june 2016 chalice from st. francis episcopal church - eureka, mo

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  • 8/16/2019 June 2016 Chalice from St. Francis Episcopal Church - Eureka, MO


    Holy Eucharist 

    Sunday services are 8 a.m. & 10:15

    a.m. at

    616 Stockell Drive, Eureka, MO.

    Office: 210 S. Central Avenue, Eureka,

    MO 63025 

    Phone: 636-938-3733 

    Website: www.StFrancisEureka.com 


    The Rev. Sally S. Weaver  

    Phone Numbers:Cell: 314-651-3836 Home: 636-938-7773 


    The Rev. Rebecca Barger  

    Phone Numbers: Home:  636-778-0799Cell: 713-515-5676  

    Bishop’s Committee: DonnaBernert, Sr. Warden, Bob Champlin,

    Jr. Warden; Sally Hader; Sylvia Ahmad; Jack Lauless; Michael Booker;

    Rich Mayfield; Sue Schmidt; KevinBroom; Kathleen McDonald, clerk; 

    Suzanne Jones, Treasurer  Convention Delegates:

    Suzanne Jones; Kevin Selle 

    Alternate: Linda Doolittle 

    Annual Meeting An Annual Meeting is held each year at

    the end of January at which new 

    Bishop’s Committee and Convention

    Delegates are elected.

    St. Francis’ Episcopal Church is a mis-

    sion of the Episcopal Diocese of


    The Chalice is the newsletter of St.

    Francis’ Episcopal Church, Eureka, and

    is published at least 10 times per year.

    Submissions for The Chalice aredue approximately the 20th of each

    month and may be 

    e-mailed to the Office at


    The Chalice St. Francis’ Episcopal Church


    Eureka, MO 

    Pastor ’s Corner  On their way they entered a village…but

    they did not receive [Jesus… His disciples]

     said, “ Lord, do you want us to command

     fire to come down from heaven and con-

     sume them?”  But Jesus turned and rebuked

    them. –   Luke 9:52-54, from the Gospel

    reading for June 26, 2016  

    I’m very grateful for the disciples, specifically for their ina- bility to remember and implement Jesus’ teachings from whatseems like one moment to the next. Their failings are on a par withmy failings and those of the people around me. That’s reassuring,

     because I know that Jesus deeply loves all of us. (Although I imag-

    ine there’s some eye-rolling and deep sighing involved occasional-ly.) 

    It was earlier in this same chapter of Luke that Jesus sentthe disciples out in his name, telling them to teach and to heal. Je-sus told them, “Wherever they do not welcome you, as you areleaving that town shake the dust off your feet.” In the passage cit-ed above, Jesus has been made to feel unwelcome and the disciplesare ready to rain down fire on the villagers. Retribution is not Je-sus’ way. 

    Following Jesus requires risk -taking. We’re asked to pro-

    claim the good news of Jesus Christ to strangers, knowing that theymay scoff or label us as “one of those kind of Chris-

    tians,” (whatever that means). We’re asked to welcome people we

    don’t understand and who may even scare us a little. We’re asked

    to forgive people who act egregiously, not because they deserve it

     but because it is ruinous to our spiritual health to hold on to rage

    and resentment. Following Jesus is not easy and often, just like the

    disciples, we stumble. But it provides a life-giving, loving alterna-

    tive to retribution, name-calling, and blaming. It’s worth the risks.

    --Pastor Sally  

    J u n e 2 0 1 6  

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    The Chalice  Page 2 

    Contacting Pastor Sally 

    If you call or e-mail Pastor Sally and she

    doesn’t respond, please let her know.

    The best number to call is her cell



    Remember that there’s a

    middle initial, “S”, in

    her e-mail address: 


    She wants to respond quickly, so please

    let her know if that’s not occurring. 

    The Vicar ’s Calendar is

    On-line Pastor Sally’s calendar is on our website,

    www.stfranciseureka.com.  Select

    “Calendar,” then “Vicar ’s Calendar.” It’s

    the only calendar Pastor Sally uses, so it is

    complete and up-to-date.

    Table of Contents 

    Have we missed an

    important date for you or

    your family?

