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  • Tk n Amnrinon Inrnnli r Vi "" forced- RuaBia, land and sea, men and student, One may disagree with Dr. something wrong with the name .Northwest as far as Portland , Oregon , 'peddlers in the South , can be' predicted 10. Chronicle, T h« Jc u >i *h/ ^~Z~~7T ' 'I llC R lH CllCflll ISl Q ClllU l "ttle . are his inalienable property as Jastrow In some minor points whioh are Samuely.? It Is generally understood visiting all the princi pal cities ea wufc. *•» this mock-trial. When their P«^fn8"«^nd P«tly German if 's _ well as all hogs and dog. of the 10O mil- his own , as some of his English critics that no honest man presents himself to Thence he will go to San Francisco and J™*

    ^̂ ̂ hear* and deoid?" « S appe aredB JSUmê T*.^'ISAAC M. WISE , Editor. Hon empire ; he manages his own busi- do, but it amounts to very little and re- the world with a pseudonym or alias, Southern California , and returning stop" another " and bail the criminal for a Md.

    In "" "'W ore ,ness as he pleases, and he pleases to be fers only to philological niceties , on and Dr. Senner did ; why ? It is gener - at such points as he could not reach on nominal amount For the last two J -y Exvontnt Je ' ALEO WISE & CO., a reckless and senseless despot . which doctors disagree. Dr. Jas trow ally understood that no one changes the outward trip. ' weeks these peddlers are in idleness, for &arg in PhiMeWaeve? p^kly' aP-pdbuswes aw Pawaiiws. f ^_ has before him all themodern researoheB his name lawfull y without some good We commend him to the kindly the/. *«* lheire^ejoy SS 1886, VdevoteU to the ir ^SS


    *Office: N. W. Cor Fifth and Vine Sta. TnS Bradf or"d (England) Daily Argus into these dialects , scattered over a large cause ; what good cau*e had Samuely to courtesy of all friends of the College, jjjw,,

    6 2dVe tfhom they can, J.?w*h **Ple," " J * mainta in.

    0 JS? ¦_ , in its June 1st number , praised the Beld of the periodical literature call himself Dr. Senner 7 or of this paper. Those who meet Mr.¦. afford to engage, cheat them out of . their onar ieB H0ffm^


    y- and ediled by ^Cincinn ati , 0., June 22, 1893. Rabbi of that city, Rev. Dr. Joseph and the note s to new editions of old Dr. Senner maintains his wife and Gideon will like him for his own sake, money and plot against them , for who .„ ^̂

    '^̂ ."j '" °

    ij lB °ctav0l & ". ¦¦ Strauss , as being "widel y known as one works , and made the best use of all of children are now in New York , which Mr. Gideon will be a .corresponde nt tr oubles himself about "those filthy.ped- ̂' J t belon t6 jho „, ?" C0J ur nn a : :SUBSCHIPTIOH PBICE. FEK fEAE . . . . W 00 of.the greatest authorities on Hebrew them. . We consider this dictionary per- we believe since we know that , his of the iBB«uT« .during his tour and we mf TŜ ' ¦ tJ ^£fe!ra to &^"K ??SL.


    ,»« I K and «>enate lan guages in this country ! fectly reliable , and a lasting monument home, at 104"East 57th Street is-booked ask for hi& the^ privileges' usually no- . 'S5££? : m this - countr y , to spar e 16ca} :**?? '^̂̂ al theolb^j > ;POlta ge t0 EPr0Pe , OH B YBar 100 more ^

