juno beach peace garden proposal april 15, 2011 presented by terron & megan

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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Presented by Terron & Megan

IODE• Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire

• A century old charitable organization of women• Dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals, through

education support, community service and citizenship programs• Created to support soldiers of the Boer War

Garden Shape Inspiration• Poppy is symbol of remembrance

Satellite Image• Useable area outlined in white

Garden Location


Red PavingStone







2 m

6 m

Phase 0—Preparation • Garden design competition• Creation of Garden committee (Mike Black, Megan, Terron and Leanna Darling [landscape

coordinator])• Concept creation and preliminary design• Meeting with CBE Grounds Services to determine best site location • Site approval signed• Fundraising (in process)• Budgeting (in process)• Needs assessment from all stakeholders (students, teaching staff, parents, administration, area

residence)• Location of phone lines, natural gas, electric, cable TV, data, water lines, sanitary sewer, storm

sewer, catch basins (1 (800) 242-3447)• Landscape Architect (Stantec) to help create Master Plan• Submit Mater Plan to CBE Grounds services• Obtain approval from Community Association, City Parks Association• Notify grounds services prior to construction (4 weeks)• Secure contractor• Purchase of materials

Phase 1• General Spring Clean-up

• Removal of fence• Clean up of brush around evergreen green• Raking and general maintenance

• Install security fencing• Construction of round raised garden

Phase 2• Construction of poppy with red paving stones• Option to pursue: poured red concrete

Phase 3• Addition of 4 benches• Garbage can

Phase 4• Centre memorial• Planting of ferns around memorial

Phase 5• Addition of sidewalks

• From north west corner of park• From school driveway across from front entrance

Phase 6• Inspection from Principal and Grounds Services• Final Construction Approval signed

Raised Centre Garden Image

Note: garden will house memorial, memorial will be surrounded with local, low maintenance plants

Centre Memorial Stone

• Potential text: “Lest we forget”• Potential image: dove• Approximately: $1000

Red Paving Stone• Area • Outer circle = 3.14x32 = 28.26 m2• Inner circle = 3.14x12 = 3.14 m2• Red Brick = 25.12 m2• 1 m = 3.28 ft• Red Brick = 270 square feet• Price range from $3-6 per square foot• $810 to $1620 total cost

Benches• 4 concrete benches (each approx. $1000)• Wooden benches inappropriate because of risk of carving

rampant in the neighbourhood

Contractors• Members of IODE do not have the skills and knowledge

necessary to create a high quality product, a contractor is necessary

• Initial quote: Contractor Dave Pauls• ~$30-35/square foot• Garden area is approximately 400 square feet• Estimated total: $12 000-14 000

• Is there another way???

Fundraising• All donors to be recognized on the memorial itself or with

a separate plaque

Timeline• Timeline is entirely dependent on funds available• If total funds are raised and contractor can be secured,

garden will be completed by fall of 2011• If funds are not raised, project will be completed phase by

phase until completion• Garden usable for Remembrance ceremonies and basic uses prior

to ultimate completion

Financials• Costs: (excluding labour)

• Paving stone: $1500• Raised central memorial stone: $200• Raised central memorial:$1500• Dirt/sand: $200• Plants: $150• Benches: $4000• Stone garbage can: $300• Total: $7850

• Money raised thus far: $1100

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