    Jot a note and put in the

    collection plate. We want to

    help celebrate everyone’s


    Adult Forum Calendar   5 

    ASA Statistics  17 

    Birthdays & Anniversaries  11 

    Bishop’s Committee Minutes 



    Book Group  16 

    Building Update  24-26 

    Calendar   31 

    Cinco de Mayo Pet Parade  12 

    Concerts on Central  6 

    Contacting Pastor Sally 2 

    Crafters’ Calendar   16 

    Crafter June outing 


    Deacon’s article  4 

    Earthy Soul  10 

    Episcopal City Mission 29 

    “Faith Under Construction” 8, 23 

    Financial Update  14 

    Garden at the Y  18 

    Invitational Ministry schedule  15 

    Kids’ Space  9 

    Luau party  7 

    Mass in the Grass  3 

     Newcomer ’s Dinner   28 

    Parish Administrator   15 

    Pastor ’s Corner   1 

    Planning Calendar   27 

    Prayer for St. Francis’ 17 

    Prayer list  13 

    Recipe of the Month  19 

    Red Wagon  11 

    Thank yous  5 

    Thursdays @ 2  21 

    Upcoming Events  6 

    Vicar ’s Vacation  15 

    Women’s Group at Lucky’s Market 


    Worship Leaders  30 

    Youth Group & Schedule  6 & 29 


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    The Chalice  Page 3  www.stfranciseureka.com 

    Please bring a side dish to share, the beverage of your choice, and a lawn chair for comfort. 

    In the event of rain, we’ll worship at the Lodge (616 Stockell Dr.) at 10:15 a.m.  

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    The Chalice  Page 4 

    From the Deacon 

     A Prayer for Humility

    Help me, O God,

    To have the humility to sit at the feet of great art,

     whether it is a painting or a person on the street,

    a scene from a movie or a score from a musical,

    a sunset or a psalm,

    and to look and to listen and to receive

     what is being offered me there.

    Give me the grace to submit to its scrutiny,

    seeking not to do something to it,

    but that it might do something to me;

    seeking not in some way to judge it,

    but that it might in some way judge me… 

    Windows of the Soul; Experiencing God in New Ways

    By Ken Gire

    Too often, we overlook what stands before us. Our busy lives keep us from appre-

    ciating the beauty and wonder of God’s creation that surrounds us. We miss oppor-tunities to connect, bond, or engage with other human beings, many for whom wedeeply care. We miss living in the present. It requires effort from us in order to“keep the reverence of God always before our eyes and never forget it”, which isthe first step of humility according to the Rule of St. Benedict. Joan Chittisterwrites in her book, Illuminated Life, explaining it as such: 

    Awareness puts us into contact with the universe. It mines every relationship, unmasks every event, every moment, for the meaning that is under the meaning of it. The question is not so much what is going on in the 

    room, but what is happening to me because of it? What do I see here of God 

    that I could not see otherwise? What is God demanding of my heart as a result of each event, each situation, each person in my life?  

    The summer months are upon us and I’ll be the first to admit that summer bringsadded work and demands to my daily routine—much of which I enjoy and look for-ward to. But this poetic prayer and reflection speak to me about the potential haz-ards of a life lived at far too fast a pace, albeit unsustainable, and the high risk ofmissing “God moments” in the ordinary and extraordinary. But when we keep our-selves mindful and responsive to God’s presence in whatever lies before us, in thenow

    , we can bring greater strength, value and pleasure into the mix of our busylives. 

    Deacon Rebecca  

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    The Chalice  Page 5  www.stfranciseureka.com 

    Adult Forum Schedule 

    Adult Forums are held on Sundays from 11:55 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The complete

    Adult Forum calendar is on our website at www.stfrancisereka.com —  select

    “Christian Education”, “Adults”.