    eoMl y the Talmudio Rnd New to .u ftUth ()r . Jn her name ̂

    Thftt Bh6 .B the oMded ̂the p J ^8

    ffTves and AmSn'J ?ws from ĵft 'fehjiad V V '*¦ *m ̂ ' -rates op advb btisi xo. Testament ," etc. Although the English —•— ¦ same good lady that he married in . • . v . ' such disgrace. . _ ¦ ^• ' ' , Btpnily.;.VooB.Berva'tivi^and ^T°d r !"-toM' 'Complimentar y Resoiutioiu and owtu nric B ss oo is somewhat peculiar , yet we are grat e- im cFvVpr m THP inP NTi OAT nR Bruenn is very likely ; but that s*he RUSSIAN PIETY. / "' " -. ' „.„„ Jewish. Its ' predecessor. » UBlTel jr^̂ .̂ .̂^^¦.n ful to the frien d who sent us the sheet. DB' ^™R E TUE IDENTICAL DB. ^̂ fc J ^[̂ ̂ ̂ ,^-7, , A ^TZZŵ lSl™™ 0^' ̂ * ** Til¦ x,1yerti ,ementf of c ongrcgat Ion,, un ,oM oth o, not merel y because we like to see Dr. ̂ SAMUELY. country is quite unlikely, according to Monks Bob a Church. PERIODICAL PRESS. The JM Record , which ^iSSff ivtk iad>« ^d^uttd'enc"'"^̂ St™uss' le«ning lauded, but we ar e ignohie plebiean s in the capacity of the statements of the witness before us , i« Recoverin g the Plunder ofli- Addendn to fl Pnper „y Isaac M. Wise, 18?4 toTsKdiled b* ah "1?™'* fromS^rt Ml ^r^h MSTwSioK «lad to notice thftt there la a lea^d newspaper reporters , interviewed his as unlikely, indeed , ae his statement be- «'* ^iZZ ^&tl&T*™ ' Read Before the PreB S Congress and Henry sVMor l^hK tke°WSS^bS Mngr e^uSnJ are re°u™tcSu^tar rabbi ln En«lttnd outside of London , highness , the Commissioner ot Immi- f"re the Senate Commission that fie . -— in Chicago, May 27tli. ,/ years of its career became an opposiStoiiin mlnd «Aen giving their orders it ihev "in the provinc es," as the London pa- oration of the port of New York at his turned Christian in Europe , which he Russian Jews are being persecuted —'¦¦ ' f 'f 0rgai1 onJy. against «U prcgr esBive ideasta ^rto^i^hfab5?r ~™Wqu ?^d pers call the world outside of that me- caatle on EQis Island and published *& not repeat in the interviews pub- because they will not become converted iv. AHKRiCAS -KNau sH jouBKAiiS: / P^fu"f f̂ ^^T- However !t̂ °olUT tte publtohe " Whw glV'D8 ibaiT tropolis , and outside of Oxford and the puioa a worda 01 the iUustrious Hahed^or as unlikely as his statement

    to the Orthodox so-caUed Christian Most important in our denom,Uionv°?^̂ ^̂coMmwKWKV «d memorial rrcointjan, o( Cambrid ge, which it is presumed mo- innocent in the New York Su *, Tribune , (in the «u«): "I left Judaism and became ChUroh of Russia , . What that Church al journalism after


    ^Hobrew ^nd ̂family

    .^̂ ̂of 'r Mq] na popu

    ŜSSTiJSS^rm PAa^nafS noP-olizM a11 le««in« «" orientalia. WorU, AbM . ̂other popular a. Christian through feelings of con- is^may be jud ged from the following *hr^


    m^'Z ^J f̂ f3S *W*#niiiiona charge ol 85.00 each. . , ¦ ' . . • . organs, and according to all those pub- Boience,'' (this is English). The.30,000- cablegram: : «eroUed by far outbalances the similar ¦;'. :i2. . Era , ^e JVeu ,,. appeare d in New. ''Rates for dispi ay ADVERTis EsiEXT a mado The beautlfu l Poem' - Columbia 's Em- lioatibns Dr. Senner admits his identity florins- tyear -lawyer has "feelings of St.\ PE iBBiBUHa, June 15.̂ -The press of England , France , ' Holland and York , 1871, a short time;,known on application. ' bl^m," by Miss Edna Dean Pro ctor with the suspected Dr. Samuels , who is coUscieace," anckis "f i 0 Jbi gbfc." . . Rise, Church of^ Ch^dov

