junior ss junior ss my bible first ar 3 year 3 quarter 1 lesson 1

Post on 05-Feb-2016






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Tried and Condemned. Junior SS Junior SS My Bible First ar 3 Year 3 Quarter 1 Lesson 1. After having a last supper with his disciples and washing their feet and after Judas had left the group, when it was night, Jesus took the rest of the disciples with him to the Garden of Gethsemane. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Junior SS Junior SS My Bible Firstar 3 Year 3 Quarter 1Lesson 1

Tried and Condemned

They went over the brook Cedron (Kidron) to a slope on the Mount of Olives about ½ mile from Annas’ palace at the temple.

Near the entrance to the garden, Jesus left all but three of the disciples, bidding them pray for themselves and for Him. (The Desire of Ages, p. 686) Which three did he take with him?

Here is a sculpture that shows Judas Iscariot leading the band of men to arrest Jesus in the garden at night.

You can see a lantern, the bag of silver in his hand, and a man holding a rope with which to tie the hands of Jesus.

Then the band and the captain and officers of the Jews took Jesus, and bound him, And led him away to Annas first; for he was father in law to Caiaphas, which was the high priest that same year. (John 18: 12, 13)

Peter thought he was strong and that he could go anywhere with Christ, even to prison and to death (Luke 22:33), but he ended up denying Christ, even with cursing and swearing (Mark 14:71). He did not reach this point overnight, however, but gradually, step-by-step.

Remember him walking on the water?

And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. (Matthew 14:28-30)

Here are some traits of character revealed in Peter that draw us away from trusting in Jesus—first of all not believing what Jesus tells us and secondly doing things impulsively rather than thinking things through to make a good choice. It is like chasing your ball into traffic without first looking for danger.

This is why the little things in your life are so important. What are some of the little steps you can take that will lead you away from Jesus and eventually cause you to stop following him altogether?

“Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.”

Can you think of another time Peter was impulsive? Let’s look at John 18:10:

Judas came to the Garden of Gethsemane and betrayed Jesus to the officers and soldiers. Later he realized what a terrible thing he had done, but it was too late for him to repent. His heart was fixed in his sinful ways. He had been with Jesus for 3½ years, just like the other disciples.

He had heard what Jesus had taught them and what Jesus had said to others. He had seen the things Jesus had done, but it did not change his heart. If he had not only heard the things that Jesus said but also had done them, he would have gained eternal life.

But Judas was a hearer only and not a doer. He heard the counsel of Jesus but did not heed it. The same thing can happen to us. He heard things like:

Take up your cross and follow me (See Mark 8:34). What does this mean and did Judas do it?

“Instead of walking in the light, Judas chose to retain his defects. Evil desires, revengeful passions, dark and sullen thoughts, were cherished, until Satan had full control of the man” (DA 295).

What about these words: “For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known” (Luke 12:2)? Was Judas an honest man? See John 12:4-6.

“Judas was treasurer for the disciples, and from their little store he had secretly drawn for his own use, thus narrowing down their resources to a meager pittance. He was eager to put into the bag all that he could obtain” (DA 559), and when Mary anointed Jesus’ feet, Judas asked, “Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?” not because he cared for the poor but because he was selfish and deceptive.

Judas had a high opinion of his own executive ability. As a financier he thought himself greatly superior to his fellow disciples, and he had led them to regard him in the same light. He had gained their confidence, and had a strong influence over them. His professed sympathy for the poor deceived them, and his artful insinuation caused them to look distrustfully upon Mary’s devotion. (DA 559, 560)

In summary, Peter was impulsive but generous and wanted to do what was right. Judas, however, was selfish and mean-spirited and wanted his own way.

The only time other than the arrest of Jesus that Annas is mentioned in the Bible is the time Peter healed, through the power of Christ, a man who had been unable to walk for the more than forty years since he had been born.

And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple; Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms. And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us. And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them. Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. (Acts 3:2-8)

Walking, and leaping, and praising God!

BUT…Annas and the leaders were not happy.

And Annas the high priest, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kindred of the high priest, were gathered together at Jerusalem. And when they had set them [Peter and John] in the midst, they asked, By what power, or by what name, have ye done this? (Acts 4: 6, 7)

They commanded Peter and John not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus and threatened them, but then they let them go. Peter and John went home and told all that had happened to them. God filled all of the people with Peter and John with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. (See Acts 4:18, 21, 23, 31)

Jesus, Peter, and John all faced Annas and other Jewish leaders, and all three remained faithful.

One day you may face people who are against you and the truth you believe. Remember the examples of Jesus, Peter, and John and always remain faithful to what is right!

For he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5)

I will bring the blind by

a way that they knew

not . . . And not forsake

them. (Isaiah 42:16)

Credits: Slides 1, 26—joshme17 at Flickr Slide 5—dantaylor at Flickr Slide 6—dierk schaefer at Flickr Slide 8—snigl3t at Flickr Slide 9—mikebaird at Flickr Slide 11—c.b.j at Flickr Slide 13—Ryk Neethling at Flickr Slide 24—Horia Varlan at Flickr Slide 25—LongitudeLatitude at Flickr Slide 27—Memotions at Flickr Slide 28—Walt Stoneburner at Flickr Slide 29—wisconsinkow at Flickr

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