    Adult Forums - June and July 

    June 5 Mass in the Grass at Drewel Park  

    June 12 Sustainable agriculture 

    June 19 Islam, part 1 

    June 26 Islam, part 2

    July 3 Islam, part 3 

    July 10 Islam, part 4 

    July 17 Vicar's Forum 

    July 24 "Dearly Beloved," part 1 

    July 31 "Dearly Beloved," part 2 

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    The Chalice  Page 6 

    Upcoming Events 

    June 5: “Mass in the Grass” at 10:15 a.m. at Drewel Park  

    June 7: Woman’s Group- Dinner with Friends @ Lucky’s Market


    June 10: Hawaiian Luau at the Halls 

    June 10-15: Sally on Vacation 

    June 16: Book Group 

    June 17: “Concerts on Central” 

    June 18: “Wolf Howl” 

    June 24: Episcopal City Mission Carnival at Grace 

    June 29: Crafters’ Outing 

    “Concerts on Central Please put these Friday dates on your calendar: 

    June 17 

    July 15 

    August 19 

    Those are the dates for “Concerts on Central,” a street party with food and

    music, along Central Ave. in Eureka. St. Francis’ will be present, providing free

    temporary tattoos to children. Please let Sally Hader know if you’re planning on

    helping. We’re only there from 7-8:30 p.m.; you’re only committing to 90 minutes.

    The children love the tattoos, so it’s a very gratifying ministry. 

    Upcoming Youth Group Events 

    June 18 - Wolf Howl 

    On Sat., June 18, we’re meeting at the Endangered Wolf Center at 7

     p.m. for a “wolf howl.” Parishioners of St. Francis’ are invited to join us to learn

    about wolves and (hopefully) to hear them howl. 

    All tweens, teens, and their friends are always welcome to come to any and all

    Youth Group events. 

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    The Chalice  Page 7  www.stfranciseureka.com 

    Get Your Hawaiian Party On

    St. Francis is having a Hawaiian Luau at the home of Becky and Wade Hall. Friday June 10, 2016 6:00 pm 

    Address: 327 Olive St., Washington Mo (Directions below.) 

    This Luau is family friendly. Kids are most welcome. Spouses, friends, family are more thanwelcome. The Halls will have some iced tea, soda, beer, wine. If anyone prefers somethingelse, please bring it. The Halls are planning two entrees: tropical style ham and tropical stylechicken. Each person is asked to bring a dish, either a salad, a side dish or a dessert. When youRSVP, let our hosts know what you are bringing, or at least the category.  We’re looking forwardto partying on the beach Midwest style - on the patio and in the backyard. If you have a portablelawn chair, bring along. Yours might still be in the car from “Mass in the Grass!”

    An RSVP is so important that there are three ways you can do it:sign up sheet is downstairs on Sundays during coffee time at the Lodge,

    or email Becky Hall at hallrrice@gmail.com. Or call Becky at 636-432-1276.

    We are trying to get a good estimate of attendees so we can arrange chairs, food, etc.

    Carpooling is a great idea! Park on Olive Street if you can.

    Reserve the driveway space for those of us who need assistance walking in. 

    If you need assistance, pull all the way up into the driveway

    and you can park there and will be on the levelwhere you can walk right onto the Hall's patio and yard.  


    Go west on I-44 To the Washington exit (highway 100) 

    Stay on 100 about 10 miles.

    Turn right on Highway 47 (watch for Lowes and Walgreens at the intersection). 

    Stay on 47 until you get the 3rd Street (you will see the bridge)

    Make a left onto 3rd. Go through town. 

    Make a left onto Olive St. 

    Look for 327 Olive on the right. 

    It is the cottage with a big American flag.  


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    The Chalice  Page 8 

    Thanks be to you, loving God, for the richness of blessings that we enjoy in all areasof our life, and especially for the future home of St. Francis’ Church. Lord, we arevery excited about the plans and process in which our once far 

    -off dream of having

    our own facility is coming to fruition. Help us continue to be open to your divineguidance as we formulate ideas and implement goals as to how we may best utilizethis sacred space so that we can serve others and be witnesses to your love andgrace. We offer our sincere and humble gratitude for the success of our capital cam-

     paign and for the generous responses from parish members, our families, and per-sonal and diocesan friends. We ask that our faith may be strengthened through sacri-ficial giving and help us to be true to our financial commitments to the  Faith UnderConstruction  campaign. Now more than ever, we place our trust in you to be ourconstant companion along this fabulous journey. In your Holy name we pray.AMEN. 