    Monastery, which Italy, Russia , and vthe^Othei ^ European / ^ \mr t̂ ' ne-Amirican a W«ot t"T . >th . ,.. . wEich appeared originally in the Isbae. 1̂ 150 ̂ to L a fuBit5ve from i^d ̂ all ye sinners • rise all ye. sin-beni ghted :i1* the vfalls of the.Kremhn .̂ was countries. ;The causes may be that ihe Bppeajihg every i Frid ay i in New Y«v 'ln »a«werij ig »»y of the Bdverti iements in this rr . . . . . . j . . oenevea 10 oe a luguive irom juau oe j 1 . ' f recen tly robbed of a vast amount of Hebre w population - here is lar ger than ^Tt» .i„ i£iQ7Q'rn, w~ -n \ Jr ot*wr.«rrudsr. ,mrs.r«.hv

    «.|.B^a. ««. was prov ^ed w.J good muslc by

    frorn the cily ^f Br|f enn in ^ ̂ „ lawyers , doctors , politicians ,, news-mon- pi^ ^ney and gems. , The plate hid S'thTSri es of Western Europe; SoK^'S ^to? ^̂ blf:

    SSll^S^S^fflKAS £°.tir3 if nK^on T ̂


    to ^

    sent after




    SJ 5,

    stage,actor.:and pr ofessionaliBUof just Jeen used; in , the ̂ ceremo r ̂


    : : — : for amgle voice and for unison chorus , there publish ed in some public organs »u descriptions and tak e an example att endant upon the -reception .of , the the papers are cheap and the people are Benting an ahbnym ous Bbar dof EdUcoMH DNicATO.va not signed by iho An-itcrw iii "The Bounteous , Golden Corn " was there ... b„ ddos~a to indicate ' from this 30,0b6-flOrins-a-year , lawyer Cz»J "| and had not been returned to the not as penurious as they arejabroad f -if ¦it4H-^nVsize;-OTtavk"be BMirjB-wiJk rt :-^^Sr ^SStXOff ^^S^. chosen by the gifted poetess as Colum^ Z io Z s^d ^ ̂

    are at- who became a Christian frL^iri gs SSSS ^'^PS ̂ and increasing ^gradual g'btp^̂ ;•P«^

    ««*°^»- hi* Emblem, and the composer caught J ^^%Ŝ^S!S3 ̂of conscience- You say you would ; nS^?f-^^,rSdKe^Sen-b&

    t?I. t ̂wo^ ̂ f f̂ ^

    th/ J

    0™* «J d m,«ht diculbus , for he adds . "I" will probably Yes, h ̂ dn\ S^2% S^^Sha

    w ̂ vsend new« items they desire chronicled to too re- well be introduc ed as a college song 8ue Rabbi Wise for libel" (Sun. ibidV was elected. fbr four years president of found diamond s and other gems, which English press of Judai sm in this third tablished after the Pitt sbur e Cn fS'̂ ^ ffi''? ^ ̂

    t^OT^"Ml todea ,v carb olAgniiar Library. tiOn we received a neat booklet bound aMinat th« An>^i,an nr^«,; witK n,.t in fact he was appointed to this digh^ ; A- > :¦ ¦ Princi ples. ;; Oh the "whole, however it

    develana. —E. Z; Nuff , - 623 Oran ge St., prett y volume of 02 duod. pages , con- Wi). Why should so high an Official does not tell us, that he was elected be- thai is punishable K-. in Russia with the character is local and without any but- ahd aize. // ¦̂>i . *'¦ ¦ ' ¦ V, .ugg^o^onday n^tT^S-^fore Monda y noon to

    1ME ̂

    w"1 ̂^7; ̂^ t writers , on


    trouble , if the .charges; are: almost : too the pension , fund ,; wh,ch;:he; never did.; ^̂ ̂ ^ ̂ fm ;lifeV . ̂ j -i, .^̂

    a°^^ > ̂ ;-7 ^'OV " >C ̂

    ing every ^Friday in San Francisco ^;

