jurisprudence terninologies

Post on 27-Jan-2017






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Artifacts Any object made by human beings, especially

with a view to subsequent use, a handmade object, as a tool, or the remains of one, as a shard of pottery, characteristic of an earlier time or cultural stage, especially such an object found at an archaeological excavation.

Atrocity Extreme Cruelty as like Nazi Germany Canon An ecclesiastical rule or law enacted by a

council or other competent authority; the body of ecclesiastical law; the body of rules, principles, or standards accepted as axiomatic and universally binding in a field of study or art: eg. the neoclassical canon.; a fundamental principle or general rule: the canons of good behavior.; a standard; criterion: the canons of taste.

Creed Any system, doctrine, or formula of religious

belief, as of a denomination; any system or codification of belief or of opinion.; Syn.: faith, conviction, credo, dogma.

Desideratum Things wanted or needed; Synonyms: essentials,

necessities, requisites, sine qua nons.




Encumbrance A thing that impedes or is burdensome; hindrance ; (law) a burden or charge upon property, such as a mortgage or lien; (rare) a dependent person, esp a child a lien, mortgage, or other financial claim against a property.

Epistemology: A branch of philosophy that investigates the

origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge.

Eschatology The branch of theology or eg. exegesis

concerned with the end of the world ; the study of the four last things: death, judgment, heaven, hell. Related: Eschatological ; eschatologically.

Esoteric (Laws) understood by or meant for only the

select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite: poetry full of esoteric allusions.; belonging to the select few.

private; secret; confidential. Ethos Sociology. the fundamental character or spirit of

a culture; the underlying sentiment that informs the beliefs, customs, or practices of a group or society; dominant assumptions of a people or period: In the Greek ethos the individual was highly valued. the character or disposition of a community, group, person, etc. the moral element in dramatic literature that determines a character's action rather than his or her


thought or emotion. ; the distinctive character, spirit, and attitudes of a people, culture, era, etc: the revolutionary ethos

Fiduciary Law-a person to whom property or power is

entrusted for the benefit of another. adj: Law of or relating to- the relation between a fiduciary and his or her principal: a fiduciary capacity; a fiduciary duty.; of, based on, or in the nature of trust and confidence, as in public affairs: a fiduciary obligation of government employees. depending on public confidence for value or currency, as fiat money. a person bound to act for another's benefit, as a trustee in relation to his beneficiary having the nature of a trust ; of or relating to a trust or trustee.

Grudge The anger and dislike of somebody because

someone has done something bad to him in the past. eg. Grudge informer in Nazi Germany

Hellenism Greek tradition especially of ancient Greece;

ancient Greek culture or ideals; the imitation or adoption of ancient Greek language, thought, customs, art, etc.: the Hellenism of Alexandrian Jew; the characteristics of Greek culture, especially after the time of Alexander the Great; civilization of the Hellenistic period; the principles, ideals, and pursuits associated with



classical Greek civilization ; the spirit or national character of the Greeks ;conformity to, imitation of, or devotion to the culture of ancient Greece; the cosmopolitan civilization of the Hellenistic world.

Hermenuitics: The science of interpretation, especially of the

Scriptures; the branch of theology that deals with the principles and methodology of exegesis ; the study and interpretation of human behaviour and social institutions; (in existentialist thought) discussion of the purpose of life

Immutable Not mutable, unchangeable, changeless;

unchanging through time; unalterable; ageless:

immutable laws eg. Natural Law thinkers

considers Natural law as immutable law.

Iniquitous Characterized by injustice or wickedness;

wicked; sinful; Synonym: flagitious, nefarious, perverse, evil, base, unjust, wrong eg. iniquitous laws of Nazi Germany.

Leviathan Bible: a ses monster; any huge marine animal as

the whale a; anything of immense size and power, (any huge or powerful thing), as a huge ocean going ship; (Initial Capital letter, italics) a philosophical work (1651) by Thomas Hobbes dealing with the (Strong & Powerful) political organization of society.