    Faith Under Construction Brunch

    May 1st, 2016 

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  • 8/16/2019 June 2016 Chalice from St. Francis Episcopal Church - Eureka, MO


    The Chalice  Page 10 

    The Earthy Soul by Kathleen McDonald 

    As St. Francis’ liaison to the Ycommunity garden, I received an email

    from Leslie, who is not only a Master

    Gardener and in charge of the Bounty

    Share Berm project this year, but also a

    member of St. Martin’s Ellisville. These

    are Leslie’s words: 

    Right now, the berm just needs

     basic care: watering, weeding,mulching, and thinning.  The

    cucumber vines may need some encouragement to climb the fence as they

    grow bigger. 

    What I read were simple, clear directions to the four or five folks who will be doing

    this work. What I saw, briefly, in my head is a different matter all together. 

    I pictured God tending to the peoples of the Earth, making sure that we had enough

    food and water, helping to move predators out of the way so that all might be fruitful

    and grow. In an especially whimsical and delightful moment, I pictured God gentlyencouraging us, his cucumbers at St. Francis’, to stand up tall and hold on to some

    new fencing. We’ll have a fence not built to keep us in or to keep others out, but a

    fence that will help us get more sunlight and less mold. Our new position will help

    us to thrive, to blossom and grow and provide fruit for the world around us.  

    Leslie’s words provided the direction our team needed to know our job. But, I be-

    lieve, through the working of the Holy Spirit, her words also reminded me that the

    most sacred work —  that of growing the Kingdom of God —  is often detailed in the

    most mundane of tasks; that God’s care for creation models the care that we owe to

    the same.

    Dear God, our Master Gardener: Our new building is in the same phase just now as

    the seedling cucumbers: barely germinated and starting to grow. We know how to

    gently help the new plants latch on to a fence so that they can grow successfully and

    feed your people. Help us to accept your gentle guidance as we train ourselves to

    new postures needed to grow and thrive and bear fruit for the Kingdom of God.


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    The Chalice  Page 11  www.stfranciseureka.com 

    Red Wagon 

    "Thousands of needy Missouri fami-

    lies receiving temporary state assis-

    tance are also expected to lose those benefits due to shorter welfare time

    limits adopted last year by the Legis-


    Read more at http://




    Please remember the food pantrywhen you shop: pea-

    nut butter, jelly,

    canned meats, canned

     pasta meals, individu-

    al packs of fruits, ap-

     plesauce, puddings, instant oatmeal

     packs, dry cereals.

    Also, always neededitems —   paper and

    sanitary products,

    soaps, dental items,


    For This Time in OurCommon Life 

    “Let us pray knowing that

    everything depends on God

    our Father, but let us also

    work together as if every-

    thing depends on us.”

    June Birthdays 

    & Anniversaries

    Sue Schmidt  6/2 

    Bob Smith Jr.  6/7 

    Katie Jones  6/15 

    Daniel Lawson  6/24 

    Kathleen Regnier   6/24 

    Dana Lawson  6/29 

    Robbie Lawson  6/29 


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    The Chalice  Page 12 

    Cinco de Mayo

    Pet Parade

    May 7th 2016

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  • 8/16/2019 June 2016 Chalice from St. Francis Episcopal Church - Eureka, MO


  • 8/16/2019 June 2016 Chalice from St. Francis Episcopal Church - Eureka, MO


    The Chalice  Page 15  www.stfranciseureka.com 

    Invitational Ministry 

    Schedule for June-July 

    Invitational ministry is resuming for the summer months. On Saturday mornings(weather permitting), we gather at 9:30 am at the Parish House. We conclude by11:30 am. If you have questions are interested in helping with this ministry, pleaselet Deacon Rebecca (713/515.5676) know. 