    ¦. ^entuoiy St., b°&eon istW Brook su.! dian . Corn ,, with four . illustrations; ridiculous , etc., especially if it is true, The sum is in the same category with the '̂ scandal ^^arising from the robb ery : 2- : ¦ Advance, : $he; ' îr (lta p ^^^ police, in searchin g the monastery for 'e« °m,-; ;. . .. - ¦¦J , ' Belongs tp the class ;: of Jewish newa- ^= .- . : ¦. to "Aiamo ;" ; . _ . ¦, . ¦ ' . ;

    ¦¦ . knows is well kho .vra and can not -be and ; before _ the^ Senate . . Coinmission the stolen property learned that a num-. - 3. -Adv^u, - The, a weekly; 8 page ' paper s^nith Jbellefristi o contrib utions¦ - I - -

    ¦ ¦ ¦• ; ¦ • ' . - ' : " - .. , ' :. i , w«- J - ; M. ^Xeb ̂ot iimbanev. Auptra- inipro yedv by ,an appeal .to law;: It unde r oath he said vthey were the imoat ber of women had been living secreUy Quarto paper;appeared in Ghica ^oseveral aiid the iews/ of Uhe dayi Ube>al in it8 : V

    -¦ SuiisoR iuBRs leaving their homes for h& mentione d in a recent issue, .is a aeem

    ¦_ however, Doctor ¦ Senner is ; not undesirable immigrants coming to these with the monks ior a -considerable years , by : Henry- '' Gersdni , with - belle- tende ncies and of a calm, and peaceful

    the summer , can have. their addresses '?.«* cousin of the Rev. E.vM. Myers , of quue sure , that the charges ar ^^ too ridic- ahore e; He" said l'This JsVan bld^Vchanged - without charge , as: frequentl y

    ^, as. desired. :; Send both oW ; and . hew J rother ^ . :,¦ - ^ong" (World) , ^^^^ .̂ ̂ ^:^¦ . address. honored , famil y- of ministers , whose E^idently the gentleman

    is not quite the ^thus ,'' ! expected these attack s ; ' . Bishop Ninde (Methodist ) contri butes ^ough isome prominent gen tlemen con- :^i^-'^'i d̂ff ' - ^M^-^a- : -w^lV' ; :'• - :- ' -' ¦ ' ¦"

    ¦ ¦ ¦ - - ¦¦ ¦ ¦ - . grandfather was well known in-Lon don, B0 Bure of hia reputa tion for ' honesty, they are made on me on account of my «>n' admirable article to Zior! z^Eerdld on tributed - occasionall y to1 the -^r/i.flj iM. ippea red ¦ every Fr iday from 1859 to -V' The Jewish Congregation of Colum- ,as-Rabbi ' ^m. The

    father ofthe pfes- for he palls witnesses ' to testif y to a leaving Judaism for Christi anity, " when the "Tra ining of Theplo gues." : What We received no bibliographic notes .from I87.4, hulf -English and - , half Gerrian^¦ i bus , Ohio , has unanimousl y elected ent Waco rabbi , was a lifelong incum- point which ''everyb6d r knows; He he ;mu8t know .that , np Jew Vin this ¦U:^^; ^--pM ^;.

    \f ^:M ^:

    f ^cSS 'm^^ *££th**2Z ftSW '^^1^-'^- ̂̂Vfiev^L. Weiss, recent ly of Cohimbus, nent ̂the gr^;Ga M . as its rabbi. : Dr. Weiss is an and Master of the Talmud Torah School yqjing mali atudied in Bruenn many eTerctfred a snap fo ̂ ation

    of every young man who un fitting from:membry, vi£ , that these; pub ^earnest and able man ; . the congrega - of that city. The Rev. I. H; Myera ,^yeare prior to Drl ; Samuely's migration ^"ono* Dri:SeniCT^ himseli ior . the,pulpit, Jewish as well as tiops.existed in Chi cago,

