first paragraph over.

Just start, and believe that your story will lead you where to go next. ~ Rhonda Bowen, author of Get You Good

WRITERS,There will always be someone who made it before you, who got a contract faster than you, who got offered more money than you, who has more sales than you and who seems to be

doing better at this writing thing than you.

Do what God has placed in your heart to do.

~ Rhonda Bowen, author of Get You Good

His plan for the other person is not His plan for you, but both plans are just as important.

Writing Tip:Never Give Up! No matter how many rejections

you receive, or how many doors seem to close when you’re

looking for publishing opportunities, don’t allow

yourself to become discouraged.

Surround yourself with positive people!~ Nicole Rouse, author of Happily

Ever Now Series

Even on days when you are extremely busy, have nothing

to write about, or have writer’s block, take 2-3 minutes to write

something in a journal or notebook. Discipline is important for writers.

~ Nicole Rouse, author of Happily Ever Now Series

Writing Tip: Write


The true path to happiness is only through faith …

Don't be a "Closet Writer”

The one thing I would impress upon aspiring writers to NOT

do would be to sit on their work waiting for the doorbell to ring. You have to let others

read what you write.

Lisa WatsonAuthor of Love Contract

Invest in an EditorGet your manuscript edited

by a professional, literary editor. Not your friend,

family member, or an old English teacher, but a

literary editor.Lisa Watson

Author of Love Contract

Be PreparedPublishers, agents and editors are expecting your manuscript to be as perfect as it can be before it gets to their desk.~ Lisa Watson, Author of Love Contract

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