    June 4  Steve Strathearn  John Schmidt 

    June 11  /Rebecca Barger  Jack Lauless 

    June 18  Sally† Weaver  Linda Doolittle 

    June 25  Suzanne Jones  Brenda Russell 

    July 9  Steve Strathearn  John Schmidt 

    July 16  Sally† Weaver  Jack Lauless 

    July 23 

    /Rebecca Barger 

    Linda Doolittle 

    July 30  Suzanne Jones  Brenda Russell 

    Vicar Vacation – June 10-15 

    Pastor Sally is out of town from Friday, June 10 through

    Wednesday, June 15. Deacon Rebecca Barger is available for pastoral emergencies

    during Pastor Sally’s absence. The Rev. Anne Kelsey will be celebrating and

     preaching at St. Francis’ on Sunday, June 12. 

    Wendy Rigdon – Parish Administrator  

     Next time you’re in downtown Eureka on a weekday,

     please stop by the parish house at 210 S. Central and say “hi” toour new parish administrator, Wendy Rigdon. Wendy works Monday, Tuesday,

    Thursday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. We’re blessed to have her with us, as

    you’ll discover once you’ve met her. 

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    The Chalice  Page 16 

    Crafters’ Outings Calendar 2016 

    June 29:  St. Louis City Librar y Tour, Anheuser Busch Brewery Tour, lunchin the Biergarten 

    July 27: 

    Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate Tour and lunch at Ikea 

    August 31:  Movie TBD and lunch  

    September 28:  Kimmswick and lunch at The Blue Owl 

    October 26:  Chr ist Church Cathedral, New Cathedral, Old Cathedral,lunch at Llewellyn’s Pub in the Central West End 

    November 30:  Old St. Char les and lunch (Chr istmas shops and Lewis andClark Discovery Center) 

    These activities are open to anyone who would like to join us--friends, spouses,any adult who would enjoy it.

    St. Francis’ Book GroupSave the Date 

    Check out the book! 

    Waiting for Snow in Havana 

    by Carlos Eire 

    Thursday, June 16th 

    6:30 - 8:00 at the Parish House 

    Open to all 

    In 1962, at the age of eleven, Carlos Eire was one of14,000 children airlifted out of Cuba, his parents left

     behind. His life until then is the subject of Waiting forSnow in Havana, a wry, heartbreaking, intoxicatingly beautiful memoir of growingup in a privileged Havana household -- and of being exiled from his own childhood

     by the Cuban revolution. 

    This book is available electronically, on disc or in print from both Amazon.com andfrom the St. Louis County Library. 

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    The Chalice  Page 17  www.stfranciseureka.com 

    Prayer for St. Francis’ We pray for the witness, renewal, and growth of our parish family. Living

    God, infuse us with your love. Enable us to proclaim the good news of Jesus

    Christ to all whom we meet through our actions, our thoughts, our

    words. Make St. Francis' Church a place of invitation and welcome, a safe

    harbor and a beacon of the light of Christ. Amen.

    St. Francis’ In-Depth 

    If you would like more details about St. Francis’ finances, the Bishop’s Committee

    meetings, and the Vicar ’s activities, please see the bulletin board in the lower level

    of the Lodge. There you will find two month’s worth of:

    Bishop’s Committee meeting minutes

    Monthly financial reports

    Treasurer ’s commentary

    Vicar ’s activity reports 

    Sunday Worship 

    Attendance Statistics 

    2015  2016 

    6 Easter   53  67 

    7 Easter   61  77 

    Pentecost  68  62 

    Trinity Sunday  71  70 

    Clergy Conference Dates 2016

    September 27-29, 2016: Clergy Conference at Toddhall Retreat Center  

    December 1, 2016: Clergy Day at St. Martin's Episcopal Church  

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    The Chalice  Page 18 

    St. Francis’ Grows! St. Francis’ gardeners are busy again this summermaking sure that as wegrow our new church

     building, we are keeping 

    focused on our ministries.In this case, it’s providingfresh produce for the cli-ents of the Eureka FoodPantry and the Circle ofConcern pantry as well.

    We can’t help but be joyfulthat by this time next yearwe may have constructed

    our own deer - proof beds

    and can continue and even grow our ministry in our own home.  