    ' sometime, in by Jonas Bond i who purohaBed another ¦tipn is to be congratula ted on. securing was tor thirty -six years , private chap- kn0ws something about him ; if he doesi JewB ' outside ! of: New York and; Mil - Christian.:; : v.-' ; the ^eyenth decade

    oi thw cento.ty.;; '- . weeklyj oalled -the J wish JRcco ^ ^M: - .; his aervices. : ' . ' - - .' lftin to Sir MPaea Montefiore ; and the j ti a an old stor too oi^; to do Dr Sen' waakee . knew the man 'or as mucha s ^'Graduates :frpm v our. . theological /A. ̂Ad^ti,; Wie>lkf am, a iWeekly/ ^^PPfared

    J qr ^hree years- inWew- . ¦ :.:¦¦;

    ¦• - ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦-- ' .' - ¦- -

    ¦ ¦ Rev. Emanuel Myers was his private j w ' n • ' .. •*,-' ; his riamfi ' '"- Wlifiii he limaf fiirtViflrm rii-ft achools are ofteh weU equipped as sohol- appears every Saturday in; Chicago since : iorfe.. . ^ After the, demise of the above : :

    ; new paper , as we supp osed ̂ i t is

    No, 14 companymg him on several journeys .to inquired iaU> ihe doctor 's: past career ^h°°d of the lwes ̂class of; fen*gades , preachers ;, v-;-Perh ^s ' it ; is ^painfull y pagesUxlO, three columns to the page; *?::^:6f the aecdnd year which is before us, the Holy Land: Another brother; the' and ha8 ̂ ajd ;nothihg about v it , either ^ho,; if ^crimes : are ;; charged s^Bgainst; evident , especially. in the case bf men and belbhigB to the class of the reli gious •' . I6 :: '. Ij raelite i 5T% ciiim^can:a weekly ¦ ' ''partl y ; English and partly German , ReV; L. H. Myers , was for many years , ^ro ^.eon Hp isaMa ion savshe and them; cry, '!the Jews" persecute me: be- who-have interrup ted their ministry to journal; without ;belletri8tio ;!literature , ita ttod July 185 ̂ as ; *w«^,by Isaac :v 'edited by Victor M- Berthold , New in Superintendent of the N'veh-Tzsdek , at

    ̂ iAaLkra ^; investieated his cas ̂ °*™° I turned Ohristiani '^-He rmiat ^^ ̂ ^^°V

    course, ^hat while their with but some of; the.cu

    rrent Aews.^nd M. Wise^vfith -the ^^ mottbV ^etTh ere ' ¦it is a -Jewish department which has Mile End. 1 The Rev. E. M, Myers is in ^̂ ^^^ ̂ ^̂

    know that this is an ;Mfernal falsehood W*̂ ^^^™.^*? Smd>, mpre .criUcal and scientific matter; ^

    Its, be Light ," publishe d one year , by Ferd t ; ."* ,, " K ¦ ,¦ ¦¦ T . , _. . ¦̂ ¦" ¦:- . "» »».- " . ̂ ^*e™ ' * 1U and Mr. William Steinway can tell all «pow inai .ims is an . miernai iaisenooa, i;t has . lost - somewhat in fervor and theological tendency is-radical , more nahd Schoiidt Cihciiirifltr O ¦ then hV- ';been>dded to rep lace the Jewish Chrom- . possession of many letters and tnemen- abot it it All gobd witnesses; indeed ; which he can . not throw into bur fabe pathos , and' is reall y not as acceptable negative critical than 'po^tive dogrnatic Blooh & C^tf& now defunct , which appeared in fos from the late Sir Moses Montefiore; hut they have not spoken yet and this and expect that .we should believe one to the people as it formerl y was: ; The in/ theism and Scriptural - exegesis.. SJ n and 'VPrbting ' --; '^Boston , edited by Solomon Schindler. and also from Lord Rothschild and sey- _j . ya

    ¦ opia , / B - .. ',} . thftt in;

