june 2018 - river east transcona school division · shs lunch program karen netzel...

Post on 22-May-2020






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Dear Parents/Guardians, Thank you very much for working with us to support your children all year. June has arrived on our doorstep so quickly. It’s amazing how fast the time has flown! As staff at SHS, we celebrate each of our students and how much they have grown and accomplished. We are very proud of each and every one of our students, for their unique giftings and interests. Our final day of classes is June 29, with an early dismissal at 2:30 p.m. Students will receive an envelope with SHS’s Report to the Community, as well as a supply list, information on our Open House, notable dates for the year, and class placement information for 2018-2019. Report cards are available electronically on June 29 by 10:00 a.m. Many, many thanks to our Parent Advisory Councils for their support this year. We have been able to have many initiatives and special events that have been successful because of their continual involvement. We are so grateful for all their hard work in teaming with staff to make Springfield Heights School a positive, diverse and wonderful place to learn. Please continue to refer to our website calendar, as well as teachers notes/website information/blog posts that outline special dates in the final few weeks of school. We wish Monsieur Henri Dupuis all the best as he heads into retirement this summer. We want to thank him for the many years he has impacted students, not only at SHS, but throughout all his past teaching placements. All the best in your retirement, Monsieur Dupuis! We look forward to welcoming Mrs. Pam Alexander as the new Vice Principal of SHS. Mrs. Alexander comes to us from Harold Hatcher School in RETSD, and has several years’ experience as a Vice Principal. While we are so sad to see Ms. Black leave for new opportunities in Calgary, we know she will continue to make a difference for students and will thoroughly enjoy being with family once again. There are several staffing changes that will be shared in the envelope going home on the last day of classes, as we are solidifying staffing in the final few weeks of June. A final thank you to our incredibly hard working staff, who take the time to plan for our students’ best learning experiences each day. We are so fortunate to have them working with our students at SHS. Sincerely,

Mrs. Ziprick (Principal) and Ms. Black (Vice Principal)

Springfield Heights 505 Sharron Bay Winnipeg, MB R2G 0H8 P. 204-663-5078 F. 204-668-9285 www.shs.retsd.mb.ca Principal Tanis Ziprick Vice-Principal Sherri Black PAC President Morgan Fraser morganfraser7@hotmail.com SHS Lunch Program Karen Netzel shslunchprogram@gmail.com Skipper Scholars Before and After School Program

P. 204-661-8004 Transportation Department P. 204-669-0202 School Hours Entry bell 8:55am Announcements 9:03 AM recess 10:20-10:35 Lunch 11:45-12:45 PM recess 1:55-2:10 Dismissal 3:30pm Office hours 8:00am - 4:00pm

June 2018

“It’s About Time!”

Thank you to all our grade 4/5 and 5 students on their wonderful spring musical “It’s About Time!”. A huge thank you to their parents too for their support and for coming out to watch the show! The music program is looking forward to some awesome concerts still to come in the future! Mme. Courtney

Sing Into Spring

On May 31st, students from SHS had the honour of attending and performing in a concert presented by the River East Transcona School Division called “Sing into Spring”. Grade 3 French Immersion students from rooms 12 and 16 performed the songs “Bees are Buzzing/Les Abeilles” and “Stand Together (Tous Ensemble)” in both French and English and all did a wonderful job! This was a great opportunity for our students to share their talent and to see performances by K-12 students in our division.

June is a time to look back at all the wonderful things that we have done this school year and look ahead to all the exciting adventures we have planned in the summer. If long road trips or evenings around the campfire are in your future this summer, singing is a great way to pass the time together, whether it’s songs from the radio or funny camp songs. Hope you can find a way to make your summer vacation musical as well!

Have a great summer!

Mme. Finlay

Summer Projects @ SHS

There are several projects that will be on the go at SHS during the summer months. Our gym will be having some new additions. The stage will be removed, with new changing rooms being put in place on the main floor level. This project has been many years in the making, as it increases accessibility for all students, staff and community members that could not access the change rooms previously. We are also feeling this will be a positive change, because not only does this project increase accessibility for all, but it can also support proactive supervision of our students by staff. Having change rooms in close proximity to instructional space models the format that many of our Early Years schools have in place. We are also excited that we will be having some paint work done inside our classrooms, as well as new tiling installed in our main hallways. Many thanks to our divisional maintenance team, who were able to fit these projects into times when students are not in class. We appreciate the work they will be doing to help upgrade the school, increase its accessibility and beautify the insides of our building.