    In our final year at the Wildwood West Community Garden at the Y, our bedsare planned, organized, and even planted by others. All we have to do is to takegood care of our plants and help feed people with the harvests. Our share of the beds this year include the cucumbers and bush beans picture above, as well as

    okra and squash. We have some radishes, too, and lovely nasturtiums (great in asalad!) whose job before final harvest is not to provide food for people, but to

    keep off the bugs that infest our veggies. As our Vicar might say, “Cool beans!” 

    St. Francis’ Explores the City 

    The next outing of the Wednesday travelers should make anybody happy.  

    1. It’s not dependent on good weather. 

    2. We’re going to the library for a tour of the old/new central library.  

    2. We’re touring the brewery and having lunch at the Biergarten.  

    We meet at the Parish House at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 29th. We’ll car-

     pool to our first appointment. All members of St. Francis’ are welcome, as are

    our neighbors, friends, children and grandchildren. It will be a great outing! 

  • 8/16/2019 June 2016 Chalice from St. Francis Episcopal Church - Eureka, MO


    The Chalice  Page 19  www.stfranciseureka.com 

    Recipe of the Month

    Edamame Salad 

    1 1-lb package frozen white corn 

    1 1-lb package frozen peas 

    1 1-lb package frozen, shelled edamame 

    1 can black beans, drained and rinsed 

    1 Vidalia onion minced 

    1 bunch cilantro, chopped 

    ½ c seasoned rice vinegar  



    Olive oil to taste (drizzle) 

    Boil corn, peas and edamame in salted water for 3 minutes.  When

    done, place immediately in ice water to quickly cool.  Drain and add

    remaining ingredients.  Serve immediately or will keep in refrigerator. 

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    The Chalice  Page 20 

    Dinner with Friends @ 

    The next dinner meeting of the Women’s Group, arranged by Sally Hader,

    is set for the upstairs dining area at Lucky’s Market. On Tuesday, June 7th

    at 6:00 we’ll gather at Lucky’s. Each person will choose her own dinner

    from the sushi bar, salad bar, deli or pizza maker. There are a LOT of

    choices for food and for beverages as well at Lucky’s. Take the elevator or

    the stairs up to the mezzanine where you’ll find your friends having a lei-

    surely dinner out. Please feel free to invite other adult women friends to

     join in the fun. 

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  • 8/16/2019 June 2016 Chalice from St. Francis Episcopal Church - Eureka, MO


    The Chalice  Page 22 

    St. Francis’ Episcopal Church 

    Bishop’s Committee 


    May 15, 2016 

    Members Present: Sylvia Ahmad, Michael Booker, Kevin Broom, Bob Champlin, SallyHader, Jack Lauless, Rich Mayfield, Kathleen McDonald, Pastor Sally Weaver, Deacon RebeccaBarger  

    Opening business 

    We opened at 12:40 p.m. with prayer offered by Michael Booker and then shared joys andconcerns 

    Minutes of the April 17 B.C. meeting had been sent previously via email to the committee

    members. Motion to approve: Bob Champlin Second: Jack Lauless 

    Treasurer’s report 

    Treasurer Suzanne Jones had sent electronic versions of the reports to all members earlier thismonth. There is nothing major to report. We are fine overall to date, as the figures show.Suzanne and Sally answered questions from the committee about how we record incomeand outgo for costs associated with the new building.

    Approval of April financial results Motion to approve subject to audit approval: MichaelBooker; Second, Kevin Broom. Approval, all 

    “Faith Under Construction” report: current total is $308,000. $1700 of this is from clergy and

    churches of the diocese. Several people have successfully used the online system. Sallyand the BC brainstormed names of additional people who might be happy to receive lettersabout the campaign.

    Vicar’s report 

    OK for Jun 19 (Father ’s Day)? This works fine for fathers on the committee. We plan to workon the Strategic Plan in June, to review progress to date and to adjust as needed or wanted.  

    Cheryl Foster and Pastor Sally have received offers of pianos for our new church. They bothvisited and listened to the a gift of an upright piano from a family in Clayton. it is an ex-cellent piano and will live in Sally’s office until we move to the new church. We will payabout $300 to move it within the next two weeks. Motion to approve associated expenses:

    Sylvia Ahmad, Second,Sally Hader  

    We have a new parish administrator named Wendy Rigdon. Wendy has trained with Barbi forthe last few days and is now working on her own. Deacon Rebecca will be with her thisweek. She is in the office from 9:00-2:00, four days a week —  MWTH & F. All are en-couraged to drop in and meet Wendy sometime soon. 