    ; word of "all he said in the published in- '**«&% calMo-day is for live and mag. itsione it: is; liberal ,;; broadly . humane Wise aVCo.; alwaysVeditecltby; Isaac M,=;Good luck to the ^.JS. Gaurier with or eral member s of his family, to whom? '?Si^̂ SJZ S% tervie wa . ^ ̂ . ̂ :

    , r ̂ . / ̂Wr̂ PiJpit ^at ;c.n and us^'-¦.̂ ' ¦ !* ¦ -uj ' 1 - i x. j i.- :t iv ' ¦ '

    ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ - \?.., *l ¦ yeBtigation s do not always investigate, «rv«jy»H. . . , , . . draw and -moye the people. While poor yous, pointed and :not seldom sarcastic timW MaxLmenthalSHfiorinMnhBin -without Jew tfllf depart ment. he and his fath er gave instruction in there ie sometimes ah amount of white O?^ ^?1*

    r-_ » * » - ¦ Hebrew. washing done all'round. Investigation wjas: very much cohmsed by his inter- ^̂Aiter a hjtrd battle for existence dur- — .' ' • .•" ? ¦ ~ committees aeldbm no below the snr ^̂ viowei;

    ' For :B lawyer ,^ & publicist aid :*nd« among vs, jl1 1s und oubtedl y so m the>hole, it w a merit orious organ by changed ite size and Yb'rm several times,ing a period :of; over .two years , the pub- Da. Israel (Jehiel Michael ) Rabbin * ̂ ftnH -onft - a BlS l,;n o „ ri . „! *T politician he talked too much ; and too ?Q'- : $? mfn *#. ̂


    ?lgh ¦*%??. ̂^¦̂ ^p^,«tadj? plnt! f- ijia and, is now" quarto , 8, ;10 or 12' pages , ¦

    licltioiof the ̂ CWcJ , of W wi. died in London

    ̂27, over &&&;£%£&& ̂coptr ^torU y, ju s>enough ^^ ̂ SKeS^U* ha, been suspended. It had to e^hty .years oW. He left Pari s^ .1890 .̂ ̂ rf ̂ ^^̂ .criminate Dr. Juris T.H, Samuely. If ^MW K« ̂ 5.. Adw>e(lie ̂^A apLed in ™$3SS *££,Ms %£%contend with almost every difficulty where he had lived since 1860, and have retrao ted but he doe8 ̂ tell U9 ;he brings a libel " BUit^ against the mstrument. of blessing to others. No ^̂ ^87 ^^^^™ country. It .: via :> v . the ̂ ' oldestthat can be imagined. The publisher since then lived in London, This ̂ in-

    ̂_ . ,

    fl , , . i8aiBLiM, we want ' no' better wit- -JT r v ¦* rt ^^̂

    1 ̂ S c aj

    ' ¦: ' P • r - ̂and ;- most 'widely Circulated weekly .lacked sufficient capital for an enter, dUstribus scholar and a&hor was born %^&^$i£ £££

    ness again st

    the late T. ̂Safely S^£d^

    m^gS ̂A^feK^.aS?B

    ^S^&^S^^S&:-prise of th is kind the paper was at ,n Poland, lived all his lifetime > /e- ^̂ .̂^ ̂ fl

    . may than Dr. Senner , tbe-Hon, Commission- cours / to the end' that the chief and ' 1887-88;. published byVRazall & 'Co., hSrlin lndtSSS c££S£timeBmeddledwith bycra nks,and robbed, cluse, had no more of an education not testify to his veracit y^-it is eviden t, »r of Immigration for "the. port of New ^ominatin g .aim iMb improye him as a Cincinnat V With ;contributionB by :M. doh. the oldeit organ of Judaism ex-by dishonest employes, and whenever than other Polish disciples of the Tal- therefore thatheis notsure 'that '-Everv - York . for the time being. preacher ; that all the ̂studies he is re- Loth , . M