Grade 1 Yoga Club Grade 1 Yoga Club had another successful run this year at SHS! Little Yogis relaxed & stretched every Tuesday at lunch recess for six weeks. Students had the opportunity to learn how to pay attention to their breath, and to how their bodies are feeling. Some of the poses we practiced included savasana, downward dog, warrior, triangle, happy baby, and tree pose. The club was a peaceful way to spend the lunch hour and many students felt calmer and happier going into the afternoons. I would like to thank all students who came to the club and participated with their best intentions. Namaste, Mme Jackson

Tsokanya - Carrying on the Easter Tradition

Tsokanya is a tradition at Ukrainian Easter time, and a tradition at SHS school in the English Ukrainian Bilingual program. It is played by partnering up, and holding a krashanka, a boiled egg of a solid colour. With the partner, the end of the egg taps 3 times. On the third tap, each player checks to see if their egg has cracked. If it has not cracked, they go on to another opponent. In the Kindergarten/Grade 1 class, Danylo B.’s egg was the last to not crack! He then went on to challenge the grade 2/3 class, as well as the 4/5 class. Ultimately, his egg held strong! He, and a friend of his choice, were treated to a donut from Tim Hortons.

Congratulations also to runners up Nazariy (gr.3) and Andrii (gr.4) for having great Tsokanya skills as well!

-Pani M. Loughren

The Bus Loop Matrix Springfield Heights School rolled out a new Bus Loop Matrix! The matrix teaches our students how to be safe, be responsible and be respectful while waiting for the bus before and after school or while on a field trip. Classroom teachers took the time to teach and practice The Bus Loop Matrix with their students in April. We also had a school assembly with our school’s mascot Skipper the Dolphin to learn about why it’s an important matrix and we saw some examples of what it looks like to be safe, responsible and respectful while waiting for the bus. Some of the students were selected during our assembly to participate in a game called Matrix Mania. Students could share their knowledge about The Bus Loop Matrix and The Recess Matrix to earn a special golden Dolphin Tail! -The SIS team

SHS Jumps!

Thank you, Springfield Heights students, for being Heart Heroes! The Jump Rope for Heart event held at

Springfield Heights School on May 30th, 2018 reinforced the importance of healthy living and social

responsibility. Students from grades 1 to 5 took part in skipping and fundraising for the Heart and Stroke

Foundation. They surpassed last year's goal and raised an amazing 1210 dollars. Thank you for the generous

donations. The funds raised were presented to Mie Larsen from the Heart and Stroke Foundation and are

vital for heart disease, stroke research and health education in

Manitoba. This year’s Jump for Healthy Hearts campaign

emphasized kids helping kids. When students raise funds for Jump

Rope for Heart, they support research that helps other kids too!

Bravo Springfield Heights!

English Ukrainian Bilingual Students Celebrate Easter On Wednesday, April 11th all the EUBP students in our school division celebrated our annual Easter Breakfast. This included the students of Bernie Wolfe School and Chief Peguis Junior High. Under the direction of Pani Loughren, our SHS grade 4-5 students performed a traditional Ukrainian welcome dance, as well as an Easter Welcome poem to begin the festivities. Our grade 4 and 5 students, were also our MC's for this event. The Kindergarten, grade 1, 2, and 3 students sang a Spring song, with a ukulele accompaniment by our students of the same grade levels. We were honored to be performing for invited guests of the school division and the community. After our performances, we all enjoyed a wonderful breakfast, which was generously prepared by our Ukrainian Parents Council. A special thank you goes out to our supportive EUBP parents, not only for their time in the kitchen, but also for beautifully decorating the gym. An enjoyable time was had by all.

-Pani M. Loughren

Grade 3 Environmentalists

On June 4, students from Room 12 and 16 were excited to welcome environmentalist Ms. Tanya Suderman to our school and onto our playground. Ms. Suderman led us through a bunch of cool learning activities where students explored the plants and soils in our very own backyard. Here are a few things that we liked about our day! “My favourite part was learning about erosion. Erosion is when water washes away dirt.” -Asher “My favourite part of doing that activity was at the end we got to make bean seed necklaces. It’s going to grow a little bit in the bag and then I’m going to plan it outside.” -Addison “The best part was when we were looking through the compost and I found worm egg. It was orange and tiny and a sphere.” -Kayleigh “Mme Guillou’s station was the best because we got to dig and learn about all different kinds of soils. In our playground we have loam soil.” -Vander “We played a game called “Decomposers”. It’s kinda like Ollie-Ollie-Octopus. It was really fun, even though I got decomposed.” -Vayla

Grade Four Handball Club

The grade four handball club attended a

tournament at Donwood School on April 26th.