    Church Architecture and Allied Arts Commission, property update. We now have a site plan.On June 8th it will be presented to Eureka Planning and Zoning. CA&AAC have alreadyapproved the plan. Glen Trematory will be here for the Eureka meeting. We are nowready to receive engineering drawings. We are now on track for groundbreaking at the endof the summer. 

    Demolition and cleanup are now completed and bills are due. We will ask about destroying thedriveway, which we planned to keep to help construction. But now construction needs tohappen right where the driveway is. Pastor Sally and Bob Champlin are on top of this.

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  • 8/16/2019 June 2016 Chalice from St. Francis Episcopal Church - Eureka, MO


    The Chalice  Page 24 

    602 Brewster Rd. - Building Update 

    At the end of April, Clark Davis and Rick Kuhn met with the building committee

    chairs. Clark and Rick are members of the Bishop’s Commission on Church Archi-

    tecture and Allied Arts, the Diocesan group with oversight of our building project.Clark is an architect; Rick is a general contractor. Clark and Rick suggested chang-

    es –  all of them upgrades –  to what we had selected for the interior and exterior ma-

    terials and finishes. The proposed changes were well received. 

    During May, civil engineers worked on creating a site plan, which shows the

    location of the building, sidewalks, parking, etc., on the property. It’s our hope that

    the site plan –  shown below -- will be submitted and approved by the City of Eure-

    ka’s Planning and Zoning committee at their Jun 8 meeting. 

    May 2016 Elevations

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  • 8/16/2019 June 2016 Chalice from St. Francis Episcopal Church - Eureka, MO


    The Chalice  Page 27  www.stfranciseureka.com 

    Planning Calendar  


    Invitational ministry 

    Growing Green community garden 

    Diocesan 2017 budget request due 

    Jun 5 –  “Mass in the Grass” at Drewel Park  

    Jun 9 –  Book Group 

    June 10 Luau at Becky and Wade Hall’s

    Jun 10-15 –  Vicar ’s vacation 

    Jun 17 –  Concerts on Central 

    Jun 29 –  Parish-wide outing by Crafters –  St. Louis Library, Anheuser -Busch brewery 

    Adopt-a-Highway –  date TBA 


    Invitational ministry 

    Growing Green community garden 

    Jul 15 –Concerts on Central 

    Jul 17 –  Vicar ’s Forum 

    Jul 17 –  School supplies/shoes collection begins 

    Jul 17 –  Treasurer reports on mid-year budget at BC meeting 

    Jul 23 –  Hummingbird party at Bernerts 

    Jul 24 through 30 –  Camp Phoenix 

    Jul 27 –  Parish-wide outing by Crafters –  Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate 

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    The Chalice  Page 28 

    Newcomer’s Dinner - May 21, 2016 hosted by the Sue & John Schmidt 

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    The Chalice  Page 29  www.stfranciseureka.com 

     Youth Group Schedule of Events Here’s what is planned by our Youth Group. All middle- and high-schoolers andtheir friends are always welcome at every gathering.  

    Sat., Jun 18 --

     Endangered Wolf Center. We'll invite all of St. Francis' to join us

    for a wolf howl.  It's at 7 p.m. 

    Wed., July 20 -- Laser tag at The Edge in Belleville, IL in the evening 

    Sat., Aug 13 -- We'll invite St. Francis' to join us at the Museum of Transportationon Barrett Station Rd.  Time to be determined. 

    Wed., Sep 7 -- we'll cook dinner at the Ronald McDonald House for the familiesstaying there while their children are in the hospital.  

    Wed., Oct 19 -- 7 p.m. at Pastor Sally's, 2575 Sunrise Dr. 

    The Episcopal City Mission Summer  Celebration is a family-friendly carnival including games, a balloon artist, petting zoo, and bounce house.  