    ^Goldstein , (Music), Ifaao ^ S tent in theV world. ; It wall establishedsuccess seemed possible a rival would mud , never had much of this.world' s ¦S™S^̂ -^̂ £iB? ̂ / T"&* Pur8 »e «6 to B«J « thu.end Moses^and Philip^Abraham ;: still bemg ori ginally-as an organ - of reformatio n, '¦ . l j - -j ¦¦ ii_ n -i ¦!• ¦ ¦ •* j * - j j x. j i body knows my honesty. Fpr instance — * ? ,'„ mM , „„ illo+ ,„ „x.a^A . , '¦, „ .„„ less murderess of the Russiah peddler , sioh of Apothegms of Publius Syriua), ocoasions/proposed andadvocated almoflt¦ Ir r igator (we never tried to convert Tahn WrmcS - Essay snr la Judaism , that ftPd a litUe more, perhaps the men arejustl y charged , v

    ^largely due. Eoaenzweig i wa8^^ held before the mal Kaufman Kohler , M. Mielztner , Jb seph all their instituti ons, c&mp iled careful ly .

    him) is this time after the Spiritufili ata all bet ' 1860 a d̂ 1873 He was A ^l «in°!x n^f


    ' . "ho TraTel bro adeM the mmd, mikes the grates -of Emahuel County on last Krau skopV Henry Berkowit z, Isaac M. their contemporary: history / as it does• * i« a^, i,«.j«^ „T


    „„? Qn ir itn '* 7x~ ™

    e™ \ , ¦ proved to be by $10 the highest bidder perceptions more acut e, teaches patience Thursday. The defendant had- two of Wise , Aaron Hahn , Louis Abraha m, and yet; and erecte d from the old mater ialsin* leader neaoea iricKs noi apmis the man who wrote criti cal grammars f()r the restaurant privilege at* Ellis and tolerance of the-opinions of others , the best lawyers in that section , who others , illustrated , 150 to 180 pages, 16- the new and' proud structure of Ameri .in which he exposes the mam tr icks of 0f the Polish , Latin , French and Eng- lBland (see K Y of A u n and m Bhort j, the finishing course broueht twelve wi'ne^B *? P™'e th at

    mo appeared annually from 1884, to can Jud aism, to which; it tenacicuabr •the media , also those for which Dr. Sav- lish languages , besides £a ife/imon iVa- v>iJ o *or ,nn „*» «moofirt > . ' .i. * * ¦ 1 x u Jt w«8 a mere accidental shooting . The 1888 ; and was and is being continued and enthusia stically ohnga yet. Usage could cot rationally account. Well , tiomU dl ̂ Hdraix . an d died be- J



    etc., $10250 and $10260) per- that every professional man should EuflBian colony in AugU9ta had a law- by Leo Wise & Co. The original litera- German supplement , Deborah , (see in D,w«ll T Amiifil K Washburn what will r x. \. 1 a • x. j ' ' u ¦ t- -u * *

    haps that happy next door neighbor have. yer engaged , who apparently interested ture of this Annual is of a higher order. German ) was established in 18(55 ; itswell, Lemuel K Washburn what w.ll fore he had finished an English text who hit it just by $10 is one ol those We would like to see every student himself in their behalf, but who at the 8 Ag mnnf an Thf . WJ V „ a r igans, No,„j , Wre^a , GrasMa.in , Wytdo- lished in London by Luzac & Co., and changed his name and religion, etc.- year to the opening of the next , about ^#£fflC3!Ja ^iS JS i^Sr^l^StJ! - SSSS&St^SS^ilS^nosti , and othera . the Jews driven out of in New York by G. P. Putnam 'a Sons, must we beUeve 'all that ? A legal three month e, arid covering as much: at the inquest _ SJed ffi i ̂aStf STBEi- tendenbieB Iti the immovable centerMoscow and vicinity carried with them for sale by Robert Clarke & Co., Cincin- practice in Bruenn paying 30,000 florins territory as can conveniently be done The attorneys of the defendant tried ideas, Soriptoral criticisms a biography ^n

    the «TolQtion of Jewish journal ism inthe industry oJ those interior cities îVegetable Sicilian HavFRenew er.

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