Metaphysics: The branch of philosophy that treats of first

principles, includes ontology and cosmology, and is intimately connected with epistemology; dealing with first principles, the relation of universals to particulars, and the teleological doctrine of causation.; the branch of philosophy that deals with first principles, esp of being and knowing; the philosophical study of the nature of reality, concerned with such questions as the existence of God, the external world, etc

Nihilism Total rejection of established laws and

institutions; anarchy, terrorism, or other revolutionary activity. total and absolute destructiveness, especially toward the world at large and including oneself: the power-mad nihilism that marked Hitler's last years.

Philosophy: an extreme form of skepticism: the

denial of all real existence or the possibility of an objective basis for truth.; nothingness or nonexistence.

(sometimes initial capital letter) the principles of

a Russian revolutionary group, active in the latter half of the 19th century, holding that existing social and political institutions.



Oligarchy A form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few; government by a small group of people; a state or organization so governed; a small body of individuals ruling such a state.

Ontology: The branch of metaphysics that studies the

nature of existence or being as such. Theory of Human Nature.

Orthodox Conforming with established or accepted

standards, as in religion, behaviour, or attitudes ; customary or conventional, as a means or method; established; Syn. Traditional

Paradox A statement or proposition that seems self-

contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth; a self-contradictory and false proposition; any person, thing, or situation exhibiting an apparently contradictory nature; an opinion or statement contrary to commonly accepted opinion; Synonym: Puzzle.

Permutation Alteration, Transformation; Synonym:

modification, transmutation, change.



Plea An appeal or entreaty: a plea for mercy; something that is alleged, urged, or pleaded in defense or justification. an excuse; pretext: He begged off on the plea that his car wasn't workin; Law; an allegation made by, or on behalf of, a party to a legal suit, in support of his or her claim or defense; defendant's answer to a legal declaration or charge; (in courts of equity) a plea that admits the truth of the declaration, but alleges special or new matter in avoidance; Obsolete. a suit or action. Syn. request, petition, supplication, solicitation, suit.; justification.

Prepetrator A person who perpetrates, or commits, an

illegal, criminal, or evil act: eg. The perpetrators of this heinous crime must be found and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Protagonist The leading character, hero, or heroine of a

drama or other literary work; a proponent for or advocate of a political cause, social program, etc.; the leader or principal person in a movement, cause, etc.

Reign The period during which a sovereign occupies

the throne; royal rule or authority; sovereignty.; dominating power or influence: the period during which a monarch is the official ruler of a country ; a period during which a person or thing is dominant, influential, or powerful: the reign of violence is over verb (intransitive) to exercise the power and authority of a sovereign.


Rhetoric The art of discourse, an art that aims to improve

the capability of writers or speakers to inform, most likely to persuade, or motivate particular audiences in specific situations. As a subject of formal study and a productive civic practice, rhetoric has played a central role in the European tradition. Its best known definition comes from Aristotle, who considers it a counterpart of both logic and politics, and calls it "the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion." Rhetorics typically provide heuristics for understanding, discovering, and developing arguments for particular situations, such as Aristotle's three persuasive audience appeals, logos, pathos, and ethos. The five canons of rhetoric, which trace the traditional tasks in designing a persuasive speech, were first codified in classical Rome: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery. Along with grammar and logic (or dialectic—see Martianus Capella), rhetoric is one of the three ancient arts of discourse. From Ancient Greece to the late 19th century, it was a central part of Western education, filling the need to train public speakers and writers to move audiences to action with arguments.


Serfdom Slavery

Subversion The act or an instance of subverting or overthrowing a legally constituted government, institution, etc ; the state of being subverted; destruction or ruin; something that brings about an overthrow

Sine- Qua-Non (Without which nothing) The essential, crucial,

or indispensable ingredient without which something would be impossible: eg.“Her leadership was the sine qua non of the organization's success.” an indispensable condition, element, or factor; something essential:From Latin, meaning “without which nothing.”eg. morality which is a sine qua non of the existence of any kind of society.