    There's food, raffles, and a silent auction. 

    The cost for adults is $15; children under 12 are $5; children under 5 are free. 

    Advance tickets are available at the parish house.

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    The Chalice  Page 30 


    Ministry  JUNE 5  JUNE 12  JUNE 19  JUNE 26 


    Kathleen McDonald 

    Paddy Wrob 

    Michael Booker  

    Tim Booker  

    Kathleen O’Reilly 

    Bob Smith 

    Barb Sacco 

    Kevin Selle 

    Intercessors  Kathleen McDonald 

    Paddy Wrob 

    Michael Booker  

    Sue Schmidt 

    Kathleen O’Reilly 

    Bob Smith 

    Barb Sacco 

    Kevin Selle 

    Chalice  Michael Booker   Michael Booker   Suzanne Jones  Kevin Selle 

    Acolyte  Kevin Selle  Jerry Smith  Amanda Broom-Morse 

    Rich Mayfield 

    Torchbearers  Jerry Smith 

    Bob Smith, if it’sraining 

    Sue Schmidt 

    John Schmidt 

    Annette Carr  

    Jack Lauless 

    Carly Champlin 

    Bob Champlin 


    Brigitte Jung 

    Jerry Smith Linda Doolittle


    Sue Schmidt Linda Doolittle


    Kathleen O’Reilly Brigitte Jung


    Jerry Smith 

    Greeters  Sue Schmidt 

    Annette Carr  

    Sue Schmidt 

    Annette Carr  

    Sue Schmidt 

    Annette Carr  

    Sue Schmidt 

    Annette Carr  

    Usher  Bob Smith  Joe Bernert  Michael Booker   Rich Mayfield 

    Tellers  Arlene Underwood 

    Bob Champlin 

    Rich Mayfield 

    Arlene Under-wood 

    Suzanne Jones 

    Bob Smith 

    Rich Mayfield 

    Bob Champlin 



    Kevin Selle  Sally Hader   Kathleen McDonald  Paddy Wrob 

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    The Chalice  Page 31  www.stfranciseureka.com 

    June 2016 @ St. Francis’ Sun  Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat 


    8am HE 

    9:30 Property Update 

    10:15 am HE 

    11:55 am Adult Forum 

    1:30 pm Trinity HotLunch 



    Closed -



    5:30 pmPrayerGroup 


    Office Open 



    Office Closed  

    Vicar ’  s dayoff  

    11:30 am Eu-reka Chamberof Commerce

    1pm Crafter-


    Office Open



    Office Open 






    9:30 am



    8am HE @ Stockell 

    10:15am Mass in theGrass - Drewel Park  

    11:30am Picnic 

    Office Open 


     5:30 pmPrayer


    6:30pmWorship &Music 

    Office Open 



    Group atLucky’sMarket 

    Office Closed  

    Vicar ’  s dayoff  

    1pm Crafter-


    Office Open 




    Office Open 9am-2pm 



    6:30pm-Luau at theHalls 


    9:30 amInvitationalministry 


    8am HE 

    10:15 HE 

    11:55am Adult Forum 


    Office Open 


    5:30 pmPrayerGroup 


    Office Open 



    Office Closed  

    Vicar ’  s day


    1pm Crafter-noon 


    Office Open 




    Office Open 


    9am ChaliceMeeting 


    11:30am-Chair set up 




    9:30 am



    7pm YouthGroup,Wolf Howlat Endan-gered Wolf



    8am HE 

    9:30am Property Up-date 

    10:15 HE 

    11:55am Adult Forum 

    12:45pm Bp. Cmittee 


    Office Open 


    5:30 pmPrayerGroup 


    Office Open 


    6pm-Com- munications& Marketing 


    Office Closed  

    Vicar ’  s day


    1pm Crafter-noon 


    Office Open 



    Office Open 




    9:30 am



    8am HE 

    9:30am Property Up-


    Office Open 



    Office Open 



    Office Closed  

    Vicar ’  s day


    Office Open 


    Office Open 


    9:30 amInvitationali i

    Pastor Sally on Vacation 

    Pastor Sally on Vacation 

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