The students had a great time playing the game

and represented the school very well.

World Cup Soccer intramurals

started mid May for

students in grades 3, 4

and 5 and will continue

into June.

Ashley Moffatt

K-5 Physical Education

Teacher Springfield Heights School

Plastic Bags Help the Homeless by Faith and Madison from room 30

The Grade 5 students from Springfield Heights School in rooms 30 and 31 have been working on a generosity project to help the homeless and remove plastic bags from the garbage. We found out about this project from their teachers, Mme. Fournier and Mr. Dupuis.

We collected and sorted plastic bags, from the beginning of December to Christmas break.

During the week after Christmas break, Tessa Blaikie Whitecloud from 1 Just City came to our school and talked to us about what she does. She works with an organization called Just a Warm Sleep.

Just a Warm Sleep lets the homeless sleep on mats in the church where they work. We sorted the types of bags into groups, then we folded the bags and cut them into strips. As we cut the bags, we counted the strips into groups of 100. Then we tied the strips together to make a plarn ball. (We needed 600 strips to make a plarn ball, and 6 plarn balls to make a mat.) After that, a few students from each class learnt to crochet the plarn into mats.

The mats and the extra plarn balls were given to Tessa Blaikie Whitecloud from Just a Warm Sleep who will then give them to the homeless.

If you have a concern…

Your child’s school will always try to make the learning experience a positive, safe and happy one for its students. However, if you have a concern or an issue, please don’t hesitate to let the school know. Open communication between home and school is very important.

The RETSD Board of Trustees stresses the steps shown below must be followed if concerns are to be properly addressed. The trustees’ role is to hear all sides of the concern before making a decision on any appeal, to be the link between parents and the division, and to help with divisional processes and policies (such as this concern protocol). They realize that there is no greater advocate for your child than you, the parent.

Here are the steps to follow if you have a concern:

Talk to the person most directly involved—your child’s teacher. If you must leave a message, please be sure to provide a day and evening phone number where you can be reached.

If talking to the teacher doesn’t resolve the issue, talk to the principal.

(The majority of parental concerns are resolved at either of the first two steps)

If you’ve talked to the principal and, over a period of time the issue still has not been resolved, call the superintendents department.

If your concern is not resolved by the superintendents department, you can make an appeal in writing to the board of trustees.

The board of trustees will hear your appeal either in person or in writing, whichever you prefer.

For more information, visit: www.retsd.mb.ca > Your RETSD > Policies > Policy KE—Concern Protocol; Policy KE-R—Concerns and Complaints Procedures

Kindergartens - Paper, Trees and Me program On April 24th, the English Kindergarten class visited the Children's Museum to explore and participate in the Paper, Trees and Me program. We acted out the parts of the tree, talked about how paper was made and we made paper too! We had a wonderful time! Thank you to the English PAC for making this trip possible and for providing snack on this special day!

SHS Patrols

We would like to thank the SHS patrols for all that they do every day. We recognize their dedication and responsibility in which they take seriously. They provide safety for our students and their families on the streets, on their buses and to accompany our kindergarten students to school every day. We appreciate their willingness and helpfulness on their job and sharing joy with our students and staff in our school. A big thank you to our Patrol Captains; Hawksley, Zaydiens and Keeyra as well as Ella, Kate and Ilia whom were our eyes and ears on the street, who walked the posts and took attendance every other week every morning and after school all year long without a break! Thank you for your dedication and your perseverance for taking on this responsibility! It is greatly appreciated and recognized. We will celebrate their hard work by spending a day at Lilac Resort on Tuesday June 19th. Students will have time to swim, go on water slides and play volleyball and basketball in an organized pool. Some may want to relax in a hot tub while chatting with their peers. Students will also have access to change rooms, washrooms and a canteen for snacks and lunch. Students will be supervised by life guards, teachers and adult volunteers. We put safety first to ensure all students are safe and having a great time! We hope to have beautiful weather that day! Thank you to all the parents of our patrols as your support is recognized and appreciated. We know that you help keep them organized and punctual! We thank you so much because you help us keep our SHS students and family members safe every day! Thank you! It has been a great pleasure to work with this year’s patrols and celebrating their hard work! Wishing you a joyful and restful summer break! Mme Jorgensen Mme Muller SHS Patrol Supervisors