Syllogisms Logic- an argument the conclusion of which is

supported by two premises, of which one (major premise) contains the term (major term) that is the predicate of the conclusion, and the other (minor premise) contains the term (minor term) that is the subject of the conclusion; common to both premises is a term (middle term) that is excluded from the conclusion. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.”. ; deductive reasoning; an extremely subtle, sophisticated, or deceptive argument; a deductive inference consisting of two premises and a conclusion, all of which are



categorial propositions. The subject of the conclusion is the minor term and its predicate the major term; the middle term occurs in both premises but not the conclusion. There are 256 such arguments but only 24 are valid. Some men are mortal; some men are angelic; so some mortals are angelic is invalid, while some temples are in ruins; all ruins are fascinating; so some temples are fascinating is valid. Here fascinating, in ruins, and temples are respectively major, middle, and minor terms.

Symposium A meeting or conference for the discussion of

some subject, especially a meeting at which several speakers talk on or discuss a topic before an audience. ; a conference or meeting for the discussion of some subject, esp an academic topic or social problem ; a collection of scholarly contributions, usually published together, on a given subject; (in classical Greece); eg. Critical legal studies (CLS) evolved and developed with series of symposiums.

Tacit Understood without being openly expressed;

implied: tacit approval.; silent; saying nothing: a tacit partner; unvoiced or unspoken: a tacit prayer; created or having effect by operation of law, rather than by being directly expressed; Syn. unexpressed, unspoken, unsaid, implicit.


Teleology: The doctrine that final causes exist; the study of the evidences of design or purpose in nature; (in vitalist philosophy) the doctrine that phenomena are guided not only by mechanical forces but that they also move toward certain goals of self-realization. The field of study and analysis that treats of God and of God's attributes and relations to the universe; study of divine things or religious truth; divinity.

Transcendental idealism:

The Kantian doctrine that reality consists not of appearances, but of some other order of being whose existence can be inferred from the nature of human reason; a doctrine that the objects of perception are conditioned by the nature of the mind as to their form but not as to their content or particularity and that they have a kind of independence of the mind —called also critical idealism

A doctrine founded by German philosopher Immanuel Kant in the 18th century. Kant's doctrine maintains that human experience of things is similar to the way they appear to us—implying a fundamentally subject-based component, rather than being an activity that directly (and therefore without any obvious causal link) comprehends the things as they are in themselves.


The name given by eighteenth century German philosopher Immanuel Kant to the epistemological approach of his philosophy. Kant presents it as the point of view which holds that one's experience of things is about how they appear to that person, not about those things as they are in and of themselves.

Unassailable Not open to attack or assault, as by military force or argument: unassailable fortifications; unassailable logic.; not subject to denial or dispute: Shakespeare's genius gives his works an unassailable position in world literature. not able to be attacked ; undeniable or irrefutable must be destroyed in order to clear the way for a new state of society and employing extreme measures, including terrorism and assassination. annihilation of the self, or the individual consciousness, especially as an aspect of mystical experience. ; The belief that destruction of existing political or social institutions is necessary for future improvement ; An approach to philosophy that holds that human life is meaningless and that all religions, laws, moral codes, and political systems are thoroughly empty and false. The term is from the Latin nihil, meaning “nothing.”


Vindication (Vindicate) To clear, as from an accusation, imputation, suspicion, or the like: to vindicate someone's honor; to afford justification for; to uphold or justify by argument or evidence: to vindicate a claim. to assert, maintain, or defend (a right, cause, etc.) against opposition. to claim for oneself or another. ; Roman and Civil Law. to regain possession, under claim of title of property through legal procedure, or to assert one's right to possession. to get revenge for; avenge. ; to clear from guilt, accusation, blame, etc, as by evidence or argument ; to provide justification for: his promotion vindicated his unconventional attitude ; to uphold, maintain, or defend (a cause, etc): to vindicate a claim.

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