Skateboard, Scooter and Bicycle Expectations at SHS

Due to nice weather, many students are now riding their skateboards, bikes or scooters to school and we would like to remind everyone about SHS expectations. SKATEBOARDS - Skateboards are NOT allowed at school or on school property during school hours. SCOOTERS - Scooters can only be ridden to school if students are willing and able to lock them up to the bike rack (at their own risk). Like bikes, scooters must be locked up as soon as they arrive (no riding scooters on the school yard). Scooters will not be stored in the office or classrooms (due to storage and safety concerns). BICYCLES - Students in grades 4-6 are permitted to ride bicycles to school. Students who use their bicycles must walk them on the playground, park them at the bicycle rack and lock them for security purposes. The wearing of bicycle helmets is required. Students riding bicycles to school must handle them responsibly, complying with the rules of bike safety.

For example:

· Bikers must walk their bikes through patrol crosswalks · Bikers must not ride double near any area of the school that is monitored by our patrols · Bikers must not ride on school property when school is on

Students will be reminded to follow the safety rules. However, should negligence persist where the safety of others is at jeopardy, they will be asked to leave their bikes at home. Please take note: The school or Division cannot take responsibility for damage and/or theft of bicycles even though they are left on school property. Ms. S. Black Vice Principal

Notice Regarding Fee For Service Bussing If you are requiring Fee-For-Service transportation, the application form must be submitted to Transportation Department each school year. Transportation Application – Fee-For-Service 2018-19 forms are available from the RETSD website - follow the Quick Link (bottom right of the main webpage) - “Busing Information” @ www.retsd.mb.ca Please send the form to the school or the Transportation Department by: June 9, 2018.

ALLERGY ALERT Springfield Heights School in a NUT FREE School, which includes all tree nuts. Please be advised that our school has students who have severe allergic reactions to nut products. **Nutella does contain Hazel nuts. Thank you for helping to protect those students with allergies by not sending food that contain nuts to school. Look for the Nut free symbol on products you

Medication Pick Up

Please pick up your child’s medication prior to the summer vacation. Please note that medication cannot be sent home with your child. If your child requires medication at school in September, please contact the office for an Authorization Form or obtain one from our website under Documents and Forms.

Thank You for Signing In

All visitors and volunteers to Springfield Heights School are requested to sign-in at the office. The purpose of this request is to help ensure the safety of our school and to manage the traffic congestion that can take place when visitors stop outside the classrooms in order to meet their children. We ask parents to meet their children outside the building. This keeps hallways clear and allows staff and students to identify those who are helping out in our classrooms.

Warmer Weather & Clothing

With the arrival of warmer weather please ensure that discretion is used & that appropriate clothing is worn. ** No tank tops, muscle shirts, short shorts or spaghetti straps are permitted ** Thank you for your cooperation.

End of Day Arrangements

Please try to keep consistent end of the day arrangements for your child. June is extremely busy for the school office and it is difficult to get information to students about changes for the end of day pick-up. We appreciate when parents/caregivers provide a consistent and safe procedure for the end of the school day. Also, try to refrain from picking up children early unless absolutely necessary. Having to gather student’s belongings, homework, etc. to leave early is disruptive to classroom instruction.

SAFETY FIRST We continue to review practices and procedures to ensure the safety of students, staff and visitors at Springfield Heights School. Safety proce-dures are as follows:

1. Please make sure that students do not arrive at school before 8:40 am. Supervision starts at this time. 2. Parents can stop, drop off , and pick up students on Sharron Bay or the North Kildonan Community Club Parking Lot. However, do not park

on Sharron Bay directly in front of the school. Students must use a crosswalk when exiting the front of the school or meeting waiting par-ents on Sharron Bay. A reminder that Parents are asked to pick up or drop off students outside of the no stopping signs on Sharron Bay or on Mark Pearce Avenue or Kingsford Crescent.

3. All parents/guardians arriving to school to pick up their child(ren) at the end of the school day are asked to wait in the front foyer or outside depending on the door children exit. This is to prevent disruptions to classes still in session and ensure that strangers are not given access to students.

4. When children leave school early for appointments, etc. the parent or guardian is required to sign a form at the office with the child’s name, date, parent name (printed). If parents are not known by front office staff, identification will be requested.

5. At dismissal time, Kindergarten and bus patrols will exit the front doors while Grade 1-5 students will use their designated doors.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We appreciate your support in helping keep all students safe!

RETSD’s Code of Conduct revised

RETSD’s Code of Conduct is central to the division’s commitment to fostering safe, caring and inclusive schools. Originally created in 2008, the code was recently revised to more closely align it with the new Code of Conduct produced by Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning. The main changes include a revised definition of bullying and the addition of new technology terms.

The new Code of Conduct will be distributed to all students this fall, either in printed form or as an entry in their student agenda. The code can also be found on the division website at http://www.retsd.mb.ca/Lists/Publications/code_conduct.pdf

River East Transcona School Division Policies

Life-Threating Allergies Many Springfield Heights students have extreme allergies to different foods, in particular nuts and any nut product, oil or flour. The allergies range from mild to life threatening. Some children may have a reaction if an item is even in their proximity. As a nut-safe school, please do not send nuts or food containing nuts to school at any time.

Anaphylaxis Policy The division recognizes that some students attending schools may require the administration of medication in response to an acute allergic reac-tion. Therefore for the safety of students, staff, and parents/guardians, ―Anaphylaxis Procedures and ―Anaphylaxis Avoidance Strategies must be followed within the division. The complete policy is available on the website at: www.retsd.mb.ca/site/about/policylj/JLCG-R1 and JLCG-R2. You may also get a copy at the office.

Drug and Alcohol Policy As you may be aware, the Division has a policy on drug and alcohol use. The complete policy is available on the web at: http://www.retsd.mb.ca/site/about/policy/j/JICH.pdf. The policy has been adopted in the interest of the health, safety, social and emotional well-being of all students. The policy outlines 3 key areas: prevention, intervention and consequences. Families are encouraged to become familiar with this policy and contact the school with any questions or concerns.

Search Policy In addition, the Division has a policy guiding actions in the event a student and/or his/her possessions require searching. The complete policy is available at www.retsd.mb.ca/site/about/policy/j/JIH-R.pdf. Families are encouraged to become familiar with these policies and contact the school with any questions or concerns.

THANK YOU for helping us provide a safe environment for all our students.

Lost and Found

There are a large number items in the lost and found bin. If you are at the school, please check for lost items at the lost and found bin located in the hall near the office. All unclaimed items will be donated to a charity at the end of the school year.

Our Parent Council will be raising money this September by selling Show & Save.

The Book now features over $400 in FREE STUFF (no purchase necessary) and has thousands of $$$ in money saving offers for purchases at numerous grocery stores, restaurants and businesses throughout the city and surrounding areas. THE APP IS COMING! There are going to be some very exciting changes to our fall program whereby we are going to have a form of digital presence. By purchasing your Show & Save from us, you will be supporting our School while at the same time saving your family a lot of money.

SHS is Keeping (can)TABS on Jacoby!!

Hello, Meet Jacoby! Jacoby and his twin sister Addison were born March 23, 2012. Jacoby was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, a condition marked by impaired muscle coordination and/ or other disabilities, typically caused by damage to the brain before birth. Jacoby visits the Shriner’s Hospital in Minneapolis 2-3 times a year for various procedures & equipment to make his life a little easier. SHS will be starting to collect aluminum TABS from pop cans, beer cans & soup cans to assist Jacoby’s family with fundraising for equipment like braces, walkers, wheelchairs, etc. If you would like to participate, please send your TABS in to school with your child or drop off your TABS in the office. Thank you so much for your contribution!!

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1 / Day 2

4 / Day 3

5 / Day 4

6 / Day 5

7/ Day 6 Last Day for Library Class for the year

8 / Day 1

11 / Day 2 12 / Day 3 EUBP meeting 5:30pm in library

13 / Day 4

14 / Day 5

15 / Day 6 Field Day

18 / Day 1 Field Day Rain Date

19 / Day 2 Lilac Resort for Patrols 9-2pm

20 / Day 3

21 / Day 4

22 / Day 5 EUBP Awards Assembly 1-2pm

25 / Day 6

26 / Day 1 Gr. 5 Farewell 9:30am

27 / Day 2 K-Gr. 5 EUBP Field Trip 9:15-2:15pm

28 / Day 3

29 / Day 4 -Year End Assembly 9:30-10:30am

-Parent Portal Open to view report cards at 10am

-Early Dismissal 2:30pm


Grade 5 Camp

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